HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-30, Page 1-16
-14404******4-4.4**40 •
y oSt
Ltait an
ane Order
} has been partic
Bate in getting and
of Seaforth and
0 the fact that we
suer them to the
ityintg gOOds in Ass
s tO us that no stork
the Women, than e
Eng is stylish—it
t,—it is good goal-
it is right in price,
or beat quotations
ntage of our
s and Linens,
elettes, billow
Face Towels,
the Best I
here. 4t
stock recentlyo
gths at .
50c tc - $1...50
S5c $1.15,
or its richness of
for Waists and.
5E15 the yard 41
ess Linings and
Liters, Dress.. !►,
cessories of any
uickly, cheaply,
from Nu°�►'
.he quality. We of
selection from a
)atterns, printed
1-2c to 50c
Dimities, etc., in
21-2c to 40c
and Canadian
sh. Best sellers
......15c to 20c
dead S'uitings,•
-ular ,prices -are .
to •
siery and under
their first intro
We have many
-.lack and o- DF
r to the higher Z
12 1-2c the
in the
Vis "
• en's
Everybody knows:ill 4,
time pure wool cloths a
able colors will cost
double the present
very large and comp'
Clothing at the
composed of only t
RTH, FRIDAY, JUE 30, 1916
-7 • • - Fr
O ' M LOMIN -f'A . Nvt;z4e
m 41,0ral Bart De ,en
chow; gg letter was r ceived tin
y :las t ,.June 21 t, !by Mr.
11.n21ison from iais brother.
standards o1 quality,'1 p rt
and absolutely guara, t e
I and we strongly recd mi
policy to all thepeople P pie of th
unity, when a ma
Suits at u
according • ),to the pt'rpose for whic: in
Boys' Suits
Mens' Trousers $21
f The above named low prifces for high .• ra
t will pass into the history and shall 'not like
• ns in this generation.
ave You
3, •S41
e clothnt •
y return It°
r. .
• Lately, that you need a new wat- I
1 erproof coat ? Don't rnisunder-�
at our
stand us when we state th
$&99 -Co
Surprises everyone who sees, it, Dressy,
durable while this coat i popula
rong and •
our a
1 1 British '%taterproof 1
A ai meets the dem
I ail customers who wilt the
the market:
1 We have a special display of very handsome shirts, all
f new, hundreds of pattens. Speci.l offer
e for Extra Fine Shirts ...... .......... t1 4'
ads of
best on
New Summe 'hirts I
r" •
Highest Prices for B
Greig C 10
.,e., .44
n:} on of the `I8tli Battalion,
'�' men on :the, ffrin : lino :fox:
nasa;rly ,a. year. The letter ras dated
e Jun s• . r4 and 10th, andk on the lith
.s, 'hil,'g ipaatents. at ate, re-
valved as cable from ;the , *' ar office,
of ell"
E Ga+" IMite lia,d eheen ReOltded;
and he., been „a did.titted Vo _'1 tchener'p
Hist ;England The so I s( er re-
i• tferxed as l ick, (va4a .Serg . R. Pan-
; n`mg , of Walton, Who I roviously
b decorated, for bray ry., The
le Leri.•, (Yoe of t most ;'teresiing
we lbia, e rra,dr and &'ive-,S` . a good ac-
etrenubus ,day'; through
wfhh, li,e Chan troops ave (been.
* . 4
g ,i r ntlyat
lglum, J me 3, 2916
Dear .J,m--1 eceivedl. yours all O.K.
a tcw' days ago. Many ithnka, sQPe
got lack ' from England last Wednes-
day m .nrng., To our sorra,
found , that the Battalion arc. gone
into re erve ;eat the front,the pre -
v ous, e .ening,1. We came up with :the
ural: apo t, that night, , and it was
;sure • . m e walk, nearly fele en Miles
no: rod we ° followed, : , ('after 8
day -London it jdidn't o wortthi
and Dick:says Ise; bpi • r
V J ,a e up fox ; a, (twelve s9i . y able
this ti. o, I thins „ piot id, het recep
pew t e very first; .(day were
iilp. Tb re. pis is sciria,n Oohing' en, our
left`, la • • , we are 'getting bur share (of
(the -he Is right' now, (but ,o far Oily;
one an in C company has ,len h .ir t,
+ (Lt Evia ,a
Ou, is tillerp gtyyve Fritzscratch
cam i g (to Haim last ni'ght,.
are , ..,'ling up the goad ,wo
All : A long they kept la,
rartn of high explosives end
gNi( o .er to keep the Boc
forg: tt.
ng dot nerve, I Is,aw tt
she g one of o;.ir (baatterle
day, ;a: they were lusting th
wei: „ts tor the job.. The ,sh
drop on ,all around tl'I,e, ;get
t'h 3' ¢ne er . lot up returning
. !Some Of our 'fell
t the guns the fire
ut that battery . is
mining as fresh {as eve
` I ' icy ,we have gr
it , finery, even if the
it Ible for us ,sometim
k I w'eiit to- Wig
2 st ., we arrived in,
luny ,and AZa(d, a
tree: p'f u wwe,n t eau,
43"ni t Taplow (wspltal
9,ea'n4w,found, Ihhrn
(never � him l�oakin
. for !the empty; sleev
glad to 'say Ys thei (left
I it
; next
get t'
at was
Od they
k (today.
es from
e Hans
Ils were
s„ but
the Ger-
we (were
was so
t work
at (faith
ido hor-
tYY on
melon at
al goad
to see
to wear life (belts, ut !cam -
,ac We finade pillows of them, kagf
hi nel to be mare IS fe than
'istayed, at a Private hot 1, while
iind in, aod how we desp sed that
,mi, last Tuesday m leg, we
11 • 4s-leted and in alfew minutes
the boys returning f cm pa,ss
I.-. e the fellow kgoing to jail:
1 if the Passage is rough.
that we axe back nd have
we begin to look falhe,a,d for the
he/ 'day which 1 hoipe! ill nor,
the in 'coming, as this prie
er113 to England on short'
., Two of tile ellialP8 AV o were
us oarne back 'Tuesday,' are
eigllit shrialenel wounds in his
r •iaind the !other got la- much
list, I had, f/ourtee men in
rest are wounded or sick,
!to t ligtikinve:.. iatidiontehlt.aret mleol
,But finch use balking in months
4ecOrr Ong,
su sing to know ho
can. stop And riv
ito, tell
out Of
el ratimg Ile his leg, just above
He was only lean ng ! on
lad, gnd emlling fro ear to
m to be having a ,at of
ng :up the 161st 'gums
r:Bleetlitt., eel meo, whY not es cone
to full strength, rf they
scrip ion land bike them all„ at they
. likel ,w1i11; on the day that peace is
tr ng in England. But n this
life' e are never matisted.. When 'kin
Lor on,/ Ont., we wanted ft' I leave
for 1 Oared, got there the• -longed
flied en our guns shell th,e Huns
But he ea hoptIng OM c. it e , long
mak an ,advance On ,a trier tw front,
the , tUrn about four hue eel pins
on jand 'the trenches e blown
cOp in, ITOonsion down when he tried
to , ell jus that the kl-IMEs re short
of tz fells, They threw , en re than
to / ititlindred at one of ,our batterees
line of goods either. An ar illeryman
to this morning earat his bat-.
ter ed fifteen. hundred •,rounds
la, te
, ell Am, I (hear Wattle scrapOng go-
ing on oatside, so will "have tee finish
CO *
gieft me yesterdasts goat
11 on ,the 'hack of the rig.ht
tween boot and knee, bilt the
▪ arra head when. gat mine.
They 'got VOW' Dick 3 -'.t moine z
altar Ithrough the le t dung i t
above the heart, . He ed about n.
hour (after. There wer only Over f
Is haft in the trench and the He hs
atlarted<,to dome in, {but we held them
off, again. and again w.th, bombs and
rifles, untii finally our eartillery and
machine ;his got the tr .'nge- and that
settled( ,the ,score,
I seals in, change, of .what was lef:It.
of (three sections of o Plattoon
mysieffn As sOon„ Dick
George .were doad we ft- trene
the boyta dragged me a ong where
wher-c( the trench was ;io/od. I got
stretcher about five hue eel (sear
to (the' rear, The me
me was dile for five
at least and anless, 'to
I.ilea,ve for England t
a week 'ago today, Pic
London, and if Dick were only be
leave I would he, la. lot -le pier bey tha.
3 'was last Tuesdaso
eanitarse Sir Sam guessed that there
'was plenty of water underground and
the icianils lia.ve proved him sright, The
land being arid, Sir Sam struck a
barga.n. an real estate.,
/the chief feature of Camp
Barden coneentr,ation. A whole army
tor.Ps, /W-th every branch of the eery-
-en represented, will train together.
Advanced tr,aeriing, therefore can be
Indulged in, Expert instructors are bee
;rig brought laere from France to give
quariv4 Aand /everyone talks at once., de, or.. Wedr.esda.y. last, at high noon,
they almost throw 'you out of their when liS si.cond deeghter, Amy. was
store, hut call you hack again. They remised in Matrimony to R. 'Buchan -
try tears end call loudly to Mother an, of Sarnia. the cerernorzy being per -
Mary ;to to AIlaiii, )the 'prophet, ta Porn -A by Bev. at Joiwett. Littki
kill ,them fr.etaotly if every word Oleo. M e illegereon acted as ring -
they utter is not true. In the shoes bearer Ar.4 .P ' t... Bert NicEiroy and
proper„the attitude is entirely <lir Misses Florence and May Rogersont
(anent. The French and Spanish De. acted as atiendants. T,he bride leok-
liteness Is in evid,ence there. .. They edl verY pretty in (a, beaatiful gown
bodice ,and pearl trialmie g. The guests,
/after the ceremony, partook of the
wedding dinner , after Which a
!maple of hours were ,sPent very
ple,asantly hlecere the happy couple
left en the 4 pun, train 41-.1r their
home in Sar .1-a, with the {best wishes
of Ale) who 0 co-mmunity.
highly respe fed resident Of Clinton,
passed away on Taesday,following an,
illness of stleteral months. Mr. Cook
was born in Goderich toLwnship,` bat
bad, ,resided, n. Clinton for many years.
bayir.g ,for great number of years
the sermon ng country. He is
servived by his wfie and family of
six daughter and two sons- Mrs. (Dr.)
Chicago; M Rees Mrs Boyer and
Miss Roby, Toronto; Mrs. Predham,
of 1Hallfax; Pte. J. E. Cook of .the
Cook, of t 110th battalion. Mr.
Cook was a Methodist end a lifelong
Orangeman, ng a member of Mgr
He was in his sixty -
low with obsequiesness and almost
4 SPOC49.11Ze4. (training of the sort that kiss ootes fingers and then charge
tho 1916 model can be et/aged oil a large of- ver the twirl shall meet," but
d hitherto could only be done in the you a few francs znore for your
large centre,s ;in England or behind the C,anadjan gullibility, Kipling says r
Mies in Flanders. Mimic warfare afteri 'East ifs FAst and Wait is West, a,hd
soale,wilthl army division, on a front of they say it hmq irnot in Salonica.
e several seaters, with all the advantages Your box arMved yesterday. Thaeek
officer told of a good, housing, pure water nnd yoo •iso much for everything 'Oros just
months, nese, footd, peed all tilts :without taltirg the as •good as good toald al,.., The cake
y,t 'Cis ju Borden, also :means large tames oe 1
s.ae:ciesanIs,geeire9ieje I.: Canadian soldier overseas, entil he JB is grand. We have some of itivayeNt.NIE-
, almost ,ready fer the firing line. Came '
trained soldiers in Canada, - insuring Lovingly,
pompa,rative safety for this coantry
against possible incursions from Ger-
From Jimmie Hutchinson
The folloiving letter 'from Jim -
Joined the first Capadi ncontingen
Atoll .who was thrall ea' t
. recent se -
vete fighting on the Canadian fronti;
Dear Uncle ,and, 00.10.11` -Just a few
for me, thanks be to I can
health and have escaped through th.
awful ,serfes iof battles 'without gen,
different times with pieces .„of ,shra,p
r.el, Itoritteonatly I tad 'not ;get al
full foroee oe Lt. This has been. tie
heavleet bombardment whith has take
place on ;the C,anadilan lines and .hi
the whole British friar:14 1 oan coil
compare it to hell let I loose o
earth. It w,a,s dreadful. Our brigad
made, ea name for itself. he German
attacked our regiment ti e after tim
but; were anown down ke grass
They pnever succeeded in getting intS
our trenches, as ' we droive them bad,.
with heavy losses every', time. /iWr
were ,on the extreme lett: tof tht,
break (through us, our regiment Lbein,
heir )gro and
u, details o
we WO,J1
congratulated by the
this (division for holding
I would, like to give y
things, but I eon afr
net he, lallowed to do so. We (are jas
out having a. rest pow.; We were re.
liev,ed before our -time, beeastse w.1
were. getting rather too ;weak to 'di
much more, oon,e ot ne ever expect-
ing Ito ever come out alive. I Juott.com.
tatted, inlyself into the llamas .0:
God (and did my peat. The Princes
Pats and oar Battalion I along wit
tbe 42 -red Highlanders of ontre,a,1 an,
;and we h,elped each othe , lbs We, be
no' overcoat, as we had to leave in
such a herry for the front Itnethat
we had no time to ta .enything
tv'Ob pe and it was Pr tty cold al -
dead Ilghlander and u ed it as a
coop, to keep the eold out end 'it
Hays, who belongs to he PfAIICe53
anquiring ehout him. eBar Ross is al
right4 He land I were together an
;It seas a (miriade of t_Gotl that we es -
caned. I can't say much more ; 'it is
hard itolo describe it; 1 fact * we
would slather forget f.t. e are now
tits pme ,so goodribye or a. white.
Borden Camp .
Greater than Valcartien is Borden
camp, now being ballt overnight on
a sandy barren to house, 50,000 sole
ens now in training in tbe epro-
Valeartler was b silt in three weeks
and housed 33,000 men, 'Borden wid
be complete in every- de 1 within one
mdeth and will be la. rtnanent camp
in every way, whereas V 'carder was
In three weeks 640 car ads of" rna-
Over 1,000,000 stumps ha e been dyne,
rated or pulled ovt, ei he miles of
sewer tand water Pipes ha e been laid,
artesian wells have „been .sunk, from
Which a. flow of 1,240,00 gallons of
water ?OAT are ;obtain. , ., sillies of
chos have been providea, Add bak-
eries befit and miles ofjpianic roads
ars1 walks laid down. 14 two weeks
be LA camp learning how to take ,par-
ope nex
en trench- warfare in E
Borden Camp was pia ned bY 5 -
grossed for 30,000 men. I a week ithe
minister of militia. en gedhisplan4
to .q.larter 40,000 soldier in, training
at the camp, which Wit{ thereher•e,
heralded as the largest encatnpment
'en Canada, if not on t continent,
Now dS'..r Sam has ;arra, ged to have
50,000 soldiers in regalar quarterS
there throughout the sernmer end
Seven-hrt:gade Centres have
already been located. T means at
lelast 35,000 rnfantry, the
thousands of rifle butt and targets
and organ' -zing defensiv and offenS-
toe schemes in the mile of opposing
Imes of trenches. ,
Twenty thousand acr s of sandy
PisL/n, !semiarid, almost reeless, with
over 1,000,000 stumps,arn ng which the
sands- drifted, with it8 qaTMS" Oat -
Camp. Four weeks ag Sir Sato
Hughes, nearchin.g thrdughout Or -
through Pine PI!ains, it was tken
oalletd, and decided to buy it. Next
day Colonel Robert Losv, the bander
bf V,aleartier, was on 'the grounds
with his engineers, s.irveyors, fora -I
linen; and the vangaardrf his army
navVies, and. Pine P ain.s was on
the map, renamed sAs !Camp Borden.
(The tplape is seventy Miles from the.
Waite* city, Toronto, land ten miles
from any village, It Is free • from
city fustreetiono. its 20,000 aerza
provide plenty of root* The ,soll, e-
pandy, is easily drained land kept
From Salonica
I The following interesting Xtr•aetS
aro from letters written, by • Miss
been, a hospital our.se at ;Salonikl and
the ,Dardiantelles for some months, to
town, She says :
Bear :Aant,-Ple,ase t•ell the members
cif (tale Reel Cross over again that I
appreciated their box more than I
c,an !say., It was lovely of them to
geneN lit to me soof,ar awayoand they
,got so mach in. The countryi
beautifel now and the weather is
very changeable, Today It is very
hot perhaps by evening It will be ,go
cold that we will ilightOur stove, (and
woa0) ourselves io • sweater coats. It
Seems More like jaite than, the first
oft May4 You ought to tSkie she beaute
if ul blotch Art wild flowers on my
and forgelt-tne-notse, Ne get tares
here Aso,' they are exactly like oar.
sweet peas ,at home and, almost ail
purple. You, ;talk about pricee3, there,
they are high, bat sugar is twenty-,
Bever. cents iat potted here and potan
toks, six td,olla,rs ses bag", bread is
thirty cents a loaf, and. eggs five
cer-ts pea. We had 24 PICRIC the
other td(ay and heel, two dozen devils
teid reggs and they coat us over a
dollar4 We buy them from ohr
meiss sapid they are ,charged to Jur
mess account,. Every little while
see bee crawl putt of a poppy and
they reem dazed, lotoxicated with
lents 'brought the flow-ers to me..
They went out to 'the railway eiaek
%and 'Oatatered. them and also brought
home( a, mud turtle, whiCh they have
chairod up 'Oto the tent., It ie aboot
gh t Inches long. There are lots oe
them areemd. here. This coontrY has
not 'advanced .a little bit since the
time of Christ. The ploughs are kot
the some. Oxen. do ;all the work, or
donkPy'se the donkeys ore ;beasts o.r.'
burden, the oxen for f,a,rirt work. They
-Nrela.ve and knit at home. Too
ought to see their ler-onderful stock-,
Ings, like- Joseph's coat of many'
colors. Rory where one looks there:
are flocks „woo flocks of sheep and
the folds are very funny. The little
iambs are quite growo 'upg- and have
Et tart tailL
Two nice letters from you yester-t
day tail bunch. I get your 1 tterS
(much snore regularly then. I gct
moth/P-1°,9. The a -nails are most irregi
with it bornb,a,r/ding and string ,after
string of vvoanded and !sick patients
arriving and the work po, the hoenAtillt
ships. It W0343 horrible. Really no-,
thing seems exciting ;any more but
an Invitation to go over the submari
inn E. II. the one which has . done
such. ,won,:ders. One /of 'the officer'e
!potted ,O6-, well, even I was thrilled.
It sintitlY a• roa.so machinery.
climed over torpedoes eighteen. feet
Wing 04 onatStil by Climbing n0, the
to have tea. I connote begin to tell
ycia. all about these tialogs, in writing.
R,e,al antiques are rare and dear and,
any deecriplon., The more isee /a&
knOw about It, so de not eV.Ipect me
to tont-exit-Jain your friends with- dese
eriptior.e of mostacs and. frescoes and
Byantivs extiques and old Greek
myself,' can speak at treat lengai
lOo whether Freadli pastry is ahead
01' 0i/et:Mien or Greek, and could call
Wm, all sorts of ineanations apcn
.1P0114 141:1F:- dirt and filth of both
Greece le,ted 'France, and will rave
fpr .y0.1 about the music of West-,
mineUr „Abbey, I might want bo be
hurled there, 'but as :to (being married
likngland With mach kneeling. I
wion't object balking for si -whole af1
ternoon about the ;shoos of Bond
tend Regent streets and the dismal'
drearineas of the lonly Presbyterian
church .wp were able to find. Above
all (things, avoid churc.hes for , the
PorPoise of worship ; when abroad.
Tb..F y are for looking at, rot for
worshippping, (and Pyell then one mast
have done it frord,top ,toe,
laaly and unofficially, 'having viewed
diet streets of ail the consalates, the
topmost parap/ets, the city J.:as .a Whole
from the top of a 'MoharnMedan
ship, .1 liava seen all the cinerch s,
Ulf* of every period of architectore
and religion, contaioing pagan pillars,
Mohammedain riches end Obristitn
Such picturee 1 I find the tarty old
ba.zaar very ioteresting, where one.
chatters French to a •villanous old
SPE141.1$11 3PW, who in turn addresses
his remarks to a more raseally and
dirty old Tark, with a fez, 'who in.
btu= calls down from his lair, a
Dorfectly kw -barons looking old
rather fdirit you at any thne, than
F4.41 "You anYthitg. YOU haggle and
Huron Notes
-Xerriv township council len
Toted $200 towards a lalEtSs ten foli
;the gOOSI3 Crt the 161st batt,alion now
-Mr. gee Kennedy, of Winghato, sle-
livered an Overlan•d on Tuesday last
to Col. Combe ofg lthe 161st
This is the second Overland, Mr. Ken-
nedy. has etold. to the 161ste
-Anchitect Binning of Liseowel has
PrePiared lames for a new pressed
brick residence for W. P. Strettoor
jewler of Dramas. It win be { ere
eeted, on. William street, between the
reslder.ces of Reeve Leckie and „Drag-
g..et ,Fox thatt town.
--oA (telegram 11449.0 received by S.
ir.g that hie nephew, Pte. Pleve Den-
bowe w,as wounded while on yloty. in
Belgium. (He Wial'3 shot in the shoulder
and, Is now In a hospital in , Eng-
-Ob. Monday the afternoon o. T.
3.32 enstead of 3,42 or 'in other (words
ten otbutes earlier. The evening.
traih). going to Kincardine is now
nenutes later, reaching Brussels at Gt taafetg tile /tainwas falling in
3.57 instead of 11.Z2. There has been ort°rvrearlletsfauenta 111,aliMgocha tWehani.813k: igscitdo**
changle made the ,time of the to those. w were present with
other traMS.
autos and b gglea for their kindness-
-Mr E Lawson has *purchased Ithe in conveying the folks who were, welke
ProPertY on, Willie= et., Clinton, owned
Watts and. occupied by Mr. Thomas
Watts. From the awe estate Mr. C.
Conk, C. P .R. stationi agent, at Es -
se, litag ;boaght the old 'post office
stand tenanted by Messrs. Thomas
W-gtolt4tissl"EdnajamRode2 Wilt of Clinton, ia
• lof the twenty graduates oit
the pehool of Economies et Battle'
Creek, (Mich., to remain for two weeks
as guest of Dr. John H. 'Kellogg at
the paritarium villa, at Goguac Lake.
Durir.g the two weeks, the young lad-
ies will take irp post graduate work
under Pr. gellogg and Miss Lena F.
Thy Xt'odgte.
eighth year.
-The ann al Masonic' !picnic Waa
held kin Mr. E. E. Fallis, bush, near
Pordwich, o Friday afternoon, last.
The forc, pa t of ,the afternoon was -
fine' opd ck and the 'prospects for
a, pleasant t e looked, very (favorablet
to the large c wet which had gather..?
to rain and the people were filmed
to seek. shel er. Later 1,gt cleared
somewhat an the waiters connnencedt
serving lune but the storm again
came on and re e.it could get tol visee3
-A itnost sad axed distressing acci-
dent occurred near Fordwich last
Tbursday afternoon the victim being
Mr. prkd Edgar. Ile ,volas tatting OPen
upWards and entered his right
rya se:slitting the eye -ball. completely
/open. He was taken to the tozpital
)the next morning ,and, the latest re-
ports ;were not very favorable; the(
doctors fearir.g that the entire eight
-The home of Mr. area MM.
Fsrguson, Auburn, was the scene of
• ‘quiet weddir.g on [Wedoesday:,
morning last, when their el•augb.ter.
Miss Mood and Mr _Harry Itremlitly
of Clinton, were anited in marriage,
The yoong couple viro. visit ,relatives
at Windsor and other points, before
taking op housekeeping at Clinton.
Tale, Peat wfelles ot their • many
friends !accompany them in their
-The. annual meeting of the Bloth
Telephone Company was laeid Ihe
dastry BlYth lea week with
President Lurton Hill in the chair.
The financial report was ,presented,
Niats then decided, So raise the lani-
haal rate to $12 for subscribers and
renitero. The following were then se-
teeted commissioners for the coming
year- IL axton 11111, JOhil IBrigharn and
John Arthar, The oresident was then
voted ;25 for his services for the
ited last Thursday evening by the
heaviest tdownlotur of rain I, ever ,wite
nessed.dhere, even by its oldest cite
bens. The deluge, amompanled by
considerable hail, lasted for abolt
an boor, and all low-Iying land waS
completely flooded. Mr. Sebastian
field whioh the water was two
feet deep after the storm ; he. also
bad abOat forty good iglize4
fend likewise. The atorm epparentiy
further south very little slain
-As 'the result of a. slittle fraca,s far.
Tueaday aftOrnoton at the House of
Refuge, Clinton, John Weathered',
formerly of Goderich, was struck on
the head. with a Celina in the hands
of pagetaxr inmate named. Poselwarte.
wards. The coroner was called. and
a Jury formed to view the remains
land fl. postmortem was held that even -1,,
ing. The blow was ,a; light one and
Mt thieught death, may have beer.
from heart -failure rather than from
the Wow. TWeatherall wee over
years of age and Poselwaite is badi
-A posomittee anualating of three
members of the Claim council, Mayor
Thompson and Councillors WIltse and
Hawkints end three member» of elle
Clinton Mar Auxiliary, Messrs. J.
Scott, 11. E. Paoli pent4 A T. °ever
have been. appointed to choose
,pressest, the Clinton boyaeof (the 161st
Battalion, non-commissioned officers
nand men, each WWI a Tenoned gift
frons citiziepS of Clinton.4 /A. fund.
for this purpose was collected last
week by 4.the War ,AuxiliarY and the
committee( have In *Jed the Work of
seeing that the will of the people is
tearrie.d out, A choice of three ems
will be given each man, Igo ;that al)
may receive something really usefol.
-A pretty, wedding 1#4103 15010M111,104
At tele 11-91110 of M.r.i T. Rogerson, !tor -
tions ikud. betz3;n made „tor this event
,arol, 0t is t bad that the prop/44-
;1111gs were spoiled.
At pix o'clock on Nednesdaymorn4
place at W
Of Miss Pe
elaaghter of
Selmer, iserS ant in the ArA,Phine Gan
wore her going away
blue cloth with Preen)
d -iretty gist She was
Miss ia.ilda._ Cooper,,
VIt Franks, - so of the
the ouriclusion of the .
party drove hack to
eek, .the, niarria,ge took
sky parsonage, Cl.inton,
1 Viola Hailer, eldest
Mr sand Mrs. • George
at town., ,tel MT. George
Section of
ion. The, bri
salt of navy
silk bodice a
atteoded by
while ;Sergea
110tah acted
mony was
ceremony, t
the hOme of the. bride's parenteo
where breakfast was pa.rtaken of ,and,
Sergi Seign 4r and his bride ieft on
the, 1.35 tr for a shear trio to To-
ronto and N agora. They retarn to
London )on tarday, where the groom
rejoins his sateallon. The bride's
Clinton fAipziolp extend alicitations.
The well-known eye epeeipliet, Mr. Tiugheen will
fliy and Thursday, July 5th and 6tb. - 25354-
C. Landsborough, who recently iseid
their farm on. the Kippen road, left
on ;Wednesday morning for Toronto,
where they nbend go make their fu -t
tam home. r. and Mrs. Lands -4
borough hay_ been long and ret
spected resiants of the township, and
their many , friends will wish thee
prosperity a71 -.d happiness in their.
new Ounne.
The Patin° 1. -The regular meetirs-
cif (the tov ,,,n h;1) council was held in
the cotuiel hamber, Seaford), on
Saturday t, Vien. the goesent
Telephone mntsaloners, T. G. Shil..i.
Knglaw and Peter ,McKay, were ree
aopOltiv3d fo another year and Mr,
John. Reenk was reappointed erecrei-4
tary and tr &surer, The contract of
eparateng the stone crusher was let
to r.Mr. John QU;nian, ,who had (Alam -
Death of Mrs. John. Catneron.-Ons.
of itihe oldelt end most horored p.:6-1
goers of th''' township Ila4Sed, peaces
fully awaY at the home of her eon, -
of ,Aft'S. joh Cameron, at the great
sItzre, Scotland, on September 26th,
tame to Ca wtth her family, first
Settling in Scarboro township, where
She -was rried to the late John
Cameron 68 years ago. Shortly after
the:O. marriage the young cairple moll
less forest, and settled on theherne-4,
ed. to Huriln county, then a track.,
stead !Arm 1 itri waist Ls 710,W known'
went and o -ereame all the d.Ificulties
and damp: 'incident to tlrose glioneer
cheerfulneee she well eustatned her
part *f con ertteg the wilderness into
or..0 of the ,finest fAn12 holne$ la the
townsh;p. I# religion Mr& Cameron.
MarS ta, Pre. ytmr.an and was one of
the ;laxly rig of the tf:rot con -
tape of heir death was lts oldest
;Meer, atid when health per-roOted
she 'Was a. egular -attendant and an
-earnest ker. 1-n the church. Ifr
Cameron about $0 learstago, but
James and am in Tackersmitil;
Robert an n an the WeV.ern
Frankk flirt:, h of Flint, Michigan, an4
r name rill to long
by pier ' The titiserS
vtoeS J. -We
'rot bey