HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-05-12, Page 3THE HURON E 'O ITOR
Phone Your orders I "Sig -arts Sell it for Less 91
ail Your orders
Girls Wanted to and tail rlearn dressmaking
personally this store.
o �-
PlYP y a
Let us made your new
dress -fir waist in our new
Dressmaking Department
or HE new dress making Department has been success
ful beyondour big est expectations. Dozens of
women who have left their measures with ust'st ll bar!
testmiony to the clever stylish garnlients this new dep-a
artment is turning. out. We have elvery facility that is
known to assis in givin the best fit, the neatest and
careful wrkmans P WhetherYour�
~� is on-
ly a house dres ,a waist,aa skirt a street dress orthe most'
elaborate even ng gown, . we will give you absolute
setis fact n per
ect fit, and as -sua.it will cost
leave your meas re we will please y ou.
Correctly Gowned
Women need not be
Whether the material. be costly or
.not ----to be becgmi gly dressed ----to
know that one's i attire reflects style
and individuality is the aspiration of
every thoughtf.1' wo.an,
Our Dres, Goods and
Silks f4,n4 Spring
and Summer
Are of the highest quality ossible for the price we ask. If
you would be' correctly go ned,we invite you to inspect the
matchless array of dress materials we are showing at very
reasonable prices.
MANY novel ideas
.1.71are to be seen in o
popular flaring coats
introduce designs that
same time attractively
a touch of braid there
and innumerable othe
much to the suit bea
charming display.
looking for.
Like the New
hatlare entirely new this spring
r Oisplay of new Sults. The
ski;rts have made it possible to
are entirely different and at the
becoming. There are so many
es of trimmings—a button here,
cdntrasting collars and cuffs
style additions. that:end so
tififtl. Come in and see this
ou Will find just what you are
$10.00. to $30.00
The Men s and Boys' tore
is Ready to erve You
Stylish New Hats New Sprin Suits
IiVE have a hat that will suit
VT your fabe at a price that will
suit your pocketbook. We make
this statement fearlessij for he
would be a haid man to suit, in-
deed, who could not be -suited from
our Stock of new hats, greys,blacks
navys and browns are the leading
colors in soft hats, white and
black is the only fashionable
color this season in the stiff hats.
The shapes are well gelected and
very becoming. Sizes 6X. to 7i
Work Clothes
E are rea
merits that wea
y with the surnMer work
ood honestl well made gar -
Overalls $4.oc to $1.5o I
Smocks 75c to $1.50
Felt Hats 5oc to 75c
Shirts 5oc to t.00
Mitts& gloves 5c to 5oc
2, 1918
ered udy
e live -r becomes sl u,ggish and
= bowels becoute constpat;
becomes coated, the stop
sets headaches are the upshot.
I .xa-Liver Pills will stimat
segish liver, clean the foul
ue, do away with the stomach:
apish the disagreeable bilious
Cs Kidd# -Sperling, B.C.:'
have used Milb 's Larne
for bilious headaches, i.
fully until I started take,
were the only thing that
any good. I never have any
ache any more."
Iia-Live.r Pills7are
dais for $I.00, at all
ect on receipt of price by
ilettor, Conveyance
le. Solicitor for the Dents
Office in rear of the Dom,
Sfoth. Money to ;fig
Solicitor, Convehoncer
1c. Office sap -stairs ohet
rttire state, Main street;
Solicitor, Conveya
1c. Solicitor for the Canna:
Cie: 3ioney to loam
asts. Offe,, in wt's block
Solicitors. t Notaries Pallet
lend:. In Seaforth on Manta
week. Office in Kidd block&
t, K C.,s Je L. Ki°lperau,
Hall A,RL
chaste of Ontario tJa^r1
AE diseases of Domes
ed. Calla promptly attend
irges moderate.. Vavtrsrinatalt
specialty. Office and eei4
erich street, one door cad?
c office, saforth. a
tuate of Ontario Vet:eai e
and honorary member o
association of 'the Ontario
college. Treats diseases 011
&animals by the most =Ode
• Dentistry and Milk- refs
T. Office opposite i k'd
street, Saforth, All or::
e hotel will receive prompt
ght calls received at dash
ere K N, LD.Chil
id street, London, Ont.
t;,rgery and Genito•.Hr
if -men and women.
Physician of Codericl
rworeen's and ehiidren'S
amatism, acute, chronics
disorders, eye, ear, nom
ansultatlon free. Office aid
t(he', 5eatforth, Tuesa ayt.
t`s am. till -1 p.m.
Faculty of Itfeclichie, Mee
, Montreal; Member of
.sic1ans end Surgeons oft
itiate of Medical Council
)stGraduate member srf!
,al Staff of General Halal
• 1914-i5; Office two
Post Office, Phone film
to, •
idence—Gnderich street
'bodist church, Seafort;t
Coroner for the Courityj
radua,.te of Victoria ax
Fsiciana and ,9urgeccna
member of the Ontariall
County of Hasson..
h• ear graduate of Trinity
gold medallist of Trine
age; nwinber of the Cole
s and Barge -cans, Ontario .
.Univerr.tty of Toronto
:dicine, member of Coat
hs and Surgeons of On
uate courses in Ohicag
• Chicago,; Royal Oph
al, London, England*
'ge I c3gital, Londono
.-13aci of Dominion(
Phone Na. 5. Night
from residence, Victoria.
oneer for the eatratfeh
Perth. Corre apondenct
• sale dates can -bet
up Phone S7, heaforttl
r office=. Charges mode
acticu guaranteed.
l� t KERR.
q;m •4.r for the COIL
Lttended to in
• _y. Seven years.`' }.
sria and tlaskatchev
Phone No. 204,
W./sails, Pt C.B. L
f r at The Huron i
ioforth., promptly
Priti,rijP l
user for these -oath
e-oc th
E Being a Pract
naglali understand al
Mock and inaplenst.
letter positic o to -t
Charges modes;. - .c
dialed or go per. -.4
Star will he proutpt
MAY 12, 1916
ro-$vn .away
45 of
naught in. If
eiy are to
o cut off to
s rip out '
acl h w
W' ::n ' d 'b
otq the front
tidy an
'the, ba
is pass
Petey 'horn,
r or late:
reel , c
gid ilia
;e thee in
a P % SF. D,; k AM
A.. BOGERT Mineron
The Business Of
---On the lasedness of M*ntsi'aotas ge-•shoild be done
Umlaut way. Proceeds should be put in a ban
slid : be made by Cheque. A Wilma eentate
should be put to a Savings Aocoont ss ah emerge
atan who has a oasis
snrtts to - a bank
is.aand hart Stas..
a practical
of the roll's
fuad. The
gxna� the climate I�: � ch milder ; spuria of
frost and snow = re Succeeded by renin,
and the worst en» •1e the` gip&
But farther nor I h, round I�vi ?sit,
the climate aper, aches that.' of : Pe troy S
glad, suf , g must be te_rible.
f School Retort,—The following, is the
moult of the Prornotion Examinations
na8. 'S. ' No. 3, Hays. Na*nes in, order
of meth. Entrance Class -- Ward
Forrest, Willie Blackwell;. 'Jr. to Sr.
the -Orville S, pith, Annie Richardson ;
Brr 'III to Jr, IV—Mary Forret ; . Sr.
III—Grant Love, Clifford Redmond,
Wesley Jedsnnond, Lena. •Kenney; Sr.
fl to *Sr. III—Greta Forrest, Wesley
Richard, Gertrude Lave; tJr II to Sr..
U.: Belle Kyle,Russell Comsitt ; Jr. II
Cis — ,Margery Richardson, Bona
Blackwell, L.ue` .a eTarrotth Pt. i oto'
Pt. II -=Glenn (Love, (Roy Kyle; Pt. I
a -Greta Backwell, Florence Arms
Strong.—S. Petty, Teacher.
(Too Late far Last Week).
Notes.—This week we have to record
the removal Of Mr. W. L. Keys and
`fMn1ly Of the babylen Lime,. .tot Sea-
forth.4 Mr. Keys has -been a pro_ni-
neat and first class 'citizen of Stan
ley ,for many yearss The neighbors
are all exxpessing regret at the re -i.
Moral of the family. The members'
send adherents of the Goshen Methoa
.dist church, some time ago, paid them
a ,fine tributek --frespect and esteem
in a eplendi:d• 'address and. a purse. of
money: The Varna Methodist W.M.S.,
have just closed •a splendid year _ of
work, the 25th of :,their existence. They
have raised upwards of $90 foriIs.-
'denary work. Their new president is
Mrs V,- M. Deihl.Mrs. F
?aside aside with sickness. ,,
Removal of a Land Mark.—During
the past week, Mr 'Jahn McLean with
xuz-nber of willing helpers has been
buy puling down the Presbyterian
Church, which Mr McLean purchased
about ,a year ago. `This church was
erected in 1881 and was rebuilt in
1898,; -?during the •passtorate of Rev;
W .Martin, of Exeter, Who conducted
services there for twenty-one years.
?After his removal from Exeter, it was
difficult to ;find a supply, when the
Active Ifi,g(hting ',.lust indeed be dif-
ficult Iles to: s still. for tent Minn
ut is o have t e feetteblUed and the
senses nurn bed, d forr the German,
who is not blur from childhothir to
such .experiences, one, would .think
barely ;possible.
The. ,ailments of childhoods are
but moat of ttheln are caused, .by tnany some
deran.get'nent of t e stomnachand bow-
gels., Therefore it. -banish; these trou-
bles the stomach ust bt kept Sweet
and the bowel ogular• 'To do this
notfhingca,n eq Baby's Own Tablets.
Thousarda of I • her have pito ed
this.i Among 't `� Is' Mrs. Tho as.
Holmes, I Bliss N.B., who writ s :
"Every moth this locality u es
Baby's wn . hi s as we alleo!si er
theme th v y be medicine for'chi d --
hood ai a ts,'t he Tablets .are sold
by lnz.edi in.e deal re or by mall at 25
cents a box from The, Dr Williams;'{'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Production and Thrift—Women''
and. hrift
Uposa the women of the land, will rest
the ,greatest burde., 'of success in the
canpaign for thri t that has been
irau,gurte:d. As eads . of the house-
hold= thy mar'q . the chan.cellors of do-
mestic exchequers. It Is for them to
bear tin mind. tha expenditure upon
articles that are of actualr'y needed
is ,not thione lease ing their own re-
sources but als• depriivin.g the
country of so tithing, that, might
be- much more profitably. ap-
plied. The 4majortt a of ;men will age e
that so heal- as th: household is eh
serried their vv• I en- are . pretty
thrifty, hut .sti.ngi .ess, ' parsimonious-
ness -or •fniserliness is not thrift. The
thrifty hvornan co bines "with a yeah
tura]. ,aptitude for cosnoany'' the wis=
don of Selection! nd • utilization. She
knows when to, s ve and ,whin ' to
spend,. She knows what isi necessary
andwhait can, be d ane vv;tthou,t and
she makes ,the :best use of everythin�g.r'
late. Rev Nell Shaw, of - Eg_non dvllie, Neither does She a all things .he;r1
offered to co=ne and was -gladly ac- setas 4 When
'help .i. at hand she ,utl=
cepted. He continued to preach un- s lize3' It with disci.°tion.
th hate tk-me, of his death when the The ,great ,aid, to
Is thought--
congregation ere again without sup- t fulness, In fact, wi holt that clement
• ply and .after an appeal to Presbytery,thrift is:. out of•ti e question. The
they ;being unable to pro -vide one, the, 1 thrifty woman, too, not only exercises
congregation .d. sband. d, the :xcmberswisdom herself 'bu sees that her
having no .say. 'In the disposal of the i children do thea sa e thing not by
property Owing to an act passed in indulging them but by• dele.gatiee
1900, ,by which the property pas d .r- to them sundry off ces of which they
:to the, hand of the Trustee Beard of are capable, by ma ng them self -re,-:
Missions ,and ,they •ordered the pros liant:; But the wo_' an cannot do air
party -to be sold. by public auryti in. Mr. these things herse t She must enjoy
McLean Intends to use the n htertal the ,support, counten=nce and influence
In the 'erection of a .house'oh lilt farmof her unkind, he greatest eq
OD the Ilensall Road. e:-ny to thrift tis' th promiscuous del -
in g out ;of t e :no ey. 1,t Is not to
Winter in Petrograd - _ boys ,and ,g'i is a sign Of good n• -.I
`` io. ore ever gave ire any real idea ture it tis, , anti]• t• the recipier{t.( aof --what the Russian winter really was poisons thd(r dislio ition andsows
like,' writes an English newspaper seeds of ;heeds. tht can nevere
plan, a correspondent of the Manchea- eradicated- For th: t .ort of • thin,
ter Guardian, who has been mak'n, ween are but litt a responsible,. bet
his first visit to, Russia. 'It must ,be where their efforts shine Isin al -
mg the -Bold in Russia, has a pe- lowing nothing Ito :o'• to waste, - in
culler quality that makes it far cold- • .king u�Se of eve: ything, slid n
er than elsewhere, I found 15 degrees ( n - exercising ingenuity in food., Ire sb,
of :frost •(Reahousehold
urnur), which els nearly labour an : the. bringing up
` Seven degrees below zero Fahrenheit, of children., An Incentive to the ac-
.rot nearly sa cold at Karuagi, less
imhan, -ten ,miles from : the Artie Circle,
12 ,degrees at Petrograd. Twenty
ees of _frost in Petrograd, which
la degrees below zero Farhenhett,
Is Incredibly cold.
' "Zit would be :'.cold in. America too ;
'but there at -that temperature ' the
beth does not freeze men's whiskers
solid, nor are the flanks of your
horse sheathed ini icicles, nor is it a
Spitler of urgency to wrap your head
in furls—in fact, in America. there are
many people who never wear fur caps
at all.
' `,`Zn frozen 'Russia ibefore you have
been fifteen minutes in the air your
greatcoat collar tis white with your
breath, to be without - fur or .a padded
rap on your 'head is to 'risk' vlolenti
neuralgia, and ;to go -with your ,ears
=covered to- . court frost -bite. A
+'tuba, or heavy coat, padded with cot-
ton -wool or with wool and. fur combined.
la a first necessity of comfortable life,
.ari4 alumost every man, woman and
•child has one. If tnot, they wear, like
Mate ca33 strivers, about six coats, one
above the other.
"Mark, too, that ordinary. fur coat,
`rucch -as serves -An America or Germany,
Where the winter can be hard enough,
is airrost useless in Russia; since the
fur, without an interlining of wool,
does not keep out the knife-like cold.
On the other hand, - a Russian shuoa
ctrald hardly be worn anywhere els;,
;ch it would *be far roo.(heavy and hot.
The great majority of (people .wear
fur cap; as well, or, if not, putt an
Specially read, ear tprotectars, lined
with fur ar wo:nl, turned -up collars
six Inches deep, or wind a bashlik,
the military d st:tchable hood, round
'tlm ,lr hit•ads.
"IP Resale, given without being told,
ons soon realizes that it is a. matter
of importance to keep the circulation
going. You may . see staid passers-by
break into a sudc'�:n run or begin vio-
lently to beat themselvesh or a cab;
pan leap from hie perch 'and,` gather-
- ing his voluminous skirts in One hand
'while he-'stIit holds the reins int the
'Other, run alongsid= his sleigh trite
huge leaps. It hands and feet get
really cold• he knows the 'trouble he
'will have to get theme warrry again.
"Thus it Is In the capital, when win-
ter holds Russia In its grip., imagine,
*hen, what it must be at the front. In;
.the Minsk: region and to the south
cotnpliehment of the
flection, upon diet.
and experjience- of
at the fro t, `.and u
every ,nunpa ,saved is
the w'elfalre of the
haps to winning th
e things is a re-
, upon: the needs
elr :male reletivhs
an the fact that
a contribution to
country and. per -
You . Will feel bett r sand live longer
if you keep your towels regular by
the occasional -use o Rexall Orderlies
'1.5c an,d h5c' boxes at Rexall , Drug
Stores only. •C. fLL. " t lams.
Where they Must ave the Pieces
IA ,baise d a peacef 1 ,spot, a place Of
industry ether the - war, with not
even far tent b• sming of guns, yet
a fasc1nat ng spot '• nd an eye opener
to the to itude ' the great, con-
flict. At base tin re . is every form
of indust y, frgm e e: watchmaker,
who look after 'th timepieces of the'.
army,to thel baker who- -makes the
bread ten . the emit who repairs 'guns
and freaks new, Ira heelplates for
starching ;bcibts. Ev ry form of equip-
ment for .man' or .east can be found
at a base; every re alt that need be
"Wade ca be done there. If a field
piece c es in wi h a 1burst barrel'
it can •b'- replaced at the -base and
quickly ade ready for .50 -Vice at the
front. e =same with shoes; uniforms,
rifles, an chine gun , bicycles and
automobi.les:. And nearby is 'a boas
pital vvh re men • re repaired - ani?
-rade fit. Sur . furt er service. -
- There ie ane shoo here, where shoes
are mended. It is, a marvellous place,
a ;great long buildtn with hundreds elf
workmen all _ Eng lab cobblers frojn
tone. A pair of w•rk shales is brought
in at one end of t' e' building, tatter: d
and torn, with re-markabl; cclerite.
they are irepaired and go out the other
endal/nest' good r -s' new. First; they',
are thoroughly -ha hed and'disinfc:ate•I.'
then tut ed over o' a mxma ter cobibl,r
who, by ertain ca.alistle marks, in 1
sates wh t must b done to them. Then
they ,are tturned ver to the cobble r.;
who .does the work, tearing, themisip rt;
and putting them 'together; again.' A -
machine drives gr gat hobnails, in t e'
soles, leen plates are nailed$o hec 's
and :fin' lly, the- .-•hoes are; dipped in oil
to snake them wa a proof. When ds y
they are shipped bct to the front. T e
saving of money n ahOes and, qter
article's which are' repaired rather Ix p
rums to hundreds of
>unds a we,e.
opted. 'OId uniforms are
'not too far gone( they
:f repair is impossible
d over to the worsen,
the, button andfch'ev-
linin,,gs and save, the
itch raells for'$400 a kton.
oke,n: rifles come down
Theyy are carefully ex-
expert who, by glancing
mels, can, tell if further
ilea If a, rifle is cons
t in the barrel, _ as
h`atppeffis to all rifles,
est aside, but all other
is are saved, I,n this
hone 'guns are repaired.
May Weather Foredasts
4 gu"tar arils ns; period.
ori, 0, Inst; 'exte'Ming Prot
tq !i y ,rid., The be
h. iii lowed ! reading,
r attire will b , hi,ghelst
g Ilist ' frmn:the
in iius ive, stomas ;of . rain,
t under w111 re h their
S : gers, It 'Will be 'well t
ei very forc fu1, it no
at • s ,an ,or ut Monda
:, edneaday, .th lied. The-
a • that is rapid change to
1 :down fro-theNort
th ;: high baroim text that
To law 'these, storms. Any
Staking to protect
f oan frost fro about 2
In gj;rt tprove, a paying pr
e • etionary isto m per[od
stringland; cool
the. earful obese
pati-ic ,and, a
bin a may prov:
calc lat{ions. T
stn . s may bcgi
abet t ,t'e 5th- an
, -the 5trh,t'6t , 7th At
ulzs of a pe uliar char
eating first ni ,the f
n ,strata, along the
izon, r.Lsing hence, top
u stain -like : cumulus
As t se ,pre
since, e ig,t ,smnnoot
glen gat Ttlhe -.attom, ove.
ling, tunnblingre clouds,
tweed at an. alarming
ti( watery . imbus u
k, fore-rubni g clouds, -
ait', out of; w'ch rain an
lexpebted.. j;nLease of
trink or whiling clou
award to .illi earth, al
xi from•t the, edge- of t
-hanging clo dis, autlin
ing, twistln terror, 'o
the nin+.bus louds belo
coxnmbn tins gfor the
!storms ito repeat the
t ; h•e• .same • our of da
severlal' days in successi
he baromrete rises de
anently, ,an
foll.w by true
fros s. A regula
cen oral on the
nese ay the 10th,
The gemeral atmo
we .enter this `p
the, kind, I of ,set
.Warn, sultry,
law ,an failing,
take a almost
star s • f greater
brew ' We W
pearl, d will ,react
that ,storms the
ing ;ill , culmina
ing the 12th, 131
the :toijm at seri
peri • d cjome to a
baro etrr will
Nort west, and t
•dang-r •p'f frosts
be p ogressively t
d the 16th f iris
the :• din to the,
n is cc .sive nig
tar p nriod is ¢¢
8th, 19th :and '20fl
the 6th —a distirt
longed; stubbor
drizz len rain, bu
resul s of .:the M
be fe t suring th
and e•g lar atm'High ba. °meter a
co -ole I will -foil
A re :: alar . storm •
the 2 • th, extend.'
the 7lthi Abautt
bare 4tcr- -wilt ,d
sectio Is, wind, will
it wi 1 grotw '•:ste,ac
storm iu'f• wind,
will i spam Ize, and
'ward -?journey. (zBsy
storm centres will
of •t .0 eoun;try,
trical Storms, on; s ;n
This one. of the
series ofl daily s
succe iv. -rays,
yt sires ireits
night ,and .anath
nig',bt orxn comin
night the ale
each day, until
beget or in the
eveni g.. At such
are, f ,great . viol
in wi d hurricanes
The aiming toge
daily ,storm cycle
eulmi ,;setas about
in tat e'vening?, a.'
and inotass store
eWes err , j'marizon,
West ren + sky .wit]
of Ii: thing, terra
t'hun . ir, fallow
down, pure of rai
the e two storm
gree $ ;storm usua
at. period, th
' very thigh, ,the .v
ste,a •`y tic) westerl
turn upseasanab
ery H •t m period
days f lyT
fled lx theiayt com jh
with , Oh and ;9.
is t e ,4econd, ne
Falli - baromete
with :terms of
win • ,v-11 pass a
Itiian a i Tuesday
the 2Sl�tia .30th an
is central
i Apr.11 28th
peter will
nd the terms
lsta (tbt 3rd,
wind and
, anticipate
ery cool will
west, with
sure to
der things
d to 5th,
caution. A
s central
his season,
cter form,
of bluish
ed • with --
nimb is
-arched by,
1 moving
speed; the
der the
s - the real
wind are
ays drops
e black,
d, 'in its
the face
. tIt
Is a
e peculiar
selves at
or night,
or ulm-
ldedly and
the wind shifts
from the West. To
ver, poss4ssed of
ood barometer, these
valuable beyond alit
ase destructive ` May
on and
h, and be
thee and
riod Is
ng Wed -
the 15th.
tions, as
may he.
rice- that
lence are
`hat this
is, and
✓ watch-
•' touch -
to appear
6th and 7
cooler we
storm: p
2th, coven
to iond.ay
pherlc con
riod. will
rms to
amid wind
t = roaneter,
bsitive evid
-or less vi-
ii ;predict
' its cri
will be
mite an and
:h and 14t
s of storms of this
end, a ve y high
ash In fr m • the
i c 'lasts probable
€Or this se son, will
€}tween t .e 12th
in the ` est and
ast and Si uthward
ts. A re : ctlonary
n tral an he 17th,
From th ,16th to
t tendenc' to pro-.
cloudine=s alta
the mast marked
curt'' influ nee will
period, lit to 20th
period, 22 d to 27th
d. change to much
these storms:
riod is ce tral on
from the 22nd to
22nd, a falling
clap in - Western
shift to ' utherly,
y warts. -'r, and
r In and thunder
ss -art on - th =1r East -
the 14th nd 25th,
each cent al parts
b:)•,eaking in o eke -
next to
next.to he 25th.
periods in hich a
cams, for several
a I,likelyl t such
ten a. storm in; the
t in the • ay, the
e, little earlier each
cycle, a slit le later
fttwo' cycl • s come
ernoon or early
times. th storms
ce, often .suiting
d local tornadoes.
er of th two
,f • most frequently
six to eigh o'clock
which ti great
clouds for on the
and swee • up the
alaraninsg displays
i c reverber tions of
by de'tructive
n. The -ble ding of
ycles in o one
i y break' up the
barometer ris's
Inde shift ool and
�1and the weather
Y cool, A reaction-
peers the 1. st three
a period 1- intensi-t
ction of he moon
on the 31:.t. This
moon this month.
warmer , .weather,
hunder, r: in and
er the cou try on
and Wedn:•.day, on
in fl
4100 RE ARD, $10:� ..
e i readers of this. pape will bs
to learn ti = t there at least
eaded disc: • . that sc encs has
ble to cure all its sags, and
catarrh catarrh bean greatly
ed by co,titutIonal onditions
a constituti+r; ai trdattr nt Hall's
h . Cure is :.:n liter ally and
ou,gh the :load an t Mucous
s of the System th ehy de-
g the fount :tion of t disease,
igthe patient strength b building
constitution and ass ting no.-
.in doing US work Th • proprie-
hive so much faith in :e curative
er, k of 'Ball's Catarrh ere that
pffar One undred oilers for
c: se that a fails to cure Sand
i.t of ter onlals
A• dm-,.F. J. CBENEY Co., To-
hto. Sold y all Drw: gists, Vic.
IF you intend buying
this season above all
here. In the face of a
of reliable materials, yo
glance that our store
beautiful new style suiz-s
honest British manufact
serges and tweeds.
guarantee the colors
every suit is dyed with t
auslin dyes and will st
All sizes.
Underwear 5oc 75c
Wool Sox 25c
Union Sox 15c tO 20C
, Cotton; Sox roc to 15c
- Straw hats Tor.. to 5c
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
°tillers, come
re4t sacrifice
will see at a
m4de of good
e4 worsteds,
these suits
e Old reliable
nd! the SUM,
to $20.00
with this sto e a d this spring finds us again
CiNAPPY p- o -date furnishings for men &
1...' boys has a ways been a strong feature
demonstratin our leadership.
Shirts 75c to $
Hose 15c to 5q
Underwear soc to $ .50
Collars I5C to oc!
Handkerchiefs 5c to oc:
Ties roc to oc
tewart r
Sweaters 25c to $1 025
Stockings '25c to soc
Underwear IV to 5oe
Ties roe to 250
Belts 25c to
Shirts soc
Butter, ool
Eggs Wended