HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-03-31, Page 4e MARCH T Wj sFs t s. f • : 1 2 '_ .3 4- 5.„ 91011 `12 f 14 15 16 17 r I5, Sts 3.I 22 23 2.4 25 26- 27 fog 29 34 31 . , . f • i •, C• i • •_ ,,. NEW ADVLRTJSEMLNTS 1%pe r;,nsent--Strevoreflros.- 3 emasalieen Meaner -O. Laing -ft Spring Drell Goode- 1. gi:'•twieehi-43' Moho-Gregothing Go. -1 SheeA-W o.milt ms --6 Walt Paper Sate -G: 1, A onnts--Wm Cutch -8 f1 or Sale -40w Driver -ii Ear cost --Expo i cor Office -8 liteetneesChanae-Finnigen & Oo.-5 Yor Sale -Wm.. Bev/tee-6 _ Earn. sea W isy--Independent Greoery 5 n Show -'-s • , Stains Time--Thompson`e Book Store -8 Auction Sale --5 ' Shorthorn Butt the Sate Wm. noir-se Ocie of Thanks--P.t` ricnmonds--5 PorSale--lv.1f. Baker -8 Xsaetee--5 CholoeShoes-(ash Shoe Store -8 13*hhue-'W; E• Sorthgate-8 Easter 0lits -Faire $ udia-8 live Cent window -Beattie Bros. --8 Wall Paper*• -los. Groves -8 ,corm to --G£. a.Silte•--8 : eneaaa Site Works-- ve. E. Pfaff -5 min Expositor 1S AFoRTH, .PEfl Ar, Mar ;31, 163:3 The War Situation • After a week of ahnoet comparative quiet on the Western front, a: fleece infantry attack wa3launched by the • Germans on, Tuesday morning,: the enemy advancing, a3 always, in. close formation. The -attack was repulse:; wave after wave being driven back with tremendous 10 -ries by the French artillery and infantry fire, and: at all points the trend ofbattle is against the Germane, On the German. Eastern front the Russians are still pressing the Berman lines back, despite their irrost desper- ate,;efforts, while on ,the Biaek Sea Melee Russian; forces.* are steadily drawing the net closer ;around the Stria ,.File Italians, too, have regain ed ell lo3t ground on the' Austrian front, Laind are again,strongly folding their tions. A Wit. couracfl. of the Allied powers was held. in Paris last week, in wbieb aerate 37 persons took .part, and at wee h it is believed arrangements were completed for a united ferwarcl movement as Boon as wea-t1ie and - land conditions permit; at any rate it 13 'very improbable that Germans will, again be allowed to withdraw her forces from the different fronts for a, direct drive At ;any one point, be- cau3q • the pressure of the Allie4 about her will .force her to keep her extended line to its full force It ,3eems to be the general (belief in all countries, that the Germali fleet will make a "desperate effort !before the war enols,.' Certain it isthat there has been a renewal ,of activity - at their naval base, and in. theNorth tea. Cox . Saturday last, following an at= tack by British aeroplanes .on German aircraft ,sheds at (Schleswig, e there was an encounter between British light cruisers and German destroyers abo tt forty vessels being engaged, besies aeroplanes, -andZeppel- ins din which a British destroyer was ,sunt in collision with another British craft,, But the, damage to the enemy was much greater, they having lost a destroyer and two, Germax patrol boats. O2. the same night a division of German de-stroyers was encounter- ed one of which was rammed and sunk by H.M.S.Cleopatra, none of her crew being rescued.. Reports from :Eng- land during the week. ,stated that It wee not improbable that a dash _of the German fleet would be accompanied by a land raid on England. This,. how- ever, is very unlikely; It is, scarce- ly creditable that Germany, held as .she is on the Western front,. =.while steadily losing ground on the East- ern front, and. with Turkey crumb- ling because of lack of help wvhiehf her Allies cannot give,. elle- Would risk a large al tray, on any such un- dertaking. It is probable, however, that the German fleet will come out, - preferring destruction to igno:ririaous ▪ urrender after the ,war.' The Dominion Parliament Some astonishing revelations were made in the House of Cemmonk on Tuesday last by Air. G. W., Kyte, the Member far .Richmond, Jtt.S., diming the debate on the Laurier resolution demanding an investigation into the doings of the Shell Committee. Mr, Kyte showed that Col. Allison, in_ combination with a ;well known United States contractor, named Benjamin Yoakum,hadarranged for profits on fuse orders secured from the Shell Committee, and for other war orders, -amounting to at least $1,600,000 This Hon. Col. J. -'Wesley Allison, thee pro- tege of Sir Saran Hughes, la : the Man, who In spite of repeated subpoenas to appear before the Piublic Accounts Cont mittee of the House, has sol far fait-. ed to Out in an appearance, Land . 13 eatd to be residing across the( line. . The fuse contracts:, aggregating to some ;22,000,000, were let last June to two Tnushrbom companies in = the ',rated States, organized just before the "ontraets were left, with a e`ub-- scribed capital of only ;4,000, an without plant,: machinery (sr building, The eontract price for the fuses was #4.G0 and 64 each, although their same fuses are today being made iin Canada for $8 50 each, • with ; a pros; peat of a further big cut in price= fro these tyre mushroom companies ` ad- varree3 were made by the Shell Com -t mitteee totalling more than $3,000,000, and for more than :seven months after the contracts were let not a single fuse had been delivered, aithough.the (nen at the front were dying for the lack of shells. And the contracts en- tered into were ra.tifled, by Major- General Sir Sam Hughes; Minister of Militia and Defence for Canada, The charges were so- serious and `unree futable that they caused somewhat of a :sensation in the House, and con- siderable uneasiness among the Cabi-. net misters. ilio Merit •sly were the °barges taken by the l{rtter that ;the debate, which was to h ve terminated. at the sitting was suddenly' adjourn- ed by Sir Thomas White. the Finance ee dinfster, and It is the dean `ti'ire a gov will be lbeld to determin not the d .will `be Iifte ve't i elo w Such -an as all fri!Laurier, ' t'tNtl d present, time, Sir Sam Hui of Militia, and father ted thea ant ,c when ands', eked fo v. ed. At. hes, Mini f the Cominittee is travelling' { in Eng and no doubt finds th ' travel there much eater- and d ctdedly pleasant than . the travel g woul on the floor of the Ho '36' just .This travelling of Sir n aril's as nounced in the House. o Monday= the acting Minister of lithe, already cost the country 616,686,: s the beginning of the w;er, : and L. Wink that sif Sir Sant would al w regiments like the 38r t which he kept on this side for so a 14 montes, fat a - .Cost of o' erN a illion 40113: rs. do the travelling to Engle ' d, where ey should be, while he stay d at home a d attended to business, h evid it ly needs attention, it ould pro e a vast caving to the pe pee( ,and e at least es beneficial eo he cause or at�ltte Allies. The resolution moved jby Mr. Stev- ens, member for Vancou r, calling for Dominion wide prohibits n as a star Measure was fdefeateci on Mo : ay night by a note sof 76 to 46. Sig on- ,servatives voted for the' 'prohib t on. measure and four Liber is vote a-, gainst 'it. The Ontario Legi r` ture There has been little 3 of: , lute transpiring in the On ario H i during the week. The motion ;of 1 Mark Irish, the Conservativeme -1 for North Toronto, to grant compe Tian to license holders} Whose lice will be cancelled in S ptember e when the prohibition measure p :I Iast week comes into 'effect, ev' 1? tee. ' enthusiasm and lees discuss from either ,side of the House. mier HHearst, gave no encourage to- the: measure,, fn fact, he. sal could not be done. Mr .Irish, at' er 11 if e n as ce outset of his speech, ' ade a vi attack on Opposition ceder ,Re because he .claimed th t gentle had, been the means of ringing.,. temperance question in o politics thus forcing the Geyer ent to prohibition- measure, b t Mr.. ell's reply that if 'be ad been means' of making Ontar o dry he quite grilling to leave bee fate in bands :of the people, left little said, and like a (good Conservative Irish Withdrew his motion rather embarrass lis .Government. Zurich ' Notes. -The next meeting of Women's Institute will be held at e home of Mrs. -H. Ewen: '.ken ,Wedne , ay evening .April 12; - A recruitin a.f- fice will be opened he4 by the i st Huron Battalion, and will be in e h ge of "ieut. A. J. Grigg, 'rif, �Clin ton, nd when a ,sufficient numb' r of ,men re .secured they will be drilled here. Robert Williams has recovered fr' a severe attack of pneumonia. -Me rs. Schwartzentruber "and Ready Oeac < t- tended the funeral - of their ce in, Mrs. John Erb, in Wella ley last:. eeeek.-Mr. George McBride, iso, of kr. Samuel .McBride, of th village, has enlisted with ,the 161s battalio at Hen3all. Revival ineeti : ga are •.b ing conducted by Rev. G. l Brown efrol Rev. Mr. Becker, of, Cr diton, in he Evangelical church' he Mr. H ry Simon, ,son" of Mrs. S emon, of is place, has enlisted with; the engl a r - nig corps. in . Baskatebei an, , and is now in training in Ottawa. -The re- bore bars of the Luther League enjoy a sleighing party to the4 home of . 2r. and Mrs. Louis leaibfl , ch on day totening of last weer. Clinton f Death of 'Joseph. Rati;enbury.,, of the best-known hotelmen in tern Ontario, in the person of r. Joseph Rattenbury, died.: at the ' " t- tenbury Hoh.se in Clinton, on Su ay morning. II1.5 father conducted he first hotel established, in this p e, which was then known as Rat n- bury's Corners, and ons the de,at of his father, his son Ise took ch - ge of the hotel, and at Isaac's d til Joseph took] charge, and,' with the x- ception. of a couple of Years, has on - ducted this well-known. house ver since. Joseph Rattenbury' was a t en- 'oral favorit . While of a retiring /S - position, a always' dict his bes Ito make the t avelers' honn"e as. comf rt'• able as po ible, and teak a keen in- terest in th welfare of the coin Un- ity. His sic ness was short and rely confined h to his bed for a ew days. He as in his 57th years, : rad is survived by hits wif4, who as Martha Lag n, also one:: son and a he. daughter. His_ _ soil, Isaac, has • ad charge of .the ,hotel during the fath r's illness,. and will conduct it 'until a satisfactory disposal can be err: g - ed. Mr. Ra4tenbury's oily sister liv- ing, is Mrs. Bessie Reid, of Lon. on. The funeral services was conducte in St. Paul's c lurch, on 'Tuesday. He was a 'Mein er of the Masonic Or e znr and Canadiajt Foresters, and a m sa- ber of St. P ul's Anglican church, i st se +Ir. er ca yes xb, ed :ed off. ee nt it he frit 11, an. he ni is w- he as he be r. an rI ne •f • See our special Saturday at 2 Seaforth. . Brucefield five cent window sale corium 'clock. Beattie's Variety Si 25 Our abundant took of new pap,ks provides a ish choice of colors and designs t i the evoivic any artistic scheme. You will be epai i by pin your order early. Jae. Graves, Sea ortb, 26 Notes. -Mr. Savauge of Seafo; preached in the Presbyterian ,chs on Sunday 1 st. Rev.. M, .(.Woods pacts to tak charge of his pulpit n Sunday. -Col nel Tuxford, brother law of ; Alex Thompson, 1 of Stant has beenm de a Brigac_ er Ge He has, bee pan the waiS for a 1 time -and bas received a humbert promotions. LHe was a resident Mese Jaw. -:-L. Herd Is 0 joined e calkers end is now and rigoing tra l- ing at Clinton. He will ake a, g soldier; t Mrs. John Elli t moved o Uxbridge this week, w ere she a her family w411 reside. -•-Pte: Jo Briant of London visite at the ho of William McCowan,t nley, . 1 week. -Mr Hazelwood o i sborne moved -to the Smiilie m near ou village Wm, ' McMillan s sold. farm for $7,4.60. He irate s `moving town s1;*ortly, Mr. NlcM 11 n is present ill with measle . Mrs. Re who has, been visiting a. he. home her brother, Alex.. McBe t , and oth friends, has returned to her home( the west. -Mrs. A. Roe of our lage, intends going west with M S. Hugh Ross to Swift Ciir ent, whe she will' spend the summ r with( het sons. -Rev. E. H. ,Sawed es resign his charge at North Brie He do a not intend to take anotbe ; congreg •, tion. The go d wishes of his marl3f 1 need oe, 0.1 v. of tg Y,. nnt 0 a t dj. { ie +Is here twee fit ,te meg e,sent ire ha e anxious t , :lee e -Bef•ry . has it a ,< "1 year oa 'of 'a , ger has ent y Mr, Be(It. e- co. the oris ors tee t' „ whereve he 'The roa''`are iditione but ai snows Co.-ober. to the est.' 0. -Mr. ohn house vacate - 2ne9 Bo ee ell, who ler, Mr , returne ?, Y. e Women's et any,inteed erg 'ry services: diih Sparlin i' is ge of the se n21ssiona y f riepugh.- ere ininent on on th Particul, rs he 161st Heron er were unable ce at Thaniles ni ti ch- on Sunda here were q ere disappointed n regatlon 'vi11 e enoe.:Of he i he 'receii t thaw Ivor 'conditio gettfngnear of the of rme report a goo ru Sea on is later" is ra to gold ht e lJani the goo tip PE len Steu Thai a c{ s a bre chli wit wa in ice dec Abo war rn es. Mr. and Mrs. ben visitingheir ohne for orne he r jhom, near o d f "last .weeks-. ion ry Society, of ldi g their lipids ril 16th. Mise xp$cted to take ice., Miss Spa 'ling m China hoel, on 11 be an a ter- vening, . pril • be given - ater. ,alion, of xe-1 o ttend the sera ad .Presbyt Tian I et, consequent -r e a number, who but we .hope the Aoiiored with the ldier boys soon. - ha, left;the roads fo travelling, but li a .spring. Serve h ve tapped . and of ap: The, Syrup in ng than F last 111 at Bru tidon Wedding resting events en wedding- commodio l,s h e3 Irelan o aged' cou 1e sly n umbo of of the a was enOoye ental `uric, :, ,supper nd �ngratulat ry Ireland, age ded :sane to old plated : fa e of.' fifty yea en reanembe an� appr Aria 'been incotl da when a ch Settled ih T uron Coufity. ied • Miss Jea ty, Rev.. WI a ,sed) perform t a year afte to Morris to ty, where th line, an ;hav fine far ups and six daug home, al of present at. 3 .All a,etn ep ions. There hil ren. Mr.. and y excellent he. od farmer an thrift of his retired.. Lne live B: a3 re elatlYee in celebra- on. A de1Ig tfal in vocal an speeches, acla,l he presentation' dense 'to Mr ati' . parried by a go l Venial host a d lock to 1 is o. Thegran d 'the old " fo gift. Mr. ; frela ad; and camej. d s ith h1 Daren kemith tows' if y years a o ROSS of 'the sa am!' Grahams, (n g the cererno ..y. lhi yamoved!,port - lriip, in the +,ea y Itncated en ccintinued , on. t d the present T tei#e .were b:. i. n horn . ;sur vi rc:,r . a e • anniversary ries with Jwo e e eighteen 'gran rs,! Ireland be it'h,. Mr. Ireland by 4ii, industry a ateLlss able, to n� tl of the allways dornmuntty-a celebrated at f Mr. and Mee. irsday, When at .home to;a y s, in e e w !Blue' ales meeting o t e i11 be held cr.! F 1-; 31St, twher� ani e 'kith some no el ill !be presented, va �e are i debt d 's Bible Cla g f h, or. the p easu e ini$ter's 1Beide " d hder the r au d i compan 'fro en reg of cede, , pl`.y- avhih'ws odi9!t churc , pr -- of innocent a d d. i entertainme t, fighter for tho e episodes i t e inister an • h'.s settled i t e y tumorous se po racteristic types 'f the congregati•n ted' ;that they,' ke . t tinuous rnirth. T e oust -musical oppo e were many go . d , the solos, duet , e joyable part . f am- e. , The ente - o ; the Re Oro s dollars !w S r 'manager 1 d - t e duiring the eve ht the a upon ,. reed by th ',pia over four .h ndre ecoid to be prowl arty apprei1atio . Gelid of , Kno oyable .sociail ? o n the younglpeopl varf dk an sho t fres ntest id.D': e e e 0 0 a is td w 1N tes.=The next Lit nary Sod. ty day 'evening,Mar ter sting pro ram �fea. ures `as -usual Th people -Bl to he Young Me the Methodist chu f earing, ``The hi h was preset lee by a ta,len ru eels, on the Ma h ,21st. The ✓ n -in the Met ided an evening lithesome- fun hich made ife b hu heard it Thi ife of the , y • ung ride when get.tin par=- onage were v tra ed• and the c me and .worlren peer --so cleverly he audience .n co la - . provides nume 'un ties and s the In : rs in th ccs qua E tettes, wt re a eh evening's prof ail ent was in a'i un •. and thi ty-jsi aliz( d. Mr. Gilroy, Com any, 'announce .ing that this brou whi h had been c up o that time Ito doll: rs. This. Is a of nd derserves -T .e Westm net chu ch, held an ` Fri ay evening' w and their guests ety of amusing an, cont sts,, at the dos prog ainme was gi mens were -serve Mrs; J. W. 'id g,: Tho' as .King, of Jud s' and p ese lean n pie to the Mos events. k !Part in novel game of which a en land re • I the cc v. C Mate a ours ,' Man., wer ed hansom ease winning th Iii , ;Fen , the old friend of th • w sin his .a tentio au harrows.' fres tai h aide and a genere�t she est grade o wago wa in deco and a I ies fid intpleme ts. A I a ten t 'n at the of esta - 1 e, Y en. 520,tf sdale isite dale, in ark l• [r Dinsdal evil a fewte,pf th dile vscinitjt, an the roke some eek counts h was is frnany f ends ill pets will only ei s who purpose ' Pio Repairing-tr, Mel forme in the riow iine ia tn the repairing o pions work, ill receive the bent Work one for wagons, bu ttingois and buggy nhafts No es. -Mr. Robe hill,. the past Week Is 411 be rembered- b who III be s rry 1 to learn th ako, although --t lap boldi g his ii n. - here .hope that hit have lma4e eh la the ots and ans. rale ts are pre .syru season.- any einit have ch nged Lest week Mi. Rob ered to a hor ede; youn span of low weig Ins about 1,400 for ich he ec,eiv 13D111 f $860. e 84 1. of Tu ker3mith lane nealt as his Many I wish, but all hope t vent warm Weath going about a3 us week. Veldle We thentletne of Mr. A SID of Seaferth residents of Seafor zet$3, he still retail his` heart for 4165 old • for, 1113 SOO, part aYhO on 13r sore his the. ing. Bea garde Pot est In ern e very eithe ome egal hast to' k the n th he efield fo 3aso Jarrott iif now tee.ring down o tbu_ilding, snaking ready for erec on of a nevi, one the 4co.n- 3.u*ntn ti.. Doig, who eks iii been attending to business!, at the American eturned to *arm; here. a a ibulin reheat. and does his ep the world ,ming,,, - To arcity of noting male. Bing- community, It *said that ndon read from Hensall to both odes, there are only 'nen in ,the seviine miles. rowsnonwdiouwwwae ttiful n w stack of ;will potter Or 1916 jmusItii.a4r.. Oatne n and see It, fIensall Drug Store.. no us its+.,ta. ela±:goieribtrgits. cheer rnace, lackstnith and soft cbal, field and seeds, eaktadee flour feed and cia16. rull r: Rees trick POOd., G. P. Case tt Son, phone 25174 bargain it two fine village propertiee, one a rge bri k dwelling, one of, if not, the very lin. the Village, With neat stable attcl every tnod- nvenience-and the othor a neat frame dwell- th a nutuber of nice Iota attached and stable, oderat pricP. Possession ean be given on "Mtn t long amain with the increasing demand for hou s. A p y to G. J. Sutherland, 'teal Estate D ed in, Detroit, -It would leeern as if t Angel oilcloth lad indeed made ma e ma y -visits during the past wee es On SUnClay afternoon, the of Illo Hall Faint, wos beld from the e to he Hentall Union Cemetery. The deee ed had been alere from his h e in Jamestown,. North Dakota, for a visit during the past wInter and only' left here A ,thort time a,go for etroit, to undergo an oper- atio for appendicitis and frmn which unf rtuies, ely, be passed Away, and. hie on s were brought here Wills fat Ws or interment. The deceas d was in *as s 55th year andf leaves a loss and While not known versa Nell her , as he had lived away nearly ail ble lifetisfe, he was very muc tho ght of by all whet had the plea ure f bis aequaintence and was ver highly ,spoken of. Much Byrn - me bers of the family. liver tsor y On Saturday last, to learn' wh has been pra,etising dentistry here for about three years, corning from Lon on, where tie had last practised, and proved together with his good wif who /survives him, good citizens. The docnir, during hie eractice here, had been very Much handicapped by ill liea. th an being Anxious , to try, a eta ge e and Mrs. McDonald went to ucan about a Month ago deciding to emain there if the- doctor's health imp oved and he found the operiing lieve he was doing very well ., but ,sho tly a ter starting he caught a col wh with his already impaired bea th be ame 80 severe that her, sde- cided to return to HenSall. Despite • goo me al treatment ' he continued to row worse -Until death relieved him of tit s sufferings. The deceased - and Mrs. McDonald avas [Much respect- ed oth chureh and social. circles and the uneral on Tueeday morning lest wee attended, Isy ,a large( number of mon 1 fdends, The service was per mine by -Rev. Mr. Knight after whi h th remains were conveyed to the stati to ne taken to London for inte rnent Mech. 'Sympathy is felt for Mrs McD nald. The deceased was in his 62nd year. e D ath f Mrs, Robert P. 13e11. -Our rou ding country were shocked on Thu sday of last yreek to learn of the ver aud en death of Violet H. Mc - Art ur beloved 'wife of Saxe Robert D. sell Irf the ,township of Tucker- lage. in her`32nd ,year. Deceased was ,the second d,aughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Rob rt MeArthur of Hensall, but re- cen 0,, of Hay toWnship and was most hig ly respected and. loved by a; host of relatives and friends for her many To kin wh Whi tors h tho andrx,cellent qualities and to "'fie , death is a _great shock. e she had pot been in good health eme 'time and during the: past months had been under the doc- earel Yet she was going around r 11.5 ally ,bright Manner a d was ght to be improving nicel and ooly on Wednesclay. the day before her death was she taken Se iously Mel/siting' her paren s in Hen alleeenhere her husband was cello fro and The of fro sail had had and devo sen the bere Br frac t Met six fello Wed larg 'enin eredi in t ed a mile retur ed r now Mies wait the c the daYS -On our taine of th ing ening Grego tual the ly peep rem is .Pet th ur Unt bee • lov leav ed h syrn ve efs. t for and where she died fully away, as if sl eping. ins were kept until ThUrsday eek in order' that her brother L .MeArthur could come west to eateni the funeral ri 'lay afternoon last ,to Hen - Cemetery. The tie eased arried some ten yea s, and. to mourn her loss at most usband and engaging little e years of agee-who have thy of ,,au in their sail rs. Geergq Todd, of the the Misfortune this week the flo r. of ber 'ham ani ct, nd din Mrs, Todd has . Some Odd - e on a most work serer- ut a ten- Jlerisall and will o n, an the eoeme -recently occupied leas- ich- u re wit CM 3 j esd abl e lo lex. fro a for in lea ho imp Nell rost to Fri CCM in gr thin las feel Ci dicalon of ing -of_ la, t week bard report intereeting pitality o brethren, and stron Swan epent a a like ed the event er enj degre done, a refr leasant oir, cessful Rebekahs he work WaS te after the binents were was born ab ut who ha McDonald. -We are that Mrs. John! Car as been.So seriously 11 oiing nicely, her dau e, is hothe from Stra ford, r are taking advantage - nights and Warm unny ake sugar and rnolitses. ay evening of last eek t 3 were splendidly e In ter - be Town -Hale by the ladies triotic League, the tables and a -fine social ven- they Were again feested entert4ned by the Mc -- he Lucan Lodge, ost hO have a handsome hall ember hip. - Miss Helen part last week ,in Ise Pa in • o to,with h' r ,sister, Miss T F a, o returend he e with her=---Mlgs S. t>� Di nald, of B _' ter, 1s spending a elf or so with her bretheraeln ur ge.-.Peter Buchanan of Whilst, eg, t ' da eor lee with!' Ws par ` is e - this week's 1'e joins his Cm>, iy frown the 't -In; Halite% s is els from wbe e they will sho tly overseas. D . H. ,G+ Malloy eft re for tihe we on TFiesday m ' rn- g last in +off ; ge of i three Inc Clyd scale :tat one orx ed by r T. Bern` of le village( and + ed by s fain us tallIon Ling Tho as. e doctor as agent for Mrs. Be ry, e edits to mak:. sale of thea Inc h ,Sea at gei d price -and -If all g well, iia be back in a • oat t ree weeps.--- • r$. .Geotrge Boy..d, of N a are F lis, s visiting her si: ter, >> R: M Arte r. --Enlisting goes on 1 a ,sw ng ere, and since our 1 st report of ecruits, .we now can ✓ port the 1011+ wing, who have re- seorlded bravely to the ,call: Ge'rge J�tce son, W111ia • Shepherd, Ha > son rJ t y, Arthur 3. ees, Reginald Jo xis- t n, Milton. Jo nston, W. .E. P' _. f, P y Clark, D •'yid Blackwell, : nd e v�a1 others nobly enlisted, ho c uld not quite measure up with; the iniedf�ral requir ments. -- Millinery dings were b Id in our 'village, ast w ek and were ery largely atter- ed, d the stl►les uoh admired. `.iss ith, owing ao being called ty t Hamilton, on sec unt of ther -•1• is sous illness o her Blister, way, un - .a. le to have h r penings, but ill n doubt later ;o , Mr. E. Rannie nd M Milton -'Orta► -in are receiving much f Cr cit !foe .their ftp to date( millinery. • ur MARCII 19L6 threat ck Markets uffalo, Marc h ifers, $6.75 lin b lis 5.00 to t5 to 6.70; st ker 7. 5; fresh cow iv and st ong 131 vf at $4 Ito 110. d lambs active Montreal, Marc s filen, owing p eg were not 111, titS. Owing to fer hogs of fifte ndredweight .1 e end of' last -day, there WS. the aitu4tion, les bf solute t., weighed of nars. There wer ring lam tin t e market and on 28 -Cattle act ve ; ; stock heifers, .75 and, feeders ;f1 to and springers et* 0. Hoge slow; lie vy ixed, 10.25; york re, gs 4.50 to 7.75. -Sheep ,00 10.50; viethers, s, heifers and. c 28. -The tone ofte to elle fact that up - n excess of recite tire reaetion in pr es n to fiftst cents per the Toronto ma ket eek, coupled ith pplies available here no iniporta.nt cha ge prices being rm frorn peckers nd lots ,were made ett per no hich t e dernan was good. Sheep were Ock at 8c1 tto .8 1.-2e per lb. and the ch. .00 on ut- ed- rs, 75; 75; 13 tellers' ! cattle, choice, at $ i milkers, chSice, `OA to $851 milk le mmon and mediurn, eaeh, $70 to 1 springers, p.m) ta ;65; sheep, ewes etd 8.50'; buelts and" culls 7.54 to 7 tilt Steck Yards, Toronto, M eh 281-1 re Was no perceptible eha ge in! te-day's mark t tone when corn ar , 4 With the close of last week. he betreor cattle of ering was mode ate foe a monday, an again the chief al wee ,for choice attle: which me a ready trade at teady values, he best selling from ;8 to $8.40, with one straight load of cattle cashing in at $8.65. Geed b tellers were o ly moderately :activ from 37.50 to $ .65 axid medium gra,d )(tilers slower from $740 to $7.26. Corn on ,oiality bUtCher3 were dragge at nceninged quetatts Botcher bulls vtere. Inclined to. fi ere- nees where quali y was present, and fat ( OW.3 were et ady, the pick sell ng from $6,25 to $6.8 . Stockers and fe d - the higher ! valuee holding good or 3hort-keeps. Milkers were slow. Sh ep and lambs were ,a slower trade' . In Spite of another light run, while cal es were eteade at the lower values of last week. liogs firmed ten cents, he packers paying $11 for decks weig ed. off carse Cerbett, Hall And Coug lin sold 20 carlbads : Choice 'heavy ste rs, good betchers 7.40 to 7.65; inedi m chers 6.50 to 56.1v; ehoioe COWS $ .50 medium cows, $545 to $6.19; cool on 1$4.2ii:; beeteheal bulls, ;7.25 to ;7. 0; good bulls i7 to . 7.25. It P. Kenn dy sold 14 loa 13 -Retches% ,$7.40 to 58.- 57. Harrill.% yitatteir ;bought 500 cattle . 100 pounds, $6.50 theee,'1300 pounds, 6.85; four, 940 ovulate, $4.85; choice ars. Rice a d . alley sold: Butcbe s, ' 2,° 1P°02u5ndpo5'u 7/115, ; $ !it/1;177,13°01150r pau8n.° s edeers $8.10 .to 58 65; butchers' c t- ile, choice, 57.16 to $8.10; do, goo nnintrion $5.25 to 5 5; stockers, 70e o 850 pounds, 6,60 to .25; cheice feeders, 4ehornede 950 to 00 pounds, 7.15 to ;7.50; canners an cuttere, $3-.75 to te $60; sPringers 1$50 to $100; ligtiti lambs, choice, $11 to $12.50; spring lambs 7.00 to '10.51;1 calvee, 'neat= to Weighed off nave 11.001.0.b., 10.25. *6,50; hogs, fed apd yrotered, 10.60; rs, 1 • Th spring fo that com style, dur know ho painstaki faction at that goes to wear. You get the best price tha it is possible to g known m kes as Empress, lc Gracia a d come in all the I long or s ort vamps with er elude sucli famous brands a bright le triers on the new come her for the purpose o way of coming up to the , s way please, if 7 twear. We've sh s to us for shoes, bility and good p to put into shoes. g service in fittin every point. You with knowing that depire 'the newest and besi in choke s to meet the requiroment of every foot t this stote of good ,hoes you get all the ts in shoemaking tliiat the hest makers You get more-youfset our expert aud sho-es which guarantee perfect sada- et that comfortable Afeeling of confidena ou are wearing just the shoes you °nett hoe value for your ntooey at any stated et!. Our ladiee shoes icomprise such vra essar, Georgina, bissic, Duchess and t st spring styles, dull or bright leathars, enette or dull'leath0 tops and are priced and $4.5o a pair. !Our rneteS shoes in- artt Slater, Derby !, and Asc4t in dull or glish'Iast or the ever:popular high toe and learning' what we can do for you in the Inark of ,,,,better shoe! values nd perfect safigatti n. ° - DE pEN DAB E 5110 Es TELEPHONE, 11 AtoRm One Flundred Young Women \ and many young men w to train for chOice office demand on thee rited at once est lona The ffensall Tile W rks Having joined the colors y tile plant will be closed until after e war My bicycles have arrived and wish to sell all Of these before leavin Hen- son. Also all bieyele aceessorie tires, oils, cements, bells, pumps and l'all bi-. cycle supplies. I also have th oe Gil- son gasoline engines to be sold) Any one wishing anything in th-es lines would -do well to give me a ea Phone No. 7 sall • argai asoline Engip.es Here's Your Chance One second-hand Internation- new. line engines in good repair. These engines are in the best running order, and will be sold ,rery reasonably. 73e Yonoe et., Tor strto times 'Cur supply. Writ particulars. Alter now.1 s fully five atoOee for GRANO "MOH R.sl''STE-tiv Are You Going West ? The Grand' Trun System will Each Tues March 7th to Oc Tickets valid to return months inclusive of d WINNIPEG and r EDMONTON and r fro_ portionate low rates Full particulars and fiche! cation to agents. Union Station. Tor Railway ors un aoYber 31st rl rr 11 $$ 34 51 - other points on apple, cvn Agent epot Agent Ont. Wright's Garage TEA North ain st, Seaforth H 4 R NtSS 1,,c4s and HeaOing 13 01 t Wo are prepared to pay th highest cash price for all kinds of logs a.nd headin bolts, in bush or delive ed in our yard. Heading bolts to 1, be cut 20 and 4o inches long SO elm, soft maple, and beech logs to be Cut x I, 13 and 16 feet long4 white ash and basswood logs to be cut 1o, r2, and 16 foot. W14 have in stock and will sell at the lowest price No. z„ hemlock lumber and the best grade Red Cedar shingles. ArriOnt Bros settforth 2508. f Owing to the great emand for team harness in the spring you will find it more satisfactory to place your order with tis now, that we may give it owl special at - tendon. We guaraiiitee all our harness to be made frorn. No. Union Oak harness le4ther which, coupled with first clas4 workman. ship, we know we can satisfy you„ in every respect., Get our prices and let us have your spring This year we are making a specialty 'of c10.ning and oiling lirness. We find that we can do it better and -fnort-1 economically there it other- wise could be done. We are usin sPecially prepared harness oil which enhances the life of the leath er keeping each strap sat and plt- ablea Bring in you lanrness and let ut clean it, Br oderick's Harness Shop Opposite Commercial liotel SEAFORTH Having decided to sell out all wallpaper in stoci, we are offering it fd sale at ri iculous low prices.. 7aper as you kno has advatfced in price consider- ably owirig to war condit ns. 'We are selling our wall pap- er At half the old prii..;es- nd some S3elow actual cost. In fact we have aecided to sacrifie'it at any price to clean t out, Now is your chance to get paper cheap and eave money. At half price and below cost. Sale starting this week abci lasting till all sol out. Come early and get your choice. All blinds also wi be sold at. cost -no reserve. C. L. Williams Successor to Alex Wilson Seaforth MACB AIte to War 1 aro Pleased to 1 fits otra.. Nu itibn and we hoi morimeenirm Is a tha ent all e cold nod :saying goodbyn e ,,eted the roe try Inspecto eMne of the inma !vie boye terol nen ter:44w fro. i4eard enough the Work in a bulld by partiee who place, and he wa axe lull snit -Four ltallan were burned to ; ileceneet and a Be ',Injured Chat tliW Ito ttie hospital in Ifed the bull -ding eniuse on Pleas* 'went SIP like a to !I -el -Berge Mall} !severe Irduries ilvlien an lar 11117thderctrinft :et-cc/seer::: Ids endeavor to: a Mug the ban ed the an few minute"' a (it3er Pete ee upon a ti how to begin a si 1---a barefOot boy. side and Shouted! 'boy was ', healths Nvha,te he Ineked it -very- happe. In t that a poassing 1.1' him the eause • It reallsi is net !-oll-niloggii•Itliallig it o.;!, tbe days 'when 1 and had. :eot dee Is the tr,,st beet of tesee. fortunate ce.„,; sheltered crehat 1.hat wee 411.‘11;::--eienInein°t::::-1% !j.'1,111.:t.:-1:::-:.1i."..; • extravagSeate I. less they' get tee suger to klo ;sae find if 3esse. en , time pc:ate:lee ce. evitw.1;nveclees oo ran; ,illt.;r:z:::::3:0:3 C' cinife hone 2r to dinuer bat s ,fsemietinheer lee= tie tiZe. for Cgs One upon end rreans:- Tr