HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-04-28, Page 4T - 1.1****** ...•;mosr. 046 le* 10 7 3 30 r1 APRIL 5 12 -6 2 6 20 4 * 7 14 e 8 , 22 29 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Aug4skrALincileurns-Stervart Bros, 3' Thu Nectavish 8 Tailoring -are* OtotbingOo. 1 Sheol Yon'ilLiket-W. G. nib 4 111antrod:-4ackson ffanufantirring Clo. 4 40011-4.f. Muff la Sons hohrisallhoea-J. thsture Trittning-Fells Wall Paper--Thompsores. 8 WoneRoate*5•• Irony for Sale-,7olut McMillan 5 reedeeto Ciontrictoni-A. 'Lefton 5 MOW- *for GoVenlook 8 ,Ohoopinglillt-Kru e Brois. 5 Tindora-11. Oriel), 5 larnirerg-John A. Wilson 5 s t- Tak &le -Sohn A. Wilson 6 ,KR. Auotlon ksals-trunge-y Bac 5 'tr. Rand Made augglos-R.De.vertni‘8 oird- of Thanks -Sere* Watson 5 illow.forihrle-W. R. Thompson 8 Austral Mooting -Turf Obeli 8 ' WJtPaper-hr. Grave faun Expaattal SeEAFORTH, PRXDAY, •kpril 28, 191.3 Recruiting In Rural), There aeems :to be a feeling in- the 1613t Huron Sattalion that the =amt.. ihe 'county ,a,nd the people are rot. :standing behind its officers with the aupport that should, be giv- en themdn the rnatter of reeruiting. an article, welch appeared in `a Lon- don paper on Friday last the claim prea.de by ita 'officers that the costs of the 'recruiting -campaign are being er.aet by the officers themselves, the grant pl twa thousand dollen wade by the county council at the Jan- :uary seAsion. having been exhausted. If thi3 atatemime is true we believe they giave 19. Net cause for com- plaint, but Why Jai the complaint at the door, of the municipalities of the VOUTlty? NIThy not., tplae,e it where it •beiong3 ? If there t are neceasary "ex- penses Incurred le the- work of re- cruiting, in transportation, of cor- fMin1a 1 field days or other military manoeuvirea, why are they not borne by the, Militia Department, who auth- orized their organization., and to'weiele huge awns have been willingly- . grant- ed by the people of Canada foe juet auch purposeis? Lf inutrielnalities are to he held ire-sponsible fax teruiting, why arethey not tee dire ed by Act of Parliament and not t to make or withhold, grant e at their pleasure? If 13 quite poesible that the county'f o-1 'Huge .British, French and . Huron boa not be,e,o as liberal as I force ,ane being gathered, beh nd have beecireeette othere, bat it Is ex. -1 Allies lines on the wesitem fr t, ttally true that what has been giverei ee 0.0100,_ lee Germany ikaa exhau wail given. with an object a encour- " ehergelf -in, the vain fetus ve ageirient to recruiting, not aa ack- Verdun, evidences Of .wjflch a 'appearing, the Alllea in overw force wilt make a, drive on ti man lines, which if emashed carry the war into Germany nt, Whllit there -he %endeavored to induce Triall 1dLers, who had been take nprieone" to - 'fond., an -1 Irish brigade an the Gernian ises.rvice,!- but in: th13. he 4144..nett meet. *I nay itIldeeM 113 aar tioree' ,to ' Sir Roger had bee active ;in pr o Ing' the leeditioue overrient in Jr nd, which ha o Wei given the author]. les oorne -.anxiety, a, although not al - leveed tct be- ed' through tilL p ss, It is teviikent7 th movement has ga aid greater -heaetiw y than wee genei 4- :m0 -woad or - th Germane would not have rushed an overeeaS expe 1 In aneffortto.au • ort it; and whlch has -aleo been e need by the eoutb eat:. in Dublin., At noon on Olyiky )43e •1101,4q dlst ance3 brokei ou 'ht Dub re.; A 1 party Of Seen a rittfied ith the - Fein • party, Stly ar cu Stephen's Gree and too . - tiosses forcibly of the . posteo flee,. w they ., cut the telegraph c an ',phonic wires. mises- al ,o ere cupled an, Ste 'is -Gre , Stree,a_ Abbey Street an i aIonig . quay; In the course . the , , eoldters arrlved from C rrag1T, the ealtuation tis now ell i So Tan It is known thr» nililtar ficerie four tor five s idlers, loyal eolunteera and t lice have been kllled and. fi r or five nary officers and. sev or e soldiers and p31x volun ers Woun No exact anfeee ,ation, ha been re ed of the casualties o the Isid the Sinn Teine e, hut. it . is sup -they were heavy; Re rts rec frohi CierkoLimerick, E pia, ' and dictle ridings of Tip retry s that no idisturbances- of 'any • have occurred ,in thole beat' i3 hoped the British a, thorities mike abort sielft . of th ringilea, now thhat they have the eituation ilanAatelin4 - II/tam' ediis ir.aid„ b the Ge ins battle 'cruiser eiquadron, Zeppe isobinerines took Place early morning, on the iseacoast off L •ritoft about al 'hundred milen' eat of London. Britieb eeseed cruisers and destroyers •attacked German forces and a bettle rage the (air, ion. the zee Deed under aea at the same time. .Although German raid was a failtire, Inas als only a few tshote were fired at British -coast, 'two Oen, a wonia,n child being killed, the Geemarr- :3ucce3sful1y made their escape. Breath pruiseis and. a destroyer hit, ,but• were not tsunk and are believed. to be eeriously damaged,. and it da the general opinion , in naval cirelee that the German cruiSers 41,1 ,e3cape -witlimit serious _ lose. he Whole engagement lenteti oriy 20 minutea, the Germans taking ,o ti eir heels e de/AV tearing the arrive •ot Briteth 4ruiaera of their own ea bre. The mlst important event of the week, he been the landing, of a , us- sian larinYr of 'considerable e ten In Southern France, for use on tie ea- ten) front. The reanin-etateel Ify the appearance lot 'this force in Friona IS because at is neeler to klep it up - plied with neunititme 1 Free -bee an: It evouldi.be, in Ruesiae But thee is apparently another reanon . a ell. Ian the ted at ow el:. ing rb- rge inn, led ion ere. ele7- oce lite the and of - two 1- ght of ed, ived size ow Ind . It will an and dayy Wee, rth- nes, the 'in the the uch the and raft a ere not i etin.-41r. Dtw1et. aria_ 1. las Jean Pater,nen Po* and - b n M. ,-.0Ivor ...pnt Geiod,i0riday --.` ttti on Murdiaton Farm, -near T rn IU, friende le Loation.-nldr. Consens, of Perthael e, 'ficotiend, and w ere his "Bieleafield Will canduct the, servic in father h di been engaged in arm g. the.ldthodiet;chttreh on Sabbitth at During the tfall of 1836 the fairidin tib,e e3tu4 hour. -The teaeliers, •0• left Baot riO, and :sailed for entreat, ere home [here -for the holidays are where they landed after a vo age of MiSs Kelly, lot Bletat: Miss I'McGre or, ntven weeks Iona Sailing ves el rialc- of Welleeley, net Mins lifellis, of St. ed blue Mooarch, and esettled on - a Thoma.---ini .Etta. Jarrott i Was v sita farin neer , LaOhnte, Where is e e ' of leg: fr1enc Xn. London or the oli- the family, atilt iresitieeand w ich ;the dayanintr, fl neyI Dayntan Was a is- deceased ;owned until he re, oved to itor :with his couIn, Mr. Vhiona0-0 on illovvick forty years ago.; In he win - in` Eiete . over Barster.-.•Mrs. Mc vor - ter of. 1853 the, decea,3ed ' and his broe and tietti tee Mat Barbara, of Cli -ton ther John -left for what Was hen the -ware, nisi rni with ..a;ethe '! foriner's West, known as Upper' Cana ow •datigh, ter, Sil _ Marjorie- Motion -Mr. Ontario. Thia Was airier to the bull ing ard !Misr G. ;Ko •McLeod i of Exeter, of "rallwane .in -Canada-, so th y went were igUe ts at the hoine, of Mrs. 3a8. by .railway through the. State a New C. titLea, -Good FridaS1-Miss Mc- York and croosed into Canted at jNi-- Tavi h a d . lee, Chambers, of lin- -agera Fa1l3 and. cienx on to amilton, ton, Wist With their cOUSin, WO W. -where they worked for som time French d ring -the holiday:43. - es. building' the wharf there, a d then claanIndeatncicilTeet't?leudr.°Inn TTillkcterneterndi htc‘t°oavid 'IP - sate lee IT orn ' son is visithegmoowdileth hertd daughter, aft . Jatr.ese • ierieefie • - ss 'Mabel NiiiiiteMan, of ship. .After remaining here jor some Toronto, . a vi1ting.. at . her 'hoene ere. tame kthe fdepeased (returned to Inte a -M143 ,.G: etta Ivlsone who was at- chute, where he remained u til 1878, tending.. e l'Olfb, &Ado' at Luca la 'when ha learns to Howick, an where .-- he hale alcneivaided. In 1860 he Mar- eneoding er holidays et her no. Mr. ion&•ere , Terryi of Exeter, ere ried Mires Jean .Brow, who still 'Mel gauSten .and of .and Mrs. Jininston on *les IlliMe and, has, ably ma ted him Good Fri ay.i-,-Mre..D. Hay and da gh- In all ilia 4effortS 'for the et 56 ter `Viole , tepent Easter with es. Years, and who, with *his el est 13.7"ra.r,*6"1,baynd.a dli 4.4r6.tefrrien3edasnon, i'llort. L'Ilvi sf: crtasin Heeds de ghtrer, Mrs .Robt, Thom oh df:rugibhimtetra4urterndgertilytiniadatlovininn lye. c sell red- d'raennd W13tillillititvfolvellOiric''k.v and our tweet holi ay i With .their neanden • th- er, Mtn- ililani Inleon and 0 her daughters, Margaret at home, is. friend.. William .A,danVand Mee .Rober A. de garofillowick, and Dire: D. Coopeii of Colorado.- Mlle ieidest son, John, died 3111.eVale his family 'still .reeid,e. Mr. trig as eoene year. 'ago in Carricke w ere Fline.ral of ,,,the Late' Thomas,' ar" a Illtan id far More , than average . bil- row.,-The faneral of the elete Tho as ity ilhe hied a rugged cfmstItu Ion and FarroW, x-id.P. tor Norte Huron, held in luev:a(le •on Wecineeday, the a3 Ptisseased a 'clear and vigor° s tote,- lect and, took 8. keen interes in. Ith. 19th iiest IT e body of the dece ad affaine of both chnrch end e ate. He genOem , o peased away at th, wee perticularly well versed. in the llort!. 041113 son, M. Y. Farr°W, of Holy Scriptitre3 and the wr tings of Collingven d, en .the previou3 Su clay the chief; poets of nniand a d Sot - evening,. aa brought 'to Biuevale Oil Tile dAy . i t and taken to the It .me Burnee He was ee Member ilie land, especially 'those of MI;n and of ' 9 o eee ' -Mr.s„ Robert Mcogr•ve. preiebyeerian church for manly y ars The furie al iSeevice was held in th -e and while hie, health permitted Was Me, odiet ehierch et 2 pen. on "ed- a regular attendant at it3 senvices In ries ay, v. D. D. Tecenson, a :tor politice he 1 wae a staunch Conseeva- 'a of t, :e re ; conduction the Iser ice .t tive And :aS ,great admirer of. the late ,38 teA,• y v. .Cra,Wford Tate ox / - Sir John t 111,3 young - the ch ch. 'anterment :Wee mad A. Macdonald. In In -er alayit be took an active interealtin the Ifamil ,e) 61 in the' geoevele ern - military , affaire and. was for many eterY. Th. Pd-' bearer.3 were Me r years a erernber and offirer of exalted:- Alfred F rr of Guel 11 and Lu ills ary troop an Argenteuil :Cooney, ue- Fareow, f ergue, two ccitisins. o the -bee. 1 -le wee ia„ auccessful fa i en decee3ed an old fi'len Mr. .,3 es and lieed to eee his family eetabi sif- Parrish, • Brusse,is, an Messrs. hos ed In Mine thotnee and all well provided SteWart, t ur and al, beet Shaw of, for. Ile was an expert ploughman and Bluevaler A ong :the io er rela yes took( ,prizee and :acted- In the ca - or frieh 3 o came to, Blue ale pacity of, judge at the plougeing• at - for - the ea, ion were the four i ons ,_ enes Where he .reelded. He wasan of the IA r. Farrow,I John H., , of of nattirei3 '01310:11011 whose Word as Londoh, ,Y1-, of Collingw000d, H. W., his bread, ..d a, splendid type of the of Wind , 11 in the railway ail . noble hand of Seettlah ipioneers Svho :service, a d. obert B., Assistant •one - have done leo much to make tnis coim- eressioner, of Custorns, Ottawa; his try what fit is. Mr. Dag was the last daughter, Mrs. Le O'Connor of T or- member of a large ' family that left the old, And s eon -in-law', Mr. J. H. land of the theather eighty yeara o, Broweilee, of :Montreal; hie o her except one oister, Margaret, who Is daughter, Odes ,eBrownlee, owing to etill aerlous i nesa, belog unable to at - alive. !The funeral service of the tend; big ,randeon, Mr. I :Russell r- `dee-ea:30d were held on Tuesday, the 11th Inet., end were largely etten ed, .row, of. • indaor, and lila niece, les the it Ir. air. Bell, Presbyterian mi. Is - Laura F row, eof Goderich; and r3. ter officiating, 'Preaching an able and Nirnn Pea of ,Dungannon. Me. A. II, a/engrave, m.n.p., lens present f nee ainvoindate aertnote The remains were Interred. Iin biole,3worth cemetery, he. Toronto d Meese's. H. Davis, pall bearere being his two reins, his Spotton 9. d William isbister o•f W g•- eve, W. Adams and R. A. More adee ttended the funeral • two oonein-la e Edgar, and hie' two nephews, John end 'beautiful loral tributes were place on V; tl) the M.M. Pagiere he late, gr. Farrow a3 one Of[ iheit known ellen in Is er- t ,of, I ep. ' rn Ontario.: One ofthe ill early te ers Of Bluevale school, he was later 1 ai superintendent of ,i3ce0015 f , awanosh, ! Morris nd ' Turnberry re reeented North Hum • in the Howie LEA Commons for a Deng hy period .an: 13 beequently for twe ty year,3 w p twister at Bruss Is. nii, were b n at Lincolnahtre, n g- llandi on roh 8th, 1833, .3on of ar-. Ln piiiel- :blna Farrow, of the pe ish Of Mteney. Educated lin England, he came i to C In, the. month -of e - camber, 1.49. eir tew years ago Fern* a (I; his sons met In Toro to to Orebro e t e fifthieth anniver3 ry of le far Iva In the Dominion., is mother di d eix ,montbea after rea h- ang tate co, ntry,And her childr-en w re left witho t. 4 tnother'.s guidance •nd care. The fairnily 'settled in Cla ke township • n the 'vicinity of P rt Hope and Farrow taught ,seimo in that 4s,ep in or a number of ye rs before te, 'up land on the fl ,3t cone-ea:Ion • iderids township, ar the villa:8n of luevale where he an de his home, being made school MaS er of - the 131nevale School. W Ile residing i Blitevale,, he als;o enga el in tee ere 'nettle business arel ent r- ed politica life an, 1872 as Conser a- itive neemb ei of the Howe of Co - ed Mone 'when 'he defeated James Som r - 'le ville, of L 'cknow. In 1874, after ie of defeat of IS r John A. McDonald's g v.. Of eirprZeillt, M : Farrow wa s re-elected in as opposition t John Leckie, of Bruss Le, rand Wee :isosuccessful in the 1- loNtrin g tw. Igeneral elections, dere t- ins' Dr. Sl,'an, of Blyth, , tin 187, however, h 1 st the election to Ir. P. **Donal•, f NI/Ingham, afterwer•3 'Deputy Spe ker of the Hease of Co - crone and t preaent postmaster . a: London. A feweIyeare later Mr. F x - row was a poitned postmaater et Rm.'s -cells ' r sighing after a long p.:-- el lad ofi Isere ce . to 1912 Attlee when .e had ensitie lw. th his. seire M. Y. F:row In CO lig mid. Me. Farrow w s a proaelnen thotliat, • a, : Sund y Le School teupe, lntendent, a loud preach r Te in ,the: 'earl idays and e class leader f r 'Ai yeara. He ' • sei also greatly intere t- ie. , edin educa onal affaios and acted s is's -Chairman of 'Brussels School Board. 1•• belonged 'to the Canadian Order - .1, Fore,ster d the Ancient Order li United W pe, as well: ' as t ! rOrange L. ,i ge. The lane Mr. Ferro o was thrice areied. In addition to t - nowledgernent of their liability to its entire ,-support,. and for this encourage - went we thank the battalion -should - have rehorven a CltleatSIZe of appreciation • for ate receipt rather than a con - demolition for It edze. tit le likewise true that the ton which 111243 been adopted at recent re- eruiting meetings gives little eneour- agemerit .to municipalities to further augment .their lgrarts. And if the en- gagement a one of the officers who spoke at the meeting held. in Sea- -torte on. Thursday .evening last is a Tsai -ode of .the way ill wblch recruiting nemey is spent, we believe that the people of tale county are justified in witholding their 'support and . that 1Wale one else should bear the ere penee. An a-udience Iha,s all due re - spent and achrtiration for a men who has fought brevely, for his country, and duiy neepeet the : uiiiform he --wea,re, but :unfortims, ately the ealute wale due the unifaihm this time and not the man. No audience In Sea - forth hate fiver before sat under such • able -ice as that heaped, upon it onahurs- iday evening lest, and it is not likely It ever Will again. The uee of pro- • fanny hes never yet proven a paint or anproved a. dlecusgion, and the place for Oen who "fear neither Man. Goal, or the Devil" Le at the • , `Irma, where they will hive a poesIble opportunity of meeting all three la turn, and. not on a recruiting platforn, becau- the a.npeals of an officer who does not keep ftiznself under 'control bear no weight, and.impede Instead of aldieecruitieg. Every man, haa a -plain duty. toper-' • form in tele war, but that duty dos not necessarily consist of joining a .; battalion. We hold no brief for slack - and we believe that there are a goOdenany unattached young men who lehonld join the colors, but at , the . Ranee time we believe that the ma- jority of the people in this county are alive to their duty to the country, ts ette -tio') ias mueb entit- • and that alpay mad that is doing ne- ceary pe led to aneepect and consideration kW the 'map who is wearing a uniform. ormoniOnnimmemmorai The War Situation °The iiutatandingelfeatores of the war iiituatiorn this week bave been an attempted, invasion of Ireland by a German fcnoe with a Briti3h nable- Man, Sir Roger pasernept, at its head and 4e. merious uprising. of the Sine Fete party in ithe city, of Dublin ; on Monday and a German battleship and Aar -rola knI the 'Englislr'coast,, the teeme day. The G-erman invasion of 4eIand was ,atte,ITIPted on, Sunday, When a cruiser posing ,as a neutrei ve.esel, and ,esoorted by a submarine, attempted te land troops, anus and ammunition in Ireland,. The attempt, however, was unsuccessful, the raider being caught and .3unk and the crew and officers includieg Ca.serirent being caitured, and 14ent to London' as reamers. Sir Roger Casement has had quite a remarkable career, being for mann years lo the Aritish con - mules rvice and in reckinition of his • leervices to. his country, he was made kegghe and allowed to retire on a pension./ Before the present war, he bad heen (active In i,reland during the Mater trouble and when the war broke out he escaped to\ Germany and entened the (aervices of, that Govern - 'Myth - Dividigor3 - Ptiytter - A very pr tty wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mts. John Pater, Blyth, o "ed- needay, April 19th, when their second daughter, Mary H., was uni d the holy bonds of-tnatrimony ith Al- bert T. Davideoe, of Sarnia. 4t 12 o'clock,. to the !strains of th da ding march played by lass Alp a, lis- ter of the bride, the bride ente ed the parlor leaninn on the arm of er father, -where •th e .groo:n awaited thm. The bride Was handsomely gowne• In cream sl1k cialene with corsage bou- quet of pink and, White, end wOre he &thorn's ,gift, a beautiful geld wa ch and fob. Rev. W. B. Hanekine, • formed the ceremony in the .peese ee of the Immediate relatives. After c n - gratulation a, the bridal ceuple led he way to the dining -room where a sumptuous wedding dinner woe se v - ed. Mr. and Mrs.Davidson left on the atternoon train ,ainid shower of confetti and goodlwiehee for , th Ir home in Sarnia, the ride travelling in a -navy Iblue serge suit and. •Willie hat. The -beautiful preaer ts .shoe the esteem in welch the young 1COU are heed in the community, dee them being tram the young people Trinity church, of which the bride a member. * Kippen rear Repairing -T, Ileitis, the 00 friend of farmer in the pow line is now givir g his attent to the repairing of plows and he.rrows. A fr stook of plow hardles, mould boarde and a gene line of castings and bolts. The best grade of tongues and b goy shafts alwaysinstock and work done for wagons, buggles and -Implements. work will receive the best attention p.t the olit.ea ii lished stand. Thomas ell* Kippen. 620 t Death of Mr. Reynolds. -Last we we made: brief anentlort of the Inn of ,Mr. 111.- Reynolds, not thinklIng would be our lead duty this week make notice Of hle passing away. Reynolds had not been enjoylog usual good health -during part of t winter, yet :Ehe was able to beV- , pest of (duty until almost the 1 as he was Only chnfined: to bed fr Monday until Sat rday morning, Ap 22nd, when death t-eurnmoned him. was bare tin- Cornwall, Eagian yeere a,go and came, to London, Ca ade, whentwentyl year, e of age a ,entered the '13eivir of the Gra Trunk .Railway, tin which aervicel has beed tor 46 years. He was 'it' tion agent at Middlemies, Bea4hvii and Kippen, being here bar' the Pa, eix years. He Is surv1vcd by 1b widow and ;family of seven, Edw n Pittsburg, Pa.; Harry W., San Fra cisco; Mrs. P. W. 'Morgan, and Mr W. B McDermett, pineba, Alta.; E ira, Calgary; iiiree A. J. Sine, Ch cag and Marguerite at homer EU son, E win, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sine and Re G. McAllister,' were with, tan n the end porne. During the long U. e Mr. Reynolds 'served the mope y se was faithful and trustw rthy. . Tueeday "morning, the rem ins we e taken from Kippee -. to chvllle f r burial where the lservice as co .1 ducted by Rev. Mr McAllis er, of E eter, Mrs. Reynolies will r main 'wit her mother (for al couple ef , Wee 3 and will return to Kippen for a1 fe days and then bid. her frien far wel Notes. --Me. W. Johns on w Toronto this week, as a d legate t the Ontario -Educational Aes clad n. Mrs. -McKenzie, of: the vi ;ge, pe t Beater -holidays with her daughter he all b• four 'sons a d two daughters 1,zuento ed above, he leve; eleven grand-chil ren and on eat- grandson, • Mr Willia,m Smi ,1'fBluevale, le a silt eithe dec a.set1 and his sole sni vivin,g brot er 13 Mr. Asher Ferro of Goderich His father, s tee le, •Martin Far 4, and ida bather, t e late Rite, Fdrr ow were 'widely-kno . redden te of Bi eyale dering the dife-t the °wick. The Late Paid Dodge -Ori the 6t Inst . .there :peeled to; his reward .of .the Old,es a d moat esteemed -ros dents a th t wnseip, ih the perao of Moe Paul D ige who paaised peae fully etwa,y t t1iis late reeldence '0 the eseeood ori essfon of Howick t the .advance a e of, 86 year and 0 monthsni1 4boutthjee mont s ag4 he wa qute active and enjoyln good health Itoll a man of hi3 adv, peat yeare, n he fell, fracturhi his thigh 6) e, after which he wa confined t hte -bed and grew grad twilit- Weaker u tie death ensued, e, I of whieh.he hoe with Christian fort tud.edaod ee, 1 ation. Paui Doig wa the yoongee Iso?of John Doig an • Bengali For Sale--Isevoral good farms ranging trim a little over $6,0604nd upwards. Also private funds at current ratOs of Interest on trery favors. le terthe. Apply to fk. J. Sutherland, real estate age t at Hen. sail est effl e * • 1 • 2524-3 Aildreee AndPresentation.- he fol- lowing .addrepe, which spea s for itself. was preeented I to Bugle R., E. Shafddlek; of thi3 village., an for which he desires to express is sin- cere ;thanks ' and appreci tion.:- Buglext la E. Sha,d.dick, of tlte 161et Huron jBattalion-Dar Frie ,4,---Yo6r schoolmates dealre ta express to you their ,admiration of your gallant con- duct In tso brandy ' offeringi your services to King and Country in this time of our beloved 'Brnpireis reatest dangere We truet that, you, wiU . be true -and faithful 1z the diScharge of your duties, ,and ihuimb1y pray that Zeit be 'Opened to return wit glory to your I native la,nd. Heiman I proud of he.r arave leda who have vo unteer- ed, ,,tee do ibattlei 'far the saereL cause of libe,rty, juatice and hunia,nit .Kinde ly accept these .glata-a wrist watch and knife -as tnementoes of ur es- teem ,anki good wishe.s, and be iasured that our -thoughts will often 1,e of you when (you are far from t e Land af the dilapler-Signed on behalf of the school, IWen.1 McKay, principal. Briefs -Mrs. J. Caraniehael'h sold a 'couple 4of her village lotto Mr. T. J. Berry..a-Among those who have had their houses wired' for ydro- electric ;we thave learned of t e fol- lowing: : pr J.. W. Peck, Th impson Murdock, F. (J. 'Berry), G. 3. uthere land and 'Mos. Drake. -Mr. Th pson Murdock 41134 recently purchas d a fine entire a•,acing horse, kno n as "Huron Chief," which came -fro God- erich. Tele Lome has a good record and is totich admired by hor men. - The ise,reices, tin our three chur. hes on Sunday lest were all a,ppropriat 'to the Easter Occasion and fine Z:111fil e was a fe,atutlee Of the services. armel Preebyterbm church will ehorti -vote or ,ballot on nominationn made • uringl the .paitI two Sebbathe for fou new eidere.-Mrs .James Martin an i chil- dren of iBarrie, and Mrs S. V Er, of e Torento; spent the Eager h itdays f with their narent3, Mr. and M s. R. f Bonteroxi.-The Miesea Cudenor of C .Toronto iand Stratford lepent Ea ter at v the pare tal thome here. -Mr. H. . Me- , e Donald i , (preparing to ereet a - flee red brie'dwelling .osne lot east of the poet, office. Wallah Is a, fine sit .-Dr. Harry Ctooker of Tillaonburg eCent- ✓ ly vi-ited his sister here, Mrs. -(Dr.) Ila,rdin-mfte contractorwill s. on be • at week len Mr. Dickson's fin red e brick idweiling at the east en of e Kirig St.---bu t villegere were a ocked n on We-dneeday -afte,rn,00n to le rn of ✓ the death (if .Private George ;WA 'ling - ton, of t e 161st Batalion, who waS training a this village, after n ill - pees Of nay a few days from that fatal elle ace pneumonia, which -idea- 1 lilts., the ; en: .medical skill lead La bie- e 1 aecease 13,, itbe Coar,mercial Hotel here e was !boarding,/ George was quits a favorite, being of a very brig t ar,14 pleasant disposition and when i the Moleone Bonk, before enlisting/1 waS well liked. by the general publi end 1/111, Wreath , at the early age of, 25 Is much rennetted. The funeral. a reice, Which Will be a Military one Will be , held on Friday fter- noon of this week, - and c urch services will be held in Carmel Pe•es- byteelan ehurch, filen which t e re- mains w 11, 'be taken to be in erred In Heisa1[Union ceenetery.-Th rel- atives an ; friends of Mrs. obert Traguair will tie nleateed to learn _ stat jrepecieryatii4410118011;700:0:10,4%-shav madoe4ence, ststoluaai One and ithat he is getting Menke& and hppo tp!gie able tti- come home in OA icourise , of a. COUP,e of Weeks. . Teague& returned fecnri the boa- tel on. Tuesday evenLng laot, ?where 'ha& been pr.. a nwnber of days eh Ma wife. -The Oddfellows in- te ded entertaining the soldiers ln, th tpkvnt hall on Wean day evening! la t the'. anniversary �f the. Order, b owtingt to 'the eritiea illnef4s Of P . George Waehhigton, and his de th followlog, it has been poit- sie hais ,also been tehe Farewerf VI Mary Ba1,14 to have been held ph Friday :evening.- Mts. William O end* re.tarned from Toronto on eeday last whore she had been ts nding the past week with relatives a d friends. -The good work of ec- he ting istill. fgereo em and during the st week Mr.1Charies Blackwell, eif townottip of Hayeand Mr.' James P lest, jr., iof this village, have re- • ded to the call of their Xing and C nt,rY and are now In ithakii -We lieve Mr. Donee's Neelands, !young - • t•15011, of our 'editor, has received a prennotion in the I New ' . York C htrei Railway, at Detroit, where he Is Ln,the claims Department. i. It Is tihus that Hensall boys , forge- ahead In 'the "way of filling good Positions. - Me. jonee has rented* Mr. Fred. Bengoughis neat dwell.ing pro- ty on. Rieihtnonti atreat north, and intends. very isoon moving Into our village. We Weeeothe good eitizens like Mr , and mtg. , lanes, and we will int be looing Mr. and Mrs. ngough as they are 01).iy going to s1hat tnay be termed the au:telt-lets of, r village, as Vie. Bengough has en- gaged "v71th 9.1r. H. c. soidan to .work t 'e teem which he lately pureheeed froni Mr. Johieston.--The anniversary se viee,s 'of Carmel Presbyterian church, will be heid, on. Sabbath flr,3t, the 30th, when 13,e,rfices will he con- ducted tnorning1 and evening by the Rev. Mr. ticIntaito of London, and the indsical services will( be of a special character ,flppropria,tfal to the occagon. Tflere will no doubt be a very large attendance. -The relativeand friends of Mr. John McGregor, :sr, of the township of Hay, will regret to learn that he is and has been very poorly during the pest week, from the ,break- ing down at an advanced age of a once tine constitution, Dairy Ma ik 'Pronto, April 25 -Butter, creamery Prints, fresh/ tna44, 33 to 35c; cream- ery zolid, Otos-age 31c . to 32; ceolce isrinte, 28 to 30c; ordinary prints, 26c tot 28c, bakers' 240 to 25' cents, Eggs -Special candled, cartons, new-. laid, 24c to 25e. New -laid, ex -cartons, candled, 23c no 24 cents per dozen. Cheeee-New ,large 19e; twins, 1f1-40. Jane and September, large, 20e; twin, 20I 1-4 cents; and triplets at 20 1-2 cents: Honey -1 Buckwheat, barrels, 141 to 7 1-20; tines, 7 ,1-20: to 8c; clov- er,, denten pound tins, •13 1-2 cents ;. 5 po nd tins, 1.4c;. comb honey, Ne. , 1 pe dozen, 32,50 to 33; No. 2 per dozen 321to 32.40. Maple ,Syrup -Imperial gal- lon, 31.40. I i ' Live Stock Markets Buffalo, April 25th, -Cattle,- heavy, aim; others active; rime steers, 39- 35 Ito 49.75; nping, 38.50 to 39.15; but- I p. cheef 37.25 to 39.25; , heifers, 37 to 38.65; eavvis, 34 to 37,75e belle, $5.25 to 37,75; retockers and feeders, 36.75 to 37.85jstock heifers. 36.25 to $6.75, freinti IC (Yam_ and springers, steady, 350 to 3110. Veale -active an steady, $4.0 to 310. Hogs- active; beany, $10.20 to 310.25; peixed, 310.15 to $10.2; y ker.s, $9.e0 to ;10.15; iiige, 39.25 to $9.0; roughs, 39.i5 to $9.25; stags, $6.- 50 to 37.75. Sheep and 1-49,:nbs-heavy slow; latnbs, 49 to .$1L60; clipped,' $6.50 to 310.25; yearlings r$6 to $8.50 e wethens, 37.75 to 38; eweei- 4 to 7.25; iep, mixed 37.50 to $7.75. le. ei nion (Stock Yards, Toronto, April 24 There was a brisk market • this eno niog for tan ,exceptionally liget de- ity ,ry for a Monday and values for tee better class of butcher cattle firmed up to '150 and a, trifle more foiCenede iur grade killers. Three heavy eteere ca, ,ed in at 39.10 and one straight Ioad • of butcher :steers, which aver-, aged 1250 (pounds, aold for 39. .Loads of ea,ttle which averaged, from 1,000 to 1200 lbs. were numerous and thev bro ght values between $8.75 and 38,90. Th re were alio light butchernwhich ane r price ;range between 38.10 and 38.S. All lover the buying, apirit was ,str4ng and. tb,ere was an early clean- up e Butcher endlo and fat cows were a ,4te4a4y to stronger trade, , with tra tra 1 choice :animals in either class ng to 37.50, i with exceptionally g.. • hulls a quarter more. Stockers an •I fe-eders were not in :much ; dee rna d at iperhaps a trifle stronger val eo tee a result of, the htgher prices pal for light cattle. Milkeee and 1 epri gem were represented by about ' twe ty head, which ispid f,roin 370 to; $95 . All :small meets were 'steady, . wi thp (rune light, but hogs 1were : et,r• ger up to fifteen cents In eases.! C• • tt. Hail and Coughlin sold eight , II: e : 'Best caeavy steers 38.75 to 48.-1 90; • iet butcher38.50 to 38.75; uaeful , bu ; ero 38.15 Ito 38.40; co' mon butch - ere $7.50 to $7.85; choice cows 37 to 7.25 tieeful cows $6.50 to $6.90; come mon pow a 35.50 to 36.25; choice bulls, 37.2 to $7•50; god, bulli% 6.50 to 7.00; cotrunon bulks, 45.50 to 46; twenty year- ling lambs, 313.85; 15 calves, $8,4$0 to 39, Bought bne deck of hogs $11.50 fed and watered. Dunn. and Levaek Soldeight I,oads; butclie,rs, two, 1290 poll 43, $9; '12; 1220 Ilea., $8.75 1-2; 18, 1040 1ibi3.,•, 8.70; 18,, 980 Bier $8.15; one, 1140 1 les.,„ 38; nine, 970 lbs., 37.90; elle 640 - wide, .7.15; seven, " 890 pounds, 38; powa, tone, 1390 pounds, 37.50; one, 1190 pounds, 6.25; two, •1050 pounds, 36; 4nee 1290 pound/a 37.25; two, 1250 pounld3, 37,25; elx, 1130 poundis, 36.75; 2 bull , 1140 Ipouieds, 38; one bull, -1500 Ito, $ ‘ at 7; one Oen ;74; fifty calves, 38 t 310.50; 15 yea,rlingoi $10 to $13.- 85 e lot opring lambs, 36 to 12.00; 15 ie e, , $6 to $9. The quotations are: Choie he-avy isteere, 38.65 to 39; hut- clierT eattle, choice, 8.25 to 8.50; good, $7.85 0138.10; do needituen 37.40 , to 37.65; commoo, 6.60 to 6.75; buteliere bulls, pholee, 37.25 to $7.75; do. goo& bulls, 36.85 to 7.00; do. ;rough 4.65 to 5.15; butchers, cows, choice $6.75 to 37.50; do • good, 36,25 to $6.5e; com on $5.25 to, 5.75; stockers, 700, to 850 unds, 36.75 to 7.75; choice feeders, deho ned, 950 to 1000 pounds, 7.15 to 37.50 cannere and cutters, 33.75 to $4.40 milicere; choice, prieh, 375.00 to 3100; de. coin. and xned. ea,ch, 340 to $00; sprkigers $50 to $100; light' ewes 38.50 to 310.00; aheep, heavy, 36 to 37.50; bucks, 33.50 to 34.50; lambs, choice, 311 to $13; spring lambs 36 te$le ; calves, good to choice, 39.25 to 31p.50; medium 7.25 to 38.50; hog;, fed 4d wa,te.red, 311.40 to $11.50; do., weig off icar,s, 311.65 to 311.70; do. that i f.o.b. 10.90 to ;Ili , , . As a Man's S es play an important part in his personal a? mei it pays to ha 6 the Feet well dressed. Our Men's Shoeare tli i mit of Good Style and Expert Workmanship. We've selected ti Best. We've Goo; Shoes for Men in every walk of life. We've for the conservativ man who does not care to go the Style limit, bu 4ires ease and durability. , .„ ' We've shoes for the Young Man who wants Smart shoses !n Choice ifigh and Low Cut IStyles in both Black and Tan leathers. We tiion a few of our leaders -come and look them over -to see :tiiem is to 'like them. - • r Men saGuninet mediumligh.toe I Men's Gunmet cloth tops for 415.0 gen's Patent high toe last 4.50 MeA's Patent .c'ops, the season's Men's fine kid or 4.50 and,5. oo. I Calf shoes, Button or Lae style, on the • popular it, for $3.5o, $4.00 and $4.50. I Calf shoes on the new English 1st witb bjack and 83.50. Olt shoes, Button or Laced styles on th 0 ntedium nd 5.00. olt Button Boots with plain vamps and back cloth atest, for ,5.00. shoes made with a cushion insole for solid, comfort, 5EAEORTH TELEPHONE, i OPPOSITE COMMEROIAL BOTEL The names pf girls, living in or near Seaforth, who wduld Ric% to work in our proposed branch factory in Seaforth. • The work will be Boy's and Child- ren's Clothing -piece work pr1ces-5o hours per week -power machines - steady work. I --ou are interested, please make this k own and leaveyour names, tor the present, with Mr. Jas. Watson, Seaforth, or write us. Jackson Manufactunn Clinton, Ont. Limited 2524-2 !risofHuroll Coon , . Don't yot1 know that the girls must take the place I' of the men, especially in the business world, if Cana- da is to do h0 share in this great struggle, which is, . keep an army at the front and keep business going on at horne. Are you ready to do your share ? Because of the great need, we are planning a opec. ial Easter Course at Very Special rates. If you are truly patrioti4 and want a chance to do your share, write us for further particulars. chool f Commerce Clinton B. F. WARD B. A. M Accts PEN IPAL Mel cilSun Pr For Sciecially concent struction of smut yMId and cleaner Fr wa en mike of Smut in Grain aver %and aldehyde Solution ated and prepared expressly fp.r tile de erms on seed grain, insures an incl. -eased hreshings. 7 ,sh stock on hand t-eady for use. This is the Formaldehyd that formerly sold by Alex Wilson for several years, and that ha4 prov uch a great succe a. In rder to kill the g thel ForMaldehyde m thi Beaver Brand bottles will do this. Put up in half Ih.s to gallons of solution. rm in grain which is attached to the see:d. St be fresh and of a required strength to 'insure orrnaldehyde when used as directed by labels on make eighteen gallons; one lb. to make thirty-six L. Williams ccessor to Alex Wilson Seaforth 45 over, c 425; 21 to 32' r4o. 1 at 4$22; NO i41.2 to 3 th 4 store $1 1-2c ; ,E elo 4 yellow, P'eed, Lexie to $1. 96 to 98'D coratng t Oate-No. lei, 44e otttaide. eampi ftieights to64c t • .reights t according Manitoba .fats, ds, Zfir jute 1 rs41 cording Mil bag3 vered, aborts, 32 flour, 13 Se °warm. no Mr. daughte Irlawkin3 April 9 Ra,wkin aUof !ittionpao brldels I, Ferber) jfr,L .r 1 -now mavta. 14th, A John Pa daughter elyth