HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-05-05, Page 2-7W • Steel goods, including wire, are advancing. in price e eryday We have a certain stock on hand which we are selli g at a special Spot Cash price. Ow seven wire fe ce is different irtim _others as the spacing has been evened p to stop the cattle from shoving througu. The eight wi e fence divid- ed equally into six inch spaces and is taking' up wonderfully Gee some:ofthis fence and avoid troubles at home orWiththe neighbors. Our special price is for spot spot only. Coiled sgring wire i BI ck wire Barbed Wire Cialvaniz,ed fence staples Weloden slats Bloc* and ckle Iron fence posts both angle and tubular are tiine save :quickly erected and mike good intermediate posts. The iiarkably low. Buy now. s, easily and rice is also re -T eTHE interior -of the m beautifu other buildings are d rated wi Alabastine gives tone, lelegance to the walla Ahllbastine, is easily appli cold water and a flat bruali. ' Ala permanent, and wiii not **Wolf. It is gradually becomes harder aria harder rernovi,ng the old coat. Alabastine Mae n TOOM lighter and more ch c4.' And rid wall is so Sanitary as an A bastine wall. No disease germ or in caalive or breed in Alabastine 'Come in and we will shew you, many beautiful specimens of Ala-' FREE STENCILS These free stencils are worth from 50c to $1.00. They enable '4,11 10 mere hennas* decorate your theme. is and learn particulars. homei and cement, and a A. Mils. 5.-0 HARDWARE PLUMBING ThellicKillopMutual Fire Insurance Co. J. B. McLean, Seatorth, President j. Connolly, Goderieh,Nriee-President Tiros. B. Hays, Seaforth, Sec-Treas. Din' actors:, D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; Seafortbe John Benneweis, Dublin; J. J. Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferri; Ohesney, Egmondville; J. W. -leo, RolroeSville, Alex Leitch. Clinton; 31. S. Jar:cauth, Brodhagen. iron Pumps it pump Repairing am prepared to tornis all kinds of Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- ized Steel Tanks and Water troughs Stancheons and Cattle Basins. lhe Price is Right Also all kindsof pump repairingdone on short notice. For terms, etc, apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St„ East, or at residence, North Main Street J F. Welsh, Seafortb Guelph and Goderich Branch TO TORONTO id FROM TORONTO Guelph Ar 14115 " Linwood Walton 44 ft 4.1 10.45 12.58 2.30 p 4.05 "- 7.10 5,10 v 7.00 7.86 7.55 " 8.161 8.42 Connections at Linwood for lAstowel„ Con nectiona at Guelph Jot, with main line for Galt Woodstock, London, Detre nd Chicago an. go inimediate lines. Railway Time Table, Trains leave Seaforth as follows : 10.46 a For Clinton Goderich Wingharn and Kincardine. 1.20 p m For Canton and Goderich 618 pm tor Clanton, Whighain anti Hines dine. 11.03p m For Clinton and Goderich. I Gratis, North Bay and Points west Belleville and Pethrboro and point east. treal and points east. 82 p m For Stratford Gueiph and Toronto LONDON HURON ell BRUCE 6 24 6 40 6 57 7 18 Brtureile3d, .10 14 3 48 7 83 4 15 4 48 4 41 FU NA Nis Foie W Covered With Pimples. netal Sir am n. -.11Atei4 la la Sam le on thel jO of Wale Lord addle. ate Yearn agat -candichitei6 were vet g has be ri Itaelite to let and 9 to pbt Si ayb out o joint. ove• r' the .d,epart. eat troth at, d, aceo ding t schedule h ars, la pub Whereupon Premier Borden, Office and 'said he id d his best Par ritttook a, So .of thr e coiner- ut At lb ;tole het, one thl way so, kin or' lhaa It theta le throu as when eight tirely E WORK Pimples are not a seriotte trouble, they are very unsigh y. Pimples are cau wholly by bad blood, and to get rid of theta it is neeesl. sary to purify.- the lood of all its tmt Burdock Mood Bi has made mat* temarkable mites; e pimples have all disappeared, and a bright, clean, wilie rdexion left behind. Mr. Lennox D. ke, Indian Patin lines to tell yeti w t Burdock B Bitters done for e. Last whder face was overed wi pimples., 1. seemed :to fail was one day to friend's house, and ere:they advised ' and before' had th taken found was getting better. I 1 gait 'two and when they ,,vr e finish .e completely' cured. 'find it is a. blood puriffer, and mmend it to all. Burdock Blood Bi has been on market for the pis forty years, and manufactured only y The T. Co., Limited, Toro Ont. startOgrtataki be first ..boallabold boxes wens saillkimpt awe Stead than so tint badisionelne Gr PILLS an sa06 sob. box; six boxes les For information the discovery or person or perso Mouth nnd Thr Skin Diseases, Special Ailment Complicated Co not be cured at 'Toronto.' Corre that will lead t hereabouts of th s suffering fro Diseases of th at, Blood Poison ladder Troubles, , and Chronic o4. plaints who can, - he Ontario Medie 3-265 Yonge St. pondence invited eMp foilOw to be 1 Sir inyt g Bow andl cie hi gloat three] thousand Mlles iswaY will 'pe easier to ca,rry- a tut lace. Nothing will he ir tilaan after the. Roy I. ha brought in -a ver le n., Peera,ges and Field Maranal- tratile the fact that that .public .clainhaa d While Sam ,deiotes hi lisaiing beir the Rey • leh George icyte di ii. avi4ch; Premier Bard n, el in the Cabinet', a d; aflame -namely that , Sir share of the' grafta T se !heartily, that it 3 if they had( the ca en Sir Sam. iGeorge we e to the I effect- t 8- ame on decumetits c traets with mash 00 companies , after, a HONESTLY BELIEVEll CONSU PTIO N. WAS ;NG INTO DR. Nor‘lvay ine Syrip CUR!! HIM. Anthony, 69 Ellen I n., writes: "Having es of Dr. Wood's during the past few ed satisfaction and 1111 chronic cough and h ling qualities. A fiv suddenly subject , fits at nigItt, and wh in the morning, -for He friends cheerfully - bre looked as though Thi ch was the -case, Ful However, after havmg taken several rea bottles of 'Dr. W s' I am pleased to Th relate that the has entirely dis- crit appeared, along all the nasty Um symptoms, and I ha since r -.ned the it lost weight. ha no h.m'z= tatkm in be recommending Dr. Wood's Norway Pine was Syrup as a 'sure cure for all those troubled. in a like Manner." Mr. Prank E. Street, Winnipeg, taken seyeral bot Norway Pine Syrup weeks, to relieve general throat trou press my unboun tha.nks as to its short time ago to violent coug directly atter rising about an hour, and f . los-Mg weight. El • biformed me that were gob* in hontly believed aro • R b; et re.orga aation Which will asked Psi but the' tim ts not et- • ilfaa .to beti vindicate before is done, He Will pi ably be All hi3 anerniea, most the Mends, a,gree that; th re is a us future ahead of hi • BOMe here( lit re as of Not f or Prot - Me out to b Pen eSta miss gea but lea spry Imp to fit i gas Sant fuse lea corn can kind to gua look that wer St am thei Can sun Sam fina fore Mr. .pro it3; before they were earned, f.,o 'teas hiltting, atraw man rhe Geer - 2.11 3 of. Sir Sara'a friend,, Col. John We, ley Allison, br•ough.t. th Major - Gen, rats name into strarig company -3 C11' as 'penile -min Fran I Yoaklm, the a road wr,ecker, and E gene Lig- e flute player. 11 thete the hear,d there, W.9.3 around. ,a cmatter of fact an ng th.e Sara th y can ,show equal]. ainst the ..old Shell Connaittee and ainat the Gov rnMent. Alttiough the lame can be 'aided, like ancient G ul, frit° tits, oulder•ed the wb e of it on Sir am ,by granting a terra Commis-. 'don on, :the ground, that! it was, his torn ur that wets •slanted at. 0 co rae Sam may object to getting it nd thia la probably e reason wh ggeations are alined afloat pru ed to the same aize a the Dav- ide onenissione That its to say: it at ek -on. the part of the Liber),I cou 3e -but both these gen letnen Evi Will be put into t eir -hands and Commiashan may as questions the Way- will iaot taltelt e fore; of es angry., 'It, will; und more own. Sir Sam 1** ome back the muster bat, it on't araVa 'speech In, the okise was with mixed feell gs. His OW hay done a worst en- , spectacle. ten min - and drub - hot half e to make gave five POwe,rful ,artM3r 111 the s,,,, another w en the United Skates 'clicked" her ada, and al- er than. Eng - she °lick"' her Sure Well Its Si Oast huiled. *fiat this crisis eded was with the hot atufai ;In hort, Sam he a the tense stiff. ,a Mattel& feet the alai 13 hot la mselfs He down. He -did not create a.treasPhere" Which he u -plyirig to the Carvell chat of inontha ago,- Whethe that his. 'audience was co kncrata it was big enough, we.ro crowded -or whether he Was 'surrounded by* who had the fact re his old tr Sa•na 13 t is. not Merely time to Com - sin char- ot make, 1113 col - the Con - make bY Sam had ey went ost look - fitting to tets char - at 5Ir Anieria tantial antes, both Canadian a had) offered to- make". of' fases from, seveattr- anteed delivette, had ; 11 4nother charge wa ed companiel Watt Oaali nt ng to flfte,en per di n companies could tho men to go ahead with a °ides in the United' St ed millions ia con= the contracta got fa Kyte. said nothing, abba iv• ercents d had olourable the fact at d these advances ent, of reputable e,veri get a bonus. hat Sir Wesley frenzied tera ,who ons he - started. dividiag his Own part turned down, the Major -Ge nothing over. A.3 'the ac couldn't get it across. E ed to 'fall With a dull, 13 He interrupted ;himself places for uproarious a the applauae; .failed to took a aly fling at the good. Mr. Flaveile,•.when 'sea ages, arid at Sir T vSh. 13 Credited With he ;is. Nothing._ doing. .The and natueally it nerves. He tried the p tirnia but Ibis paAhoa the handle( and he rah Eel -ahned to overcome - self.( Ever and anon he old' flag -but lhe waved old- flag, tao George M. hal saved many a burn believes in giving it a 4h short, tit was Sam's will probably do better tit eti pelikde to ,ae lou rfeelenlvd said he gre ,t deal bette Opt 3teciladlleced aa bin Kg. Ediviaranej, :ad r,d uteb to the t Colonel eh he repeat zi' g the She quar ,their newi mat Crother . The cabin ad 'the •appe an • 'thing to waa peached. OT 13c) here was his • 3 he suffering throat? nad his 11 the bottace ou he lobbing qle;m1 o err When yeu ask fot "Dr. Wood's" see be that you get wbat you ask for. It is the put up in a yellow Wrapper; three pine 4°11 trees the ..a.de mark, the price, 25c and i Ira he Manufu'aiured ordy by The T. Milburn was Co., Limitstel, Toronto, Ont. hur • 1 ed hiN rnelanehOl ng a cr d sitting; to Afriqa which he d thos ed by. into 3 I. The ere th being fr ng to che beer f nal nister leo fio feu Of ppears ed in re - es 9, eourlle the gallee he he felt that calibers of 1.119 poor fo ks but( w tit nit he ut ors say, he en itis suit, see onnect. great omas Wit rns A41 Mail* Pierten poitata Out, • tit ;United, Stabea did not lick" England 1716. She Won her independence stance?), le which the Arne,rican lutionhts contributed; very Ink; and again foreign ootnplications, ehlefi alone saved the United States frOhl a ae,,tous anytisioft and perhaps n• very, 'severe trouncing, in 1812. tt is true that the Unite -d. Statea defeat fighter by wife -beating. The United States 'wrested. Sortie ;territory ,awatl• great nation tias, mini so little real fighting ea the ilalt4 Statea; and while the Civil War deMonatrated the. fact that trained Antericao troop3 tilting he elle, whore The noase was "show an Sain'a roke off near d no water. his audience e only him - waved the t feebly. The Callan nays, show., Sam chance.: off day, He before the I*00.3011 Why (air American cousin': ehould becorne obsessed 'Atli the Doi - tion that they can "lielt ereatione 1 frem histories in :general use in Amer- ican aehools 'to prove his 'Contention that 'by their untraths and half- truths, they have utterly, !deceived thie Arrerleao People, whose knowledge Of history was ideriv-ed fr.= them. For instance, ar fuss is made over. the 'embattled f armee land tcao Minute Ken, Whose activitlea at Lexington and 'Concord had tiot the ellghtieat :significance. Montgomery's, failure to _take Quebec la ahirte4 over, -The school history bays that his ;men fought deaperately and "nearly" cap- tured tho city; 'pot it doer not men- tion the .fact that faulty military or_ ganizatImi made Montgomery fight before Pe w,a3 ready.; Brief enentien I,s made of the British oecuPation Philadelphia, bat the! historn is duutib about flars.o.iyarine, titat preceded it. Nor d,cseA It say tha,t the ;eity would have Peen occupied withOat resiSt- twee, probably, (304,310 months earlier, to remain .untn after the; /*Wes !of The battle fought at , GermantoWn ; h also islurred over, although refer- ence is t,nasie to the ."powerful BrItlish army." The 'truth lia that the Amerl- ea,n taerny ',W913 larger, and that be- eaule af.,, the fallure4, of the States to spite Rats nume,rically larger ar WAG. unable to accomplish anythl at Germantown., The war beginni garbled. Canadians. know iso:nethi about Hull's aurrender at Detroit, but American's dei not knovit, that he r and probably neither Canadians nor 'Americans generally are aware of the fact that nulVa trews\ refused to fight, and -flatly tnutinied. They were, for the Oast -parte these "embattd farmera" that we hear AO much abo t and wer•e useless when opposed to 1 Enforcing the Liquor L ; trabed soldiers,. Indeed, b these days RePort of prasecutions te Norte tablithed by American commanders for 211111.111111111414 t. Huron by Inapeetor Mith 11 of Wtn.g- the purpose, of ehooting the militia if barn fsom 144 191 , to A fines col topped they trled. to run. One general .sent 1 25th,- 1916 : k word to a militia organization that all Forty camas of eisunks he asked of Meat at the operlinge of rted-1905-38 first Joffe a certain engagemeat avaa that they offence and 1 third. 'should fire three shots, ee..eh, after Thirty violations of which the regulars would open be - collected $1,650-27 first hind them, and they could flee to ec- rid nes ase of to The A:xer;lcan school .htstorles state ed bl do he Ile ca,3e# dftnissed, briefly that the English cal) tona Clii361 defendant di Washington and lbttraed Ithe Cap and ether public 0.111(141gs. They net tell ithe teuthelvelfich ; la that lei* do 'they recordi the fact Rust not even the preaenee !of the Presid nt and the Cabinet' Could ;prevent tfite flight, and -that the city' W9.3 sel ed with. a los to the defending army of only eight killed and eleven woan d. The lesarane of the present war re was concluded.. . Four awes lakk" pendina in three which the defendants ,a e suppase haVe left- the coat:de:4 There will )3e DO e enae to connty in connection 1th true foteetnen,t of .:the 0.1 Ta A. 112 lg Huron, the surplus of eceipts .expendltures being mar than $50 XtePort of prosecution in 5 Huron by Inapeetor Tor awe of top from July 2nd, 19 6; to Twenty-two eases lof collected, $140. Thirty- violatfons- of C.T.A.-fl 11,650. 26 first niffentse ferces, and one third, ( eondeda Eight casea were dlana -der theYO.T.A. and 3 License Act. Six cases Three under the C.T.A., unde the Ontario Act. former 11c.ense holders. A total of 6'7 ceases and the tfines polleethd The couety thus pays Riding but on the, cont the rth aer uth l rapidly dispelling the former Ana t can elation that a, tountrY earl be De ClaSe. 0` fended without trained 1301diera. colle ted baps the 'school histories of the fut. , 4 second 01-'1 may dease to deserie a place with are he efendant abs- popular fiction of the, day. axe penal a. and es any Of 31 vlo- ntir were by ere entered amounttd to nothing for In the South ary will have • Conatipation they gentle in ac- tion, Mild! and natural. Sold only by Resell Drug Stonea, Ile and 25c boxes. f3chool Iiistories of American Conceit Major C. B. Blethene of the Wash- ington National Guard,. the Se,attle Times, aari aon the United States for war, lis that the A fare and dtior of that the rea- is unprepared rican people have been taught that they ean "lick creation!" Their natio been ministered tbo by used in the vchools to that 'millions of thera illusion that an Amer takle a Trifle and bee a. match Lfor any two foreigners, no matter h ed 'soldiers they may be it, ills only natural tha citizen 'Mould, think it -of money 'to trato Didn't Grea.t Britain ales "lick" her? Did, al vanity has the histories ach an extent re under the - ant citizen can' e immediately r three or ten w well train- . Thus taught, the average werful army: vet a powerful 't the United war of 1812, lison. and again, .and, invaded Ca istics in most captured this c abours of tbe United States big ,land now, 0..nd couldn't tee and again, -11 necessary ? • franklyi members he Hon. it of a time, to Ring: to ✓ if there ut resign - way a ng like lawyers • him, True btfit why nstead of r,ht to be stars To Mothers of Palmyra, Pa.-" My chronic cough and wea count her ribs and she had Nothing we gaveher until one day Mrs. asked „meta try Vinol, and now she hemgrysit the time, her cough gonel she stouter and has a more heathy calor. 1 *al every mother who has &beats Aid We guarantee Ninol, liver and iron took, to children healthy and.stasoar. girl had a INTdirect from facto saving dealer's pro Rea y Mixed and 0Huotusisi.dee,PailiF It'at.h1;ircle Fire R sistant-Bam, Finish, Quarts. 45e $ Roof. Iron. Priming Game . . . . ... Sit 1 0. pain wpahyetriefularou canretil whaPricT f want at less than wholesale 10 gall ns for Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' 0 MINE L PAINT COMPANY, ' LONDON, ONT. 44/4 MOM 99.1 1 ams 41. Prefta, edness in the home. Thehumble little cottage or the mansion on the hill are equ&tly dependent upon The Telephone. guants.i when emergencies arise, and is ever serving in a thousand ways, great and mail. Get a Telephone and saw needless work and worry, The cost is only a trifle -just a taller and Zdyn MIU Tara, 1 and Mi Notei aast Se the Mai Sej tnrogda Tits Bell Teiephene Co. of CLusekt. di! tiOtt arid 1 9ANADA S CALL FOR SERVIOE AT HOME Produce More and Save More The inpire nftda food. If you are not in ti -le ing 11t1P you may be in the producing line. Labon.r .ted -all the more reason to do more than exam- hthig for you. The Allies nc-fd all the food that are respowible for your own work. If you e, produce all you can. Work with the right rt and produce now when it eounts. The more wing and saving are war -service. before. ()row lbod for the men who are4 you can Produce. Every little helps. cannot produce as much as you would I spirit. Put fighting energy into your off you produce More you cap save. Make Your Labour I wItar-time do not waste time and energy on nth t and improfitabte work. Economize labour. Put ,off unproductive work till after the war, and, if possible, , help in prod something needed now. Let xss not waste labour. Canada needs it all. tf possi help to feed the es Make your backyard a producave garden. Cultivate it a will Make your labo count for as ranch as possible. Lpo Not Waste aterials Therle should be no waste in war -time. Canada could pay the annual interest on -her war expenditure out of w our homes. Every go-0nd of food saved production. The way for a nation to sav to -day because of thrift in time of peace. at we waste on our farms, in our factories, in rom waste is as good as a pound of increased is for every' individual to pave. France is strong The men and women of Great Britain are not out." Spend Your MoneT 1 Pra Ise economy in the home by eliminating luxur- ies, Wasting our dollars here weakens our stre at the Front. Your savings will help Canada to finance the war. Savelyour money for the next Dominion War issue. There can be no better investment. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 5 THE DEPARTMENT OF1 AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE