HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-23, Page 5AAA OF SOAP Sales oil Comfort enough soap to F.5 feet -thigh and Th'& of it! completely. s€tr ;ty of Tetce€i ci. E D0 V' sets, I. v.-e,lAM 30,GEWT, CIS Sea? .Nampa The Business Of F is g 44 hs -Met the buaiaes: of Mann ac ur1ng-shc\aldbe done In a practical baldpate way. Prose da should be put in a ban Payments old be made by Cheese. A certain percentage of the profits abouts be put in a Sastre! Account u an emerge, fund! The . who has a cash surplus in a. hank, Is pro apo$ bad ~ow and herd times. mariter the ThAT EtatiMitr4urs- tositur bateau* they e els. e(r- t:- taria: .ore encs extenti4 4tain. ir,r. i ver. that our Ind system s-ili be over- That syotem, which exists t,er countss- in Europe, gives -cd of nearly ail the laud— necessary of life—into the a compo e tively small unto- Rrso ns. it permits the land. Id up and put to inferior .o no use at all. No think- with any foresight, can con- tt such a system, in view of of the nation can dontinuE ase of the notion, which Is ix take place, by bodies of 5 hold extreme views with, to the lu d--nationall ers, e. and others—it becomes in ever wise and necessary a numerous rural popula-• ich at all times and in alit "has prored itself to be aft for safetyeand restraint in. omy of a nation, Our rural are already enough depleted taking steeds to turn them •cert. as anxio s as - anyone to ,n our Emire; but surely it way of defog it by weaken- !east eaken!east and €:o.mtr4* " le Mood Much $ : sery IS WHAT ,1KES PEOPLE i, WEAK AND Iht G 31D., e tsouirce most €o-4 the trills-, affects men and ,women; and chit tr.'n IA poverty of the If you consult a doctor he i are anatrfe, which really Lidless. That is what makes g along, always tired, never igry, often unable to ,digest d, breathlt s after the .slight -t rtion and too often on the ice; plete breakdown. weak, Laurin #`tic people have le strong, energetieand cheer- eking Dr. 'Williams s =7Pink Pills any otl e' means= These! Liallse !€rake' new, rich blood aches every` part of the may, ns the nervesan,dbrIngs new 2d !strength .The following rise .Dr. 'Hila, ts_ PInkPtlla to re- a.lth. Mr. Geo. Turner, 'New 4,S.., says: t°No doubt duet to hard we, p gotin a badly ri condition, ' It took very tits /On to tire ire, land try appe-� far from seing good.. Often 1 dachas, and when going up after any saght exertion, r3, ould paiptate violently,, and conslderahh'_y alarmed about itioist I deelded to take Dr. Pink Fills and after using lea I felt ,n9 uch beltter4 I ;•* dug the P O for some Weeks id they ec:tpletely cured me., ar.Tiy rpt- urnerd this medi- ren who ,ire weak or, run • get the pills %through anyt 'stealer or hi' mall, est paid,. .0 a box Or slA boxes for r The Dr. Williams Medicine kville, On . Lt thec e of heat- --piece fire -pot which Lures of the Sunshine sl for which it is note& 810 Edge r„y And a service you are proud telt Your tannin about. cake the Anther icon "spares” thzt ase not doh on the zar, but out i wearing the "+T` =olio ieoX Ptiderlaposergen D --the 4oake10 $sets the it best raw' 071/0iSESE 3 t *um E guitar ICT litgTTE ! ‘ S Debts o frowns. -- The folloseir g government report ;gives the. debts of sse eeveral towns in this portlob of li'lestern Ontario as follows : Chcstey, 1110,000; IKineardine, v.4 -Loop; Wialri on 4182,000; ' Hanteear, 8121,000 ; lrea.- , r226,000; Owen Sound, 81,156,000; Clinton, 4177,000; Goderlc"h, 8568,000; Peaforth, 8281,000. :wingbia m, 8186,000; [Walkerton, 448,000.. " - Stanley Salmi Report. -The following is the assort of the School an -Section No: 14, Stanley, for the - monthof May, Agnes are `.n order of merit : fifth - L. tS iydo ai.-d. A. tie PiiSher; . XV -M. EA. Couper, . V.M.G.- J,a'rott, Mr. 0. Coll' ns ; Jr. IV-V. R. M4C1y-. ttnont, G. J. Cooper and NI J, Blood; Pr. JA - E L. Hyde, 'and W.J.M.oss ; jtin`•:or Ilii -L. S. Near, W. L.. ork- l sandil L. M. Poster; Second-- . A Res,. {i,• C, Workman, D. 0.1..Fo ter ; 'llecon4 Part-C.:Br_drge,s; A. Brid gens, E.Poster; Forst part -H, A. l7ir s- ,, i,,M. Mer -am. The best (spellers Joe the monthly evening matches ,were Os follows: F' fth--Anna Fisher ,Sr. thlintrth, Sidney Thomp on ; Jr. Ilii, - Slla, ,F... ier, Sr. III ---Erna. Hyde , Jr. III -Luella ,Foster, Second, - Wallace Maas. e --.r s A 'safe ,(gentle, and inexpensive lax- ative Pum Ors "-Resell Orderlies," (kept In tete bOire will pay,the biggest divi- dends of any investment ever made," .Ve land 25c, exclusively at"Rexali (Drug Stores. C. 3,. iWilliasts. • Hensall (Tao Late for Last Week.{] Briefs_ -Fruit and grain prospegts Ir this locality are very prmr:isin,g.r--Mr. 4G. C. >etty was in tio'ndon, the first party of dhe week ,attending .the Syn- od. -James W. Bell, D.D.S., has re- turned from Harrisburg, where he had been (practss'i:ug during the winter and early (spring months to look raft r his farm there during the surnn ler $..3 McDonald has the • exce,rt trade e. for his new red 1/4t rick dw twist of the post office. - s Mrs. Btantsron haps returned. froirr D where ;she ;hras been visiting ,wit' ton Niiliam, and spent several very ple.asantly an the City of the Straits. --We (regret this week to re- port ,the tdea;,th' -of Nellie ;Horsley, sec- ond ,daughter of Mr.. RIChar1) Hoes - ley, which road event occurred . i a.feer Some .three weeks illness of meas -les, followed; by a severe attack • . pneu- mon-a ,in her 1lth year, an thatde - ite .the best. of medical are and nursing, and very much sympathy- is felt for the bereaved: father rand, fam- tly ,in 'their sore ,affliction, ; as Nellie was a parteularly bright and eri- :gag'mg little ,girl, who was agen- eral favorete with all and who bore her revere Illness so very patiently( and, uncthrplaeningly for one iso young in ,years ,and full hopes. (The funer- eal service was conducted In the Methochst church, by Rev Mr. Knigt,, 'the pastor, on' Wednesday n. ,last. Both Mr. Knight ,and, Mr. 3. W. Ortwein, ,as ,suerintenpdent of the bbathehool, bearing testimony to The brightness ,and goodness of the deceased, ;and, her firm trust in her vloun ;and the faithful manner in which She liad ,attended - Sabbath School and church, and her ,willing- ness ,to :do whatever she ,could when oportunity offered. The casket was simply covered .with -beautiful wreaths from the children, boy scouts, rein- -trues and friends. The remains were taken at the close of the ,service t to `the family :plot at Clinton for inter-. trent, the funeral service was most largely ,attended. - Dr. Maediarrri:i ,called ton. Mr. Hugh lticDlarmid and other ,friends in Seaforth on ,'I`hues- day ,afternoon of last week. Miss 'Gladys Petty, : together with her friend, ,Miss A. Hobkirk, accompanied her father, Mr G. C. Petty; and � his auto trip to London on (Tuesday last. -Mr Thomas Sherritt, sr., is }In the sanitarium at .Guelph at present, In the interests of his healfh, <whlch baa 'not been ,goad for some larionths past. ---Messrs. McDonell and Murdoch lave sou ra large number of automobiles during the past two weeks or so, ele- ltvering ,the last one sold on Wed- nesday an St Marys.• ----Mrs. C. SSimp- . Son ,and =Miss Past oScotttsit left t here their on. iW,ednesday friend. ,Mrs 3. Miller, nee . Miss M. Walker, at Alganac. Mich., a summer the resort. -Mr. Geo. Arirstrong, 'Township of Hay, had the tinisfortune get (a, piece of emer31 in. his eye. -while using .the stone, causing pain - -fui injury to the sensitive member. 1. -Mass - S3. • D. Sutherland, spent l a • cot:pre of days in London this week, ,with relatives and friends. -- Much aylr. athy as felt for Mr. ,and Mrs. Solomon Williams.In the eleath last Did -Mr. a;teon e7iInr; etroii z. her Meeks sunburst., The the evening' tr trtttt, after wh1 tiler residence by the best fr'. rads .here great 'favor ten, :s appy' Ocruple left on for,Sarnia tend e- h tth will take in Ty onto, folio' es of the bride's m .w$ lh whain .she' (wars To Ai The2;WItuli haasi ,given i soldiers ve and has de ;aaa,ve is tend� tion, of ,thtt tion;aj r: the , anitob mend dYerS' ,Aces A •ls irvey ,. and sireelfic from lte id dusttr the n saxrte 'work ograp� wat,e'biir n, 'assurance ,a{g &tors, •telegr out sthis op unanimous njg. the c ''sec. io elosa-luip. The showz tion, ;,eld Ing t Diff;e Lively > suiccee wants ache in; „ et utrbe tw,ent `.iclod Tse; ;pr sehoot ty int hey .1 In Bull a w Glen ita;#nl: looks' Ge exit too t me dred rag un ed a turned Seldiers Industrial Bureau uesti+on of retur led eful consideration 1 a. • scheme that: will to assist in Ithe sOlu- hieree Their the ender: turned SaadiE innlpeg Retui It it as be takes, oft .lotion as nt.c ,e .proposi- tion' of re.' C Osrr: - �ned foilo s the itY Certai ed imerciall and in- s setting f rth $: employed on d' ferent . tines of genes al ;clerks, .sten- keepi eV + tor ft :, n , pliers, ;d k rs, ',i: sseng >,rs, en, collecters, nitigraph : o er- 'aught risen nd ones, etc. In c arrytAng hey ,a.re,.recelving the ration of the Wn- .tasters who have ,divided. is tion ,and allotted a Ira ;this a ,quick ne are r tw r aren-, le to mak re,suit of this survey , idispla.yc s . +oh-• ,ands tritlae . hibiti n whi n `h In , test- Bure urine (tl: fins week - et ii es of k w adeax t ated. No ,d o is Of + hi erste prise ed v�i h stere - :.as e tth:a, n: be easily y (sect- on -of the' Darr. Tke erman C almost aver of t carry bor John upon. an. sat 'Ic b� UDI >r t ,di'v# and a Anal D btle;s$ thetPo+intk: has too in torlcally t impiilcatio: phlia{beg :1 so ',a,rke body 'of oft y tot has possi, tesg 'hewh ca`i.•ola ope'iothe en r t in War T' ric&tures no invariably . d e kilt and, et. r i Wever y re :, = d it, h - new onvent ;antis - as a tie, -' d but. hlch : En of 'those rip lye latw ty ears a Teut++nie art o' ,,, ,pie • ti „n . of being to or c onipllzr putts John !the. articl isting lshe;d,. w: riors f a.tion in (thet s piq ant a e jaa, ed .idr. r• y, (fin sal bre oug yea and • hose but kne edy G:au tSc ves -week of their little two (year• San, -from pneumonia: -Tile following (' they I' elating to one of our tHenaall young effect London 7 _.- -... •orf T•- T11 icon aE_ p ',00f t Arrr!y be Caledonia at the 't kilt way . eve the will be onnec- will be u' Blinds in July, 11 �1 e the the .1I1 be It ; is C a followed look to mart. of t1% 'Forty -Sive; lin ,the morn ng of Culloden, or as Mardon- rad ,rudging 'With biontrc through the snows of Corryarriek.' This, surer-, the triers for warfare - roug 7 wild a little, ,and loose all liar onions; not. the red -coat and the feat er bonnet,' neither Of them true to-1g`hland, history though worn with ,hp'nor @y iighla�nd r glments do Tater England,'si bipodiest battle. Th: theme liter asoei a intoxicating elem. nits to a Scot, and tempts oto lyr sx ; u. sober Sassen• -h aray..m ai- urall,' interpolate - with ti e ques'ition, "tis . h�e, kilt an ,appropri . to garb; for no i• :rad 'war?" Pow does.,Ct suit a-lth win r tr he$, or the dent sem- rr,er of GaiilpplI? Who best un.der- st: :'s the - at will i-• : est .under- s,ta< •t hixw it Should �4 = a, question m= while ,diifficult ,to+ Atte. The perfervid High - ' errs who gone through the . eisent ct :- pajg' in eitherl fiel,�d, of. = tion protest that ,the garb ;is an, idea seas, , under any circuit the °kII , 'wil,tp, its thick, bold -belt las uhguelstfb -prot : tihn, . to the aisd, 1:1'0 lam breecthets. In axpn, who put off their Id but the khiak1:,aero w,er hos tact., . ,But ar.pre ; w arts pf the tartan s Car loads about the kilt !mud{ or Orierntal stn shin John' pitted as IVO Aired, the Ser - ;Scotland on oo the cotmi lint-+ Ignifi ,ant - 'h,sah . ;par- air.+e; Bar- one bun- st misses try+ aand then !,his- ntary'. by all iii ;the • Of dress a great am :those Heidi' tan"d d. ? 'gro- ughtsman In ,Fur- unive rhes. Ev- es, i otfgh( iquitcken- e rezr antic i , . Emend urea dxi the : f enllnalia (really philaberg and is 1 gionarie , ,clseern dein in all live bare uhtl want by tti er rt ger wis 01` e tic" fee, erur alio of ens ser cin. the. tar- not.f minine, ,and coam- - S otla d's c ntinued, tis. ge of 'a col garb. ,tion , 'however, naturally+ efuses est �of J hn Boil with t High - mar. have se) are by no uc one at ally lances, and p13�pd j y a greater ! al organs:l ardpoli, the ` tae and wore i peedil, !. iii slnterested sib1y from, %iso enthus- or Flanders t ticklish question apart, how- ever, we. (fl ..7 safely tae that (the tart s Ito nc+w, ,being we? for the last !Ore rIn ar.• Ch +! ers, when Secretary O tate bar ,'car in' 1881 node de Scotland. furious b " a. propoSall to. bOJItsh Ln,d.vidual reg'' .ental tar'- tanih Old cito+the all -h� Highland corps, tut 'dicta ; of ,a unit r'+mi pattern. There was ,a gathering f that clans at tSt,afford !House, wiser: a. Scotti,an lord tele tttontee, kissed. (dirk ,and swore thereon: that such a aiegrada- tion Mould pot came to plass. Blit muc't! .water ;ha gone .0 'der bridges , since then ; ;the uncovere,'. tartan kilt ha,s ibeconie 'dangerous to i its wearer In tan age tot °protective coloration, ,and the air -rowed khaki apron • now vv!ar h lbs jour Men on, coot e service Is a, characteristically - stn+id_ British colrtpromise between, ;sem ti;ment, econ- omy, and 00111M0/1 ,sense . If we ,are ever to take the field ta' Win, the .kilt itself . will ,projb;ably be- ' f �a, uniform(' inconspicuous hue taand, the apron aban:,e,d, tho gh tartan, May be ipre- vitrserred. for tees of • • • e. -"`London �9u" 'Let It the a box ,sof Lig elates ``You (sweet- e Sthc; iexclu,sive by all R C. . fta4till�aJrs. k 'pan GerniSnyt's. pre t in - e ,off, ta! ;than sant i : bland it ,aL No onne t tiou the vvtell e Ger- >arers. re are o i ',they is the go the t -esu'' - itehall kh aki. by Its which -cloth, nation ed its mals for kilts it as ,eonslr are , n eh and, Ccult of xper w,aas t ,,less de diff 'pile to ,E It tail w,aa`• .and n d ins T ,aid reet . he `a of doi.lbtiese fa es � no oaore ine int tth Scottish tartan. spk.ng, Grampsa of ,:nat-' There merits, as rt Y :I ra he k d' ha cyst t wil Ls' t 1 nd indeed! havempre:ss d It ked ainst. i s w rance ,and. Fiend it nu_mber3 .a er. SO inordinate Its that a (year ,procu lig ,adequ ns prompted W with f ph Ilabe ,s. o pa etnly ill-advi ed garment was evcly,e lee a kil ,than; a .lel thriek of in te: Gae don cop-. Ithjlr,aw,a nt ;miser rmy' ything e owe 'ou es it cock s i>r ac or o'f tart, nt GoI cri be Wing ca p r . recrulftl g ui ed `t Engla tithed is concern on -Telling kind of t i �e Highland gar e, t . still waz<ms= i e a: A : ash no : ion e Iia, tonal even b Wit l yet n 1 crrcr, "mart'a are Low.an,d -Sco an b.a' one,d lila an- :air -f elLttdhj that :the 'pap p,x Se • t,,and, the ea lest to re n o pow, cats they have away ,n (the co - which wear the kilt >~t i+ais as lir:, not only for 'trhe Celts Tru ,for. r -t' , Lowiander.s, and eve E gush, j not without reason .. th mess v c t: Ign in - was but so here is vcrtls- for the to the istrictly > the oca_ly seirit h regi honors . as -ustrou on the \flags o T tin ter' fiats the scats fa the` pro so pro a7nr • ri a least, H gh xf .sorir in the, 3 gnome ,th .. "Ca,. nett ,arty ly 'luta 'luta b 'ladies appeared in, a happy event took place at the home Of Mr Donald Grassick, of Hensall. on. ;Wednesday afternoon, of las* week, when. their youngest ela,ughte.r Jessie Jean, was happily. united in Marriage to Kr. David noble '1•Fergu- Soll: Of Toronto. at 2.80 o'clock. The ceremony was 'performed by Rev. Mr. ehee of ,a. few -nvited friends., Miss Margaret Rose, of Toronto, was hrsiesmaid, and Mr. E. Ferguson, of that im.ty, was groomsman. Miss Floe- tte Foss, of Hensall, _played the wedrhoig March. The grooms g f -0 and tonishingfr sworn Oril moo* gh mud of the merits pout :The I than . of the V n for one -be,ttalio lisle. and Stifferin friends e not ee lc merits, then .ar nta to the laesthet the stress ,of, came the mbsti as y of he ff4eld4 of bat rain ti is winter ith t but gasp at tthe Pletorl effect of such a figur it, the goateskin cloubtet, bonnet pulled. ,down n (more true 'to trad.tion leng•arry,) the rifle- ver l - n were in [olden tire s, s, and the general 6 1- ett'rs Choc o- s pholce." .Xall „Stores: Wet Spri rops Suitable for La An Ontario and ts of Ont ed wet ather prevented the sowin usual te at the, 'u .,er. Such however, is feeling litlnce the p ueing crops on Ian n are practically as (red the 'Weather i the right° crops be t- way ;and Properly sing crops ours of 't bar ey for .grain, peas for ge, 'buckwheat, Trill gra.40, corn for forage sw, des, white or fiat tu arleY :would likely on fairly- well drain s land. ton bushel eas -per acre tea to give profltab e returns Diets and, litangaria,n Grass have era and (even for. se d =for, ultry uckwheat may be ea ro July 10 orofitable yet ab pa so wo du Or Sowing has OaraP- tithet -present of scold ook. courage the, sibilitles . not yet ktood tasi ever ooked after.! roving sa„tis-1 e date, .are nd pats for', t, .hungarlan r ensilage, nips 'or tape. 16- well even va et gi be ns. on ahrost any k ntlt of land,, ere w.ater does not stand. . to .June 25. Swedes It rive rfn sue a season' as .are having and may e expected. tO ore the e d of Jun het Turni S ter Whit Turnips whil oploses al well if own even a ;suit able or dairy WS. They a t keep a well as et swedes. ape for asturage is of great vain= js p 'aUghed last fall or early th s ring. After plogghin roll, disc t i o o three tkres and rrow befor edhig. After !seed' roll again f rfa.ee Is very dry. . In any case get eseed. hn vwell, ee to It that they ,ar (kept laitrsolut tree frets weeds Or the ne insonthso Neglect this lenpot.,- t detail means fail re when cr re sown late, w porn, ;buckwheat, turnips, net other crops on her kind.s 1 f ell, that is clay!), c 3r loan -s, pea v E xPosirroB Phone Your Orders Stewarts Sell It Fa. ess k ummer Fu nishOgs For iy1 n and Boys Shirts - Black and w ite colored spots and stripes, plai white, tan, and blue outing and new sport styles also soft collar to match shirts. PRICE Neckwear New Silks in all ithe latest color- ings speciall Made for summer WASH TIES in light cool ma- terials and shades. 1.0c to 25c Straws, in s ilor black in fancy b for man or boy. s, Sennetts, Split or -ront styles, nds. All sizes 10c to $4.50 gmiagigsmiggormaagoargammearow Your Orders • Facts You Should Know efore Buying a Suit EVERY MAN WHO COMES HERE is impressed with the unusually. large showing of attractive Ipatterns and fabrics. We have purchasE d nearly double our usual stock to protect our customers against C increasing prices and poor materials. We have made , this big purchase for cash and have procured price con- ' siderations that will be to your benefit WE NEVER depend upon cut price sales to make a successof our clothing business. That is a game that may work some people but only once. TTS THE WEAR YOU GET from a suit that de- termines whether it is a bargain or not. VOU WILL FIND MORE REAL BARUAINS HERE than any where else butit is not because we have lowered the prices, it is because the standard of excellence has been raised. (NOME HERE BEFORE YOU BUY bring $15,00 ‘1.0 with you, you may see what suits you at $1o.00 you may want to pay as high as $20.00. It doesn't make any difference we will give you big value all the way. tamemsommeraaramiirasaa 13dys Wash Suits 50c to $2.50 laVERY mother shOuld see these delightful little wash suits mad of the very best quality wash materials in blouse or R ssian styles. Blue and white, tan and white. Brown and hite, plain white, navy and rese- Navy, Re White, rey with long or short sleeves. Men's Underwear 40c to $2.00 1.4'‘RE NCH' Balbrig-gan made of double twisted Egypt- ian thread, the coolest and best wearing of al summer underwear. LIGHT cotton or wool mottled shade, size 32 to 46. Natural wool Underwear made of light natural wool e omen's Dresses in Big Variety ✓ mucky gpkis, ego. lit tapY. one!' hese crops will ;do ite well ' imust Any kind. of and. tate of Ohici, City Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney ma oath that he be firm of F.3. hushures in he ty and State d firin wilt pay RED DOLL Arp,s ase of Cata,frh by the um of DIRE. FRANK J Sworn to before m and thihscribed in my preeence, this 8th day of :De - (Sea) Notary Pabile. Etali's Catarrh C taken intern- ally and acts the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys xi. Send' 5or teetiroonalle free. All Drtriglata, 75e. Senior partner of ty of Toledo, Co foresail', and that sum of ONE F1 for each and. every that cannot be c LDS CATARRH h the Diced on TF there is any onepine that predominates. in 1 our display of Women's Ready-to-wear department, it is our new Spring and Sum- mer dresses. When you stand and view this collection you wonder if there possibly could be any nicer styles. Every dress seems so per- fect and different that you hardly know which to choose. Made of voiles,crepes,marquisette, .muslin, chambray.s, repps, piques and summer silks, beautifully trimmed, full skirts, long or short sleeves, high or low collars. Sizes .16 years to 0 bust. New Middies Made of repp, indian head, twilled middy cloth and pique, in a variety of new styles. All white and white trimming, with colors and tsiiped collars. This storiel will close on Wednesday during July Butter, Wool and Eggs Wanted This is Lhe Best Children's Store HAVING all the new things for children in big variety and at moderate prices is one of the things for which this town is not- ed Dresses The daintiest little dresses and middy suits for the little folks and older girls at prices you could not begin to buy the materials alone for Sizes year to 15 years. We have a full line of hose, under- wear, hats, collars, ribbons in fact everything the children wear, nd August at 12.30 p.m. tewart Bros SEAFORTH Butter, Woo and Eggs W