HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-06-09, Page 5v 19T settalasiee ason for women who Nothing so dainty -- woman to wear oa her ;mart high boots or tile Shoes is a selection re most reasonable. s, for r .25 a pair. with leather heels and. ake with covered heels imps with buckle and s with tow heels for Saban heels for 2.50 a ut with plain vamps w heels sizes ix to a rap for z.4 and r. shoes, for roc a bottle. orders promptly filled. IAL HOTEL Buiidint Lots For Sale itnatetf on the we side of north Two storey Ibdck house with :anent and brie's cellar, frame is& barge- frame barn. There doh are twee fy five fruit trees; with one or mere iota to snit. ito WM, AMENT Seafortl3 mrsion 3r e Detroit Return Goder1eh TUESDAY 1116, at :30. A.M. vee DetrOite 'BURS-- loth, isOO P.M. provides a magnificent enjoy all all aay water G STEL STEAM IND and time to visit 3 Detroit. jo Ronald Trip ray with baggage I Hain ' .ate the Go Brach June 12th, Fars only -"c ne, Detroit, Mich. .re " and ambition e sat faction c iid overcoats r. They have ey are tailored :which i they are prime factor in e war, British Ors all over Can continue to make tat is within the 'ing and Sum - >f rich, fast color - ase young men tter whether you Y, tailoring and on. Comte in and es aork • Stanley ding Accident. - The fol. of the sad 'drowning smote Meng Margaret Clark, plf Mr. Lancelet Clark of toWnshiO, on Thursday, evening The eleceased was boErn hi the rostra:011V and after graduating from position In Berlin and: has there for - the pest Iwo She had beets of friends 'here 111 extend the sincerest gym. ft° the bereaved familY -their (and severe atflictilon. The ?says Hurled from their the coat struck a Submerged, tree( le Slyer near here tonight, eight girlie Atruggled for life against the ourrant optterained he branch of the tree in *fey, lahlY isee the Wale member itheir party sWept -away t to her th.in the flood. The drowned girl Margaret Clark, aged. 21 years, 4eughter Of Lancelot Clark, a farmer. kiest lBaYfiekle Ont. She ware, one of leanly Of Allah Berlin girls who' were efernding the evening in a cruise Jon the rive.r. Mr. John Baker, owner ot the launch via at the helnre Sit of the ells are eroPlOYeS0 Lang's *re dr1 Berlin. The boat had been up ote. giver mane distance and was on ithe eeture trip ,and at a point some tree w,as eneremtered. All ten in the biat were thrown into the river. The branches of the tree which had caused rne oda talio served. to save the lives rit some, for bY -grasping lthem they reanaged to clamber tip out of the -water. Clark tailed to reach any 'slaty/ 7In tale darkness. Miss Pe,arl eganklin. lost her hold and would have gone to her death, but tfor the eef.. rote of Mr Baker, who ',wenn to her bank_ Baker's own ughter, Nettie, etaelsta•nce ?and •,helped*er to /the river had talready reached a piece of ...Safety. Meanwhile the driesiS ot the iparty al_ itracted the attention of Peter Sfobie and John donee, who, with 'Some, 15 et baseball not far away. They rushed lb the trescue and seen ihade all the :glee, and. their ball:Man on land. In_ 'ma' then tifat they learned. that one ,n1 the party was gone. nt. score of nenrehers Began beg= the work set patrolling the river and till long after .-rodntsht the istream was dragged, and sin. young man. he•ard of the tragedy, antl_ratme to join ;in thei hunt. The Haesseler was aroused and others, gathered at the dam tc4 see Seat the body should no0 go over em. ilie.rved. Mr Otto Grant, of the tEn- night Shift to go on 'duty 'OA the river jmnt (robs and the e rent fairly tawifte Among the gir in -the boat besides" Bliss Maker, N s Clark, and. Wanklin, -were M ss Smith, of Berlta,, land Miss Bertha Paeaba,ker. The girl Witri met her death wa:s the iFigheet fuld Most highly respected lit the pa.rty. She had tbeen„a resident perun Only a year or two having Come there las a saleswoehan, freer her ts farm, three miles south q Bayfield, in Huron county. , .the Stanley branch, anid Other driende week, when ;wrist watehes were given to three "seldiers, orlao has since gone 114hEndon tor training, -A rniscel- *aeons Aihower was given 3.,itss L. Mc_ Cowtan, on Saturday last at Ethe home Of Mrs. Thonaas Campbell, where a very eileaaant efter.noon was spent by • tiOnoell On ES, COlu ban, o4Mity to Vim rfAfin-I !hope ey, 0 June 60, to efrod 460 parents. Tuck ersinith, n lune' Ithi by E v. G, Roht, vegan al Of Tu kersinitb.-. 1 bride's rents, n Hay 80th, John' rvioe. of 31001e0R-HEYW 1 Toronto _on 'May ,,, h, Albinus- Edward Moo . to I Ela - Mat de, eldest - daugbter of Mr. will Galati Reyw , all !of Mar Pis 64th yeti. !nee Dawilon. wife of Mr. J. B, Tyrema IMMSTRONG-In orris on may oak fabod , Armstrong, aged 6 yes and g month SHADE,- Seale h. on tine 2nd, 1 L Shade, ed 84 y 9 oaths and tw days. • • 40 erta lows b dence Stewa Dr. Se • Fiowe short n 404014.40 T. Holm uner 1 Director anti Lice ed Brobaliner • • • ding oposit t Bros. !Real furnished o or y 119: • SAL On Tuesday, Jun 10, concession 3, Ri .1 Ali JAN AUCTION" SALE OF FA ed .sell by public auctio Staieley on Thursday June 1 mare in I years old. 1 cows calved sale two ye SEAFORTH MARKETS rITHESDATY, June 7 1916 Faill Wheat (stan.; new Oats, per bush . Peas, per bush Barley, per bush Bran, per ton 24 00 to 21 00 Shorts, pee ton 26 00 to 26 00 Butter, No. 1 loose, lb22 to 23 Eggs, per dozen. 22 to 23 Hogs. 10 go to 10 90 tO Bean Market the latter for handpicked. Detroit, June 6 -Beans, immediate and prompt ellipment, 14.05; June, $4. - Dairy Market t Toronto, June 6 -Butter, fresh elaory, ehoece, 24e to 27e; inferior, 23 to 24e; creamery prents, 29e to 31c; Inferior, 28 to 29e. Eggs, new_lahd, 24c to. 25e; rn cartons, 25c ta 26e. Cheese, new, large, 18 1.2c ; twins 19c. Honey -combs Grain, Bic. Toronto, June 6.-Nia.nitoba Wheat-- No.2 northern, 1.15 1_4; No.3 ‘northern, $1.1.I 1_4. Manitoba oats,trackba ports, 11%1 extra feed, 49 1.2e; No.l.feed43 1.2e. American Corn, - No. 3 yellow. hernmerceal, per car lots, according to reercial, 98c to 99c; No. 3, come -Jere etal, 94 to 96c ; feed tvv,he•at 90c no 91c. Ontario oats, No.3 white,48 to 49c. Peas to sample, $1.20 to $1.50. Barley-Malt- itic to 64e. Buckwheat -TO to 71 cents. Manitoba Flour. - UPIrst pat_ jute bags.. Ontario. Flo er - W17 - ter, track, Toronto, prompt ehipment-, lute hags; bulk, seaboard, $4.35 to Millfeed-Carlots, per ton, de.. livered, Montreal, freights; bran, $23; e0e$,--Ontarios qiected ;1.85 and New ManowammomiimumuMNII EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL D1RWOr011,5 Flowersfurniehed on short "leotie fielder of Government Diploma, I Night Oar: Phone Br: CHARGES MODERATE and LiCenee vay (Jails Phone 50 1 to Ear it del April, r old he old heifer calved last May, 1 farrow cow, 1 calves, 1 fat oalf 11 n. old, and abotat 160 h 1 wagon, Massey -Ha Harris mower, fa drill, Massey -Harris ttearly new, Massey - new, steel hOrse talc eingle walking plow ight roPes ravel noTti g 1 2 co feet wince sleights, pair hay thrk, ea root puller, GISTER M STOCK A Brown has bee on Lot 7, Con rising '7, a Y. 2 geldings, rasing to calve abou time meths old, also 2 pigs 4 month ns an ducks. Ina merits eulti aerie two slelg nd pu ne stone, pet t hemlock 'norther, q ntit *quantity of rock elm plan forke, ohains. hoes, hovel num bout The be D 1M instrue ed mar ta horn and other ar ieles whole_will be sold wi ham rented hi farna ing 100 serer will a same time and place on day of gall. .0n o der cash, ove that a given on app oved j oent per annum alto mounts WM. Me Auctioneer. • • der, 6 ft. cu Massey , Massey -Bar 13 ho manure read r neari. 4 section rro s, new, furrow plow, pair bo 8. Clinton fa ping mil , eys, 1 bugg , cutter ging bunks, feet of basew lumber, pile of -el woodk collars an iffietrees, rope to menti The ee&ve as the proprietor area -The fa contain - tette all game of $ 0 and un Te On farm m e know ered for ea e thi onn 6 months cr it will be int no s. discou t of 6 per ed off for cash on credit so , Proprietor, T. BROWN, IMPORT acres, with bush, • nd further partibulars a ply MEYER, P. : Box 2 , ession 4, Mali ll, fruit oreha orth. I ES 120 lee ley tu he Tu orts THEM tTR(7i1V and $35 a mor ; Tennis. EA 60 Stan. 2626-6 the per ckase town; lots to die - Write to HU ON LI ERALS Liberal lation, as censti_ or P'feder I purposes Will be the town hall, H wall, on er, ittene 20th. at 1.30 lanai Be- eleetioln of off rs, it is e meeting will address. Marshall, M,P,. for r. 0111948 A.ieMillan, and other HARRY SMITH, P esklent.t F,o Sal pot farm ef 100 sores being Lot 7, con - (sees! n11. Tue., ertimith.I There are on the premises two k harms with stone.stabling, on 56x45 and the her Weal. Lerge 'steno house th furnace. Titer are 25 acres under Criss, about aoresyeadv for edin , SO bores of hush and 2 aor s of orchard and t ree never failing Wells. also 50 re tarns, be - Th far will be sold Itogether or parately and With r thout the crop. Immo:Int possession. Appi o 0 the promisee Or addresea R. R. No. 7, Kipp n, phone 3 on I RS. DANIEL el•HLLAN 2529-3 una an inset 2 en ou g Men or others ho are le to join for 3versea service ng ion Munition rk. Ap- GINE Seaforth. di uly lop, 100 is. For JP good land all el red, ion 3 McKillop. xho •dweliing home in good re house and poultry house a ply to JOHN MeMILLAN, I farm of eig t scree Of part of lot 30 o 'concern - or and a ba , buggy situated the n. Ap- acres, about se en acres ell fenced and drained ation. There re on the , bank barn, ig house, two) good w For VAltlf FOR SALE. -Lo r smith, ntaining 100 under bush. The farm is and in a good state of milt" premises a good frame ho hen house, delve house an berms and particulars app dreee MRS. JOHN MeOLO fel OOD FARbf FOR SAL kx part of tot 21. Cone taining 130 acres. There dation and bling under There is Also good barn modern brie4 house with on stone foundation. pig p in good repaie. There e3 a chard and twp never failing underdrained and well len cultivation with 10 acres o well situated on the North of Walton C. P. R. station, mail delivery, This is a eh sold on reasonable terms. apply otathe:premisW.or Waltor. For Salo reo 't5 and hard. and so t watet. th, driving sh Mar) n and hen h use, all. well& The fa is well and in a hig state of hardwood b eh. It is else telephone net rural ee farm and will be 24584 V ors for the estate- of the late Hugh M. Gordon, offer for sale, Lot No. fou en (14) in the sixth (6) goneeesion oi the township of McKillop. his farm omelets of 100 acres of cleared and ed farm lands in a clean and good ate of cultivati n and is situated in &splendid far ng district, co venient to markets, schools and eh rehes. On the premises are erected a comfortable frame 3vrellin houee, 18x24, with kitchen attach . Splendid f sone barn 52x70 with stone stabling u erneath, cern nt floors in barn also a. good pig pe and hen ho se, The farsn ia well fenced and ext a well tile drai ed. The title is perfect and possessi n will be given for the purpose of doinall neee ry fall work. Far further particulars apply to ARC 'BALD MeGR OR, or HAYS. Seaforth, their Soli "ter. 2491.1 tirusts uar- Ilherebx ,given t- the. !yearly Divid,end att the declared for- the months June 30th, . 1916. u the Genital Steck of the ompaay, Kerne will be paid' et 'the of.. th' Company on ,and, after 1 16. .The Transfer books 100 from Juneellth to 'June ys inclusive. Gormley Embalmer and uperal Director ertaking Parlors above illiams' grocery store, it?! we ofhttnarri.psotemd oodnesrhaot8r.t noth e. I • II • • 1 • • • • • • jacksoft i • trUn6e through J. Willis' Boot Store. :, • St ;leather only used. 1 oickers and hard we Note the Address Opposite Expositor Office airs. tock ndry rers. • • • • • "0 LY P A" Will ippear about middle of Ju e a Restaurant and Confeeti Having an up to making Home Meals and Lun all h Ice Cream and a Spe ouir PIA Next door to Cardno Bros. 8 ratford date plan Made Ca hes se urs Cool laity the rst nery for dies ed at rinks Proprietors The Stallio servie Thorobred ImporteJ Stallions ollo deg Imported Clydesdale an Percheron this season at Berry's Stables, Hens 11 Ont. KING ;THOMAS lydesdalel [9254] (1262 $15 to Insure. UMBERLA.ND'S GL RV Cilydesdale 117846] f157 8) clCOMMODORE lydesdale [9598] (1 $15 to insure JABOT Percheron [3139] (8421 $10 to insure will travel the seise route as laet ear. The TROTTING STAL ION es until her of 11 go in Itind 20 h, to a limited nu Maar s, e.fter which date he Tenders vei Operator to dr}y. Also gine. Addr I be received up ake charge of St, or„the purchase of ae all tenders to June 10th for e Crusher by a 14. Steam a EXPOSITOR emeammeeremasommemposeme the En- CRICH Reeve R R. lo 8 Seal!: 2529 2 In the Studi The Grand Circuit Race Ho se AcTilIS LiE MaoThistle Is the fast st horse t at was ever; offered for ervice in. Is part tit 'the CO= try. oaced th gh the largest racing ei tett in e cuit tatane as often as they defea ed With Macristle 2.04 3 4 Is also a full broth r to •Indopengeance Boy .01 1-2. MacThistle himself s been ml es in 2.01; e4 half in 57 medal t ile Thistle is a, Igrand big, rown stalli barn, Blyth, this season, for a ii. it - .ed ?number of pares at 420 to insu e. Accommodation. made for mares fr rn a 411E04/Ice. Write far breeding a full particulars to P4ular Stallions. mprOvement ofistook this season The Stand•ard Bred Tr TODDY DIRECT One of Todd'e Gre Igtand at the Com aeason, commencing true Joseph Pinkney, Peopri- will stand for the as follows : ting Stain n 47251 test Sons ercial Hot during t day, May 9f tor. 2524 - HURON'S ,H1AWA 12947 Anepected and A proved ircpro ' Bred by and 'the pr Carlin, will, stand for trent of ;stock (this s stable, Huron Road, M tridee and no half east CUMBERLAND GEM. - (98691) 8L631 Inspected and ApProyed. Enrolment No. -1367, Form I. Mina McGanin, Proprietor. Will stand for service( during tb present season ,at John' J. McGavin' 13, licKillop.• Coits from Cumberland won fir. this spring, Tilt Standard Bred Trotting Stallio JERRY ' Will Stand lat the: Roy Seaterth, on, Thursday , This,- 'IS a very fashion and: while not yet three a, big horse. Look hien, roheent Not 4419. Terms, with foal. 'Ed. Johngto Clinton; phene 8 on 16' 1 Hotel bar each wee y bred col years old, Society; E E$12 to insure 1 JaMes Evans, Proprietor and Manage Monday -Will leave hi own stabl Beechwood, and go to Pat Woods n, for noon ; to hie low Ste. le for the night. esday - T Jahn- Murrayts, conceive 11, McKi lap, tor noon; then; west to A. Ross conesession 10, McKillop, f r one hour theOce to hie own stable for night where he, will remain tll Wednes clay boon. Wednesday N on -To We er',s 'Dublin, for Ight. Thum of Seta,forth for noon; the to Matithe Ilabkirkts McKillop, for lett. Satur daye-Will proceed 'to 1213 own stabl where he Nill remain unt 1 the follow ditions same as foeneer years, Lord Marofield has been enrolled, inspected and ,approved. TTertes goi -insure, $13; Jaene,s Evans, Manager. The Imported Clydesdale 'r\Stallion Enrolxnent No. 353 Form 1 Inspected et„nd Approved. .1 Livingstone, Proprietor & Manager Monda,y-Will leave his own stable, Staffa, and go west to avid Mita for noon; then south to he Cro:narty line ,then east to his o n stable, foe the night, Tuesday -Will leave hiS. owe fitablo and ge to James Radiant tyne'e, Hibbert-Usborne boundary for noon ; then south to Thames Ro and west to Robert licEionald's fo night. We,dnesday-South to Ellenvill ,thce east and south to J o. Delbridge' Thursday -Pest 3 1-2 miles and north 1 1-'2 Miles tor G. C. Allan si Base Line, Blanshard, for neon; then. north-arest to Kirkton, -at Taylor's Hotel, for the night, Frid,ay-North to the Thamee Road, at Thomas McCurdia's, for noon; thee north, end west ha his owe stable, where he will realain until the following Monday morning. The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion CUMBERLAND SCOTT 13979 (16981) Inspected and ApProved. , Enrolment No. 2892 Monday -Will le,ave hiS own stable, lot 4, concession 3, Hibbert, and„ go to John Carpenterts, Dublin, for moo; ban; for night. Tuesday -I -West along 'Huron•road to Boundary line, thence south and east to John Niurphyno lot 23, concessien Hibbert for noon thence to his own stab e for rtigh Wednesday -Will proceed to Wesle Leak's, lot 21, concession13, Logan, f r noon; thene.e to Wen. Winteringbarns lot 6, concespion 2, Logan foe nigh cession $, Fulla,rtmo for noon; then Downie, foe night. Friday -To Joh Ilerreete's, lot 26, concess on 5, Downi for noon; thence to. Bar y Robinson' night torday-To Go dner Hou eta les, Mitcheil, for ; theme 0 hie dine` Stabkit for nigh , mid mit morning. terms insure, $1 The Choicely ;Bred clydesdale Stallion KING KAY (13029) . Jam.es iiiirray, Proprietor and, Manager Mooda•y Noon -Leave lhis own stable at Peter McCann's, lot 30, cons eeesion 3, Hibbert Stp., and go to Dareey's lot 21, concession '1 Willieeres' Int 21, concession 4, I-Iihbert, for noon; then to T. Gontnley's, lot 28, emcees n 7, for night. Wednes- day -To E ward Gormley's, lot 17, concession , Hibbert, for noon; Mery to Weber'e Hotel, Dublin, for night.. Thursday- a William Flannigan's, lot 3, concessio 6, McKillops for noon; then to ,A.ndrew KrauskoPf's, lot 7, conceesion .3, IMeKilloP, for night. Fri- day -TO hie tow,n _stable where he will noon. tting Stallion RE MCKINNEY 42946' Enrolled And Inspected. Monday -Will leave his own stable,/' Egrnondville, at noon, and go by way of the Huron road to Clinton, at R. Gra-ha:We otel, for night. Tuesday - South by a.y of the London Road to Walkerts Hotel, Beucefield, for noon; then south to Commercial He - tel. tabbies, Hensall, for night. Wed - miles ta John Blair's, for noon; then to Centralia, at Moffat's Hotel for night. Thureday-East to Wm. Brocks U,sborne, far noon; then to 1Cirkton, at Titylortel hotel for night. Frida,y- boundary, for noon; then north tO Dublin, at Weberte hotel, for night. Saturday -By way of ....Huron road to his own stable for noon, where he will remain until. the f ()Rowing Monday noon -Jazne.s Berry, proprietor; W. R. Mk TEMPLETON Thia Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Just to Remind You. That :rare ,Will you breed her this season ? D you Leek the most Alb- ?tainable fa your enoney? Consider Mr. Temple an, the beautiful' son of Peter the -Great, 4 years, 2.07%, and Maud Free:ran, the dam of 'four. Ile has a eare inheritanee and Is by Peter the Great-. foam whom proceeds a new standard of excellence, that is the best. His ' and. grand -dam _were known to better than 2.10 trotters, his great gr neldaen was better than a 2.10 trotter, his fourth tiam produced . a 'let of isepeed, his fifth dat.6 -wee by the famous Lexington throUghbred.This tbo, ie the best. In fact, can you beat tne right 4301or, dark brown ; he has the Peter. the Great style and finish, and iher is sound), Het le one of the finest ,galted -of trotters a d his foals are unifonn, all halting. p ty of site. Summing up Mr. Teenleton Is par ex- celloece in inheritance, he speed, in gett, In In, vidliality and above- all, as a gire. Is services ar worth $50 If any' Other stallions are worth a ten dollar bill, With the exception of a Son of Peter the Great, fot they have show ses. Peter the Great in 1914, every iper family beatenn as race or added no LetSs than 49 new performers to his hehleh wa.te ten more than, the ser4vions worlds record of 39. The returnA fcfr the season of 1915 indicate at least sixty more new !performers for him Thts, Mr. Stokes,: states, ac- counts for all the available foals by him ot training age, not being weed for breeding purposes. _ He has placed in the. 2.10 list, forty perfOreners. the largeet number credited tot any other ktallicon, being 426 and be ,has placed; in the 2.10 trotting net, 35 :performers.] This is live more than the combined number of 2.10 trotters sired by, tne two Sires reeking next belciw him aodi heel the, e.ffort been !made there wetc t ten more_ of his get that !could. haee bee tra,rked# 'in the 2.10 ltht in 191 • He has k3lseed. the 2.10 list twen colt trotte,rg with two three a four yeta.r old records. He has sir two eltamploo yearling trotters and tired the present champion, two, three and four year old trotter, Peter _Nolo 2.02. He has Sired three ,2.04 trotters, all tbree which; took their records in 1915. and has sired four 2.05 trot- ters, no other sire, having more than two to his credit. He has sired -roar two year old 2.10 trattere, etber sire having got *more than one. Ile bae s'ir.ed pine three year, old 2 10 trotters While the largest number got by any other etre is five. He has sired toelve four /ear old 2.10 trotters, the lareest nureter got by any other site Peter the Great hag heeded the list annually :the , past half dozen THE CANApIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, c.y. 'Iomq Amp, General Manager. - V. F. JONES. Asaet General CANT $15,000,000 OE;IERVE FUN% $13 50%000 BANKING, Y MAIL Accounts may be opened at every'i'branch of The Canadian Bank of ComMerce to be operated by ;.01:til, and will receive the same tareful aittention as is given to ,o .er departments of the Bank's business.", Money may be depos t or withdrawn in this way as iatisfactOrily as by a personal vi to the Bank. 653 agar LE WE TORONTO UNION .101 ro.45 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, ay for Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthnir, Port William, Winnireg, 'Brandon, Reginal Saska- toon, Calgary, North Battleford, ,EctmontOn, Vancouver, and Pacific Coast Points. Tickets and Berth Reservations; Rom C. Aberhart, Druggist, Agent, tele 'hoie tri, or write R. L. Fairbairn, Genera 13' senger Agen t, 68 King St. Toronto. years for siring 'money winners. He has sired the , winner of the largest amount of money ever won by a bar- negs ,racee horse in, one season. Peter Scott winning $50,535 the past season, aitso the lar,gest -winning' three year old in history, Peter; Volo, winner of $33,500., These are cinly oe few of the skeleton facts about Peter the Great as a, sire, Peter the( Great has mare 2.10 trotting stellions than any other etallion has of' all sexes, mares, stal- lions end geld ngs combined. Seven- ir teen 2.10 trotti stallions, what an amazing arra,y lie has 26 producing SODS.: Up to f ur years ago he had only two, as his oldest foals are only rieing nine years. Another reason why the sons of Peter the Great are certain to-becre the leading sires in teervice,, is eeause there are no short bred, ones, Peter the Great corn - =ands the cream of the brood mares of „all hAmeric while, thotae bred to him at tome net oe equalled for one df its size. In for:a g the harem reSected all these, except the most richly bred, th most celebrated speed producers or e fastes public per- formers. Ther are no feals by Peter the Great in' xistence that are pot oh to the high st standlr.g as regards thing for sucee s of his Sons as sires, for today only orses of the strongest breedi* can win. He was himself an- nually a -winner at, the Blue Grass Fair at Lexington ard since withdrawn, his sons Peter O'Donna, 2.0a and Robert there, /showing what gr d individee als the family are, Mr. T mpieton was bred at the P tchen es Steele Farm Lexingt re, Kentuc y. He went a half, as a earling, In 1.15. He forced Jessie t - to a< reeord of 2.2134 when a very me horse from the ef- fects of a bow a tendon, and if he sure 2.10 trot r. One his first Peter Teen- that tr tted in 2,35 lest year As a two year to d. Terms -Mr „Ternnleton Will 1 bad at his own Istable one . half mile south of Hills Green, at ;25 tee ineure =are with foal. payable March 1st, 1917. Mares from a I distance will be pas ture,d at reasonable rate*. All sect dents (at frisk , of Owners "Of mares. Mares that are ;not returned regularly will be charged ifull Insurance whether GEORGE E. TROYER, PraP Phone 5 on 83, Zurich. • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • XtaS . INDEX Enrolment No• 263 cted and Approved Form 1 Berry, Prop. and Manager. Mi*day-Will leave his own stable, Bettie:afield and go weat, to Varna, at ePTeenperaoce Honse far noon; then to the ileyfield, line, GoderIch I :ye -West to Switzer's corner an 11%0 James sterling's for fortenight,; Wedneaday--North Us the Ilutles3 Rotel and east to Jewell's Cor- herMtben y way of Benmiller to J. C. DurSt's Colborne, for noon; then east pint. Titters -day -By way of the Hur- on !Roads ; to Clinton', at the Graham }-100e foe noon; then. north by way 'he Base Line to Albert Townse d for night. Friday -East through tt tto W. J. McBrine's for noon; the east 'by way of Roxboro to Sea - cot at the Queen's Hotel, for night. .Sat 1 rday-4East ,by way of Red &how. gorrrier then west to Robert Bldg's, ter ooiS; then by way of London Road, o as own stable, where he wiliremain -Mita Me ;following Monday omorning. Voril terms; and conditions see manager, 0"CLAY 12035 ,(13458). I:Enrolment No. 699 , , Ins&cted and Approved. Mitinday-4-Will leave his own stabil* in riruc.efieltl, and go we;St to the ieciiiScl concession of Stan;ley, then .i)orlh to "John Mutchard's, for noon: or .1.nighte Tuesday -By Way of Banh poelburn; to Varna, •at the Tempera aner4 Hotel. for noon; then way of .the!iBayfield Road, to the Goshen, .ine,! to Albert MeCliochey's, for eight. esday-I3y MeClyeeent's side road ,Parr Line. then south to War.• a;th's 2nd concession of Stanley, for ight. •ThUrsday-North to the Bae Road. to his own stable., for poon. antil the following ,Friday morning. Friday -To George lyfeCartney's Mill Road, for noon; theri :to MeAdaan's side roa.d then, north. to the' 2n4 ,concession, }I.R.S., Tucker - Smith then west to James Carnoclearhs, •tor night. Saturday -West by Broad- ; at:We bridge, 'then south to the Mill Roach to Me' OWD stable, where, he will nerrain until .the following Merida. 'twining. Terms -To insure, S15; two irs.res from Me owner, $28, payable !February let, 1917. R.. D. Murdoch, • • • • THE PRODUCT OF EXPER ENCE • • iMODEL NINET* $675.°0 0.B. Oshawa Complete Phone 95 GEO, R. HAI011, Agent Seaforth • •