HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-03-31, Page 8ere -
ho "know good shoes
been saying all sorts of
things about our spring
hoes ever since- they arrive+
The faCt is that We'Ve a ShOW-
ing Of ineIfF shoes that Would
be hard to match.,
14.00, 14.50, $5.00 .
We Say "special valttee / because
there are no better shoes sold tor
theft prices -and but very few as
Every Man that domes here for his
wing Shoes will be satisfied with
thi shoes, the fit and the price.
en he puts them on, he'll have
his feet inside of a pair of -the best
shoes made -I0
TheCc&shFSJW Store
Opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth
Custom dictates that as com-
pared with Christmas, the
Easter gift shall be but a trifle
---yet it shall convey the true
spirit it the season, and when .
to this is addFd the personal
touch it conveys sentiment
-without sentithentality. Be -
tweet' frienes-a pEotograph.
Fell's Studio
James atson,
eucceseoz to W. N. Watson
Smartt! ll'ireirifeand Accident Insur-
ance Agent. Real Estate and
Loan Agent , Insurance on all
kinds of property effected at the
• lot -rest ratmee_
Dialer in w ond, White and
New Home Sewing Machines and
National Cream Seeparatore
.A full eupply of see mg Inachthe
needles, attachnst ms, oi' ad x e -
pan% always in stoA.
We bave our Creamery now in ful
opeataon. and We want your patron-.
Weare prepared to pay you
e highest prices1for your cream, pay
r- you every two weeksweigh, satnple
'twat each can of cream carefully
and give you statement of the sante
We also supply can. free of charge,
ajid give you an honest business dea1-.
Vatl io and see US a flPOP HS A card for
The Seaforth Crcattir
fl °RN
Aso- Furrier
The Wily Horn in Seaforth
somurcir 111ATINFIRS
Kind tWorth.-In twitter to renew
his Eiposttoe -for .&other year, -Mr.
Jahn McGregor, ee Itiverlierst, ,Sase..,
hal the 'following to say t about usd
t"It Will .gooe be nine ye' re mince 1
left Old• Huron, but !heJ xpositoid is
just like a letter from ome every
vitek and .I 'hope that it will go on
incr asIng the beneficial tfluee it
xerts, end the welcome- it reeelves en
all __the home t of old Hurozilte.s
thfouglaout th West.
...., e -
Save Yaw Papers...eel:ea .Papers ane
magazines jaave become eetuable, and
the. Seaforth Weentulet Military Aid
Society intend shipping a e leered. The kai well*Gif e
' boys (if the town_ have Itte Ily offered erten the Owen Sou
to collect. the paper -and ere soon. as • a -246 I be re Ld
rooin ' is -secured to store it. a -date th Loy frie ds
will be set to make the collection. --th f Mei pap ziar
Housekeepers woul4. great y assist- if Pr. se terian e • ur
they would tie up t the per With 'At t e condi/ ion
strong Twine: • A further announce- W dn eday eveeing
ment will be made next e'teek. e.•ch re e the Ladiese
i de t ',supper tior
PreeentationeeAt the r41-11. ar meet- ch'ir, the artited
Ing of Edelvreits Rebel:at' Lodge on -Do In .it, Me. yule,
.. . ,
Monday eeenlitg a plate , • feature of ma te ,. who left,
the avenided prOceediii 1 .was- ' the was resented t
preseetatitni to Mr. Robe t th,. who by t e anembere of
hal enlisted-Withlhe 1618t Battalion, Ch sh I= realdeg-
of a beautiful' identific ort Iockete, wbI1e Miss Me ally
emboteedewiththe, ernbeijns' of . the ex re Sing' the egr
Rebekah .,Order. The 'pl.• 3 iitati94 was- yulete de art
I made by. llret.C. Aberhei on behalf o:, ' li Red Ora it $
of the Rebekah Degree Is aff, as a f ai o ad' arfar we
token of etretieuds and appreciation Yii e, a.ssuring Mtn
• for the efficient and tt1 ing service • ect st er it • th Ire
Mr. Smith hed-rencieree a captain a -au pl ed with ocke
,e___e• • at, e front.
the degree, 'i -
„ i . i of re ret ethic tho
The' Late Miss Sholdic . Miss Susan • en, oiced in heir
Sholdice, a Maly respc ed. young .reeZte•have, am .ly a
bailie of her -Parents, Mr. and . Mid. , e ep tonally_ - arm
lady a Tuckersmith, --, el at the of t • e fact th t h
Leonard Shoidice oh F iciay of : last So n .
week. Miss SholdIce, wee!, was , pre- • Tie choir • f
vieuslyt very healthy, had rot felt well nt de their clo ng
for some time, but suppos: d she was Yi le a mentor ble
taking' the measles and hnking little Po ul r leaeer • and
it it .keet At her hottg ork. ' See th y • preseeted h
In a eese, dries and des te an opera- id, ni Mr. Ros Me
took e cold and pneu °Ma followed W to on Tues ser
-tion, she peeped away r- e4y uheePe .. ad Ir se as - th la
edie. ! She . wets ,a kind, industrio a; t. Max Telf rd,
good living, youngwoman and will be re ai d. . •
greatly misted in the horhe by 1er
aged patents', two brother t and cne
sister, Who have the sympathy of he
community. The funeral t ok place on
Sunday,. terdce being co, ducted 1 by
Rev. T M.' Britten, of S$1. Thom s'
Church, Seatorth, of whit-, the dece 5..
ed vasa a regular attenda4it.
v r
and --whit the
(Ante ti dhow
of the pa
ndoNVS a w
ecetated avi
Got( easte,, as
storee .Aortv
• eprieg eults
Ing that goe,
lete ja spring
a,r1t, blyereas
•• the -other g
rJ:dtes f this •V
a age f the r
erea and skIU of
het 1 e -acquiring s
eo14 rit - of' stylish
anc o tbe, cleeer
in ear ducing suet u
Whfch in a .atiy, ;on
enoirrn • us 'price.
popular, Etre
onteizietiens and
veliene i'startling
Betieh' varietee
II fie •the stoles
le, ked diseleer-
tle-le The'. 4eY
ed.! ereeseel :and
a geetth them
rbe In price, , as
•t The hi..ts
.5 of tee stores.
elty should telte
tile; of, the t4e.'
te merchetets
large( kse
y41,e ring -ariPar,rel
so the indilinere
tit- ate bats or
W4,uMpay lee
1 -
Married- in the West.-, very pre
wedding was solemnized t eight
Oki* on Wednesday mei g, Ma
22nd at the, hozne of ¥r5. M
Parke, ef telearney, Matt, when
I youriger daughter, Annie May,
united in marriage te Rert Wal
Squires, of Ninette. The,1 house
I'prettily decorated for tile occati
and the bridal party Mar ed to p
tion und-er an arch of Wblte in
corner of the parlor, to he strait*
the wedding 'march played by 1M
Amanda Clark, sister of the bri
The bride was dressed 1 ivory s
poplin, with pearl trimrninlg and w
a veil caught up with °ranee blogise
and carried a bouquet of Cream
nations and roses. lier trevellings
was., of navy` serge, and 1 is, blue c
ohin sailor hat trimmedtrith
The bride was the reciple t of ma
beautiful preteets, consieleng of
glass, /silver and china,. The ere°
-present to the -bride wag a pe
nacklace. Aknong the othe prede
were a, case of pearl ha dled sil
knives acid forks, the. gt t of th
teacher i of the public, gehucol. wb
the -bride has been teaching for et),
Wile, a case of table site, 'ware fr
Mr, and Mrs. Squires, f ther
Mother of the groom, ate ehr p
teees from tbe bride's sister, two
welch Were - her own painting. T
ceremony as performed in the pr
ence of about nventy gpelts, the i
mediate friends of the - contract'
partiet by, the Rev. Oliver Colern
BJ.,. who 13 a distant ielat
of the beide by marriage and ea
from the tame place, near Seater
Iluron'county, Ont. When in bade
d.. ... .. . . . . . .. _ .., . _ . -
4 taken •of 4 sumpu�us ee - 'ink bre
se fast, the happy couple toOk the ea
tt, bound train. for Winnipeg, arrlid,sho
+ ers of confetti -and rice. On _their,
t turn they will take up residence
• Ninette' -where the grad is A ljr
e porous farmer.- Their rn ny Men
4- with the -m. a long and he py, nweri
1 life.
a Spring Millinery Display.
O and matrons of town and
+ eouptry thronged the star
tavith, Stewart --Brothers
Johnston OD Friday, and
last to learn and purches
new . In batt for spring a
Tete weather was real spr
made one feel like disea
heavy winter beadgear.
good stores were. en fete for the
castor) and' were a wildereess of n
fluffy and exquisite summ r dress
terials • and trimmings dr
-caller throughout' the stem
the elegem of fa-shien for
the three millinery parlors
with brightly colored flo
are piled on the hatt with
-Deepite the brilliance of
they ,are by no meant vi cit but
soft. Your hat may be a smali t
ban tearing., skyward s wi h eoweri
bow3 or forming a- pyram d of flo
ers ; it may be as flat as a plate 'a
tilted up at the back and eown in t
front; it may have a -brim' that
I level with your 9houlder4 in t. lo
1 'Crowned Jailor style, or le may be
little poke with no trimmieg at all b
a cockade or a -pale of pearl or he
pins. :But in every case there will
a quabltnest and an oddity about
that is very much In keeping with
1880 dresses of the preseat voge
These are some of the oetittendIng fe
tures and they are outset g, too
stick out in all dire'" r "ce, e• --e
Einem tiete, seems
s---vrts :and qdue
The season for spring footwear
is with us once again and we an-
nounce our readiness to supply our
trade with the best shoes and the
best shoe values at any stated price
that the country produces.
Shoes for Men
Shoes for Women
Shoes for Boys
--Shoes for al 'bees
Shoes for very tittle feet
if yOu are a patron of this store
we're sure that you will want T9
continue your patronage. It you
have not been buying your shoes
re we want you to do so.
91 -
1 -
al rieft Mr
le To oat° th
Ftliele vir 0 1
H was her ov
hi are ts be ore
e i ae s er lee.- ra.
a it ,tri itin her pare
ee Willi m late . -
e • reriel ed a, 501 at
c- ,
e 1 Su d y tiveenPinr .51431
e following
d un of' Witch
th interest by
re pf Mr. Yule,
rg nist of the
ee eSounecersta7oszX
Ivialon Street
erved a very
embers of the
their, frietls.
War h er-
for Toronto,
utse of ted
he Society, re:
e presentire
read an 'ad ess
p the legatee( at
e, The 'members
ety of the church
me age for Mr.
tba they would
ty to keep hint
s ong as he' is
y exprentons
ho were pres-
ar wells to, Mtn,
urtd Mr. Yule
ha, a host ef
fri nag in Owen
lei n St. church
ractice with iMr.
e or both( their
e selves when
ith a wrist
g. The eres-
en, Made a brief
aye the tokent of
8 o r opeolid five cent
Sat y, at 2 o'ol ok.'
Be or h. • -
r. elm) Of Str tford
ey , eat, nose and t
L . eatorth. on the 1
th in place of r. Fo
lar loge Lbenees man
el re, Bus:, Seat rth.
11 a counts due tie un
1 11th. Otherw ee the
de or collection. W
ug ost•-•-Between 0
on eb uary flOth, a nlir. o
Finder please, leave t Ex
other de a latge .hlreash
4.Wi h the Allied Armies
man m nace," moving pi
of he ed Cross Society I
eve in Jaime!) 81st.' A
by mph T. Ma dir o
be f re \ he war. Ad lento
abont those. room
Oh your wall aper
a it • ent and whe you
OriVes •Selforth.
Enti e--Iritendiag !numb
se the new 1016 Melo
So great is th
n sh,es that many
inted iLthey don'o
Alit etqlraPi9011,
to •Due - boo
are isue Apri let a
ent I non te the
v ars, .A. Si II
ndow, sale commences
attie's Variety Store,
ecialiet in diseases _of
at wilt be at the Quedi's
Wednesday of each
ter 25044f
y Savauge and Sgollery
reigned must be paid- by
will be placed In other
in Leitch, Egenondville.-
's btidge and Winthrop
k on one side and -on
with horse's head inset.
'tor office. 2520x1
or Melting the° Ger-
res will he given in aid
Oardno's Hall, Friday
address will be elven
motions in Germany
a, children 150. -2520-1.•
that I need decorating?
here there is a good
et good, value. James
era itte invited to call
Win six cylinder, car
detnand to 1916, Mn-
peOtive buyers will be
ace their order in ad -
mint* Bank buikling
s frit the past 1hrge
I wOuld like a prompt
unds at once. Respect -
are Merchant, Sealorth
25204. ,
of i vk
d ten.r ViaLe a
s- I
h en oyedre-Mis
Lo d sbo o, is the
e gar et Se et at i'Tbo
' ItUgh AleKay Oont
ma :e May, e
' .Lalil Mrs. elohn
_ sp t th past cou
thdr far at pun
tu. ne t town and
e_ re id nee on James
at Tb r h e over ft
s_ from tee public 'soh
s measi s. -Capt. Ca
d Was g est at !the
Mit. J. . Greig
Camp ell, who ties
The real - Britie lying Cor
urroundi g smile tim is at4ne
s of J.M ce, •leve ha, no.. teen
and M as by a , all with els
wSheattur y Wau le. n Old Seaf
been Do triton Exp
d surnrn r. naoe, )n14t, for sem
g like a d the 4t verseas
ding th ir W. 1111 --:0 Hector
The d - tote- ttend d the b
In L ndon on...Wed
, liem amieton, , of
a- . ceive word thee h
d art - of E monton, aed .3
Gaiety s have enlisted with
spring a cle Bette one -Writhe
were agl w - ing ethe ermine
vers wh la 0archilo't all, bn t
ne Beard. y. ing, ar h 813, u
the ahu s, of th 'Red Crags $
e ture Ill be glen
- Germ ny 'before tell
Leeds who. spent th
!mil in Lon.don,
d town. Mrt. Hiery
e- hem, gpent tlait w
3 ter, re. Jae/deem,
4 Read, who hat been
a --Lie t. Rex P erce
t Pierce formerl ena
ae 131nairtitt°801 onBaanakci 1 rneo'
t 1 Englanda-The'
e nets eeting o egtuii
- clay, will be heel
. 6thr- t ' .1
- '- ..- i-41- tdcleelt.
elftratfordi and 1 111
1 Elk Rapiet, Miele,
• Mr. tied lirt. W.
3, 3:. L. Yule, the fo
. image Of the
e church, Seaforth, 11
✓ the 0 en Si end Bs
o vitt game of h Irt
lt a the V lace rite
Men's- . • • .$2- 50, 450 to $6
Women's. S3 50: 84 to $5
Bors.. -$1.85, $2.2$, $3 to $3.5o
82, 82.50 to
We're asking for your pater -
because your money will see eeneete
the best values and the le- .,41tre are,
eat eervice
The Homo of' Good Shoes
!eating note of rose 4n be a Prlei
hats befog entirely ed43. 'deed° it,
a touch of it era,
color, and e ets Is knottier pop.
yens ot er bac
groupds. Purpl- -
floral dir trhich lends •ieseif well
never - Aplay. But ceetate it le
lv , nave hats been more delightt
or more beeorningly varied at
shape, and no matter Weat tie
mansions pletureaquenese 1 is
Ar of the day. Not awe", et
eerved, butbele; of 1 the Mid
aged 4.°n, older women eke eo
• the
xi. AO
e tan.
Week at the ho
chic n to be almost indistitiguishal
tit om the other, and Many b
straws are trimmed with bea
iful purple panties and for the la
with the diver hair, lavender a
cyclamen colored turbans are shown.
bire c
Henry Jacksonl in
and Mee H. M. Ha
smitle, denounce the
their daughter, Effi
liam J. McFadaen,
1 College, Ma
C ries- Stewart
er istery Miss
ill. ' Pte. CtlaS.
S day visiting
eiving on -oeer-
wsen, of Auburn
tse Mr. and MI's.
. George Israel
the evening •.ser -
Ian church . on
, Israelhas a
the 1010 Was
FairserVice, 'Of
esil of -Miss Mar.
to Hail." -Core.
lietereek -end` at
exit eye .., end
n 4 gmencleill .---
obb, who h
e tot years on
Alta.; have re -
will eceinuertheir
St. Seaferth. ---
upilt t: absent
ol ri account of
bel of Mitchell,
m of Mr. and
Is Iireek. A ' Capt.
een with' the
in England for
tit eonte on sick
eri'usly lejured
hi e. -Mr. A, C.
h bee, who eas
ts agent at Ig-.
Mlle, has( ie ed
ettelion at ort
Kee, of Mceeil-
i Shorthorn sale
etdate-Mr. Wile
ellett, has re -
31 pece sons, Jobn,
et, of Camrose,
hie 1151st Albe ta
tueet" of "FIgh-
111 be 9hownl in
it, iridaye even -
Or tee. ausplees
tete, !and a dee-
' "Condition31 In
W rel -Mrs. Ic-
wliliter with her
is1 returned .-to t
lo d, of Wing,
th her Ws -
the Huron i
oily all winte.. ,
'toe of W.• L,
eget of the Do-
s with the 4th
LA Sho neeliffe,
✓ Monthly bust -
Red Cross
Th1141(147, -.4141 '
2. Smith, L of
offman, of
he guestet 1 of
er popular ere
rat Presbyter'
listerl -411
... ...4 01
Wit P
!MA igte /M-
a§ tra,e a on
aterclity rewriting
ktiolic dchonl And
Reouts.-The of-
t O I, but the
bY both sides, -
the 149th Lamb-
& eew days Vets
hie mother, Mrs.
gmandville. -Mr.
then, of Tucker-
egoagenient of
• to Mr. Wil-
t Queen's Theo..
tore The matri.
You will
lines .,whi
horn!. bri
Wall Pape
New liqui
find our assortment
in the following
h help to mike the
ht and clean.
Window Shades
ri Poles Pictures
shade cleaner 25C . a
Thom Sezes Bookstore
Winds yr 8 ades and Picture Frames
.1.,tgerits foe New Idea roc Patterns
age to tak place In April.-mias N.
MCMiehad lig tf4611 a position in Mr
Jamee Wa son's office. Miss Grace
Walker, er o has been in this; oftice
for - a n bet of years, will leave
ahoitly for Rochester, - where, she
will train or a nuse he the hospital
In which t ss Man* Chesney', of
Tuckerenit is sit -Miss Harvey
of Toronto who bas been visiting
friends in be Ease, is at present vis-
iting wit hertsieter, Mrs. R, J.
llteatty, In egmondeille.„- Miss Emma
Dickson, o Brucefield, is the guest
of Mi -s Me geret -Carroll-Miss - Mc-
Lean reed ed a caele from her broth-
er, L eut. t S. lean, 83rdibattalion
on Monday stating that the battalion
under coni and o Lieutet0el. Alex.
Wilton, ha safely arrived at Shornee
cliffe, ing and. ---T e first robins of
the season appeare in town on t Fret
day of les week, one of the first
signs of 8 ring.- number tie the
Masonic Br thren ttended the funer-
al of the e te Joseph Rattenbury In
Clinton on Tuesda . - The -curlere
woun I up he sea on on Friday last.
when the teals In i the three pairs of
stones coMpetition was played 1
tween Mem rs. George Methane and A.
G. Smillie, Mr. Bethene winning out
by two sh ts, Which gives gm the
championship of the club for this
year. -Mrs. charies Stewart returned
from Toronto, tiiis week accompanied
by her sieter, s Friel, who has
been suffeking tb ough illness for
Some time. Mr T °max Smith stile -
ped wo c rs of horses from this
station en Saturday last, 25 bead
from Bram on, th 4 previous Saturday
and one ea from geaforth on Thurse
day la*. They all go to Montreal. -
A meeting kf the Ried Cross Society of
Egmonevill , will lioe held in the
-cluuch on iWednesday afternoon next.
from 4 to 6 o'clo k and the • Red
when a teh dent ea eerillzhe served
Cross quilt will be ion exhibition. --
Last Friday everthig, Cecil Smith en-
tertained the btlyd In his Sunday
School elites, and 4 number cif girl
friends at Ms borne on Ease William
Stree„, to .a tea oent tea In aid of
the Boy; i the Trench.es, The neat
port havin .speet a Most enjoyable ev-
sum of $2. 5 was .realizede and all ening-Thej ladies eif town haye 'ap-
pointed a emmittee who will arrange
for a Leap 1Year glance to be given in
Cardnott all, on Tuesday, April 25,
-Mr. Haz n, has'recovered frona tha
nieaales an resunied his duties on the
Me& of t e Collegiate Itistitute.-Mr.
Charles P pst, eon* Of Mr. and Mrs,
C.W. Papt , Georgetown, and. form-
erly of Seforth, vent a few 'days
here last s eek at the home of Mrs:
Mt Y. AUL an. ctithile•here he enlisted_
with the 1 let Huron Ilattalion.-Mr.
Georee 13eettle Wag bere this week
visiting hid aunts, Mrs. Laidlaw and
Mrs, Whiteley. -Mr. Oscar Spent of
Edmonten And 141313 Nettle Sproat of
Detroit are visiting their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. John Sproat, in Egmondville.
-Mr.„Hugh Welsh of Ha -mitten was
rhere lett week visiting Mr. 3. -.S.
Welsh, who corilinees very 111. -Many
friends in town and country of Mr.
John Griev ef Whithreip will regret
to learn that he h seriouslY ill with
Lifle.mmatio of the lungs. -The Mil-
itary ociety will 'meet in the
citoaurnycil chat:tined.= n.t122q2.:,- .,.."!..1113t -
at leer o'ei elt Yeeibert and all Wier: -
etted Dee equeited to. attend. --, ette, .
JameS Wa son has dispoaed of his ,
retidenee t Mr. yir.? L. Keys of Verne. 1
-Rev S J. Alibi, of Clinton will have
charge of he iservices in the Meth -
°diet chum- next Sunday. A special
offering w 11 be taken in the inter-
ests .if th \Departments of Social
Service an Evringelitne-Mr. Robert
Armstrong of Wingham is visiting
with friend here.
hlkb as $212, poets with calf at footle
$126, and other cattle accordingly.
aster -Joe 1not rt and a number
lp yOung peo le ft eV% Seaforth, were
o yli' Me. aepart re, fhr the West,, where titors here est Sundaye on the eve
hp intends t see ' his' fottune.
onstaate. I
otes.-Mr. Atelrew Snell it confintl
ed to Ala 'bed with a very severe cote.
-erne cold steady Marelt•itteather bait
taken on its spring touch an •In
few more dais th vitheele will be o
the go again. -The farmere are bus
making maple syrupend getting read,
itir the gspring' work, With the scare -
/tie Of 'help the f rnier Will ,he kept
bogy grinding his wn. :axe this sea.
ore -The Gun Chi1 still !tee* itet It
practice and woe to the Zeppel
that °cents t is Weyt-dir." Chas. ei
Gregor, Mr. illiatm Park and M.
°Mae Me Ilan attended the fu
e al of the te leogeph Itiltenbur
o Clinton, o Tuesday lest. •
0 '•
1 . McIallop .
See our special ve omit window, sale cowmen
a 2 o'clock, �a urday. Beattie's; Variety go e,
aforth. , .. ' 2520-1
iVhat about th
wben the fo owine officers were e
teeter': President, J. M. G-overeoe
es S. Smith; seer
; treasurer, Rol3e
gh canvass for r
g made through°
roelre at need decoraSi
Gose your wall paper e whthere there is a ge
ortment and here you get gocid value. J
raves, Seaforth. ••• i 2620-
Branch of ar Auxiliary Organize
The Moleill Brame bf the Hur
ounty -War Auxiliery Was organtz
a most en usiastic meeting he
ecertly in aldeies Hall, WIntrho
try, A G.
Scarlett. A
• Ides is no
, 38.
e township and the coMmittee 11
deavor to upp1y the necessary he p
t farmers hose sons are now at t e
flront. It wee a McKillop boy, Ha -
mey Dorrance thet was the first o
nlist in tbi; section of the count y
hen the war began and although
sounded twice, he is back on lie
ing eine again.
Sudden Death. -Mr. Richard Gouti,
amee street, died suddenly Tuesd y
orning, as he vt s rising frone his
'larch for a gre t
was iteldom abse t
he church and S
ed. Mr. Gould h d been sexton
ames Street Methodist church for
umber of years .1 He had been
ember of that
any, years, and
rem his place in:
eay School. Mr. ould was a carpe
ter, eut retired ,sterte years ago; B-
ides his wife, he leaves three daug
ers, Mrs. Chaptote of Stephen, M
alter, widow of 'Mark Salter, who
led in London about one year ago,
and I4Isa Olive at ome; also two sons
Wi1liani, of Manitoba, and Barry, et
Funeral of Reef Dr. Gundy. -The
unerel of Rev. Dr. Gundy, of Ste
on the fleeted of the train
=Ia, took place on Monday more:.
I gr
om London. The .body was take
to Main St., Methedist church, whe
Rev. Or. Alarming, president oftJ
Londen Conference, and a number
ether ?enlisters participated in an t
'eressite service, Rev, Mr. Gandy w
Main .Street's padtor s.pout 80 years
ago, After the service in the church
the dy was laid to rest testae
is , fe in the family plot in the
xeteta cernetery. Many ministees
roni dittance attended the funertil.
Notes. -The girls of the cengreg e
eon essernbled at the home of Mrs,
)ieri tlY
the L
eventz g, in the interests of the chureh
budge .-Miss Margaret 'Wilson, . of
* Hetes n, was the guest of her broth-
er, Me. G. G. 'Wilton, for a few days
this teeek.-Mrs. James Scott reter
ed on; Tuceday from e. visit with h
daughter at Alvinston.-Pte. E. Ho
of Ste Thomas, has been visiting h
earenes here for the past two we -1
Ille wee unfortunate enough to ha
is a kle sprained, consequently
o d leave of absence, He hop
rn very loon to his battalion.
d Mrs. Norman Park have taken
le 1 temporary regidence in Mk.
ell's vacant corner building.
ark intends making ext • -
. . ......, .. . e t ,..-tvii01fiD
McKellar, one afternoon re -
and completed two quilts
brador missions. -Rev. R.
on, of Toronto, coriducted t
s last Sabbath, morning a
moved to t
Mr. Robert
five year
of Seafort
by King T
Berry of
Lean recel
. Wilkinson and family
e Bell farm last week. -
McLean recently sold a 1
ld boree to Mr. ,Dickson,
. This ,animal was sired,
0/11/190 awned by Mr. T. J.
ensall, for which Mr/ Mc- ,
ad the sum of $235. -For
Chieelhuest irris see page .
Windvv oho('
at Graves. Seal
Nutley -
Any size nt color, plain or trimmed
db. , 2520-1
Notes.-M1LJ01n Manley had tee
mi -fortune Ito. fall on the lee, While
going to th barn hot Monday, injur-
ing his righ leg aged suffering severe-
ly from th thock.-Mr. McKay, whe
was tisitin , under the parental rode
for the las, 1 few days, has retermed
to Galt, where tie holds a position.
-Mr. J. Benneweis, M.P., had a suc-
cessful sale lest Tuesday. His stoce
was or good quality, horses selling is
t ret
r. a
p - th
- r
iMpro ements on "the cottage" immed-
lately, hence their removal from "the1r
home. Mr. Harry Stewart is recover-
ing om his seriously accident a
two eeks ego, when he was struck
tend rjendered uncorevioes when op-
eeatin a cireular ,3aw on his father's
:Feet Horses. -Mr. L. 0. Charles-
tierth, who returned home some daks
ago from the States, where he hal
been attending a number of sales of
etanderd bred horses, brought with
hien teree fine animals. They see
"Mac Thistle,' , a brown fitarlion 15,3
hands and Wighing 1150 lbs. This 4
horse was b ed by T. CLI Cobb, cif i
Utah, Indian, and was foaled in ,
3907. He it Grand Circuet twee f
aed has a track record of 2.645i Ac !
it a full brother of Independence Boy
;401 1-2 and several others in the feet
til3 t.- "Oaeus Star" is a bay stallion t
eighing 1000 lbs. and stands 15,1
h nds. was foaled in um ane, has a :
°WIT- t'etto0 oi iia 1-4' Which
Made on Leeington Kentucky trace:,
bat year, He is a fine sWell Of it
horse. Philtre Admiral is a Mick ma4e
standing 15.11 bands. and weighing ,
b ut 1,000 Nitride, She was foaled hi
1i11 and tired by met Adireir 1,
07%, by k
t diniral Dewey 2,04 Set, y
e ne_gen .,.O6 1-4 and /3 a green ma e
L u''...1,4h promi5e, Sir. Charleswor h
i'l ove4 the good ones and in add1rg
Mae Thittle“ and "Cectis Star"
ate eh Egad &icing with "Ike Medium
the br eders of lighthorses
tb1gention all opportunity to u
'eefne of the best that can pr
een under robation in a hospital t
Briefs,-Mis May Milne, WhQ had
1a-ckwelr3 Ieland, New York, has- r
ned home; her eonstftotion not b
g strong etiough to cope with: te
rdwees woric.-The afternoon C.P.
rain will leave Blyth after Mond
ext, at 2-.42, atriving in Toronto,
6 50 pete-Mre. William Johnston wlo
In titrellesiee hospital, Toronto,whe e
o improvittg. MIs
s e underwer, a critical operation a
f te days a
nie Smith, of Morris, has ptt
c ased the residential property ot tee
late Laughlin McQuarrie.--The Blytte
saw mill commenced operations cin
Monday-. There is a large cut this
year of maple, and the milt will -be
relining for i ,sorne time. -Mrs. jec b
hagold, a respected resident of E
Wawanosh, die& after 'a Abort nine s
on Monday, March tath..
ga IlloPit beitetifill of all flowers
lioslubtly become the most popu-
lar of late years. In order to en-
courage Its cultivation, 1 have
about l400 soued good bulbs,
double quilled show dahlias, all
name& fiom im ported bulbs, cost.
ing me
will disp
dozen o
to 306each, which I
Se of at 60c per doz. 4b7
Ll, &bent we 04oti
ery choice from import-
ed bulbs, all naneel, costing elic
to 35c eaele, these I will offer at
10c welt, by the dozen only.
April delivery orders filied in
^Quality Store
HE p esent is a shopping /time
of divity aid enthusiasnt in
our stor which eflects anew the
fetward movemelit of this busiiiess
ew SOring Dress
prominenitr feature
Black 4ndimany New Color Tones
Seeing is believing that ours is
a Collection of Correct Choice
:131acleDress.Goods are -
Here in Plenty
n who are in mourning.
n !'srho like black for business.
n who like nothing better for
h4n the best back
-a0 up te the more costly stuffs,
ress Goods and Suiting Cloths
rantee to possess unfadmg dye.
Ow weaves for ',the season and
hes that merit representation.
Black or wom
Black for wom
Black for worn
'best' costume
From 50c the
we have New
that we will gu
We have all th
all the new fini
Our ColoredD ss Goods,
Su4ings-and SLls Easily
Win Greatest Favor
We will take great pleasure in showing you the
snappiest, most up-to-date fabrics to be found
anywhere. 1
We'll introducei yOu ,to th 6 latest ideas the
newest weaves in plain and fancy -L. -and you will
like the range cf colors shown. -We have the
fashionable thipgs that will afeal to you. No
doubt of id And we want you o see and know
for yourself. S4niples sent a,nyWhere at once on
regliest for sam ,
A Price Range from 25c to $3 a yard
Distinctive Styles
Our hats have that ori hality and beauty that; mean
leaderShip. Every wiit Of New York 1-tyles-Olever.
ness, daintiness, refinem nt-hut lacking the 'fripakish'
extremes, and marked at Seaforth's lowest 'prices
We beat city prtees1 on Stylish Goods!
1 Saki tQ Oatc 1.1orte114
if another sticruceossrful season
Met styles with us are entlrely
altassoclated feme Bich. prieest
And right now we oliati
emartest poesible type' at
spring ',and ettremei itkmenth,
We won't 'ettempt description,
See them-thars all.
pRETTY: JWash Fab -
ries are n the front
rank of pop lar demand.
We invite ai examination
of the attractive things
we have for iwarm weathr-
er wear.
Bittter Wctrtted
don't vira,
py, attract
vigor a,nd
That's eza
;butes of
ent that
form fitti
rickets, n
our guar
tWe and
All the b
makes o
Eggs Wanted
eL ovish
Sea arti&