HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-04-28, Page 3a. ' X318 91 N EEXPOSITOR no ceneidered by the Mstrieulation Board under the foregoing:: (4) All an Madam 3 icor special Ma- trl uletlon u !der ,the foreg ging 13hould be made .thrc ug;h. the Principals: under obi the icandidateia have been pre - red, and , forme whizmay he aired on - tlieation to the Secre- y f the( t niverrity etriculation ard`, Parti ^hent Buiidin _.a, Toronto. -: efor r_ s e o gh soap (l ;5 feet ; high a n Th"nk of a completely SUr ity 41.1f 'FL Tonto. 4444.410 PhoneY_ Order "Ste arts Sel t for Less" ail Your Orders Cap it 1 Feld Up oo Fund veld U de I m 7 { *,. You Can Start a Savi. i' A count with 1.00. Itis not necessary eary fsrr you to( wait until you si large sum of money in artier to'start a Sillily t With Bank. An =aunt ow be opened with or - interest is compounded twice a yeasr. `Forts -Nater: he follow t>!;g! ,poem, 'a,T er,s," has just been r- • . 711114:P •air, Of Utgho brother, om, 3nernb h Ba:ttali• ,of Ednonton oijt, the e,eterit front. the rownpo r has accide ede buts L supposed nn!r, ,ae nbez of th a. am ..actory profit inside at Cr Oil 'arts 45c 1.11923122.222 is rets prices for ron can get what yvir (than wholesale? titisfacHon. DMO NTS out, ?phone to winds NINA. 'housewife turns 1 amort and one. weatther ant 'weather a by Taise- at at rain*Csr. eats only a taw below and 'nail Thom Co. ee i ney and able and eve€ cash alai► paint or trouble of Bode rate. er can do ere's mord eoticn! piens,. C116 Off` Oth1Cr Begaig, 3ioit'3L.. f ss &DDT a, 4 CilaCretze r unut notto DI; ThIQT l TTE S J €3f ficer.3 of the 161st Battalion. — lte following its a 1104 of the officers Of the 161st battalion. !any of the, Of leer's havee not Yet reedited their laiilete as the battalion will probably hot be 'fully organized, until it ie fin - y n:obolized :t Lieut. -Cola Combe, Officer Cohnjnanding; Major 0. `Mc-; 'hall, Second in Command; Major R. $ Ha3ta, ,Junior Major; Major M. D. RecTaggart, Paymaster; 'Maim' J. W. Shaw, Medical Officer; Major Sinclair, Major l:`Ietherington,r Capt. .W. B. Al- en, q extern -taster Capt. G. 0. Van- Otone, Adjutant; Capt. H. Campbell, Capt. e. Towne, Lieut. T. R. Rund- die, Signalling Officer, and Lieuten- agate turdy, Hodgens, 'Wilson, D... S. Scott, A.4 J. Griggs. D. J. Reid, : R. 1. 'ergu on, R. Y. McLean, W.P. Grieve, :3. K: 1r, .WA F. Scott,, C. K. Mac- 'Viers W. Porter, •H., C. Mc - Learn W. R. O'Neil, D. E. Holmes, C. .S. Hall, E. Torraneej; J. M. Scott, F. i. Doty, 'F. N. Cluff. Cromarty. k ` (Too Late for Last Week). Note3.—Miss Lizzie Hoggarth, has returned 'home ,after .wending several weeks in Seaforth,--Pte. Neil Park, of ie. 110th Battalion, Stratford, v1,eit- cd tit's friends here this week,—Mies Marjorie. Weitzman, Niagara Fal];3, Is (spending .'week or so with her rela- five's: la this vicinity.—A, severe thun- ,deretornt, accompanied ,by very heavy rain, passed over this district oh Sunday evening., So (far a;3 can 'be learned, no 'damage was done. --•c The syrup season, .which was short, ap- pe,ar3 'to be over for this year.—Far-, anew are. ,all busy. en thein land. Stage, • Tdtrte;3.---Mise Elsie Parson, of Munro, has been engaged with Mr. T. M. Ham- diton, 43 clerk for the coming summer. -a Miss Margaret Wller Mt t*eek for Detroit, where ,she has secured a good position.—Pte. Robert Living - ?sterile, of Toronto, &int the week end at hie home here.—The ,many friends f Mies, Jezmie Bottler are pleased, to lees:. her fable to be around again after • confined to.,her hi ne for over a 1month, the ,re,sult of falling on the ;lea and fracturing a bone in her ankle. Miss C. Worden, of Exeter, is . the ;guest of her sister, Mrs. Bodkin. — eddiril:g, belle •still continue to ring in this burg.—Miss Jessie Allen was home: to a nuenner of friends on Fri- day' of Iast week. Ethel ' Notes.—Mrs .Ed 'Fletcher .had the misfortune last week .to fall while papering a room and •striking her side over the (back of a chair fractured three rib3.—Wednesday evening of Ia=t week wrist watches, accompanied ty kindly worded addresses . wet e presented to our soldier boys name- iy: Pte3. Thempson Rowland, *- Lead Dunbar, Slermore Williamson, Vosges and I4fe.Callu n.=George the ,ielde,3t on of James McLelland who itis been in the west for the past !seven years teaching school, was here visiting ,relatives and friends en- daughter M135 Lena, was united in route to Ottawa where he has enlisted with the .Canadian engineers for ov-. theGeoholy e bb ( n -n nd atri onando • Mr ter,=•Pa,3 service. Good luck to "hL`m•-'_ R .B. Alcock 8th conce,asion of Morrie. Mr- Duncan McDonald po's'ed away Only the li"n,rnecli te •relative.s of the -peacefully to her reet on Tuesday ev-contracting part' a were present. 'pile re ld,e on the groom; s conce,35ton of Morris. 3t wishes of a host Samuel Walker 6th an enjoyable eistt s, with her eon, gana, and with 'other nds. Four entire r11ng !filly, all ;prime app '! , li berg 4 o rho; e,3 tt A tidy third conceagion e Jab !teat *i,shes; sof a host of low Mr. and Mrs, Re7n41 new. !h ./ eter. April Wedding --A very *sing took :place n Satiard at hi ;Won a thea ha. ,bride',., parents Mr. and F. when t elr dap was united. dnh rria,ge Stevely Thompso on of Mrr:. A. Thumps n . of ,L D. W. Caine, .f in rector of Trivitt ' -. for the officiating el rgyman a hate . relativ • s of the gpartie, were pr =ent.; Th tered t #te parlor on the father to the rat ainn of t march Inlayed 193 • Miss' L. cousin Of the igr • onh. The a mostr+becoming gown of feta with overdre: of net. veil' wea caught up wi4h blodsoms and h : carried a bouquet of brld: roses. The ,sister Miss (Lill!.=_ Boyle, act brideemeid dress d in ,pink si. qui ette and car yang a bouq pink renes.. The +grooms was ed by his brother Mr. Stewart eon • of London. After the c e, very dainty lu cheon wag se the dirling.roons. The bride one of Exeter'.e most popular ladle," was the ,recipient of itandso pe and been t rice 'show friends.- The gr R. G. Strat`hers Mr.' and Mrs. T 'evening train fo land. A great gathered at .the a send` -off.. On take up their r street. Their m in ,extending c The de $ole t'he A ET I . pre,ty wed - y April 5, W c` from fair! Albert B e : rawest, Saskatchew A d here'.3many hearts, `t • r the loved"-onee who ,i t e're not at all do T ou h for home w,e• oft W • dire training (hard in F r the march across the AS o. Mrs: Thos: -ter Birdie, a. fir. Ytir. Dr and ndon. Rev. or,' former u was d•Only the contracting i bride et1 rat of her e. eddlrg Th :npson , lirl a wore w11 to taf- He bridal; orange shower bride's d • as. • mat - et of uppott- home- reerot;y ved:In ho $a young :tarty ful gifts • ; having• red. by . her , . any Is a traveller for do Co.. of London. apron left on the Buffakt And Cleve - any .of their friends depot to give thein it return they •wild (aldence on tWill1a a ny friends .will join gratulation., • e `NOTE1911CI TOEQ s AI: , . BAB 'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Lawrence N.S., writes: Own Tablets for believe there le then" fee little banish • constipa troubles'f and un dine I'Itave used take and do not Tablets are sold or by` rx#ail at 25 Dr. NY lama Me Ontd . M. Brown, Walton, have used Baby's he past ten years and othing . to equal neva. They instantly on and teething !cher medt- eileasant to baby." The fine dealers x from The Brockville, ke any they .are gripe the by medic ents a b( cine Co., orris • Note...—Tho Ana riage of Humphries, of IL ndon, to Isabella' only da -g+hter of Mrs S, I Walker ria took place a bride last Satur Call of the 89th visiting lat his h turn to the west Charles .Banbrid lost a valuable .b It wee worth $2 horse Mr. Bomb in r3eveiri months. Mr. .and Mra. J 14th conce,3.sfan o wa= the, (scene o wedding on We twat week at four H. Leslie Miss Mary Mrs. and the 6tie line, Mor - the hone of the ay.—Pte, attalion e here.. about .May 1st. --Mr. e lof this township ood .snared recently. O. This Is the third idge has lost with -i The •residence mf' n Glaush er of the Hullett township a very pretty Apprl ne.3day .afternoon' of o'clock when • their IL Le Mc - Calgary, 13 He will re - ening of' last week. aged 71 years, following ~soon after her husband, ,A funeral ,3erviee was held at her Sate. home on Thursday afternoon and the remains were taken to Port Elgin to the olid hone of the deceased on Frlday :Horning.. • Don't ~scold, a child for being cross ; try Rexall Orderlies, as . the troubles le probably -with the bowels. Sold only ,by IRexall Drug Store's, 15c and Zinc boxeis. C. L. Firilillarns. Stephen. Pretty very pretty wed- rig wise solemnized at the home of the 'br'ide's tparehte Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Deering of the 2nd conce,asion, of Stephen on :April 19th!, when their daughter Gladys V:, was united In the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Luther Reynolds only on of . Mr. sa.ud 9lra. Henry Reynolds of Exeter. The bride' entered the parlor while the ;strains of Mendelssohn's wed- ding march 'wag played by Miss Ethel Quick. A.Mus.L.U., London, and was liven ,tiway by ;her father. The sere 'many was (performed under a beauti- ful evergreen arch decorated with wink and write ,ros'e's and Easter title's by Rev. W. G. H. McAllister, of Exeter. The bride 'looked charming in a Tire 3s of white( '3ananza silk, -wearing a bridal veil and orange biol.- t3onla which were worn by her mother -when ,she was married and carrying a bouquet of white carnations. The ,bride',a little -sister Madeleine, made a pretty little flower girl and king - bearer carrying a basket of pink and white carnations and wearing a preparation efol` pink ietlk 'dress with veil and wreath' amination in Ju happy couple will farm on -'the 7th They have the .,b of friends.—Mrs. line, its' !back fro o fi a iiew mon E. O. (Walker relatives and tri hor,3ee and aye arniimal,s were. a Scott. iffy. lline; .entire colt the Knight 8th line, the ,shipment well known (bre thoroughbred Du pa,e t few weeks Grey townehip ; Morris 'township lock of Jazne3to h•- .out( for th property wage also' 3at:. der 6th ham bulla of Andre w included. In Spelt; the. line; ,ae1d during the o . James Burgess. of 'Pattie; of rew cleared Ilton • and. An n. Th pre strit4 • n Under ditions Matricnlati Co 1. The ' Univ r,31ty Board "at a ineeti g held o April 6th, (decide to acce examinations of r 916 the the Ite,gulatione recently the MinL ter of :. duration to card deter wh' enlist f .service or Who e gage in 2. Accordingly, the -moa pared to con,side special for Pass Junior is atricula lows -- ' - ' llet-nt-elt (1) After April 20th, fro. who have enliste • for over and *he have ,be•n in reg ace. at school p to tha he Mf,tri e, 1916. .€ t white iblassa ns. The groom's gift Farm to the .bride wee a sunburst to the (2) Jet the ex plantet a solid gold brooch set with three menthe' e '!earls and •a pearl ' ring to the from candidate's dower girl. After the usual congrat- 'dations the bridal couple led the '1way td the ,dining -room where a .sum- 'ituoue wedding dinner was served. 'The •preaents were numerous and bo.atly. Guests were present from {carnia Strathroy, Marlette, Flint, London Hen 3a11, Dashwood; Crediton and Exeter. The young couple will .e3ide on the groom's farm on the 0 peciai trieuiation Thursday, t for the rincipie of esued by in respect •r .overseas arra Work. e 13 pre - applications ion as fel- .of ol- candldat•>.,3 eas service lar attend - date in ulation ex- 1 by c tbin ler c(w toe thr ru face, BI tidos 'At Cale for a short time yo great improveatent in y health. Start taking Ilia, Cute* at once and get rid Send for teithioniale, fre HEINEY & co., Pro Druggists,, tfc@ B e Forty - dyed rby' ne, from ✓ of the now eery - The name tally been to be Pte. battalion, n ere sighing re gone; nhearted pine, Shornlciffe, sWatt • C beer there for tr uble, d slr.e're (ling for a scrap; d Avg won't 'go back to ta. • we've. ,changed', the G ~man map, be the greatest battle at : wi3l ever seen_by one t 3c'ou ~bet we'll fix theer:nane tr,{ey'll .never fight age r. A d t last w(heni it is et, A d he victory i43 wont • e return ,to home ,anal, loved ones H k in, der . old gdhion t. n, s vire 'proudly march up "Jasper' W th our des baked a, d brown, T <ere ,will be teotese' celebra ing In tht.t old ,Alberta ,t Perth Items 114,3. Crooks, 'ef Atwoo 78 yds, 'has knitted; on a d t enty-two pair;3 of s o diers at the front.(" Mr. ,and'Mr,3. John W H bbert, announce .the en: tli it idaeghter, Katie Va G : or,e E. Pepper. The an. ta, e place this month. Mr. R. IT. ,Hartung, (se of the legal firm : of Ha 0 ' en , in Stratford, :has J fl m f Dewart, Harding, .3. net McDonnell, of T Ja'me's O'Laone, St no fleas the engagement sof te: , Nano Cecilia, to Major nit on, of 'the 90th Bette pe, _ , e (Marriage to tak W . nese,g, during the /NA Ar114 --lir. Brooks, who Ira a gr ; ery business at' Atw p: t hree years has lis to M . E. Andireone of t ce,: °kn.( Mr .Brooks has P:1-ricrston, where he wil ti ed. - `Il' ►e eni,F;agehient Is Ann Je. n. Thompson, jonly dau la 1 e •'ho see G. ?MdIntyre M ' tre, of St. Tho:: H gill Alexander Campbell, of -Mr) and, Mr's.. Frank of Mitchell. the wedding t qu etly early in May., Mt. Janes Dungey, th idety known fir:: 0 Bro(3, tile, manufacturers di; d ' t his hone in Reel: H w g !fifty years of ag bo n in Fullarton town,3ht 3u vived by a widow, one - da glkter.3. There died In Stratfor da ►' , April 16th, Thorna3 A 41 t year. Deceased was re,,idetnt of "Mitchell and lav of Mr. 'William . K ich place, the uneral t ead,ay afternor n. His w t aix years ,go and hree child -1 ,survive. Mr. S. Mitchell, of At' ood, :netI h a serious accident. , bile riding' his. dray, 1n passing o r a cross- In •(sore wary he wa thrown;, lently to the ground, a el' while no e3 were broken, yet fro his waist, nevard, Mr. Mitchell ,se • ms to be a13tzed. Mr. Mitchell's eon was vi the team at the ti , e of the aecidc(nt.; --There died In London on Friday, Apr1.1 ''14th, ,William Fawce t, formerly; of Ribbert, aged 77 years : nd seven Motithe. Deceased was be n. in Ful- lerton township and when a young man settled on lot 12, con ession 4, Hibbert. He married Ruth Roadhouse about: 65 years ago, who survives, •to- gethe with 'three eons = nd eight rs ago he ha,3 since a er. an of respected He cleared ch he lived am, now ught from and from e on Mon - QS 9310 $f idents and s of the in ,Wood- ( '.. w bo re w on in vi bo do pa dr a lady of hundred ks for the q Balfour; of gement of esti, to M:. rriage will or member ding and fined the Maw, Hud- ront.o atford, an - ,his laugh R. L. Dee - on, Winn!, place in week. In donducted od for the osed of it 10th con oved to live re - i unced of ter of the and Mrs. d s, to - Mr.. eldest 'son . Campbell, take place o founded, Dungey f Ellice, k .recently., , and. wag - is n and two , on Sun- ord, In his ortmerl,y - a as a son - cap, fro;n k place on fe died a,-! daugl re tire realdc .sterling character and high by a. large circle of friend's the'farrrA ,in .Hibbert ose wh and on which .his son Wil resides. .The body was br London to (hie old home, there ' the. funeral took p ay, When ; ,l1 that ' hai310 Hippler ',3 fore. ria t re One ettf the oldeit pionee township was laid to re(q. Land cemetery, Mite'hel1, ter3. About four ye 3 from farming and d to Londoh. He wa —Driver Jane's, Diggle,. ,eo_dier. ,who served throgg Ne uve Chapelle with the Battery of London, comm tide ~shooting himself i at hie boarding-house in L on Sunday night. ;Diggle years of age, left, London fleet contingent, of artill • Leonard,: and wag loulders by shrapnel at 'Ypres, , Diggle for bravery. He re n December, and a for atime, proceeded to where he' wa , errmployee's a at thea city ga'S plant. Th proviped .with the revolver. he killed hi:n,3elf . ; Mejo th e r3 ga 3se time don returned Ypres and th Field tted ,sui_ the head ndon, Ont., was 833 with the rsi under ounded .In and was was men.. hed Lone ter resting t.' Thomas, watheman re he was with which HOW'S THIS? We offer One (furndred wand. for any case of C cannot be cur'e'd by (Hal C uiree. Ha ',s Catarrh Cute has tarrh euitferer,g - fo -five years, and as the moat relic tach. (Ill's Catarr the Blood on the expelling the Po and healing the mplayme t. at least on a farm in. 'regular to at .leaet for the in June, lament en atriculation as the 00- ectiv, ate 'All 4, r you have taken liars Re- tarrh that 's Catarrh been taken the pest Sa become le ren:edy Cure acts u.couis aura from the sed per - 11's Catarrh will see a l's Catarrh of catarrh. 1 elightful NewPatterns i HHigh Qua Rugs and Lino eums Particularly Some Exquisite Designs at Specially Low P.ices eiMMOIsr Seotep Linoleums Imported osect TO buy lincheums that are Oosi- , tagetlItihealYt tnheiWs !tsoaredeoc:;ffler:: y"a'o4s;t;;,41'ft rising from the fact that this de- partment is stoCked with an all new stock. When you come here you see nothing but the very lat- est to be had, and that only in the best quality, the greatest var- iety and the Ilowest possible prices Thlre are dotens of pieces of gen- uine imported Scotch Linoleums in block, floral .4 tile patterns, in all widths, aid in a quality that will give unli,mited wear. Excep- tionally clever, iiatterns for bed- rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, din- ing rooms and halls. --I- ia PRICE ...62c to 75c per sq yd, New Rugs. You Want Hav Floor Oil Cloths FrozLn one -ha f to two yards wide in bloCk, floral and flooring to surround rugs. Price... 111 per sq,yard Japan Mats For verandahs, bedrooms or summer cottages, in green fawn, blue, brown or red designs, el Er from 3x6 to 9xt 5 feet. Prices,...,.. ZDC 0 t $3 Strolligest Work Shirts Made Have you elver worn the Flaxman Work' Shirt? 1Try one. Made in England, Of a special Irish Linen Mixture that will wear like leather. All double stitchedi extra length sleeves, tull length and width extra fullness in back fand shoulders,'prev nts ripping or splitting ; linen lined, in black and white stripe and fancy dark and light colors Ask for the Flaxman. Pri e $1.25 Overalls That atisfy "Headlight Ov rails" stan strong wear good fit roomy comfort. There ar better overalls made than t brands. Made in bib or style. Good pockets, sewn and fast c lors. and for and no ese art ell Price 7 c to 1,35_ woman who realizes the ne- cessity of care in buying the new rug will make the value of her investment absolutely certain by buying from our new stock. Every want in rugs or carpets can be filled here in good taste,reliable quality and less money. Below are a few interesting prices in guaranteed rugs, We can suit your requirements here better and for less money. Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet, Ax- mintter and Wilton Rugs AWho e Department of -Very Attractive Curtains Qou will enjoy looking :at these delightful new cur- tains, all crisp and fresh from their tissue paper wrap- pings. pley,are here in all the newest designs, in ecru, white, and ivory, in 2-1 and 3 yards. Price 25c to $8 per pair NEW CIIRTAINS BY THE YARD—Scrims, with lace trimrring and insertion, also madras, in ecru, ivory land white, in dozens of 75C to 6 Eventually Stewart Brand Clothi* why not luny ? ST EWART BRAND' is the final clothing with all men. There is lots of good clothing made, yet no other clothing compares in actual value with Stewart Brand. If you do not wear it now you will event- ually—there is no doubt about that, Stewart Brand Clothing Is the most satisfactory ot any clothing in Canada, because you can get more dowriright wear and genetai I satisfaction from it, and the price is always, lower Isn't the cldthing that most men Cid - wear the clothing you want to try.? a I tO Typical Young Men's Ha c This year we have more dan- dy hats for young, men than ever. This busy store, always pop - filar among- young, men who want cla'osy looking hats, is ex- Ceedingly popular now. We know the reason., and so you when you see the New Shapes for young men—full of Snap and Style. 75c to 1.50 Neckwear Our Neckwear Counter is fairly bristling with the New Spring Designs. Never before were colors so , harmoniously blended and pleasingly contrast - The Tie is a mighty import- ant feature in a man's dress. Get the latest—'4 The -don't - cost -any -more - 25c and 50c Batter, 001 and 1 Eggs Wanti4 Stewart ros Bizttler' W-°°1 aditd SEAFORTH Eggs Wante raars