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The Huron Expositor, 1916-06-16, Page 6
at aft t iii of yours, you can only ho ag an ointment -so refined Tale ft penetrating to. the e5 disease. Zara Buk 1 blit of . doing this. whereas or aintmeets remain. on the Bur- ial uri wonderaul power of atlon, Zara -Bus 3seab germicide that germs cannot where Zazn Eula is applied. all germs, both on the surface it the underlying.tis5Ues, are yeti, Then the herbal essences, each Zara -Bilk is composed, Pra- tte the growth of now tissue, and & coMplete and permanent ciire is Prey. it for yourself. All drug- gists, rug- P , 500. box," er Zara-Buk To- ler jric.�. i And ililithise OttiiImief Medians* Rowels. get4atitofa orad -dui twinges sal the the,ki Plait= andwill -arrest are. � •kidneys, '•fir they cannot get te the trouble, but Doa n's- Kdney Care the kicker .quickly testitnonia'1 you snots dere ms's Wally Mals IDs' for me. Par years hid named so with my kidneys I could L F dr: uty honoroostr. I used several Ala bat .to me any good. At last Iwas to try a:box ofDaan'aa Xhiney Mbar1 hid trues the. dist boa Uwe Asad five Was, f I lad likescimir manus. I wren old them. too Wily." Inorter Mr are We. per Imr. at andadetoor maned at price b The T. 1rn : atitfed, Tomato, Ont. eederingdirectspecify"Donau"' • Summer Resorts Summer Outages—Furnished ;10 and $35 a month Baydekd, take Huron • enwhaz ; Tennis.; scree. Artily to GEORGE IihwNTaeg,'60 Stan-. ley St., LeLden.. . 1 = 2526-6 Farmer Your land is valuable. Our country needs every ounce of produce it can grow. It means money to you.. and prosperity to Canada. Doubtless the seeding will be tete this year and the on ywayto rush the growth is to apply large quantities of Buffalo Brand Fertilizer zer A fresh car load just arrived and our prices are right Ideal Wheat and Corn: at per ton. Buffalo . Garbage • Tankage at $24 per ton :let of October settlement or five per cent off for cash. 'We also handle all kinds of logs and lufniber, Lehigh Valley Coal, Can- ada- Cement, dressed lumber and shingles, Canada Fibre Board, pieta' Building Materials, tile, cedar posts, otc 1 i LURE. OF T1HE STAtE.. .A treater Danger t yotnite Men an Women. that the angel ager to young to Yaird9 d gEnuinely bailey a place of greater d than to young enom© 'This is a s prising statement, y1u think? Ir def it by saying that the actor is •liable fritteraway lits time. He plays a f hoursa day, and . for the the time, he ''rt3.'� EE so ranch '*rest. He nee study. and. it • he doesn there will be rapid da character. There wee adage than that conce and the location of the shop. • But girls can find € ed to do. They hearty all sp economy of time and of to do so. Cloth is thea can fashion at into bion and into simple gownst t by the gainers. Girls r end zMous than men. - that the girls , in a co their time well, They r I have -never known but rime -twwetewl►o Audi Tho player*quid, bear( t ' .ge "n t lane' pahifi an I utptufee literature.., It MO to - earn ail thap he; shout rdl co tateavis.-s Edith W in Theaters , remainder doesn't. u: di"- work 't have th integration never a t, ruing idien dev#1's wo do and m , It .is gr uree for th , and if t s and ling ey are the rather m have note Patty emp ad and stCi ne `young en r- d w of ed of er e at m y Cheerful1ese and holerai. A cheerful positio . is held y some doctors t be the r st protee n against cholera. When this des �se Srst visited Paris, in 183 -, a notice issued advising the i abitab.ts avoid as far as possible 1 occasions Of melancholy ani all pai 'ful 'emot1ps and to seek plenty of a tractions a ► d amusements.. Those wit a bright happy temper: ent are not likely be stricken do " .T i advice largely followe , and ev n when c i1 era was clai dF , . over Oa tI ons: ' d =weekly ,victims the thea r and c were thronged The epi attic ;Was some darters treated as a huge jo and plays and songs ,. ere tori w' n around it Rochefort wro e a play, Cholera Morbus," which proved- a success, and another pre * uction on th e same lines. "Paris-malad " also ha' a long run. The Real and *thee = ret*n Widespread artistic, tas : wo d ha j e had a better chance to d :velop.in country if we had not ' even sq mu r 11 concerned with kno F g what e ought toknow and 1 i s g what i e ought to 'like. The m vement , h caught those wore fast w bappened coincide +with a cano It has p 'r- verted a mach larger. h' who ha e tried to preten that th taste co tided, and it , ::.left ' touched n e joyous masses ho migh easily, as other counarles, have e •Wed a culture if they ad not ' en outlaw by this ideal. Randolp t Bourne New Republic Medi- t Dilem a.. "What shoul i one d'," asks young doctor, hen a atient c in and diagn ' ea' his • wn case ate,?" "In such a •a tuation," explains experienced -p i : sielan, oreI mast • your best jud . ent of h „an na If the patien. t one'' d of man will appreciate , our at • . .g with diagnosis as six wing the, he knows much as you' d - on the of • er hand, may go about and say : t Lyon do know any More! than he • oes." Telephones: Bayfield office 8 on 174; Brucefield office 11 on 145 john B. Mustard CREAM WANTED We -have our Creamery now in fill operation, and we want : your p ttron- age. We are prepared to pay you the• highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test eache can of cream carefully and give you statement` -of the sante. We also supply can free of charge, and give you an honest= business deal. Gall in and see us or dropus a card for particulars The Seaforth Creamery Seaforth. On t CONSTIPATION is Productive Of More 111 Health * Than Anything Else. e If the truth was only known yqu would 't find that over one half of the ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to get into a constipated condition, and t1 sole cause of constipation is an inactive liver, and unless the liver is kept acti ,you may rest assured that 'h jaundice, heartburn, piles, floating before the eyes, a feeling as if you w going to faint, or catarrh of the twill follow the wrong action of this, of the most important organs of tie goody. Keep the liver active and working =properly by the use of Milburn's La1.a- Liver Pills. Miss Rose Babineau, Amherst, N.S., writes: "Having been troubled for :yrs with constipation, and trying mous so-called remedies, wkich did me nogood whatever, I was persuaded to ry ilburn's L,axa-Liver Pdis. I have ound them ,most beneficial, for theyeare ,deed a splendid pill. I can heartily etcommend them to all who steer from constipatioe..” Milburn's Liver Pills ar 25c a vial, 5 vials for it 00, at all dealers, or moiled digit on receipt Gliwice by 'rite I'. Miro Co., Limited Toronto, Oat. Bells. Bells have. :n employ tion with xeligious wors early days of Egypt.• hand bells and mall crot the festival of: i sis. Aar Jewish high prig . sts wore upon their rain hat. In c risme the Greeks employ Romans announced the ing by their melody. Co the old compo13.tion,' is as, the best belmetal. Stried, but doesof make bell. GIass bell� are mell titul in tone, bat the m fragile. The one metal possible is that which e !wines makes the be -t b din p since ymb s se rk' ed n and o bells of g p and g bells. our of ba per and tilt- regard eel bats b a success w and b terial is hich is erybody -silver. d mama. 'rue English a ir4 s P ables captured d held Jamaica in 1655. The; Spa tirely expelled. 1658. was part of the effort un to crush Spanisih power Indies. The whole i Iand vided among eight noble flies, who had 'so disco grants that the $bpulttion white and slave; did of 't nn auk Te e' island f h were - The cap . er Cremw theW had been: panisi faun- raged imml in 165 , bo`„ i ceed .000. Trop Enough "What is the! plural of ny?" asked a teacher of a "Men," answered Jbhnn "Correct," said' th to what is the piur al of chil "Twins," was the Derrionstr+ativ Old Lady (speaking of band)—I mind the last out together, and he sez, so kindlike, "Come al gte tail!" he sex: --London er late hu- e wee ws,a s round and ng, old drag Tit -Bite. • Hering Him. Student (writing homy -4 -How elo yen spell "financially?" loth :r--"F-$-ra-a a- c -i -a -l -1-y," and tber: ar two is "embarrassed." Industry supplies the patience and , I move naousstams.—• Empty. but Flatteriri Friend of the Family it be possible that iI he "Hello, governor!" to William --Yes; it You see, he never really anything at horn; Ino executive. Main, you ourfa poor any say WHEN, BUMS Mt GRATE. arty 'Flight of the Wl4eatear From Africa to fir enl d. n , flying from E ' ro to Africa ds cross' the Medi err nean sea at oint 'wh re the wa er is so shallow t. t it %s elicved the two contiaeuts w e form ly conneted there. The lad bridg .'• which. It is thought for- rly quid cl the .b in their alight, s des fppe red, but the habit of cross - at ith , particular place still re- E ,.1 w do y 'u suppose the ▪ little heat- ,' no ;larger than a bluebird, f. rmed e habit of migratin faint Ear, pe to G eeniand? Probably h come by w of En land and Iceland, b r t at the best it . a long jo ey and eems to take the bird much farther F:= , n at -is neces to go. In the autu ui he s back winter in Africa. • ub es_s some European water birds t us ert year, blit the wh tear, se far 1 ow, is tae otely Ian ; bird which migrates .,regalarly bei ben I�1h erica and *ea. Wi r this ceptio , no North !.American tared I ve; the western hjemisph re in eir mi tions. I _ What She Made Him. The h d of the house glanced at a b fro ! .h1 wife's dressteaker. • . Wh , : I proposed to you, less tbarl �o y d, yqur du of ma not?" 'Yes, ve Wed, 11? e n c eR " 'X'ms I de nce 'A: b sih. ego." he said. 'hI was rather d on said you +onsidexed . it marl r me for the puMrpose g gometh1n of 'me, did .you eery," answered his wife. he continued, °'your efforts teen in vain, You have sae- glad," she said.. "What have f ypu, dear?" ore he glanced. at the bill. pt," he replied? with a deep O igin of Pajamas. e garments which Euro - a• op d: from th Mohammedans India he name eans simpl leg ad earlie • generatto in e them. as "lottg dra ers" g)i brbeches.'P It is o i y of t ear that they have s rung st universal use in Fingland: of nightshir, s- hich some as equivalent to pting trimmers in plaice of troch t, references the garn►ents t tjt°aced as e u as 1828: ' `digs In -1886, again the London art► • nineteenth century was in John Ashton'SS "When Wit- w .: Wig""i very noisy fly in co trait • the silence o rain owe...' ..e,. he,'cord • up fro the tchman's h the sti ieks oman, the i„ • y = cep, and `the ve . dere of fish t. the . ' is f the - „ uffin foo R„ , e : as nothing g meth t cal noises of to- Opinion aGeoty Two hoes!' . wbo got- Oliver Gol and others laa e der a al de his re ref r to his war.: in the storie , where tae fa er of Go dy Two S oei dies m ti e in a tie e where Itir. lames' riow- t be had." -e don Stied - ,11' ilToainy de was it th load en of A ho ho of miter h in es ou en of aueitet of "What seasick p ediit the salt!' Wilt it Two Hors horse o t pulls the The depar leOing of th e says it ays that am is eig the load 106 poun in the eq line with 11 . .1 the slow en• t of a ot cul - is the slower suPposing one vides in rtha , in case the alizer is our e holes a tee ta e deck, it it a deep se ?" animed the Great S h already An Inconsist mitt. There a strange consistenc "Hamlet' It is where arulet sp dthe discovered country f and yet t e ley hinges largely u the, fact at he has had intervi with his atlher's ghost, who had course, c mei aack front the undis • ughter and Medicine. '1`.4i, goo hearty laugh, is better an persot. "But a druggist w n't charge yo near as much for a 11 e medicine es it is liable to cost to gennineliy funny show." ott! in ks on ws of ov- mart in 114 el ee s voted the most pop lar How They Help TOR ST. RAFriart, Our. Folir years ago / had such ' in my beck that I .could not work. T alas ex- tended to my arms, sides and a o ders. I used Many kinds of mediefite for ver a year, none Of virhich did me very mu h good. I read about Gin Ping and sent fo sample and used them, and found the pains re leaving me land that 1 was feeling better. So 1 bou t one box and before 1 used them the p were almost gone and 1 could k- p at work. After had taken Mx other boxes of Gin Pills, 1 felt as wen and strong as I did t the age of so. I am a farmer, ;20W et years id." 23 All druggists sell Oin Mb at a box, or six hetes tor#2.50. Sample free you write to National Drug & of Canada Limited, WIMP "Popular, eh? Then you won't get much work out of him fo the next two years. Most of his e will be taken up in acting aft best an, coach- ing various teams and i_eadeting glee Teeth Tell Sheepis ge. A lamb has eight small t teeth on the lower jaw. When the antmal reach- es the age of about one year the middle pair are replaced by two pe..-.nanent teeth; at the age of about two the teeth on either side of these permenent teeth are also replaced.with a permanent pair; at the age of thtee the next tooth on either side gives way to a aermanent tooth, and at thelage of fotir; the last or back teeth are replaced'in, like man- ner.—Farm and Home. Grievously Disappeinied. "Have you found out why Jinks is looking so depressed these d ys?" "It seems that a friend of Jinks was in fina_ncial difficulties and lake offer- ed hie help." "His friend took him up." eeeeee. .14 Pugnacious Dove Peace lovers had better fi d another bird to become syrabolle of their ideas, for the dove is not a bird of Peace, but le one of the m st pugna- cious little fighters. In fact the dove fights h. large part of its wa g hours. His Reasons. "They say the widower w o has just married again was all broke uP when his first wife died." . ' "That is why lie watt so nxious he repaired." Cruelty and fear ehake hands togetb- • An Essay on Man. chaos, what a subject of con what a prodigy! A judge of a feeble worm of- the earth, of the truth, elsestea oglence error, the glory and the oh Children think not of the what is to come, but enjoy t time, wineh few of us do. -Love For an Hour: What is it that makes peopl better company at a masque ander any other eirctimatanc In. the circle of the black the d.oenino we have no nam no fliture, uo ear to live up t to and the mood that is need never impose itself u mood. We can be spontaneous No wonder we are good comp . For on the whole our sp impulses are kindly and gay. We are almost ready to lo low men for an hour if w thereby' committing ourselves them for a lifetime. What what a diction, 11 things, pository ty and e of the nor of eLapregBrisent Hard on the Proorrea dictionaries is a- task bes that little Augean stable air miles was an afternoon snap. When the:Oxford edition of was published the proofs and reread ten. times. Thee of $250 was offered to any should find a typographical One was found in the first e Genesis. Dictionary proo even More difficult than Bi There is a tradition that_ a read proofs of the Lord's that Oxford edition went ins feat lest he made a blunde and no pat* or down ppermost ntaneous our fel- are not to loving s out at e which of Her - Bible ere read reward e who titer of ding is e proof - who ayer for e out of in it.— iLanaea on Her Feet been a fool when I married y u. Wife (during the spat)—I nrst ha* Hu b—landoubtedly. 13ut the old. admit) stood by you—"A fool for lack," The Proper Way. "I thought you quarreled Witb the laundress oyer the ironing?" "So I did, but that difficultathas beeu &IV)11.id always keep a. oxi the shelf. he !It( I? folk so of ren need Inild sod safe eathartia and the,sr do appreciate Chan 4)er-fain's instead of nauseous °Mend troulixos and constipation, give onr,sj CHORERLAIN MEDICINE C.3.,;- • st before send to ONTO .10 MYSTERY OF THE M LE. H Live In the Dark, Yet Yearns Fos the Midday Sun. . There is a great mystery about the moles. They live in the dark _under- ground, but yet they are sun worship- ers. Just at the hour of noon, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, the mole often comes to the sur- face. It is a habit of the race, a kind, of religious observance, one might Seldom .does a mole tvillingly make its appearance in the upped world at any other time of the day, but at that moment they come of their own ac- cord. This fact, which has been ob- served again and again, has never been. explained by naturalists. , But, remembering the common belief that a mole is blind, you may ask,, "flew can it see the sun?" The rayth, of the blindness of moles has been brusbed away. Some species perhaps caanot see, but most of them can. Their eyes are very small and hidden in the fine hair, but they serve as or-, ggps of vision. Still, they can have very little use for them underground. Any .1l3g'ir-ingS of daylight that may penetrate there' must be extremely faint, and if their , eyes were meant to en ble them to see with so little illumination they oiight to be large and free from obstruction, whereas they are minute and thatched with hair. But such eyes may be par- ticularly well sufted for an occasional look at the blinding gun. Imprisonment For Debt. About the middle of the last cen- tury the pewer of imprisoning a debt- or for life was taken from the creditor, and it fills one with amazement to think that a system so ridiculous should have continued as long as it did. The three principal debtors' prig - ons in England were the King's Benda the Marshalsea and the Borough Comp•ter. La the year 1759 there were 20,000 prieoners for debt in Great Elia.- ain and Ireland. The futility of the system was quite as great as itte bar- barity. More than half the prisoners in some of the prisons were kept there solely because they could not pay the attorneys' costs. Many_ prisoners had their wives and children. with them.' There was no infirmary, no resident gurgeon and no bath.—Dundee Adver- tiser. The Dead in India. Three distinct methods of disposins of the dead are vogue in. India. While the Mohammedans Inter the dead, the Ilindus prefer to throw the bodies into the porlfYlag waters of the 1 Ganges, and evcen now there are eon- ; stant infractions of the Severe regal*. tions frumed to suppreas this danger, ous prstctice. The form of funeral adopted by the Parsees is that of sin - I ply exposing their dead at a great al* tude to the scavenging services et crows and vultures. The Way He Excused HON It is said that a Wench ambassador at Vienna on.ce bitterly complained te Metternich of the tongue lashing he had received from the wife of that great diplomatist. Metternich. sighed, then shrugged his shouldeas as one who should say, "Well, what are we t to do about it?" Finaay he observed: "My dear friend, I loved the young lady; I married her; I continue to cherish her with the same affection a* before, but remember tbia--1 had noth- ing to do with her educating or bring-. ing upl" Gait of the Gorilla. The gorilla has not only a crouching lab% but he walks on all foer of his legs and has the motion of most quad- rupeds, using his right arm and left leg at the same time, and alternates With the left arm and right leg. It le not exactly a walk or a trot, but a kind of ambling gait, while the chim- , panzee uses his arms as crutches, but lifts one foot from the ground a little In advance of the -other. He does not place the palm. of the hand on the ground, but uses the b'ack of the fin- gers from the second joint There's This difference. When a woman buys a hat and meets "How do you like thiS hat, dear?" , "Lovely, simply lovely. 'You have uch good taste." (Later "Of all the ats I ever saw that's the worst.") "Howdu like the hat Mike? Class, "Say, is that a hat? Who stung The Trouble, "Confound the luck!" growled the risitor. "Here's this front door been Irreshly painted!" "Yes," said his friend from a sate dismnee. "It is hard luck. Any one to look. at you can see you have beat up against it" -Jealousy is a -consumption bred with- in the structured house of love when all its windows are sealed. When we are jealous we try to Out ourselves up in a shadowed privacy or timid mizer- lines,s, We want some one all to our- eelves. We fear that if we open the doors and let _in the current of others' affection or the winds of impecsonal Interest our own share of love may be bus not only of her hitsband's Attends, but of his work and even of pis rell- giOn. Thts means she has kept her iwiadowe closed and slandered, so that ehe idoks always at the walls of bee house of love, never through and be - The ward "Pedagogue," as applied to Paidagogos, compounded of pais, boy and agogoe, leader; hence paidagosett, - pps _was not ea -icily an lie - 1 Five Cents , all you need. pay for the best and purest soap in the world Sunlight Soap. The indficements offered with common soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap ; but it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself tn the clothes, as it does not wear and rub the fabrics like common soaps do. 5c. a -bar at all Grocers. • ;ATTRACTIVE GOVERNMENT IA ILI DEBENTURES - A good policy is to invest:in securities thd will pay the largest income obtainable withrsafety, and pay thd income regularly. To -meet such requirements the folloWing Government and Muni - 1 cipal Securities will prove thoroughly satisfactory investments DOMINION CANADA. CITY VANCOUVER, tirc. CITY BRANDON CO. RENFREW, CD. CAPE BRETON, TOWN OWEN SOUND, ONT, TOWN YORKTON, Established 1889 Ifull particulars on request. Due 1925 1.920 isn 1936 1340 194$ 1952 1922-1926 1926-1932 1,922 1926 1917-1946 53 King St. West, Toronto structor, but fi. domestic Wave wilt) looked after the boys of a family, wok them to and from school and kept them off the streets. The boysowere put in his charge at the age of six. aisd he probably sat with them in school. Although his position was simply that of a trusted servant, it eame in time to be applied to the teacher. though al- ways with a slurring or contemptuous Investment Bankers pa.sseel by the Lon -don city council and on Satueday. —The /London Conference ai erselon at Kingsville, /deckled that the !next year's eonfierence would bt. laid in Dundas Centre Church, ai liontlett. - —Ottawa .City Council dieldedt on June ath, to put the daylight saving plan Into effect in the capital by ,ael. v,ancing ;the elocks of• the city one hour drorn- June 15th, to Oetpbee 1st, and cartons at the This is far safer sa mars sanitary the* sugar *Assad in a which resticsara No self. Joatt cut vlitheicerawar and pour oat eager as 2-211“4 eat,