HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-03-24, Page 7rub ration amr e er- its, are car to the , Iodization owige There is to Ford hundred in the eouver. than - They are dror car dour new n dollars. on of the r€asp,ty rd emecu- degree of Ford Loan the 1914 and reduced 'the fcifon of a a -stet thou- sold by Ruction of n of con- .tivee are Ong pros- adlights. t include • see e forma nagaiontanit d treatments ofanti& and rapora do any , ee& correct :*h, yen should treat enticidagryiner li r,*inciter, Cohvegenceh and ltc• Office up et z over future aate re; Main gtreet, .11.110 Mir AD. R. S. RAYS Solicitor, Conveyances'[ atm. lie. Solicitor' for the Dome Sok, Office in rear of the i• Bank, Seaforth. money to loan, EOL `ED. #`illarrlater, Solicitor, Coneeyeacest and y Public. Solicitor for the Cons... *,mak of Commerce. Money tel loan. rams for ease. Office, lit ftott's. block, slt, et, lefortle pgartikrai PBOUDF0OT, KIT al: ORAN AND COOK 3 1 yrs, d oiicitoes, Notaries Public; . elk Sassy to lend Ip Seafor to on Mope Ake Of eacb Week. Office in Kidd 'black. i'rondfaot, 1C.C.,1 J. L. Killoran, o- Pocese vETLe iINARY nOIN filltIBVE s. as r grattuste of Ontario Ve'letins on College. All die ase of -Domestic 011illsola treated. Calls promptly attend- to and charges moderate. Veterinary erg a speeiaity. Office and tesi- ORM ca aoderich street, one door`eaatl Dri Sor, it's office, Seaford', F tB-CifiN, V. El Efonor -greefuate of Ontarle Y'ata n= j ; College, and honorary Member of 011 Bodice. Aesociatlof of the Ontario 'VMerlaary College. 'treats diseasea of " lilc AnImale by the moot trod principles. Dentistry and. Milk Pev- i pecislty. Office opposite Dick's OK Win street. Seafarth. All or- ifice -left at the hotel will receive promnit plight calls received at the dew t F , ;g r C. qq D t1 JA CL , 3 W. � . KAItN, AM Richmond street, London, Ot'trtf, ialiet : EnafferY and Genito-IIr a Abessei of men and woman. ...GORGE RELLEataartf. - ortic Physician! 01` Ooderich, eft In woenen's and: children's mac, rhournatisin. acute, chromic said nervoee disorders, eye, ear, noes l s e throat. Consultation free, Ofd at tcia1 Hotel, Sea/forth, Tueeday SOd Yrideero, 8 a.m.. till 1 P.M • Dr. J. W. PEOK Maidua,te of Faculty of Medicine, Mc- Gill University, Montreal; -Member of lege of Physicians and Surgeons of tack ; Licentiate of Medical Council a Canada ; Pest -Graduate member of Reitideot lriedicai Staff of General Hoe- , Montreal, 1914-15 ; ©tike two doors east. of Post Office, Phone ill, Ontario. Mt. F. J. BURROWS, 1►Ime. de Main' two pupils and r astir 'with the and respetet 'wbi who were not on but great lights of The last few d over her face w i refined the feattiie impaired her expr reality, "1 see, my dear da ghter have .sorrowed," ea d 1, ,sen at her with a kindl mfd. y on dis eied t re .' w s du person e had ca hes iritu b t sh ssitbu of eye. "I have indeed, night I spent in p may pass raway•fr4 "And yet you ha madame—none may think that used, but we; heart, . think othe WISE may pass, a few wee and once more it 'wil rising fortunes ; at Prance will turn." The lady's bag glanced at `the I►: speech were not al "I 'rust that prid astray," she _saidt my own soul'arig of myself in the my heart. It is f for the noble hej which might rise dragged so low." "For all that, m ambitious. Woµ turn the king to*l "I would give "And there is can I not read yot you not love to pure and serene o! see the poor house the wicked turned the king ever th noble and good?1' -Her cheeks had f shone as she loo of the Jesuit a which his words l fore her. "11Iy daughter," s ly, "it is time fo is in the intere is Office and residence --Got er�ich street' Mit ani the Methodist church, Setifortlei 34101113 N. 4L. Coroner for ties County lit aura SCOTfr & :SAY, Is G. Scutt, graduate of Victoria end Mee of Physicians and Sur,geone. Wm Arbor and member ,of the Ontario Penner for the County of inean. liticliAy, hotter graduate of Trinity, graTersite, and gold medallist of Tha- lia ueltesi. College; member of the Col- kifIP of Pb $ sicia,ass and dia:,rgeoaa, Ontario, DR. `B. HUGH B0 - our grac fa ne est y ou ibis o 13 ow. s at be leve e1 ode tate asl +geetjjt do s "B` of th ei Graduate of University of Toronto may est Iledicitie, member of Co1- of Physicians and Si'lr. et of On- e; wee{ graduate courses to Chicago $11i�saaal cool of Chicago; Royal Ople- Manic Boepital, London. Hngjand, Olive:faits College Hospital, London Office --Back or the Dominion Rank, Sea forth. Phone No. B. Night Salla answered from ' residenoe, Vi % lit, Seaforeti. aIICTIO b ERS• THOMAS BROWN. Lstoe ed auctioneer tor the counties sad! Boron and Perth. Correspondence a r ramlimenta for sale dates Can be mad 1Y falling; e p Phone 91. Seaforth, or Tee 3iapositor office. Charges- order Ue and eatlsfaction guaranteed. F. T. LUKER, Vis: auctioneer for the County oi Boron, Sales attended to in all Pant of the County. Seven years' ex - is Manitoba and Ssekatcitewa�a "arms reasonable. Pbone No. 244, B. 1-11, Exeter. Centralia P. O. ft. R. Mo. 1. Orders left et The Boron Ex Polito Office, Seaforth. promPtl •st- sse 4 , he ;les' aifeahtio to thee friends n ehu r t a pallo, Heed ant wore un sweat. so that,, yd glancing searching' All las thiel "aria for rea . Other_ • :ha the king's, few' day the mos. upon.you eye; i and ' s11' hough hi • her tast . t lead m can read • t oaight ref whie . now teas a the ki i.g I griev4, the e, hila a e which i { ydaNg d y' trd ,l life our ai r noble see .the er all t T, the rom th leader Fu ushed,t d. at '.saw ad co aid '`Ito plaint of th we do it. None hear arid ht ydu: are n s t Ieve- tri r ever hear what l Regard us, if- pill ors, with whom 'ole. I call it a none to us, for it the Manan hear - "Your .grace --father!" confusion from fP . to 4h' "There is no siame daughter. The whams yielding to love say a love the king." "At least I have never she faltered. "And will you never?" "May i And ho "May heaven wither my t ngue first; that the "But consider, my. daagtiter. Such of them love in a soul lake . yours is neavei}'s . fears gift and sent for some'vs'se purpose. a es We speak for the interests church, and those inteee that you/should marry. the "Maury the king?"m . The little roc en be svi11, a u r se ecret, our m .' You lo i ion. Ali, 1? Would ch. reign realm, to y helped, - ways -anti 11 that Is her eyes gray facie e picture ed up b -- t solem ski g. t u ahthus one shell n hs noir. o eenfess- is iaiviol4.- yet it is onto read the king.' tatned in th i loving, n4y only in vane -fa who had with a -s at this. ‘.iatty is ly, "that leave to W,'too kitg's m intheri of his 0, otherwise with who Lave and neer, and you oed serve y.oti it." "'Whet la1 °Yoci; w ll our elle wound Hugueno drivenl: f vlded fro ready lin friend' n all will b "But; are! .A.n should t "Their "That softens f Pere 1 their hea "Yoe then?":: «fie} • h "can that yo heresy o No,, f forget father' "Nay; own pins ,hgx bee then, Te asks 01 aid, and return." Rime. ,f one "You ar to you ests 101 advise. "You "I do," IHer together stied,; learn to She as which Ambitio surmis • the po n that you leave th at. But id him soy," there ' c doubt a this finE of the holy �, aThe te demand swiftly,t c king. da.ught r your -ort 1 t s e iss and her Wa O � the e c cies! • obje oude er," = : d e exult • ma ttee hi. yo chit ch. i t ay b e :+me +awcr ov= d rat • may lea pat+, evthough 100 wo d fain h he tutur only can :he ';p + wer lies, Bu both dr ; you op church N; ay coun upaait thel hutch. you in.tu , well bu er ;wish aid 1 ha e our daui;. ' ter, our n, and yo •n• h he : juffe • urch unit go. • y - The go t ust e epee's. kin mindsvols . i • youa • ith e11,'• r, think ink,too, be drive' fo + :" lien In ue. ern.' arise and d befrie Th ts Th Igo 0 hi s ei o ou a ipo wil ery fee nth Th t b e .d isa au the ow man the th:ir suR` rings ;1'ot1 dor: art our y er; .1) at mY 0 ha s =it feta the fheiF t till, nth 2' tit no lye th an r,wnli ds.' y,t- m° ea't isho h 1:, s e aimie' re . + de it tow ve an. we essii1 th n ii1 yo first fav 2 ;'ou.`cul yo ' wo id . h er fn O." o sibs ✓ the KWH ,off Ther ST. Four ago I had sui'a. I could not work. ' � r es. tended to y arras, sides rind sh . , eased many nds of medicine for ovyear, none of Vsb ch did me very .much good. I read aboat + in P' and - t fora , le and used #head,; .. fd ad the ns were - mag me and that 1 was feeling, • - • • So—tight one box lin bete e f used . all, , pains were arlmo gone and I cou d keep t work. After I had en 61x ether • xes of Piiia, i felt as *el ' and strong as I did at t , ages of 3o. I are a farms , now 6r years old. ' , '?if FRANK L M. 4. e to my praad- ed f4ritheir t -the c urch ? 1= o you, ✓ wla ch she ace 'pt her ve one in non t os =wig the air ma h r re. t lotion. n �," s id.s'+ ,' "and_ b 11 co �� ini' ed t re inter - u 1 111 do • at you "sitors ; w `It is: a ass 0 a generaatio y d� tti_it so." f , : If stunn b opening t •e d, s 1WOys - b n— mbit3 hicl�.. w Id enable orld bet. r than sh c v se at th.hE rana sudden p the han da. ," th t unb�+rn the ro from: of h e Jesuit h y' d .1oHNARNOLD, Wised auctioneer wr the counties inn and Pertn. Array ,newts fi sale cls res c& be came oy csUIal 119 njlitioei on 21 Debi a, ar 41 Seafor b, or Ow idxpoei t or Office. Coad mod- into sad do guaranteed, B. . PH L mai auctioneer for the count! Berm end Perth,. Bei a pra,icticaa l lamer aa.t morot h/ eertstas trding the jolt faraasr stock' and implenerts laces arses la a - better position to re- ogle ood price., Charms anodefae. Sett gl tact or no pal. 1 tilttamea la Anter will be peon4111011.01 swam round her.. "Marry `rhe -king!" for the fu- nd -Jea e France d "There lies the best hop ture. We see in you a se d'Arc who will save both France's king." ' Madame sat silent for ments. Her face had rega: posure, and her eyes w eantly upon her tapestry f turned over in her mind, involved in tbe�sti gestic - "But sorely, surely this be," she said at. last. " France has married a s how every princess of Etir out\, her • hand to !him. France must be • of queen] as the last was." "All this may be overco "And then there erg th state. If the king marry, tom form a powe�rfhl all' meet a friendship with a tion or to gain afiom:e p may be the bridje's do my dowry? A wdow's. workbox." "Your dowry, y da be those gifts o, -'body with which heaven has The king has mgney e king has provindeal no state, how can the s served than by the assn king will be saved 1111 futu sights a .s are to be seen 1 today?a9 0 "Oh, If it could be soy father; think of those a :b dauphin, monsieur his: ministers. You Rknow h' would please there and b for theta to sway hie no 1 iF BILIOUS eegish Live and work vat ile y a few Mo- nad its coin, e bent Set- e as i4ie 1 that was could nesier at king of bject?: See pe stretches e queen of reasons it should nce, to eighbor . What is 81011 an a ter, woild dewed pie] gis and the As to the e be bet nce that this pal. of be But thi vsi cl el -ail a siee 1 shred Ton e.' Bac haste tinn, Fallow Skip. and bh era ea and erre aril some fr ilorri le and to -night will straighten you ut by m wore.- while yeti sleep -7. from your druggist will ing good for monthse er se 3 ith 1$ Tle eep you s ill ct d Mus or' her to e fon +d Is of 'her joy revulsion to despondency. Was not 1 ould these men be so si old the king in the holl nd? Th JeSuit read dulled e Sparkle of nswered er oughts. ou must be ate prom t w rn comes." "I hate promised. rhther." "Then it is for uri to erfo will rerisalb in your reo all evenin with hi 'eras fu better him o room t be will or I years her, bo though An One, a less up n, Her e'S ;tied fo el ce already besi blacku s ,an des air. And when I ha spo e from his oom yo ain." Taey ow low tudled heal hevt'f twe together, land eft r to tee anti ey box eel - passed, a_ d en sec er lap, wa ti g for her 1 future wa ow beteg r, and she s potteries er es en 0 ti ke nd his th ur 8, ty to er nci er et - to Ail dreg ate sell Gin Pills at six boxes fo $2,50. Sample free if y "filet* Nati Drug & Olemic4 Co. outer pas age the -erect and neeful "Sire, lo e inetant and. mad hoiselle will light e lamP." "Do nitat , call her." Ile entet (I and the dusk is welcome to me beclriuse li screens rae from the- reproachee i which must lie in yoar glanne- even lf your tongue he too Isindly to utter thelm." "Reproaches, sire! dioil forbid that 1 should titter them!" "When I last left yen, Frendelse, it Was with a good resolutioa in my mind I tried to carry it out, and I felled—I failed. I remember that yon` -Tamed Me. F6o1 that. 1 wasi pot to follow "We re all weak an& mortak sire, Who ha not fallen? Nte1,. sire, It eoes ire .117 s standing by the firepliace, it; face bu led in his handtl, and she could tell by he catch of his breath that he coise!" e cried. "1 a the loneliest man in all this world like on0 who. lives on, a great moun in peak, with none to bear him comp ny. Who have Some are for the churci ; sOme are for their families; most are for themhelves. But who of them all is single miaded? You are ray better self, Francoise, You are my guardian a el. What the I am to you tbe farthe am I Om all that is evil. .'Tell m Francolse, do "I haIve loved you e was love bu Oil tok whom q Her vo hop it thril s me to hear. you be my wife, Fran And so the Mome truth Conie. , She pal stant, Wily an install this last great step, b too long for the pate "Wil:j you not, Fraxteolse?" he cried. "Ma 1:1God ake mei -worthy f such 7 sweat that • 1 heaven double y life ip encrer to ma.ke yon a happier' mane" etill holding her hand, knelt down be - "And I swear, too," lie cried, r`that if my days also are doubled you Will now and forever be the one and only wom- an for me." And so their double oath wee taken, an oath which was te be tested in the! future, for each did lite almost double their years, and yet aelther Woke the promise made hand in hand on that evening in the shadow girt chamber. it, Pr turn ne way or the othet. DAY - light u ed to the pealy light of evou- Jug, a that again to .duslr, bu she still t waiting in the shadow. At last, 0 ever, there came a ertk, sharp tr ad, crisp and. authorit9ti --e, will b ought her to, her , feet w th flushe beets and he. heart be i or year% sire." clear—the voice quetry Was ab - t it alight We are the prire are of royal Wood, and our. wilt* of royal 14091 also. , You Marri store but still I did it. MY first wife was the PrItictiss' a England,' i How woman who is the Widow of a 4 Lich - back singer, a Mere le.rapooner, 6 Man "- Tile king ad stared in amaze at his broth but ads ange nova care° his. al onishment. word! „ I bailie Mild just noisy that yen have been aa excellent brother, but I An no yot take UP= yo self Ito oh- *ject to the lady whom I lect as my "I do, slaiN; "By the right of the sire, which ia as Mach ini a siight.upoe My wife." foriCharlotte Elizabeth of how is she s grandfather w corarade in ncoise, Ind yet! t bad le very sed for Ian in - before ! taking t even tbat was e of the king. exit ver - e as yours. on ree arid ry respect avert.% but perior to one whose s the dear friend and; s of Henry the Cr -teat? argue , such a Matter -w you! gone, and doi not return y preience until you -have teamed not o interfere, in My affairs." "toor all that, my wife sh not know: herr snarled monsieur, The king -wee to have n quletlthatl day. If Mrae. de Mainten nsa friends! had rallied to heralester y her ene-: ere rushedi bore uponl his rich attire every sign of having just arrived trona a dusty j urney. He waS pale faced, and auburn haire4. with features Which woul havef been 1 strIkingly like the king's if it were not that his *nose had been dlisfigured in Wei youth. The king's fece had lighted roles were aativ In* the roma, red before youth wh up jet the sight:of him, but again at he hurried forwar hiraself down at his feet. grief—spare Us, this humill plore you to pause before vrT bring dishonor upon 'This is intolerable!" h wds bad from my brothe from my som you are in with him, Lopes. konsie The dauphin, rose to feet and you to act this part." lo6ked steadfastly at his angry tether. "I was at Moncton when I heardethia have not seen my unele," he, said. e, and gal - u to 'think royal house it darkened and threw are us this on do tvhat ourself and , but Worse conspiracy r has told sprang upon my horse, si loped over to: implore y agein before yOu drag our "You -talk like a fool!" thee "I propOse to marry a virtuowe aad charming lady of one 61 the oldest nohle fat:nines Of Paance, and you -talk as if I were. doing isomethipg degrade tan and unheard of." "She is the daughter of a man whose vices were well known, her brother is ried his fa - CHAPTER IX. T may -have been that Mlle, Nanon, the faithful confidante of Mme. de Maintenon, had learped some- , thing of this interview, or it inay , li)e that Pere la Chaise, th the shrewd- ness for which his order is famous, had- . come to the conclusio that ublicity was the best means of olding the king to his preseat intentiOn but, whatever the solace, it was Imo all Over the . court !next day that e old favorite was again in disgrace and th t there king and the governe s of s chil- dren. * midday the a was none hi the court who had no heard the tid- ings stiv only Mine. de /go tespan, who, al ed at her over's bsence, had rem hied Ito_ haug ty sec 11111011 in her room and knew thing of what lad' pass d. Louis i his innate selfishness had been so accustomed t , regited every event en Irely from th side of how it would a ect himself t at it had never struck hi that his lon suffeeing tuns ily, who had always yielded to ' hint the absol te obedience which he claim- ed as his right, would venture to offer I any opp sition to his new resolution. • He was Surprised, thefefore, when his ' humble air with which he wag wont to • appear bfore him, "Why, monsieur, yod seem dess gay ! than usual today," sal the king, with a smile. "Your dress ndeedgibright, ' but your brow is cloud d. I st that 1 all is we 1 with made e and with the Due de Chartres." i "Yes, Ire, they are well, but they , are sad, I ke myself, anti from the same I "Have iI ever failed in my duty as your yet4iger brother, sire?" -ile-ver.„ Philippe, never!" said the !dug, laying his band affectiortately up- , on the Other's shoulder. "You have set an eXcellent example to , my sub - "Then Why set a slight Up0n. me?" "Philin're I" STO moor and rto In Ilindret Ow a IA of the worst repute, she led, the Wei of an adven.turess, is the widow of si - deformed scribbler, and she oecuphel The king had stamped with his foot upon the carpet more than once during this frank address, but lila anger bla into a fury at' its concluslem "Do you dare," he cried, With Bashi- ing eyes, 'ne call the charge of mY children a menial position? I say that there is no higher in the kingdom. Go back to Meadon, sir, this instant and never dare te open your mouth agabe on the subject." The young man bowed low and walk- ed with dignity from the chamber. The king's first hot anger had dicta away by now and had left behind it .1 cold, bitter ,spirlt whieh Was even more Brit he had. little br athing space His assailants knew tba with peed t- wice they 'lad bent ills will before, aiii they Vested that they might do S : ) again. It Was LOUVOIS, the' mite 4tes, now who entered the room, weir his majestic port, his lofty bearing, hie huge wig and his arietocratic face, which, however, showed some signs of trepidation as it met the baleful eye of the king. "Well, /bowels,. what pow?" he ask- ed impatiently. "Has seme new state matter arisen?" "There la but one new state matter 4 which has arisen, sire, b t it is of such importance as to b h all others from our mind—Tour rriage, sire." "You diaapprove.of It?? "Oh, sire; cam; -help itir ..out of uky room, sit Am 1 to be -tke? WW1 1 order you :: 4011, You dare to linger when gel" The king advanced the Laterals sot er. leouls *MI amaze- ow in Good Health Through the of Lydia E. Pintchards Veue Compound., Say it is 1 ouse Necessity. Doctor Called Miracle. ned All women ought to know the wonderful effects1 of taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound evert,ou those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual capes: Harrisburg, Penn.—" When was single I suf- fered a sTeat deal from female Weakness b9_%usa my work erampelled me to sten& all day. I took Lydia E. Pinkharo.'s Vegetable Ofinpotind for that and was made stronger by its use. After I was married I took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three raonths Tassed whatthe doctor called a growth. He said et was a miracle that it figiMe away as one gpn4raly goes under the knife to haare them removed. \never want to be without your Com d in the house."—;;Mrs. FRANK Salome 1642 ton St., Harrisburg, Penn. Hardly Able to Move. Albert Lea, Iff.mn.-4 For about a tear I had sharp , my back and hips and was hardly able 'to move aroun thejhoUse, Xy head would. ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. etAr taMng Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver „. I am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight o tns old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be witho t our remedies in the house as there are none like there YOST, 611 Water St., Albert IAA, Minn, Three Doctors Gave Her U Pittsburg, Penn. -14 Tour medichie has hel me wonderfully. When I was a girl 113 years ol was always sickly and delicate and suffered _fro irregulanties. raw. doctors gave me up and ea I would go into consumption. I -took L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with e bottle began to feel better. I soon bece,me regnlar and I got strong, and shortly after I was married, Now I have two nice 'stout healthy children and ani able to work Wad every day."— Mrs. DUKURING, 34 Gardner Ste'rroyllill,Pittsburg,p Au women are invited to writ* to the LidiO, E. Pinkhain *vit. Co., Lynn. Warm" for *pedal artyleor-4t will be confidential. • ment upon histfam but it was e hilt and not the point whieh was pr sented to him. "Pass it through my heart, sire!" the minister cried, falling upon his knees, 1117 whole great frame in a quiver with emotion. "I will not live to see your glory fader,' "Great heaven!" - shrieked Louis, throwing ',the sword doWn upon the ground. "I believe that this' is a con- spiracy to drive me mad. Was ever a man so tormented in this life? This will be a private marriage, man, and it_ will not affect the state in the least LOUVOIS gathered himself up and shot his rapier back into its sheath. "Your maaesty is determined?" he asked. "Absolutely." 'hen I say no more. I have done my duty." He bowed his head as one in deep dejection when he departed, but in truth his heart was lightened within him, for he- had the kingn as- Surance that the woman whom he hated would, even though his wife, not sit on the throne of the queens of These repeated attacks, if they bad not shaken the king's resolution, had at least irritated and exasperated him to the utmost. He wore accordingly ao very cordial faee when the usher in attendance admitted the venerable figure of Father _la Chaise. his con- fessor. "I wish you all happiness,. steed' sail the Jesuit. "and. I congratulate you' from my heart that von hose taken the great step which must lead to contem both in this world and the nextr "I have had neither happiness not contentment yet, father," answered the king peevishly. "I have never been so pestered in my life, The whole court has been on its knees to me to change my intention." The Jesuit looked at hire anxiously out of his keen gray eyes. "Fortunately your majesty is a man of strong will," said he, 'and not to be so easily swayed as they think." "No, no, 1 did not give an Inch, But still it must be confessed that It is .eiry unpleasant to have els :many "Then there is the atone ;credit to your majesty fee having resiSted them. You have done *lily, sire. :You haite earned the praise end bleseizig of h "I trust that what I hoe done right, father," :said the king gravel "I should he glad te, see you a later in the evening, bal et :prese Father la Chaise left the cabinet eelth It was obvioue that the powerful arn peals which had been inadesto him had shaken if they had failed tO alter hie resolution. What would be ihe result if more were made? Andlnoke would be made, Tbat was as certain as that darkness follows light. Seine =Whew.. card must -he played now whieh -Wentid bring, the matter to a crisis at once. - The bishop of. Meaux was waiting 4rs the anteroom, and Father la (liaise -4ll a few brief words let him eee the deo. ger of the sitnation and the means which they should meet ite Together they 'sought Wale. de ointment Tin bee acorn, As the two ploti.C.ri 1,looked. upeoZ her Perfect tonaplexion, herreg,ular tea. tures, so calm:stud yet so fell of refitiee ment, and the exquisite grace of hen figure and bearing tiley copid not bid feel that if they failed In their aids tti was not for ant of having a perf She had rls n at their entrance,. her expressio shiewcil that she read upon their faces something * anxiety whichI Mimi their minds. "you have evil news:" She cried. biehop who spoae. "But 'We -must OD our guard egelest ottr enemies, Vit uthl tura the king away from yo0 they " eeki Children FOR LETCHFIrS C A "`" 0 ce AINT direct frOm actory Ready Mixed ahd I House Paint, inside or Fire Resistant—Barn, oFGualintionsi:h;id.oie., artsF. la4t5cossi10:1 Roof Iron, I-Iriming ' 10 gallons for tsSaj 0 wwhantoIt .13.aatyelexare,g;aartfian.;weiailottoPrii:essalreo; paint when nail can get what yOt2 MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT $1.2g a gallon Pon' t ur-system become lowered by the attacks of cough or cbld. "Safety Remedy at once. It loosens the Cough so that it soon disappears ; it heals the soreness; and lungs so theyare unaffected by chabgese ftemperatu re. contains no nereotics or harmful- drink While lt "v first dose .it ;nay he safely ueed with, the youngeet. M Jrug