HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-04-07, Page 5r.. nig NeA. a ready how. fie. in ide off solid lei .over. fun I` re Ch o eat ,fes and lk u, adya* tinr leather with plate 4eather ellth test ;113€ I a e prc of a - and fags (eye= 'et, for $8,58- "ftr„d waterproof 14.5a & pair.. `e ndabie eh' oes. Pet stores ca - L TEL Buds ds it e are about 1 P 'out twelve )ut 6 months and register- sell quickly.. cows in calf • Pt and many quality. Also l : O 72 oats ey. SONS nsall, Ont. immumak Lire " . bition: to ;atisfaction 1 overcoats They have e tailored h they are e factor in British I over Can - Oe to make within the and fume fast color - ung m ether you loring and lli e III and LGratn the deb increased rebyde that t has Prov- seed itself to insure i bels 011 :e thirty-six 1 1 1 1 1 ' 7..i, A 5037,.. MARKETS -tlitspaer. MarehlPliklin611 eat (atm.) new I I to is a! ,s,` rbush......, .', 4 to 40 pees,pier flush . - .. s .... . . Oarley,lper bush....... 50 to 55 Sans, 'ger bush...... 2 50 to 2 60 ani per ton .......... 24 00 to 24 00 shorts; per ton.... .... 26 0E to 26 00 sur,13er, cwt., r...` 00 to 4 00 cutter No. 1 loose, ib., 26 to 28 ,r dozen ... ... to f 20 (LIP.. ler ton... . 12 00 to 14.. 02 nogg..TTTu'.....».......r,. 10 60 to 10 00 /11111111111111111111111111111. esimise T. - BOX l 004 11IBA.LMERS AND . . UNERAL .D REOKORS H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma nd Liceime CHARGES :MODERATE $aare4s ftzcaieb.1id! 1;311,Pb notice Night Call Calls Phone 1O 7 Phone 50 Births• a March and Sirs W Elliot. rtanth, to Pte, daughter. MoUR TI In Goderich, on March 80th, to Mr. and Hrs. Wm. HcOreath jr., a eon, BI 1EN--At Goderich on March 28th, to Hr. and se airs `Mrs. D. M. O'Brien, a daughter, V iG--In Oodernoh, on March 25thflto Mr. and lira. Thos. Legg(nee Emily HoOavth of Seaforth) a son. SMITH -Ai: eloderioh on March let% to Mr. and Mrs. Iisilldav Smith, a daughter. GILLESPIE-In Vinghame on Merah 20th, to me and. M. J.G. Gti serifs of Whittechutoh, a -son Marriages; HUDIE-CAMPBELL-At the rectory Bayfield, on BArch 27th, Margaret Oampbetl, to John /audio, both of Goderich township, WILL1S-KING--At E7rediton on March 21s5, by Rev. Sherman Willis, son of Mr. and birs. James'dlis. to Mise Olive, daughter of Mr. Al- bert King, all of Stephen. Deethn 4REE--Irl Clinton, on Morn: 25th, L. t1. Oree,, Lo-fect 8orgeant bind Sirs: L, Jree, aged .1 year aid 1 month. ANDERSON In Morris, on March 26th, David A. i Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3 Anderson, aged 19 years. EYANS-In GGoderich, on Basch 27th, George Huans,. aged 82 yearn BOBBRTe--In Goderuch, on Starch 25th, John Rob• este, aged 74 years. WARD --In Varna,. on April sot„ Margaret Watson, Relict of the late Yhomas Ward, in her 74th year C UDMORE--In Ueborne, on April 8rd, Saemuel Cud - more, aged 52 years and six months.; *,.etkasse•• S. T Holmes -I • • • Di Iertakingg parlors in Oddfe ,i loses building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- dence Goderich st., cpp Dr. Scott'E Flowers furnished en. short notice. Funeral- Director and Licensed Embalnaer • • • Phone Night or Day 119. • •ete•••14•45•••••d•$••04•A••• SALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, April Ilth, at the village of Bruoeleid `farm stook and implements. Alex. McKenzie, Prop. , T. Brown, Auctioneer. On. Lot 26, Concession 1, London Road, Tuoker- Smith,.on April 15, 1$161 auction sale of farm stook and implementer. W. F. McMillan, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Lot 10, Oonoession 13, HoKillop,on Wednesday April 12th, farm stook and implements Wm. A. Barron, Proprietor. 1 AUCTION SALES A (TCT ON SALE OF FARM STOOK AL) ti PLE- M:ENT1-F. 8. Scott has been instructedto eell by public auction, on Lot 10, Concession 13, 'McKillop. on Wednesday. April 12th, at 1 o'clock, •the following: Filly risrnac 5 years old mare 10 years old, general purpose horse 8 years o'Id. Cattle --2 •yeung cows due time of sale, heifer supposed to calve in July, heifer rising 2, 2 calves rising 1, 80 young hens, 2 geese and gander. Implements -Top 'buggy, set of sleighs, a quantity of 3 and 4 inch tile, 200 bushel seed oats, 40 eusbel barley, about 6 tons hay, some timothy seed. Terms -Ali sums of $10 and under, rash: over that amount 7} months' cred- it on approved joint notes, A discount of 8 per centper annum alto ted off far cash on credit emanate. Hay and grain cash. WM. A. BARRON, +rop.; 1", S. Melte Auctioneer, • 2531 -tel •UOTION SALE OF FARM STOOK AND IMPLE- fdENTii-Thos. Browia hart been instruetedetoasell by publicauction, north of Scott's store in the vill- ageof Brucefieid, on Monday'April 10, at 1 o'clock. the following : Filly rising 8 yeses old, filly rising two years old. aged mare, oolts bred from R. Murdock's imported stallion, Shethin Stamp, cow •due to cal. eithe first of May, young cow, calf, light wagon, buggy, cutter, fannicg mill, plow, wafflerlxlrrow, a set. floherjygle organ nearlyySeweigh new,Seale% wheel cooking stove nearly new, heater, eupboarrl. washing machine and wringer; barrels, a lot of. other household furniture, .25 young hens. Terms -All sums of $5 and under cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes. A discount of 8 per cent per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts, AT.EV Mo- K ENZIE,•Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. . 2620-tn A LOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLE= 1NTS--Mr. Thomas Brown has been instruct- ed to sell by public auction, on April 16, 1816, by W. F. McMillan, at Lot 26, Concession 1, London Boad, Tuokergmith, the following property. One imported registered Clydesdale mare 10 years old In foal to Earl 0'' Clay. thus la an ext onalty well bred mare,. Clydesdale filly 3 years of sire and darn registered and imported, this filly is a egible for regg- •istration and is one.oftheliestelfaxIBIliee in Ontario 1 colt nine -months old, sire and darn both register- ed and imports, this colt is also eligible for regis- tration agricultural brood mare 12 years old in :gal to Earl 0' Clay, cow seven years old giving • nnlic, 2 year old heifer with'heiter calf at foot, calf 8 monthsold, about 40 good hens, broadcast seed elrill and seedier coni'bitfed, Massey -Harris mower • nearly new, riding plow, walking plow, extra heavy set iron harrows, sulky rake, stuffier, set weigh seaa!es600 lbs. capacity. 2 sugar kettles, wagon, hay reek, set bobsleighs, set light bobsleighs for one °nor.e,hay fork rope and a quantity of hay and har- eem. good cooking stove, large wardrobe, heavy 'reed baby buggy, medium size Darrel churn, two caller cupboards, tables, chairs sealers, eto., four hanging lamps, hand lamps and an Aladdin Lamp. - Terms-Allsums of $10 and under cash; 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. Sine per cent per an- numallowed for cash on credit amounts. No reser- ve as proprietor has sold his farm. W. F. MoMl . LAN, Prop.; T. Brown, Auct. 2621 -td IkEPORTANT NOTICES tacesmT rix STOP FOR SALE --For sale cheap or to rent, a first class blacksmith stand , with 110 opposition. Reason for selling, sickness. For further particulars apply D.a8. SUTHERLAND, R.R. No. 2, Seaforth. 2519.4 *DOR 3AL R -In Goderich, a new two storey brick - house with alt modern conveniences, beautifully eltuated near the lake and convenient to churches hook and the business part oteethe town. Terms reesouable. Possession givers: any time. Apply to Mee DRIVER, Bruce st., Goderich, Ont, 2620x8 POTTAGE FOR SATE -A comfortable cottzfre on kJ George St., Seaforth, The house contains 3 rooms and 4 bedrooms. There are two lots and a good stable. Within one lock of Main se. There lea good cellar and hart and soft water within the house. Apply to Sohn Rankin, Seaforth. 2514•tf VOTING STALLION Fs aR SALE - A 'Olydesdare I. stallion three rears of 1 last October. Canadian bred from registered stock. In color, bay, with strip on face and .hiril feet white. Oan be seen at • anytfine0n Lot 3, Ocn. 11, ilullett, Will be load reasonably. ROBT. Et I;ID, &R. No: 1, Londesboro, phone 16 on 170, McKillop. 2619-tf 1 1 ,' allifORTANT WSAland. n oocneiif; bocce of f tan- 'ig.,$ Bait '{LEAN D aAT ICs sAL k• variety: JAMES 401121TO Phone 6 en 91, neneali Central. L'VR SALF-.Two born With 11 it weeks old. Apply Andrew A session 7,'I.R.S., Tnekeramitb, E' �I8Bi Lot 55, Concession • Mires, with bush, wlndmitl, fru haat er particulars! Ply to fire. ME' ER, P, O. Boz 26S, Seaforth. ts; ten tend bald, Itit 12t, . p- hone :s on 13L 252 MoKiiW0p, t orohards, M. A. ;GFA 100 ' Fax rz. tt II FOR BALSA -Lot 6, s . on 9, Tuo smith, containing100 sores, bout seven under bush. The farm to well_ fen. ed and d and In a good state. of cultivation. Thereare on p a good frame house, be • barn, pig ho hes ouee drive limes and two • • . barn, and: p iouLKi apply on-e:premiee o 1[138. JOHN MoOLOY, dville P.O. ..9866 ned the For ad. If RTIIORN BULL, AND STR W FOR 2 . I ave a Shorthorn bull calf nhi months old for sale, Sty (100989),sire White -Ha Prince (8•.87) Dam, Pie ()rust 2a (104401) Se le . splendidnth vidusi and should make a good I have a'1: o a large quantity of clean bright etre ' for sale in the barn on my farm 11- miles east of'Kippe • M. Dust;:, /4.13., phone 20 on 98. �� 25 �' 2 POR SALE -Lot 10, Oon Tttokeremith. The farm coma olearnd and in a good state of never failing wells, windmill at barn 50x88, pig house, hen house 1. A good frame house with furnace. halt Of extra goat orchard. Thi within Smiles of Seaforth.. on t HENRY FORSYTH; gganondvilie, -UNARM FOItSALE-Lot i.5, Con. 6, MoKillop, 2 miles fromSeatorth, Good buildings; welifence aad drained, everything up-to-date. There are 12 time bush, the rent in good state of cultivation. Plenty of water, Artesian well on the place. For fur thenppaanictitate apply on the premises or addres-' • JAM K3 KERR, E. R. Ne. 1, Seaforth. 3518x4 : on8,L.B 100 sores tivationi T . GoOd nd drive • An aorei seat oholoe fa e Hipper 240 FOR SALE OR RENT -In Ngmo . dvilie, the: p elty of Alexander Gordon, cont ns. 21 ser land . On the premises are a tom • rtabhe x framehouse with all convenienees. Plenty ,of and ft water, excellent cellar iso a No. 1st and poultry house and pig ho:. Is withi mtnuttes,walk of oat office• will be .sold ebeal on easy terms, li not sold b Ap 7, will he le to a reliable tenant. For p = ,� eulars appl ALEX at the Egmond oe store or vee Box 61, Seaforth. ' 12517 M FOR BALE -400 acres of a doe land. easy distance to,Beaforth,: BI h, Londes and alton,;on that lith Conoeesi .. 01 Hallett. clay oam, fres from.stone and very fertile. a high state' 01 oultivfatipn. About : ght soles of al. uablherd wood,. Qorntortable brio house awe ne foundation with cement cellar. L ' ge bark I rn gooketablingand out buildinve, al:. slid, wind, ill with Water flowingthrough pipe to kite en, oft wate cementolateen, A eleaarabl firm,.- For;r- Vierparticularsapply to ROBERT REID, Lori es. boreett.lt. No. 1, hroe2.11114citillo, rural telephone ,15 an 170. 0406-tt 001) FAl.M FOL1 SALE --Por isle r,nt 26 and IX part of Lot 24, Concession 14, McKillop, cnn- taining180acne. There are on the prcmisea a modern brick house with hard and; soft wager. There is also a good barn 60x126, • 'th atone- futon. S.; all ee nk • f as ble 10• nd dation and stabling underneath, d on stone foundation, pig pen and in good repair. There is also a g chard and two never failing wells. underdreined and well fenced and 1 cultivation with 10 acres of hardw well situated on the North gravel r of Walton 0. P. R. station, also tel mail delivery. Z`his is a choice f sok' on reasonable terms. F,or f apply on the premises or address. Waltor. ving eked 30$40 hen house, ;all d bearinz pr. The farm is Well a high state of r bush. is 1 mile so th phone and r, ral m and will be her patio ars ▪ J•,DIOK$ r N 24 M FOR SALF--For sale soutl half L 3132, Concession 1, Tuokersmith, co. tainixl04 a res more or leers. There are on the • remise a god frame house with kitchen and w•. shed, ,cern nt cistern, good hank barn 40x64 wit stone Stahl ng and nen ent floors, drive shed and h n house, wa er In house and barn supplied by win mill an ce - ent t ek.The farm its in first class onditioj and, ed and drained and there are • 10 aor of first o bush and-sinaliorehard. The farm is th ere and one half miles from Clintn, five mIes from Seatorth-and one n_ile from e , rob, anr� sola 1, Rural teteiephone in house. The f rm is a1 on he west sine.peariiroad.-track and is in fI t ox ss shape. Terme=Reasonable. resons for seili g, t e - proprietor wishes to retire, for fur her pa tieul re apply on the premises or address OHN T p S ORIOH, Clinton, Ontario' ? 12x1 TALUBLE FARM FOR SALE- • e adm niet at V ors for the estate of the late H • h hf. ord n offer for sale, Lot No. fourteen (14) n the. xth (6) Concession of the township of SMolli lop. Tis fa consists of 100 acresof cleared and Improved fa m lends in a clean and good'state of a Itivation an is situatedin a splendid farming dist ot,?• oon'enie t to markets, schools and churches. a a:the Trenit are erected a comfortable frame welling hou e, 18x24, with kitohen attached. 8pl • ndid frame b: rn 52x70 with stone stabling underlies:, , cement flo re and water in barn, also a good pig . en and wa er in barn also a good pig pen and h house. he farm is well fenced and extra 'well t le drained. ' The title is perfect and possession Will b given for he purpose of doine all necessary fall w rk. For furl er partioulars apply to ARCHIBALD MoGREGOR, or ROBERT G1B90N; Administrato s, or to R. HAYS, Seaforth, their So:lotto. 249 -tf attlefor Sajg For sale a,' nu ber of steers and dry cows, euita purposes. Also f ome reg coming in. 0 2521-2 House and fo The property is sitar ed on the w=st side of nohh Main et., Seaforth. 2' - o'storey brl'k house Ev tie stone foundation, cam nt and brig cellar, fra e kitchen and woodshed. Large fra a barn. • Tb re ..re six lots upon which are twenty a ve fruit' .tre. . Will eel' the house wit one pr mor lots to su t purchaser. Apply to 11. AMENT Seaforth 4 T. T Build Sale. heifers! a d le for gr es stered ee s rnbull Seaforth ng Lo s 517-tf 1VIcJ(i110 The Assessment Roll Kiliop, for the year 19 Lot 24, Con. 7, and Ma dents or ratepay ere office hours. M,MUI April Ist,19I6 of the Mun oipatity of (eis now in he Olerk't o y be teen by ny of the rest. of, the Mun oipality during DIE, Clerk o MoKitiop i3 forth, Oait. 25214 f asles Notice is hereb giv to the ra township ofeStaaule y, that in a o0 ProvincialHealthActall known .o of measles or other a to lous di ported within12 hours to the Medio Dr, Rngere, Brueefteld• or to the t? Board, R. J. Richard n, Varna. A to observe this regula ton will be pr ing to law, Byorder of tee Board of He Dated April let, 1919. ers Pt he loAyse with he suspected 'o es es must be re- Hetlth Ofilder. rd 1 ese o1 persons fail ng See outedj ace tth, Stay Raesideri ce fo For sale the reset •n on Gode rieif owned by the late M. y. Molean solid brick with slate koot, splendid ed attic. It is heated by couabinatf hot tor furnace. Dont sins every in There are *four lot with splen carriage house. lrorifurther partic !The EXPOSIT a. 0 .;. Saiel at, Seefor$h The house is a cellar an n hot we ern co ' id stall Lars ap flopr- er and renieoe !e aind ly at Olt OFFICE Seafq*th • • 4,4* . I Fi 1T .I 14444**lei `'ale . E baimerand Duni ral Director 7nderta, ing• Parlor's above VI; Willi ms' grocery- store, Main treet, Seaforth. were fur ished on short, notice., Ui .ges-moderate Phone ight or dad L92 414144440** . 464. 9ce toCrdiyrs In eau tter ,the estate of John Shine of the town Seaforth in the Oolinty, oi" Huron„gen- tieman deceased. • _ ft a INoti ale hereby ven pursuant to R.S.O„ Ohep. lei, Se tion 56, that all creditors end others having chime gatnst the estate ai the said John Shine, who died a Seaforth, } n the 22nd day ,of February, 1918, a e requi redalto send by poet, or deliver to J. M. Be. , Seatorth, at., Solicitor for Hannah Shine, _ the Ex utrix of the saki eatate on or before the 15th d of Ap-il 19116, the full particulars of theirclai them. And fand urthere 'ure of take nonce that after if suohlast mentioned date the Executrix will proceed to dis- tributethe assets of the Bald deoeased among he partiesentitled thereto having regard 'only to the Cairns f which she elall then have notice z ;J. M. BEST 0 o r fo1r The said Eicecutrfx. Seaforth. :Dated at Seaforth, this 131b day of March, 1916. . I { (4ogts nd oading 2Bolts We are prepared . to pa th highest cash price fo all irds of logs and headirl bolts, in 'bush or deliverd;in our yard. Heading bolts to be cut 2c and 40 inches long So Om soft maple, and bepcb logs to be cut I � l x3 and 16 feet long. Rook elm,hard maple, White sly and basswood logs t be cttt 1o, 12, 14 and I6 foot. W have in stock and will se� at the lowest price No. hemlock lumber and th .best grade Red Cedar hingles. Atrient Bros Seaforth 2603.11 Owint team I hal will find .place you we , may tention. ' harnessA Union Oa coupled' r ship, We in an i ov p or ler C EAM RNES the great demand f r 14ess in the. spring y u it more satisfactory o r order with us now, th t give it our; special t - We guarantee all o r be made from No. 1 harness ;leather whic th first clasg workma know we can setts ery respect. Get o let us have your spri le - ring H>a rness This year e are Makin a special ofcleanin and oiling harness. find that e can do it better a d more eco lnically thap it other- wise out be done. We are usi g a sp ciall prepared harness . oil whit en nces the life of the lea h -er ke pin each strap soft and • li- able. Br ng in you harness a d let us clean it. y. r g y e REMEMB kADI1r T' Ik0 i Also Furri r 4. The Only nem in 8 fort G s.t • • •• 'Oa OPP oderick's ness Sho to Oommi rcial Hotel SEAFORTH artier our land is valuable. 0 co ntr needs every ounce pr duc it can grow. It mea mo ey. tic) you and prosperity Ca ads,. o doubt there are nuinero arguments regarding Patriotis'' and production, shortage of heli etc , btt let me prove to yc that you can greatly increase ti yield 04 the land you do crop, usln BUFFALO BRAND Pertiliz A fresh c4 load just arrived a ou rices are right deal Wheat and Corn at $30 per ton Buff to Garbage Tanka_ 'at $24 per ton for 1s of tober settlement or fi p cent off for cash. r -r ri. t I Rl and 1 mbe ado. ems shingg e.s, O Building -i' etc, Bayfl ld o h handle all kinds of lo e Lehigh Valley Coal, Ca t, I dressed lumber a nada Fibre Board, Me nate 'lab, tile, cedar pos • ce 8 on 174; B. Mustard • r f mg :Horses Cattle The A ' nual Spring Show, under he auspices of�` the South Huron A "- ociety, of Stallions, 'barn cis r; horses; bulls and cows, will ;the . ow •ulturael and halt l;fe held i illage of Iiensall FRIT? , APRIL 14th, ft9 PRIZE LIST: Horses ESDALE or SHIRE STALL( N } 3 d 1918 and before1s .... $6t 'HIP $2 • in 1914 or later,. 8 - 4 2 i� LOIAN or PEROHEBON in 1918 and before...... 6 4 2 in 1914 or later ..... 6 4 awls and ROADSTER d aged carriage statuon drover ................... 51 3 d roadster stallion d under 16.3 a$HARNESes HORSES . eam 6 4 Mad mare in foal ,. 6 4 r agricultural yeld mare ick ..... 3 1918 vy draft gelding or filly 2 ear old he vy draft gelding or filly 8 foaled !n; 1914..... ........ ...... - 8 A rioultural-team - 6 e'ioultural m fare in foal . - 5 3 ear old agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1 f118.....'..... , . 3 2 year old ag qultural gelding dr filly r foaled a 1.914.... 8 F. Ily or geld ' g any class.or age shown - on hal - , - ..... 3 .. G enerat pu • ore team 4 Osrriage tea 4 S ngle (bale a horse 4 Rpade• i 4 Bingleter roadtest;crit , 4 2 No horse or ones tc be hown in more than cine class except or sweepstake prize, without con nt of the Dire • • r4 . • - CLY Stallion foal Stallion foal Stallion foal Stallion fool I :is. Standard br II 16.8 a 8 andard hr • •15.2a Heavy draft Heavy draft Heavy draft or gel 3 year old he foaled 6 2 4 8 2 2 2 2 32 2 2 Ti; J. Berry 10; divided $6,-83, $2 fer beat yearn ;gelding or flily sired byany horse, , T. J. Berry for beat filly or gelding, aey lige, s d for best he vy draft team. lbarrew, fo bed heavy draft horse, any age, stet - lions inelu ed. . T oinas Sher , general blacksmith, Knoll, set singletrees complete, for best general , purpole E J. Cooks° , harness maker, Hensall, dileli lap rag leireeaNtneusall, $5 box of cigars for best Bonthron & rysdale, Hensel!, $2 whip, or beet Stook food, for best Aberdeen -Angus bull. 1 pigs or fil ee, sired by any roedster 13 Ilion. i 2' to be risin 8, three to be rising 2, 6 to be risina• 1 Hi ron Weet seInsurance Mutual 0o. 81,5 polio n -their Ca pany, fully paid up for 3 y ars, for est individual feamle Shorthorn, Cattle ::: SHORTHORNS Aged bull $6 34 Bull, calved atter September l', 1014 6 4 Heifer under p years old Buil calved af ee September 1, I:914 . I ' p • 6 . 4 Cow or heifer over. 2 yeaxs old 3 A Sweepsta e badge will be given in each of thi3 cattle claises nd also for the best pure bred female. All exhibit° must first becorne inemberti of the Sooiety by pa Ing $1 to the Secretary. Beetles can be pride with the Secretary at the Commereial ho. tlk tel; until 1 o' look on the day of the show. The de- cision of the uolges to be final in ail mew. rrange- mints will b made to have ample amain °dation It. kfcLlEAN president Beerebary rse Old Ca Ile Shc4 ,Seaforth • ues 4y, April 11th forth Uinder th auspices of the iS HORSES OLYDESDALE '77151 1st 2nd 8rd 4th &onion, foal. In 1913 "6 142 92 Stallion, foal dm 1914 6 ' 2 $iireepetakes, Clydesdale Bad le Stili Ilion, any ge SHIRE 4 3 PERCHERON 1 HACKNEY Stellion, any ge. 1 ROADSTERS St ndard bred trotting stallions in harnees in harness Team in harneiss, 1st. Regina gold Breed mare in foal, 1st. English Filly or gelding foaled in 1918, suit Filly or gelding foaled 19'14, silver Filly or gelding -foaled 1916, 0. Bar- ber, Seaforth Creamery, pair Teton in haress, suit of clothes Stewart ros. Brood mare id foal, silver cup Do- minion Bank Filly or gelding foaled 1613 200 Ibts. deur, Sealorth milling co Filly or gelding foaled 1914 Marcella bed spread -J. MeTevish.... Filly or geld's* foaled 1915, Plush rug, Agrlealtural Society. 4 GENERAL PURPOSE Team in harnese 6 , ROADSTERS Roadsber horses in harness 16-3 and Carriage horse in harneaa, over 16-8 4 _ 21 Readster team in harness, 16-3 and under 4 2 Carriage teani in harness over 16-3 4 2 SPesiJIAL For the best heavy draft filly or gelding $150e pal. ice in the "Huron Wes,ther Insurance Idutnal 0o. fully paid up 'for 3 years velue 39.00 donated by the $ IldrOn Weather Insurance Co, CATTLE SHORTHORNS Bull, 8 years Old or over Bull, 2 years Old Bull, 1 year old • POLLED ANGUS 7 1 JEESEYS Bull 3 DONATIONS No. 1-17 Jewel adjusted Regina Watch, !geld -filled Case donated by Savadge & Stollery, :jewelers No, 2 -English waterproof wet, donated by J. 0. Greig & 0o., clothiers, value 310 oo No. 8--soed feather suit case, donated by Cluff & NO. 4 -Silver medal, dorated by Bank of Cinamerce Nd. 6 -Pair wool lined horse blankets., donated by the Seaforth Oreamery, value . r ....37 54) Nei. 6-A suit of olotbes, made -to -measure or fam- outs Progress Brand, donated by Stewart Bros. e Clothiers, value . .326 00 No, 7 --Silver cup, _donated by D01)1111100 bank. Ne, 8-2001130. Wave Crest flour, donated by Sea - e forth Millin Coa value , .37 00 istiocestior the Fe Moretti 0o., valise__ „,$3 00 s MILKS .. leo. 1-Entra le fee 31, each extra entry es0e. a No. 2 -Brood meree must show visibly in foe!. al NO. 3 -Age horses to date from January /et, NO. 4 -Age o oattle to date from Sept. let, , S, No, 5 -All p testa MUM be in writing, and handed to the Seer tary by 6 pas. the day of the Show, ficeompard by Ft..00, which will be reftinded if protest is e ed. , No. 6-110 re tiered Clydesdales ellovred to show J. McDoWell M. Broderick President Seer tary • 5 1 • • • I • 410 40, *44444 • • Practical Boot Re imago° throegh j. Willis' Boot Store. • • Prompt attention to al repairs. Seat leather only used I stock 'oorkers and hard earers. airer 4. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Are You West Thel Grand Trunk Railway System will rim oing Each Tuesda March 7th to Oct ber 3rst Tickets valid to return ithin two months inclusive of da of sale. WINNIPEG and retUrn $35 EDMONTON and return $43 Proportionate low rates to ckher points in 114nitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta Full Particulars and tickets on appli- cation to agents. W. Somerville Union Stati_on, Toron os Ont • • • • • • • • • • • • THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Phone 95 • • • • THE CANADIA BANK OF COMMERCE JOHN AIRD. General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass.% General Manager CAPITAL, $15,060,000 RESERVE FUND $13,500 000 BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank, s53 Seafort.h Branch is Notice mill on Friday of each week, difring the StIrtitribr months. We have a. good stoa, of wall seasoned tile on hand ranging in eizes froni 3 up to 8 inches. otice to Creditors In Ole matter of the eetate of Elizabeth Daymsn late of the township of Tackersmith in the Countyof Huron, widow, del:eased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute In such cases made and provideds, that ell creditors beth Depilate late of the township of Tuokerstnith, farmer, deeeased who died en the 5th day of Decem- ber, 1915. are required on or hefote the 5th day 'of May, 1016, to send fah particulars of their 43 -Jahns, to ehe undersignedexecutors of the said estate. And further bike notice, that after such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assetsbelonging to the said estate among the par - tine entitled thereto, having eegard only to the claims of which he shall then hoes notice. W. M. DOIG, Executor For Saie or Tient The desirable resicienes property in ' Par nondville owned by W. G. Charlesivorth Ind situated I mile from Seaforth. The house 18 a two stery brick, witla furnace` d elect -tie lighted through at, has good cellar wi cement floor and large sof welter (As- tern in c lar. There is also a new st ble with two &bele and doe box stall and drive sli . Good bard a ater and &few fruit Drees. Will be, sold reason- ably and on terms to suit pure amen ' For further particulars apply to 2502-tfe W. Ce CHART,ESWORTH Seaforth One Hundred Young Women and many young men wanted at once to train for choice -office poslions. The deruseid on the "Pariedffizeddy.„,o0 734 Yonge st., Toronto is times our supply. Write partisulars. Enter now. fully dile once for -40 There is an investment -satisfaction in owning a Gray Dort -Ta feel- ing that you have tnade an investment rather than a purchase. As you drive your Gray Dort this feeling be more strongly borne hcme to you that you have 'received real value for your, money. When you consider that the 1916 Gray DortModel Five -A. Touting Car !fully equipped with electric ligh 'ting and starting and demountable rims, sells for only 0850 ond that its equipment is complete, not a single accessory to buy, you begin to get an idea of the great Valt1C the Gray Dort offers. 1 Buyers should see the Gray Dort at our showrooms and. let us explain. this value A. E. LARKWORTHY AT WALSH'S GARAGE, MITCHELL Specifications Model 5A Touring Car circulating splash luhrleat- line system fn cowl; isele t - a xl intern• al expand' and external tontracti Non -Skid tread on regal 50-ineh full cant !level; springs in rear; front send elliptic; stream line with ample leg room in 'both wheelbase; standard e electric ,I1 t• hroughote mit-matt p, aneedotneter. EVROLE • • • • • • • • 4.44 404444 44 Comp et • MODEL FOVtt NINETY $675,(11) F.oB.osh D. HAIGH, Agent, Seaforth ee 44•4044). •