HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-03-24, Page 8r paid val. o f
eeke-Mrs. .
kr, Is the gues
Alteheson, a,
hardson, . of
ego th visitor thl
*Oa they, of T
the est of his
this week. -Kr.
beat [agent, this ix
Mode Maxwell car
Of , Killop.-Nr. G
a ,cti, iegram on T
son, Charles, who
Battery, announclo
al; ini England. -Mr
-soh f Mr .W. C. ffl
Of, Bank of orb
,01.1s; ed , with th ' 1
Gado ich.-Mr. and
celebrated the fifth
thoir marriage on
Out wing to the co
of Mr. Welsh, n
hold.i The many fr
thy Couple in terve
extend, congratul ti
that Mr. Welsh'
show some sign o
Thor k „will be a rn
bees of the Seal r
deity and all -in e
cowl il chamber o
?Mori at four Welke
have odks knitted
them to thie m et
Aid the Preeb t
4 ve „succes.sf I
ream on NiTedne da
Proc-feds, which re
twee I. the Red
the Lliitary Aid, a
We cerely r r
Iiial ifArof. tmehelcinayf, n
gran eon of Mr. n
.of Seaforth. -evh h
elie Seaforth 'Hor ic
tiesday ;1s.st.-Th
elosel On April lst
take I advantage f
for, ishould read t
an *ge five of t
inondialle store -h
the new proprlet r
Finn gan.-The-
bf t he vase do
will be Made o
We have shoes for every
member of the family, --shoes
that are the hest that money
can buy.
It will prove nothing to
quote you a string of prices
and say: glen's shoe r $3.5R
$44- $0 and $5.o; women Si
shoes $ $3.50 to $4; child -1
rans shoes $1, $1.25, $1.50
and $2 etc. Any store can
quote these ver same pt ices.
Come in and se what splen-
did values in good shoes vie
witi give you to your money.
That's what tells the story.
After testing u by trial, we
believe that you will want to
make this—
Jour family,
The Cash
shoe store.
hoe 8t.re
opposite Exposito Office" Seaforth
lour friends can
bay anything you
can five them
except— -
loud- Photograph
Pelts' studio
aaraes W atson
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fare, Lifeand Accident InSur-
&nee Agent. Real Estate and
Loan A.gent. Insurance on all
kinds of property effeeied at the
loemet rates.
Dealer In ond, White and
NeW Home Stewing klachines and
National Cream Seaerators,
At. tun supply of 'sewnig machine
needles, attachnnnts, or and re-
pairs. aiwavs *tie.
Additions to the Honour Roll. --
&lowing recruits have been atte
ed in Seaforth up to Wednesday o
this week : A. Bolton, Ft.0 .
Taylor, WeR Colbourn, Cha les Br
ner, R. H. CarpOter, Jahn Earle, S
niey Deena, LeWls Atkinson, Kenn
MiairaLY, Themes P.,eattle, W. H.
• Egmondville Red Oros .---LThe
mondville branch Of the Seaforth
Cross Societyo which was organi
on October ilth, have met every
weeks since that time and have
lected by fees, $5.50; Young 'Peep!
Meetings, $5.31; Deflated by frlen
$9.k ; pins sold, '$3. The "Society
also made the following 'garments : •
day shirts, 100 pairs of Pyjamas,
hospital shirts, '80 towels, 24 ha
kerchiefs, 90 pairs of socks. -Mrs.
Kling, Treasurer.
Quiet Weddirtge-A quiet :wed
was solemnized at the Manse on Tu
day morning, when Miss Isabel P
ell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1
Powell, of Harpurhey, wee unfted
marriage to Mr. William Ernest
Queen of Hensall, by Rev. F. H. L
kin. After the ceremony the yo
couple left on the morning* train
their new home in the Wet.
bride was a well known and popu
young lady in town and the ' b
wishes of all. for a happy* marr
life go with her to the nareat.
We have our Creamery now in ful
operation, and we Want your pAtroia- •
age. WO are prepared to pay you
the highest price*, for your cream, pay
you;every two weekS. weigh, sample
• and tetat each can of cream carefutly
and giveyou statement of the same
-We also supply can free of charge,
and give you an honest business deal..
Call in and see us or drop us a car or
Travellers. -The followin
tieketed to distant points during
past week at W. Somerville' rail'
and steamship agency: Jam s
to Killarney-, Man.; Harry Grleve,
McLaughlin, .South Dakota tavid
Cloy to Seattle; James .Fini yson, oe
Tuekersmith, to Moose Jaw; Mr. Ea -
Mrs. W. *Queen, to Lawso , as . ;
Percy Monk, to Moose Jaw ;-R. E.
Cresswell and the Misses dressw 11,
to Jimksonville, Florida; Ford Aitc
son, to 'Saskatoon; W. D. MeTagg
to Plenty, Sask.
For the Sol -diem -Miss Scot's cl $
of bqys; In the Presbyterian Sun y
School, are surely tieing the bit or
our soldiers, They have been b
meane sending to our bois -at:
front, since last April, 43 pirs 01
sox. As an Easter gift to Jim ie
-Hutchison they are sending a x
contairdng six pairs of Sox. Mx P1 s
and .eight packages of smodng 0 --
band% two boxes a Oxo e f ve pa k -
ages of cigarettes, six •writ ng pd
and six lead pencils. Thesel are all
self-denial gifts. 'Absg Gilch ist
LivingstOne wishing to help. gav i 4
.boxes of Oxo. Scott Clu f sold pap s
an ',rage and gave six. lugsi &Jew g
tob ccO, six bars of 'chocolate, s o
p„ kages of cigarettes; andt Ja t
CI ff did her bit by paying ,hei.
age. 'They were all .very pleased a
beable to help. The bo s :in the -c s
are Ceell Smith, Reg.erl ke, G
don Hays, Jack Scott, ol Mc
Claud Patterson and i.e4. row
11 I
Death of Mrs. James Matthews.
Mrs. James Matthews d ed very s
denly at her borne in Detroit,
Thursday, March 16th. Deceased as
an old time resident of McKill
whore shc. was barn in the year 18
and was married to her !husband I
1858 and who predeceased qt. eig
teen years. She was a goo mot ee
and highly respected by w
knew her. A family of two ons
Mx daughters survive: Michael, o
McKillop. Joseph of Seaforth, Sist
Isidore, of Kalamazoo, DelOhe Mrs. J
Reid .and Mrs. George La 1Crete,
Detroit, Ars. John Wall Ili of Houg
tort, Mrs: D. Flannery, cf ,Sasleatch.
wan and Mrs. Willlam Heffernan. T
funeral took pla,ce from the home
her daughter, Mrs. Wil am Heffe
•n Of McKU
rvice w
r White,
'Want me
gely atten
erred S
el visit
al Mr. taut
116 beroo-Mr
Mr. ,and MrS. It. R Wolfson, w
ent the winter With Ur ./ Mansoans
Mother and other _frier* ;here, left
st Friday for their home 'Arizon
niddr. Wililane Douglas sant Monda,
With friends near Brun eld, -
and Mrs. Aaron Erb ha; e moved
,the farm recently vacate by Mr. E41.
‘Iloyes.---tMessrs. Neil and Len Sparks
of HenSall, palled on fri nds in th
vicinity on esda,y.
tu•ys, was a
Week. -Mr.
vie Sask.,
Mr. John 13 at -
George Bell, the
ek :sold a 1916
0. Mr. S. Godkin,
A. •Sills, received
sday, from 'his
with a King
his safe ar
Russel Mor
Morson, •Man
epee here,
lst Battalion
tr9J. S. We
brieery 28th I
Untied 111 he
nd e of the
nd vicinfty,
s, and will
alth will
tin g of, the in
Military Aid
sted, I in
Saturday af
Any ladie3 •
will •kindle b
g. -Phe La
riaa church,
ea in the sc
„ afternoon.
to be divided
ss 'Society,
ounted to $2
to learn of
on of Mr.
Mrs. John,Do
ecurred on
remitim list•
itural Society
nd all wishin
heir generous
eir announce
' Issue. -The
changed ha
eing Mr.
Cross dra.
4 by Mr. C
hursday next
torn the halo ds of
cedar posts, 8 and .9.feet
small margin. A. tew-
25 9-1
of new wall paper has
roduotiono.- Com and
&Moral. 2 9-1
s and window aha es at
ho took a Saska hew,
(Queen's hotel •st him
e Dance, please r turn
aeration will ire,en ered,
26 7-5.
millinery depar ent
h.- 2.9.1
A a team ol dr via '
et Wright's ga tfia
Rr WWI papetsthisyear
re selected with gieat
e, both in regard to
ality, style and prices.
. Gedair]Poste-4ust ar iv
Muskoka, a car of first
long, Which will be sold
art. Seititorth.
An a41yspring ship
arri'ed ftIld are the ne
inspect hem, James
Get 4Ie newest in br
Grave, 8eaferth
; fioti Wili the per on
. an robefror.i a cutter in t
on the nht of the OldTi
Same alionee, otherwie
Waned -An appren
of the oTavlah store,
Drivers ler" Sale -F
horses and harness.
Seaforth. -
the eye,ear, nose and h
" bert Of Stratfd
hotel. eaforth. on the th
month lit place of Dr.
Milli ery Opening-
ry.on Thursday, a
clay Mugs M. Johnsto
at .
So -
ed -
Hg -
are novir • showing
suitable deigns for any
r '
otniosores Bookstore
Shades and Picture Frames
Lor New Idea Too Patterns
Ing t
son al
to d
enlist but also several prom -
sinus men have signed the
nifying their intention of do-
eir bit for the Empire. The ade
livered by Major Boehm, of
to, en gunday, was of a nee
that filled every patriotic Can-
itli enthusiasm, to such an
hat when the call came per -
on Monday morning, each
c tizen felt it a personal call
t and, could not resist that
in „seeking to don the leh.alti
th 161st Huron's Own battalion.
to -hi
es. Mr. Alex, Ritehle, of To-
, was the guest of his nephew,
D Ritchie, at the naanse• this
-Mr. John Robertson returned
eek to his western home near
met, Sask., after a three Months
with his parents. -Sergeant Jas,
pie, of the N. C. 0. Training
1, at °linter', paid a !short visit
home here. •
air lege Liaenses s. e
Jewellers. Ete., Seafort .
ilOil e tor Sale -Good fr
of fan on Market stre t
apply 40 Mrs . A. Ste k,
peotaliet ' in dine
o bat the 44
d Wedireaday of
ter 2
disployf of new ring
23id and fon wing
by liavauge and stl,iiery
e house and four ere
sale. For paean laras
S.arling lit.,
24 tf
at t
d Colt. -That it paya to raise
stock is shown by the fact that
ugh Norris, Jr., recently sold
. R. Roney, of Manitobao an
colt, „sired by that good stal-
Chlorodyne'owned by Mr. John
gston, of this place, for a
close to $800. This colt, al -
only one year and ten enbnths
nighed in the neighborhood of
lbs., and was of exceptionalle.
apish. 4
es.: -The pie social whigh was
In Mr. Cartwright's;- hall was
SUccessful, and the proceeds
rite(' to $60, with which the lad -
11 buy yarn and material for
ing 'Which they ffill Make and
tothe soldiers. Mrs. Riley,
as been visiting her daughter in
„tell, for the last two months,
returried home, -Mr.e:Wesley
and sister ,Ad -a„ were visiting
o hozne of Mr. 'W, Brigham this
-Mrs. Manning, sr., who has
On the ,sick ltst is slowly. re -
The Seaiorth Creamery nan, on the 3rd concessi
Seaforth On lop, an Saturday, The s
I conducted by Rev. Falb.
' Ste Columbia church, of
ir.4„44,4,44,44.+4..4.+4...1.4,4,444.+4.40+ had beene a devoted and c
ber. Thfuneral was la
• ed, the remains being in
REMEMBER Columbai cemetery.
' i•
1.1 IJ . ' KiIlop, wIlo has been ‘ s
, winter at his home here,
;-* Tli , + ur'elay for Rosetown.' Sas
• it 111. I.
• Monk, of ' EgmondvilIe, le
4 f
.4. for -Belbeck, Sask., wher
LADLE&TAIILOR + spend the sumrner.-Miss
. e inson has returned to he
• aMcKillop, after some we
Also- Furrier 4. don, at the home of he
Local it Briefs. -Mr. For
+ son of Mr. J. B. Aitch
on, of. Mc
' ft on Sad
Mr. Perc
this wee
he wi 1
essie Rot
home I
s In Lo
i of agencies for the Lol,n Dodd n Life In
- Mr. W. H. Robinson, su erIntendenn
was in Blyth on Tuesday' attendint
the funeral Of a relative ic
--Mr. P.
Lamont, of--I7.'urich, wa3 In town o
Tuesday. r. William I Gevenloel I
of Egmondvill , was awarded $200 an
costs at the court proceedings, 1
Goderich last week, a,gainet the Lon
don Free Press, for an, article whic
appeared in that paper in May ad
last year. -Mrs. F. H. Larkin open;
last week will friends in Goderich.-- -
Miss Moran Is visiting her; niece, Mrs
Lippert, this week, in lierlinee-Mrs
Kelly is in Stratford thisi, week, vis-
iting her eon Joe, who Is on th
postoffice staf there.- 'Word wa
received thL weck by Mr. and Mrs.
James Sproat, Egmondville,1 that thel
son Sake, whO is with the Princes '
Patricia Regiment, at the ; frant, ha ,
been wounded and was now in th
Canadian Hos ital at Norwich. N
particulars were received., but hi
mny friendshere hope bbs bnjurIe
will not be serious. -Mr.'; Garfiel-
McMichael has sold his farm in Htil
lett to Mr .3. L. Bell. Mr., ilialichae
will work W11 tam McMichael's far
this year. -The male qua tette ren
dered an exce lent '3eleCtbOZl at th
evening service in the 'P esbyteria
church last S
gluch apprec ated.-The 0 .ning dis
tnday, which was ver
play of spring millinery, will ' b „
held in the millionery parbers of; Mc
Ta.vish's. Stewart Bros' and Mie
Johnston's, on Friday and Saturday.
of Vile weeke-Miss' Horton, ' of To4 i
ronto. Is a guest at the, home of Mrci
and .!r;. Wiliam Box.- n IBab
Sproat has taken, a position in Stew-
art Bros.' store. -Rev. Aloe, McIntosh
of Saskatoon, Sak., preached an ex' 1
cellent ser on in the Pities yteria
church, on Sunday morning ;last. ktr.
McIntosh Is an old McKillop boy, a;
son of frs. Gaorge McIntosh, o
town, and the people here are a
ways pleased to have the opportun
ity or hearing him. -Mr. Ralph Creg
„ „well and two Isters. left on ThursJ
day morning falr Jaektionvilikk, Florid
where they w[11 spend a couple af
months. Dr. Pbe1d, public 9chool
Et.) The Only Horn in Seaforth 4- I swarm° Company. -Mr. J
The season for spring footwear
Is with us once again and we an-
nounce our readiness to supply our
trade with the best shoes and the
.best shoe values at any t.-tated price
that the country procuces.
Shoes for Men
Shoes for W01114811
Shoes for Boys
Shoes for Misses
Shoes for very iittle feet
If you are a patron of this store
we're sure that you will want to
continue your patronage. it you
have not been buying your shoes
hers me want you to do so.
Men's $2.50„ $4, $4.5o to $6
`Women's......$3, $3 503 $4 to $5
Bay's.. ..$ .85, .2.25, $3 to $3.5o
Misses... .$!.75, $2, $2.5o t0$2.75
We're asking for our patronage
because your money vall secure here
the best values and thp best of service
The Home of Good Shoes
' SmIth vs. Dale. -Considerable 1 ter-.
eet was. taken in th case, which as,
tried at the ;sitting icif the Sum; me
Cour of •Goderich n the 14th i st.
On March 23rd, 915, Alex S ith
traded horses with a young man by
the ame of Mi * ter, who as,
wark g for the • d fendant, V tor
-Dale. Midwinter w S to give -,S ith
.slity dollars to o ,i which -was to,
be p id as soon re, he received it
from the islationa C ildren's Hone at
Hami ton. in the m antime Dale ae
to ho d the hor3e th t Midwinter ot,
from mith as s ur ty until Mid in-
ter •p id the' aixty de Jars. Before id-
winte got the m ne ;from Hamilt n,
Smith went out to Dale's when no
oneaketas at home, a 4 took away he
• horse. Dale then we t' to the Pol e
•Magls rate, at Clint° and had Sm th
„arrested for stealing the horse, and
• Snalth was sent u, t stand his. trial
before ' His HonorJ ge Holt, ho
found i Smith net g ity. Smith t en,
breught the , prese t aetion aged st
- Victor Dale, who It 6 in Stant y,'
dein:deg* $5,000 defile ee for maliciOut3
prosechtion and f1e Serest. The re-
sult of the action ii that the jury
• found I a • verdict i ileror of thee „ee-
fendant, Victor n le and Smith 'Was:
ordered to `Pay t costs. 3. ,
Best of Seaforth •ucted the case
for r. Dale.
St. Patrick's 'god
time *as spent 1
the „ hool room cf
Presb Iterian church
of th .17-th, in h n
„saint 4 Ireland, ajrid
bers the l6lstIB
twent five of wh
Lieuts.[Chiff and MCI
of the evening. Th b
took prt by ren er
ively "Tipp.erary" a
off the prize
g contest, w I
lug part nt t
Our ne
and fol
re7cordiolly invited to our first display of
ePril.g millinery on Thurediv, March 28id
ow'hig days. Mies 11, Johnston, Seaforth.
• 2518-2
Ndt'3,-Rev. Father Dantzer, of
Hess' re, Ont., ca/iled on friends in
our urg last welek.-A number of
our ming people were viaitors at the
home of M. C. Eckert, near Seaforth,
last unday.-Mr. Keohler has
been • oing a rushing busiese at the
cheep ng this winter, but now. that
Mitch 11 Bros., have again started it
has r ileyed the congestion somewhat
-The atteridance In our school was
dawn to ten out of sixty names on
the r 11, last week on account of
muznp data all are recovering and the
etten awe is coming back iq its
old ,st ridp
• guessi
IS gee
dered Iby Misses
Sillemie B. Chesney
• eon. Mts. McLean
ous readingand re
effect 1"Canada'S e
Rev. Mr. Larkin
• timely address, and
Holmar, read a 1
not belog able to
• Mr. Argo but ex
for thel young peop e
the success of •th v
Ing "God Save htFhe
lunch of Tipperary
Darlin' pie, Bridget c
coffee, was served,
the least intereeti
progratr Miss 1.1,u1
Miss abet Campr
effieiently the d ti
Mudh pritlge for
evening is due man
les and gentlemen, b
permit the mention o
diers expressed the
young people for Je
. God.*
Succe sful Recrui
town 1 truly patri ti
.of the word is in ley
week, hen tlie,
Countr le being br
eonally to every ;Man
.five' se vice. For a
matter were rather
here, nd„ It e
that ,s me -diffiedlt
fenced -el in obtainin
Howev re from thet
feanirass, began on; Mn
til Lismi of writing
the young men -and
mon walks ,of
muelcal pr
A very pleasant
social way in
he Egmondvi
n the event
of the patr
the local me
iron 13attali4i,
an, were gue ts
officered ty
ys in khaki al or
S very effeet-d
the two office
in the music
ri proved a ve
he proceedin
lemme was re
mell, Holma
d Mr. 13. Joh
e very humo
ted with gocel
nd The Guns"
a brief bat
chairman,. Nine ;
of • regret t ,
esent from Re. ,
•g good wish s
nd soldiers and -
Ing. After sing-
ing" a dainty
andwiches, Me
ke and Blarney
ich proved net
number of the
chertY and
rformed very '
1 accompanists. '
success of the '
ther young lad- !
space will nt
names. The a , - ,
_thanks to the f,
pleasant even- I
; f
Npt number are -laid up at
prose t with la grippe, Mrs. C. Par-
sons, Ise Nellie McEiving, and G. A.
Knox and two children being among
the si k. -The Ladies' Aid of Burns'
chure held a very successful box so-
cial 1 the school house last Friday
evenin . The night was an ideal one
and a good crowd was present. Mr.
J. D. &Arnie acted as auctioneer, ,and
did hi part well. The boxes solde fot
good 'ices, the amount realized be-
ing $3:.10. There was also a good pro-
gram e by local talent and others.
The p oceeds are to be ;used for Red
Cross purposes, so t. the Ladies' Aid
are de erying of much credit for the
work r ndered. Keep on witif the good
work, ladles 1
Worn n's• Institute. - The regular
fleetin of the Women's Institifte,„
was h:ld at 1 the home of Mrs. Consitt
on Tu sday afternoon. The president
called he meeting to order, and the
usual besiness transacted. Alter the
roll ea 1 Mrs. David Tough gave a
3p1end1paper on "measles" and Mrs.
R. N. I.ugla.s gave a paper on 'What
to do for burns and scalds." Miss
Tough delighted the audience with a
Scotch leading. After heartily thank-
ing Ms. Consitt for her hospitality
the meting was closed by singing,
God S ve the King. It was decided
at this meeting to collect old linen and
cotton or the Red Cross. Any con-
tributi s by outsiders will be thank-
fully r ceived by any member of the
Institu e or bring to the next meet-
ing, w ich will be held at the home
of Mr-. George Sparks con April 11.
All la es are welcome.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe and
family attended the funeral of Mr..
Zapfe'sI father at Grand Bend on
Monde .-Mr. J. A. Douglas, ef Hyde
Park 11ted his brother and other
friend3 in this vicinity this week. -
Mrs., Robert McBride gave a quilting
bee to a number of 1 her friends and .
neighbors last Thursday afternoon. -
. That this
inevery swage
once here this
of :King and
ght home per-.
eligible • for ac -
1.e recruitihg
at ,a standstill
erally rumored
ight be Meer-
urther recru1t3
e the personal
ay morning wi-
t alone have
n•from the corn -
roat de. Sproat
ill have a
wagon on
the road as
usual this
Nuf -Sed
Phone 8
! Kir)91313
For Sal -A good set Of sincle driving 2h5sior:ss
lay be ae n at Mehenzie's barneals shop, Kippsn.
Notes. --Mr. William Deitz was last
week in Stretford visiting Mr. Clif-
ford Watson.1--Pte. Melville McClymont
*ha is training with the 161st bat-
talion at Clinton, le spa ding a few
days at his home here. -41r. George'
't out how the work on the, Wink is
aylor, who 0 now amon the retired
armers and who is not ,worrying a-
going to reeult next slimmer has
tioadster to liable him to enjoy the
treated hirntelf to a fine drivieg
lest which he so well earned. -Mr.
end Mrs. Ja es Broolvalof Saskatoon,
ere visiting with !their friends in
this vicinity Mlle Brooks was for-
therly Miss gnes Walper and daugh.
ter of Mr. said Mrs. L. Wolper, of
askatoon and granddaughter of Mrs.
4.ndrow Bell, sr„ --During the month
Of March we, have had the lion's share
Of cold weather and we are hopleg
warmer day? will soon come. - Mr.
iffilllam Sproat, of the third conces-
iiion of Tuckersmith, has not _ been
Well for some time, but we are plees-
ed to see he is able to be abouto
again. -Mr. and Mrs. David Work-
man's little i daughter has been ser-
iously ill (hiring the past week, but
The many friends of Mr. .and -
Workman will be pl aeed to her /
ihat there is now a change for, She
better. -Feed. for stoc is getting very
Scarce with some of otir fa.rmers4-
tire. George Thompso , sr. who has
been visitin for sorne time with
her daughter, Mrs. Pinker, in u- •
turn has returned helm. Mrs, Tho
, on 'is one f the good ladiee wh m
e do net 1.ke to leaye ,tne n.eighb r -
hood. .
I Bradt -Jewell. --,4t high noon, On
Wednesday, IMarch' 15th, the xes:dniice
' f Mr and Mrs. James Jewell,as
became. the bride of Mr. William E.
he scene of a pretty Wedding, when
heir eldest daughter Elizabeth Mae,
Bradt, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bradt.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W G. H. M.c.A.11Ister, of James Street
church. The: bride Wore a becoming
dress of brown silk with cream lace
trimmings, and a corsage bouquet of
dream and p nk roses. She was given
away by her father, After the cere-
mony a dainty wedding luncheon was
served and the newly -wedded couPle
left on the five o'cl�ek train for a
trip to Sarnia, Detroit and I -tendon.
With her travelling suit qf navy blue
he bride wore a rose-colored and
lack at. They will reside at Th cl-
ford, where 'Mr. Bradt has purchased
business. ,
Notes. -Mie James Dennis, a forMer
well known resident of Exeter, passed
away at hip home In Ayr recent y,
after only a few days illness. It is
33 years since he came to Exeter and
about four years ago went to r
to reside- with his son. -Lieut. Beat le
_Martin, „son a Rev. W. M. Mart n,
and an. old Exeter boy, has been
Wounded ' at the frorit and is in ti
'hospital in France. -Mr. James Coe
will has rented his farm .on the third
concession of Stephen, to Mr, Williane
Powe, ---Mrs. Jaines Gould, is seriously •
. 111 In London. -Mr. Frank Snell, Of
; London, brother cif Mr. W. Snell, had
1 a narrow es ape while driving across
i tile C.P.R. tracks near the city. When
i e saw a I st freight almost upon
h . he jumped from the bobsleigh in-
to the snowba.nk. Ph1 engine crash-
ed into the sleigh, snd smashed it,
but the horses were not hurt. --Miss
Nancy Torn has gon to Toledo to
visit her brother, Mr IF. W. Tome. -
Mr. George -lackey end Mrs Sheer
were in Par chill recently attending
relative.tefuneral of Miss Bessie Hall, .a
, Tuckers ith. .
The cl, sing meeting of the Voung People's So-
oiety of the R- : &hoot will be held on Titeoday ev-
epnnga,r„dMarch 28th. A geod p egramme has ceen
iron 2
are cordi .hy in4iteil to our first al 19p511:x1
our new opting miiiinery on T ursday March 23rd
and followii.g dap., Miss M. Johnston, Seaforth.
arm Sold.--e-Mr., John Carneronh8-8.2 9
sold his farm on th Mill Road LO
Mr. John Murray of 13grnondv111e and
hiS son-in-law, Mr. Mott Walters.
The farm contain130 acres and has
spendid buildings on it: and although
the price paid wine- a long one, the
neev owners have made a good invest -
m nt. Mr. Cameron is have a sale of
hi effects on Moeday next, the 27th,
ancI gives up possepsion about the mid -
dl of April. , I
March Wedding -A very pretty
wedding wItnssed by only the im-
mediate relatives of the crontracting
parties, was solernthed at tne home'
of Mr and Mrs. William Arahlbald,,
Tockersmith, et four o'clock, -- oni
Wednesday, March 22nd, when Mr.
John Alexander, of Tuckersmith, and
Mies Eliza M. , Craig, sister of Mrs.
Archibald, evere united in. marriage.
Roy. F H. La,rkin, of Seaforth, of-
ficiating. The bride, who was given
aWay by her breether-inJa.w, Mr. Wm.
Archibald, joined the waiting bride-
grOorn In the parlor under a taste-
fully constructed arch of striking'
.• patriotic design. The wedding march
was played by- MI -81 Hazel Campbell.
. and little Mises. Alice and Isabel
• Archibald did their part as flower
melds in a highly pleasing manner.'
The bride was handsomely gowned in,
white silk, with adornments of Span-
ish lace and roses of white ribbon at -
hed to the girdle. She also wore al
bri al veil with orange blossoms sew-
ed with pearl, and carried in her
t hand a bouquet of white roses with
1 ferns. After the signing of the reg- ;
ister the bridal gathering spent an
hour of genial fellowship around the'
• richly laden festal board, and at the
cloee the bricif.grOOrn ' very gracefully
acknowledged the various tributes of .
goedwill and,
0.d-speeds to his 1 pledg. •
ed I bride en(' himself. The gift •of
the groom to the 1 bride was a gold
bracelet set with diamond and sap- '
ph1res. The flower maids * received
ea0h a gold necklace and locket set -
with pearls, and to Miss Hazeleamp-
bell the groom presented a gold neck -
lime Set with pearls and cameo/. The .
bridal couple were remembered by ,
their friends With numerous r..nd coat-
ly presents, 8,nd from a wide circle
here and in Scotland, bongratulations
are being felt and expressed towards
114.r. and Mrs. Alexander, who, ,in this
• union of their lives, add one thoree to
the many ideal Canadian homes,
.eor M4dara'
Yes,it7s Rea
Our young
taiiored for
are as ,fine
srnart in cut.
they show e
distinctive s
season incl
special mode,
siviely for jou
l4rown and
plain greys,
blue and
navy biues—
natura line
Our Spring Opening and Sty
Show, and we invite you to co
and learn from a personal in6pe
tion what is right in fashionS
the new season. •
e man
de to his
his �!T11
u have
as to how y
styles adap
one here
gajrmerit is
pert jorney
sh-Oe is per
garment h
Whatever you see here, from
the cheapest to the best, is authen
tic so far as style goes. Of course,
the quality depends upon the price
you pay, but at each and eiTry
price the value is universal.
It is impossible for us to ton-
vey to you the beauty and -t)ile of
the new millinery and garments, so
we urge you to come to this store
on this Friday or Saturday, or ext
week, and find out for yourself ow
pleasing the new things are.
• Sure you are interested. You
will enjoy yourself every minute
you are here.
Don't forget
66e Mactavish Storie
Darin, Ope
if you have not already done
it a point to subscribe f t
Designor Fashion Boo
• for one year
oys ne
Made. t
Made pa
chosen a
at the Special
Rate --namely
This Special Offer is a bargain you sh )uld rtot
Store tor Style Store.
J. Mactavish