HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-30, Page 2*-• tF ; - • •„ Art ! r,r" -.- • iIj 4,4 is; 2 Preparedness Should be adopted by anyone desiring a furnace for next, winter. The long days of summer offer better opportun- ity for installing a furnace, more light, kss bother and this particular year with prices of stock Mounting daily we strongly advise buying now. A limy furnace saves doctor bilis by warming PLeeicEn all the house evenly, vo cold floors, no EIRE POT sudden chills. We have years of ex- perience, good mechanics, and full stocks of PEASE, NEW IDEA and KIR BEN furnaces on hand to be sold 'zee -j now at the old prices. BUY NOW :•;..",-----•41" • if:',....01714~ ' • - ". - DEEP ASH eiT Bedford Farming To.1 have a reputation fo "less and long service forks, with selected temper prongs and fetr tar ttie ha Scythes, gqiarantee Section Gt!iinders...1. Pulley Hoplcs... Hay Fork Pulley Special prices n 1 ng fibr 21.10ity, neat - Examine out hands, speCial les that do no ds. •oirt 0 • • Bra a of s 40c, pure manilla, h y f rk rop 20c per1b Cah oni G. A. sins, sof ut(NAcE wax HARDWARE PLUMBING TheMcifillopAlutual A so, Fire Insurance Go.: Headolflee: Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY Officers: J. B. McLean, Seatorth, President J. Gonnolly, Goderich, Vice -President I Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec-Treas. Directors: D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; Wm. Rinn, Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin; 3. Evans, Beechwood ; A. McEwen, Brucelleid ; J. B. McLean, Seaforth; J. Connolly, Goderich; RobertsFerris, Harlock. 1 Agents: Ed. Hinchlev, Seaforth ; W. Jhesney, Egmondville; J. W. Teo, • HoImeaville. Alex Leitch, Clinton; R. S. Jarmuth, Brodhagen glihLiV�r CUES 4/13- 00 ROUILL Iron Pumps & pump Repairing _ am prepared to turns all kinds • of Force and Litt Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tames and Water trovghs- Stancheons and Cattle Basins.f • he Price is Bight Also all kindsof pump repairingclone on short notice. For terms, etc., apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St„ East, or at residence, North Main Street J. F. IV elsh,Seaforth Butter Ni-rra ppers. Farmers ea. Dairyrnen requiring But- ter Wrappers aa provided for by the row agricultural regulations, can have 1 -he same on the shortest notice at TEE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. Prices: lots of 1,00114 $2.50 hi lots of 500 -$1.75 C. R R. Times Table Guelph and G °den& Branch TO TORONTO Goderioh Ix 7.00 is m Auburn.... ... ....... III 7TO " 13lyth f t 7.37 " gg 7.50 " hfilverton " 8.24 " Linwood Jut. . gg -8.35 1 9.00 " Guelph... ....... . - 9,85 " . Oronto A. 11.25 ', FROM TORONTO oronto. LY. Guelph • Ar Sindra Tilnwood Jct.. . Blyth Auburn aoderich... ..... tt 11 111 1.1 8.20 a. in, 10.15 " 10.45 11.05 11.25 U 12.58 12.10 " 12.20 12.45 p. m. 2.30 2.56 3.07 3.19 3.61 4.05 4.30 5.06 7.19 5.10 7.0e 7.30 ". 7.55 " 8.16 = .42 07 • ;.19 " 9.45 44 Connections at Linwood for Listowel, Con nections ab Guelph Jct. with main line for Galt Woodstock, London, Detrend Chloaeo an : al immediate lines. Grand 1 runk Railway System, Railway Time Table. Trains leave Seaforth se follows tag a m For Clinton Goderich Wingharn nd Kincardine, 1 1.20 pm For Clinton and Goderich 6 IS pm 144or Clinton, Winghatn and Eines. dine. 11.03 p en For Clinton and. Goderioh. 7 51 a re For Stratford, Guelph, Toront °rill's, North Bay and Points -.et Belleville and Peterboro and point east. 3 21 p m For Stratford, Guelph,' Torontc' filca treat and points east. 32 p m For Stratford Guelph and Toronto LONNON HURON Mt' :.ppvcizt ICORTIT rasserger kiondon, depart 8 30 4 40, Ceiatralia, . .. • ••••••••-• ...* 9 35 Raeter. 9 47 [textual, 9 59 Ktppen, .. ..... . .. 10 Or Brueefield, 10 14 Olinton *.e)Londegboro, lionde6;oro, 11 IS Blyth, 117 Belgrave, 11 411 Wingharn, artive... „........ 11 61 S01.1T11 Pr WIngbatn, depart.. .... 0 35 Belgrare, 6 50 Blyth, *I{ re • Ali. 7 04 faondesboro _ P. 13 Olintot „ T 33 Brueedeld, 2' Elves, go.* eArag. 4..44 . 8 31 Herman, ...I 44.4 Pr.**. ..... Exeter, ren, arriv-- 05 5 45 5 57 co at vi g 4t; : 4S -..4; 4 15 1 3" 4 41 4 4'. i)1 5 1.4 6 51 arar.-nr. Unless the you may look troubles arisin severe headach headaches, ja iver is4 working prop forvvar to a great m cl as constipatio ic4us headaches, sic sick stomach, etc. SL bi dice Mrs. Sh llswc St., Haltfax, N.S. pleasure in writing rth, 227 Albemarle writes: "1 take you concerning the t vahje I have received by using yottr Lax -I,av r Pills for a sluggish en ray li e' got bad I would re headac eS, but after using a onir pills I have not the headaches any Milburn' liver. have sev couple o 'vials of been botbered wi more." Miiburfs L xa- ont a dotIbt, t e b 'tire markt to -day. a reputation sliiotil iver Pills are, with- stt liver regulator On twenty-five years Of sjirely prove this. Milburn's L xa-ry r Pills are 25 cents per vial, 5 vials for dealers, Or m iled ',nice by 'The Toronto, Ont. S .00; for sale at all d'rect on receipt of il um Co., Limited, THE HURON EXPOSIT ICInnt Extiitar` SEAFORITI4, FRIDAY, Jane A Record Sale of Shorthorns in U. -e. One J ne 1st, C. A. 'Saunders Sous, M. nilia, Iowa, sold 49 Sh horns by auction at ,an average p ice of .$1.068 Up to JAM. including t at date It was said ,ti ol be the highest ,a.verageesince the ,dispersion of Ithe New Yotle Mills herd, about f*to years ago. A feature of UP sloie) -worthy 1 f mention was the .f ct t tat. all r cert two hea:d. .were b ed I on Uh taritn at Manilla. The major porti ri pf them. were their CO- kria, d Otra.n of. Shorthorns, and the popu arity of this type was 1 ,ceeased by Itfle phenomen.al success f 016, ,auction, The United. States- s trdak- leg h.to the Argentine marlooe which for Scia.r[s has drawn from t c luirds ofeGi-ea4 Britain, and if the breeders of ,this I continent can- 'Mier s 3pon Ree -stock men: to the -outl of st mus the excellence of ,our ey will find a iacraltive here. Francisco' V. 1, alsee. of lres, purchased five lots, in- thr too -priced Gypsy COm er- , which cost him $5. 30, h secured, Gypsy 3.1.1 es ., es-, weal! a tull c.alf at her aide. ae full brotlbor to Cumberla,n,d's riy1 or 52,- 100. Th- highest -priced calf- by Cure- berlandes Type was Type's Lor . a ,seril r. oalf, which- went to Bell ws Bros , fpr $2,600. Royal Ty 'by th.s, sam is-fe, was cashed for $160q. Ten yea^ ling ' heifers by Cu beitla dir Ty -pd, -A January heifer calf; anKi five bull calks: by the same 'sire sold for ,a It Lai. of $18,250, or an a eragi of 1,140 The general average was $1,- 094 n6 fem,ales Ian:di $994 0 Shartlibrn breeders were e such a randsucciss._____ Dra nage for Wetness and How ball we obtaen. the{ ,soll moisture t‘hfac u{3r gout ..tlie year v The tor n frTloisture control( Is drainage, aa.b4ral or artlficial, Few arms" arc sufficiently drained by natural mdans, nearly all reqd-re some leartgiciai dna_ ge 4 T e problem then '...s ,'W ere Shall we 1 e our dral:rks?" "I -I w deep shal w put them?" ''What is:ze ; Of tale ph 11 we use?" The siticei of the dr. ..s depends largely on the shy the Leld; the tdelp 1b on th kr.: p sail; the size of tile oh the ex ent of the Area dr ned and the tal or grade gLven th Olaf If latie Iur-certa:n abo t these "poi ts or lanticipate any s fficalties the 0 tareo ,(Agricultural College, w_11 se • yea a .drainage Asurveyor wbo w 11, if necessary, pre are a map( of your farm shown the lo- catebee of your drains, the size of 'tele to use, and the gra es and deoths of the - drain.s. Th, ost to you for airs will b, the travelling exp( 1-11: su veyor, .and. as seve ve y... I e mace on one qrip -t 15,; s .1(1,,rn over three dollars sureay. • To who have had. the - sur ey d and have .nstalle all of the_r drains .-may ha pla p -pared free of char well rtoarn the old plan a en in all changes made in nal sysl:ema '.., • - • 0 the same terms as t -sur eys t he' College. w.11. se; to ove you a start on th Lon of yoar ' drains if you no .rey:oue experience. He yeti hole- to set ,grade sta the ,c1-_th bottoms, make the ,of ne...-. and lateral. lay th oie :t 1 -cu in any way feq I yau con-err:elate draini, 1916 or "are plarin-ng for 1917 assi !atice. write to the Dep ''hel es, O.A. collcgo. Guelp Metric L- Agri ult ural Of f ice you .d.fficultiee, and requ, firsCi T e poultry Raiser's Opp rtunity .A, thert- tleo- cat tl marls.° • Buenos cl g land 3r ,11,e Smi A Christiaea hcialth:u1 sItt te jL , •••11• ....Warta* g-INs,.....W... 9 tlege-home, ion. writete Pr:neip0 ..St. Thome:3,0e. f,3 For incorma',.to hat will lead to the disOvery or ereaboue: of the person pets( r suffering from. Nervo s Debilit Diseases of the Mouth land Thr , Bleed Poison,' Ski▪ n I lisea3es, dder Troubles, Speciat! Ailment and Chronic or Complicated Co ,laints who can- not belured at 'Ontario Medi- cal In4titute, 2 265 Yonge St., Toront.' Corre nde,nce invited. L teGIdfrofli D SE IBERy Was - By Using OR. FO 'S d Strawberryi 11 0 Edna of. 1 Dysentry ntanif 'itself with -varying degrees o intensity but in well marked eases the attack is • namonly preceded by loss of appetite, • d some amount of criarrhoe4 whith actually increases in severity, Old accoi. panted with griping pains in ;the abdo en. The discharges Inn the bowels stn._ ed each other with frequency, and the matter passed I ti the bowels, which at'fast resemble those of ordinary diarrhoea, soon change their character, becoming scanty, mucous or slimy, and subsequently mixed with, or consisit1ng wholly of, blood. Neve. Itieglect 'what at first appearto tra slight attack of efiarrhoei or dysen-; may set to.. Cure the first symptoms the 'flee of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. John Peterson, Radville, Sask., : "1 cannot speak too highly for s Uatt-act of 'Wild Strawberry. Mearly lost ray little girl, aged three *att. I took her o the doctor, anct he toki me lier temps ature was 104, and f=biti inc taking hr out to our home_ six n'tiles from town but I* was forced to go -on a -110-it6.1111. of leaving my small baby borne. ite managed- to get her home, but the fever did not go any lower, and ive Lhotight we would lose her sure, as she so bad with dysentery she even pas blood. .A neighbor came in and b ought Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, -id told me to give her a few doses. i• is we did, and 'the net day ;he took a ange for the better, but it was quite a time before she was on her feet again. I do .believe if it not • an for 'ID . Foy; er's," raj little 0104 have-aee - pr ear • Fowl order by T. °Tnto, • g - 13 bulls. ted Dro ost s on.d1 real fight ti fac- II I R D 111 elP. MIS , . lult Outing because you dread the agony of sunburn. Let Zara-Bule safeguard you. After long ex- posure to the sun and wind, simply anoint the affected part S with Zam- Buk, and you will be amazed how' quickly this soothing balm will end the burning ,sensation,' draw out the soreness, and restore your skin to its natural condition Zam-Buk will also prevent blistering. Be sure, therefore, to take a box with you on your holidays; It will save you much unnecessary uffering. You will also find Za133 -Buk splen- did for ,heat rashes, blistered feet, sore muscles,. insect stings, mos- quito bites, cuts, bruises and all skin injuries, as well as eczema and all skin diseases. 50c. all 'druggists or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. f3end lc. stamp for free trial 'box. services rises al, sur- e charge for each fart -ns part -or -0 a new e "they -ter mark the ose for a. a man n s tails. - have had vial show es, gred.• junctiore tile and g during and rt'-' lei t of. • or v01.11* *, eat:, assist - T e Present Market Outlo k War- .a.Ms Greatly Increased Pre- duct,.an. During 191 • F om present 'end/cations e reat Teri - teen wall require ;all the e gs 1 and Pou try Canada can produ a icluing 1916. jLaalst year. as a r sulti of grc-tlyj ncreaeed seroductien, Canada .was able to ship to Great 13r1 aine the larg,st quant-ty of her eggs :exported. s.nce 1. 02, and at the1 same tune re - du er emparts for home consump- 1.4C tor- by nearly a million prosdozen. o• 1he Brettsh market, and. th-e - median eggs have found favor . nects are that, prov_ding t ey are eve lab , much larger quan itieg will bo , the peel this -year. The anus laily h:g piUees prevallir.g, at t e pr sentt are la,rgely de to t is a tie - Pair d4 fqxport demank • P ceS far poalary are iso ilgh, ar`id will likely cemlue for the ra est lthe season. asb all ' and wen, er all the surplus Cana an ul- try was exported. at ighly profi able PrID1 S. Between fifty and ixty cars o ive -poultry were Shipp d QM We tern Ontario to th East rn $ ate] ',al ne. and in the'Ala Rime rovi cee, per Pedwa d Ls and, the. r can ed try need price to pro u A •siness has ex- icu arly in Prince export demand f has greatly enle rs., hough some une iste ofi the part of t e tr ger le bransportatior., f little of he high freight 4tes shy 4 tags of boats, it is Ziow far Ca.nadian oultry nd p :elalet that an even mate occar ,this year. It therefore, that every ,x4uitr s steps to pro'11l cher hat lung as rnany ch ekens th5s spring. W s the time ,by by • atblur.g everytl-or. the:moeths. of May and riga ns: the marketing Erna 1, predereized, DO rly rxi tryt whicl3 annually air.' on, the market in th yteer. Aga_n, it 13 only in no, and giving ti e ch orrnogsible chan17.0 to th gro v, that a maximum supp ea be, obtained in the wi Alen their proportloPate the grown* of s eulck and profitable farnier. With the ncr rieait.s mulk, buftet, etc. eistantly increasin* try; ;tad eggs, TJtO eritical, as the he farm, can re,a, be poultry .i The ;vices for potittry de la. re- in vice,- nd the easo ably de and . g gs will mpor nt, pro Jeer by, by as ss- atch ng early. pa:stile in June to guard of . ach fin shed eccm 3 a ea I oif. oy hech- cken • rev - e d y of eggs ter imee .moelet of po ltry etur s .to g• cost the e is demand fOr lobo preblem oys erect girig y t ke care st'--feed •.s and egg4 atte br n the a, a, te "s". is matill; -on Milburn Co., ' rice, 35 cents. 111111MINWINIIIIL are Itgh, the highest in fact, for many years. It 'es obvioas, therefore. that Canadeans have a patriotic, as well as an econom:c duly to perfortia •.'n. Imaking the year 191B. the bannei,r year for poultry product -on in Can- ada. godamggi;;;;modenwagmegysig Our Russian Allies John Buchan, author arid hostore of (the war, !gores this fine examp of our Russian tallies: "You remember last pr.ng, and r ml..glity artillery _attacit, the Russi n army was dr.ven backward in GaUcIa n the enemy's There :were forty .garts eede for one of the R ssians, they outnumbered them ,aaso in me The Rasseans fell back, and (the fir reserve ibrought back w .a 1. fame Therd Caucasian corpse Ali carps h beenedepleted 'en the W reaw tight/ and were dawn to so ething 12,000 'men. g The ,Germen game at hat time ve s to keep off the infantry attack , y the 'mere weight of laritilletry 'D se Ca aca.siane ,de fermi ne d to come . grens, .a.,nd they did come , o grips. They loost half heir streng h _all doing .so. When the came to t e ph of the bayonet, t ey were 6,0 0 .strereg; bet these 6,00Q took 7,0 0 preseners, eaptared forty guns, and 1 - together pecoented for about 10, O19 of elle enemy. That .....t the fighti g qaal_tie.s of Russ.ta." • And ah!.s of oar men: °Their record ..s certainly not the least. Yoe r member the f-rst battle of Ypres Winn eel the 30th iday of October, oath odds of f-ve to one against es, the Germans broke out trent. At 2.30 that afternoon they carred the vil- lage of G•llevelta They; were march - ..ng straight anon Yprts. They had drrevenL p. great wedge into oar front. Orders bad been gi.venl to fall. baek . . . . and we ociald, not remaen there. It meant tilli. less of Cale.e and tthe Channel ports, and the bee ginning- of a -new ohasie in the war. t haflipast two that misty afferrioen, w_th the Germane driVing straige t towards -Ypres, one 13r-tish line bet - 1 al..on-not an a.dvertis:..4d battalion but one of those **sturdy old I.te, hattaLons that have - always been the backbone of our f.ghtirig strength !,--- the 2nd Worcesters-on the left 4 covered that they st.11 had in them a. few ounces more of f.ght. Noboly h1as yet -d.seovered wl o gave- tle* order. Are'vhow, that b.1 ttal.on, We- s_sted by the Welsh, ,at acked, caught checked them, broke t iern. he advanc-ng Gerraar n ' £a -n':: : They ware supported; and 4. four o'cloele wt had retaker. G-Iliv It, and bv• that evereng the line as safe, and -I German attempt a_led." • ' Boys and Girls as orkers `Everyone at work" _ the call dur- ..ng War T'rne. The ore men re- cru_ted, the greater 'the re9p0r1Sibii11 y on those left at" hom . Men, who have worked hard an saved some rn*ney iso as 'to spen.d. the_r old age en comfort will be turning in again toi help theer sons on ‘the farms ' or will Step in to take the place of /Bens wh ohave joined the colros. Woe mOn, eho bus -est of whom seem al - 'ways Zable to !do Eometitng more, will be ithviding their time between, heiusehold elut-es ,an,d outdoor work. Yung men from the ftarm 1w-11 no dOubt cut short their term at school or college and lend .a hand at, spring while and stay with the farm opera - \ea -....a Sastorsull ?JUN' :JO, 1916 4111111111M1.00441Mg=g0Pidet....,-7..m.cra lions until the crops -are harvested. Large numbers of soldiera will get temporary leave. Are there any oth- .4rs who can lend a hand in producing? 'What about the boy e and girls • who have been receiving instructions in school .0,re/ening I A pamphle t j est is - 'tiled by the Dominion Department of Agricultere ,sets forth in illustrated and. descriptive form how school !gar- den work has been carried on in all &the provinecs of Canada. "What are the boys and girls doing "What 'is their education and training worth? Here is their opportunity to demonstrate at hone in the most practical manner what they have been taught at school. 1 The boys and girls sof Canada, thousands in number. should be 'able to an %their blit in con- ducting small gardens at home. Boye and girls patriotic gardens should pro- duce .tons upon ttris of frez-h vege- Itables for their home supply and they an readily learn how to pea sup th eurples for winter use. What. pleasure (they c,an get this year in. igrtowing toper(fn t,he home sere and thus helping their fathers and mothers -Production along this line is patriotism. .! 4 1. Then what about waste rnaterl-' Old paper and. rags are needed industries, ,se ,are metals ec.'. ties, land rubber and a seen: ler things. The country tterials and cannot aitore waste. The saving and. u..• are, as important as peue. ar.idj gerls cavi in,ee • scrap. like. Ito get news The. isoldiers at the and girls can send an ,s. Wrap. ep the Ito the Canadle... spur treet, Lo!. If 34311 have a muddy complex_o., ad dull eyes you are constepated. Six glasses of water daely one or two Rexall Orderhes at night correct this condetion and make you as fit as a teddle, 15c and 25c at all Rexall Drug Stores. C. L. W.11iams. MISSING-! There are few th•ngs sadder tin the war, than the number of men reported as "messing." To their loved ones at .home -the susoense of not knoWeng wheiher the soldeer so dear to them al prisoner, or possibly wounded. and In some out of the way or 'Whether, indeed he has been killed in. battle becomes almost intolerable. And :nfoemation is so hard to ob- teen. Lantit. L. sugar tra Quail 1:411111ale Make your Strawberry Preserves with the pure cane sugar with -FINE' granulation that C.;:.:01-ve:; instantly, gliv- ing a ckar bright syrup. 2 and 5-b Caiitoris 10 and 20 -lb 1ags lmok of prewryng 17. you ns a hali troele mark <1'0. from a LauLiC Sugar bug r carton. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd. Power Bldg. Alointreal 24 . i;t•'• • To {meet tins need, early r in the war the wounded and rn..ssing department of the British Red, Cross was estabe 1.shed. Throagh ,thelr efforts accur- ate efnormatIon has been- collected and sent to the ,anxous ones. Sr fen Malechn, ILP., one of the men most act_ve in this department, descr_bes in his book, War Picture, the method followed n unearething the facts. It ,may be of ,some enterest to the! hundreds that we have been able Ito help, to know eorneth_ng of the t method that was devesed to obtate news of messing members of the Bietieh Expeditionary Force. The .f-rst necessay was to make sure ,that the man was not _n hospital somehwere en Paris or in France, and for th.s purpose a. daily list of -ad- nssion into every hospital was an essent_al ,preliminary. If you can anagine how terribly understaffed the clercal departments of all (the hos- p_tals were at that lime, and iht. typt:s were .practically non-existent .r. thm, you will realize how deeple grateful we were to' those who gave us one of einer pi-clat:F., lits, in manuser.p. Some hospitals eintp13- could nut furnesh us with there, but they jet us go :et at stated hours ta copy theames from tleer booke: . all °helped u.,,: aecord.ne- to their ability -when once they d.evered the p.Ir- oe of oaf request. Then came the work of card-endex- mg all ileo ram -s arid cernparino, them w_th the enquiries; none bet. i our 'devoted secretar_at know how mor•otonous t.hs never-ending labor was (at the beebenning when ithe stale wa3 small a,rd. 'the 1..St6 \WV' or A...)-! pall_ng length. 'The reader may well say, 13 it why was th_s encesary? Surely : a mare wrtcs home as soon as he ;gets ...nto hospital, or gets somebody - to wrete for him.' The answer simely is 'that, en la large majority of cases, be does notheng of the kind; that is one of the car_crs ohenomena o 0 ths war., Whether it is that lie thenks the War Office will ,already have not-fied his wheraboats to.. his relat.ves at home, or whether he Woes not want t� cease them 'annety by learreIng (that he is woanded, I do not; presame ,to guess ; but a very sliort experience of hospital visiting is a -if- ficient to prove the truth of. what I am ,saying; both in the cases of officers tared men. .. 'Wow we return to our methods for finding 'Missing,' :when they did not appear Oa the hes-petal lists. Grad- ually Lord Robert Cecil gathered rouncli him a (group of men, whom the called. searchrsd These were allo afi- eld, to the diftlerent hospitals 'and ,re ofived- :permits from the Officers Cam- mandng ,to visit at convenient to -ere. Each took with him his missing list, and got ento conv-ersation with rgi- mental comrades of the parnc ilar rinan of whom news was wanted. •. 'He woald ele, for example, to the bedede of an Sherwood Forester or ar. Iresh Fashier, and .ask him if he or any of hes company knew what bad h•aened. .to say, Sergeant X. of tho .ame regament, who was reported 11.saine ,after sach and such action on a geven date. Sometimes of course, the 'man was too nerve -racked ':for u to ,attach real velem to hs answers; sometimes he thooght but was not gaite sure, that this or that happened. It other cases, he rsmembered qeile distinctly, and no' amoant of kindly cross-examination cold ehake hide I saw hem killed close by me and helped (to bery him,' or I was one of the stretcher -hearers who carried him" to 1 the Idressing-staition," or he was One of e lot, who got leg behind. and Was taken by the Germans.'. "All this information was carefaAly noted, taken back to the aoff2ce to be typed and filed; then it Wa.s compared weth evidence about Ithe same man collected in other hospitals by other searchers, and, if three, :or foar independent witnesses gave the same evdence the news- was sent sent to . those who were ,arixous13e walling for it. That was, in roagh outLne, the system which experience showed us was attended -wth the best resutls; wth slight modifications lt bas been adhered 'to as the depart- ment :has developed. Puri 70 rhe e dominating note that runs th k ough the making of Sunlight ..„Lp is Purity. The S5,000 Guar - tee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. it narks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials --for the soap boiler -for the expert chemists -for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee --it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. A eamtlaageno fieth told sea parte. They produce a bniliat, lastingshinewitheerylitde effort. Thee polislies contain not aela and vnli tat crack the leather. They preserve the leather andncrease the life of year shoes. . F. DetetEY CO. OF Gentle Ltd, Hamilton - Canada BLAC K-4/ TE -TA rt EEP YOUR SHOES NEAT -if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritble- for that's a sign your liver is out of order. -Your food is not digestin-t stays in the stomachsour, fermented mass, lemming the system. just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets - they make the liver do it work -they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and torte the Ivb ale dbrestive You'll feel fine in the rorriRng. At all druzeste, 25e. or by mail *ern Chamberlain Medicinel Company! Toronto 14 CHAMBERLAIN'S TA EIS memassal You can, feed the fire with utmost, ease owing to the generous double feed doors --no scatter:i.g of fuel „mid room to inert big chunks of wood. Fa17112Ce If you have five or ten minutes to sp,r e cone in and ra show you the other advantages of thiS splengid furnaceo 803 Sold by Henry dge'! jr rre.dt.t ""';lz or QUA5: Anda ; . E--irure 7012 p read to tell -oar friends attut. the number j1 of Traction ":4)avt." that are no in envelopes on the car, but out 41.1 the open wearing the "V" Vile ezslt won't come di. Pride inpotereagicti acersonets for thi-the desire to II:well= b5 car look fla best. Dunlop The & Rubber Goats 42411591-10ROIM ArsouilidehOoftairic dam 14 Va.rning ore, easnY weep Pc, be jle offerc plaln v. stores or the followl GrazafVa- tieit. ter.noon Grand Vali vlsit, and I oyand kgal requi light weigh rer,s 13oxe -firorn lle- recese,ary Sir) ;:.ar• stirst viit. 'haps the Indifferent' ime-3-be 1-_ Dairy ids that 'be f all -c - cr - DeIry nut. A.311•1r-11.--V, cep t ony That .ere urn. the when y:Pa -to loark.t. pzre. cr wrepp. rs reguier Th: vender for e-..xeeetieng a • (T.A.1D ab,,, farmSaturday :7 atht red, barn frarnr, tbat d tinli Mere except.. )ri. rock to th. si- Mr. G. vrg foim, at is 3„.4ede Both :ant Sham 111004 h. 1.1' ill prig pc $111.::• ris issing Lee, ,ef 1: to be ;r be e °tie Sci Byn1a11 8 iniiller, wIr of beendage - were. aLi Ilespit cnowle. Seeks fro 2ty cher( from Mr 51111 AL!. 2, r.oft, .• 141e2k was to XRev. o bee e, The, • ta ti. d s. Th-. day wail ton umI ,Forra wh but ri better az Thj lere 4 LW ,S" It• -1 ete. terote*ei-; 'way 'tee allearee for The b -g dr tieie. oe's cat cone?rT ai ter te by the (tba. thoagh kirge e_cefet ep.a.g the zre2 PealY,h 1-3.4 eraeg, elandee • •