HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-23, Page 6•
t The Annue,l, Meeting, of the Centre
'Huron Liberal Assiacia.tlint will be held
/4 tare tespecially i'ettiiested-to.attend
The War rsitaatIon has edeeldeelly
.irnproved, Attring' the pest- 'week, The,
abatement ,,Ekna le driving everothing
" by, a large number of German- troops,.
eat -Ione hetWeen Motel and Lemberg.
In epIcte .violent Aosit%-Gerrnan
cootsterattacks 'it is now announ-
-ced 'that the ;Russians have again
rega/raed ithee upper hand. and in
their progre_ss 'taking the ostial tell
prisenerse On the Southern. front
able to cbeck the Russie advance a'ndl
thefr e4arareander is apparently pay -
ling the penalty for so ilong delaying
hie retirement, tend hie- army, got in
47/13I Is. In full flight, sone( tura islong
the 00=44Sn frontier die Other
'area seoarate Russian movements are
'how :working Itowa,rds Lemberg, antt it
hOw •looks 'very muesli as af the (Gana -
oh metal would :before long, (again
heinds oftllussia. The total
C7Ar's :forces eatimated, at 170,000.
OA *ate Axiglo-French front, the :Sit -
`Italian has (also inapro-ved. The radio
dermal food costly ;attacks which taa
-Verdun, hove slackened, perceptivelto
praeriaastly because -Perri-limy is using
'aver/ ffixtre PIE% ofA the Russian front
in oh' endealsor to Stem the tide there,
and. ttbe Canadians have regained, jand
otresigly bold all the ground lest In
(Mei great German rush at Ohe. been -
?dog of Jtme. The task, h.owever, bas
beer4 no easy one for tthe Canadians,
as the casnalty lists In the papers_
during the past _week bear
amPle Pad painful teeiimony. Ort the
ever- better for the Allies than at
emy time leince war began; It is quite
evident :that the iron ring surratuol-
vine Germany and her Allie,e Is be-
st -ming tigitiferrt
Ito the 15th of (June, 340,128 oren
bad joined the color:a in Canada. In
the 'fortnight preceidieg this elate,1251
*nil -steal in the London :district, '1,602
in, Toronto, 555 in Ottawa. and Kings -
too, 561 drt Montreal., 124 in Quebec
452 Lthe Marithrse Provinces, .1,i100
Oilanitoba. and, Saskatchewan, 600
in (BMW] COluntbia, 'and 607 ir Alberta.
-The total enliabrents 131/10C
the start are: No. 1, London, 28,467;
- No. 2, Toronto, 16,971 (one urit to hear
'Quebec, 6,525; Oa. 6. Maritime Prov-
' ince% 31,371; No. 10 Manitoba. and Sas-
katchewere 70,188; No-. 11, British ICer-
lumbla, 81,309; No. 13, Alberta, 30,764.
May .16,090.
St. Columban
The .dry goode, clothing, ferniture,
' harness, grecery •aasa shoe stores, lona
Beattie's' Variety Store, in Seefarth,
will cies° at 12.30. each Wedeesday
Father ;Witte Presented With An
Itrve gathering of the peaple ,of St.
Oolumba.n, Assembled. in t he Parish
Hall, ao ;read and present to the pas-
tor, Rev. P. P. White, ian :address ex-
pressive of their esteem tend good
him with a raise to purchase an auto-
mobile. The chairman, Mr. James
Doyle, very eloquent taitd, 'appropri-
ate .theiguage, explained. to His Rev-
erence the object of the meeting.
After:the `treading of the (address and
presentation Rather White, replied in
his, usual .feeling and, happy mariner.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in (Social Intercourse and euchre,
The dry goods, clothing, furnitu.tie,
•haroess, grocery Jared shoe stores, oaid
will close at 12.30, each-Wedeesdayt
during July end August. :
NOtes.-The Meadows are doing
Wrote ,Menary, of Cranbrook, v./I--
Wog ot flie residence of .Mr. J.
held tat
+tzus 1it%wn and
the ,Large t gath
McC v n., lsr., ih
good, te•1 h for
, party
•and ` Mr.
aS a •iariiiian.t Success.
G 1411 1 rare exceilcnt,
rew `"their ,es
au cul h topen2 o
rs. Williec7
rr enjoying
,The .mang
lady hoe
to . 1?r
eorge Ku:n•
111, e, regret 'to
Hexer . Thornton,:
he:-Ia. is Ibratio-
wingh cu •:--Cat LI
titrerOup and. ac -
of '14e. -Church
be k `sure stating,.
sap; : There 'are
feting Methodista
r of> rdiesastiefiedt
e " :the. Presbyter-
orm Ilttle church
there, , we dml't
the small frig -
are going ,to' ,rdo.
hey 4 come a-
We pre lct :the
armo' y anal 'Sue-
friiodts [ • thio es
;eke ,wiIil1 1 �1{.. n. j y.
tits*_. `f • 8 •>ihealt .-
,still (Conti r ues ver cr
Isar Mir. Mrs;
liave ibeen vialt g
,er, ,Mr. • oaks), at-
d seelea1 + ve be ;n
Lave. >ie1 ' vcitiit'
TTnion_ • ing to
we ease . •leiaed to
a Miall n
Pr€isbyte :,r•:J t^31
Ian obi c • trx: y
s+ocietiea + ere • , •
know wh'a• on
anent of, e,th f •
If theye
long with the of • e
fulletat • u!nt + f
Cess ;for t e Unit ed
✓ Trogia
el .
The E
of IMr. • .
oras (czar Iby
sat xwpek : 0, Mitt.
known pi • tight,
.pent tall • e
in .'this v init.
took (p r :' on„ -
wt ,lalrg : At,
ma!n,s .e int rr
crterp• Thwe ` ts3'n 1p: th
gds- cut o .Mrs
three w.ho sur:
'Died in • rhe..7QV :t,'
of ;Mrss i •orge
a re Ldent of C
, k;,
her jddeah, whit
Pa ti
of her , ught
Manse Jia, esoff
the '
kn. i '
making p
neer old ,
have �tarrivt
It ,wcould
way must'; have
Her f,atniiy of
dmest ters' all
Jaw district,
Mrs. Yet thew
rdar"y. •
- Miesio'na' • ;W
sit the•.ai- T
was !thei� • t : ucc
here,. - Alpo It e ty
and pomple ed e e -en
een 11
t • e-
cer'tifteate M
members_ 01 Ithe
membership Of
hilt .,�diss .Elsie
1ptersa e
radia by
H. irittgles,
Currie xta4
although ,
pry, die Apar
reply, •w2rlc ,• • was su
few w ds ! from M
en_g .•d 1n De
e is visitingge. 'reiatti
,Terry,berry, of
aying ,at :her ho'rne
es Nott; of.thel:,o,
In: Johnleft q
tehewan, where th
s `..next two months
beam fo
admit Of
of Mrs.
held ah, tt-
of Kincardi
lase( ianntial
children , 11
, afternoon, olio
!grad/ante' of lien
1whieti tea ar11
eandt-Oirs. Mo
lot 03xampteel, are
.Moloarenc of -Se
:McLa•re.n. etticielY
broeher last
;the 'columns Of:
e tragic :death
axon, jr.f 'which
'are/limas widely
e district, 'having
years of .14s.. ilife
funeral,' whiCh
4, and the ere-
- in Boyles vein-
fiaXe. And( .the
'the .aoy friends
t ter any ',years
red Fut the home
s. Crosby, at
were ecelved by
ularig are not
and. were •te
t her
er sueldeo,
and; toer
im the Moose
The :lilting bee
ssfutl. ;ever held
ladies asseMbled
;quilt They lip
tf0 41096: of
leasing in-
le bti .the :Htriot
secitc- and Mrs.
elye Miss
8. Mrs.Ritchia,
ettely, by sur,
and appropriate
sociel gatherings
d to with very
Ms-Elio/1 Basta
le of goods te
last week. Be-.
t ty of wai'M plotting,
ere a en. Airs. Pe
ld Ark during tbe past
une 26,t(h and wilt t. be
Rev. M lcolm McArthur,
t ur-day, July let,
be ;held' at Ohe
he •races for the
he d early tin the
speeclies, (after
end little sme
, Mrs. George
vi le, Mias Marlon
eorge Bean, of
d 4.1e funeral of their
The dry lo hing, erni t are.
haniess, ery 0.4 d, hoe stores, (and
will (close rat 12..30 r. • 'Wednesday'
during July! end usf.,
Death of lins.
I;; of the Mill
rider Reid. -Mr.
Mns. 'Reid, sed event •oc-
eurred at her ho ,Diarnond
Alberta, on Thar y, JU.110 15th, after
an Meese of e ration. , TOe
ford./ land ught hi ol in that city
for somo ,t e. Afte ber marriage
tiMr -Reid, hey Irk:o ed Ito the ,west,
where Mr 14 died at .13,1g River,
teaching p fOselen ed, up to , her
last illness, c e of. a school
to 'whoir, ,th (symaath of tell will go
out in their re,at itts
garden part to be el it the *Kipp*
Road ischool growl. on Wedeesdate
the Red ‘C SS S ie ye' There will
Oe fa good, pr ram e, in.cluding iselec-
ost Pleas , affairs of the season
shoul bear t date in mind,
;Football.- ;well o tested football
match ,was eyed on the 'recreation,
ink last be een the kickers t. of.
a good exhi. tion et football, the
irg considerable thrie, the Tacker -
smith boys &red. the only goal of
by 'one (goal laS the played; a 10-0
game an Stanley last w ek. The fele
lowiDg 410 'Tucker rnith line-up:
Goal, .7 .Hawtborne; its, p. Ryan
lase '1Wilesoi Wright, J. oKay, 0. Mc-
A.W. Dick, -The next • :ame • 'WILL be
platrad in, Sea th on reenday night
No. es.
, • Or
kind, Inst
hope f
L: J
has t •
y .giobds, clothing, f
!grocery and shoe s ,.
Variety Store, . in
e- kat . 12.30, ' ,each W
+sly Aid Auguste
faring. Services -T
Amery lety, of
then w'11 . 1d their
entre services, "which
by Rev D, J
Sunday morning. T
er fortunate in secu
t • for .,this occastt n,
as a good sermon. P
of tine Soc°etsa are dein
shook), receive a
',e ere sorry ,to
ge Meet a much;
: '' • •t: Of0 village,
la; i • : • accident 1astf tw
ger ting' into , is buggy,
11 bapkward, fracturm
alaylor is not. a
will be coufi
y weeks. 'She is ,
Hutson . tan her man
her tape trecov
tarrott, son of MT.
rott, who' had enlis
t:.faurost Blatt. at ,
transferred to the
rd rovi11 sbdrtly leave
is marry E.1l pen , frie
safe return. --1. M•:
r ' iF,a3r'bairn, are recti
1 tiOnts; a y$ung son
1o4ne.-•Two excellent
ipratehed by Rev. Mr
i;j,t last Sabbath.
Mills cb!urch, Clint
to be _proud of
and Mrs.: Harper w
Mr. sand IMra. {Isaac
re. -Mrs. McKenzie
during !the past
tt(en titian tb her rno;.
• Donald McKenzie,
2 years, Who recent
Mrs.. Samuel Thonips
been -with heir daugthe
• • lie, tat Brucefield,
s, returned home,
Ki pen friewelcome
icy Clar of He
ec=ntly enlis el with t
On visited ith his
. Ander of the
.e Mitt we k. --Mr. a
r vialtiec with the
rs ,S, Poplestone of
,ee .=Mrs. John H. Pett
• r may, in company
M s. John IDinsdale of
ft Rile week • on a Zvi
sIs er, Mrs. Ed. Taylor,
rSa k. 'It Isnot often
on, eh' outing (of
he many friend oris
e3$arpt` thcip an4ia ea
. and 'Mrq. lorrnan
ed front their ho
ere now getting thi
Their bee tlfull ho
1 of St,ailey. The
lend wish them ma
from- our :v1ci it
W.m. Jones, who ha
in Hen '1• Mr. and
e :the t of in
e loathe to lose t
ar loss wit t be Hensa
ua1 -•um - Sunday
be held to ii yfie
y, June 9th.
lot C
tad f
order an
'lCippe ,f
and Is
to ce
41W, nat
• Picnic
, for.
ere. --
n Rotxrl.,
aesda o
t' And-
coil? be
.qts, ' of
e ladies.
n ,Mr,
Le he
to her
f riendss
*nee tr.
• Mrs.
d. wish
. Mrs,
': carr-
e mons
e goa3
n havE
lit (pas
re the
J*; :cart
as in
n old
h, a
4 her
eel bask
.aFP er's
o the
en -
it: to
t' F-
s in.',
, bar
s gain.
. Riney kr
ber A sae of R1 evale, too lace
oh .1 dnesday ;go ping, Jun 14th,
ceme rit cal. The funeral hel On
re,sid,e e was' largely atteted; .r by
filen , .I-, latives, business an • other
Rev. sra /cod Tate, pastor o ii Knox
ehurch a slsted by Rev. D. D. Thom. -
hymns e g were chosen for Spec -al
psa,tre `` here Is a Fountain Pilled
pallbea er were friends end eeigh..
remain w re born t its -last seing
by idle sr mbens formed in. a tier
iaround he grave. Rebert Netso EV •‘:
.a. One of the Most vi II re-
urney oorth In March, 1856, hen
e wei ti e years ea age, to the
ick (I) 1-1 in the township 'of urn -
.9* sarSd ft r working' tat fern; rk
r la :1 be secured employro t In
a ea. del which was run, by 1 o n
h st lb reeved wife, Miss ne
,a, le X tan end after Lying ar a
8 0 be In
b ital. for a number 145 y
was Stewart ,of Bduevale, er
.riv and, for twenty- a
roe. er buscness has been
rsed to Which from time to
tr e ha een added coat, ce ent
Othe es. On two occasion the
burned to the gro
ON . EXE'`
ivialisi both forea re it. In ,19
the OlvappIng Mill and . orate : pow=r
• lie bought frroar' the to • Josep 1
...4 eeid operated by the tried
rt; Jl1orar,- .when,50d. *
M• t Mstrtyeis Giem:, a it.1 fwas hi1ow
llyk (he . Asti the last lour vot', h
►b 'tiler, the tate," W. s D ff,
C -tes, C.ty, Man., haul g p educe
e • Merl 90 . Deeember, : 13., ,0f Glx
eX dren, inc rnc, Robert '.Nel on, di--
limlfiancyt , bothree +s : n,cl fp
Otters are left to poop, he io.
of a igeoa. f atiber! i iW, J. : t utf, ,f
St. PJh ag;,. B. Duti, •'tor .f:
th �li�,�eilandTelegraph Rub,
D, Co g, N.Y., ; .cbl. - _
n, of (Beeston ; and Mar Ev.,
Cita y ton, att ho(.rre,.. e al ,lean - s
t;t gra,ndch dre i, erro d an 1
E • heli ,Duff, of ,Well:; i/ : , d 'Da -
oit ' et ,A..tkexi; sof Ston. R. , ., Da
;wiais► �& faJt hf r a:,erri• • of Knox
ch arch. He stook ,a gre:: t :xit `tett 1
'r bleeding - Of thte ;ew % churc
e ,yearn go, 'served for : man
test the 'oar of (. ante ` ors. an
la agog parsod was (is•, peri tende
o; be' ,Sunday Schaoe po tete, h
an .tar lent Refbare a , he
(th • foff ce • of resident of t • e Bee
H • Reforµxt .Atasoesati'n fir th
Ye ries 1904--7,+ Ile .was on sof, • e ear
t r • ,•box, (af, the • •• Or • er o
elslters., idol ng` Cour Do Bias 1
and twos ai,so a wre,. ber •f Cam
nira, San of Sco land Win
11 • � One of the chief inte este o
II' ijlffe •wear, ; the llterrat re I : • star
of ,. ,.fiend, the land of, `' castor
IR +• Duff was an i uor : hit • an wh.
he „ 'the reSoect and •' .'de ce o
(the ootn:,mun;tty and lake bus ass as
ISO,'' • tete throughout hl,s ifs, He we,
a•taiU of putbi.c epirtt, who (neve
,grit end, it ixte land tabor in t ying. ,t
'ad,'v a the pubs:c we are whiff
h',Is PonaldersatiOn for t ose in ;ris
dor• uns oetand,Aos. stietreas : a" own ,i
• IRM FOR RENT -Adjoining email, in whol
or i part. Chiefly paature and ha JA ES BE
Eensall ms ent las
Week, but Which intscar ed th
Mai s, see pege 3.-A lax ekeu ber
Lib rises were in the v111 e Tues
anoual strawberry fest val. of
1, venIng
ises go be. One o.2
...etc. The Ilensall hand will be
to melon on Thursda..y. to tne
pla•c 'is visiting hi the villa e k -this
wee -.-Dominion-Day w be °laser
ved an the village this. year ,wh
the filet Annual raee etin /ride
Will, be' fheld. The Hen,sal ban has
been. engaged, for the eaten. The
ows Greer.
2nd 12, rd
.42 third
omm nee at
ate aad,
rtt at sight.,
eside t, rind
e a spices
0:1 Ohl:4
the hunt
rtet ▪ w..1
folio s
tre t is in
:Mess El not
Ling her -
here scpen-1-
Carnel church Dads, Fri
3rd, 415„ The races will
1.30 pan: All belf mile
An* Joan Trot tinglieulets
Rep e Sxnallacombe secret
of 1 Ladies' Aid Spele
Vil ge, will be held, In,
on, ed-nesday evening, n
the °rest City Male Qui
be etent.c The concert
stor ,for ,all .attending. --
Mu ock ,Who has been v
'siste An Alberta, is home-
ing a couple , of months with her
pare t,s.--.1We „have this eek 1,10
She era, relict of the la e Mr John
She rdolo h,er 67th yea, ,t Tede-
5-0M1.` years, and during the past
11. r Ilness with great Christia, par -
had, a lam. eercle of relatives, and
and ively :disposition. She lea es '-
mourn' lat.r lose two sons, John, of
Tucla rsmith, Ori the homestead tarn:
vtaSOMe ' months ago, and on da. Ozer
Mns,IF. (Mame, of this Village. An-
other daughter, Mrs. F. Woad t• assed
away an the west some years age. This
of th1s ,week to thei,M,cTsag art em:. -
funeral service twos held_ ItTh rsday
tery and the , family have (the eym-
path of ,the community in their be- c
rosy eats -gr. Will Fee d later f
jury 'The yelatives and ilriend of
Mrs. ohn. Moues°, of Hay, (will egret e
end, 11 (hope for her (recovery. :Airs, $
Mc , tof Loudon, spent a (few` days
at ihe _former home near Theme villp.,
hats ,r turned, to town.
to rp1e, ;4;05 tox , 4,15 ;in jute ,b +
bulk, seaboard, rd, $4 o 84.10..Millfee+
Car ,lots, per toes delivered, . -Mo t-
r°a,1 ;fret/arta,Win, 820 to +$21; shots
$24 to $25; n:idd425 i to 826 s
g •feed, flour Fe hag, 81.80 to $1.-
65. ,Pot�atoe•-•Ig, Qntarlos,, $1.90;
Dela,w,ares $2.10 to . 2,15 westerns $i.-
25 out of )store•; 1n, car lots .15c less.,
Ci e
1Live Stock Markets
Puffs* June 20-rCattle-Dry f
active and steady; grassers_ siow d
istockeis :and leeders 37, to 38; steck
heifers ;6 to 37 ; fresh tows ond
ors iactive.'end then, ;50 ',to $110. Veals
llogs-Aetive; heavy land Mixed, $1.0;
yorkens 39.50 to 310; pigs 9.50-; rOu.ghs
yearlings, 35.50 to 310.40; wethers 48
Montreal, June 24-191e. 'offerings 'cm
the Ittarket this morning forleale 'a-
mounted to 70Q cattle', 500 !sheep and
Irbougt% :Ttre hisrpply&,11ot ce,90t0tieelalwviasesefu411;
300 head' larger ;than a week ago
the strength in the situation was
Miele pronounced than eYer, and prices
generally sewed a feather advance of
25c per etivt.: There's were ho full ear -
IMO a &dee steers on the market,
bUil int ;few swill lots soldOes high as
$10.25 !to 310..60, whge, wane bulls
brought 49 and choice lots of coves $8.-
75 per cwt. A stronger' feeling id,evel-
(*Jed In the ariarket for hogs today,
and prices scored an aidsrance of 15c to
30e per cwt. as compared with a week
ago. The demand from packers WAS
were made at 311:50 to 11.80 aridrough'
stook tat 311.15 to 311.44, While slaws
$5.60 to $5.90 per cwt, weighedl offk
cars. .A feature of' the smatil treat
trade was the further weakness in
-tile market for sheep and prices de-
clined 25c per cwt., which Us due to
the dnertased offerings. The de -
mead tor spring lEumbs -was gotid af
from( 35 to 37 eaoh. iCalves. were yery
20. -Two- loads of butcher cattle
breught record, Prices for the yards
this Morning. Eleven he.Etd of butch-
ers (offered by Durm end • Levack
brought ,$10.75 and there • were two
other loads and part loada and." coa-
Stich transactions did not repr•esent
a Mach stronger merket than last
Thursdo,y's, as the quality" Was extra
choice, but still for the best, ,a,Mongn
amoiderate (run for a Monday, there
was eteady eto stronger trade bat
for common to medium grade batch-
cher& the market was draggy acids
weaker. It pa takcost a certainty that
before the, week Is over Valuee for
common grass cattte will be cot. Bulls
were Oste.ady, but cows were easier
though drovers -at the opening asked
what buyers considered exofbitantt
values, land had to climb kliorw,ni later.
It "JET CIlleSt10211Glible . COWS Will
continue rfor long et the 'present big/3
quot,atiores; To -day's was the strongt
est butchers', cattle triarket tthe
heat -cry of the yards, the best Arr-ong
the ca.ttle seal:1g up to .75e per DO
pounds over. *he Buffalo prices, twhere
the cattle for the most part are
corn, ,fed. So far As the best 'grades
.tof jbutcherS Are concerned, there( Is
not gruch prospect of a decline le,
valuee, that ds, the drovers follow lap
their praetice of the pats,t few weeks
and 'curtail is.upplies. As was to be
there was ino call for either stock -
era or feeder's. wete slow;
but epringer,s not toe far ,backward
were 'active; small meats came under
the buyere"kolfe.' Sheep closed 26e
lower land lamb values were cut
to .50c. The best veais were steady
and an demand, but common carvee
dropped from. O5c to 35e. Ologe, alight 1
run, ,fferred up to ten (cents. Packers
quoted weighed off ears at $11.15,
slecta $11.25 and fed •axsd( watered at
510.90. Corbett, and Coughlin,sold
24 loads; best heavy steers, 125010
1350 lbs, 310.20 to 310.30 ; best butch -
59.40 Ito 39.65; medium bu-tchers, $9 to
bulls 7.50 to,8,00; best cows $8 to
58.25 ; gredl tun covesi7.50 to, 7.75 ; com-
floe !spring .lenribs, 16e per lb; 20 cat-
vesz$11 to 312; hogs, .$11 fed and wat-
red. J. B. Shields and Son sold
Ivo loads; butchers, 14, 1000 lbs, $9.65;
one, 800 Its, 35.20; two, 815 pounds,
8.50; one pull, 1180 lbs, 7.00; 11rillt-
r, $60; wing lambs 15 8-4c to 16c per
nedy sold seven loads; butchers, one
7.50 to 38,25; one deck of hogs.
311.15 ,weeighel off ears. berm ,
1060 pounds, 37.90; one, 1144 pounds.
$7.90;12, 1160 pousods, $8.25; eight, 1230
120 sheep, wools, 39 10(310; clipped ,$5
to, 38.75; he,a,vy fat sheep and cello
eamisa 14c to 16e per lb.; MeDenald
Halligan solcl 14 care; choice heavy
.85 Ito $10.25; common. betchera $8.25
on rnediarn hurts 6.50 to 7.501 best
nd (springers $80 to 3100; 'medium $60
1 $70 each. McDonald and Ilalligan
old, foe tH. G. Clark •of Georgetown
°ice isieers, weighing 1320 pounds
ach, tat 1310,75 per cwt. \The follow -
g are the quotation's: Choice
ea.vy steers 39.90 to 310.50 ; butch-
rs nettle, choice, 9.40 to 0.15; good,
.10 to 39.26; nseditun $8.65 to
.86; Common 38 to $1.25; • butcherto
75 to $5,25; butchers' cows; chafes,
mmon $5.25 to 5.75; stockers. 700 t
Pounds, ;6.76 to 7.75;ehoice feeders,
horned, 950 to 1000 Its, $8.25 to 38.85
nem and cutters, 34.00 to 35.00;
.ilkers, choice, each, $75.00 to
$60; springers 850 to $100; light
es, 38.50 to 310; heavy shellk 6.00
S8; sPrirg lambs, per lb, 15 1-2 to
; calve% gbod to choice, 89.50 to
.25c imedium 7.25 to 8.50; logs, fed
'watered, $10.00 to $11; weighed;
Tor.Mto. June 2--LIve, spring Prat-
-ere,. Ogle 0.,.mol a half pounds and 'over,
"tto 45c; aid fowl, 117 to 4.9c; ick-
Dreseed-Spring broilers' 50 to 55c;
cad ,f wl e5 27c; chickens, 25 to
Dairy Market'
excartons, 27 to 28e. Butr, cream -
'28 to 9c ; choice dairy. 'Prints 25 /to 28
26c; (takers' 23 to 24c. Cheese- ew,
18 1-2e ; old June and Septerrber 1 g.!,
22e; tiviins 22 1-4c; triplets 22 1-2e.
Grain, Etc.
Toronto. June 20 -Manitoba Wh t-
$1.12 1- . Manitoba, oats, track,bay ros
18 1.-20 American corn -No. 2 yellow,
.82e tr k Toronto; 78 1-2c, track, bay
ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 1 tom er-
cial. per ear Jot, acc t to
arerclait 94 to 960; No. 3 co r-
ola}, 90 to 92c; feed. twaseat 83 it0 t
No. 2 nominal, :carlot, ;1.70; accor ng
to sareple, $1.20 to 31.50. Barley- sit-
ing, 65e to 66c outside; feed, 62 to
63 cents. Manitoba Flour-Flrat t-
onds, $6; strong bakers, $5.4 In jete
bage. Ontario Flour -Winter, tr k,
Toronto, want shipment, stecor n
lciet Foot
Outing Shoes
Fleet Foot ' Outing Shoes are made for every Sport and,
recreation and'are acknOwledged to be the best wearing and:
neatest fitting Outing s4oes made in Canada. Fleet Foot
Otiting shoes cost no mbre than thti ordinary .kinds—ta dis
tinguish the Fleet Foot always look for the honey combi
sole. We have the sole agency for Fleet Foot Outing shoes
and carry a complete rahge of styles for Men, Women and'
Children. A few of thei styles are mentioned herewith--
C3Men's Athlete Shoes, with blue -black canvas uppers and honeycomb
rubber.soies, low cut style for Lao, high cut for x .25.
Men's Yachting shoes with white canvas uppers and white rubber
soles, low cut style for 1,25 high cut for 1.50.
Ladies -Yachting shoes with white canvas uppers and white rubber
soles, low cut style for x.15 high cut for 25
Ladies Idler Shoes with white canvas uppers -and red rubber
high cut style for 1.25. •
Boy's Athlete shoes with: blue or tan canvas uppers, low cut Style
for go cents high cut for x.oio a pair.
Misses 'Yachting shoes With white uppers and white rubber soles
high laced style *for i.00 a pair.
Mail and phone orders promptly filled.
Wanted to Purchase'
Stratford, Ontnrio
rod Can Seenre a posit on if you
take a, course 'with us, ; de-
mand upon- us foe trained help it
many tunes the number .gre,dhat-
ing. Students are entering each
week. You. may' enter at any time
Write at on.ce for tom free catalog.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal.;
Toutig Men
Young Men or others who are
can serve their King and Country ; •
by hilping on Munition Work. Ap-
ply to
Sethfmth' .....“4,444444.440444440.4*
If you have estry western town, lots'
kyr fealn lands that you wish to dia.!
pose of it will pay you to mite. tO
2530x3 „Berliro
; Praetical Boot Repairer
; Eatetece througShe'a:°Wrillthie Boot.
Prompt attention to all repairs.
Best leather only use& stock •
special leather f or founder'.
workers and hard wearers. 1,4t.
Note the Address •
Opposite Expositor offies *
of the
q Copy for the neit TelepFkone Directory
closes on the above date!
q Order your telephone now, so that
your name will be In the new issue!
q Report cha.nges required to our Local
Manager to -day.
Tlie Bell Telephone .co. of Ca
" MeLde to Measur
Suits a_rid
IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambitton
give our customers the best. possible satisfaction
in :he tailoring business. Our suits 4nd overcoat
are inade in a high-clails. careful manner. They have
earned their reputation from the way they are tailore
as well as from the pure materials from which they are i
made. The quality has always been a prime factor in -
our tailoring, and always will be.
In spite of the fact that owing to the war, British
woollens have advanced greatly in price and tailors all over Can
ada have been compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make
worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within the
range of every man.
—and we never had a finer range of Spring and ....um -
mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of rich, fast color-
ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men,
middle aged men and old men. • It does not matter whether you
are a style enthuthast or just appreciate quality, tailoring and
value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and
examine these new materials.
Let Us Be _I OUR Jailors
W. D. Bright Son
• T8
• a s
ss t ♦
. E t S
•- k' a r
r t e .
s.1 .. •
Tee Should
)?root shoes
ttar'e Sale
to Rent
Know -Stewart'?
This Store -J. Macta vieh---8.
Olotht 00.-4
-VVI 0 Wilda-
eto.--Gt A. Sill` -=8
-5 ,
-.T, M. Rest --5•
Wednesday Hiro. ---I
--Ir. alexauder--5.
--James Bell-4-
Auto,Tires-M Broderick
Book -LS-
Pr Mit E3W110.1 11iiEIR
AFURTH, FRIDAY,. Jun 23, .1916
t The Annue,l, Meeting, of the Centre
'Huron Liberal Assiacia.tlint will be held
/4 tare tespecially i'ettiiested-to.attend
The War rsitaatIon has edeeldeelly
.irnproved, Attring' the pest- 'week, The,
abatement ,,Ekna le driving everothing
" by, a large number of German- troops,.
eat -Ione hetWeen Motel and Lemberg.
In epIcte .violent Aosit%-Gerrnan
cootsterattacks 'it is now announ-
-ced 'that the ;Russians have again
rega/raed ithee upper hand. and in
their progre_ss 'taking the ostial tell
prisenerse On the Southern. front
able to cbeck the Russie advance a'ndl
thefr e4arareander is apparently pay -
ling the penalty for so ilong delaying
hie retirement, tend hie- army, got in
47/13I Is. In full flight, sone( tura islong
the 00=44Sn frontier die Other
'area seoarate Russian movements are
'how :working Itowa,rds Lemberg, antt it
hOw •looks 'very muesli as af the (Gana -
oh metal would :before long, (again
heinds oftllussia. The total
C7Ar's :forces eatimated, at 170,000.
OA *ate Axiglo-French front, the :Sit -
`Italian has (also inapro-ved. The radio
dermal food costly ;attacks which taa
-Verdun, hove slackened, perceptivelto
praeriaastly because -Perri-limy is using
'aver/ ffixtre PIE% ofA the Russian front
in oh' endealsor to Stem the tide there,
and. ttbe Canadians have regained, jand
otresigly bold all the ground lest In
(Mei great German rush at Ohe. been -
?dog of Jtme. The task, h.owever, bas
beer4 no easy one for tthe Canadians,
as the casnalty lists In the papers_
during the past _week bear
amPle Pad painful teeiimony. Ort the
ever- better for the Allies than at
emy time leince war began; It is quite
evident :that the iron ring surratuol-
vine Germany and her Allie,e Is be-
st -ming tigitiferrt
Ito the 15th of (June, 340,128 oren
bad joined the color:a in Canada. In
the 'fortnight preceidieg this elate,1251
*nil -steal in the London :district, '1,602
in, Toronto, 555 in Ottawa. and Kings -
too, 561 drt Montreal., 124 in Quebec
452 Lthe Marithrse Provinces, .1,i100
Oilanitoba. and, Saskatchewan, 600
in (BMW] COluntbia, 'and 607 ir Alberta.
-The total enliabrents 131/10C
the start are: No. 1, London, 28,467;
- No. 2, Toronto, 16,971 (one urit to hear
'Quebec, 6,525; Oa. 6. Maritime Prov-
' ince% 31,371; No. 10 Manitoba. and Sas-
katchewere 70,188; No-. 11, British ICer-
lumbla, 81,309; No. 13, Alberta, 30,764.
May .16,090.
St. Columban
The .dry goode, clothing, ferniture,
' harness, grecery •aasa shoe stores, lona
Beattie's' Variety Store, in Seefarth,
will cies° at 12.30. each Wedeesday
Father ;Witte Presented With An
Itrve gathering of the peaple ,of St.
Oolumba.n, Assembled. in t he Parish
Hall, ao ;read and present to the pas-
tor, Rev. P. P. White, ian :address ex-
pressive of their esteem tend good
him with a raise to purchase an auto-
mobile. The chairman, Mr. James
Doyle, very eloquent taitd, 'appropri-
ate .theiguage, explained. to His Rev-
erence the object of the meeting.
After:the `treading of the (address and
presentation Rather White, replied in
his, usual .feeling and, happy mariner.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in (Social Intercourse and euchre,
The dry goods, clothing, furnitu.tie,
•haroess, grocery Jared shoe stores, oaid
will close at 12.30, each-Wedeesdayt
during July end August. :
NOtes.-The Meadows are doing
Wrote ,Menary, of Cranbrook, v./I--
Wog ot flie residence of .Mr. J.
held tat
+tzus 1it%wn and
the ,Large t gath
McC v n., lsr., ih
good, te•1 h for
, party
•and ` Mr.
aS a •iariiiian.t Success.
G 1411 1 rare exceilcnt,
rew `"their ,es
au cul h topen2 o
rs. Williec7
rr enjoying
,The .mang
lady hoe
to . 1?r
eorge Ku:n•
111, e, regret 'to
Hexer . Thornton,:
he:-Ia. is Ibratio-
wingh cu •:--Cat LI
titrerOup and. ac -
of '14e. -Church
be k `sure stating,.
sap; : There 'are
feting Methodista
r of> rdiesastiefiedt
e " :the. Presbyter-
orm Ilttle church
there, , we dml't
the small frig -
are going ,to' ,rdo.
hey 4 come a-
We pre lct :the
armo' y anal 'Sue-
friiodts [ • thio es
;eke ,wiIil1 1 �1{.. n. j y.
tits*_. `f • 8 •>ihealt .-
,still (Conti r ues ver cr
Isar Mir. Mrs;
liave ibeen vialt g
,er, ,Mr. • oaks), at-
d seelea1 + ve be ;n
Lave. >ie1 ' vcitiit'
TTnion_ • ing to
we ease . •leiaed to
a Miall n
Pr€isbyte :,r•:J t^31
Ian obi c • trx: y
s+ocietiea + ere • , •
know wh'a• on
anent of, e,th f •
If theye
long with the of • e
fulletat • u!nt + f
Cess ;for t e Unit ed
✓ Trogia
el .
The E
of IMr. • .
oras (czar Iby
sat xwpek : 0, Mitt.
known pi • tight,
.pent tall • e
in .'this v init.
took (p r :' on„ -
wt ,lalrg : At,
ma!n,s .e int rr
crterp• Thwe ` ts3'n 1p: th
gds- cut o .Mrs
three w.ho sur:
'Died in • rhe..7QV :t,'
of ;Mrss i •orge
a re Ldent of C
, k;,
her jddeah, whit
Pa ti
of her , ught
Manse Jia, esoff
the '
kn. i '
making p
neer old ,
have �tarrivt
It ,wcould
way must'; have
Her f,atniiy of
dmest ters' all
Jaw district,
Mrs. Yet thew
rdar"y. •
- Miesio'na' • ;W
sit the•.ai- T
was !thei� • t : ucc
here,. - Alpo It e ty
and pomple ed e e -en
een 11
t • e-
cer'tifteate M
members_ 01 Ithe
membership Of
hilt .,�diss .Elsie
1ptersa e
radia by
H. irittgles,
Currie xta4
although ,
pry, die Apar
reply, •w2rlc ,• • was su
few w ds ! from M
en_g .•d 1n De
e is visitingge. 'reiatti
,Terry,berry, of
aying ,at :her ho'rne
es Nott; of.thel:,o,
In: Johnleft q
tehewan, where th
s `..next two months
beam fo
admit Of
of Mrs.
held ah, tt-
of Kincardi
lase( ianntial
children , 11
, afternoon, olio
!grad/ante' of lien
1whieti tea ar11
eandt-Oirs. Mo
lot 03xampteel, are
.Moloarenc of -Se
:McLa•re.n. etticielY
broeher last
;the 'columns Of:
e tragic :death
axon, jr.f 'which
'are/limas widely
e district, 'having
years of .14s.. ilife
funeral,' whiCh
4, and the ere-
- in Boyles vein-
fiaXe. And( .the
'the .aoy friends
t ter any ',years
red Fut the home
s. Crosby, at
were ecelved by
ularig are not
and. were •te
t her
er sueldeo,
and; toer
im the Moose
The :lilting bee
ssfutl. ;ever held
ladies asseMbled
;quilt They lip
tf0 41096: of
leasing in-
le bti .the :Htriot
secitc- and Mrs.
elye Miss
8. Mrs.Ritchia,
ettely, by sur,
and appropriate
sociel gatherings
d to with very
Ms-Elio/1 Basta
le of goods te
last week. Be-.
t ty of wai'M plotting,
ere a en. Airs. Pe
ld Ark during tbe past
une 26,t(h and wilt t. be
Rev. M lcolm McArthur,
t ur-day, July let,
be ;held' at Ohe
he •races for the
he d early tin the
speeclies, (after
end little sme
, Mrs. George
vi le, Mias Marlon
eorge Bean, of
d 4.1e funeral of their
The dry lo hing, erni t are.
haniess, ery 0.4 d, hoe stores, (and
will (close rat 12..30 r. • 'Wednesday'
during July! end usf.,
Death of lins.
I;; of the Mill
rider Reid. -Mr.
Mns. 'Reid, sed event •oc-
eurred at her ho ,Diarnond
Alberta, on Thar y, JU.110 15th, after
an Meese of e ration. , TOe
ford./ land ught hi ol in that city
for somo ,t e. Afte ber marriage
tiMr -Reid, hey Irk:o ed Ito the ,west,
where Mr 14 died at .13,1g River,
teaching p fOselen ed, up to , her
last illness, c e of. a school
to 'whoir, ,th (symaath of tell will go
out in their re,at itts
garden part to be el it the *Kipp*
Road ischool growl. on Wedeesdate
the Red ‘C SS S ie ye' There will
Oe fa good, pr ram e, in.cluding iselec-
ost Pleas , affairs of the season
shoul bear t date in mind,
;Football.- ;well o tested football
match ,was eyed on the 'recreation,
ink last be een the kickers t. of.
a good exhi. tion et football, the
irg considerable thrie, the Tacker -
smith boys &red. the only goal of
by 'one (goal laS the played; a 10-0
game an Stanley last w ek. The fele
lowiDg 410 'Tucker rnith line-up:
Goal, .7 .Hawtborne; its, p. Ryan
lase '1Wilesoi Wright, J. oKay, 0. Mc-
A.W. Dick, -The next • :ame • 'WILL be
platrad in, Sea th on reenday night
No. es.
, • Or
kind, Inst
hope f
L: J
has t •
y .giobds, clothing, f
!grocery and shoe s ,.
Variety Store, . in
e- kat . 12.30, ' ,each W
+sly Aid Auguste
faring. Services -T
Amery lety, of
then w'11 . 1d their
entre services, "which
by Rev D, J
Sunday morning. T
er fortunate in secu
t • for .,this occastt n,
as a good sermon. P
of tine Soc°etsa are dein
shook), receive a
',e ere sorry ,to
ge Meet a much;
: '' • •t: Of0 village,
la; i • : • accident 1astf tw
ger ting' into , is buggy,
11 bapkward, fracturm
alaylor is not. a
will be coufi
y weeks. 'She is ,
Hutson . tan her man
her tape trecov
tarrott, son of MT.
rott, who' had enlis
t:.faurost Blatt. at ,
transferred to the
rd rovi11 sbdrtly leave
is marry E.1l pen , frie
safe return. --1. M•:
r ' iF,a3r'bairn, are recti
1 tiOnts; a y$ung son
1o4ne.-•Two excellent
ipratehed by Rev. Mr
i;j,t last Sabbath.
Mills cb!urch, Clint
to be _proud of
and Mrs.: Harper w
Mr. sand IMra. {Isaac
re. -Mrs. McKenzie
during !the past
tt(en titian tb her rno;.
• Donald McKenzie,
2 years, Who recent
Mrs.. Samuel Thonips
been -with heir daugthe
• • lie, tat Brucefield,
s, returned home,
Ki pen friewelcome
icy Clar of He
ec=ntly enlis el with t
On visited ith his
. Ander of the
.e Mitt we k. --Mr. a
r vialtiec with the
rs ,S, Poplestone of
,ee .=Mrs. John H. Pett
• r may, in company
M s. John IDinsdale of
ft Rile week • on a Zvi
sIs er, Mrs. Ed. Taylor,
rSa k. 'It Isnot often
on, eh' outing (of
he many friend oris
e3$arpt` thcip an4ia ea
. and 'Mrq. lorrnan
ed front their ho
ere now getting thi
Their bee tlfull ho
1 of St,ailey. The
lend wish them ma
from- our :v1ci it
W.m. Jones, who ha
in Hen '1• Mr. and
e :the t of in
e loathe to lose t
ar loss wit t be Hensa
ua1 -•um - Sunday
be held to ii yfie
y, June 9th.
lot C
tad f
order an
'lCippe ,f
and Is
to ce
41W, nat
• Picnic
, for.
ere. --
n Rotxrl.,
aesda o
t' And-
coil? be
.qts, ' of
e ladies.
n ,Mr,
Le he
to her
f riendss
*nee tr.
• Mrs.
d. wish
. Mrs,
': carr-
e mons
e goa3
n havE
lit (pas
re the
J*; :cart
as in
n old
h, a
4 her
eel bask
.aFP er's
o the
en -
it: to
t' F-
s in.',
, bar
s gain.
. Riney kr
ber A sae of R1 evale, too lace
oh .1 dnesday ;go ping, Jun 14th,
ceme rit cal. The funeral hel On
re,sid,e e was' largely atteted; .r by
filen , .I-, latives, business an • other
Rev. sra /cod Tate, pastor o ii Knox
ehurch a slsted by Rev. D. D. Thom. -
hymns e g were chosen for Spec -al
psa,tre `` here Is a Fountain Pilled
pallbea er were friends end eeigh..
remain w re born t its -last seing
by idle sr mbens formed in. a tier
iaround he grave. Rebert Netso EV •‘:
.a. One of the Most vi II re-
urney oorth In March, 1856, hen
e wei ti e years ea age, to the
ick (I) 1-1 in the township 'of urn -
.9* sarSd ft r working' tat fern; rk
r la :1 be secured employro t In
a ea. del which was run, by 1 o n
h st lb reeved wife, Miss ne
,a, le X tan end after Lying ar a
8 0 be In
b ital. for a number 145 y
was Stewart ,of Bduevale, er
.riv and, for twenty- a
roe. er buscness has been
rsed to Which from time to
tr e ha een added coat, ce ent
Othe es. On two occasion the
burned to the gro
ON . EXE'`
ivialisi both forea re it. In ,19
the OlvappIng Mill and . orate : pow=r
• lie bought frroar' the to • Josep 1
...4 eeid operated by the tried
rt; Jl1orar,- .when,50d. *
M• t Mstrtyeis Giem:, a it.1 fwas hi1ow
llyk (he . Asti the last lour vot', h
►b 'tiler, the tate," W. s D ff,
C -tes, C.ty, Man., haul g p educe
e • Merl 90 . Deeember, : 13., ,0f Glx
eX dren, inc rnc, Robert '.Nel on, di--
limlfiancyt , bothree +s : n,cl fp
Otters are left to poop, he io.
of a igeoa. f atiber! i iW, J. : t utf, ,f
St. PJh ag;,. B. Duti, •'tor .f:
th �li�,�eilandTelegraph Rub,
D, Co g, N.Y., ; .cbl. - _
n, of (Beeston ; and Mar Ev.,
Cita y ton, att ho(.rre,.. e al ,lean - s
t;t gra,ndch dre i, erro d an 1
E • heli ,Duff, of ,Well:; i/ : , d 'Da -
oit ' et ,A..tkexi; sof Ston. R. , ., Da
;wiais► �& faJt hf r a:,erri• • of Knox
ch arch. He stook ,a gre:: t :xit `tett 1
'r bleeding - Of thte ;ew % churc
e ,yearn go, 'served for : man
test the 'oar of (. ante ` ors. an
la agog parsod was (is•, peri tende
o; be' ,Sunday Schaoe po tete, h
an .tar lent Refbare a , he
(th • foff ce • of resident of t • e Bee
H • Reforµxt .Atasoesati'n fir th
Ye ries 1904--7,+ Ile .was on sof, • e ear
t r • ,•box, (af, the • •• Or • er o
elslters., idol ng` Cour Do Bias 1
and twos ai,so a wre,. ber •f Cam
nira, San of Sco land Win
11 • � One of the chief inte este o
II' ijlffe •wear, ; the llterrat re I : • star
of ,. ,.fiend, the land of, `' castor
IR +• Duff was an i uor : hit • an wh.
he „ 'the reSoect and •' .'de ce o
(the ootn:,mun;tty and lake bus ass as
ISO,'' • tete throughout hl,s ifs, He we,
a•taiU of putbi.c epirtt, who (neve
,grit end, it ixte land tabor in t ying. ,t
'ad,'v a the pubs:c we are whiff
h',Is PonaldersatiOn for t ose in ;ris
dor• uns oetand,Aos. stietreas : a" own ,i
• IRM FOR RENT -Adjoining email, in whol
or i part. Chiefly paature and ha JA ES BE
Eensall ms ent las
Week, but Which intscar ed th
Mai s, see pege 3.-A lax ekeu ber
Lib rises were in the v111 e Tues
anoual strawberry fest val. of
1, venIng
ises go be. One o.2
...etc. The Ilensall hand will be
to melon on Thursda..y. to tne
pla•c 'is visiting hi the villa e k -this
wee -.-Dominion-Day w be °laser
ved an the village this. year ,wh
the filet Annual raee etin /ride
Will, be' fheld. The Hen,sal ban has
been. engaged, for the eaten. The
ows Greer.
2nd 12, rd
.42 third
omm nee at
ate aad,
rtt at sight.,
eside t, rind
e a spices
0:1 Ohl:4
the hunt
rtet ▪ w..1
folio s
tre t is in
:Mess El not
Ling her -
here scpen-1-
Carnel church Dads, Fri
3rd, 415„ The races will
1.30 pan: All belf mile
An* Joan Trot tinglieulets
Rep e Sxnallacombe secret
of 1 Ladies' Aid Spele
Vil ge, will be held, In,
on, ed-nesday evening, n
the °rest City Male Qui
be etent.c The concert
stor ,for ,all .attending. --
Mu ock ,Who has been v
'siste An Alberta, is home-
ing a couple , of months with her
pare t,s.--.1We „have this eek 1,10
She era, relict of the la e Mr John
She rdolo h,er 67th yea, ,t Tede-
5-0M1.` years, and during the past
11. r Ilness with great Christia, par -
had, a lam. eercle of relatives, and
and ively :disposition. She lea es '-
mourn' lat.r lose two sons, John, of
Tucla rsmith, Ori the homestead tarn:
vtaSOMe ' months ago, and on da. Ozer
Mns,IF. (Mame, of this Village. An-
other daughter, Mrs. F. Woad t• assed
away an the west some years age. This
of th1s ,week to thei,M,cTsag art em:. -
funeral service twos held_ ItTh rsday
tery and the , family have (the eym-
path of ,the community in their be- c
rosy eats -gr. Will Fee d later f
jury 'The yelatives and ilriend of
Mrs. ohn. Moues°, of Hay, (will egret e
end, 11 (hope for her (recovery. :Airs, $
Mc , tof Loudon, spent a (few` days
at ihe _former home near Theme villp.,
hats ,r turned, to town.
to rp1e, ;4;05 tox , 4,15 ;in jute ,b +
bulk, seaboard, rd, $4 o 84.10..Millfee+
Car ,lots, per toes delivered, . -Mo t-
r°a,1 ;fret/arta,Win, 820 to +$21; shots
$24 to $25; n:idd425 i to 826 s
g •feed, flour Fe hag, 81.80 to $1.-
65. ,Pot�atoe•-•Ig, Qntarlos,, $1.90;
Dela,w,ares $2.10 to . 2,15 westerns $i.-
25 out of )store•; 1n, car lots .15c less.,
Ci e
1Live Stock Markets
Puffs* June 20-rCattle-Dry f
active and steady; grassers_ siow d
istockeis :and leeders 37, to 38; steck
heifers ;6 to 37 ; fresh tows ond
ors iactive.'end then, ;50 ',to $110. Veals
llogs-Aetive; heavy land Mixed, $1.0;
yorkens 39.50 to 310; pigs 9.50-; rOu.ghs
yearlings, 35.50 to 310.40; wethers 48
Montreal, June 24-191e. 'offerings 'cm
the Ittarket this morning forleale 'a-
mounted to 70Q cattle', 500 !sheep and
Irbougt% :Ttre hisrpply&,11ot ce,90t0tieelalwviasesefu411;
300 head' larger ;than a week ago
the strength in the situation was
Miele pronounced than eYer, and prices
generally sewed a feather advance of
25c per etivt.: There's were ho full ear -
IMO a &dee steers on the market,
bUil int ;few swill lots soldOes high as
$10.25 !to 310..60, whge, wane bulls
brought 49 and choice lots of coves $8.-
75 per cwt. A stronger' feeling id,evel-
(*Jed In the ariarket for hogs today,
and prices scored an aidsrance of 15c to
30e per cwt. as compared with a week
ago. The demand from packers WAS
were made at 311:50 to 11.80 aridrough'
stook tat 311.15 to 311.44, While slaws
$5.60 to $5.90 per cwt, weighedl offk
cars. .A feature of' the smatil treat
trade was the further weakness in
-tile market for sheep and prices de-
clined 25c per cwt., which Us due to
the dnertased offerings. The de -
mead tor spring lEumbs -was gotid af
from( 35 to 37 eaoh. iCalves. were yery
20. -Two- loads of butcher cattle
breught record, Prices for the yards
this Morning. Eleven he.Etd of butch-
ers (offered by Durm end • Levack
brought ,$10.75 and there • were two
other loads and part loada and." coa-
Stich transactions did not repr•esent
a Mach stronger merket than last
Thursdo,y's, as the quality" Was extra
choice, but still for the best, ,a,Mongn
amoiderate (run for a Monday, there
was eteady eto stronger trade bat
for common to medium grade batch-
cher& the market was draggy acids
weaker. It pa takcost a certainty that
before the, week Is over Valuee for
common grass cattte will be cot. Bulls
were Oste.ady, but cows were easier
though drovers -at the opening asked
what buyers considered exofbitantt
values, land had to climb kliorw,ni later.
It "JET CIlleSt10211Glible . COWS Will
continue rfor long et the 'present big/3
quot,atiores; To -day's was the strongt
est butchers', cattle triarket tthe
heat -cry of the yards, the best Arr-ong
the ca.ttle seal:1g up to .75e per DO
pounds over. *he Buffalo prices, twhere
the cattle for the most part are
corn, ,fed. So far As the best 'grades
.tof jbutcherS Are concerned, there( Is
not gruch prospect of a decline le,
valuee, that ds, the drovers follow lap
their praetice of the pats,t few weeks
and 'curtail is.upplies. As was to be
there was ino call for either stock -
era or feeder's. wete slow;
but epringer,s not toe far ,backward
were 'active; small meats came under
the buyere"kolfe.' Sheep closed 26e
lower land lamb values were cut
to .50c. The best veais were steady
and an demand, but common carvee
dropped from. O5c to 35e. Ologe, alight 1
run, ,fferred up to ten (cents. Packers
quoted weighed off ears at $11.15,
slecta $11.25 and fed •axsd( watered at
510.90. Corbett, and Coughlin,sold
24 loads; best heavy steers, 125010
1350 lbs, 310.20 to 310.30 ; best butch -
59.40 Ito 39.65; medium bu-tchers, $9 to
bulls 7.50 to,8,00; best cows $8 to
58.25 ; gredl tun covesi7.50 to, 7.75 ; com-
floe !spring .lenribs, 16e per lb; 20 cat-
vesz$11 to 312; hogs, .$11 fed and wat-
red. J. B. Shields and Son sold
Ivo loads; butchers, 14, 1000 lbs, $9.65;
one, 800 Its, 35.20; two, 815 pounds,
8.50; one pull, 1180 lbs, 7.00; 11rillt-
r, $60; wing lambs 15 8-4c to 16c per
nedy sold seven loads; butchers, one
7.50 to 38,25; one deck of hogs.
311.15 ,weeighel off ears. berm ,
1060 pounds, 37.90; one, 1144 pounds.
$7.90;12, 1160 pousods, $8.25; eight, 1230
120 sheep, wools, 39 10(310; clipped ,$5
to, 38.75; he,a,vy fat sheep and cello
eamisa 14c to 16e per lb.; MeDenald
Halligan solcl 14 care; choice heavy
.85 Ito $10.25; common. betchera $8.25
on rnediarn hurts 6.50 to 7.501 best
nd (springers $80 to 3100; 'medium $60
1 $70 each. McDonald and Ilalligan
old, foe tH. G. Clark •of Georgetown
°ice isieers, weighing 1320 pounds
ach, tat 1310,75 per cwt. \The follow -
g are the quotation's: Choice
ea.vy steers 39.90 to 310.50 ; butch-
rs nettle, choice, 9.40 to 0.15; good,
.10 to 39.26; nseditun $8.65 to
.86; Common 38 to $1.25; • butcherto
75 to $5,25; butchers' cows; chafes,
mmon $5.25 to 5.75; stockers. 700 t
Pounds, ;6.76 to 7.75;ehoice feeders,
horned, 950 to 1000 Its, $8.25 to 38.85
nem and cutters, 34.00 to 35.00;
.ilkers, choice, each, $75.00 to
$60; springers 850 to $100; light
es, 38.50 to 310; heavy shellk 6.00
S8; sPrirg lambs, per lb, 15 1-2 to
; calve% gbod to choice, 89.50 to
.25c imedium 7.25 to 8.50; logs, fed
'watered, $10.00 to $11; weighed;
Tor.Mto. June 2--LIve, spring Prat-
-ere,. Ogle 0.,.mol a half pounds and 'over,
"tto 45c; aid fowl, 117 to 4.9c; ick-
Dreseed-Spring broilers' 50 to 55c;
cad ,f wl e5 27c; chickens, 25 to
Dairy Market'
excartons, 27 to 28e. Butr, cream -
'28 to 9c ; choice dairy. 'Prints 25 /to 28
26c; (takers' 23 to 24c. Cheese- ew,
18 1-2e ; old June and Septerrber 1 g.!,
22e; tiviins 22 1-4c; triplets 22 1-2e.
Grain, Etc.
Toronto. June 20 -Manitoba Wh t-
$1.12 1- . Manitoba, oats, track,bay ros
18 1.-20 American corn -No. 2 yellow,
.82e tr k Toronto; 78 1-2c, track, bay
ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 1 tom er-
cial. per ear Jot, acc t to
arerclait 94 to 960; No. 3 co r-
ola}, 90 to 92c; feed. twaseat 83 it0 t
No. 2 nominal, :carlot, ;1.70; accor ng
to sareple, $1.20 to 31.50. Barley- sit-
ing, 65e to 66c outside; feed, 62 to
63 cents. Manitoba Flour-Flrat t-
onds, $6; strong bakers, $5.4 In jete
bage. Ontario Flour -Winter, tr k,
Toronto, want shipment, stecor n
lciet Foot
Outing Shoes
Fleet Foot ' Outing Shoes are made for every Sport and,
recreation and'are acknOwledged to be the best wearing and:
neatest fitting Outing s4oes made in Canada. Fleet Foot
Otiting shoes cost no mbre than thti ordinary .kinds—ta dis
tinguish the Fleet Foot always look for the honey combi
sole. We have the sole agency for Fleet Foot Outing shoes
and carry a complete rahge of styles for Men, Women and'
Children. A few of thei styles are mentioned herewith--
C3Men's Athlete Shoes, with blue -black canvas uppers and honeycomb
rubber.soies, low cut style for Lao, high cut for x .25.
Men's Yachting shoes with white canvas uppers and white rubber
soles, low cut style for 1,25 high cut for 1.50.
Ladies -Yachting shoes with white canvas uppers and white rubber
soles, low cut style for x.15 high cut for 25
Ladies Idler Shoes with white canvas uppers -and red rubber
high cut style for 1.25. •
Boy's Athlete shoes with: blue or tan canvas uppers, low cut Style
for go cents high cut for x.oio a pair.
Misses 'Yachting shoes With white uppers and white rubber soles
high laced style *for i.00 a pair.
Mail and phone orders promptly filled.
Wanted to Purchase'
Stratford, Ontnrio
rod Can Seenre a posit on if you
take a, course 'with us, ; de-
mand upon- us foe trained help it
many tunes the number .gre,dhat-
ing. Students are entering each
week. You. may' enter at any time
Write at on.ce for tom free catalog.
D. A. McLachlan, Principal.;
Toutig Men
Young Men or others who are
can serve their King and Country ; •
by hilping on Munition Work. Ap-
ply to
Sethfmth' .....“4,444444.440444440.4*
If you have estry western town, lots'
kyr fealn lands that you wish to dia.!
pose of it will pay you to mite. tO
2530x3 „Berliro
; Praetical Boot Repairer
; Eatetece througShe'a:°Wrillthie Boot.
Prompt attention to all repairs.
Best leather only use& stock •
special leather f or founder'.
workers and hard wearers. 1,4t.
Note the Address •
Opposite Expositor offies *
of the
q Copy for the neit TelepFkone Directory
closes on the above date!
q Order your telephone now, so that
your name will be In the new issue!
q Report cha.nges required to our Local
Manager to -day.
Tlie Bell Telephone .co. of Ca
" MeLde to Measur
Suits a_rid
IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambitton
give our customers the best. possible satisfaction
in :he tailoring business. Our suits 4nd overcoat
are inade in a high-clails. careful manner. They have
earned their reputation from the way they are tailore
as well as from the pure materials from which they are i
made. The quality has always been a prime factor in -
our tailoring, and always will be.
In spite of the fact that owing to the war, British
woollens have advanced greatly in price and tailors all over Can
ada have been compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make
worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within the
range of every man.
—and we never had a finer range of Spring and ....um -
mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of rich, fast color-
ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men,
middle aged men and old men. • It does not matter whether you
are a style enthuthast or just appreciate quality, tailoring and
value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and
examine these new materials.
Let Us Be _I OUR Jailors
W. D. Bright Son