HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-04-21, Page 5teneeNeesoorreAremeeemelea n au1 children are. cif the spring sea.. latest: novelties coca high -`cut shies of patent leathers :ollection of patent .50 in all the newest s strongly featured :cher with cloth tops LOW a splendid *f- oetal calf, vici kid )ur aim is to sere ioae in style, quality is. Visit our Store TAL OTEL eetem iorcursions MITIRMINURMONNIMIOISMIMMIIIM fie Fare April 2Ist and res sae day. One -Third Lpril 20, 21, 22, Limit April 25th. mai :ets will be issued be - tions m Canada east ur and to Detroit fl Mich., Buffalo, Niagara. .balls and ;ridge, N. Y. [further particulars nk ticket offices. `.... �.. Town Agent ....Depot . ..Depot Agei t lI'G,LaP.A., on.. Toronto, Deis take the dace > `id, if Cana- fe, which is, siness going share ft _ing a Spec. , If you are • i' ,; your share, erceOnt, n Gram ply for the de an increased -aldehyde that that has prow to the seed itself rength to insure cted by labels on make thirty-six a pedal. Notice °As we are closing ottr,Millsun- trl the new Crop, or about Sep- tember est, 1916. we wish to notify the public that we are not in the marketfor grain of PLriy-kind after th>;i date. Our chopping mill will run to the end of April. We will at all times have for sale at our warehouse a fullstock of flour, chop feed bran, middlings and l grade at very lowest _irises • i+ erorth Mulling Co`, Ltd. I 311252,8-2 f•••••••••••••• ••••••••• 1 EAFORTH MARKETS ;� �e►�, A11ri1 20th, W) dl i tisat Wan.) newA pto mF 3 Oas, per bush... > ...... to . . Peas, per bush Barley, pec bush....... e to •1 Bans, per bush...... . 2 50 to 2 60 Bran, per ton ........... 24 00 to X24 00 Shorts, per ton 20 00 to 26-00 Flour, per cwt., 3 00 to 4 00 'Butter„ No. 1 loose, lb26 to 28 Eggs, per dozen ... 20 to 21 Hay, new. per ton...., 12 00 to 14 612 nogg... , ...... , ..... . , 10 76 to 10 75 Poultry ffiarkatr ' 1 Toronto, April 18 -Live -Old fowl, 13 ttp 30c ; chickens', 18- to 20c imilk�fed j frozen, 17c to 20e; Dressed -=-Old fowl, 22 td 24c ; ohickeIasi 24 to 27e mita_ fed, frozen, 25c to 26c. Bean Market * Toronto, April 18 -Beans, handpicked. 14.40 to 4.50; primes, ;4. ifetrott,- April 18 -Beans, immediate • ipmen t, $3.65 ; . April $3.70; ICY, 83 -- per bushel, shipping pointo ? Liman, tall 6 1.-2Ce per lb.. Toronto Seed Market Toronto April 18 --Wholesalers are waling to the country trade : No. 1 red clover, cwt!, $26 to $28 ; No. 2, $24.50 to $25, No. 8, $24; No. 1 alsike, cwt, $21 to $22; No. 2, $18 to $19 ; No. 3,2143; No. 1 alfalfa, 'cwt, $25 to $28; No. 2. 3$22; Vot .8, 419; No. 1 timothy, cwt, x'412 to $14; No. 2410 to 411 e' No.. 3, $9.50 to $10, l , Dairy Marketer. London, April 18 -Butter, dairy, per lb,• 28 to 30c ; butter, crocks, lb, 27 to 2; eggs, basket, dozen, 20 to 21e; tefEg3, crate, .dozen, 21 to 22e. • Toronto, April 18 --Butter, creamery prints, fresh Made, 85 to 37e; cream- ery ,solids, storage, 33e to 34c; choice prints, 81 to 33c ; ordiihar-y prints, 2Tc to 29c ; bakers, 25 to 26 cents. Eggs --Special candled, carton, new- laid, 25c to 26c. New -latch, ex -cartons, candled, 24 to 25 cents per dozen. Cheese -New ,large 19c ; twine, 19 1-4c. 'June and September, large, 20c ; twins, .20 1-4 cent3 ; and triplets at 20 1-2 cents. Honey - Buckwheat, barrels, To to 7 1-2c ; tires, 7 1-2o to 8e; clov- er, do.ten; ipound tins, 13 1-2 cents ; 5 pound tins, .14c ; - comb honey, No. 1 ;r dozen, $2.50 to $3; No. 2 per dozen 2 to $2.40. Maple Syrup --Imperial gal - $1.40. grits Alsr1i 18th, to ltr. and it. a son alteian '--At Watt int, on April 7, to lir. and Mo. O. louver formerof Auburn, a 'oa. BYNEDTS In Brassets on April 7th,. to Mr, and airs. a ha Dynens, of Hentryn,•a deu hter, SMITH.- Morris to ship April 10th, to lir. tnandM. D.•,smth aEti ghter. WILSON n 1licwredel ,int„ on�Ap ii 16th, lee and tom. T. ti Wi . h a de ht r. (i4 ar aret , .�f oaths WALTERR In Exeter, on April et Afro. James Walter , in her 70tyear. ELWORT Y -1n Ezet:r, on April 1 I th, Mary worthy relict, of lie •late Rio . and Elworth arced 77 years, PARHU N N -In Usbo ; : e, on Ap r ! 7th, Wesley Parkin on aged 37 , care. SHEARDOI I.: In ti.: erioh, on Aril 84. Aline Maud reble, wife + 18enagel She Mown. Idepl,AOHERTY - In Ooderloh, - n ° April 12th, John MeOhioherty, n hie 72nd y • r. DOI(i-/nowlek, on . peril eth, Pa ' 1 Doig, in his 87th y r. FALLIS--If Turnberry on April 6t , Elia Fall s, daugh r of the la Jamul Valli , aged 20 years SCOTT-Inl Chicago, on April 14th, e;eor,e B. Slott, fanners of fleafort ••i•• ••• neral 1License( III ler taking - 1 ws built Stewart dance God Dr. Scott'•. • • ••••••s••+•• • Flowers f short noti Phone Nigh OI rector Embr lm orlon in ing oppo 3ros . R+ inch et.,. i.. • relished e. or Da *40 nd r Oddfe st pp Public Notice The Hog 13 ners Organization of McKillop, Logan and Hibbert ieh to infer the public at after May let, 1916, t e service fe will be ole .dollar and fifty cents.. 26281 RINEHO ROCK, Oairman Notice to Cres Otors Ia the matter of the est; late of the tewnehlj OQuntydt Huron, w; Notice is h such cases for having claims reby given de and pr against the beth Daman, late of the farmer, deceased who diet ber, 1915, are required on May, 1016, to send full pa to the undersignedexecut+ further t i,lae riett06, that date the Executors will mete belonging to the eat eetet.I 9 ties entitled thereto halving' t'egard claims of which he shall then have not R.1+To. 2 W �M. Dow, E to of Minim of Tuckers i*w, decenaez armed to tide statute in vided, thatE� sail creditors estate of thaid Eliza. township of uokeremith, oa;the 5th day of Demm- er before -the 5th day of rticularn of heir brims rre of the attic estate, And sfter such lass mentioned tamedto dietribute the g the par• ant to the0e. eoutor ppen, Ont. h `Dayman lith in the 2521.4 , IMPORT . NOTti AL Seven foo of lad W H �iORS , ed house w:th about 8. �t acres . aker, Centre et., Seaforth 2520x5 CLEAN N SEED OATS FOS• SALE -O. A.C. Na 72 ) variety.: JAMES JC l3NTON London Road Phone 6 on 91, Herman Ce tral. 2512xtf CEDAR POSTS -For sale quantity of 8 foot ce- dar posts end also 9 foot amber p.ete. Apply to JAMES COrtlRTNEY, R,R, No, 5, Seaforth or phone 8 on 166. 25.1.3x1 evOK SALE 85, Con melon 4, Al•Killop, 100 acres, withbush, wind r it, fruit orerards, For Mrs. 14. GAETZ. forth. . 2488.tf Grain. Eta . further particr lays apply Toronto, April 18 --Manitoba wheat- MEYER, P. o. !log 268, Se In ,store at Fort William, No. 1 nor- thern $1.18 t1-2; No. 2 ;1.12; No. 3, 41.03 1-2. Manitoba Oats. in store at Fort William, No.2 C."W., 41, 3-4c ;i No, 3 C.W. '42 3-4c; No. 1, extra feed 42,8-4c ; No.1 teed- 41 8-4e. American Corn -No. 3 yellow, 84 cents, Canadian Corn --- Feed, 174 to 71 cents per bushel, Ontario 'Wleart--No. 2 winter, pea- car lot according to freig'lt3 outside, not quoted No. 1 commercial $1.00 to .$1- t2; No4j co n!marcial, 98 cents to n.00; No. 3 ccen mercial, 95 to 97c feed ,:wheat 86 to 880. Ontario Oats -No. 3 ate, 44 to 45 cents; commercial oats, 43 to, 44c. Pea.a - Number' 2 nominal, per car lot, $1.60; according to i a pie, -$1.20 to 1$1.50. Barley Malting, 82 to 63c; ljfo,2 feed, 59 to 62c. °4 llckwheat-Ncriinal, -69 to 70c. Rye -No. 1 eo~ninercial, 89 to 90e; reject- ;ed, according to ,3a mple, 85 to 87c. Manitoba Flour. - (1rst pat_ ants, In jute bags, $6.50; do. sec- onds, ;6.00; strong bakers', $5.810 in jute bags. Ontario Float' - Wie- INDMILt FOR SAL :; = Erantfo. make, 40 foot tower, Tdeal head, In drat lass repair, having been used only a abort time .A'ply JOHN ➢ioNAY, R. R. No. 8, Seat. rth, or phone 10 on 148; 2528x1 OR SAGlJIn Godericii, a new two storey brick house with it modern eonvenienees, beautifully situated near he lake andlconvenient • churches schools and the business p rt of the t.wn, 1'eTms reasonable. ssession gi en any time Appiy to Miss M. LE R, Bruce et, Roderioh, C nt, 2520a8 COTTAGE FOR BALE-� comfortable cottage on lJ George St., aeatortb. The house contains 8 rooms and 4 bedroome. 'Ilhere are two lots and a good stable. Within one look of Mai, et. There is a good cellar and hard aid soft water within the houese. Apply to John Ra skin, Seofortb. e 2614-tf DUNG STALLION FOR SALE - A Clydesdale stallion theee years old!I last October, Canadian bred from re tered stook. In color, bay, with strip on face and hind feet white. Can be seen at anytime on Lot 3, Con. 11, Mullett.. W11 be sold reasonably. 11 BT. REID, R.R. Not 1, ndesboro, phone 15 on 17 , McKillop. 2619-tf VARM FOR SALE. --Lot; 6, Cone -motor] 9, Tucker- smith, co taining 100 acres, about seven acres i ander bush. he farm is e11 fenced aird drained 1 and in Ea good ate of culti tion. There are on the ter,track Toronto,pmenl erenis8h a good frame ho ande, bank barn, pig house, pr0lnpt ,itll . Lien house dria house two good ells. For according to sample, - $4.15 to $4.25 In terms an Ei particulars apply on the,prerhism or ad - Jute bags; bulk, seaboard, 4.25 to dress MRS. JOHN IdcOLOY, Egmeu vill. lap, $4.85. Millfeed---Carlot9, p er ton, de- 9o1't1 livered, tiontreal freights, Bran, ;24: Ah,M FORSALE-Lot 10, Concise -10 6, L.S.s., (3h0�rt8, $26 ; middlings, 420 ; good feed J' Tuokersmit i. The tarn contains I0 acres, all $1.519 to $1,7p, clearedanti in a good state of oultivati n. Three Emir, perbag,never failing wells, windmill at been. (ocd bunk Potatoes -Bag, Ontario', $1.85 out of . barn 50x88, pig house, hen house and drive shed, istore ; Delawares $1.95 to $2 in car A goad trams huge with f -once. An are- and a Ot,; 15 Cents less. half of extra koo1 orobe n:. This'chal a farm is within 3 miles of Seatorth on the Ki pen road, I HENRY FORSYTH, Egmo i dville. 1 .246E4' Toronto Horse Market 'Over 240 horses went under the planner at a record ,Sale at Maher's 'Horse Exchange, 16 Hayden street,last -Monday. The anirale were for general gatillty purposes, but such was the ' la.3rs that purchases were shipped, to Buffalo New York, Rochester, Mont- re,a1 Quebec, and to ,several points In the ! went. Buyers were present from all parts of the Dominion and the Un- ited States and - lidding was brisk throughout. One 1 800 ib. draught horse tsold for $350 5 horses brought $275 each and .30 others- over $200 each, which prices show the present keen demand for good animals. It was one of the largest auctions in the. history of the exchange and the quality gen- erally was fexcellent. T. BOX & 00 EMBALMERS AND . . a FUNERAL DIRECTORS H. C. BOX ![folder of Government Diploma and Lionser CHARGES MODERATO Fleweri tuenisll,1 o1 short notice Night Can eeay Calls Phone 107 Phone 50 *GiGGINIMINIOMINETANEGMIllirrigeGGT Marriages 8WA,.i-BOWIE-At the Manse, Brucefield, on April 17th, Miss Sadie 3rd daughter of Mr. Peter Bowie, to Drew Swan. all of Brucefield. IRAWIN-DAVIS-Io Exeter, on April 12th, by -Rev. D. W. Collins, Miss Mary Davis, daughter of Mr. and Lyre, Dan Davis, to Mr. Frank Irwin, of Ingersoll. 11 IMAOOMISE-- BALKWILL - At Hamilton, on April llth, Mite Tillie Balk -will, danghtor of Mr. Wna. BalkwW sr., of Exeter. to Mr. Frank Brimacombe. STEPHENSON-TRCTr--At 8lmcoe. on April 6th, MiseDora, daughter of Mr. and, W.B.rott formerly of Exeter. to Mr. David Stephenson, of Reamesville.• IAMEEON--SHEIL-At St. Andrew Manse, Wing• wham, on April 5th, by Rey. D. Perris, Mr. John T Crammeeron, of Turnberry; to Mid AnonShiel,'Cl -j;tAE1i FOR tALE-4130R ren of choice and, with - JP in easy distance to Seat•rtli, Blyth, .ndesboro and Walton,;on the 11th Coieceeeion of Hrillett. Rich clay Ioaw, free om stone and very fertile. In a high state of c ltivcstlon. bout eight a ea of val. liable hard w , Oomforta.le brink hou on stone foundation wit cement oe . Largo nk barn, gook stabling -a d out build ngs, also silo wind -mill with water flo ng through pipe into k token, soft water cement tern, A esirable=fa , For fur- ther partioula apply to Ro BERT RE , Landes - bore, R.R. Na. 1, box 2. - :, oKillop , rnra telephone I5 on 170. Meet@ i OOD FAR FOR SAL '+ t"or tele tint_ 26 and X part of Lot 24, Cloneel000nte.4,. 9Ie !lop, con- taining 180 noree, Thera etre on the micas aIt modern brink ,house with hard end! water. There le Oise aood barn 6th 1L�S, with ane foun- dation and stabling underne}ath, driving shed 80x40 on atone foundation, pig pE{n and hen 'bouas, alt in good repair. There is alio a good bearing or. eibard and two never failing iwelle. The firm is well underdrained and well fenced and in a high state of cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood,t uoh. It €a well situated oni the North gtrevel road 1 mile south of Walton C. P R. station, Also telephone and rural mall delivery. ',This ie a °hence farm and will be. soldon reasoaakile terms. F,or further particulars apply on the;pr n:ises;or ad#irees. W. Je DICKBON Walter. 2468$ RM FOR SALF-For stale south half 31.32, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, cox taint g 94 acres more or lees., There are o the premi es a good frame house with kitchen and woodsh , cement cistorn, good bank narn 40x34 with stone -nettling end cement floats, drive sh and hen .hquse, water in house and bern supplied by wind mill and cem- ent tan k.Tire-farm is in firstic olecondit pn fenced and drained and there are 110 acres of first oleos bueh and emltliorchard. The farm is three and one half miles from' Clinton, ve miles from Seaforth a�d one -rile from chorea nd school, Rural telelepbo a in house. The fern i all on the west sine of rail cad traok and is in rat class I chaps. Terms --Reasonable resone for !lire, the proprietor wish s to ratite or further arttoulars apply on the premises or ad , rase . JOHN TROMSAS CRICH, Clinto* Ontario; 2512x14 eiTALUBLE F 'E M FOR 'ALE -The minietrat• V ors for the e tate of the to Hugh &Oordof offer for sale, t No. fou en (14) in the sixth (8) Concession of t e township MoKillop. Thea farm consists of 100 reed (ilea and improved farm lands in a Olean and good et to of cultivation and is situated in a sp endid farm g district, convenient to markets soh Is and chu ohes. On the premises are erected a omfortable frame 3we1 S hoose, 16x24, with ki hen attached. Spletrdid ram barn 52xY0 with ston staling underneath, ce ant floors and water in ba , leo a good pig pen nd water. in barn also e g d ig pen I and herr house. The farm is well fen dd extra well rile drained. The title is perfeot a d oh willbe giv for the pur of doin el Oeeessa fall work. or further pa oulars apply to ARO BALD Mei WOR, or HOBERT OIBION, Adm tstratore#' to R. HAYS, Seaforth tiseirjeoll tor. USIA! • *F1 ••• • • •• n 44044444 rtrlley ;{td,mbn inner and WU 'Funeral Director kndertaking Parlors above Williams' grocery .store, 1 t Main Street, Seafvrth.'-'" _ ¢ _peso era furnis`eed on short notice. -Charges moderate. Phone nightor day -- 102 Houk and fo Ma eco kit+ are Wil Pu Building Lots Sale he property is eituated on the wet side of north n stt`l, Seaforth. Tyyeo storey brio house with e fotandei;lon, oeiniebt and brick cellar, frame Shen and woodshed ' Large frame barn. There six lots upon which tare twenty ft a fruit trees. 1 sell the house sit1t one or niore lots to suit chaser. Apply to 2t17.tf WU. A ENT, Seaforth y a Ouccessor to W. N. W Fare, LOO and Aoei ce Agent Real n Agent. Insure ki ds of property etc 1047e8t rates. ane Ile ales in w ond, N w Home Sewing M hines and N tional Cream Separa ors. al. supply of sewing machine needles, attachmt nts, o 1 and re- pairs always in stock. son, Non ent Insur- state and ce on all ed at the XPOSITOR THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.Q., LL.D. D.C.L., President- JOHN residentJOHN AIRD,Genersl Manager. H. V. F. JONES. Ase't General Manager CAPITAL, Si 5, 00,000 RESERVE MRO, $13,500,000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to a operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention is given to all other departments of the B. business. Money ay be deposited or withdrawn in this wayl as satisfactorily as b a personal visit to the Bank.. 3 Seaforth Branch W. O. T, MORSON Maana e- 1 Measles ¢ Notice is hereb given to the fate Byers of the • •¢ !df n township wnahl e ' f a� p nleyy, h in cordance with the • • Provincial Health Aot all known or suspeoted!oases •• of measles or other contagions diseases must he re- • Practical Boot Repairs r • pp fried evitbirn2 houre;to'the Medical Health Officer. ® Dr, li'gers, Brumfield, or to the Secretary -orife Seafortn • Board, R. J. Richardson, Varna, All persons failin • to observe this regulation' will be prosecuted aE{oo.; - Entrance through J. Wille Beat Store. ins to law. Prompt attention td all a aa,irs, Best leather only need. stock • speoial leather f o r. foundry workers and hard wearers. • By order of the Board of Health, 9tanle+ t Y Dated April lot, 1916. 25 0.4 Residence for Sale hite and • • Owing to the great de and for teain harness in the sp ling you will fiod it more satisfctory to plae your order with us n.w, that we may give it our s e eclat ata ten Tori. We uarantee all our har ess to be ade from No. I tin on Oak barn ss leather which, con' lei with first Mass wgrkira- shi , we kno we Ca Satisfy you i every espect. =et our pricjes nd let us have you spring order ow._.._ I ailing Har--; ass ,Thi y ar we are making a 4pecialty of c ea ing and ding barn ss. We .find th t we can do it be ter and mor a onomical than i other- wis c uld be db e. We -re using a s e ially prepared ha •ess oil whi h enhances the life of 'he leath er k epIng each strap soft nd pli- able J3ring in you harm ss and let urs clean it. Broderic I.!arnes.s S Opposite Commercial H SEAFRTI-i s op tel Note the Ads essj •• • �t 4, J. T JA C 9 SON i • Opposite Exposit. r Office • •d¢•••••¢•••+• •••S••• rlr. Farmer e , Your land is valuable. Our country needs every ounce of produce it can grow. It means looney to you and prosperity to Canada. No doubt there are numerous arguments regarding Patriotism and production, shortage of help, etc., but let me plove to you that you can greatlyiincrease the yield on the land y o i do crop, by using 'BUFFALO. BRAND Fertilizer A fresh car load just arrived and our prices are right Ideal Wheat and Cor at $30 per ton Buffalo Garbage Tankage at $24 per ton for lit of October settlehent or five ' per cent off for sash. We also handle all kinds', of logs and lumber, Lehigh Valley Coal, Can- ada Cement, dressed lumber and shingles, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building .Materials, tile, cedar posts, etc, Telephones: Bayfield office 8 on 174; Bi'ucef eld office 11 on 145 John B. Mustard RThERN-ALL TME W THtS TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG VANCOUVER A l 0 7 KE • PACIFIC CQP:5T Low Rate Monday -10 Tickets and berth reservation phone 111, or white R, L. Fair Lir. Toronto Union Station I0;45 p. m,Mo1n., Wert, >F' iday 'or Parry Soaili4, Sudbury, Port Arthur ort William, Winnipeg, Brandon eginai askatoon, lalgary, North l3attlelior'd, Ed- onton, Vancouver and Pacific Ooastpoints omeoeeker'a Excursions ovary w Settlers fares to the West. from C. Aberhart, Druggist, Seaforth, aim, General Passenger Agent, 68 King St., C l East, Toronto, align 1ht lintfillIHtl tillllIll11111H1H1111111111t11111I1111 1ftf i lilltlh, ir : Whe : you can have a free de Loma dsl. AD ES -Switches, braids, t ether hair -goods creations of -He ,lygonic to detectable, by over a q abenefit it i appearance Dorenwend Display of Artistic Hair Goods For sate the residence on Goderieh st, B eaferth owned bye late th Ai, Y. Dfoiear, The huum is a solid hock with elate roof, splendid ceIIar and oar- ed attic. It is heated by combination hot wate and hot air furnace. Contains every modern conveiniece There are four lots with splendid stable and ca rriage house. Icor further particulars apply: at The EXE OSITOROFFIOE Seaforth EIN ADAC GYLII D �`RS Four, cast en bloc, 3g by 4 inch.. es, L -head. COOLING Water, with therrrio.sy_ lion circulation and vertical tube, adtiator. ° CAR- URETOR: Special float feed. IGNITION Ingle system, Ford special make magneto. LIGHTING: All cars equipped with electric head - 1 ghts. ' TIRES: 3ox3=a inches. WHEEL BASE: aoc inches. Type of SPRINGS :Semi -elliptic, tre.- rse, BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels OUTOR: Steel.. disc- CRANtd-E GUAR.: llailetary type, SPEEDS: Two forward and one reverse with direct drive rive on high speed. FIN 3t DRIVE: SI1aft, Control Arrangement: For all domestic shipments ex- cepting B.zt' tis Columbia alihd Maratinie Provinces. steering wh nd'hand lever for neutral and . emer- gency brake on left side of car. For shipments to to British Columbia, Matratime provinces and ()verse Ls ports, steering wheel and hand lever for neutral,' and emergency brake on right side of cal, Rnnaboi t $480; Touring Car $530. All p.°ices f. o, b. Ford, Ontario, All cars coznpletely equipp'cl including electric headlights, Equipment does n )tl include Spedometer. J. F. Daly, Seaforth. - .i 11 I 's 1 V t 1.“, A 1.( There is ittn invest nene sa. action in own ng a Gray Dort a feel- ing that you have made an investment rather than a purchase. As you drive your Gray Dort this feeling sill be more strongly borne home to you that you have received real value for your money. When you. consider that the 1916 Gray Dort Model Five -A Touring er fully equipped with electric lighting and starting and demountable rhos sells for only $8M and that its equipment is complete, not a single accessory to buy, you begin to get an idea of the great value the Gray Dort offers. should sex the Gray Dort at our showrooms and lex es ash ICY pcsint- 860 Specifications Model SA Touring left - center -e: er.€ en ;.dating . lu 1, Wit, system e type sfor Quarter axle; in1 and external brakes; dexo rius.e, 80 x 8 Nobs -Skid ch full ea in rear; etrota=Or lea room comp wheelbase starter, gasoline arid co p A. E. LARKWORTHY AT WALSH'S GAR,AG , MITC 1 • i Pleat, „.4" • • • 4 • Should be seen by every man and woman who would keep attractive • and youthful. . Ladies who have not sufficient hair to do justice to their appear. ance and Gentlmen who are bald, come to the Commercial Hotel Eeaf orth on Wednesday, April 26 • • • • • • • • onstration of the style that will answer your I • • he fittest quality hair. • Gentlemen pees and wigs which are in- eatherwaight and are worn rter million men. See what to your health, comfort and D )renwend's d Office and Show: oorns TORONTO tots Yonge St:. • CHEVROLE THE PRODUCT OF P.XPPRIPNCF • • • • • • • • • • Complete Phone 95 MODEL OUR N NETY $675.' F,0,13.0sha GEO D. HAIGH Agen Seaforth