The Huron Expositor, 1916-04-07, Page 2• a y _ A 7 -1918 misti This is a puttylike paste that will positively Clea wall paper to its original freshness. Your ceilin may be a trifle smoky ; ye ur walls show streaks o dust. he Climax will lift all the dust and srnok with very little work and leave a room aQ fresh a new. Cali and see this demonstrated. 15c pe can or 2 for 25c Atmeelellemeeseeremaileseur Woven Fencing e have a carload on and. We have a special sot cash price for those who can .take wig now . We have a fe cing evenly_. spaced that will pr - vent a beast frominserting its head and *ming over ' the up- rights. Relnember our prices are for spot, cash and • my last so tong gas this car lasts. Barbed ; wire_ staples, race wire, wooden slats, block stretchers at bottom prices. Don't tail to inspect our new, Champion washing mac a me It will clean bed clothes or fine fabric, works ° easil is strongly made and costs only ....... es• .....g. OM 00{ G. A. il's, orf" Sole Agents for Lowe Bros. Paints, .Chi-Nasnel, Moffat's Ranges, Eastlake Steel Shingles, Paroid Ready Roofing Pease Furnaces. and Boilers, s c Hot Point" Electra Stipplies. New Idea Furnac - s (writ During t IP eat hay ejp&rimen t eedi.. ,Se Reis pact a ane very slts have e eaper ttme stie, on, e result arized s 1. That •eradicat Thistle art 2. That cop to T. tc1i G 3. • That .s lte in t ass and s wn in it d�sThatwhen, in fall a w I1 eared tr y Bled, That see tint,. solo t e�ny is fry 1e. c ou in :. crop c lyea: o,3e ; pe inientg p in nearly, :e ed the . i l in netrate th effect an at pr Qt�e 'I te; bee dw us oh foil ood nit T ape in ss t ape er err lig ow or or. e C oat in yin n. o us to ti c Mop M WWua Fire IwSWiretice Co Head office: Sea forth 9Ont DH OTORY �yj' Officers:I.' JMcLean, a J. B. McLe • 0. .eafor President J. Connolly, € oderich, Vicom -1 resident Thos. E. Rays, Seaforth, SeeeTeeese rectors: De F. Meor, or, Seaforth; a'. 0, Grieve, Wing Wm. Rinn, forth; Glnnewea.s, Dublin; J =1� ew�. A. wen, _ .I` Mei a it , 't sty, Cash; Eaberts Ferr North; W. . e r, Egroondaille; J. W. Teo, reale: Alex Leitch, Olinn ; 3armuth, Brodhagen I) Pumps ump Repairing am prepared to turnls all kinds of - Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan- - tzed Steel Tanks and Water troughs Stancheons and Cattle Basins. lbe Price is Right Also all kincisof pump repairingdone on short notice. For terms, etc., apply at Pump Factory, Goderich St,, East, or at residence, North . Main Street ! 3.Welsh, Seaforth I: R. Time Table Guelph and Goderich Brob TO TORONTO uoderloh• . • ........._Lv 7.00 s ago auburn.-" 7 i6 a. ,4 444.,. 7.87 " .. 7.50 .. sacs tillaeeon - er 8.214 °' Linwood ,Tet .. , 30 " 4444...... 4 Guelph.... .. 0.35 " ato.. ,. FROM TORONTO timate Lv. 8.20 a. re. Guelph .. ..tAr 10.15 " lira ...... ....... a 10.45 Unwood .dam" 11.06 ' 5111se t. " 11.25" @¢.. n 'EII99igVa'.. i 4 • •{. .. 12.58 13.17#46•••••••••••016. . a . a 12.10 " Auburn 12.20 coderiola............ 12.15 p. sal. • •.s.. •..i • Si 2.80 is an 2.56 ' LOT 3.10 3.54 4.05 4.80 5.05 7.10 I. " .. " .. 5.10 p 7.0E 7.86" 7.65 " 8.10 " 3.411 •s °` 0.1. " 9.45 " Connections at Lin for Yds`owel• Con nostionsat. a . - . Jet. w1;i main- line for G 1ti i[ricdstoot, t . F r:: Delrol arra Chtzero M ail Norway Pine Sy Grand 'Trunk Railway C RED 'HM. System. Rest stain ft` tcnigh-t: from RIO 4 ATI ' "l stkaSupd use tilde, of the splendid .touting cats wound only gra ., ber1&ues Atxtaseetie meat. It takes the went .ache"and lain front the muses and supple/ the so eau win get your full yend 911POP Welt. Iriveellk116t axles in all muscular or a p4u- ratilmati:m, nea- miea. large back, lumbago, etc, Splendid to rub on the great for colds and coughs. Low price. yet very efficient. All druggists. 23c. s tr ;I► 1,0 we -lar in ra in e. ti 0 2. anal low for tion '4, Baa 6. des4 7, Pln Dai era (1916 e ntnn ation, t egard ling cAmen The of P A sy euitiv d by er The of A. -meth ider Can Spray roy lilt A mei for t. Fy1 Lose antsy m Weed ,x_'1916 .Tho Th:po ltoe) . st ' four years, theJ ra}. and Ereeerimeittal, led; on co-operative e eradication of y -eight formers have e eipe nente • 93 13 g and, vaauable re. obtained. The weeds h were Perennial: Sow rays, Bladder Cam- rd land Px-eye Daisy, sineld may be_ sum{d s ultivation, followed by. ls,,providea a means tly 1. Perennial Sow tch: Grass. a 'more satisfactory the destruction of n ;buckwheat. ►yes e utile letter re- 'diction of Twitch ial 'Sow Thistle when d eUltivaeed than it broadcast.- ghh, deep cultivation, g, followed by a ed1. crop, will des pia, d may be prevented atwheat .and bar- wi a twenty per trod ,sulphate with, njury to the stands e fresh seedings of rt in these ear the "experience 3t4nce ; they dear- ented upon, de t o it :own satisfaction e. a a the method tried, I a the reedits turf toation to others• ve experiments in 11 be continued this hoped that a n _will take part ,sufficient in-, gathered to war'-,- ancients ar'J-ancients being; made st methods of coal Mous. weeds. The 16- are as follows i, pe ,in the •destruc-i Wail Low ,.T7.tistle. of tensive ' cropping n, fa winter rye fol- nipS , rape or. buckwheat g =1? rennial Sow Thistle. 4ti:4ape'.in the deetruc{ Grass.;; ' • d for, the eradicatipn of Ion or Cow 'Bell• with, !tont ,sulphate to rd incl eel eal crops. j of cultivation and ;crop- e destruction of ©dye .. , o are tpubled with any of e bad weed Are invited to write e Director of !Co -Operative Ex. eed Eradication, Or_- al College, Guelph, bei glad I to furnish full noon ins . these experl- O u,4t aap�at10n blanks , A l' ente will t1l £ Il and detatled rind arr g ! out the expert- , a 'n, with blank forms eport the re,aultu of the erect d Iinaclean farm!- 'to o-oaerate in , this s al tints i f l p Mrie. Ont.! lief :1uf417i?g on c 3 tnen 3 and ,.forthe3 N atrii men :on gain wing If} o r Jt lege, REWARD For information that will lead the discovery or whereabouts of person o persons suffering fr Nervous Debility; Diseases of Mouth and Throat, -Blood Pots Skin Diseases, Bladder Troub Special Ailments, and Chronic Complicated Complaints who c not be cured at The Ontario M cal Institute, 263-265 -Yonge 'Toronto. ; Correspondence invit to he m he�n, S, or' di - t, d, - d, ristian coli heal td situation. saaadt aana ei fiat eitiatijo1 L>t.W�, 4.D,D.ma. HONESTLY BELIEI !IE WAS GOING INTO CO:V$IINIPTIO DR. WOOD'S ttal1 Time Table. Isaias leave tis tollowa : 10,45-a n Goderioh Wingbam sat 11'sr c2Moa wed ¢odaeelob 413421:: 1 ., lato�r 111iar aa, ani tinct allose, 11 . p es Main sem[ Oodeaioh. 1` 51 a m s Per o a Points mot 1it1e 4aa_ liateth alae ,Fold 8 ptn Feratra Queipb.' Tomato lion instead M. awe. • 82 p art For Stretford' ' • and Terouto LONDON HURON 1. DRUCJI NTH >ts_as dors 830 4 40 4444....... 9 �a ase .•!••..0 .4•.•4.••.••1 0 4? 5 IF 44••.4....4. - .. 0 60 0 010 ...•....•,.4.4�.••_•.•10 rig 0 IS 10 14 -' 90-4 a.4.•.•.•....... 10 30 64#3 ,t ,4..•..•••••..•...• 11 18 3191` ....:•.........•..•11 7 00 ••.,..••.,.......• 11. 40 7 10 next ....,4.... •. •. • . 11 64 7 40 Passenger ..a..•••8 35 3 9 5 . m •moi.: .i .•M:.t..••.es s• f , 7 4 ••.•.s...4f.•sri• Cblg 13 a. 44(0.4 •1110.-.010•4•••. g7 33 `� 6 NS Caw.-•-.....�.i.s� IS •o m, as _--e..a a.;.s.4-..-s.g 0 rt y�,.-.•e. .0. moo s.9s I 4s 4 . LS a 44 4 0- b • Mr. Prank E. Anthony, 69 Street, Winnipeg,l�tt., writes: taken several bottles ... of Dr. W t weeks/ Norway Pine Syrup, during _the 4e. chn,Uie c general throet tumble. Prep my anboandeil thanks as to its. qi .. amort time ago I became to vi leht aotegaing Sae fat , directly_ after ri iii . �t....a 4444 applie fOr are a3 Howl t, A Oh It 13 all f us to r aur ng the bee force • 70 care as destest Hu When the . both to atriotic retarded b 13olls of st ere' and I to heck t the the :tor rile to ,If ouewant to n or ne des the sa ✓ hest rted fr the evere pea the is neve life. Visit. Of c down So deace Of it the hands In Ste Th don. In Lo ho. Where the ,place d wh re elate be n ref at the platfo do its bale It do taco ! Moved to bear wbdeetehe g coMmunications to Ontailio Agricultural Col- llen e to Gossips ✓ ry ell to take high pe t ot consider it, but ea 3t w -weeks I have ie.:1o call t. So far ae ine bl a4 neglible as ever. n tion, t war it becomes fore to the conciuelon gossiP. There are all ea af oat that are dame c ept by turning on ers. t would, be useless' lish i hem, for I am not to efute them, and I ve, I on wider publicity. the ositip in your own other vet I go. And eve) 14, ving few and ex - and too* weigh All, informed m that I were in honestly belleved such lEtowever, after haying - relate that e cons* hat 'entirely appeared, • with the symptoms, I have Ohm* last weight. I have no recommeading Dr. Wetter's' Nero* Syrup as a sure cure kir all those led in a hle rammer." when rein ask ear woodea, est I 50c, put up in a ye -Vow unspeteerattitieg trees the tmde mak; tbelpaiseaNfe Manufactured only by The T. II Co., Limited; Toronto, Out. the nd fir in Yl on it a rs al I tr a the fPr 11, tbagreeot saying never seems particular ' Iiin0 of mo currency a the dISprOVe It. bell?: any e A.0 to man IConduct of they ,owe the, seif-r 1 tbeM I. alto ce wi ify int wo pl a or ots fa hi Pe er or oh of eir e Th 3t ee SO re is a wretcbel roSs supplies being purpose for which • f ar giving it t hnel heard it. hic it was based very teem Or city I can never pin It ' • be investigated. in Aylmer -the et: - was said to be in son in1St. Thomas. ea referred to Loa eard_ it no one, in evicfencee The as alWays some: - story has he !press and from t Still continues to k. Selfish people to help quote this eia meanness, and on !stop work when emember reading li' can travel e the truth is nd this case ti ed. 4 The truth catch up with this reason probably is Wahl to believe it, o think that some ia helps to give it ake it carry con.4, airt ,that it is a' don't know how to ally, I refuse lo f this kind' unless e -to consider the e stories about the ol era I an convinced tality chiefly to tesnless of those who en*. If I believed -be forced to believe whO puts on the King's - gra e, neratea, hut lam sire te ER Vinel rt n•do a s ralea rapidly l ,r and had failed to help m 7i,rnd ta 0:dBtiaoteralaKEyi8Ifigunn..7:TrielleleeligP"wel4 telt delieious cod livereaW las am It a co th th ul 430 to tie tead of having a,ola,s da 'too proud to fight," air elyamoutleed lot o a'a are toe good to fight. By t mean to elur at so uples about fighting. That there at same who are eincerelY conscient- lou in avoiding war I freely admit. Ba there are althers who assume a do on i the sol era. Besides the evil do e by gossip bout soldiers in the wit of tetardin uthl Remember, please, that Idlert are only Ingle men in barracks and -very ausel they ars, in khaki they are the aublic eye at all tin -4s and all eir doings are noted. But if. we took eirniler number of civilians and su ted them to -the ateme scrutiny ouht if their &induct ,would hear th t ati well as that of atm sailer t it noa be forgotten that on th rning after the great temperance rade lit Wag reported in the preels at a Man wile claimed.to De one of e delegatce appeared in the pollee rt csa sic -count of having fallen off - water wagon.: You cannot talc` y large groOli .of men and hay r. e remit of the gosaiP about th diers !is that parents do not wan exaoSe theta boys to the tents,. s that era apposed to follow err ent, and in 1men Who are ng men Who fr do n se WO resit the the nother style recruiting, the par- eamtination, etc. etc. Meanwhile' the ling and dipinge methods, alone oa in pre alent ever ere deals with petty record of my erreerience during the grafting in conn tiont with the Inin- last ten years may ,e of some service ta organizatiori. There is also talk to i he trnang farmers, who are dei abo t inefficienc that may endanger termined not to be caught in 1916 as the they were ir4 1915. The method which poo I practice, mereover, may be especially pos arceptable this year, when labor is whi almost impossible to get, as it takes cap practieally no theme - fifteen bushels no can rbe treated An as many minatea, suc and in this respect, in marked hoee wit , trast 'with eitheu of the methods re - are ' commended by' your article. thie While I have' seen no ill effect of hea treating In the' e.bove way aome aye do prior to seeding', I would yecom end en. een big grafting go- that any risk in this direction be rag e that to our trnernk tYlinimized by treating at one time no her in but if we find more than one expects to seat in a pet4 grafting, e can get after that day, or possibly, in half a day. our elveS. We elnaeld do this even if e amount bivalved 1,3 Onlar a trifle. ft on of rimelt, worse 1 Manitoba and Northwest Notes 1 con thiz !have been" !somewhat apprehe sive I se to the possible damage to the germinating power of the grate by ving it etered wet in bags for dam aak max be necess big rain waves on a s seeding oper* n8,4 e, however, not isown for several &Vs, no precaution, however, to set th bags singly, so that there is reasonab y free 'Clacalation of air about them. / cannot may, that .,the method I- fol.% low is as &effective ps the clipping method. I can aay, however, that '1, have aever tad more than a trace of liciald to 'wet every particle of sur- face of all the kernels. I truet somewhat to the action of the for- maldehyde gas, which, in a certain di- lution, does come, in contact with ev- ery portion of the ,surface. But as to whether this diluted gas 16 as effect"-, ive in killinge the spores as the dilute solution in water should be, I am un4 able to aay. That is a euestioa which our scientists may investigate. Re- sults show, 'however, that the fumte gated method la pretty effeetive, and for convenience It has the other! methods outclassed entirely. Ve 1 The 1311 st epidemic of 1915 haa set al good many farmera thinking. In this neighborhood practically :no farmers treated their grail* ,until last fall's eeeding of wheat. Sonie interesting experiences were recorded. Onei man used the diluta solution until all had been absorbed by the wheat, and eaevea but.hels bad increased in bulk to ten bushels. lie sowea the wet grain im- Mediately and got :good germination Drying would have been ahrioet im- possibly in this case, eo it is lacky he' could powl at once, Another by mistake, used a solution of the Same quantity (per bushel) ,as I reconernende -ed, but three times as strong, that Is about 8 tee& of formalin to the gallon. In this case only a small percentage of the wheat came, up, iand the field had to be re -sown. The last word has not yet been spoken regarding smut prevention. Our scientists should get busy again, in- vestigating the effects of variously concentrated eolutions formalint the live,s1of, the soldiers, not only by leadership battle, but by eke ng th to Unnecessary hardships hie of caref investigation, aril publie epirite citizen who hears stories will allow them to pads Out forcing h investigation. We investigating a lot of money in war and th burdens Will be 'and we hould try to put any grafting that can be prove If there has on we can lea of Parliaane eememasemenelmemmeeere mat -tions that aa be uncovered in ......lewe indian3 and, their wives who tray. More innx.ortant still is the aecured a larget supply of liquor fkorn ent f rnonea3 the country has burned to death In their camp on Sat - Sweat River on Saturday were , all er of inefficiencyt Besides its la- rge 1riVestrnent of its young mane urday night, Fire was started by a ts all hole , and wo hay it 'treated you know- oat an petence it is your lie ttent re If can to uedertak you have! feats. -11 you have no wo k of 1 _the na ion, and .some way mu t be Ifound a stamp it out. d be intolerable to lamrs exploding and the occups, incompetence. If were too drunk to pecape. A s grafting or Income lboy survived and broughictildthoenanne a duty as a citizen to - The Conservatives of forcing it into pub- St. Andrewe signalized at theie net'. ou are afraid to do n on s. the .work if you s. Dut he sure that man to tho position of vice-president of their ateSociatioU the first time In ion ace er- of out ar- Treating ain for Smut A. out ten year ago,, I got a recipe W. C. Shea er, of Bright, which ye used with more or, less 'motile, tion ever ,sin e and which I find satisfactory I have «never seen ublished, and I ',therefore take the ty of giving it to your readers, ther with in a.;rifillinkfiningetohn° ages of that. re and a sm fr fic ver it Ube tog wit van by ma er low one tre tio as er in tre Thi & experience there that I refer to is , and has all the system. In addition, Iler quantity of waf- er bashel. of grain treated, there o difficulty- in having the grain ain wet. ecipe k., was 8.13 fol - es of tformalin in gallons of water . " If you will figure an twice as strong' our article for eitha : tinkling. In practice , :sprinkling can and ni bushels with it. and oneehalf ounces i of formalin to t' o gallons of water. tly Weaker taxa the solution re- 1 meeded by M . Shearer. One ounce! i. gallon wont be twice as strong' thel solution aeommended in your cle, and maybe; so far as I know, pr tice I take fifteen bushels of gra n -say- Seven bags -in a heap the granary, floor, which le_eight, orb:title 'on lit the two gallons of Win i solution already nientioned, en e °yea it aver about twice so ain't; it oiter during the process. o get the whale- thoroughly mixed, bag it up at once. It can be sown amount of liquii • used is so 11 in proporti n to the amOunt of that the latter absorbs it in a minates, so that the grain scarce - eels damp, and runs perfectly free - in the drill. ' may 'lay tie t for some years I we I 'the pr e of covering the bags and then spreading It s. I Soon -discovered, however, the drying took place almost 1m - lately by the, absorption of moist - Moreover, the .question of disin- ing the bags I was one which re- el consideration, and the idea ac- ed to me toga the grain into bags immedis.tely and disinfect by the fumes of formaldehyde, - ping [fro& the contained grata. i would aled 'hold the fumea in act with the grain .for a longer i theta woUld lbe the case if the I 'Was Spread out and exposed to : alr, end, I .aegued that therefore' few yeees, Oast, bagged up the immediately after treating; se - It end oneahal out you wi at Oven in .dipplog or ,s ke five table t about fifte is 'about tw co per art str see on an for sho as an Th sm gra fe ly foll hea out tio tba Me ure fee qu cut the the Thi eOn tim pile the the ore Canadian history that such a posi had been occupied. by ,one of the -Edwin- Johnson, a yoang man, cidentelly shot htaself Sunday al noon, about seven14 miles sbutheast Elm' Creek,,k Olanittiba.1 He was sbooting rabbits with a double relied shotgun and was.standing hold- oth ant his Ing the gun by the barrel with triggers cocked, when, the gun af and the contents lodged in face, killing him instantly. Decea was 21 years of age an1 was 'well known in the district as an enter-) prising yoeng farmer. Spring Blood is Watery Bio9d Haar TO GE14 NEW HEALTH AND 'NEW SteltENGTH AT THIS Spring ailments are not imagl say. Even the most robust find the ter months most trying to their he lth. Confinement indoors, Often in Oveate heated and nearly always badly v nti- lated roans -in the home, the o fice, the .erhop and the ,schoolh-taxes th vi- tality of even the strongest. The blood beeemes thin and watery and is elogle ged with impurities. Some people have headaches and a feeling of len- gout. Othera are low-spirited and nervous. -.Still others are trotibled with disfiguring pimples and skin eruptions; 1 while some get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when they went to bed. These are all spring symptoms that the blood is out of. order and that a medicine 13 needed. Many people take purgative medicines in the spring. IthiF is a serious anise take. Yoto cannot cure yourself th a medicine' that gallops ehrough our system and leaves you weaker Thia is what a purgative does. What you need N.. give your health hend strength in the spring is a tonic medi- cine that will enrich the blood and soothe the jangled nerves. And the one alwaye reliable tonic and blood purifier is Dr. Williams' Pink pills. These pills not only banish sPring f weakness bet guard you against the ' as anaemia, nervous debility, indites-1 slt tion, riniemattsin and other dise ,e3 ' due to 'bads blood. In proof of this Mrs D. E. Hughes, Ilazenmore, k., says: ‘`About d year ago I was belly ' run .down, my nerves were all I met strung, and I could not go upstairs without stopping to rest/ dis I was a long ways from a doctor I determined to take Br% Williams Pink Pills and in the course of a few weeks, I felti like a new person. As an all round restorative, I can, heartily recommend this medial -4e." If yott are ailing ibis spring you can- not afford, In, your , own interest, to iaVialeme Pink Pillp. Soli by all tried'. i a box or six heaps for 0,56 from „ITne Dr, Williara3' Medicine Co.,Brockrile, A WALL OF SOAP One year s sales of Condo Soap means enough soap build a wall 15 feet leigh and eund the City of larento. las aft prest bleeds sheet istuffeet 'weer **tartest le omega" ea the *ea bet eat lhainioaloomaiL Minks ter tate+lba alit* have the tar lapis, Jost. I edness o e. r. le cotthge or the hill are ent upon the It graras -when and small:. Get a Telephone and save need -less work and worry. few a day. Fitt out the Coupon below and alai', it to us to -day. The Bell Telephone, Co. I of Canada._ The Bell Telephone Co. of O'gnade., tea • 1eirity address 160 pages of valuable huilaing Infortnatfo' n-52 useful plans-conaplete detaile on how to mak‘ improvements on the farm that are fire -proof, weather-proof, tiMeoproof and economical -- besides scores of Other Mteresting facts. ,res the standard authoeity o It has saved thousands of Canadian farmers and will haven't a copy, send in thi ea farm' bundled construction,. Hue for wore than MAO ave money for you. you NOW. boakis Fran Cane itta Cement Company Limited, MONTREAL LEIN co CANADA rEICENTCOMP 544 Mink NeraidIalling.IMIGIA‘ flew 13001th. T1 books have heen. tee lie Library and wilt at_ the Goree, Trace Jigs, :White; The r ThoGtibeulak.4.1C.enl:en:073b1 guile' Page, Nortris arr ; The Boole es. NewboIt; Tau ruyipitz; sestIry)3,frNdeBowtod- !Liii.4ugl7e15tr' AC:FbEirlenia;ggilFesslamt unaey, Leacock; !Attache, Wood; Plek;s Eretr eT:ht:el Y;P eini:g.viialcubirubS',0rWtuaaerurrtj:' Teatht Club, tbe village buddenly laeceased is Mrs. j Levi Stahl. Shp hi beveral years and t Ing she paseed av4 SI years, 8 monthi iWhile Albert :Motel borne water out na an Money afted tow got ot little It- And had til.te *talk. An onlooke. Litved a match in it Ion. The front wl , *ere broken to Zast pea Mrs. ay on Monday ispeeted residents the "person of Ot 1.4.1.ct of the late elled at 'her home, ger an illnes4 the cause of d Wee late Mrs. the age of three Mork with her p Sence of several to Henry Itueger, 5rear later they t avenosh. In 148.3 and five year in marriage gold died ritourn her ehildren: Da John Rueger. 41eidia) alas. J. lflaptist, but tent bad been a Mem lea' Church, Hut leas held on, Th Irian her late r tieing taken to Auburn, where *nd interment Clinton, and R The names ar Roge *Verne Dale, 'Clifford Brittoi • aqual, Albert Wick, Lorne D taveson, Jean 'Wilfrid Seott. Barwick. Sr. Scott, Alvin D Riley, Peter Mildred Britt° Arnold Dale, marked with tended ,every Syndicate. is ably more prz, been Sineer-d sent syndieate only five msea liannArl, 3011r brook, Elisha Carter. The valued at fif eontent crept flown. It str tars and thee figure and b syndicate Omelet