HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-05-05, Page 54
n for Women who want
ap slippers. The new
'he strap slippers, whic},
..ry dressy and will be
sure in showing the new
r us with a call. We
ws and turn soles
small jet ornaments and
her bows trimmed with
traps, shall oval black
white buckles, long
c1e straps, box bows and
cle strap, black cloth
rs with tiwo three and
old records. . He has sired
ona rl n
y trot
g t
d, he
resent champion, two,. threer old ':trotter} Peter Volo
is sired gree 2,04 trotters,
f which teak their records
d has sired four 2.05 trot
her sire having pore than
credit. Re has sired four
id 2.10 trotters, no ekber
r got :Tl oria than one. Ire
nine thre:; year old. 230
;tie the largest imrb,r got
;r sire is five. He has tired
• year old 2•la trotters, the
o.. r got by any other sire
Great has headed the
ty the Past half dozen
zring m!rftey winners. He
h•` winner of the largest
:money ever,- won: by a .har-
:arse in, one season. Peter
z; 850.525 the gait season,
rge4t w;ip swing three year
Try. Peter; Volo, winner .of
are o- iy a few of the
is about Peter the Great
Deter the; - Great has more
tallions '4,han any other
of ail s` .es, mares,. stal-
'sidings combined. Seven -t
otting staiiions, what an
.ray. He i;as 26 producing
n four years ars a,go he had
s his oldest foals are only
y ar . Another reason
D=Ts of Peter the Great are
, b •er .•ole tte leading sires
11 beca t s .! there are, no
ncs. Peter the -Great coln-
eream ,of the', brood mares
ca, whit:= those. breed to
cannon to equalled for
ize. in forming the harem:
Wilkes Farm, Mr. Stokes
°those, except the most
th:• mcst celebrated speed
r t h = fastest public per-
:ere are no foals by Peter
-' 'existence that are not
ghest standing as regards
'entry. This means every-
:ccess of his sans as sires,
sly horses of the strongest
vein. He w = himself an-
ne'e at the Blue Grass Fair
t and since withdrawn, his
Donna 2.48 and Robert
'ire bet n the cha;nplon
g what grand lndlvid.>'-
iy are, Mr. Templeton was
• Patcheri Wilkes Stock
eton. Kentucky. He west
earliig, In 1.15. He
• --.. to is record of 2.21%
Mt., 1r4 a five heat race,
lazne horse from the ,ef-
,ed tendon., and if ' he
with, an accident,' wan a
ter. One of his first
. to this, country is
on, that trotted in 2.85
two years old.
Templeton will stand at
ble one half mile sou
n at $25 to insure mare
yable March 1st, 1911.
;g, distance will be Pas -
able rates. All acci-
,k of owners of mares.r
e not returned regularly 1
d full insurance whether
t. c -
anr E. TROYER, PrOP.
88, Zurich.
n or near
F k in our
d Child -
ices -50
se make
S1 for the
Y 5 iteie
wr+ ea
..c ya '111.11KETS
LYliib*L , Kay 4th, 1818
reiliW teat (stau.) new to
04 4. per
kbush. ,,.
Biper bush ..e.t.f r.
rley, per trash •,,o
Beawns, per bush...... 2 50 to 2 60
Brae, per ton 24 00 to 24 00
Shorts, per Cola . .:26 00 to 26 00
Flew, per cwt.,...., 3 00 to 4 00
Butter, No. 1 loose, ib21 to 23.
dozen 20 to 2 t
Bap, new, per ion.... , 12 00 to 14 t
' Bog*.......••..• 11 10 to 11 .O
Holder of Government Diploma
and Liceeem-
Flowers tarnished on short notice
- Night Ca'_: y Calls
Phone 107 L Picone 50
31o1&ILLAN—In Blytb, on April 22n1, to Mr. an
true, John Moitillan, a son
MULL --In kloKlllop on April 28th, to It1r, and Mrs.
Fred. A. Moult. (nee Elizabeth Lawrence) a eon.
JONES -At Hayfield on April 28th, to Rev. J. E.
and Mrs. Jones. n daughter.
6PIC'ER—In Wingham, on April loth, tolMr. and
Mrs. R, J, Dicer, a daughter.
WESTLA1BE--DE AT `—in Stanley. on April 22
by Rev. A. Macfarlane, Isabelle, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hoist, Delgate, to Thomes Westlake,
$ll of tan
McIAoHLAN—WISE—At the home of the bride's
p rents. Colborne, on Ajprii 26, Grace Arena elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wise, to Donald
Campbell McLachlan, of Toronto.
BOGIE--STEWAIRT—At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. William. Stewart, Goderich, on Wed-
; nodal,. April 26. by Bev Geo. E Ross, Mr. James
Bogie and Miss Eliza J. Stewart. both of Goder-
LAY—OPPENSIZER—In Wincham on April 20th,
by Rev. E. G; Dymond, Pte. W. Lay, of St.
Thomas toMiss Emma Oppensizer of Brussels.
340I11.--BTIR.B—At London, on April 17th. by Rev.
R. W. Norwood,Lillian Stire to James Moir, both
of Dashwood.
WHITE -1n Goderich on Sunday, April 28rd Esther
Johnston White, widow of the late Joha White,
aged: 8 2 yeaps.
1eIL4AIN- Goderioh township on April
Johnston MoI1 a
n,aged 09 years.
McMLT.TAN—in Tuokersmith, on April 80th, Daniel
McMillan, aged 59 years.
S. T. Holmes
• Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Ui tertali`ingg parlors in Oddfe
lows building 1
. ogite
Stewart Bros.o , esi
• dence Goderich si., cpp
• Dr. Scott's,
• 4.
Flowers furnished on
1. short notice.
a' Phone Night or Day 119.•
PILiturday, (May 186171. ati b'Jb
doScae GOderich; Street.
' b o1d F.tri i Itux . Jetlin Dodds, Proprl
IiicrtiiiguA "1 Novas%
S SATE Lot 85,E 0oneeeeion 4,' McKillop, I
acres, with bush,' ndmiil, frutitlorohsarfe. P r
f rtherp particulars ap ly to Mrs. ld: A. GA1dT ,
MA" B P. CAME86 , peaforth. 2486. tf t
OR ' Aldi` --In Ooderi anew bri
ch t a.at ee d
house with all aodern oQnseniena, beautitully
ei uated near the lake and convenient to churches
schools and the business part of the tom bums
reasonable. Posaresicn given any time. Apply to
Miss M. LEER, Bruce at„ Godericb, Ont, 252008
J' ARM FOR SALE—A small term of eight acre of
land all cleared, part of lot 80 On Ponce/Hs-
once/ s-ie#i 8, McKillop, et Roxborough. A 8eVen roomed
dwelling. house in good repair and a barn, buggy
house and poultry house are situated thereon. Ap-
ply to JOHN , cMILL4N, R:R. No. 1, Beata t h.
COTTAGE • ft SALE -A comfortable cottege On
lJ O urge 8 , Seaforth. The house centalne
rooms and 4 b rooms. There are two loft and ?a
god stable. Within One block of Mom at. Th re
1s a good cella; and hard and• soft water within he
house. Apps to JohnRankin, Seaforth. 251 .fit
VeirOGS for S
11 as good
the blood of
above- could
bining great si
see also Boars
prices modern
Exeter, Ont.
E --Large White Yorkshire Ho j;
as the beat, because they combne
otecf scree. Our sows in view of thje
of but be of a very high class, come
true type and easy feeding ccr u' lt.
or seroe For sale Hoge, all aee.
, tCHAS. HARVEY, phone no X18,
Im p orted
T 3e following Imported Clydesdale and Percher n
Stn' lions, which are all mhjo. 1 form, w Il stand 1. r
Geri foe this season at T. J. Berrys Stables; Hensn.11, On
Clydesdale [9254] (12625)
$15 to insure.
',Clydesdale [1846] ;15788)
$15 to insure
Clydesdale [9596] (1463)
$15 to insure
sure n.
eron : [3139] (84214)
$10 to insure
[9255) (I2103)
will tray the sameroute as last year.
T1Aalli FOR $ALL 1.,o
L' .nitb onCatrin 100
under bush.
and in a good ate of ultl
premises*, , from ho
sen house . rive ho an
terms and particulars e ap
dreet HRS. JOHN hIWLC5
then -north Anti mat to his Own
stable, where he will until the
following stony it morn1n,.
6, Concession 9, T oker.
arose, about oegen cores
ell leaned and d ned
bon. There are n the
, bank barn, pig louse,
two good wells. For
on the;premises or ad.
Bgmoodville P.O.f
lutAhlif FOR SALE -Lot,
Tuokerermith. The fa
cleared and in a good ete,.
never failing: wells, windmii
barn 50418, pig house, hen,
A gond frame house with f
half of extra good oroha
within 8 miles of Seaforth
0, Concession 6,
contains 100 aore- all
of cultivation.. Trhree-'
at barn. Good bunk
owe and drive shed.
nape. An cors and a
. This photos farm is
on the Bippen 'cad,
dville. 246241
The foliowingp pula etal ions will stand fo} the
Improvement of k his aeon as follows
The Standard
One of Tod
will ;stand et
Seaforth, ever 'nes
son, commend g
Jop[h Pinkney, s?ro
., 1—
'Me Standard ;fed
Enrolled -c_• d
Monday -Will • ; v
Egtmondville, at
of the Huron.
1Grahapaks Hotel
'South by Slay
to W,a.lker'S - Ho
:neon; .tin ism
itableN.1n Toy E t
'm1leS to John
.to- Centralia, et
night. Thursday
Usborne, for noo
at Mtyitir'ts hotel
We;4. to Jags. -
boundary, for n
Aub in, ,at W+ebe
atu;rday-By wa
15 Own, stable fo
rem*, until -the
-J es Berry,
Smillie, Ravager.
Trotting StalJlion
CT 47251 1
reatest Sons
;mercial H
ay during
esday, May
rL tor. 252
and Regis red
EY 42940'
11,143 Own sta le,
and go by way
o Clinton, at R.
night, Tuesday -
London Rad
1, Brucefield, for
to Commercial a-
11, far night
then south 11-4-
is for noon; t ori
Ma ifat',3 Hotel for
Has to ;wan. B 103
col -'n to Kirkt n,
for night. Fridae -
11a tyn.e'a, Usbo ne
n ; then npr•,th' tp
',s .wtel, for ni:ht.
of .:.tHuron road to
noon, where he ' 1.11
ll 1
0 acv ng Monday n on
roprietor ; W. R.
The . Ism f 1
Torted _yde,si3;ale Stalllo
(1402) 13547
Enrolment r o. 253 Form 1
7,nlspected . nd Approved. -
3, Livingstone, P oprletor & Mana •: er
SoYt lI 1 ave1
Monday -Will his own sta le, I
taffa, and •go w :St to David HM's,
or noon; :teen ,south to the Creme. ty
line ,then caSt't• his own stable, .or
the night. Tues ay -Will leave Is
bun otahl:e land f c1 t) James Ba11. n-
tsar's, Hibbert -U borne boundary or
peon; then !south 1t6 Thames Ro d,
and :west "to Robert McDonald's 'or
ht. Wednesday -South to Eli:nvt le,
nig ,
them east .and south to Jno. Delbridge's
GPinehesea, for 'noon; then south oath to
vVilliaen Brock's, Usb erne, for nig t,
ChursdayeeEast 3 1-2 miles and north
1-2 (:riles td G. C. Alan's' Blase Line.
3lanshard, for noon; then, north -w -est
:o Kirkton'at Taylor'sHotel, for the
Agtit. Friday -North to .the Thames
oad, at Thomas McCurdie's, for noon;
Thiel Choicely (Hied Clydesdale Stallion
KING ,KA (13029) ;
James Murray, :'rapr&e, tfrr wild; Manager
Monday Neon Leaviei Th a Own, stable
at Peter ,Mc : 'e,' lot :30, con's
cession ,8, OEi1b•. rt Stip., and go to
William Dorsey' , lot 21, ccei
cession '1
Ribbert, far pi :: i• $.i —Ta Pat
1 lot c esaion Hibbert,'.
w 21
for noon -; been' L.• T. l ortnley's, lot
28, ctnlceslan 7 ' for night.' Wednes-
day -To Edwar ' 'loitnley'e, lot 17,
concession 6, lite : •"r't, for noon ; then;
to ;Weiber'S Halt 1-, Dublin', or night.,
Thursday -To , " illiavn Pla,nnlgan's, lot'
3, cote siod 6, eK1l1e2,, for noon;
then ,tri '„Andre ' KreaskopiN, lot .1,
concession 3, IIM c 110, for 41,g1t. Fri-
diayTai inis town stable wIaee he will
r-eniain until ,th4 following Monday
Ja,tme,s Evans, PrbprXetor and' Manager
Mor:day-'will leave Ih1Laown stable,
Beechwood, and go .to Pat, Woods?,
Lagan, for noon ; theneeL to ! his lownj
stable fair the n t. ' Tuesday -- To
John Murray',,s• cel cion 11, bicKL1-
lap, for, noon; 1 west to A. Ross',
concession 10, Mc!. Bop, for one hour;
thence to his • , a3ta'ble, for night,
where he, X111 ro:na;Ln'r until Wednes-
day noon. Wednesday Noon -To Web-
er'a -torsi, Dubli , fpr night., Thurs-
day -To Joseph ' for noon; then
to Jath .Atkins n's for night." Friday
-To Martin, Cur is, 1 1-2 Miles east
of Seaforth for n • on; thenn to ; Mat(thew.
Habkirk',3 McKill q p, for night. Satur-
day -Will prose 'to nus o' n stable,
vehere he twill re. Ain until the follow-
ing Monday taco sag. Terns; and conr
ditlon:3 same as ''ormer years. Lord
Mansfield has be n enrolled, inspected
and ,approved. erl.`nls go insure, $13;
James Evans, Ma age,r.
The Pure Bred Percheron, tailion
Enra ent No. 363
'49"+r. Berry, 1' Op. and Manager.
ads-Wi11 1 ave
this own stable, e,
Brucefield. and ,g• west, to Varna, at
for then
, cruse
the Temperancenoon;
r,orth to (the Bay ield line, •Godcrich
township at Ben • athwell's for night.
Tuesday -West 'ti Switzer's corner
and north to Ja ens Sterling's for
noon; then tnort to Jas. McMi11an.s
or '
for night., Wed esda y N th to the
Huron Road and east to Je ell's Cor-
ner then by way of Benrnille tot J. C.
Durst's Colborne, for noon; hen east
to Harry Sweet' Hohnesv lle for
right. Thursday By wayof he Hur-
on Road,. to Cli ton, at the Graham
House for noon; then!. north by way
of the Base _ 1.0.1 to Albert Towns -1
end's for night, ridgy-Eas • through
Hullett to W. J. 1`Nicl3rines f r noon;
then east 'by wa of Roxbor to Sea -
forth at the Que n s Hotel, r night.ht
Saturday -East b way of Red School
corner then west to Robert Eltgle's, for
noon; then by waif of Landn Road,
to his own stable, where he w 11 remain
until .the follows g Monday _Horning.
For terms and conditions see manager.
Township of Tuckersmith 1
Tenders will be reei ed
up to 6 o c)oek, May BEh,
to contract for the crushing of atone lby the cubic
yard, Contractor to supply all labdr required and
oorppration only binding themselves to accept two
finer grades. Address '
i1. ORI0I1, Reeve, R.R 3, Seaforth,
Town of Seaforth
Tax Sale
The adjourned sate of lands to be sold for arrears
of taxes in the Town of *Mortis will; be held in
Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, May 15th, 1916 at
8 o'clock p.m. and I hsvebeen inatrneted by the
Council that they intend to purchase any lands for
the taxes due if the price offered for piny of the ,raid
lands is leas than the amount due for arrears of tax-
es, charges and costs or if no price is Offered.
Dated at Seaforth, April 24, 191.s.
JOHN A. WILSON, treasurer
1 2524-2
and Return
Goin,, leaves Goderich, TUESDAY,
JUNE 13th, 1WM, at 9 :31). A.M.
Returning, leaves Detroit, THURS-
DAY, June loth. 1:00 P.41.
'1 his trip provide s a magnificent
oppoitunityto enje an all say water
voyage on the BIG STEEL 1STEAM
E+R GR.EYHOIJND, and time to visit
your. friends in Detroit.
Fare1. Round Trip
G o n
$1.00 one way with baggage
Children Halt Rate
Don't forget the Goderich
Band, Moonlight, June 12th,
8:00 F.M. Fare only 25c
White Star Line, Detroit, Mich.
sm. EDMUND WALKER, C.V.Q., LL.D., D.C•L., President
General Manager. IL V. F. JONES, Asi't Gen
I Manager
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RFUND, FARMERS' BUSINESSThe Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every
facility for the transaction of their banking business, including
the disoDunt and collection of sales notes. Blank k SaieS notes
are st4ppiied free of charge on application. sz
Seaforth Branch
W. Q T. MO SON Manag .r
Chopping Mill. ! Notice to Contractors
We will run our chopper and Rolle two days a
week instead of one, Tuesday and Friday. We also
have a good] stock of well searoned tile on hand in
212es from 3 inche3 to 8 ineher. phone 2 on 146.
KauSE BROS , Egmandvllle 2524x2
elp Wanted
A fewii good steady men wanted
252.2-t1 Seaforth.
The prope
Main et.. Se
eto„e found
kitchen n and
...re six lots
Will -Tell the
and Butldin,1 Lots
for Sale
ty is situated on the west side of north
forth, Two storey brick house with
Mon, cement and brick cellar, frame
woodshed. Large frame barn. There
oon whichi are twenty Ave
fruit trees
honge vlth one or more iota to suit
iy to
PF 3
W M, AMENT, Seaforth
•4•.. ••••••• ••.••••••001.06
• J4Jackson
• Pijac.tical Boot Repairer
• o Seaforth
• intr:nce through J. Willis' Boot Store.
Prompt :attention to all rePairs.
Best leather only used. 1 stock
speci 1 leather f o r foundry
work rs and hard w ea.reex,
Note the Address •
Opeosite Expositor hl1ce
The Municipal Council t#floe Te wnahip of Morris
are asking for tenders for the ,.rnstruetion of the
Ooekett Drain. The tenders win be opened At the
Council meeting on the 29th day of May, 1916. let
3 o'clock. Frans may be seen at the cberVe r€ t -
denee. A good tains cheque for $59.60 to accomp-
any the tender. •
J• SHORTREED, 1 eeve, A. Macs WEN, Clerk
Walton Biuevele
One u dred Young Women
and mapy 'young men wanted at once
"_o traifool' choice office post ions. The
deranc\o the
734 Yonges
fully five
times ttt WIt. . once
la;:ttiuu1;ti', '.Miter now.
W Gorn-u.
Undertaki',ng Parlors above
• M. S.villiain,s' grocery store,
• •. Main Street. Seaforth
*Mowers fur...,,zfed on short not e
Phone ! m
)hares oder:ite,
ie night or day --- 392
e.rbalmer and
Funeral Director
he 161st Huron Battalion has been ordered to mobo ize aoorit
the 15th ofMa5 and a trength.
wili you
ized to form
r count be hlI!nuliated by Iraving the firs
o into catnip UN EST NGTII?
]attalion sloe
Will the mord ` iron" ; ger ,tand as a reproach throughout the Empire
will the peo0e of ounOT rally to their pride and their honor ?
To the MEN
The business of the young _man of the c un ry
completion of the fattalion -she as asked t
Kitchener needsl'inep and more n0n." Cama
him 500,000, • Will you be one ? Are Y of
main at home in ealse and _reap bisiness a vantages while
other men take your :place on the; firing li ce ?
Will your conscien0 remain clea47and clea4 each day of the
longyears to come"? ,
Does the sight of your chum in khaki leave ou untroubled
and undisturbed? . j ..
Make such sacrifices as maybe n cessary (tbe Empireis wor-
thy of them) tp enjable you to take *Or place in your
county T TOrD,AY,
battalion. Enlist ato, E$LI ,.
with the knowledge that at last you are playing the part of
st Call for \'OLUNTEERS
To the Mothers, Wives and Sisters
today is the
a has proms
content to re -
a Man.
Do you know what is happening to women in Europe to -day ?
Do you know what the women of Belgium, of ervia, of Flanders and even your o race in
the old land have suffered by the invading Huns?
Do you know thousands and tens of thousands, with their little ones, are driven starving from
their homes to die in misery; that they are being violated and slaughtered
Do you realize that if this war is not fought in Europe, you and your children inay be forced
to share the sufferings of those in Europe?
Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her p ople, her homes and her liberty, her men must
be given without stint to take part in the st uggle?-
Thousands of glorious mothers, wives, sisters have given their dearest
to this rause of Humanity and of Empire. -- Can you meet this
type of womanhood in social intercourse? Are you content to see
other mothers, wives and sisters proudly sending off their manhood
to protect you and your men fol ?
Or will you meet the burden of t
"the highest of Divine virtues ?"
Vour Reason is only a Larne Excuse
250 Huron; Men for Huron's Own- and
s generation ' ith MIRAGE
15 D