HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-09, Page 7{ ..,__ .. 916, propet• balance of food '.iris both body . and e gr': period ° wit are meter thanin is'showninaoT bodies, frequent affthition. sneh chi are_say hie earnestness: an ion a need it _ in concentrated. kern the vale lents to enrich their b, nheahllew tostren, ;its sem any and among sethre e. eoett & Beente..TehoatoeChat. sited teesotioldeste -1 mer. : Vis enunsobn repeated Gummy- And mystleanYi fid his a st-angt1:.11ght In stall Tr* to n g y tow virty see Knew. tehera that #y,. r i ` is e'ome Pls tri '" - t about it They lust told three quarters of an hour- ttt tan age to the znlaerable, a ttha hanp.—Baena. frier Homy De. 1- college days)—What . ur man of might? He—Oh, the wonisin of mustaa't.-- eenge Neter Enjoyed. ortny attnk on Lord Gran.' e ove ton' Lord RandolPhl id a stormy passage acrd: and was early dead witlei Me no rds • Granville wo r4r; he gasped,—Lon-• 4 Very Of One. , - her new husband lava thele' bridal trip: In a vette yet me of the new maltea•i'" r consists in activity. It ti; 'tram and not a staff kness wooled. prevented Ile would remember .that one of the first caus- li Orde*h s" fa the best mien, wow or children.: • ex&usIttely at =mall !i i CCL. Mario tiro Get: e first ef the bad e': eatered and sack the and the first enemy who d before Its walls since tba 'lethal, Is: said to have re- he price Of his departure y tdurtug the first siege, in COO pounds weight of gold. • weight of Silver, 3.# a,000 pieces of scarlet WO wand of pepper. In Irish. a portion of the ran- ted by the invader it $be- ry tit down some of t the anent gods, For the Advice. Emeetng a physician at , what dight a man to do an all oeerlsh feeling as oing to have arc attack of rusty M. --lie ought to fid physician about it. €old that advice ought to be Ear ,anyhow. Here it is. hula him up. Glen- s.. gro ids do you desire to of aptguilty?'" ground that we are we must call the at. Eonor to the z egretta- statute of lie itartions evej ;ur �the� elooi'bad we were not ask- Matter earlier." but the Cover ar about Scribbles? the 'him walking out of a ho- me with about a tl worth hlationery ander his coat." ie have to say for hi s gathering material for rr No Hurry. ow long was Emma °hie? let about a .year [rink she will remarry. She told Me she didn't i enough to marry him s • - .ice` T• 4 .�r!1Q, f *1[1' • , 'r'�'.'•'- /a*y. Mar .."‘asateake `•`N artinent tells us that XX s ye r is host fa ates throt gh "wildest" lgated tough the malls e m only one a one1+ of . Crowell In ' tJm texio s. :casionai cleansing rt of this internal Ir complexions--sa fess. It's because atter accumulates rice- The heat whol fine a • _ LTHY By: , ClN !On ,other ©fr "The !t t of Mass Oil lit1 An Ho> s esaSkies Tung "FRUIT -A- VES' LEGAL. R. S. HAYS Copyright , Solicitor', Cc averanc and , Pt blic,. Solicitor for the Dora-. eisa mak. Office in rear of the Dom- ains Bank, Seaforth, Stoney •to =Dan, 3. H. MOM fir; Solicitor,. Coaveyincem and (ray Public. Office up•etslrs over slkee's furtAture store, Main street, F. 110L'j?•9, • nater, Soutar, Ctnr'veyaace a,nd Public. Solicitor for the C&na-. ir8 uk of Cc*nmeree. money to loan. Orageoeis sale. Office, la 2 ottes block, Van street, Sestortb. flOUDFOOT� LORAN AND rrrlrters, Solicitors, Notaries Publie, ills Xoseg to lend. In Seaforth on Hon- ilist of each week. Office la Kidd block, 'Prostifost, K.C.,, 3. L. Kil;korana, , D.1COoo'ee. ovirreentiBit .. ' "► i, v. a. .sopor graduate of Ontario Yeftletii-- Dolleee, and honorary member _ of • Ledtca 1 Associatioe of the Ontario irststisarY Ooliese. Treats diseases of ,sit Demotic Animals by- the most =ad- ' esse principles. Dentistry' and Milk Pav- es a specialty. Office opposite Dicke" ifain street, Seaford'. All or- Ieit:at %be betel will receive prompt Night calls received at the JOIN °Rolm V. S - limier graduate of Ontario Ve'terin- College. All cls of Domestic A ids treated. OaI1s ttly attend - Oto sand charges m rate. Vetierinaty Doustri a, specialty. Office 'and real- • s on Qoder1cb street, one door east Si Dr. mitt's: office, Seafortb, AICAL C 3. W. 'CARN, ILD.0;11,, >n Richmond street, London, Ont. *,ecia iat : Surgery and Genita-Urin• try diseases; of mea and women. - DR. 'GEORGE HEILEMANN,. Osteopathic Physician: of Goderlch. fpeeiallst in women's and children's diseases, rheumatism, acute, chronic aid nervo`as disorders, eye, ear, nose sadthroat. Consultation free. Office at liesessercial Hotel, Searforth, Tuey a>adPry8aiM.toiP.m. . DR. ALEXANDE-R MOI.R • Pyian & Surges. Office and Reddence,, Maln Street.. Phone, 86 i1 thnk t their n w,., s that the Teo a ° safe ipla;oe. thing:of Du "Jed .fihas your eacelle beside :the thought; the minutes ago. "Tbeithe at id en Ba hu ie rase he has them. Etien e, to the with red they afire. ret •eati other gird , nshort band Catinat, you "No; rI cam "We t can What Flo yo piquet'" They'll ase Where' Ade1 band, While 'ed by the into', the for "Men tire d a wis do do sa nde ca' le 4 Ind st. rush e a all e 3eig eur, lid a ildre any ne es ears of = ny of s Id one .. ar i l cornet can�,e on. r' heard sb•tss a i eady "I w wer eara z come into eke ton• in alt tq coy g, but do ly pretekt. re dy. Pe t si4ep?" s • 11 foir touch i It and ;4 r- thelia of go I am haps, t lee " 1 o m t e d nwn . le to, a ound .for tve e r• nd airth w, loo ng fr le' .0 sat On ng om cried Oneg "Tutt It gro .s sen crust' nobleman. "We cin aisle later. Ire enibr tila th= with you. -Let us s e means," `: - De Latina ha airea y r whitlow. Du Lli tt yoeng A None wad 'gilt of ;the cov were i unnii g w th itheir he ward the s ocknde, the doo • of •hail len o ere : tot admit tl ens. asci here f o1n eltind, the ees• 'Utile' clue puff of smolk _ . As :gate swung into place behi rd the arty - the brass cannon at the e !gene ftaph a "di a roar, whit' whole outli e a the 'c root[ as In a i o11in clot ci, i and the stow 'bullet rap ed p against be -w wall I ke h Ii in ons a. oasem nt. Har ng 1ft A • 00 to the - are -o. Indian lios ess arid warn d he her life to eep frim, the indow Catin t sec .ed_ 1 is musket ndr clown airsA le passe .a canis pi1� ()Ugh th. of h one 1 the row umbra eure. a id starr d its a little bio eii •f earl upo the site wall. The seigneur ad al desce ded and wen - honv : rsing Du L ut beside the dolor. "A housand f len., yo dal?' "Ye ; e e cam • en a fres ► trail large war par 300 at the They are ally - ii hawks and gag, ith a s ri kling .f On We ad a -ru - air g light for a miles and we Mayo lost fiv • men. per y her 1 as ere -eenly said the = me deaf lies at i nail hed ti he Mlle el la ring rter ds be to- ch e Dr. 3. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Mc- gan Univereity, Montreal; -Member of of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of hfedicalOaunci:1 of Canada; Post -Graduate rnenzber of Agent Medical Staff of General tDos- 1, Montreal, 1914-15; Office two doors east o3 Post Office, Phone 5,6, Bali, Outer. DB. F. 3. BURROWS. . . Office and residence--GOderich street east of the Methodist church, Zeafortlz, ?hone No. 46, Coroner for the County Of Burma.. • TAM ECOTT & i1oKLY.. J. O. Scent, graduate of Victoria. and CPllege of Physicians -and Surgeons. Ala Arbor, and merober of the Ontaris t7oaroner for the County of Huston. hoar graduate of Trinity, tiaivereity, and • old ened;allist of Trin- (Medical College;member, of the Col- lege of Phsolcisens ,and tleirgieoes, Ontario, rDB. H. ±WGB ROSS. Graduate of tin veztsity of Toronto *Faculty of Medicine, member of Ctrl legeof Physicians and Surgeons of On- tario pares graduate courses In Chicago Clincal School of Chicago ; ;Royal Oph- thalmic - Hospital, London, Englab$1, tntversity College Hospital, London, England, office—Back of Doznlnion Back,: Saefortil. Phone No, 6. Night calla answered iron residence, Victoria street, Seaforth., • ' AUCTIONEERS THOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the countess od' Huron and Perth. Correspondence arrangements for sale dates can be trade by calling up `Phone 97, Seaiorth, or The Expositor office. Charges ;node erate and satisfaction guaranteed. e ttle i'eter 'the ted - r of den her ;for , De shed u'llet ear- ; in ppo- ady With few We MR. MARRIOTT . •� I3 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., August 9th, 1915. link it ny duty to tell,youy`what uit-a-tives" has done for me. e years ago, I began to feel run - 0 • and tired', and suffered Very much Liver and Kidney' Trouble. a ' • g read , of "Fruit-a-tives ", I ho = ght /would try them - The result as surprising. During. the 3i years as , I have taken • them. regularly and o •. not change for anything. Ihave of ad • an hour's sickness since I com- lieJlced using, "Fruit-a-tives ", and I w now what I haven't known for od many years that is, the blessing healthy body and clear thinking o ., act ou an re •e en tak mi. yo T rat an ass wh wh me oth ski ev tec to of tle sw leg fro bu th an sh an 71 WALTER J. MARRIOTT. a box, fi for $2.50, trial size, 25c. dealers or sent postpaid tee receipt rice by Fruit -a -tiles Limited, wa. artotommomomionimmmummoms best have all ready to -retire to the e if they carry the s` oekade. We scarce hope to bold it when they twenty to one'" 11 is ready," - nd with -our cannon we can keep r canoes from passing so we might night.'' Will you side? You with ten of our women away :t bad intended to -do charge of the nor ht come across to -n: r hien now." e firing Came in of e now from the edg the air 'Was full of ilants were all train had - lived by their m a slialting hand nt poverty ' and blip ✓ band, the defend led in Indian fightin ty trick and lure wli themselves or tempt show. They kept we 1 to the sides g through lit- - d and firing ered. A red Into the air ed where one le home, but t save a puff leaves or the 1 0 e continuous of,the wood, bullets. The d shots. igen grins_ and to r a im eye er. On the rs were also and wise in ch could pro - their enemies the loopholes, watch' crevices of the wo ftly when a chance o sticking straight up m behind a log show let at least had go re was little to aim flash from among th d9wy figure of a warrior seen for instant as be darted o the other. Seve ns lead .already been ee were mortally w o ' er Pour still kept iiia 1.1 .holes. • The woiuen upon the ground, 'settee. the holes, each with a sa and a canister of p the loaded guns to th t first the attack had the south face, but as :f •esh bodies of it line spread e whole east hich gradual - Iso. The fort loop of renoke d river fiowee . e farther banl• and one, man- mptecl. to pass .od shot from her side and ► of grape left rs, whose high ove the water e strange fish, ver, the seign- annon to be s _ •' broad embra- re, and of the uck half were the guns, trotted about d his clouded arched, smoke snuffbox andµ sts. it, Du Lhut?" le from one tree of the Cana- llt, but only .untied. The ifully to their eat in a line the level of cerful of bul- wdcr, passing fighting men. been all upon Iroquois came up°th a d lengthened until - fa a was girt with fire, Iy enveloped the north w s ringed in by a grea ss. ve only where the bro st them. Over near canoes were lurking, d by ten warriors, att the stream, but a brass gun dashed i uk her,' while a seem ly•four of the swimm 1p locks stood out a. e the back fins of so l the inland side, how ✓ had ordered the rved no more, for th si'es drew the enemy's ion who bad been st a hong those who worke he old nobleman th his white ruffles ne behind the line of izned men, tapping' lei outing out his, little 3 'What do yoa think o asked. They seem to be on the east face, an t* ey will make. a rus ig," said Du Lliut. R. C. L DICER, Licensed = ctjo ...r for -the Coni t of .Huron. Baler „ttended to to c parte of t)'- C;ut I. Seven years' sa patience in Fi[1aL"J' a and Saarkatchewal_ Terme reaso ,ao le Phone No: 204, R 1---1, Exeter : e r, ;:rails I'. 7.. R. B No. 1. Ord z. et' at The Huron Re potter Of- 4. ,Atte th, promptly Leaded" to. .0 E A : ITRON EXPOSITOR look round. Onega, was wringing her ha of her sots. A glance bullet had piereed hi he was dead. For ;ate instant•-tb thin faee grew • a shade pelei* ant hand which held out ` e little gol(3 snook like a braneh i the wind. "The De la Nouest always die. the field of honor," e remarked think that we should have some More men in the angle by the gun." ' Alai-& iiew it became clear why it was - that the?'Iroquels„.ltad chosen the east- ern Bice for' their ma n attack. It ,was that . the clump of c between the edge o the stockade. A stor creep as far as that for the !final rush. ing warrior and th then a ithird darted belt of I open space selves down among fourth was hit and 1 broken }°i few paces of a hood, but a s continued to venture thirty-six had got ac patch of underwoodl ing ;Savages. Antos come.. From ;where be la white peter- where h from the birch soli that'iminediately un powder bag. He sig then slowly lowered had got to the base o nearly as he could tangle of bushes. T ed the bag, and th cion which shook the swayed' the whole II ades as though th in a breeze. Up to mats of the trees we of blue smoke, and there was a deathly broken ley the. Pette ing bodies. The blow was a h thirty -sit warriors, valor, only four reg the woods and thos tered;that they wer ready the Indians h this fresh disaster aider their 'plan of gradually slackened, "is it possible tha. abandon the attack joyously. But the wily D hemi. "A wolf wo half grieved bone a a prize; as this." "But 'they have 1o: "Aye, but not so h in proportion to ou have lest fifty out .we twenty out of tJ they are, bolding o shall seon hear froze it may be some hon will take .my advic hour's sleep, for yot see by your eyes, lie Indian. lvire, ds over the 'body showed that the heart and that • old nobleman's the box ipon "I B. S. PHILLIPS. Licensed auctioneer for the countiell el !Aaron and Perth. Being a practical tersaer and thorceigliLY . understaedin5 the venae fit farm stock and implements a, ee case !n s better positioa to re- * age rayl prices. Chargee moderate. atettetectesa saaressa d or uo pay. All xr•4era >Crt la Exeter will he proraptly ASTOR 1 A 114111411 Sad Ch In Use For Overt lifeers blew Its p gran lation g the highly sw ing p wer. I - solve'. instant your teacup your reakfast t sug. r for ar bo lis it y and fine" ve it eters- di sa yin• ron.. ereal. 2 and 5 - Carton 50 and 2 Bags r77ie A IV rawing closer I. think that there , before Ile fire had ; indeed grown much fl rccr upon the . side vhich was cle- f nded by De'Catinat, and ,it was plaid t at the main force f'P3' ills incl trtlttla F' .f tile. Iroquois point Froth e an(l cleft and. - with the gray ng in a coutin- the - loophole$. little hole for ove the ground e loading and 'lug in iris own eu et, Leethodical . Beside hen tood Ephraim wage, his .mouth set . riiuly, his eyes fl i Bing from tinder his down drawe •oars and his whole s nil absorbed in e smiting of the Aznalekites. • De was bearing i iinself like an ailing up and Me short words ose fire words, i bring a glow h to the cheek. as gathered at that sh came' the red firtel lo, and the bullets se us streane through nos bad wbittled el lay upon his Own among* his men a praise or tvecept—ti r ugh and blunt, whi the heart and a flu, ven of his men wer e attack ga.ew fierce slackened, upon the lb ought ten Men to re- tie Notre was holding t+ De Catinat when from behind them m • • upon his side others, and the and Du Lhut, nforce him. De ut bis snuffboX sbrill. scream de them both • ver lay midway the forest and leg party ould and -gather ere: first one er ech- e' a second and across the little = nd threw QM- fabushes. The = y with his back tit -from the edgem eaof w= tors the passage until oss, and the little as full of lurk reen's the , had • he could s the had cut the bark go and he new erneath it II k' • the ted the mar and _is barrel Ili til he the little et ee as e bullet pen trat- e was au xplo- e of stout tock - ;were corn talks the highest sum- fter the firs roar and thud. fall - It avy one. 11 picked fo tied the she so torn an f the their ter of shat - spent me . Al - d lost heavilly, and Al ttack. The they are g cried De d as soon 1 an Iroquoi al fly as ou numbers. eescore. council, a them agal s first, and if you you will have an are not, as I can as used to doing without it as I am.' De Catinat wag likleed. weary to the endurance. man had in their b der the she oldier rush Words of c Adele, and ss sleep of n at last h putter of In the sun r fire g to atinat k his ave a such elves They a and o, no; d we last pitch of hum Green ; and the se wrapped themseive and sunk to sleep u the stockade. The otairs to say a few to the trembling throwing himself d he slept the dreaml aroused by a fresh , are from the wood ready low in the tnellove light of e bare Walls ef the from lais couch, sei rushed downstairs were gathered at t Amos lready ankets ter of d up- tafort then, couch, n ex - was sketry as al - heavens, and the ening tinged the room, He Sprang ed his musket and The defenders loopboles once more, while Du Unit, the seignehr and Amos Green were lwhisperieg cagerly "Whp.t Is it, theni Are they oitning "Th•oy are up to Some deviltry," said Du Ltiut, peering out at the corner of the ertibrasureet "'They are gatbering thickly at the east fringe, and et the is not ss the elp is t yen - firing comes from the Indian way t open, and yet, if coming from the f "The wood in fro them," said Amos. as beavers among "Perhaps they a from this side an by a fire from the fitmk." "'That is what think," cr ed the seignenr. "Bring e spare guns up here and all the en except Teeter each side." The words wer mouth when a sh wood, and in an Warriors burst out the open, hovrling, 'Mg their guns an air. Some of thoee between them, an stockede they platted them a em as if ers. Othe sures and lo eir guns ed on to th ,jumped f or side. T (nano fired while t ley had time end then, dubbin their musk whirl). shored abo e the rails. The din. within fernal, the shoe French, the who awl the terrified arcadruI uproar, heard the high, sl eteuti fast. With ever in the foeef So desperately de and musket -butt Lewitt, that though euele were over t slain or driven ba wheu a fresh way lattack acr they think re they enig e with busy If attack attack to To fh euys la rs as s e going to cover the hardly out of his instant a cloud of and charged across tomahawk in the le front bor canoes as they rea hed the ainst it ey had s fired pholes, creching others tops of arlessly e Cana - to load, ts, they d head and swarmed up been scaling lad through the embr the Muzzles of those of the clef again sprang unai the palisades an dowi' upon tbe in the uoutb face, w Of He defenders. instant that the that only ohe "Held them screamed, and, rushing - at the brass gun, he struck his flint and steel and fired it straight into the ;thick of the savages. Then, as they recoiled for an - Instant, he stuck a nail into the t•auele- hole and drove it halite with a blo4 from the butt of his gun. Dashing egress the yard, he spiked the etun the other Corner, and was back at the door as the remnants of the garrison were herled against it by the rush of the assailants. The danadlans darted in and swung the poaderous triass of Wood into position, breaking the leg of the foremost warrior who had striven to follow them, 'Then for, an. instant they bad time for breathing and for e stockade was 111x and cries of the ing of the savages screaming of the blending ihtco. one bove -which ould be rill voice of the old. his censitaires to "How -many warriors are ett it?" ask - Du Lime Amos, De ed the seigneur. VT their case was a very evil one. Had the guns been. lost, so that they might be turned upon the door, a.II further re- sistance would have been vain, bet Du nut's presence of Mind had. saved them from that danger. The tWo guns upon the river face and the canoes were safe, for they were commanded by the windows tof the house.. But their numbers were terribly reduced, and those who were left were weary n had en shot had vk and t Du and wounded and spent Ninet gained the house, but one had b through the body, while a seco his shoulder cleft by a tomitha could no longer raise his musk uninjured, but Eplarairn Savage had a bullet hole in his forearm and Amos was bleeding from a cut upon the face. A few shots from the barricaded windows sufficed to , clear the inclo- sure, for it was all exposed tot their aim, but on the other hand the In- dians had the shelter of the stockade now, and from the farther side of it they kept up a- sfierce fire upon the windows. Half a dohen of the cense. taires returned the fusillade, while the leaders consulted as to what had best be done. "We hate twenty -live women and fourteen children," said the sOgneur. ciI am sure that you will agree with me, gentlemen, that our first duty is toward them. Some of you, I ke my- self, have Iost sons or broth rs this day, Let us at least save our wives and sisters." • "No Iroquois eanoes have p sed up the river," said one of the Ca adians. "It the Women start in the kness they can get away to the for "By Ste. Anne of Beaup el" ex- claimed Du Lhut, "I think it well if you could get yeur Me this also, for I cannot see leo he held until morning." , "Tut! tut! What nonsense is this!" ,axied De la Noue. "Are we to aban- 4on the manor house of Ste: Marie to Voe first gang of savages wile choose to make an attach opon it? No, no, gentlemen; there are still nearly a score of us, and when. the earrison learns that we are so pressed, which will be by tomorrow morning at the latest, they will certainly send us re - "If you stand by the fort I will not desert you," said Du Lhut, "and yet it is a pity to saerifiee brave men for "The canoes will hardly hold the women and children as it isi," cried Theurietn "There are but hero large and four small. There is net space for a single man." The Iroquois were very quiet now, and an occasional dropping shot from the trees or the stockade was the only sign of their presence. The twilight was gathering in and the aun bad al- ould be out. of it Is to HELP FOR WORKING WOME Some Have to K.,..erg on Un Thei Almost Drop, ,o Mrs,. Conley Got Help. Here is a letter from a Woman bed to work, but was too weak and ta. fered to* much to continue4 How able regained health :— Frankfort, Ky.--" seffered so mOth with feraale weakness that I could ttait do my own. wor had to hire it donS. 10 about L Compou bottles it to claim. wellas am able own wo recommend it to any wo lish my letter if you wish." JA hope uhtil ham's Veg- dia sgetaVe ow 'fee as to do 'a1107 suffetilng u may woxnan suffering fro female troubles should lo she has given Lydia E. Pin This famous remedy, ingredients of which are erived Cone native roots and herbs, h for f rty years proved to be a mostvaluable gene and invigorator of the female organ*. All Women are invited to w*ite to the Lydia E. Pin am ineidie eine Co.01bynn, Mass., or spe adviee)---it will be C41,1 dentiaili• "It is not an Iroquois canoe. is, but one man in it Het is a Caeedian!" cried Du Lib "Wheil, but ut e award Or Theo: tIrt: springing tie to the windo a madman would venture hornets' nest alone? Ala y him now. He keeps wen bsaik to ava•Id their fire. midstream, and be turns "It is a Jesuit," said one, eran.14 I neck. "They are 'everywhere the#e most danger." "No. X can see his capote," sal other. "It is a. Franclican. friar." An instant later there was the Qia:nd of a carioe grounding upon the pet -,i the door was unbarred, and a s strode pi attired in the long, gown of the Franciscans He ctits a ping up to De Catinat, I Id his and upon his shoulder. "Sol You have not escaped me/is d he. "We havg caught the fore it had time to root!' "What do you mean, fa the seigneur. "You hoer mistake. This .18 ray Amory de Catittat, of a "This is Amory de Ceti tic and Huguenot!" cried have followed him up rence, and I have follow Richelieu, and I would him to the world's end I bring him back with me.' "Tut, father! Your zeal caret* you too fans' said the seignehr. "Wttither would you take my friend, thenr "He shall go back to F anee hweirfeet.icTs.h„ere is no pittee Canada for it Llmt burst out latighing: ready sunk beneath the treetops. Leaving a watchman -at each -t•vindow, I Ste. Anne, father," said he, -"la 'You could take us all back to Praia* at present •we should be very much erour debtors." "And you will remember," saldi De la Noue sternly, "that you are ;:letkder my roof and that you are speaking of But the friar was not to be atititteh-ed. "Itis luck, indeed, since the moon is evil seed he- ngoe:Ide ; I le hd haet honse as clear as day and exposed the Nebel° long stretch of the river. A. fear- ful yell from the woods announced that the savages had seen. the canoes. "They are rushing through the woods. They are making for the water's edge," cried De Catinat "They have some canoes. down there," said Du Lhut "But they must pass us." cried the seigneur of Ste. Marie, eeeet &own to the cannon and see if you camiot stop them." 'They had bardly reachhd the trans when two large canoes filled with war riors shot out from among the reeds below the fort. "Jean, you are our best shot," cried De la Noue. "Lay for her as the passes the great pine tree. Lambert, '- do you take the other gun." The two wrinkled old artillery glanced along their guns and wal foi the canoes to come abreast of them, Tlie fire blazed higber and higber, and the broad. river lay like a sheet of dule metal, with the two dark lines which, marked the canoes sweeping swiftly down the center. One was fifty yards ire front of the other, but in each. tile In- dians Were bending to their paddles and pulling frantically, while their - comrades from the wooded shores whooped them on to fresh exertions. The fugitives had already disappeared, around *be bend of the river, As the first canoe catoe abreast of. the lower of the two guns the Canoe dian made the sign of the cross over the touchhole and fired. A cheer and then a groan went up from -the eager watchers. The eharge had strtaek the surface dose to the mark and dashed such a shower of water over it that for an instant it looked as if it had been sunk. The next moment, however, the splash subsided, and the can.oe shot - away tminjured save that one of the - rowers had dropped his paddle, while his head fell forward upon the back of. the man lu front of him. The secondi gunner sighted the same canoe as It came abreast of WM, It was a beautiful shot The whole' cbarge took the canoe about six feet - behind the bow and doubled her hre, like an eggshell. Before the sleeks' cleaTed. she had foundered, and: the second cenoe bad paused to pick up. some of the -wounded men. ' "'Quick, gulch!" cried the seigneur. "Load the gnu! We may get the see'. oiled one yet!" But it was not to be. Long before, they could get it' ready the Iroquoite had picked up their -wounded warriors' and were pulling madly downstream, As they shot away the Bre died sud-; denly down in the burning cottages, and the rain and the darkness closed in upon them once more. ty, °They will be taken! Let us aban- don this place, take ,a boat and eeuarce the leaders went round to thet back of the house, where the canoes were lying upon the bank. There were no signs of the enemy upon the river to the north of them. "We are in leek," said Amos. "The clouds are gathering, and there will be my guest." little light." only three days past the full,"1 answer - paper Out eft his bosom. "It is SI ed ed Du Lhut. "I wonder that the Iro- quois have not cut 'us off upon. the wa- ter, but it is likely that their canoes have goae seuth to bring up another war party." "In an hour it might be dark enough to start." 1'1 think that there is rain in those clouds, and that will make ft darker The women and children were as- sembled, and their places in each boat were assigned to them. To thiega, the Indian wife of the seigneur, Who was as wary and as experienced as a war sachem of her people, the command of the wemen was intrusted. "It is not very far, Adele," said De Catinat "It is but a league or two." "But I do not wish to leave you, Amory. We have been together in all our troubles." "My dear love, you will tel the fort how things are wi they will bring us help." "Let the others do that, a stay. I will not be useles Onega has ta.ught me to load will not be afraid, indeed "You must not ask it Ad impossible, child. I could n stay. It is for my sake, d do not knoW what a load from my heart when I know axe gate. And you need not for me. We ean easily hold the place until morning." ened upon his arm. Her hus d was Adele•was silent but her h ds tight- itua still endeavoring to reassure her when a groan burst from the watcher In the window Which overlooked. the stream. "There is a canoe on the Titer to the north of us!" he cried, • them at us, and d. I will le. It is t let you ar. YOU Will be that yeu be afraid elm ..avage, e wa "I cannot see. The light ie not very •otheetyoftfghtlitetile: wellsored bank." good, and le is in the sbadew .01 the utreaching the toma- "Which way is it coming?", at one time fifty Iro- ' "It is coming this way. Ale it shoots e palisades they had out into the open now, and II can see -It nearly all of them, it! May the good Lord be prhised!" "What is it then?" cried De la Noue burst sudd jell had. been Du Lbut closure was ing could nly ave._ stripped w in an lost and ave the • an inst, nil" he Children CI FOR FLETCHSR'S hy the governor, and calls upole ! ou, under pain of the ecinget displei tire, have you now and I shall neverl ave YOU Until I' see you on i board 0 the ship bich will carry You and ! our wife b ele to France." De atinat Gould but admire tha en- ergy a d tenacity of the man. , "It eems to me, father, that , you would 'have shone more as a se dier than afe a follower of Christ," se/ he. "but since you. nave teenttwed. les ieere and since there is no getting asee we may settle this question 'at somn ater A great brown cloud bed ovezppread the beenens and the bight had.- alien so rapidly that they eoUld bare) ilieee the gleam of the river in front of em. the ca cured stockade were getielr save dull r d glow began to show abav MO of the roofs of the cotteges. ; "They bate set it on fire!" cried Du Mut. ' "The canoes mug. go at nee, for th river will soon be as lik/ot as day. ul in! There is not an *tent toTrei eos It ve a,' s no time for leave taking. One i passioned kiss and Adele' was torn a ay and thrust into the s West canoe, which she shared with ega, two c flaxen and an unmarrie girl. The then rushed into their aheas, and 1 a few moments they had shied be an bad vanished into -the dri and the d timess. The great doll bad broke and the rain pattered h asily a. inure Du Lhut. "It will preti-ei'it the cotta es from blazing, •up too tpihltly." But he had- forgotten that, thonibli the roofs ight be wet, the interantNt as as befor a great yellow tongue tee flame cllicke out of one of the wintli4re, and again end again, until SUtilliqllyi::4 ilf of the ri•of fell in, and the cottael mew blazieg like a pitch bucket. rn1( I gall; eS hissed and sputtered in the f?i mire: rain; but, fed from below. thef4 g7ew still leigher and fiercer, flashing,' redly upon the great trees and tumble' their "This is Amory dtz Catinat, the • and Huguenot," them! Come, come; Not an inata to be lost!" "I do not thlek that they will be caught," said Du Limit, laying his hand - soothingly upon bis shbuider. "Do not fear. They had a long ets.rt, and the vtomen here van paddle as well as the - men. Besides, these canoes of the Mo- hawks are not as swift as the Algon- quin birch barks which we use. In any case, it is impossible to followefor we have no boat" "There is ono lying there."' ‘‘Ah, it will but hold a single mam It is that in whieh the friar came." "Then I am goiog thaf! My place is with Adele!" IIe flung open the door, rushed out and was about to push off the frail skiff when some one sprang past him and. with a blow from a hatehet stove in the side of the boat. "It is my boat," said. the friar, throw- ing dowel his ax and foldiug his arms, "I have feund you and you shall not escape nie again." The hot blood flushed to the soldier's head, and, picking up the ax, he'took a quick step forward, The light from the open door shone upon the grave, hareb. fate of the friar, bet not a Mus- cle twitcbed nor a feature chanwd, as he saw the ax t whirl up in the hands of a furious man. He only siOed himself with the cross and mutteved a Latin prayer under his breath. It Was that. composure which saved. his lite. De Catinat hurled down the ax with a bitter curse and was taraint. away from the shattered boat w in an instant without..aewarning, great door of the manor house amen inward and a flood of whooping save ages Iner t into the house. Continued Children FOR FLETCHER