HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-04-21, Page 8• • 4 • I We're ready to place a just right* shoe---- a sup.. peri�r shoe - on .every too* in town.. If vou an find - shoe - else hrre 'that surpass _ours at, our .prices, welt take pleasure in present. ing yOU with a pair of shoesfreeotchsirge Rath - et bold asseition-hut, it shows the confidence we have in our shoes. Take -our women's $3.50 or shoes or our men's 4.0o, 4.50 and '&00 shoes or our x.75 and 2.00 School shoes, for instance. The only way you can equal these splen. did shoes for the" price is to buy more like theni. Wini8 • Qualitiy footwear OPPOsite Expositor Office, Seaforth Dahlias This most beautifulof all flowers hasjw.tly become the most popu- lar of late years. In order to en courage its cnitivation, I have about 1500- sound .good bulbs, doublequilled show dahlias, all natued from imported bulbs, cost- ing me 20c to 30c each, which I wili dispose of at 80r�per doz.- by dozen only. About 500 Cacti dahlia, very choice from import- ed bulbs, all named, costing 25c to 35e each. these I will offer at 100 each, by the dozen only. April delivery orders filled in rotation. ' W. E. SOUTIIGATE W. T. Hays, Tenor Soloist Saskatchewan Gold Medalist Open for Engagements Terms Moderate I Phone ioo Seaforth ew Walt Papers We have an excellent assortment of new wallpaper. They have been selected with an eye to their artistic merit and will ap- peal both for beauty and practibility. We think we can satisfy you in style, color and purse. Window shades, curtain poles and picture frames made to o rder. T. G. SCOTT Paintei and Decorator Sole agent for ,Brandram-Henderson •paints. opposite Expositor office, Seaforth J .DA: LY jeweler and Optician. issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORT fl • - ON T EASTER ,G IFTS Custom dictates that as corn- *paied with Christmas, the Easter gift shall be but a trifle -yet it shall convey the true spirit of the'season and when to this is a4ded the personal touch it c9nveys sentiment without sentimentality. Be-. tween friends -a pltotograph. g,isage • Fell's Studio Seaforth Lir School Shoes The shoes that make so many trips to school must have sturdy qualities and they must be comfortable and good looking shoes as well. Our boys' school shoes are the best that can be bought. The leather, the shoemaking and. the form of the shoes are right in every way. Some have the uppers and soles waterproofed. Our girls school shoes are also unusual values. We're up in the schoo shoe business. 1 2e8t our shoot Shoes 230 PSQ1VTT The Heine °ood - iv_f • afe Special Serelce3ee-There .. 1011 I be ;special services at •St„,:-Tbetmas" chfareh GO Easter Sunday tile, *era- me be - In as fcaloWS; SA) 1.:00 floIr Vol*- rnhion; 11 44-44- Holy Comtin , and. Mo+ning rrayerlrt*:0,*.; d ildten'S, Serivice ,t- 7 p.ont..,Eveni•Song. Th re will also be 'special outdo ky the cto1r. All 'are welcome. - . ....,-..-„,..o...........;..- . - d. Ciliks.-The knitted Coat . donat- ed by Mies intkes, will be dr wn for• . On iThursday afternoOrt, April 7th, tit the Bed ercas rootens and tho wish - hg to procure ticketa - for. this 'beauti- coat mnay -410,3O at to. Bf avis/N store. -The Red Cron Soctet woald like more clean, old: cotton o table linen. Ladies Who have . an will kindly leave tie • Bed• Cross row any Thur3day 'afternoon. Won Scholarship,- r. J. W. Button, of Seaforth,' who has been e tending Victoria University for some e, baa been awarded the Rowell Seh laFahip 4 .. in History and eaten iro son w h : sho, Ing .at the recent ex 'nations held in the Univer,sity. Mr. ,Button I a son of Mr.3. John Button of town,. and a graduate of the Seaforth Co egiate, and bi3 many friend a here wi eXtend congratulations on this signal succes. April Werlding.A. quiel ht lie wed- ding.tOok placeat noon on We. esdaV when Mies 'Lillian TwIss- and r. Alex ' ander McGavin were sunned lona, riege, Rev. Mr. McKlnley off feting. The ceremony wa a perf-ormed at the twine of the bridemether, • .Twisa •oneRaelway latreet, in :the pr 'enee of a ignialI company of friends. - The bride'. sister, Miss Renaigivevas 1 bilides- maid and Ptee Cecil E. DII ne w . betst arum. ,At • (the elos 4i the ceremony a wedding dinne was t3erved and the young couple I1eit on the afternoon train on a ;hot wed- ding trip. ErOth bride and gr4oni are well known residents of towjn, the bride being pr.ominently identif ed wlth the Methodist church. The br de wes the recipient of nu:nen:tire fi e pre- aents' from her many friends, Who wish the young couple every happi- ness'. A Miraculous Escape. M S. Holmes received a letter fro ,hs on Charles, this .week writte eon] Wo6dcote Farm Camp, Epsom, Surrey, Which r frorn of a ad 'lid the in hiS t the et, he e again. ✓ ove jolin ed teered enttp heir' wa s ag t roh riends no where he 13 now stationed, 1 1 he etated he had met a soldi the firing. lire Who told. hirn close shave .his brother. Rae, 1 a ahert time previous, while 'I • trenchee,-an exploding shell ta cap off and leaving, nothing b • rim on [ilia head, but fortunate was not even marked. We ho will never have ,as close a call He. had been -in the trenches . f aix months., The Holmee boys, • the 33rd -Battalion, but volu for reinforcement; end were • England ,about a .year ago, late eent to France when Charles aerlously wounded some nionti and -he 13 Just able to repo • duty again, and his many town will be glad -tot learn that altho fully recovered he le making • progre38 in, that direptian. Huron Boy on the Casualty Mr. Michael Klein, of McKillo Seaforth, received an official from Ottawa on Sunday, ,stati his son Joseph, who has been front in France for ,some mont beer( admitted to the Daub pital on April 8th, ,3uffering gunshot wounds e,nd, severe f of the left arm, whieh made a tion neceesarye His affliction terrible one, but he has don • part for King and Coontry, and a host a friends here, who wi him &rapid and complete recov Monday the casualty list also tallied, the names "of Corp. P. Grath, of Beechwood, Pte. Alfr Bleath, Wingharn and ,Norman L Clinton, all of whom were wo and of Capt C. E. Dowding, pay of the 33rd battalion which r arrived in England. The latte stated to be seriously 111 with ironia, but his ,many friends 1 county will be' eplemed to lear hie mother, in Clinton, has ceived a cable announcing his d provernent. g 00 L t. ea Wir g itha at I th s, ha e 0 rO acltur uta is hi hej ha ry on 3. Mc d pl arent V, o Deug n d Camp este 14r ce tl John a.- a ten eu- n ece, •the week. hat n.w, jeley ,tlere,na,t Pit d ith e - of ago fee gls . Of Ilia of rg utr d at13 h r. ott as t 7 ,t um opt fo on c ed .1a be tl. e ye lop untl this Orn we hne the ' was e ail Star lin It ov to i esi do He w 3• cartoonist rti leg and all 31 or *knew th an or :" r ure he cojntrlb icleto this er g a, partial ea Or t 6 e et ,abut, pen sotn Lwe atl 811111 er - v rie ds. ; is 011.3 a , ugh i:r bnternce, ift;edi3a) Trie cis heie w1 PI Seo* sed milli Our ke rati ittle Dr, the e otel nor . See .-It wag r Bret that. the y learned of the. Scott, which oc- In- Ohica,go on Fri- tts,ck of apoplexy, - ell knowri resident - any years, having, ber !shop it the Cady ref. wild to Toronto ra- go, where ,tor a irI dad with the' ity. Later be here be has since 'Iso widely known IT writer of comic r. der,a Of The Ex - z, well by the pen nr1 over Which eigna- t many aintieing are ne Although suf. ;Woke. `of paralysis a o he :was still able with Mrs. - Scott here during the it' g relatives and ived by !his widow, r of the late Samuel e 3on, George, jr., m:thy of , their inanv I extended. ted -A zirl to I arp the tyesettirg. Steady ment. Apply at The Expositor osion nd Hand hug. fact Sale -Good useful buggy sur Eamon!, au t n of paint shop A. G. • 2524-1 'oh greatest favor. We will u the newest ideas in de- prices- are always just a eaforth. 2524-, ,, Sealer:IN nevi wallpaper leasure.ht show lig y ng.vour ails. Onr ower. as. Gr vet', Sebert f Stra ford e, ear, otie an'th Seafort . on t e pont Ito pia e of D . Fp 1 riage Li enses Mel ere, Etc • Seafo th specialist in dieettees oat win be at the Queen's ird Wednesday- of each ester 250441 ny elavaugerand Stollery 22774f For Sale-Sever•al ousel on easy terms. H. The Sunday school f t Pr-isbyterian ehur2;29;111 ge Seaforth. ave sale ofareaftil a ti I a, home made cooking nd ndyin the arm ries on Saturday afternoon, pril 20d, froMthre toe Yen. Afternoon tea will e ser Any don tio gratefully received. Pro- eede n aid of the W me s War Auxiliary. 2522-2 Hor e for Sa e -For eel good ears told and come w it Leghorn pul ete. Apply Robert Smith, Lou sa *eet, Seaforth, 2522x2IP Mobile for Sal -A Clinton five p 0--,.,-,-.0.-awaria5ensiez.e.t3anxvg2anelr: Seed Oats for Sale- iiantity' of Amer er oats Inc.seed. A • p to Robt. MoFarlan • n, t 25, Odneeesio 1 .21oKillop. 2 oar MI good epeit. For further informs - ply to Box 216, Goderieb. • 2522ax2 mo ratively new red -brick at ast, with all modern cen- t' , ames Weir at Royal Ho.' 2522-tf H 1 tein cows with calves. so a flock of hens, Apply to b r or phone 3 o,n 124. 2522x1-tt Ant burin tonai Ho for Sale -A esfdenee on Goderic II enie ces„. Apply to t1, Se, forth. • For ale -Tia 'nth ne h rse and rig. A . 13,„ Anders n, Ro 1 Notice -Call and se oLaughlin car betor sive in head Motor is deliver more pOwer otor of equal size or • eopleiwko drive the estig before the eaforth., Fa ere -The produ e Lal al separated or om y othereepara p r cert of the butter o a be use of the wrea o hut r, A. J'4. Carn title of a new atrial will Figir Till T eprcice is 30 pents a aye' rug store. Drivr for Sale -For el'. Apply J. Hogg th new 1016, six cylinder ying. The McLaughlin gu anteed to develop .and h e gasoline than any other n Inake. Note the class of fo 'ughlin, as a °lase they in- n •est. A. M. Campbell. • 2523x1 ti, ri of butter is greater when m io churned than the cream or This is the reason why 98 an ories use De Laval separat. er lantityand better quality be I, Seaforth. 2523x1 e Victory is Won" is the s n which is malting a d t can be obtained at W. T. 2628-2 sale, a good bay drivqr, good rtit, Royal Hotel, Seaforth. 2523x1 Local Briefs.- oronto, is ivisi her -ether, Mr. . G. rKruee, iof ✓ lat ves.-Miss e n g .a week • ton.J---44r3. Cow oro to,. are vie rs. isher.-Mr les Ella, have go t visit with M s. t ere. -1,113S Ved n elEW-9.3 here f len 3. -Miss N t meld hoarie for Lieht. Frank f rret to He.nea a t, f Penttland day here With ht ' r,s. Alexander Ste a d dhillvdreenha are 3, M. an 11, Egmond ell, of Tor unt, Mr. J Button and ed the we Mies M. P M133 Sad' M.Ieh„ as 'Miss' Ruth .the week .3. 1Jhn Sproat a n ,was there . to T' be' wedd n.g o L 0.110ha.r1 ewor t rne hoe af e ts, Mrs. ilY. B. ti eful attic es e b he:d lin the ar b tertian Sunday a tereoon, April Is veri. Afternoo adte proceeds to al onen'a J ahn Sproat, of o T e,3d,ay from e e,nt. the winter. e lccal manage C, received e thIU here w til eptember (he elle .w. -r. n r. 3 e anagexnent w rk, in (London d•tiel Shortly. - L verMore, Cali a1tnta Mrs. W. H cka -here this a; istant erigio,ee K rea, and wat3 la id. 3ailing fr Apra Trench Par Reg.. Kerslake, -at' 114 ,home on bo1 3 f his Sun fr._end . Tbe am coiect.3d waS $5, ti. e. Mr.e. John E ete with' frie Su da morning FI1elly Lodge of eerI wi it, few b f $1 d Clinton, nivensary divine 3e terian.chur d by the rs ,Williarn Jones, of Ing at the home of W. G. Holman. -Mrs. a t, is here visiting t4argaret Scott Is w th -friends in Ham nd llttle son, of tii1ii at the home of ebb and daughter le to Reading, Mich., ebb's daughter icLecel, of Ion - QV erir Sunday visiting tt 6 Pethick has re - ti Easter Holidaye has been trans - r. Charles Stew- egon, epent Sun - parents, Mr. and art. ° Mrs. Stewart e cted over abort- imther with her 8. am Mc- - Mc- . - Mr3. Colin 13 the guest of . Broadfoot.-Mrs. ughter, Mies Elsie, ng of the for:merle er in Blyth this eloran, of Sagi- e e Yleitillig her f4leee. S neat, of Detroit, with her 'mother, Miss Della Thomp- attend the McGavin- ed.needaiy. - Mrs. of Blyth, has re- visiting ber par - Lean. -A sale of home cooking will mouries by the Pres- heol on • Saturday 21 4, from three to tea will be served ill be given, to the aj Auxiliary. - Mr. gjaiondv1le, returned I etroit, where he Ir. L. T. DeLacey, the Ogilvie_Mill- w d this week that 4I. be (shut down ex , Large 'stocks ipping facilities is Dodds has taken the Tune Bottling U will assume his r. Elliott Knox, of or la„ -visited his 0. Reid 9and Mr. we k. Mr. Knox is the steamer his waY to Enge ew York. - An y 1twas given by F iday evening last, ar is street, for the ay School class and un- ed of money d all report a good Hooper is spending ds in Hareilton.-On t( the members of Od.dfellow, togeth- ethren from B.ruce- conmemorsted the the Order by &t- yke at Egmondedlle h, the, procession be - Citizens' Band. The Ar o, delivered Ei erron, which was y he brethren pre- ble weather, it is McjKIllop Telephone ration again by was put out of ig storm of some itating the cabling tne corporation to oett'3 on the North of Duluth, is a e of Major Hays. - elle of Toronto, 113 ygi here. -Mrs. F. ✓ daughter, Mrs. J. luiI Royal Arch Mesonsei-Rt. Won Com - W. F. Gallow, of Goderich. Grand Superintendent of Huron Dietrict paid hie official visit to Malloch C a ter, Seaforth, on Monday evenlnz t. There we3 a large attendanc members present and the R. A. • eree in ich of ter erielal ban- dtd t. srs. • gor n m - ng, ttie Mr. ae- p. the ev- the the WM exemplified by t e offic a highly 'efficient • anner, brought forward a la ge meas prai3e from the superi tenclente the work in the lodge room, a quet W2..3 served at the Corn Hotel, and a programnie of mus speeches most successnully carri The male quartette corhpoeed of J. Beattie, G. Israel, D. F. Mc and_ Jame. e Sleeth, gaye several ben that were particularly pl a3 were aLso the solos by Mr. and the inatrtnnental number Earl Van Egmond, who acted a companist for the quartette. A hearty vote of thanks to Ex. McLennan and Mrs. McLennan eplenaid dinner, a most please en'1ngwa.3 brought to a close 31nging of Auld Lang- 'Syne a National Anthem. • Government Grant For Major • Battery. -Some time ago the o of the 55th Battery, now rec at Guelph under command of Ma N. Lewis, M.P., of Goderieh, ma plication to the Ontario Gover for a grant to assist them in, • cruiting, 0.3 the experteea in this were very heavy, the men hay be sought from all over the Pr neceesitating a -large number of municatiort3, for which there wa fund to provide for, as the ar 111 unite receive no aid from recrtilt leagues and other sources. The plication has been successful anr Battery has recently received an e for ;500 from the Provineial Tres er for the furtherance of recr it' Maher Lewis is at present attcfrid the Royal School of Artillery, in ton, and writing from there jsa "Tbie Is the greatest artillery ch on the continent, but it is also 1 strenuous, 5 a.m. to 11 pm.; and minute a full one, and I have missed a parade so far. Thetis aiFe men here from all MT Canada, fr Halifax to Vancouver, ranging from 26 years up, and nearly one of whom has given up som poeition to come here. When th ve re A le eS te 13' 11 ere utt ng or E. e • nt werk to vi ce, cm - no ry ng he Lie g. ng 1 ry ry ot 00 ge ry fdg 054 5th ' Et in u • 97 te Pr$b 1n411 peTtor, Rev.. Mr. very ppropeiate en ch 4ppreciathd se4t-lWith favor e4ect4d that the Sy te. will :be 8$urdy. The isy •btijine4s by, the we ks 1 ago, Pee of the wires fro Mr R beet Coven Ro Mre. ;Natio gust. 't the h Mr ' ge `fihni g thq holl visiting • angroan in • • li I di ; More than decorative c room is due Our offering i the choicest c experience, I papering to d you to see our For fore buying. - 0711p8OU •Heat indow Shades a gents for New e -half of 1e aracter of Ito wall papet. composed lections in otr you have any , it will pay assortment b. g. Bookstotie rtb id Picture Frames Idea zoc Patterns 1130n, of Led° a. 44 Y01,1118.- • 1 agot for th ✓ to(Mr. J. De ek.-Mr. J. B. 13 •ex. returned on 4 amburg, where ng hla daughter r. and Mrts. Pira 11 been -confined sles, but we t they are reco ringle of Haimilt hund,ay visiting ns. 3. H. Broadf ✓ Halifax, wther ith a draft from( d Rifles, for 017 aster dame Will e s ball on Wedn he ladies have etiee. London'ore jtyable affair la ,b t'. -The (staff of ore have present ith ahhandeceneri .g joined the 1d1 ares Watson has lc cottage on J t occupied by re. Charle,s Stew t is Neek-About I let Battalion, w and, bugle band, nee corps, were ay. They came d ttend the big recr at evening and earance 543 they reet on Ttheir •ev n church, where them (by the 1 lary.-The Meth 11 hold their a ening .of Good ird of Mitchell n the following rvice will be 'hel n of Mr. A. P. Monday to Di aughter of Mr, a k. We extend co y ung couple. -Mr. p rchased a McLa f um Mr. A. M. agent. • 0 :4 I , is the guest of . Cleltowrgen, e Bell, a ld sold m 13011, James enderl son and dahe stis edneoday from New they had been .v..sie Mrs. Alex. Wat, t and fatnIlly 'have to the house with re glad to lea n erng.-Lleut. Ja It Wa3re his granbdteenoth r, ot,. prior to leavi g he has been set he Hamilton Mou t- rseas servlee.-T4ie be 'given in Car1. sday evening net: engaged Corte e estra, and an Ing looked ofrwa cl delele hardwa e d Mr. Kn. MK.y g, Mr. McKay ha ' t Battalion. - r. rented the Gove nee street, at pree- n Janice Cowan. rt Is In Detroit 00 me.mbers of tl1ie th the Regiment I (signal and amb_ n town on Thurs n from Clinton o iting meeting he d ade a splendid a marched up Main to the Presbyter ainner was served ea of the War AuXe gt Sunday milord liter3$3,ry, on the riday. Rev. Mr. Ill deliver a lecture unday a ;pecial .-Mr. Robt Joyht, oynt, was married as Lillian Pethick, dM eee John Peth- gratulation3 to tthe John Cardno (bee ghlin touring !car ampbell, , the loc • Ma ley Note -Mr. John Manley Is still su-. 1 ring froen the fa I he received i3orre t me ago. -Wood be s are the order f t e day, as the fa ers are • getting r ady for a grand charge when see 1 g tizne camel Mitchell Bros. are cn t 1 e rou 43 cutting the wood. -Mr. M in ee Is laid up with anumps.-M . nL pcirte le busy looking after t e ell ,drilling bueine, and has secu ez tseveral contracts. John is a hustktr d makea first class job. Brussels. Dath of .Thomas Farow.--Thom rrow, ex-M.P.7 fOr East Euro ed at the home, Of hisson in Col- gwood on Sunday night last frolin (stroke of paralydis with which fle d been stricken that morning. nlmja te Mr. Farrow 7/33 the Consery e member for East Huron in th al 'hoose from 1872 to 1888, an ✓ eighteen years after was post- ater at Brussel. Four years agb reeigned his postion and oved to llingwood to reside with; his son. Usborne. ThemeS RO4 Netee,-Mrs, (Dr.) Flet- cher still continue -9 very il1. lier many friends hope for an Jinprottement Soon. -Mr. and Mils. Thotias Hodgert have' rented. the house belonging to‘Mr.Dael- id Cottle, North Thames Road.-Bethl- ary Woman's Miesionary Society real- ized about $62 from their anniversar eervice and entertainment last wee including the Easter offering fr�ji the trnembere. eThe syrup season hee. ended tor ;another year, and heS not been :quite up to the average. Some of the farmers are busy plowing. Constance. Note. -Mr. William McIntosh, hais .purchased Miss Janet Campbell's haus arid lot lin the village, and will enov to his. new residence in the n.ea, futuee. Mies Campbell intends taking a trip to the, iwest to visit her relativee ard friends and perhaps might make her home there. -Mr. winiem Clarke hes teen on the ;sick list for the past week or more, but we are glad to hear €trited Twenty ve girls to opera e knit lug m chines. • Highest wages paid. Ex erience not n wessary, we will t:achyou Apply to Walla. s Trow Knitti g Co. Torono.-Mrs. Alex. STRATFOR Limited „ - t .44 '44 f ft I "If iIke toae ber• • teadbil N�,-140. George Munni who WOR Operated orr.for aPpendleltis one time ago, is not improving as feetas 110 i/tatty friends would wish.-Mrs..Thos. Leeming, iste., Who was quite infer a few days, is able to be around again,. -Dr. McKay wM called in on Sunday to attend Ito Mr, Thornton, who * suffering from la severe attack Of harnbago.-Mr. Albert -.Mega* Ja also laid up- tWith sciaticaettert is to be hoped the binKillop Telephone Will soon be in working order t as it is greatly Missed, especially where there lasick- fleas. ' Brueefteld Autograph Quilt. pee The autograph qpilt which the Members of the Kelly Circle have been enaking is completed and wee -taken to the trneetin g on Fri- day lat, 'where it was left until Over Sunday for all who wished to see it. It hale a total of (six hundred and eventy-seven names, !amounting to the ;sum iof one hundred and two dot. lam, „which will jee used for • Red Croes supplies. The .quilt was donated by the Kelly Cirele to Base Hopital. Francei where 4one of the members of the Circle thas a cot. Wind= A Narrow Escape, -On Satiated iy eve ening Eldon; Peterman, who; is em- yed with the electric light firm here, while trying to dis'osigh a (gimet) ,sd a tc ,break the IflGd, lrt hie balance and feg a conshierable info the river below. 43 Peterrnta could not :Alin and Vie current was very (3rong he was carried down over the dam. When he reached the iron brid,ge oh Victoria( street he was seen and reecued by H. Findlay and J. Brboks. iHe wa4s taken to Mrs. Finlay's ho:ne and WAI restored ir4 a short time to ceinciousne,ss. The following morning ie wa i!pone the worse for his ex- prieLondeshoro Notes. -The Woert's Missionary So - piety held their meeting leet Tuesday aternoon. Mies Gry, of Port • StmP- on gave a very interesting address 474r3. William Riley, who has been *Ring ;her daughter In London, had, the misfortune- to fall through a trap- oor, breaking ,several of her ribs. - Mr. WeBrundeon epent last Tuesday With Blyth friends. -Mr. and Mrs. T. McGregor epent Sunday at Mr. H. Riley's -Mr. and Mrs.. H. Brundcrn, of £B1th,spent Sunday, at tbe home of Mr. E. Aciama.-Mr. and Mrs. Mair omit Sunday .with friends here. -Rev. Mr *Medd, of Essex, was here last week attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. T. Lyon. Walton. Note. -A large crowd gathered in the Workmen's hall on Saturday nignt to witness the presentation of Wrist watches to some of the young men Who have :enlisted from these parts. A number of young ladies were chosen to fasten a watCh on the 'wrist of each ooldier boy, all of whom thanked the people for the remembrance in a neatly worded speech. -The young peo- ple of the Women's Institute are very bngy preparing their new play, 'Vile Young Village Doctor," which they intend to igive the 5th of May, in the Workmen's Hall, here. This is the Ine_4t production by the same author ea "The Minister's Bride,", Afternoon Tea in Friendly Village," etc. The play 114 in four acts and is the best yt. In the last act there is quite a r mance concerning a young 4soldier. Ail 'should 'reember the date and h ar the play. -Mrs. (Rev.) -Craik, re - received word thIa week that her -brother, Pte. A. Peterkin, of the 713t Battalion of Montreal, had arrived in gland.-Miees Jennie Oliver, 16th cojncesslon of (Grey, visited her friend, nn'e McGavin, git few 4ay3 last w ele-Mies Della eHarris visited her ant and. (other friends in Vrnghaen la t week. Varna. Varna Old LBoy Enlists. - Harvey Dvi43em youngest eon of Rev. Thos. Davidson for ten years Presbyterian aelnieter in Varna, and now of St. Anne', has enlisted w,ith the 153rd Ili/1t0p Batt ) falion and is now tionecl with the Metint Forest unit. They go into eaznfo in London soon, tocontinue training before proceed- ik overseas. His Many friends in Stj .Anne's surprised him one evening last week, gathering in force at the manse. A Jolly evening was spent, concluded by the pre3entatn .5f a wrist watch and an address from the neernhers of the pt. Ane'a Young Mn'a Glee 'Club, of which he was a valued (member. From the Front. -n a letter from the trenches last week, Wm. David- son, e-Ideet on of Rev. Thos. Dav- idson, of the 28th Western battalion writee : "It is 3.30 ,aern., and 1 have just crawled out. The operateor I re- lieved had 10. can of/hot tea ready for me -must be •golnYto borrow a franc from me 'soon.," It is interesting to learn of (how the writer rneh an Old acquaintaece In the person of Joe Ward, .ilec• of Varna. Two of the 28th, Da,vid3on being one of thm, were leaving the trenches for the rear, having been 'relieved. The night Was dark and then two 1ellow3 followed a soldier who claimed to know a short cut out. No further words were poken and no lights shown until they had gone about two mike, when their guide lit a match, revealing to David - 40n the features of Ward. Wrgtang further in his letter, Davidson says: "It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were sing- in,g in the hedges, reminding me very much of a spring day 1.n Canada. I felt like getting out over and tak- ing a 'walk s.cros the fields, but of ourae, paw a good deal of Joe Ward. last week. He had a dug- out just lacrose the road from mine, and whenever we got the chance we pent several hours togeher, talking of old thhe. On St. Pateck's Day, we had a game of football, but the ground wee :so full of shell-hoks that thenee. Th other night a bunch of us t was iTtty difficult playing at went to an estegunet and had a Ing-song4 We have la dandy song bout the 28th. The Germans have tarted a little straffingt and the hells eat (going over our dugout in treene. There are three of as here this trip and I am cdole this -time. For breakfast 1 give them grape -nuts ried potatoes and coffee; for lunch, union 40 them ;end eggs if we can et them, bread and tea, and for au)- er, cheese, bread and jam. Of coarse, sOmetirnes we have to fall back on ully-beef and hiscults.tis urnishin Pi Absolute& Right Between 30 and 4.0 splendid desiens good quality linoleum are in stock ready for • your selection. :There are also many new pat terns in floor oilcloths. • _ * lt you need aroom-size rue this sprng; se ours. 4nd our carves, sold by the yard; are particUlarly attractive also. Ntexasopewswisma e are Ready for4' the Onrush of liouseeleataing Demands Floor Coverings tor Offices. Halls, ChurOls, Hotel and Private Homs Curtains arid Curtain l'ilaterials in Great Variety of Kinds • • Beauty our pat • rt f • dealing sways Our Values are Diquestio ably Right • erns and our reputation for "square buying tendencies to this store. Carpets nd Carpet quares A search for carpets and rugs shotil come to a satis-- it factory end in our h o usefurnishink epartment, where everything smacks of newness ollere are particularly attractive effects in the different popular weaves in rugs or carpets ty the yard. Linoleums Linoleums are here in great quantities. Qualities are good throughout, so all you have to do iso make a choice of pattern. Conventional an floral and scroll are well represented. The designs are perfect and the color combinations most pleasing. Mattings and Rugs fron-4 the Orient • Easterners deserve thanks for havink produced such • serviceable, clean and at the same time pretty floor 1 coverings as straw mattings and matting rugs. The rug designs are quite attractive, and are already selling 41 • ,. * 2 , Curtains and Draperies Women who are on the alert to. adonk their home at moderate cost will do well to see our i)ew lace curtains and drapery materials. We have never before import- . ed window drapery and othersimilargoods that pleased us so well as do the things on sale now. 1 • • • . • Standard Fashin, Book fol r Mai on sale now Stnele copy 10c. Fashion sheets for May, free • Butter Wanted Eggs Wanted*' J. Mactavish Seaforth •••••+.44111411••••••t•••••••••••••••*••••••••••4•44744t „st 4. 00***4041040.440144,4 4+40044 F th vqea have• • . sbErn .wt2 et ,dh a • good • = U . • • ] • • 40 • wC your: • • ) • • oin • custO • these • i • 11; , PRI • 4.• • • • • 4. G; day • of th ttauilekille hr head)e' • more e • oy • • Boy •t Boy • 4. Boy • • Boy .• Bo; • • • • • • 4.• • - _ •