HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-03-24, Page 5are once iter sole eet.. avoid the d rt - Er 'clot h'. AL ROTEL _met on hae op�u d his Cady Block, op - eel, Seafcirth, enees Menday, .violin playing;' oncert and or ought. of the renown - id will uso this `teed by Calling alio. 24I -t€ LAI ESS t demand foe le spring you satisfactory to us now, that ur special at- antee 'al'l our from No. r Leather which, iss wor an- e can siltisfy et.. Get our your s:ring Ea ess ing a specialty harness, We- better e- better and tae it Other We are using I harness oil fe of the leath soft and pii• " harness and ides. Shop !eia1 Hotel AR 011.24, .016 RT111M 8 illtUESDAT, March 24th, 1916 pati Wheat ( tari.) new 90 to n 90 per bush...... i .. 49 to 40, pees, per bush .... Barley, per bush. ... ... 50 to 55 anselrbyupsh..... 0 6 (j2. f50 is 2:00 Bran, per tort c . ! 4 i i ! 24 00 to 24 00 Shorts, per tole ........ 2H 00yto 26 00 amour, psr cwt.e ......... 3 00 to 4 00 Butter, No. 1 loose, ib. 26 to 28 lirggst per dozen , .. ... 21 to 22 new, per ton...., 12 00 toJ14 09 ........a.. .. 10 00 to' 10 00 Bean Market Toronto, March. :21. - Beate, hand - 'Tricked, $4=49 to $4.50 : primes, $4 to 1419. '• r Dairy Markets. r Toronto, March 21 -Butter, creamery its ,fresh made 34c to- .3$c ;; cream- ery 3lc to 82c .3oijds, storage, , choice dairy prints, 28c to ale ; ordiaary dairy its, 2Ite to 28e; bakers, 23o tar 24c. Eggs -Special cartons, newlaid, 30c to '31; new-lsaids, ex -cartons, 280 to "29c. r etie-view ,large 19c ; twins, 1'91.4c. eld Urge. 19 1-8c ; twins, 19 3-4c ; trip- lets 21e. Honey --Buckwheat, barrels It t 1 1-2c; tier. e, 9 1-2r. to 8c ; clove or, 50 -ib. tins, 15 1-3c.; do, /eler tins 14c; do 5.1b. tins, 14c ; comb limey, 1 tier doz., 32.51 to j4 do 340.2, 32 to- 32.48 Grain, Etc Toronto, Mar. 12. -Manitoba Wheat, store at Fort William, No, 1 6 Number 8, 31.04. Manitoba Oats, in store at Yort William, No. 2 C.W, No.1 extra feed 40 3-4c ; • No. 1 feed 39 3-4c. American Corn, No. 3 yellow, 79e. Canadian corn, feed, 68e to 700. tOntario Wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot, according to freights outside, $1 to 31.01; No. 1 commercial, 97 tc99c ; No. 2 commercial, 95c to 97c ; No. 3 commercial; 92 to 93c ; feed 85c te 88c, °Atari° Oats, Number 3 white; 42 cents to 43; commercial oats 41 :to 42c. fatale, $1 to UM, acco• rding to the freights outside. Barley -Malting outside 61 to 63e ; No. 2 feed 58 to 61c. Potatoes - Ontarios, per bag, $1.90 to $1.95; out of store; Delawares, $2 and in car lots 15 cents less. • SALE REGISTER. On Wednescley, March 29, at 1 o'clock peneon Lot 18, aenceseion I, Ilibriert, farm stock and imPle- inents. James Jordan, Prop.; T. heater), Amt. On March 27th, on Lot 28e Conees- Seaforth, at one o'clock p.m., farm stock and irnplemfm s. John Cameron, Proprietor ; T. BrOwn, Auctioneer. , On March 28th, on Lot 28, Conces-, sion 6, . Hibbert, choice 100 acre farm, farm stock and implements. Mrs. T. Cortnolly, Proprietress ; T. Brown, W. T. di CO. FUNERAL, DIRECTORS i . Holder of Government Diploma Land Liceure- Night COre Phone 10': rray Calls Phone 50 r. Jo n Cronin to vied by public) au Mon o pot 2 , Con. e‘ township of Metre, on,l'hu roh 0 iiti sk• te, ip steers and belie rising 1 y .01d, i y r• bulls, riaintif Irate; d the other 30 (non ;to old 2 brood ws in litter, 90 with litter bylher de, 0 credit 111 be given On furniohing rovh31°Inoti St notes. Four par cent off for' e on or i on • the pla• ce. JOHN 0111N, Pro gd mts Jon s, day, March 28th at 1 peel.. Lot 23, 6 .n 6: Illibbe t, brick t cruse, tiontained 9 rooms end latch° also a large feause barn with tone stabil gi un ernes h. wires all plowed Wen treeded to rem. lt ts a 80 well w tared with 8 go wells end will be, old n time o sale. There will so be sold the reit owin : general purp se horse 5 years old Moral!, urpese April, ow du to oat e in Nom saber, 9 spring calves, young lf, br sow due eo litter I May, 60 hone. Imple ents-De ring binder 6 fooh cut al- neeririg steel hay rake, Frost & Wo d drill) ?deserve Hanle diso harrow, se diamond e arrowe . single plow, .two -furrow vie , 2 Iamb wagene, pair bobele ghee rube* tired buggyalra i .t . ew, eerie' ti ed buggy set weigh scat ospociter 20 i i log own og mill, hay carrier with Oft, De Lave iteam crepe a - robe, ir biankets, also forks, hoes Owen erh e - he sold as the prop etress is gi up farm! e. The farm if not sold wil be gented f 0 e term of cash; Over that arnoune 8 month: ‘redi on P- maw TIEUAN-At Dashwooe, on March llth, to Mr. and 51 re. D. Tiernan, a daughter. FARQUHAR-At Parr Line, on March 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. CLas. Farquhar, a daughter. FERMISON-In Tuckersmith, on March le, to Mr. DIJOIIARME-In Illy, on March 10th, to Mr. and Mee. David DUcharrne, a son. • Marriages ReQUEEN-POWELL-At the manse, Seaforth, on Marnh ?A, by Rev. F. IL Larkin, Wrn. Erneet Megeeen, of Hersall, to Miss Idabel Powell, of LONG- AleCONNKL-At, the manse, lifeet, N.D., by Rev. Irwin, Miss Mary F. McConnell, of Pitts bum,. Pa., to Edward Guy Long, of Sawyer ALEXANDER -OR Ala -In Tuckeramith, on March 22nd, by Rev. F. el. Lerkin, Miss Eliza Craig, to Mr. John Alexauder j r., of Tookeremith Death b SWITZER-In Goderich, an /latish 11, Benjamin Switzer. in his 75th year. MARTIN -In Goderich on March 14tO, Mrs. Martin, widow of the late John Martin, of Kingsbridge aged, 83 years. ollemeormossoosserait • S T. Holmes • • Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer • • • • Phone Night or Day 119. lertaking parlors in Oddfe lows building opposite • Stewart Bros. Dr, Scott's Flowers furnished on short notice, 1 • AUCTION r BALM by euhlie aeration on t 35, Con. 14 totenehip of Logan, on Tuesday, X- reh 28tb, 19 6, the follow' g: bay mare 12 years old, fillies 4 ye ralold, geldin 3 years old eorrel driver 7 years old. Colette -OS yo cows with calves at f t, 6 cows to odlve In Ap if, lingse Pigs end hens 8 store pigs entire oi , 1 126 hens. Implemen Mower, '10 er, de delivery rake, 12 got ulky rake, o er with seed Orin, disc hariow. Iron harro furrow rid ng cutter., 2 hay racks, 2 eavel boxes, 2,1 lb. Heti es, small scales, 100 lbs. te ine, turnip eder seu er, 8 arc getes with iron costa, large a , 8 way ey- ere irpn pump with pi , vice an drill machtne, sautage machine and tuffer, 3 sets heavy }Arne!, 2 • sets 1 ght harness. 2 o per kettles, iarge iron et - ties, ulper, land ro er, [manure reader. st ek rack, fanning mill, 8 foot ledd , wheelberrinv, Also 00 bushels of ea e and a qua fty of 1 -ay. ale and hoar of other ar ides usually find on a f . at 1 o'clock serene T rine-All su e of $10 and un - give on fumishiug atiprovied join 0 tee. Four er cent off for cash on credit amounts. Positively reserve as the proprietor has sold is farm an giving up fanning., 0.10. Rock, ol rk J. BEN WIE8, Prop.; Jas. Joties, Auotione rt! Oh- 251 td ed by Jehn Cameron o sell by pi re auction on o'clock sharp the foil wing: Hors sh-Teaer ago cul- tural mares rising 7. 2 sgricultu 1 fillies rigin 8, draft mare rising b, ea liege drivin orate Clet le -- Cow to calve in June, cow to oaly early in A ril, oow to calve in Aug -us , cow to cal • bout tiro of sale, tarrow cow, la re :steer rising tweet ilniehed, 3 steers freeing 2 to fini h on grass. ger tieing to calf. Pigs -Register 1York sow ele. Tying se ond hitter, York sow eleg the for regi tr ion tarrying first Kt- r, York sow ed 1 1 tter, pip O rno the' old. 13 pies knit wean tie gebbler an 41 tur eve bin er 6 foot out, Fr & Wood m w r 6 foot ut, Massey -Harris 10 footle eel ay ra e, Massey -II Tete epade harrow, Perrin ri ing plow, rety plow Fe. 7 2 Fleury plows No. 2 j tt n w, fa hig mill, Frost FirrelisivE auonom MILE OF 011010E YOUNG 1101LeEs-Thes. Cameron has re. eived iestructions to self, by public oueolon on Lot 7, Ooneetsion 12, Hibbert, Feder, Mardi 31,ht at mare 4 years old wit h glee agric.brood mare 8 yeart old in foal, draft mare 6 years old, draft geldino,s 0 years old, e agri retiree! mares 5 years ell, 2 agri- cultural geldinge 5 years old, 2 draft eeldinp 4 years old, 2 agricultural %twee 4 years old, 8 agricultural tellies 3 yeers old, 4 Agri( ulttiral geldinge 3 years old, ,air matched general. purpose mare and gelding, e eood fanner drivere 5 and 7 yeert old, pair drivers mare and gelding 3 years old. The above mentioned 'horses are a fine selection of clean boned well fitted herses. Farmers wanting- torsei will do well to at, tend the', otie as the polo:eters last sale and pre - viens recoid of selee ie a guarantee that stock will will be 14) to the mere ancl wilt be sold without re- serve, Terme-8 mottths credit will be given on fur. niehing approved feint rotes at 5 per cent per an- num, 1.)Aiel IT C. 0 DINER, and JOHN G. SCOTT, Prope; Thee, ..ta teflon, Mice. 2519-1 is r in easy diste and Waiton;lott clerks*, freelf tuible hard,* foundatioia gook etablinga with water ft water cement 15 on 170. 100 acme of (shot land. with om tone awl very utile. In 00 ortabie brick h use on eton ene nt teller. Ls bank bar teen, A desirable f rin, Far fu ppl to ROBERT R ID, Lander,. %X Part 01 Mining 130 store modern brick There is sled a dation and ta on stone fou d cin good repair, ohardand tem unclerdrained cultivation it well Mena of Walton 0 mall delive sold on re n apply on thchp E thence more or lee frame hous FO EIALE-Fof Sale Lee 25 and with hard an Soft vitae. harn 60x126, wit stone touti- ng Underneath, Mei g shed 80x4.0 ion, pig pen and hen house, all There is also a goo* be ;ring. or - Yin failing wells. me imp lei wed welt iencied and in a, high state f 10 ree of hardwood bush. It a his is a choice farm O terms. Fier furth I mile mut one and Ter 1 and will le • WSarmley Embalmer and Funeral Director ,; Undertaking Parlors above • M.Williame grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth. iFlowera furnished on short notice, • ()horses moderate. • Phone night or day - 192 40 Western Canal: LF.. -For sale soutb 1, Teokersmith, cent here are on the pr w t kitchen and wood cistern, go rt barn 4004 with bush and dor hard. The fa tilre ere 10 acres and drain front Sewer h ii. d oir retie from oh west sine of rad °ad' track and is proprietor wit) s to stile, for . berth apply on tht mis or Address JO all L 31.3 Liaises a go.. tone steblin house, teat r id and con of first el s five mil e h and mho 1, is all on e rNptratli21(pexulle4 sa 8 -yr Annum it FOR SALE- admintstr t. offer for sale, t NO. fourteen (14) n the sixth ) consists of oti reset cleared and i proved far lands In a et earl and good state of oul ivation and le situated in a op endid farming dhoti.' , convents t to markets, soh ls and churches. 0 the premi es 18x24, With ki hen attached. Splen id frame ba n 52x70 with eton stabling underneath cement.fie re and water in ti , OM a good pig p n and Water in barn also a g pig pen mud he -house: T e farm is wed feta ed eild extra well tit drained., he title is perfecel nd esession will be 'yen ter he ON; Adminietrotors or to It. , their Solioiter. 2491-t purpose of.dor particulars pp ROBERT HAYS, Sea ore A UCTION SALE Olt FARM STOOK AND IMPLE- II RENTS -Thee Brown has been instructed to sell by petite; auction on tt 18 Conceseion 1. nib - beet, on Wedneeday, March 29th, 1916, at 1 Celock p.m. the f twine ; Iloreee -mare 7 years ole feat, getding 3 year., be le a Michael, filly 2 yearn old, 3 cows with city. t e, A, 4 cows due before he time ot sale, 9 amen ri hut yeare, 7 steers rising 2 verge, yearline heifers. e melee, eamworth sow with litter at foot, 5 stet ! heirs. Implemente-Mate- cut, Martsey-fferris mire new, plow, 4 seotion har- rows, dim, muffler, wegoe, borasleighs, buggy, eut- neek yoke, hay rack nee, Clinton tanning mill. stone boat, set "ay ear, fork o and 120 feet of eope. standard ere in, deparator and ether small ar- of $10 arid under, earth; over that =Kent 6 menthe credit will be givee furnishieg approved joint notes, Three Per cent off for cask on credit amounts. Poeiticely reserve as the farm is rent- ed and the proprietor le giving up brming. JAMES JORDAN, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 251O -tel It II & Wood muffler, set pla form ales, large work bench with iren and od lees ..rnplete, zrin tone, set pea wee re an bancher, Maple lea e tinder 10 inch hit -s, grain rushee, Cham- pion cutting box, 10 otee power n root,pul- per,,hay fork, car rope: ant pull is, erate, I Bale wagon, , ruck wegen, s t stet de with box for maehre, tree teaming eleighs made to order. good as seperator, set backbend mess a t, heavy tea ing harness .et single hareem, n w tope for co lam, wind collar, sweat pads, block and pelley re 20 feet oak stick, parlor fishing mee ina, 900 us. 0.A.O. No, 2t eeed barle grown! en new land -300 bus. Whitel Mary I se bate, 100 nug. smite, also same peatti Oo bte. see beans, a 1 t of clover hay and a quantity f ma olds, crow ars, tchmention. Terme of Sale All s eati of $$ ante Un- der, hash; over that Daman 12 m grade will be even on furnithine app ved j int nom. A die - cow t of 4 per centfor earth No °terve as fa le 51 I IMPORT N ICES M , 19 do 136, Clint° Central. 261 igs. ready to weeni Apply FRANK riltEAN ED OATS rot SALli--0.A.C. N. 72 -L-IOR SALE -Lot 34. on merlon 4, MoKillep I 100 X' acres, with bush, he nd ill, fr it oroherle. I 'For further particulars &Petty Mrs g. Ael GA TZ. scrno 7position. Rea re for sellin E --For e heap mith s and with, '8gk Me. For if RL ND 2519-4 rtable cottage- on house ontatnot goo stable. Within gne look tea miler and haild and soft ho se. Apply to John Bankie, 13 ST-LatIge, heavy set fox ho net, , ttled ,_ white with bleak On top of ead sha ing tan on et" large black Spelt behind 1 ft ehou der, two and Week on hips an extending . alf ear down tail, large spet.s on right liside, blaok pot owl neyn Finder please wri ,J411.113 ' 1,014E, Bernet/lee oeh-OUNG STALL ON FOR SAL - 01yd iodate 1 stallion three y old last atelier. Canedian br trom registere 'took. In color, hay, I with step on face and hi d eeet Can e seen at anytime es, Lot 3, Con, 11, Hull It. Wil bel sold phene 15 on 170, Rept/op. e 261 jr, miles from Seafortie. `Good bu ldings, well flan aaO drained, everything ulp-to-d te. There re 12 acres hush, the rest! in' go -ode °tate of oulciv tier. Plenty of water. Arlesian Well ori the placie, F r fur OR SALE -A Ne.1 good farm, of 166 acres, est,- ' ly cleared, 2 geed Wade of weter, good buil inge, goel feneee and near geed mareets. Price $76 per acte. I alio have a otidpistent Which I would like to sell, patented in he Ueited eltates a 'd also in Carmine All intern ation Will be cheerfu y gi en by House n The proper Main et., Seat stone foundat kitchen and ot ere six tots ah Will sell the h At smith, containine 100 aches about mven acres a der bust.. The firm! is Weil f noed trod d ined d in a goo i state of Itilltivatio There are the nen bowie, ririve h use sod tw good wells,' For Orme and particle apely on thetprendees o ad - vas tt eitM. FOR SAL never failing wells, beim 60x88, pig ho hell of extra goo thithiri 3 miles of The m contains 100 aer 8, wirrdmill at barn. Good! bank teetiett heu-s anti drive ;shed., o h. rd. This choices term is ea ort , on the -Kippen1 road. yelOR SALE Ore ENTI In lend. On the pre ises are a f me house with 11 cenvenien a d soft water, ex Meet wader, niinutea walk of roost ONO wil -Os easy terms, If net riFtly to a good reliable 'sok For ALEX GORDON t the Egrnon ems Box 51, Seat) th. • j/ ntsieing 2t ores of nefortable 1, story s. Plenty e hard Alm a No.' stable um. Is w bin 10 be sold oh p and pril 7, will leased particulars eleply to iville store Or add • Buildi for Sale is attested on the we t eide of no n, cement and brie cellar, fra lied. Large Imre arn. Th ply eo 4 Lo s th th re s. it Resi For sale the owned by the solid bnck' wit ed attic. t I hot air fur _at, There are fe carriage bou ence fo ate M. Y. McLean, e houltte elate roof, eplendid el ar and ft heeled by comoinatio ot water The EXPOSIT D OFF1OE Seaforth a or- nd ce nd Weeds 10,000 Men for Spting Seeding Steady einpl+ment - good wages Low Settler's and Homeseekers Fare now in effect. Por through' iekets to all points in Manitoba, S katchewan and Alberta, a CANADIAN NORTHERN en $1') rthorn Bulls or Bale Four of these are about 18 months old, 3 about twelve months and 3 about 6 months old, good colors and register- ed and priced to sell quickly. Also for sale are cows in calf with calf at foot and many heifers of choice quality. Also a -choice lot of No, 72 oats and No. 2 I Barley. JOHN ELDER & SONS Hensall, Ont. rse Ole Tne Under h Steelton, ag Stallion, Ites. Stallion, oa f ea Seafort ay; Apri auspices of t HORSES CLYDESDALE in 1913 in 1914 in e9I5 ydesdale • SHIRE Stallion, en ge . HACKNEY i ROADSTERS Standard br pacing stallions in r Ss AVY DRAUGHT Team in se, bit. Regina gold Filly or g d f led in 1913, snit _ Filly or e g haled 1914, silver Filly or g Id g ?wiled 1915, O. 13ar- AGRICULTURAL Team in a ess, suit of clothes Stew rt Bios, Brood mere fool, silver oup Do - Filly or g Id g flitted 1613 200 lbs. flour, Se ore milling co Filly or geld !haled 1914eMarcella Filly or gel g foaled 1916, plus Seafo 2nd 3rd 4th V3 62 Badge 5 Readete+o under . Carriage ho Roadster te Carriage t Fortbe goy in the " fully polder Huron Wea Bull, ye Pull, 2 year Bull, 1 year Bull Bull ROADSTERS in harness 15.8 and harnese, ever 15-3 in lowness, 16-8 and . harness over 16-3 SPKOIAL he vy draft filly or urea Weather Iritra for leyeare value SHORTHORNS pld dr over Id POLLED ANGI,JS d or over. DONATIO No. 1-17 .11 el adjusted Regina No, 3-Soll feat er- suit COM, 00 value i. me fal, durated try No. 5-Pai 'Wool lined hors blan t he Self r% Creamery, vaulue ous P og es Brand, donated- 1, No, 7- iii eV clip, dooated !by No, 8-2011 el, Wave Crest Retie, No. 9 --4,1a; ella tied spread dort 25 10 7 5 3 3 2 aiding 1150 pot. oe Mutual- Co, donated by the etch, 'gold filled 5 00 lone ted 0. 0 00 ank of Com erce 0.00 ets, (lariat by 50 ddb .°1°) n. Jti Bch e ift08nel. No. 2--13r res mu8e sho vi ibi in goal, No. 3 -Ag rives to date t e January le , No. 4-e.g f ca tle to date feeler Sept, 1st, prote ,t is sus ined. ti, No. 6 -No egis red Olydesdvile ail wed to ehowl In Agelo tut elms. : Prime Li may be obtained fro el e Seer tarry ' Preeident 1, M. Brod rick Benet rly Treaturere MeD HENSALL TILE WORKS Tile,- gasoline engines and bicycles. We expect our spring shipment of bi- cycles this *oek. All our bicyeles are nuule in Toronto Ont. De not forge6 to buy tnadoin-Canada bicycles, gas- oline engines and made-m-Hensall cement tile. All these goods are guar- anteed to be the best that money can Phone NO, 7 Hensall Bargains in Gasoltne 'Engi • ....................... 1 dt,Jarkse n 1 • • , f PractiOal Boot Repairer Entrance threligh j. Willis' Boot Store. 1 Seaforth Prompt attention' to all repairs. i I : Best leather only used. I stock 4, workers and hard wearers. ; • Note the Address: • • In the :u tter of the estete of John Shine of the trove of Seeforth, in the County of Huron. gen- tleman, deceesed. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 1O,S,O, Chap. Seetion 06, that all creditors and others having cleans against the estate or the said John Shine, who died at Seaforth, on the 22nd day 'of February, 1916, are reggired to Kind by post, or deliver to J, M. Boit, Seaforth, Ont„, Solicitor for Hannah Shine, the Executrix of the mid eatate or betore the 15th dey of April 1916, the full particelare of their claims and the nature of security, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the Eeeeutrix will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled therate, having regerci only to the elating of which she shall then have notice, Solleitor ter etre said Executrix, Seaforth. Dated at Seeforth, e I3th day of Ranh, 1916, 2518-3 nes Here's Your Chance One second•hand Internation- new. Two second-hand 2 14, gaso- line engines in gocid repair. These engines are in the best running order, and Will be sold very reasonably. Wright's Garage North Main st, Seaforth Notice ;to Creditors. Logs apd Heading Ei ol t s We are prepared to pay the highest cash price for all kinds of logs and heading bolts, in bush or delivered in our yard. Heading bolts to be cut 20 and 4o inches long Soft elm, soft maple, and beech logs to be ctit II, 13 and 16 feet long. Rock elm, hard maple, white ash and basswood logs to be cut to, 12, 14 and 16 foot. We have in stock and will sell at the lowest price No. hemlock lumber and the best grade Red Cedar shingles. Ament Bros Seaforth In the eit Le of Robert Watson, late of the town- . *hip of rickersmith, in the County of Huron, ' farmer emend. In purshance of the statute in that behalf all persons having any claim against Robert Watson, late of the eownship of Tuckersmith, farmer, det ceased, who !died an the 4th pay of February, 1016, are required! on or beforh the Ist day of April, 1910, to send full he rtietilars of their oiairris duly verified, to the undersigned solicitor for the e eoutors oi the will of the Mid Roheit Watson, at Sea rtb. After the said date the Executors will proceed distribute the assets beloniting to the imitate among the turtle° entitlea therm, having reference only to the claims of which they have received notice, '4 Solicitor floe the Execinfore of the 111 of Robert Dated at Seaforth this 3rd day of 3 rch, 1916. 2517-1 Notice to Cre4itors In the matter of the estate of Murcia Y. McLean, of the Town of Seaforth, in the Co nty of Huron, Publisher, deceased. Notice is berme, given, pursumt t R.S.O. Chap. 121, Sect. 6 , that all creditors ana others, having' claims ag inst the estate of Mu o Y. MoLean, who died a Seaforth, on the 19th d y of January, 1916, are equired to send by pos or deliver to J, M. Beet, 13olieltor for the Execu rs of the said estate, on Or before the 1st day of April, 1916 ,the full parte:Mars of their claims, and, the nature of the: securities if roe-, held by them. And further take notice that afte.'r such twit mentioned dote the Execuhtre will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, halving regaed only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, Solicietor for Executors. Dated at Seaforth, this Oth day of March, 1916. 25174 ROrrierner! that af'ter all there are only tw3 kinds of coal..4e BEST A. F. CLUFF and the rest. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 10}IN .A1RD, General MaOsger. R. V. F. JONES. Asset General Manager CAPITAL $15,060,000 RESERVE FUND, $13500,000 BASKING BY, MAIL Accounts mO be opened at every branh of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other 4epartments of the Bank's business. Money rimy be deposited or Withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by ta personal visit to "e Bank. S53 an ag SomeOing Realy. Worth While 1For Onb Dollar Genero t: Premium List of the Seafort Horticultural Society One Dollar enti and any les you to one year's memembership FOUR of the following choices 01-1010E 1 -One Apple or One Pear Tree hof any of the follow! varieties : APPLES -Astrachan, Duchess, King, Spy, Rhode Isla Greening, Golden Russett, Famuese, Tatman Sweet, Baldwin, Alexander. Pe rs-Anjou, Bartlett, Sheldon. ' CHOICE 2 -One pl in or One Cherry Tree of any of the following varieties : PLUMS -Abudances Bradshaw, 'Burbank, Lombard, Itu- nerial Gage, Red June. ceneitirr -Early Richmond, Montmorency Windsor, Blacl Heart, Black Tartarian. CHOICE 3 -One Rose selected from the following -list: IITI3RID rgn- Prrum.-Alfre Colomb, Baron Bonstettm, General Jack, John Hooper, Frau Karl Druschki, Paul Neyron, Ulrich Brunner, CLIMBING Phil delphia Rambler (Red), Seven Sisters, Dorothy Perkins, Tame dsehon, HYBRID TEA -Caroline Testout, Betty, Madan' Revery J. B. Clark, Grus an Teplitz, General McArthur, Kaiserine Aug sta Victoria, Mildred Grant. CHOICE 4 -Hydra gea Paniculata. CHOICE 5—Dutchman's Pipe. CHOICE 6—Bostoii Ivy. CHOICE 7—One P ony. CHOICE 8 -Six un named Dahlias. CHOICE 10 -Wei elia, Rosea (pink ;lowering shrub). CHOICE 11 --Deut ill, (white flowering shrub). CHOICE 12 -One Dec. CHOICE 13-Twen y Gladiolus. 0110I014.1 14 -Five uberous Begonias (bull*. CROWE 15 -Two Hardy Perennial Plants from the following list: CHOICE 16 -The Canadian Horticulturist .1 Cut out this advertisement sign your name and address on the line below, mark x oppesite any FOUR ehoices and mail it with One Dollar to the Secretary or President. Memhers wishing to procure trees, plants or other nursery stock in addition to their four ehoiees, whether mentiened in the above Premium List or not, may do so by paying only the actual cost of same and making out their wants on a separ- ate sheet. Premium List Positively CloSes on April lat. • President D. 'SUTHERLAND Secretary We lways carry for Your benefit a full supply of the best! Lehigh Valley An racite (the coal that sati •fies) The e's a lOng time ret before the ho weather sets so hadn't you be ter replenish that lowering coal bi with a load or tWo of the BEST 4iso handle all ki ds of logs and lumber, Canada Ce ent, Buff- alo Brand Fertilizers, d essed lum- Board, 'metal building materials, tile, cerdar poSts. etc. Bayfield office 8 on 174; Brucefield offi6 11 On 145 John B. Multaisl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MODEL FOVR NINETY • • • • • • • • • Phone 95 GEO D. HAIGli, Agent, Seaforth • • • For Sale or Rent owned by W. G. aherlesworth end situated 1 mile from Seaforth. The house is a two story brick, with furnace and electric Helmer! ehroughout, hes good cellar with cement floor and 1 rge soft wetter els- tern in cellar. There is also new stable with two single and one box grail and d ive shed. Good hard water and a few fruit crees. Will be sold reason- ably and on tunes to mit purchaser. For further particulars apply to Stallion f r Sale Ascot's Heir This grand Clydesdale stallitia will be gold on easy terms. Ile is enri lied under the Ontario Etallion Aetand inspected and placed in No. 1. class, Ile ranks among the best imported horses in Canada and is a sure foal getter. Anyone desirone of a good btese would do tvell to see him at Lot 20, Con. 18, Harbert GrKGE -MARTIN Cromarty NOw Farmers! Youl no doubt have thought it over about how rnany acres you have that ought to give you double the yieid that you have been getting, and you feel you would like to try a ton or so of our Best -By -Test Fertilizer. So just phone the undersigned, 0 on DS, Clinton, or any orders given at Chas. Layton's Store will be carefully look- ed after. Also you can see a sample of that Kent Countysrown Seed Corn at Layton's storeswhich will stand the test. II also wish to st).te that there was ail error in the signature of last week'‘ ad. and should have been as follows : Jonathan Rugi THE PRODUCT OF EXPERINCE • • • • • • .4, .4,441 µ Complet 675.2.p. F.0,13.0shaw