HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-23, Page 1k �E `1916 •••••••• � t Store k1u,es a uni reek, ' New inspection-. •„ to' . every mer appoir- e common- o �.. Corset rjot Wear -cos = auitt Isart e to 84,5O a us Covets :ens of lingerie kretty les and narrow ribbons es. oc tSi.00LOO )resses lain or the fanci-. 1 in- this- broad saving.; .c to $3.50 er aists 'en worked artis- white waists.. ae 50c: o'5.5o et icoats auld bedesired' very gaient 50e to $5.00 ess Slips: he garments are and ribbons that .,.. to $3 to Dresses laim a dace in most acceptable are exceptional )o= to $10.00 ds of Goods eetan. etc, uslins offer Prospective [vantage of the to; a yard Hca =th here in an admiration of t€ 50c a yarc. MOW - NUMBER 2532 *****••••••••••••••i•; •e•• 4 • • • • •, . 101 • t • • • 44,4 4 4r 4 44 • z 401 .4 • • • • • • • • • kit• • • • • • • • .• • • • •• •• • • • •: • • • • ,o 3 Children SOc to L.5t r ?fag W & • ••••••••• •eaa s4 u'11 to Hurr • • YES YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY—If y•u gE • old prices for Men's and Boys Clothing. ise _are layer tng their stock now. It means a g eat ing to every purchaser of any gar ent. 125 to5Opere • • • • Clothe Yourself Clothe t Before it is TOO LATE _ to reap • benefit .of our present Low Pri i • .• • • • of a saving looks good to most people and e aro ing out great benefits to our patrons th-se d The above statement of twenty-five to fifty • erCF ing is positively no exaggeration. Buyers who late will realize this fact to their sor ow. 11.35 Buys a Splendid Suit of Clothes t in on people ig sav-F : pc ys. nt av- ire 'too t. ur- e o he es This Month, and can be ' had in any color you s • • _4 • •• 4 • • 4• •- • • 4 • • • Buys a Good. Waterproof Raineoat For a Dan Boy's S 0 Up to" ize Up to-. 0 ize For a Fine Dress.SLifr. Size 14 to 17 172 dy It For a suit of Fin Summer Uncle wea •either in e two pieces r �•o u fi at • 4 • 25c• for g • t fsra]�iie Fine Dress • Sox • • • 1.425c to 50c is the profit y m on every dollar yo0 x . end clothing If Youu ow • • • • Highest Prices for B • • Greig SEAFOR all • -�4,s�em,� 44.4••••+* • • • • • •' • ••i • • • • • Z. • • • • • • • i. • • • • _• • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • •' I • •- Frons; Frank Habkirl The follow ng letter wale .the week }by Mr. John, Habk his oon, Frank, who is with i :Army Medical Corps, and been Rt+att ane,d. in Mesopota;:r Owe Mr. by' sera lies is hot Ali 1be,. 1 tat y .,; use G1 COO: I this axed di to 2eve -.the J' had wr. qu`.t T W. ato cls,.: ed rine ,all dow the an,d hc,a our til/ ',riv wet of of s c ,and wl hip s�-r{ wet�u a; ;g od to EAFO received rk, from.: he Royal bo has has la, for tone, It will be remembered that Jiaabkrk, :wrts recently informed be War Offae that this 'son, was usly 311, .aaad his many friends :will `ibe .glad to learn, that he iw recovering, although still ‘on a May lithe 1916 'Father—I know you ,will tfer a, letter, las Ionlysentl ecru, on Apra 24tht po I wit give you little news. No ting Sooner as I have been d now 'as we 'expect to reach go straight on. at very, very ,ba.s.y up there three of 'aeon 'the ‘`watere had in; Corporal went 'away firs-, -rimy Lay dawn the ,night tten you io the morning and I eather waa hot tad we got ?that ross. to only rest tdid. the TH, FRIDAY', JUNE 23, • 1916 the`r Money more freer} thin in Eastern Canada, Well, we dike Gilbert Plains, ,Doubt - et is an, Eden of 'in Manitoba. arrniers here are blesse4 vrrth !favor- Seaforth have agreed to close fe weather, excellent set1 and a " eaithy ,climate. t Seeding is finished h re. A large hats (been seeded 041 growth has Every Wednesday b=en excellent. Most t e Wheat wa,a WO an April and. In places, shows a rowth of from six to Uzi inches., ats gaud (barley sawn In May, are cov- ng the ground with a wavingahade., present there . as evens « ,data:awn 1 1 McGowa:n's brothers, a block of land ......aa of 1000 acres were taken up, and here . the eaborous work of pioneer life was entered into with energy and zeal, the township then being arac i - cooly all ai. fie prin-evoue state, Her husband Idled 21 years ago and for the ;paot seven years she tad resided. vrith her da.ughter in Myth. —At 0. recent meeting of the Clintoa branch of the War Auxiliary the re- signation ef the president, Rev, ,J K. Fairfull, who recently enlieted., in the Huron, Battalion, was -- eived. warm 'apPreciation.of Mr. Fairfullia pa.striotism was passed. Mr. Jaha Torrance WAIS elected to the , vacant the !close of a young t 1de when Leah, fourth daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. William Wright, a..aesed away tat the ho.zre of Mr. Wallarn‘Johnston, in God:each, with -whom she had made her home, She had been ill tor oev- eral months. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to Maitland cemetery, the seraices being conduct - the High School at Ingersoll, . and formerly Principal of the Wingliam High School has been. aopointed by the Elgin. County Colwell to the position of Public School Inspector for East Elgin, succeeding ithe Late Welberne Atkin Mazy old friends in the county will congratulate Mr. &rith, on his ap- 0Poiniment land will wish him success in his new position. —Mrs, Catherine P. Tinley, in:other Of Mr. C. J. Keller, of Clinton, died at- the faerliy residence, tiler? en Monday 'at the Age of teighty-fave yte,ars.i The late Mrs. Tinley had aeen a great tsufferer for teeny months and death came as a happy release fron Pain land mearineas. She was a Malty Christian woman, ,a Methodist in re- ligion, ,and. oince residirtg in Clinton, church. * —James Steel, Who is employed at the Paget Gr.ain Door Coas alant at Goderich, had his left hand cut off, by the owing saw he mats, oPerating, on Wednesday afternoon of last Week The rope holding the balance. weight broke aad the aaw came forward anti. severed. th wrist/ Mr.. Steel is • a married man with a family tOf five children and what atd,ds to the una fortun,ateneas of the accident is the fact that he hats always been a partial c ripple. The following Merchants o 1 II 1 their Stores here, came from. old Ifuron. Well done oid Huron, send over some. is more of youe thrifty en. Don'ti let all your lliest blood. go , o, „thef war. up, so Keep last IhOlicl of the yoirng nen who ,gc, down tare needed. to carry on ,the progretsts the 130tia, backed up by 'oar farmena., aid -three Marlitoba diS the first Province in e away together on the 16th our great DOZCWOn to opt Provinclai th the others on o rd. It Prolahltion. On the first of June,1183 a to be the isaire boat that we hotets plosed their bars, 39 :wholesale ion in March, eo I -picked oat houses ,and iseve.n breweries were shUt place forward to }sleep 50 «as et he breeze.; Haat good drip down. to 'tbe river base d was ticketed for 'I dia right ship aave rbeen a ‘`walk ng case" all long iso yeti eee ve pot been -very bad. Really dad, I ,think h a :been very good. Ireed, to brin we bay day 1st the mt .e away from there, where e 'such care and iconfort On er a rest of three days 4n. spital. I have met three other M. fellows fr-ont Ce e, and one is marked at is, dIdeat Exhaas ,r ally tells you the here oad although the vel ,rell on,t the 'sea, ve kept Mee, doff d ile, for II have bee tarn oticking around e., There are only a f us in ; this fine th three electric fan ter us, too, for for breakfast ; then .dinner trrug nd butter, a little ea at fou o'clock. S ooked. afte anc the sat tha thin dow OM 'i: 103 : so, war • Al ug of tea, br • 40,4P• our le tea, well • am ee ng pretty fair and h * la; aha ce of ocerie being eent •' En len Who really cannot • oen te the Hills; of India, for tthi hot weather, but far rather, of cOurae, go E Lars, 0.0 [1?eing used to Win, er, with Nonly about at. two oi warm! weather ia • her here it gete as high A quarter in Apri ! not Aar A tie, 4Ray when we land. cit fof Porribay land the In isig tat God is Surely gl • fr IA aed Teta hone there • • not ha e to ret rn there • • ent over t England tia 4. an God does not go bac • yo i trio:. Please write • II oavY1,:g 1 res !tat all have the very I whole iship has qui te taltho ugh Its' this 1.00 ad out a little . They ad toast oranges, eee tea, rice and, o'clock, tter and, ead and we are here. I ng then eel a slight back to stand the ay be however, would ack to forty be - ng the week or o it out as .a dot - nor to ad, I her write to You' had nd you what wia markable an etreet ing I know e for feroake the dear and. tell f me in egards to ley has by this Mon treat on, Hit od health ; to keep or send that she her coun- eep You, y prayer; II I • • • • • ce • • • re 4 P ar • ery • • cora • • • • • • • • • 40 3 • • From G ,ar Expositor r readers an potsted on our well just four ye -ars we landed here, a have occturred here aces were to be e n. Ex -cell nt barns leasing apLdly. n:otor cap are bee ming very wren mot; red over our reeds; ap.,1 .Mr Green, ha sold about tate contented to Ive a horse .year w - a banner 'year for e to trral tatste th an, auto. torts, farmere and, as s character - t Prooperity and h nee spend ether lett FRANK. r to keep e en this ast month since then. up 'to date en on the ming quite nd houses he rural elow,nt We do hope ot wial legislate to the f their power for tenepe Canad,a ,gets rid of this( on :the road auccess; ,Departmentao examine. ing held, laot week aa throughout the province number of ear didattee ar er province's 11 extent of, %curse —t long 'Nay ono are be - these exagrei at this centre. expect ,to take a, ceause, at the Summer «School of Science, Winni- peg, -this suirimer, and at sthe Metropolis, U =lay 'Write yoar readers la city letter. Connected, ao Air, ta/lith the Educational ,develap- meta of the rural elletri4ts, arn rak- ing A course in Elementary Agricul- tur,a1 Seance, to better qualify me. to teach 'Agriculture as a ecien.ca In our rural Ischools. . . The Expeetaor is a welcome visitor here everyMonday and keeps us Polsted !a old Huron news, We would, iness Ths Expositor, if without it blessing Ito us, who left behind us ma,r.y friends, :whom wl might r. ver here„froar, but for the Huron, maga- Youra last tic Collegiate Institute Exams. The following 'students are promoted from Form to Form arranged in order of n. from ithe _weekly ema throughout the year an bald, M. McN,aughton, Elizabeth Keat- ingi Pees—A. Pureed, G. Jefferson, a. (Moore, M C.I,ohnston, It. Love Archibald, J. Livhigaton A. Baxter. airiaations: D. Taman, The following are pr E. Henderson, LG. Love Commercial Cour,se: .J. Maloney, 80 p. South Huron Liberals. I. These ,are resultag 'Illations held. the final as-. ight, H. Due - Turner, It, Wheatley, R. knell, G. t, A. Hughes, cited. but (net the first ea - D. Button„A. C. Freetaa,n. The annaal meeting of the eSoath at the Town Hall, He sail, aa Tues- day, afternOon of this eek, ;at whith ; 'a la.rge representative! gathering of the, (Liberals of the Ri ; 4assembled every inuraelpality of he riding be - 'rag w,ell ,repre,senteart Mr. Alex. 'Mustard, ref Stareley, the late secre- Mr. Harry Smith, of the present efficient cere were elected as !follows: First Ingtard; third, ThE following were appointed chair- men of the several municipalitios • Fritz; Stephen, T. C :S. Boutley; . Tuckers Black; eleKellop, John lett, James Watt ; C Maclennan; Ba.yfead, eon; Hensall, Dr. Charles Harvey; Seafo An. fongainzattion If as ,contstittited for P During July and August DRY GOODS J. Mactavish Stewart Bros. CLOTHING GreigelothingCo Stewart Bros. ARNESS .161 . Broderick =NJ. Gillespie FURNIT URE W. J. Walker GROCERIES Sproat & Sprpat Cardno Bros. T. Daly R. L. Clark M. Williams SHOE STORES W. G. Willis J. E. Willis Variety Store Beattie Bros. as this holiday is for the benefit of the clerks they respectfully request the heople of Seaforth and vicinity to as- sist them by Shopping Wednesday Mornings eral standard bearer lof the Riding for Federal oarpoees. The meeting was brought to a close wIthr the! ta- oommendatton of the eation and re- cord of 'dine leaders of the Moral Party, land also with the expression the 'deep eorrow of, the Libe,rtaie of the sading on the demise of this latra worthy frepreeeetative, Mr. M, ,Y. McLea,n; end of Mr. Robert Gardiner. for many yeam, the chairman of Huron Notes Purchased is. large Clinton Lock .for hauling butter and cream,. • —Pte. Cecil Cooper, of Clinton, who is with •the 161st Band, ,is in tthe bota vital, with ,a broken arm, In setting off a 'street car,,he fell with the abate result. , —Rev. Mr. Moulton, rector, of letd- Anglican churches was advanced to the Prieotherod of the Church of „England. on Sunday of twat week. announce !the engagement of their on - Edgar Henry, of London, "ortmeely tot Clinton, the tr,arriage to take , place this rroieth. ard Lodge," Blyth, Ont., announce the engagement tot their eldest daughter, Margaret Louise, to Dr. J. :A. McTag- gart ,,of Blyth, the 2-earriage to take —Gertrude, the tittle daughter St misfortune to fail over the 130;u:irate on( her home one ,dayt the latter end of 'the week aad break her .arne .The irrjured member is improving as raptdiy as could be expected. —Word has just been received that Pte. Robert Wilson, eon of (Mrs. John Wilson, of Nile, ha,s been wountded, sustaining gunshot wounds in the face. Pte. Wilson is a tremliser of the Prin- titre the has been wounded, .having just returned, to the front, On May 26th. —A native of Londes,boro sectior, passed away early Saturday :mcrrning in the 'person of Mr. William Lee. The deceased who teas in his alfttrininth titre serhou,sly Ill. He rallied from abet, however, end had regained I a rreats,ure of his wonted strength and little change wets :noticed In this; con- dition. until a few days, befere his tle,a.th. He is survived :by his wife and oeven pens and four de ighters. —Mr .A. Johns, Wingham, lost forty fine three weeks cad ehickens during taot Friday night, .by being ki.led. ay a, rat. The lose ls a heavy one as the season for hatching is wed advanced. Mr. Johns arade quick work of ithe rat when. he found hirr in his hen house early Sunday morn- -No very large crowds patronized the excurtaion to Detroit on 1he ing up from Detroit on Monday there were barely 200. The band moonlight excursion on the lake . on Monday night attracted hardly 600 and the trip to Detroit, leaving Tuesday' nib successor., ay township, 1 9.r for all the trips ;wee; d.elightfuLe morning had perhaps 300. The weath- *resident, Was Saturaay under the auspecee of the Weat Huron. Farmer's Instaute ear- ned 230 passengers to the , Royal C.ty. The «weather in the afternoon was very favorable to a thorough m- specteon of the Model Farin; A few of the excuretionists took advanta.ge of the previlege of remaining over Sun- day en Guelph, but the majority re- turned. on the same day. —For some terne past the water and light commissioners of Goderich, have beer, arnoyed by certain vandals who peroest in smashing the tungsten lamps on oSaitford tall. These Lamps have been replaced several tares and at the reeet.ng of the cosnmission last Thurs- day even -ng, wets deckled to offer a reward of ;10 for v-nformation lead- -ng to the conviction of the persons galty of this offence. —Another of the pioneere of this eection, WAS, Oh Sunday evening, call - Vice-preskient, John vice-president, John vice-president, Michael aton, George Lewis TheMp- ulloy; Exeter, r the riding ea was also effected. at ,whIch Mr. John Essery, of Usbo e, was eleeted Preeldeate J. Keller n, 1st vice- president Lewis Tho Treasurer. The same men lappoiated for were coattnaetd At the eicae of the ceediegs, interesting addresses were delive .Thorna,s McMillan, of Kay, 2nd -Vice- pson, 3rd /ice- ed. to her rew.a.rd, tn, the peraon of eeter, Zurich. Jane t Moore, relict 6f the late George McGowan. The late Mrs. McGowan WAS born ,4..n what is known as the Scotch atock, Esquesing Township, In Halton( County, m ehe y -P9,1' 1834, and was fn:arried to her late husband. in 1854 and came to East Wawattosh, 10- ea.ting on the north half .of« lot 30, concession where along with Mr. —The funeral. of Sarah Jane "'Splints, Wife pf Mr. John. Sha,w, -who 'pasted away at her haze Ford,wich on Sat- urday eveiang iaot, was held on Mon- day afternoon and was largely ate tended by isyrraathiezing relatives, friends and. neighbors; a number fbe- saig present from Clifford. and Ful - torte alellst The eleceazed was 61 yealls Of age, W8.0 born 'in Cartwright, Ont., and beades her husbandias sur- vived by one sister, Mrs. Frank Ax- wor thy; of Walkerton. —Mro. Mary Johnston, widow of the late George JOhnston, passed away at her home in Londes,boro on Friday morning heat havirg reaehed the ad- vanced age of eighty years. Mrs. Johnston had. been a resident ef Lon - well known all about this = sectioe, She had been ill only a couple of weeks. Her husband predeceased her by five Years, but she tis survived. by aamily of three ;sore .and five daugh- ters. —The funeral 'took place in Clinton obi Wednesday of last week, of ethe late John Green, of Port Haron, Mich., who died on Monday, after Ibut a !short illness from ,appendicitis. The deceased woo ta native of Colborne township, but had reside,d for ,severai years in Port Huron. He was just in the prime of life, being fortretwo years of a,ge. Ile is survived by bls wife, who was for.merly Miss ,Annie Alexander, iderughter of Mr. William= Alexander, of Clinton, and ere son, Mervint —The ,Whighair Public School Caen' - pus w,ae made an interesting scene on Friday, June 9th, when at 1.30 p.m. at the pound of the bell ,nea,rly four hun- tdred pupas Ana teachers in all met to do their parting honors :to Prin- cipal A. L. Poeliff, who leaves early in. July to join 161st Battalion in Lon- don for ov,er,seas. Miss Brock was mistress of ceremonies tend most ,arranged the aupils, carrying flags and wearing ladies of good ;cheer, In lines, ,teddressir,g the Principal. In many crealsured worele Miss Brock spoke of the stand taken by their Prinelpaa not a few others had taken and of the :esteem with which staff and students regarded the action taken, closing withthe fond regards and best wishes. He was ALSo presented with A handsome gold wrist watch, a gold packet piece and an address. e focal. rgan* ati on pro - and instreetiee ed by Mr. Thos. ullett,t hp Lib - MeL N BROS., Publishers $3.50 a Year in Advance advanced ?dressing station, Wane tin- der heavy ehell firee—The Soldiers' Aid. Scoeity on tag day sold some 1,e00 flags, for which they !received itbe !sum of $108 whicla goes toward 'the hospital fand.—Sarnuel Hicks, of Uattorne, has bought the residence of the late Thomas Carling. Mr alert's/ will not move off his farm for a year,. when he intendo moving to eown. Hibbert Ohltuary4—It is with feelings of much regret that we announce the- dea,uie of Mr. James Broaelfoot of the southwest boundary. peeeased bad rent been Well for about foor arears, ease, 'although he always kept going about euperiatending his domestic af- ftairs, end maintaining aa air of cheer- fulneaa in Idle presence lof this fam- ily, to -.altar he west very much lattath- ed./ Indeed, during the last few itraroving, 'and this friends were be- coming hopeful of his recovZry, bat fate, however, had decreed otherwise, and. at PM early hour en Thersday erotning last, the final summons Carile, and although ttredireal aid waist zum- rroactia as speedily as possible, it, was found that the vital spark .had Mr. Broadfoot°1 life wao an. open; book. He would I 'not, knowingly,„ wror-g any tran, and his greatest pleasure WAS in doing those atto which make the world brighter for those: with whorr he came in contact. lila word was ever accepted •as that of :ionest man and during hIA resi- dence ,Hibbert, which dates 1 back about twertta Years, be mode maay warm friends, always having a theer- ful word, for those he firkt,1 area a friendly and neighborly interest in those who for amy cause Neret or in ta,hy way afflicted, The ftmeral ware held ;from, hio late residence on, Sat- urday afternoon, amd wao largely at- tended, the service being conducted of Carmel Church, Hensel", who in Ms serrr.on, expr-eSsed his conviction, that ithe life of the itleee,aoed had: been ea preparation for the life ,to come, that the mast who reerve;s his God, and Ites fellow man d.uringt life, has !an :inheritance In the ,life ever- Lasfting.1 The yerrains were laid to the home ,where the last years or 4deo hie wife and a (fam1151 of four, children, who feel the blow severely, be 13(1yd-wed by his la.ged mother, two brothers land t. wo sisters, Williser, Alex, and Mary, Tuckers:T.1th; and Mree teiralker, of Michigan. To the tereaved ones, the heartfett sym- pathy of the entlre community will he extended, in this, their styli hour Exeter. Notes.—Mrs .Renthed, of Detroit.. is irtsiting her parents, Mr and Mro, I. Hall. The Ladies guild of Twee: Me - garden, party next Fraley «evening, June 30th,—Mr. Thomas Hazelwood recovering from his Illness a.rd has moved =to the home of Mrs. Thomas Roadhouse in Usberne.—Mrs. Goodwin and ehildren ,of New York State, are visiting at title home of Mrs., Good - win's father, Mr. James and Mrs. Henry Gould have moved« to Orand Bend, where they ,will aran- age the Exeter park and. summer hotel this season. — Miss Margery Clark, little daughter of Mr. and Mre. Bert Clark, -who Iles been Ill for some time Aufeered a relapse last, week and is nOW in a critical con- &Hon.—Mts. Fred BIckbeil and two children, of Clando, N.D,, are visit- eitto Mr. and Mrs. S. nerdat, afr, Howard Quacken.bush has graduated from the Dental college 'eraulkee. —Lieut. William j. of of town, heeS distinguished eeeself on the Bettis of Flanders and 'has beer recently deeorated by the King, being the recipient of the Military Cx thek :Western University, London, and the. awardawaa made for eonspicooles gallantry paid devotion to f duty flu an Meilinop Th:. 1,ate Mrs. Howes.--Anrie May Hart, wife pf Mr, John. Howee, passedi away at her horoenon the 2nti concession on Tuesday last, after a long and trying illness from coneemp- daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Reuben Hart of .Winthrop..and was married'.to Mr. Howes elx years ego. Besid.es her husband, ehe is survived by a family of ;three isnaall children ell ef whom will have the sympathy of the corn - Good Work,—The following para -i graph which -we take frorn a Eureka. California, evening paper, 2rakes men- - lava of the great work 'perforrred by a logging crew in that icity, recently, the principal treember of which was Mr. Mieh,ael Conway, an old 'McKillop. boy „whose =any 'friends in this town- ship will be glad to &ear of his t.i.e" CPAS tin the work which he has follow- ed for Isorre years hi his ,adopted country., The aaper /SAYS ‘`What is coast dif not ler the (woild, was made ,attiCaucp .18 of the tHammoya Lumber Cocraany, yesterday, when one donkey crew Lgot out and loaded log3 which scaled 408,000 feet of lumber. Forty- 11;ne standard logging cars were load- ed idureig fthe regular working day. The men reepthis-ble for this great record were Mike Conway, hook ten- der; Hugh Ellis, engineer, and Louis Gelcovich, loader, and their assist - arts., Supertnteadent Peed, of the Rem:mond Lumber company, State4 ioday that as far as he knows, this ctile coast record. The Late Samuel Roblna.on.— The following, which we take from the Barrie Exatriner, refers to the death of Mr Samuel Robinson, who for tria.ny years was a highly respected f,armers of this township. His many neighbore and friends here, will regret to -learn of hts ,deathe The who ailed' at Barrie on (Tuesday, June 6th, was born at Lakefieid, Quebec, in (..Aprii, 1840. Ile removed to a farm near Seaforth, when a young ,ran and there spent most of his aetive life later t -roving .to the nelghoor- hood of St. Catharines His retired and Mrs. Robinson moved to Berne, sore J. Alberto, Mr. Robinaon en- joyed, ihis usual good health aill with - ie. about a week previous to his death, though he had a premonition some tare before that the call woold. not be long aelayed., He passed away Peacefaily al ai0011 OP. June 6th, and wae belled. at Brampton, where the feneral services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hunter, of , Grace Ch arch, hie foraer pastor. Since earl's* life 'he has beert fartlif and. eoneestent member of the Metho- dast church, in which he bee len. a Clain leader man° years, and eon - tiler St. Church, For man.y years ember of West nected with the on coming to Barrie, be had arso been. a neease, it -he first bkolten link in the fearily chain. as he Is aurvived by tes widow, six eons and two idatigh- ters, The datig'hters being Mrs. Jack- son, of ;Brampton and, Mrs. Gregor", of Calgary4 The eoas are Albert, of parrie; William C. and Amoebae of 9i)oronto; Arr:03. of WA= J., .of San Fra,neisco, and GePtN :Vret ley, of St, Catharines.