HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-09, Page 8xposiToR
Rev". j. 1 esley Owens, of 'London,
undue the: servier* in the Metha-
iet rc here oh • Sunday Jas.., sup-
TrilYing Rev • lifr, McKinley, who
WAS let. tending conference. at ings-
v tea. S. Gottschellc, has eturn-
e • visit with fitter '4a gliter,
,x4:00),(1C1s; lIpthegroV 'Paris with
rztfr4 •finti, wit her
S Gottschal of "- 1Str tford.
-.Phe an Or4r f 'Fro eaters
Wilia at Divine orphip in : the
Meth: at hurch, on Sunday e ening
nett, ta; special serinon 111.,..be
'Preach d ty the pas r, Rev. . lits-
lcintey. R Y. F. a. kin wil fhaite
for hirg Su ject next : unday 6 ning;
"When ;Si nce is Go n:" a- There
Will lb a. special se vice On Sunday,
event La, St Tho1na ' churc , , in
Treanor •f 1ar1 Kit 'letter. - ‘‘The
Pipers Pra. ,"the' pia, given iy the
Girl's,. 4 d, of - St .:1 horras, hurch
ofri Tu as • y eyening oroved verr:
succeas ul ntertainat ht ta.nd e eh of
the rg aditesact4d their . parts
leverel 4 grarefo11Y4 It w j1 be
epeat the Rod Croise Soc ety.-
Mr, G. Holman 11 oreel ovar
the e Lions alt ing4rn, next
eek.- young 1 Is of R xboro
chitty wil I hold a a,rden. Ipartel on
be la r f Mr. - obert •G rrow,
arpur ey, on Fia evening, June
6th. h - Seaforth e Qua tette
eitiss 0 heatra, M.r . WiT. Hays,
liss S eo an, iof Br sels, and, hers
11 su the prog . T pre-
eeds vi 1 se for thei ed Croea Su-
tyf .E,I,C. unroe, NVI, o has
n vi g her -p zits, Mr. and.
als .T. E Hai's, in da to lea e foe
er h e
llie b irin
Myr ,s • ;y•Saskati ill,. on Tuas ye-
iotindr hen his
7fate14‘ infullY 1
1, fingerA were
oon at the-
adly b u - I in one f ,the ma. thee.-
. (F , cis and111.1ttle dau hter,
Toro o fare vis ., siti Mr. .a.n Mr.
I.iace » :and Mrs.
IOdgins. Mrs.
rands .8 M.r. De eyos 8 ter.-
• an k 11S. Rqhert Bell spe, t the,
eek e el Toronto.-, Miss i' velyn
reig i Toronto this week; At-
endingthe IgrAduat44n e3cercis a in
nee. with ,W,est tourne Coil ge.-
• Fr S. Beathie hd. so.n Ho .ard,
e visit ng 'at the hornHe of and
rs. J es Beattile.4-pr. C. M ka.y
Dr. Airrows werie in. Toron o last
eek fatt nading is rre ting of th Med-
cal ation, Dr. Mackay r ad a
aper i.ifre the asaoaation on hurs-
Y.— $S Nettie CheAs ey, -aug ter of
. an MrsP. M.
arm, ckersmith, Succes full/
4esney, uwoe
1 .
sedua from the Galt Genera H013-
tal.-- . Robert McGrath, of wen
unds ,a guest at the home 'fMr.
. S. LW4 .-Mr. Psi Bell is in To -
onto t- week. -Dr. •Thoma,8 . Mc-
•Ohaid o ult Ste, r,4i,ie was vi iting
With .re i es in Mc illop this eek,
For One DarOnly
Friday, 'June 9th
We offer you our entire stock
•of Tan Shoes, at prices that
you'll readily see are all cut to
-pieces. Tan calf leather is
the best wearing leather on
the market and you can make
no mistake Dy investing in•
'Tan Shoes at these cut prices,
roo pairs of Men's Tan
Shoes, in Blucher Lace r.fr
Button styles—This includes
25 pairs of Oxford Shoes.
Regular isrice $4.5
Sale Price a pair$2 •
50 pairs of Women's 'Tan
Shoes—in _ Blucher Lace or
Button styles—Regular price
$3.50 to $4..00 ,ffn
Sale price a pair ak.17
Teheliers. The
e'ted thia IV` le'
SoMerville - lw
McKillop • _ 1
And, 11.310! x
nteg •rniS
era Asselabb
church being he
an Mr 4- • eit
ton and ,ret r
Misp ;Helen Tayl
Harry Tayl ;of
valet, Alter ,
thes winner.
the Women'
Balance Lir
36c; donati
iliary, ;100;
Master iWilf
Sclater, $1;:WO f
$1.50; itOtai, $409.
Ta,ble linen, laun
y 4Ind
W Ise*,
rs to.
e Presby
that city;
sans t _,Ed
aughter of
nee, to.
she wi1 s
were tick -
' by .W
Stea ahlo
the• Gen-
f anc
legit man
liary for :
he $283.61;
ens, 't • ar
Y ar , lislnee,
th, 75c; Mrs.
a, $2; fruit
6.U eiture,
700; H. ,E,
. Th
lc eisa
fol -
t O.
Aux- '
lah,• $21,-
e A '-
Sat da,y
at four,
ed -
t un-
Wafer twine $1.56; J.
85; Stewart ariir
884.10. Tata • ; 59.1
ary wall we
afternoon • of
ofcleek, it; 1 nen
t t
5o pairs of Women's Tan
Oxford Shoes—in Blucher
Lace or Button styles. Reg-
ular price $3.00 to .1 tin
3.5a. Salepricea pr. ai ,yy
If you do not care for thc
Tan leather We will dye any
of the above a permanent
black at 25c a pair.
Remember this is ar Day
Sale—Friday, June 9th.
J. E. Willie
Quality footwear
Opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth
Girls '
1Whirk.-A society
all ithe Young
town, hateen
•tend, to help the
in the, Red
work in cfl
Lardlea' War
Ship fee its,.
which will
'neisday everng
brararat This 'give
'who cannot attend t
eon Thursday afternoo
ity to *tether* "bite
torts for the eol,ers.
ants andk
ipated ar
rad tie
t tit gar
it Yo
e - Re
in 1
and girls
ized, ;They
-With the
ety rand
with the
. The mem
d ail
on ,
. Wounded Lat the fr
Holmes receine,d, the
gusto freen Ottawa, an
"Sincerely regrret •to 1
1328, Pite y Ho
facially repoate,cI adn1
• General
ilfay 26th. S raronei
and tshoulder." Rai h
uously ,the trenche
rcceath,s, but tills is t
has been injured. HI
'here 1neere1y hope, t
are not 'seri us Ad t
word ,recelyed about
surance Oil steitd.Y
This the second,
has had wounded in t
t. r. 8, T.
folio ng rele.
Thu ay last,
•form, you that
, Infantry, oft
tad to No. I,
tal, Eta lesf
ndis in c st
been -'co
for Over •
first tins
many fir
att 1119WO•
on Charles,
some month
valescing On
having b
ago, and
will ‘give as
convalesce ca.
n Mr' Hol es
e trenchee, his
en wou de -1
Is still on.
Death of. Thomas Sh . -- Tho as
his home on
morning 1:-t,
hs and 2d ya.
the dece ed
4 , vihfebisr.
OW off . nel
el into . on -
h Cattle a a
....• s of sot er-
ing. Mr. Shade was earn in Mc le
•ecto betng the youngre t son of the
late LUe3413 Shade but h d Lved or d-
eafly, all its life in aforth. He is
raurv-ved, by his widchar and a fa r11
of three Lt!fJ14 girls arii one boy 4
• by Its four st-ers one, brother
all of whom lhaye the ympath, of
the cornmunft, The re ains. were n--
,teired '-n the Malt andbank ce -
etery on Sunday.
le Lucas 'Sheide dted at
• Ord otreet On Friday
+ aged 84 year9 anon
fl +40 Fusi :• 4' coAboun t three yeas ag
tracted a !severe co
WaS never able to th
*, which finally• devel
; sumptiolik SO that idea
Z LAW& TAlkOlt :
+ 4•
.1. •Also Furrier
• i
ti. The Only Horn in Seaforth +
jeweler and Optician.
Ismer Marriage Licenses,
• The gift that doesn't •
• require an occasion 40
that is always
Tour Photograph
Make an appointment to -
• SEATO/X.11a
White shoes galore.
And then some.
How a woman canget thru
the corning summer season
without White Footwear is
more than we can understand.
Don't think that many wo-
men expect to.
This will be a White sea-
son surely.
• ii,Te're ready for the rush)
White high laced ;pumps
and slippers, in Linen, Coolie
Cloth, Duck and Buck.
$r.00, $ 1.40, $,2 00„ $3.25.
according to. s ize.
Splendid time now to make
• See display m north win-
We've the best white Shoe
Cleaners, that are made.
H�tii,ofGood Shoes
happy relief to his y
London IIV)al.S the guest
Local Briefs -Sgt. Menlo ocl
Res. Brown and t the recto Y
over the ,week -end. -Mee rs. • Rob rt,
Devereanx, E. J. Box, •d John Abell'
have erected new verandahwh h
eidences ad
greatly improve the] r re
W41 also be very comfo
summer. -Mr, Nlxon, wit
the khaki, wiais here tr
er Sunday. At ;the eveni
the Preshytertan church
at the organ smd the. se
very much ;en ed and
the cologregfatt „-Dr. d Mts. A -
kinson and 5018 of Det oit were In
town over Sun4ay Vishin, at the home
of Mrs. M. C. 1 Chesney, John street.
-Miss O'Brien of Strati rd; is ,the
guest of her Ohnsin, Mi s Geraldin
Carpenter. -Mr. and. Mrs Lawrence
Melville and idanghter, Mi a, who hay
been living near Londea ro, hay
returned to town to r de. -A Th
many friendso Mrs. P. •ulchic, wi I
be parry to lejarn that she is ser
homely ill with peritonitis -Mr. J
Taman, of Ste art 13;ros., Ne
York this week. -Miss 5 sie Govan
lock, who has been on n. extendr
visit to the west, has returne
home. -Mrs. E. poibett an. little son
of Montreal, ar visiting t the oar
• ental home of dr. and. Ie • S. Dick -I
son. -Mr. W. SmIllie eeeived
cable on Sund y stating t at this son,'
L. A. oho left T onto re-
cently with ti Xeehanica Transport
Cores, had a- Aired safely at Snorn-
cliffe . -Reeve J. A. S te w t is 1 in
G-oderich this week attend1 g the June r
session of the county coune I. -Mr. and I
Ms. Wrn. Gilleepie, jr., of Brussel,
!Spent the weekaind th home of
Mr. Wm. G111eslq In town. Mrs. Geo.
Hills is ill at hr home i Zginond-
ville,-Mrs. Wm. Steehart a d daugh_
ters of St. Paul 4re visitin, a tt the
home of Mrs. AI x. Stew t. - The.
friends of Mrs. Percy 'Payl» of Wal-
ton -will be sorry to learn that she is
not improving In health t present
she is at the home of he father,
Mr. R. P. Bell, in town.- liss Belle
Melhay was in LiOnow this week1, at-
tending the fune al of he niece, a
little daughter 011 Mr. arid fre. Wes -
table ,for
now we s
'Leaden o
g !service n
ey 13.111.5.- She was a gran -daughter
of Mr. Isaac McK y of town. The fol -
owing graduates of the Se forth Col.-
eglate Institute have rs ccessfelly
passed their exam nations at the ilfa•o-
ulty of Education 'in ¶Lloron o Janet
Govenloek, Margaret Kjiight, Winona
Berry, Percy 11 , Fl lay
thur Archibald an4 Sid ey Geige
Mr. Whe. 'Wilerhi eft M :nda„5:1 for
Winnipeg to atten th Ge eral As_
sembly. He will take tri through
to the coast ibefere ret fling. - Ir.
Thomas McMillan Of 11 Ilett was a
• Toronto vkeltor tlilis we k.- Ars. R.
Harnett is in Wei teck t s w ek
visiting her idaug ter, Mrs. Murry.
.allotg on iendIn twn on Tus..
frs o_
-Mr. George Doullae ake as
dep.-3141as Lena Grahath
been :at Toronto f(:)r some time, has
returnefdlo her 1tre or Gode Soh °fat -
111 irkA. T 0ARp
M M. a s 1
on proving
n ey J
of g;athrdo;Ini ap
at he hom
ce ds for t e
ex elient p o
wil meet a t
In he Meth
p. . All e
tent, Ran
bio n, sou d
bi1, 12 um t
Ph ne 16 on 1
wit •
IS caeh 11 limy four desire,* building 1 ts
No ih. Main t leaforth, ApPly L. L. McFA If.
-r -4
NOTICE be 6 cylinder VE1-e In head Me angt-
• lin motor ea I I run on less gsloline than an' four
eye der car he motor wine delivers the most
power is the o 1 one to buy an it will devel p 15
to 2 per ee m re power than any other otor.
This ear ie e utluily finiehed 1. roughout g nuine
Jeat1ier trim ng A.fri. CAMP ELL.
FRMER The production o butter is g eater
whei De Lai a S4parathr Cream. a churned tha ths
orean from n 0ther Separator.1 This is the r ason
wh v 98 per c t cf the butter fa tories use De Awe]
&pa ators b us of the greater quantityand etter
qual ty of bu er. i A. M. CAMP ELL, Seaton .
hal' 1,..LeAS 1 252»x
New and d hutenoblIes for Sale—If yo are
thini4lng of b inan Auton3o fie, telephon or
fail t see our ar sII,
writ us for a de onstration -o the '' Stude aker
Car" Wen h ve a number o used Ford our -
Ing rs, also n' Overland" e. d °: Mc Lang lin"
Touring (r f an e. We have t ken in ,the a ove
Cars n excha ge for " Studeb ker Cars" and if
you a e in th •a hes for a goo used Car, on't
ins. COOK BROS., Hens
rl to learn typ isetting. Ap ly EX-
< '
perlenced gi 1 for general house
the Exposito 29-2 -
ND—On Gode ieh street, on eiday,
wate.11. Owner can have th same
o eertyatnhd, paying for Adverti merit.
s, for2 20x1
r y will be given by the young ladies
d vicinityon Friday evening Ju e lfith
1 r. Robt.•Garrow, Ilarpnehey Fro -
d Cross Society, • There wili be an
r • 230-2
RADE—The Canadihn F restere
e Court room at 61.30 to attend service
is church, on Audday June 11 h, at
rs of anv Court' are requeu to at-
ttendance. 2'O'1
Driving mare,
old. James
risin g 6 y
Ilan, Tueke
oiled Angus
, dark
OAT L(T—r1akeyi from this gmondville am
rseay e eninr last, June 1t, a flat bo tom
poet abut V3 feet lo g.paired blue and eli
iflor1naLor lending to itii recovery will e
ded and aij person found harbournwt e se
be pros o t . EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Se for
Hand Bas Mits`c Rolls
Wallets • P1,6 ses
Letter Cases Cad cases
.11fo ey 13elt
lren h Mrrc
Thompson's Bo
! Seaforth
Window Shadesand Plan
Agents fOr New Icica to
e !frames
Armstrong, treasurer, end
Isecrietar* There ew
cosrmittee lof nine eriernbers
ed, wholse -duty will be to
any 111oneyis collected. Th
er.Ost "deserving' o
We hope the appeal will 'owe
liberal response from all .
that 414 May, be extended
citize,ns who have' met wit
heavy 1cs Donations anaY
The .EXpoeltor Office or ni
to the Sterling:I3ank, Mon
later than • June '26th, '
Grarden Party, -The await
party ,of Duff's church, wit,
OD the trea,nse grounds on Fr
Fing, July 7th. • The famo
quartette kod the Seaforth
been Secured for ,the Owes
forget the relate ,and watch f
Noe -Mr. afaeee Deiche t who is
,Joisephts Hospital, London,
Is progressing favorably. Mrs. W.
Klopp ls frisking in °Ravi tock and
Berlin. -Mr. 11. F. Klopp, • lof Mr.
Willtain Klopp has success iully pass_
eid his examina.tions at t Royal
College of Dental Surgeons -Mrs. N.
House: pf Detrat was Last week via.
iting (her uncle, Mr. Alex. Sample,
Babylon line.e-Mr. Fond S arks has
gone to the West with ;,a, load of
horses -Rey. H. Rembe w Induct_
as ;pastor of St. Peter?s Lutheran
church here on Sunda,' al 27th.
„His (father, Rev. Mr. Renab Of, Ham_
• iltOn conducted the service a preaeh_
ed an excellent sermon t iarge
cringregiadon.-Mr. Alex.-terv has
purchasesikta lot from Mr. ohn Set.
mon ;and will erect a idwelli on it
this puma -len -Mr. Alexander % Munn,
fourth eoncession, had fou • cattle
killed by lightning recently. 0, Moil_
,barn was slightly darna ed by a
bait, ths Wals alSo E. ; as' liaarn
at Dr,yradalen
A. Chal-
s also a
Jappoin t-
rapper tio n
I� enr-
Ject, and
with a
ctions, so
to fellow
such •a
be left at
y be sent
ton, not
1 garden
I be held
ay ewes
nd have
on. Don't,
• Briiceileld
Not -Dr. Peter McEwe , • Of De.
Iron, ,visited his brother, elm Mc-
Ewen, ,of Stanley last wee e-Lkut.
Duncan. Aiken1ie,a4 ls .visiti g at his
home In Stanley. -The .•Saer ment of
the Lord's Supper, wfli be h in the
Presbyterian ;church Sabb th next.
Rev Mr Laing will preach • peeper_
°n iatory services on Friday • ternoon.
mc --Rev H. Woodls preach d to tne
re-, children of the congregati on Sala.
rhe, h-alth anOrnAlgi He took ;ars his ;text
one pf hardept words of th English
on -
guage "nOr , He told h hard it
was to resist evil and, saar, ''necin'e to
wha,t Was wrong. -Miss Ed') h Bowie
entertained the girl friends of 13/11482
Lillie McGowan on Thursday when a
miscellaneous shower was gyen her
in honor of her sp�ae11ng
marrla,ge to Mr. Frederick D4uihop, of
151M41044„ The marria,ge 'txo1 Plana'
quietly On rWednesday of thIfs week
at the home of Mres ;McKay, f Ham,.
iitiont -The bride ha's mailer warm
friends who wish her all hap
The fanners have nearly all finished
seedirags ; They have been a iong 'time
at it, owing to the w&t w then: -
MIAs Ross Aikenhead, attended the
marriage' of Miss Grassick, in Harrill_
:ton this week,
Iktne ,A, rain. -Mr.
Mrs. S.
Die n, o have sentthe mast t o
year wit t eir acm amd elaught rs
rinet (141143.11edliht Fort askatchew n,
oil 'Frida evening I, t
and their na y friend were ple
ed to pee t looking so well -and to
have them in their midi t again, .
icJ4oin 00 o e of S orthts 01 st
and be no n citize . He •as
Past .aster here from 186 - to 1913, d
•th11 ig pr vt-cadly the only rholid
he •f h the 48 ;Years. .Hia8&
the eop os ects in 1he west a
splen , is es:1i g has ben corrple
for e. ne rid the Wbaat in M.
es nd a th gh he
well faili the; we
plan tis u fiv,e laches and look
and njoyei vieit to the full,'
thin, e.: it, ssentially, a e nroii
man's count
1 1
, Red, ,CrOr
Tres's rer'
of (nil r. A
month of
hand, $777.0
natio "50c
$5.00; Leap
43430c44;a, "frit $
38.25; Mrs.
G&W al a ckhs,
doe, Olc;
lec ti • $18
DPeanidltot 7485;
aecoun $1.
on hand 31,
re-Sporetee de tathr the
to Tor nto o
ir,ent b ing
p•PiYtiadarria ;t541s
ing _g• •ins, 4
tle eov r,s, 6
socks, 4 hive
156 ,nin by t
2b43-00Pewvefri l 1,ne1115
16 Gils n ar
• Cyclone Rel.
of the citizen
LtY; fa. Orer.mi
Fthe 'purpose
aid, of t ose
clone Wi1oh
Elma wnisb
nd, „Dr D. 1
Ellice, Was an
he -folio
e rt of the
ay Receipts
; golden. clock, 31.25;
KV pen, $70.62; a .frien
Y r ,dance, •$20; eerie
0; ags sold,25e ; pietur
$ ; Mrs. • dins tra
ke quilt, 322.25; Mis
oneerts, 336.15; ,a, alone.
friend, $3 • »» on thly. col
.75 total, $ ,183.50.
rs. Shade 1.40; R. E
dr• goods, 3123.31; smai
, otal, $180,71. Balanc•
2.7 .-Je,s,sie Nell, Treda
ng is
local ibranc
y for th
eport-The secretary
owing -go ds shipped
y 25th, t e. la,st ship -
pi -ft -29th :196 :sults sof
nel shir , 30 , hos-
, 54 tow Is, 7 ;dress-
ts, 16 hot water bot-
h cloths, 50 pairs of
by sixtee inch pads,
e inch (IS, 1860 elx
fs, 1500 m uth wipes,
spital ha dkerehlefs,
lings,, 1 pair white
Pund.-At a meeting
• of Monkton and vicirt-
tee was organlzed. for
of boflecting . finds irt
ho suffered, Ib, the 4, -
el. over agan and
on Fri 7, Jane
$rnith, ex- eeve, of
tainted chairertano F. W.
Noiteaf---Mr. (Archie McKay, from
Va,ncouvere p.c., arrived, tom last
week, lits wife land family have been
here for SOtne time and still1 thinks
there dis no spot like this, after spend-
ing et numbe rof yeas in' tea ,Westr
=The PO' news was reeely d this
week of the death of James W4QI, eon
Of Mr Michael Wail, which ocurred
rat Weston, last Saturday. He had
been rielltrag for the pat two
and.• wet* the former fpi- for
treatment, His remains were brought
home last Monday and laid tO rent
in the family plot in St. Colurnban
cen:etery. The funeral ;serviced, were
conducted by Rev, Father White. He
wias an exentplary young man and
beire his illness with `great tpa
He 11S Survived by his ;father and
..three (sisters, who have the, ,syrnpathy
of all in this, their aarA hour' aft
fliction.-Mr. A. McKay- and amilar
zr.otored SrOin Guelph lapt week and
epen t tfew days with their lends
here. -Mr. end, Mrs. J. MeMan , Mr.
,a.nd, Mrs G. K. Holland, land; M. and
n Independ nt
Seaforth irl
is one who :gets out and earns her
own living'and d•s.es not depen on
her father to keep her.
There is no excuse for any Sea orth
girl not earning her own living 1 ow,
, when steady employment, good wa-
gee) short hours are offered for •ak-
ink Children'e Clothing for '
LTD. in the:nice room M the Ci nap -
hell Block, Main St., Seaforth.
Why not 6all in and talk it ver
with Mr. Palmer, our Manager, and
enlist as an employee?
We have only a few machines left
now -for an instruction class and
the first applications will receive rat
Jackson mfg. Coy
Clinton Goderich Exeter
All Making
s Clothin
JUNE 9, i916
Mrs J. M. Eckert and d amity, were
ora hour burg last Sunday.--
Qillfte a number from - here' went to
see the Kialtage ea.aased by laat Fri_
day's eyeloneItt 1.44941 township, and
in Which the young man, Mrd Sheen,
loat his; life- ;and report the eight Is
aorrething Ltirat will never be forgot.
tette-Mx. W. Mauro had the Misfor-
tune itet lite one of his beat horsee
this: week. 1 • 0
'Noteraet-Rev. Mr. Kestie preaohed in.
jamea Street 'church on Sunday neorn-
log Land ',1„3,ev. Mr. Redinontithonducted
servbses in the evening, -The Marriage
took place in 'Stratford olf1Ma,y 24th,
of ran old Exeter boy, Ray Eacrett, son
of Mr. fala Mrs. Charles Eieretts of
Sarnia, to Miss Alma Chainor, • of
Stratford, formerly matron of Goder..
eh befspitalf After a. trip they will
reside in Sarnia. They have the beet
wishes Of friends in Exeter.- Rev.
Henry Kinner, wbol hmany Years ago,
preached in. James street church, here
died ha Winnipeg oh Hay 24th,t, ef
pneumonia,t He was eighty years of
age:a-Mr. and „Mrs. Charles Eacrett• of
Sarnia,e visiting With MI% J. Snell
and other relatives heree-Mil. James
iWalters bas gone to Edam, Sask,,
where he will visit his daughter, Mrs.
Graham.--Mieses Murray has •returned
from .Owen Sound and has resumed
her 4,uties as 'teacher in the school
here. -Miss L. Martin haesupplied for
her during her absence. -Rey. Caron
Richardson, of London, conducted the
;services la TrIvitt Memorial church on
11Thursday Rvehing of last week, when
:Rev. A. A. Trumper was inducted. -
!Mr. M. Sn,ell has sold Ford; cars to
the following recently 4 M. Eng..
Land, of Crediton; T. Washburn.
!of Usborne ; .W Brooks, of ,Oentralia,
[Charles Godbolt, Elimville ; and Frank
:Sims, Stephen_ These make' twenty
'cars ,this aertson.-Mr. .W. G. Medd
hello is manager of the WInchelsea,
creamery » has purchased the Exeter
creamery. -Mr. R. Phillipe resign-
ed his pOsitlern as organist usf tihe
James str.eet church and, will leave
town the last of June.1
Constance. 7-1
Jeyne 1Weelding.--A very pretty wed -
ng took place at the ;home of Mr.
Alex Leitch, at high noon ,en Tues -
y, June 6th, when their daughter
illian, was 'United in marriage to Mr.
obert Jamieson, both of Hullett. The
rerrony was performed by the Rev.
r Jiarper of Clinton, While the
•adding march was being played by
Mrs. Bruce Medd, the bridal party en:.
,red the parlor and took their pls.ce
rider eat sera of lilac, while her niece
Olive Medd, attended as flower
1 The bridle was beautifully ELt.-
0d. in ivory atin, with over -dress cf
1k net, and wore a bridal veil caught
p With bridal roses and carriedl
uquet of roves and fern. After :the
ongratutations, the guests 'wbicb
mrbered about forty, repaired to ;the
Inin,g-roorr, Where they all oat down
o a sumptuous repast. The gif-s
ere both. innr.erous And costly, show -
ng the esteem in which the brkle was
Id. They then motored to Seaforth,
here they .entrained for the west.
he bride travelling in. a suit of sand
(nor and Wrack hat, On their return
hey will settle on the ga.ocirnes fine
ir., lot, 7, concession 8, Hullett.
Their many ',friends extend to them
Notes -Mr. George Wheatley pre-
ented himseif with a fine Maxwell
ar.-Mr. Percy McMichael wears the
road smile 110W. His wife precent-
e him with a; fine ba.byi gire-Don't:
ft get the Strawberry Social te be
•eld, on the lawn of Mr., Charles Me-
e regor, on the evening of June 30th,
urther announcement later.
• Kippeu
A Fenian 'Raid Veteran, --Mr. Thos.
ills, of this village, Is an » old
Fenian veteran of 1866. Fifty years
thin month Mr. MeUi, in the same
ol1 stand Itt which he lee now doing
heinees, eranild,erl hundreds of gun
ullets for the men of &his vicinity)
-Who went I,n wagon iloads to :Bayfield
nld Goderich, armed with rifles, shot-
ner and other weapons, in order to
r vent the Fenian's(' invasion of .Can -
4 ,as it was reported they, had(
Landed at Rayfield. Excitement in this
iclixiity wive Imore intense at that
iate than hat• any tiste during ite
resent w,ar. All the citizens, • yhung
nd old, Were rigbit on the ejob for
he defence of their country. tAs the
Government hap been kindly remerr,
g the Old ve,terrans of that time,
td be hoped that they twill not
forget Mr. Mellis. Mr. Meths Is the
Illy resident of thee village -60 years
KO: And during these long years
ehangeo have taken place. -An_
oth r very rexesarkable event of that
ea which might be mentioned was
e 1 laAge ourrber of wild pigeons i• n
-ills locality. There enas a nigeon
rookery in Stepheh townsiliin and
tufmg the summer they , were here
n ousande. A flock of; theni :would
l±cen the pun like a, 1C10114:1, • anei
flew Iso low that it :Was not an
11 ual thing for a well loaded shot
urt to bring down a dozen birds. At
:present price of meat a viett of
is feathered tribe would be high -
I welcome to tan;anT of our eitizenh-
S6rd Out. -Mr, Robert D,all•ynaple, of
tic erorrith, who for some yeas!has
een in the threshing business, has
s 0.4 his outfit to Mr. Bruce ;Berr,y
ucefield. Mr. Dalrymple was a-
n the leading threshers in this
ig borhood, ra,nd the excellent ser-
e he gave the ,ublic, .brought;:
ge share of oatronage his way,
r which • he wishes • to .express his
As Mr. Berry is an ,exper-
ace thresher, .1s hoped he may
ve the rsarne gratifying euccess.
Not ,s. -Mrs. H. Ivison waS visiting
r I isthr. Mrs. (Rev.) McKibben, in
tt n. the papt week, -Rev. Mr. Me-
rl ne of Bajfid. conducted. the
vic s in ShAndrew's thurch last
bba preaching good sermone.-Mr.
. Johnston, of the village, took
„se vices in the Methodist eturcn
th ab,sence of the pastor, Rev. Mr.
owii, who was attending conferenbe.
• ev Mr. Harper of Clinton will
e charge of the ;services in. St_
dreive's church here on, Sabbath next.
ir.ta.nd Mrs. W M. Alexander of
3d of Hay are receiving him-
tu tics's. A young eon brightens
Ir °rte. -Mr. John B. McLean, of
ose illness we made mention last
k, is now 'reproving nicely, and
in the past week Was able to take
al out around, Mr, McLean was
n Tuckerrsrrith ilea.rly 72 years
• d has liv,ed, in the township
tr1e. life, and weld, like to hear
any other in. the township who
t this record. -A number frOm
attended the funeral of the
M4i. James Workmen of the Parr
oli Tu.esday, Mrs. Workman was
tly1 beloved, for her ina-ny
h v
2 Our •••••••••4i0,4444,-,•••••••••
Millinery Merits
• Bs Wonderful
:I Success
Oar Dress Goods
2 ridniiiings are
'Exceedingly Popular
sEcni ow I H
Lqw as 50c and as High as :
$1.25 a pair.
Always a
We, have " Niagara Maid"Silk i
Gloves double throughout.
es extra serviceable. Both t
black and white. » • Price $1.25 i
• ;
Splendid e thusiasm has markvd the receptionof our *
Dainty W ists, attractive, co Ol and comfortable. Ev.
ery woman recognizes them as ; er ideal summer bluse„ .1;
Many have been so taken with, their pleasing de4igns
and soft delicate fabrics that they have selected their 2
entire suminers supply at one iWsit.
Wh,ymot comeshoppin
to-day and see!how really
perfect,they aro.
: You'll find scores of goad looking designs which will 2
: become you wonderfully. And so Varied is the display 2
• of novel fabrics and spring liice!colors. that you'll have 2
• ,
• a hard time choosing between them. Altogether, you'll .2
• have a mos enjoyable time. May we see you soon ? *
. t 4.
! . Sumner Waists $),00 to $5,50 i
I*• Splendid Values in Every Garment
t •.),
l• 1
i* t
I A Most Enticing Display of ,
f ' . . .,
I Dress Goods.Silks .1
Don't overlook our
beauty and of quality.
Yard wide silks 75c to
$2.00 a yard.
I The opportunity our
f, display of dress goods
and silks offers every
lady to find just what
she wants, the big say-
! ing possible in the e
cellent values we ori
combine to make this
,the place 1 for you
; We are anxious to show
things because we know t
to you as exceptionally 41
-shopping and see il thew,
• ,
• ,
Wool -Materials for you
• Suit or Coats 50e to $
you the new
ey WiIIappeil I
od. Come a
new Dress.
.25 a yard.
-- Wash Materials for your new Drell*.
: Suit or Coat, 12 1-2c t; ,!. 1 a yani.
* .4
Butter Wan,ted
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4444444 4.444
2 dur