HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-05-12, Page 4• • • f - r t-ze- - _ _ • - ' MAY M 22 23 30 I T. 6.6x...*=•i** 3 ect 17 24 31 4 11' 18 25 26 * of *. * * • * * • * -* 6 /3 20 27 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Cerreetly Gowned Wernen-Steerert Bros--; Pirsid_Beefinx-O A. olure4 About Itats--Greig 0/0thlne...1 ‘rhouned mitts -J. MoTavWz-8 R. Mustard -5 Court efReelsion-m Murdie-5 Court of Revision-b.F M Gregor -5 - Shia Wanted -Stewart. Bro.-8 Magazine• osee-Tawnescies-8 Buggies for ss.le-A. Barton -8 Dellenture•i, for Sais-ve. lettne-5 For Sale or Rent -S• N. jaeobs-5 Bulls fear sele-,i•rencel Smillte-5 irool-JamesBeattle-s For Sale- W. IL Baker -a Going Weste-G. T. R. -5 sheesof 4nallty--.1., E Wntia-S Rea nitingRally-9 House for Sale -Expositor Office -8 Baggies -B. 0. Henderson -8 ',Weaving Osepets-Mrs. Calder-8 Hostler Wanted -queens Hotel -8 (Pr fitrrin ?Expos or ilkAFORTH, FRIDAY, E.Y 12, 1916. The' Domini= Parliament. An Intereeting and tali:latent hap4 Peeing and bOut the only eine,In 'th e House of Con:teens :during the as e,e,ek was the eroting down ton It etralgbt party vote of the motion of Mr. Carvell tat have the scope of the Feranitry into the' Shell Committee ens' larged. The motion Wafi the leuteorne ef tite-proceedingisi, in the enquiry on Friday lent when the Commissioners stopped -the examination) of a witness being conducted by;Mr . t,E. B. johneton the lawyer looldng after the Liberal intereets In the ncuiret state !net that he twas going outside the bun&tt of the Investigation as laid allown by Peril -wheat and suggesting that' application) he made to Perna - *tent for wider powers. "PreMier Bore den, wever, refused an extension to /be enquiry on the grounds that the request for such an Investigation Must come from :Great 13rItain. As `the fact has come out beyonddispute that *le !shell committee was In 'the posa, lion of contractore directly respons- ibIe ta Sir Sent Hughes anci not to the flisnar Office, the excuse is a pretty flimsy one. 'but .will serve to, keep the lid on, It de the seine excel e _offered againet an Investigation in t e first ,place but which Premier Dor n was finned tley public opinion- o •4over Ade, and' tif signs do not (fait the eteldence be1x ,given at the i Royal Contrnission will Again (bring the pub -f lic demand fort Sa. 'lull and free; probe Into .a.11 cnntracts handled by this old shell contnrItteek fn the mean time as- always wronei doers are never in a hurry tot expose them,selves. and so 'Um Ina i!kept down. On Tuesday last 'the Senate applied the ;pruning knife to the Prohibition • Bill lrecently passed (1sy• the House striking. out three clauses designed to aid prosecutions for violations of the act. The clauses struck out were SS follows: Clause. '4 which provided that in et -prosecution the "accused person shall be I deemed to • have known or inten:decl that such intox-1 kitting liquco would thereafter be dealt with In 'violation of the laws of • the province into white such intoxie eating liquor. was shipped." The seri ate holding that .a wean should net be regarded as guilty tintil so eroven. The isecend clause :struck out was the we providing that a prosecution could be taken inithe place, fromt which the liquor was shipped 'or the place to whieh liquor Is shipped and the tnIre clatiee removed was the one -authoriz- ing the Minleter. of -.Justice .to have proeecutiens instituted. Other changes are istO1 under consideration and it s quite. possible that by the tirr,e the 'senators .get 'thro-ugh with the treasure it .wihl be quite a harmless little affair which the Govermx:ent wanted it 1,to *be in the 'firsteolace but public opinion rather forced their hand in the gratter. The Senators of course being irresponsible, will take all the blame, but we wonder if we will hear as =itch about the arbitrary bearing of the Liberal majority In the isenate lo this case as we have from the Government on some others.. rune.•a eletetmleed offenstve. Ia act,. frorrt some Well founded sources „cornea the "poet that there 'Will be no gen al offennine" this year on th • Wet'._ ern frdrit, the prograttme tug, to :•Geetineturtof their Deice Veen ouch thee es ntussia, hs been:en' &hied, to, •a.rine tsquin .erin m thin Ix =Moe- men evettotwill attack etedbrea through • the Central Birrptres; by • way of the Balkans and. other vulnerable points on ,the Pesetern front. - .Tette may 11:4e;Oe:'ease, as there( :is liodettbi' that Rneetia'haa the nen, all she :needs • ie time tod'aquip then end,If the Allies dot hold the Gesell:an frent until this ed ithene 0-4 31 that Beatiela Will be on. the is ac dou Me to Western Oreplish-' t but. va.neesr an irreiststile wave hat Will firstelee- stron :Turkey and .. .11 Anetile-Hunili gary end...finally re h tteriranye In the tmeeptirise, bovvev r, -the ?rivet if Australian "and New; Zealand troops in the west, as 'twill s the - ussians, evidently indicates t t :the -Allies are looking for earn& awe e fightiag before the eummer is over. The German tos- ses before •Verdien ince ' thd. endof i an February lent are il en at .406 000 men. ae A. Oespateli from iesopetearlia states tee 1 that -General Towns nti. he1c out sl,- th gehist the Terks at ttteel ) ara un- til his tree. 't were on the wog 'of star- vation, The, men 'suoisted d ring th- last two weeks ten four eu ees ' of . flour and n osra'll ally po. *Ion of horseflesh. "On demo ry 24th the. 13rit- ish discover's& new tares hidden in the hones( -Mostly undeg)ound, and, tbese, were ! sufficien - or -nearly three Months .o1xt a gradual Y redec d scale: These _WereLcorcnian eered a d pad. for. One on the :cbl.f nifite Ries was j the fact that the - c 1 panuirtiort re- tranned in tlCut-el-A ra. 'The . . few. who -tried to escape were s•hot beethe. , Turks what trade 'It clear that . they would iexecute-any . . remit Who triad to eiscape. Thus the garrison was bur- dened with:6 000 adi itional 'Mouths to feed,, . The G,erniten Ate . to the , United States :tie tile subsea Inc warfare car- • ried, ion bYt the for ex' has 'been' tie-. ‘ , ceivesi at Weashingt r and has beere answered by Presid ntl Wilisen.. - The. German. -Government In regi to• •Annerican niemende ad promised to change its subtler -1n pollcy for the thee boles', provided that they . would NI, be- 'Ole:wed to awe: . it back' agann to the font styne of sinking ereuttal commerce ithofit• ning xlegareless- • of- whether weasels ere aimed* not. if the United 'States did not de ger- tate things tin 'mega • to Great Brite a.in. .Pretsi4nt NITIls e's &emitter was that •the stermarine policy; must - be changed and stay c ange.d regardless of. British4mAerican relatiOns; other- wlee, the United -Sta4 es will -be added. to Gerneanelte *1st f eeetnies. ,Tnis ansWe,r, of course. evives. he tclaittn ger of a :rupture . e tween the ; teio \ couritries nut whet er GerMeny win' r - . heed this &anger a not !rentaies to beseen. Cres, • • F tier W who ta• gOodn Ifar votir Ina Bervice OU & !t unkno trent lady n of eve ear, st* 1 er a w w Ileiverel# hospital, $19.20; 10.11 ;: )341100, $45.93. tiQi! ,teeeivecii by! Miss P bed her• t •-address to, tt Lo the front and Flanderis.l. Dear Fri cite. of -,Novercr. 26th e wristlets OriVed.0 03,1140i,*As„,..forttet „Inekeefidendea. • 1 tblnk 4,1.VOiee the iticty0 in, wisliiriet ere of Citeadatt1he ve Ing during- the ie it le out Pent :pope intee the ittethr Pt of this • etru aged bytheIowa:led t'n are r so theydhave that your 1. vain. As • the.clliratic c country here of anit kin w . , makes d hecessa, ked tp kno what is most 11 f our experien1be oc be till roost acceptable, -an ,Other articles br • liput flocke are always d perhaps the hard t glad eta tsa an ti t reeeived privately, en ad -keeps up th But when in dou in re on soc s and the 0 nen in this 6 ntry. T ali well and In t ofttltealt its !and' Eitrong. ' the kn t enhne on ou side, an 1,1 ert d justice shah; tri th+e4 Phc1o4ng1jIw1sht 'th yo or 'the Jefforts yo • e comfort. I a JDvtsoi Calvary, formerly fro do 1 et., If you 'wenn tot ,ens 0- , 0 ' 'y home adcirees, Ser St, rett etrelea .0,nt, and tr wi I is 04, it ton. Agent wishin an d he ortany other Workers n• t e easily other workers f. a ha per 1916. Yours,- - Geer re . • imalmommommenrio g rams, Ogre asking d • closed active te ent- though tseett- 1 . the et' best cbraing e e to and le, we e that ably to to do, are dition oollen St Yon ederl, seems d most ne- in des t to • the • _from . supply, t use. II find bops and. wledge that' mph in again are with Lon- er this -t. S. H. people you f Cane f Can- e, Stir - The War Situa,tion The army of the German Crown Prince trade another desperate drive on Verdun this week, .The artillery preparation was the xr ost Intense yet put for ward lasting from Friday /light to. Monday evening. when ea tressed infantry attack was made on the French positions and in spite of fea,rful Iceses, the enemy succeeded in gaining a foathald zorne advanced trenches. Their success was short lived, however, for a Counter atta.-.ec by the- French on Tuesday. drove them out again. so that they are juat Where they have been for the past Month the only ,difference being that. they are minuS many thousands - of inert. These losses are beginning' -to have effect on the troops 'In the. Ger, rra, nranks, They are, apparently, eon: Ing to the conclusion that the Ver- dun enterprise is hopeless as well founded reports state that the men are refusing. -to leave shelter, when. - ordered to make fresh charges on,. the Immovable French lines. There has leheen no official state - rent AS to -What disposition has been made of :the.: Rut -ratan soldiers that have been -arriving in France in con- ni.derable numbers, nor of arty intent- -020 P/it #lettiO4 Olt At4edi tit itget Exet Notes. -Tie Messrs purchased A. tractor ternational Hazy -este Exeter Canning Co with a „view 1. to pure Harvey Brat. ere Ina drawn for :nue recti houses on North sure Judgment Wee report Elite of Oa I Tarlac to tial Seeuritine Lintite • Dickson of Exet moved far ,iJudgmee B McKillop. 'Land Judgment: It think 1' Judger en t far $1020.5 contract with inter Judge Sutherla.nd.'1- S. Atkinson ',have ret lioneynto'on :trip and, beusekeeping in tow, formerly -Is Ethel ? ter of Mr. and. Mrs. Sample ;has 'returned St.Catharines ;after her paren ts Mr. •an tehaer.-Mr. ,For‘d the Nest, has .enlisie balf 'section of 'land, cr.-The funeral of brook of Huron etre& the home of!her par afternoon -the renal rest in ithe`. Exeter Easterbrook iwas only, Besides her parents sisters. r. Peplutie have' built ;by the In. Co.' and , the now te,stingtone ase.e-The Messrs. n -g the- meterial of a 'couple of t. -The d in e reeenttis- Globe : "Pruden_ v. Sweitzer-L. ✓ for (plaintiff, on eontraet. n for tiefendente ntiff must have , balance -due an at and coats.' fr. arid Mrs. O. rned from their have taken .up • The bride wee aysarSmitlhth._d,marusg.ths... to • her home in visit! here with - Mrs. W. aw- n Exeter boy, in ' He timed his ver to his broth_ as Mary -Easter_ took place from ,nts on Saturday s being laid to cemeterye ,Miss: ill a 'short while, she leaves four Bayfie d. Breezes. -Mrs. T Monday with! friende Bran don was called last week ,ta attend her SiSter.--Clarenee don was home over visit to : his btothe Pollock,' who! was ho leave !before , going LltdiaS of tlic patriot poen. holding in ente town hall o Tuesda 16th, when lists Edit forth, is to , rown ee, spent n Hey:want-Mrs. to Londesbora the funeral of ollock, Of Lon - under , on a r, Pte. Harold. e on' his last versees. - The Lc society , pur- tainmeht et the y !evening, May li Neelin!lof Sea- ive an ad ess, which will - doubtless be rr:ost in teresting,1 as she, spent some time at the wan hospitals!. Music, both vocal and nistrurcental, and a lunch of !sandwiches and ! coffee will be !given. Canine and help (along, a good cause.-iThere *VMS' a fair attend- ance At the -recruiting meeting int the town hall Saturday evening, I When .Splendid addresses were given! by Me. • p., Bra Musgrove, M. Sp:Alen and Mr. t#p to Proudfoot. heTqua,rtette I froin Cline maison ton, members' of the 161st, ga,ive good one of reusic4, on We °MOIR Sgrenting "the lise nef hies *roundel for tennis purpenee was uneeloesly car- ried.; • The ground e nave been x ellen ard ,are in fine taape: fot the se tsr I's gr -S 8. elor 6, Grey, has close 'ea lee echoed on: account, of trea,sles.-- Drainage by-laws are on e 'pro -groan of ;both :Grey and, Morris townships and eentraetef wikli be let Ms noritlet The at Sisseton denionst :Med the • need -Jame Speir,. a bree oughtsted Mock in thia lot '•sold hist choir*. bred „D Fair Queen to 'Harry, Stet .known t:anion= of Exeter number of Brussels confine! have ' taken poeltions wit Infarrner14., securing the el tee, ati ha eset e atuier, hurl-, I a ,: of eery& woo C100;3111 ory o ace S ecer • tion 141c•tt 0113 • out eerve pa • Not 4349. our b depre ihes :t ,It trees atome been lees h rope •frolm •StI twin ,upr groun growl eris-ch t *Ana, the 11 a per With prospe llscus Suspic the . reerul diens -the 0 Set xr :9.md t given end t ere a they recrui Tuesd Rev - addr Of Cll. Seidler e On can vas that .T:ohns Ole ,Su for y end- w -4-The Wingleam • Iscovered.-eWorkmen in ex - or a 'big shed wide Mr: 0, • is adding to his ho It here ith ed spine connect'. g links n be _present and the, early t e town. '1.14iie !othered y.they u an axe Ste. a hick y 1an- htc , •;),n 'spite! ,of ha,vin, , Iain fa- perhaps 'half a cent rye' has outting edge and a 'w 11, pre- banelle. To all lappeare es the en. have also stumpled 0 tentold ry, A mortureent hats e felr lescription, . legible ; mem- Charles, sox] hf Ignace Filc• erter." IN'inghant 'Is 110tt eolneethieg 'snore gruetome to o tan the worn of exe,avao nexiceedieg. Where the ha - 4 tied sites: are was once -a lee swamp, 14 ng filled in with e • of thea . have bee taken 4 are sound nd splen elly‘pre.n ttiongh teanY feet unde • ground. • 411 lTa a. ,-We exear good de 1 these t plartn g and bea tifying ,te, hut 'w regret t report at' n' on our • ubllc echo I prem. tie s "of the opposite p inciple. pas .tha,t seve -al small _spruce which hed b en gro Ing for 4 tim, Itte -1 ool groun s hale he . teat( of thieving la, d tuth.. 41 It appea they we e school ty :and, it Ie understo • d 'easne ' he artmen of Educalion, but ter ho ys sever.I were and ,ta away d the ,a ound a ( w more of these hrubs wa dug an.1 other ef dotne to nitit the rota and e trees. It s a prett sn:all hat takes satisfaction i doing . Lt is har, to wish' . thaJe 'his leaf also d whatsoever he doe e school . trustees and hay the ene tfilit a c Officers .eek, has n eighborh thinldng. locality h: nen. to t ram :tha, • ed the matte ons, The ng.l. Int no mai in 'sergeants ss 'this opl of this y serious)y, e naediate Its quota 'of ea (is anc fe who ettn: id be spa g envoi sten up. k n,g tr.eeting was hel ydight in the town h E,TOWn prestded ses Were giver) by Rev. t nodi 'Cap aln Allen. ng some tirrfng so e Iforw rd. A t of the 'neigh rhood w ay andl'the- ext. The in the Pre 'byterian dee atarning made an 134 Men, to enlist. (do not kno of hne r eairy storm Monday does mat Seem to h a,ge vi lence -ars, Wilson An:strongs' by the. wind: 'and raf shing1 pert. vee,re gies fl • If Ise rvice Quart; in, cii ten din Kate e, behalf special •D sucn an not h shall have strong gy and e that d son struck od and Verna s not isvar. there ect but rousing last 11,when plendld airfell Four gs, but ()touh- s made ev. D. church appeai 11 this, sponse. orning ve donei the darnmany an icipate. barn. 'was caught tens, shee en and oho fe fice Shlr gh t I t. s were (blowe off a WO long stretches of aid law =here and there VV roar) 'many .barns, tha iou ly.-The laat Sunday ly service be ite A - number Next Suncla Landesbo of the Educ offering Is ethodests ad or owing t the ng /held t Klee • from h re at_ y the Re C. 0 0, preach° on. a.tionaI Fu d. A o be take up. Brussels. Notes.- he. following statist gleared from the *Township o aesessolr's roll: Number of ac Stssed, 61,854; nmnber of acres ed, 51.14; value, of, real proper 924,350; v lue of '$ total taxa le assessmnt, 32,799,8 'tal Input non, 2,642; births, 3 deaths 27 -Brussels !Cuncil ha ed the, p tax fee' from $le . S. Scott, Rev. R. E and R. M. • coures at are ba k Co Patriotic tociety.-The follewing is the report of the receipts and expendi- tures of the. Patriotic Society up to Jan. 20th, 116 ; Receipts - Members' fv•es, $12-; (dontions, $117; collection from 'St. Andrew% church, 328.n6; sale of flags, let, • $5,9; 'Retie Cross tea, $54; Sale of buttoms, 381.97-; grant frorr. ag.rien14ural eociety, $e0 ;. grant from Brayfield Counell, $10 ;1 concerts, $127.85; danc*, 359.4t; haloes, 167.- 55; sun,dries,le2.1:0 e: box social,' 349.55 ;. Total, $69.01.1 Expenditureser Flannel and yiern.s $3 6.86e fre 'get 'and ,:express 312.14; oonee expeses, $16A7!; union Hhnita4 34. of bis SaturdelY rade toeg nlz Club w on Fel ay of ficere w Reeve ec Vien-Pr Seey-tr re en t C SefiSie Lovise Inc Preside t, - -R , S. S ott. 11 es • are Grey es as- clear - y, 31,- 67,700; 0.; toe and rats - tot $. Page Sinclair have completeditheir London Military Sch o town. -Mr. and M ft 'this week on A ra arado :and California. loneer resident of t ris Township,died su day night .in the 851 The funeral took pi roiling, interment • urnts' cemetery, Hu tion me,eting of the held! in Itiox's Drug afternoon. The fo re elected: Hon. le; Pres., W. M. SI 5., Miss . Isabel Str as., F. H. Gilroy ; R ittee, Misses Pearl Ingham, IVIinerve lair; Managing .Com. Seetetary, ;James Fo. Motion of aopreciat s t. :of Reeve Lee • Tobae.03 35;; Red.tne kin el ol and s. W. asure John e 8rd denly year ce on being lett.- ennis Store, owing Pres., elair ; cha.n ; freeh- alter, ones, ittee, and n of e er of thor.. lity„ has halm cow. a : wfill locallty.-A tion pupis, neighbor- -r standing In . extolls: by the Vasterte ts., t- The new Officers of the Vit Id S. of the Brueds Metliodist church are; Hon. etratrer president ..Mrs. R. eel; pees Idea, Miss Gorde; first vice, Mrs., (Rev .5- !Wren ; secoid vlce 1 rs. Man.. niers; recording secretary, Mrs. Skel_ ton, ices:responding secrete y, Mrs. II, 47ac1son ; treasurer, , M s B. Leath entitle ; Christian stewar • ,thin, Mrs.A. J. Lwry; organist, -Miss arta. Smith and Miss Rowland: Bepots show -ed 3108 naised dering the ye r and bales valued, at $176 shipped. tworaimimmen- Roo Poultry Market *Mite: May Pena broil - era., 1. a-2 pOunds and over /45c to. 50c; old eowth c18 to: 20c; chi ken, 18 to 20c; m1k Jed, 17 to 20e. 1 Dressed Spries broilers. 65e to 65e; old fowl. 22 to 24c; ehickeent 24e to 27c; calk fed, 25c 'tot 26e . •••••••mammillis Dairy Marko Termite,. May '9n-Buttr Creamery ants, fresh ineadtia 29 'to 31c ; cretore ery eolide storerepe ne to 29c; choke, win 41.1 250 itc$ 27c, °Miner • prints, 24c to' 26 cents ; bakerse, 23 o 24 ceats. Egg--Steeial candled, ea tons, new - laid,: 24c no 25c. New -lands ex-certoes, canled, 23c to 24 cents per dezen. Cheese td 'ew 'large, 19 2 to 191, 8-4 cents, twins e 19 3-4: to cents ; old June and September, large 20c, twin, 20 3-4 penss; end tripl ts 21 cents. Honey Buckwh at, barrels, 'le to 7 1-2c; tires, 74-2e to 8c; clov- er, 4o ten pound tin, 13 -2 cente ; 6 pound tins, 14c;' comb n ey, No. 1 per ,dozen, 32.50 to $3; No. 2 per dozen $2 to 3/.40. Maple Syrup- mperial gal- .lon, 31.40. Grain, Et Toronto May 9 -Manitoba. Wheat - Trade. bay ports, Non northern, $1.26 , Nett northern 31.23 5.8; No.3 northern, $1.19 6-8, Manitoba oets, track,bay ports 53 1-ec; Von3 C.W., ‘52c ; No. extra feed; 52c; No, 1 feed, 1 1-4 cents, American Corn. - No.3 yellow 82 1-2c. Canedlan Coen -Feed, norrft inal, 74e tto 76c. Ontario Wheat -No. winter, per car lett according to the freight 'outside, not quotid ; No. 1 commercial, $1.03 to $1.05; No. 2 com- mercial, $1.01 tot $1.03; No 3- commer- cial, 98c Ito $1; feed. wheat 86 tor 88c. Ontario Oatts-No.3 *line 45 1..2 to 46 1e2 cents ; commercial ts.. 44 1r2 45 1-2 ' cents. Pee - NU/1%er 2 nominal, per car lot, 3160; according to sample, $1.20 to $1.50.Barley-Malt- ing ' colonise 04 4to 65e; No. 2 teed, 60 • to ,138e 33 uckwheat-69 to' 70e according to the frelgh s oetsble, Manitoba Flour. st pat- ents, in Jute bags, $6.50; do, sec ond% 36.00; strong bakers', e5.80 In jute bags. Ontario Fl - Win- ter, track, Toronto, prompt aecoe.diIto aueittinr oeotab$40a.3ru 0 to34.40,t .40, in jute ba;b o $4.45. Millfe,ed-Car lots, per eon, de- livered, T.vlontreal freights Bran, e.24: shorts, $26 ; middlings, $26 to $2t1; good feed, floor, per bag, $1.60 o $130. Po- tatoes -Bag, Ontarios, 31.70 •to $1.7; out 91 store ; Dela,Warese. $1.85; in car lots 15c less. Live Stock Markets Buffalo. May 9--Mediun and heavy steers slow, others active; shipping, $8.25 to $9.60; hoteliers' $7,50 to $9.00; heifers, $1,25 to,$8,60; bu Is $5.00 to 87.75; stockers and feeder$1 $700, to 8.00 fresh cows and springers active, $50 to Wt. Veals-activ ; $4,,50 to $10.50. Hogs -heavy. $10,. 5 to $10.26; mixed, $10.15 to $10.20; yo key% $9.25 to $10.15;pigs and roughS, V 00 to $9.1; stags, 50 to $7.50. Sheep and lambs --active : lambs, $6.5 to $10.25; yearlings, $6.00 to $8:50; ethers,17.75 to P.25; ewes, $4.00 to $ .75 ;sheep, m''ned, $7,75 to P.00. : Montreal, May Oth..-Th re were no new developments in ths cOndition of the naarkeb for cattie to-daye prices generally being fully maintained ow- ing to the fact that there *as practi- cally DO increase in the Supply, but the quality of the stock Was better than it has been of late, for which there was a good demand fi om packers and butchers, as most of them were short of beef, and in conspuence an active trade was done, an the pos- pects are that there will be no mater- ial change in prices until grass-fed cattle commence to corce forward freely, as drovers state that the bulk of the stall -fed stock thro ghout the country is now pretty well exhausted. The feature of the hog situation was the weaker feeling which developed in the market, and prices as compared with a week ago show a decline of 25 30c per cwt. \The trade w s fairly ac- tive, with sales f selected lots at $12 to $12.2e, sows •t $8 tO 8.20, and stags at V to 56 20 per cwt., weighed off cars. Owin to the co nulled • supply of c Ives coming forward for which there is a good demand for both local cons inption and for ship- ment to 'United States points, an ac- tive trade was • one, and t e market was stedy, wits sales of choice stock at stt° Sc. and he lower grades at 5 to °d per lb. I've weight The de- mand for Bern g lambs is good, of which the off rings are increasing some but price rule about steady at from $5 to $8 each as td quality- " bulehers' catt e, choice, $9 to $9.25, medium, e7,50 to $8.50; contmon $6.15 to $7.25, choice cows $735 to $8, med- ium s6.75 to $7.25; bulls $6.00 to $8.25; Canners $5.50 to 56; Milkers, choice each $8re to 590, coin. and med. each $75 to $80; Springers $65 to ,$70,Sheep, ewes $7.75 to $8.25, Bucks and culls $7.25 to $7L50; Lambs $11.56 to $11 15, Hogs,' off cars $12, to $12.20. Union Steck Yards, Toronto, May 9. -To-clay's market was one of the best experienced sat the yards ifor a long time. Almost 3,000 head of cattlijewere on offer, and but few loads were 'left unaold, at the lunch hbur Phe, buying tone for butcher !cattle generally was, if anything, a shade stron er than at the close of last weekeand there was little ba,geling over prices. With the exception of about ?loaf a dozen load of really choice, tattle, the run did net contain the average high quality of a week ago. Orse hoed of 17 nice but- cher cattle topped values at $9.40,wnich is the highest 'price paid for butchers for 114 long period. The cattic were part Of & anipenent of 135 'heed, sent by R. (B. Wilkinson, and wens fed by -pie"pg•A Guthrie 'of New Dundee. Titte load httiluded: Ten yearlings, an4 catle averaged 1,400 other loads Of hdavy bute calahedi In at 39,25, two reel email lets at 9 cents the other 'midst enet 38.50 and 18.75; and ber from 38.85 to $8.90 ood Trade- buteliens Niter ng at corresponding va us. 1Butcher butte were a, trifla bet eady for the 'beets -- bu WS were in, dentandsfat a ich reached 80e in case and lambs were an ex t run for a M*ndabu the retnedni Poste* PO cher cAtue, loads and The _Pick - uels bet 'belted n • Me4it1TO to • ettaidy to ter than. e ebolee fat e advanceWli Calve, she ceactingly .11 the ahortag did not lead to finme the 'market held, steady t quotations, except where it oice light sheep wer d for which $10.10 w 4600 hogs whieh arrive eek-endall tut 300 bea to the packers, wbo this morning qu ted decka weighed off th care at 311450„ twhich 15t a drop of 40le on last Thnrsdayes 'value, :but a fair cashed, in around $11.80. McCurdy ann McCurdy bought 90 :butcher tattle, 850 to 1000 lbsi$3,40 to 38.60, Frank flue-. nisett lbou,it-- au butcher cattle, 900 to 1200 lbst 38.26 to 38.90, Guntur Lt4. bought 200 ;cattle; butcher eteers an helfere $8.50 to 39; cows >$6.50, to 7.8 ; bulls 34.50 td $8. W.1 dt Neely< bought ft00 cattle for MatthetverBlackwellt good butchre $8,65 to 39; rredlo butcher38125 to 38.50; choice cows -$7 25 to $7,75 medium butdiere 36.50 0 36.85; bulls $700 tto 17.75..P. Zeagn:an and pots sold one load butchers, 120 lbs,( 38.90; 1 load butelsers, 1100 lb 38.510; 1 164 steers, 1050 lb, $85, 2 Wads COWS, 16 to 37.75; bulls 6. to' '50; half ,deck lloge„ $11.80t weig ed off care; two springers, 3156. II, Kennedy sold 12 loads ; butchers 8.25 to 38.90; cows $4,50 l!to 47.25; Rills $6.O to 37.50. Crbett,. Hall and, Cougbl sold 28 losele; best heavy; cattier 33 9.25; twot loads 1400lb, cattle, $9.2 heist butebees 38.60 to 38.90; medlu butchere 37,75 to' 38.25; best cows 1$7 40 to e7.75; xredlum cow, $6.25 tr 36.75; beet bulls 17.50 to 17.75; Me hen bulls e0.70 to 37.25, 'Rice ein4Wha, - ey paid; ibtitcberst 18, 1120 lbs, 39.0 • 14, 1140 114 $8.76"; 20, 90 lbs, et8.40 ' one, 880 llt, $8; 16, 910 lbs,( 38.20e 2 1080 lbs, $8,175; cws, 3, '106 lbs, 37.6 two, 1260 Os, $7,50; bulls; 1, 2,000 lb 3760; one, 1618 Its, $8; one, 118n lb 37; one, 160 lbs„ 37.60; she ept $8.50 to 310.10; caleins 38 to 19.50; &oeo lam $18.50, Dunn and, Lev,ack eold: Bute. - ere 17, 120- lbs, 9.25; 26, 1370 C lble, $9.25; 19 10 lbs, 38.85; , tw, . 75 lbs, 37.25; 3, 1050 lbs, $8,0; 20, 10$0 lbs $8.50; (23, 1200 lbs, e8.76; , 26, .90 lbs 38,50; Six, 1080 pounds; 38.65; -one, 410. lbs 16; (10, 1125' lbs, 38.86 t. et, 10/0 lbs 38.65; eigiht, 850 lbs, 3.15,3• 26, 100 Its $8.65; covert 2, 1140 lbs, 37.60; 13, 3.30.0 lbs, 47,95 e '8, 1070 lbs, $7.50 ;bull, 1,1650 lbs, .$7.60; one, 1240 Ibs, 37.50; 0, 1100 lbs. 47; 120 shee, 3/1 itesi$1.10; ',10 yearlings 312 to 313.50; tbirtisen calve $7.50 to 310.00. The quotations were Choice hea, y steers 38.90 to 9.25; .bti - chers' catt; choice, $8.50 to 38.75; go.d $8.15 to $8,40; = medium, 87.90 o $8.13); corn on $7.1.0„eedts /7.50; butcher' bull, choIc4et 37.t5 to' 3736; 4*. good bulls $6.85 to 7.00; do. 'trough 4,65 to 5.15; butchers, cows, choice, 37.25 to ;776; tgood 16A0 to 37.00; common $5.25 to 6.75; stockers, 700. to 850 pounds, 36.75 to 7.75; choke feeder, deborned, 950 to 1000 lbs, 37.50 to 38; canners end tutters, 133.50 to 4,40; milkrs, eholce, each,' ;75.00 to 3100; do. tam, and med., eacb, $40 to 360; springers $50 - to $100; light( ewes, 38.50 to e10.00; sheeph heavyl, 6 to $7.50; bucks, S8.0 to 34.501; ,la.rbs ,choice, Illto 313.50; sPrinig laenhs, 36 to= 312; naives, good, to chohe *9.25 to 310.50; 'medum: 7.-25to 38.5 hogs. fed .and w,atred, 311,25 to 31i.3; weighed off cars 311.50 to 311.80; do., f.o.b. 310.75 to 310,85, , prices, , and . last wek's few extra concerned, paid.. Of th ovee the went dtrec peoportion of those on offer to -day 0; ANCIENT ANESTHETICS. NepettIthe and Other Agents Were Used by Oal Trine Surgeons. Thohe who Imagine that surgical knowledge began with later 'genera- tions and, that the discovery of chloro- form revolutiOnized the science should read an article published by Dr. 3: de Fenton in the South Andean. journal of Science. • Various anesthetizing media and methods` were well known both in an tiquity and during We middle ages!. Homer mentions the anesthetic effecte ot nepenthe; Herodotus states ttat the Seythi ens obtained similar effects front the vapors of hemp, produced by throwing hank), seed on hot stones. Chinese physician of the third century, B. C., gave Ids patients a preparatiort of hemp to make them insensible dur- ing surgical operations. The most important anesthetic of an cient and medieval times Was, - how,. ever, wine' of 3nandra.gota, the use of Which is mentioned by a great number of early writers and is .referred by Shakespeare. More recently, In the year 1760, the German surgeon, Wiss, better known as Albinus, amputated the foot of Augustus III., king of Po, land, while under the influenee of man. dragora. Two other anesthellzhag agenele0 were employed in very early times arterial compression and hypnotism BIG LOAVES OF BREAD. In France They Are Made From Four: to Six Feet In Length. The biggest loaves of bread baked to be eaten are those made in France and Italy. In the Oise of the pipe bread of the latter country the loavesi are betweert two feet and three. feet( in length and occasionally even long- er, while the French fieople make their' loaves in the shape of very long rolls! of bread, ranging from. four feet to five, feet and ini a few initances ' even to six feet in length. Bread In Paris is distribrited almost exclusivel3r by women. These go to. the various :bakehouses at 5.10 a- Int and spend stbout an. hour in, brushing the dlontog tlhooveesustowmitherss.pecial brushes.1 Whentb.eir toad is cleaned of grit andi dust the pnrteuse de pale goes the! Customers who live in fiats have' their loaves propped. up against the1 doors of their aptirtmentsn Shopkeepe! ers, restaura nes and other eustomers! who have tra.nces to their' premises in the street find their portions of the, stall of life leaning against their front; doors when they take down the shut- ters. The „ages of these bread car- riers vary from 2 shillings to 2s. &I. a; day, their work being generally oval at_ le or _12 o'clock in the norning.--' • SO4p SI OO:ors • . 7 - The Popular low cut Footwear of tihe season for Wbmen who want a smart shoe, will be the New Pumps land Strap slppers. The new Pumps are Oassyl, Dainty and Ha.ridsone. The strap slippers, which are made with tw, three 'and four straps are very dressy and will be much worn this season. We will Oke pleasure in showing the new low cut Footwear to every lady that Will favor us with a call. mention a few of our leading styles fori thisseason- Ladies patent colt two -trap slippIrs with box bows and turn soles for $2. 50.2..14 Ladies tent Colt four strap slipPers with small jet ornaments and flexible soles. ottr $.00: Ladies Pa int Coltrumps with pftent leatherbows trimmed with white tor $2.75 Ladies Pat tit Colt Pumps with Sparate straps, small oval black p sole§ for $3.25. Colt Pumps with tilack and white buckles, long es for $3.5o. s 'atent Colt Pumps with ankle straps, box bows and d $2.5o Colt Pumps with ankle strap, black cjoth buckles and turn -• Ladies vamps and tu Growing Gi low heels for $25 flTGrowing Girls sertion and turn sole or 4.54:1"AO TELEPHONE, 11 OPPO SITE COMMERCIAL E OTEL Court of Revision A Court a Revision for hearing appeals a2-aint the Assessment Roll of the Munioipality of MoKi11- op for the year 1910, will be held at Oaidees 1I111 Winthrop on Monday the 291h day of May 1916, at 10,80 A. 11, AU Interested parties please govern themselves accordingly. MURDIE, Clerk statIllen May 6th 1918 26264 11111116111111111malmiglimilli Stratford, Ontnno "'NI° You Cali Secure a Posits -on if you take a course With us. The de- ie.and upon us for treined help is many tunes the number graduat ing. Students Ure entering each week. You may enter at any time Write at once for our free catalog. D. A. McLachlan, terometuammumilt. fir, -Farmer 'our land is Valuable. Our country needs every ounee of produce it can grow. It means{ money to youand prosperity to Canada. Doubtless the seeding wilt be late this year and the only way to rush the growth is to apply large! quantities of Buffalo Brand • Fertilizer A fresh car load Just arrived and our prices are right Ideal Whet-. :d Corn • at PO er on Buffalo Garba Tankage atS24ipe 'n for lst of October :s ent or five . per cent aff h. We also handle all kinds of logs and lumber, Lehigh 'Valley Coal, Can- ada Cement, dressed lumber and shingles, Canada, Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials: tile, cedar posts, etc. Telephones: Bayfield office 8 on 174; Brumfield office 11 on 14 John 13, Mustard • ouse and Puildint Lets for Sale The property is situated on the wet; side ol north. sIsin at" Stforh. Two storey brick house With one foundation, cement and brier sller, frame When and woodshed, Large frame barn. There •.e six. lots uon-which are twenty Ova fruit trees Will tell the house with one or more lots tO suit pernhaser. Apply to 251741: WM. AMEN% eyeteeth Excursion oderich to Detroit and Return Go' eaves Goderich, TUESDAY E nth. 116, at 0:30. A.M. et4vnilg, leaves Detroit, THURS- AY,June 'nth, 1200 his trip provides a magnificent opportunity to enjoy antill Bey water voyage on the BIG STEEL STEAM ER GREYHOUND and tune to visit yur, friends in Detroit, Fare $1.50 Round Trip 1.00 one way with baggage Children Halt Rate Bhnst forget the Goderich 8and, Moonlight, June 12th, :00 P.M. - Fare_ only 25c White Star Line, Dtroit, ka••••••••••11.100......•••••••.••••••••••• ‘Mde to Measure Suitsnd Overcoats IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambition give our customers the ibest possible satisfaction in the tailoring business. Our suits 1.nd overcoats are made in a high-class. -car ful mariner. They have earned their reputation from ithe way th -y are tailored as well as from the pure materials from hich they are made. The.quality has always been a irime factor in our tailoring, and always -wilt be. In spite of the fact that owing to th,_ war, British woollens have advanced greatly in price and tail rs all over Can ada have beer" compelled to raise prices, we will ontinue to make wraonrgtheyo frneavdeerythrnmaena. sure clothes at a price _t t is within the -and we never had a finer .r.nge of Spring and Eum mer material. Distinctive patternsand shades of rich, fast color- ings, also all the plain shades. Fibrics to please young Inez', middle aged Men and old men. It does not matter whether you are a style enthusiast or just app.reciate quality, tailoring and value. We know that we can give 'you satisfaction. Come in and examine these new materials. Let Us Be Y OUE Jailors D. Brig • • •