HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-03-10, Page 7ITOBarive these people into the time hreh." "On my ,word, you look a very fine apostle and a putty clranpton for a hoer cause," said. Conde, g�,lllancing_-sar- donicaily out o his twinkling black in Terribleetting Her 1. 's Vege impound. 0 tesla --e of tooth, tat c t- fabri t1.. LUX ' sal eat- , of all lt•-f by, Um** TOIP0140.`. `-1 TA kris Chtur, In •Clemens and Lever . Wks_ ryett M. ►rgotten rtoW show that ". of rea1 mete. oney in thee, ifteu without drip had: the 'aptud and capital. At corner the cent& tut boys thought • •more. 0 Skill d it back; on ne back aegi time crafw1 tot the e ?gain. Ys that a e band. grew:; Selms% clerk, there's sole khat boy hes all then er pile of pelts. epskine het he had that ears *used to joke Albert Elba. ,D FORGE lCreate With ettxre at teee td instittite ora clog ,in been wi?- be broacli , the gree ke, are is le men tion those the gift o eminentl raham T.iof Heine, the rr Balfour, ng, Shake; enry VII.t Chari theme ute nger wa.. with cote! es of tyles o of theE spears and and the: •i g jar the bap-; eon° ` yet *. then lam; of UI wse, o . was. sua uenese to *In the s William f the dee- la quoting, says th e kindness ie maiden t expert m. After ntiy—and grunt hen after he std, things a sit with tae threat;. should :l e rate siou; to n wbi& so easy 's muison contains pace i ehiarly strengthens the res- et and Intpxwes the qnalit`of 1 the glycerine in fit soothes aid M. tender membranes of"thettiro ispreseribed by the best Yoncan get it at any drug store, rode& ire, ronto, Ont. LEGAL.. R. 3. I;Y•SS Berri r, Solicit , ColaVeystliceri and jary Pab11c. Solicitor for the Dom- WO mak. Office in rear of the Dom - tilos Denis, Seetorth. money to loon. 3. l lib'. Iherrldier, Conveyancer and emery Pi blit. Office up -stairs veer Walkers !furniture attire, (stain Staeek Ste• t ,.. F. SOI,. 1 €' mer, Solicitor; Conveyancer and Miry Public. Solicitor for the Cana- 01111.1110k ana- . k sof" Commerce, Loney to loan. illfriet for sale. Office, in Potts block, Ws' street, Seaforth.- - Stopped f g�by E. PRO OOT. KILI.OB N AND COOKE lbiirriaters, Solicitor*, Notaries Public, *slitooeo ` to lend In Seaforth on Kom- ar of each week. Office In Kidd block. W Proudfoot, K.C.re J. L. Killoran, iEI. jtD . ` t* VETERINARY JOT�I+1 aitn IVE V. graduate .sit Ontario Ve'teetin- My, College. An diseases of Domestic Frestuada treated. Calle promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate. Veterinary atiatri a specialty. Office and rest- sem, on aoderich street, one door cast !1i Dr. &etre office, iaeaforth. ble I eyes at the brutal face of be dragoon U � 1 "Take your mei oat of this, sir, and yee, ! never venture to set Poet again across I this threshold." "But the king's emnm ness." "I will tela the Ling w Denison, �'ex s, "After m lints that I Ieft solders and that 1 and l vias bona t o years 805'1 ;be sti brigands. Not a word, fir? Awayt feting with -1 female Iron take your sIi uto with you, and trouble ,nd could . you leave your henor behind!' He hardly do m work. had turned In an instabt from the nervous sneering, stuttlnri old beau to the >t drag- fierce soldier with set fad and eye of it 1 as tire. Delbert shrank back from his n I got baleful gaze, and, mutteig an order I not do to his men, they filed , off down the C would stair with clattering 'feet and clank of every sabers. eAa8anheds "Your highness," said the old Hugue- not, coming forwerd slid throwing )uld al- open one 01 the, doors which led from almost the landing, "you have indeed been a burden savior of Israel and a stumbling block GT nsotr'd to the froward thisY day. Will you not ist tan deign to rest under my roof' and even !i: to take a cup of wine ere fou go on - ▪ So he ward?" de Coin- Conde raised his thick eyebrows at the first the erlptural fashion cif '- the mer- I'cun- chant's speech, but he bowed courte- ously to the invitation.. "My carriage waits below," said he, "and I must not delay longer. It is not often that I leave my castle of Chantilly to come to Paris, and It was a fortunatei chance which made 'rice pass in timet to be of service to honest men." He 'hernial , again his bewigged head and strutted ! off in his dainty, dandiflbd fashion.. From the window De Catfnat could see him step into the same gilded chariot which had stood, sharp " In his way as he drove from Versailles. young i "By my faith," ;paid he, turning to on tin- i the young' American, "ewe all owe Doper, , thanks to tae princ=e, but it seems to your high - I see him P. StaRBURN, V. S ,a Beam graelleate of Ontario 'Mean. Oollege, end honorary member of the Medical ,Aseociation et the Ontario Vatericary College. Treats diseases . of - sSDomestic Animals by the rooet mod- 11211principles. Dentistry and Milk Fev- er: a, specialty: 01fiee. opposite Dick's Oorel, Main -street, Seatorth. till. er- ases left at the hotel will receive prompt mi. Night calls received at tea.. MEDICAL. � . 1 W. KARN,Cad, ' t Richmond street. London, Onb. Specialist : Surgery and 4enito-gria ary diseases of men and women. . 10RGg: HE+ ILDVI A NN. Osteopathic Physician of Goderich. grenhdist i'li women's and children's fit esu rheuretient. acute. chronic sa nervous disorders, eye, ear, lasee sad throat. Consultation free. Office at ®,o uerclal Hotel, Seaforth, Tue is ' allid Fridays, 8 a.m. till 1 pen. Dr. J. W. PECK Graduate of Pacuity of Medlclae,.Mc- Gill University, Montreal; Member of College of Physicians .and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council. of Canada; Post -Graduate member of Resident Medical Staff of General Hos- ptal, Montreal, 1914-16 Office two doors east of Post. Office, Phone 6,8, Small, Ontario. 11111•1111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1110 4411744 " 1174 t guard coulOE h= ':h stranger in a str tie land? Yo to leave Adele time, uncle. "She Is in God' lands, "1 tn1t o. 0,'Iam0 fie there!" Soon, as the rad eurv:d the river bank, the city 'wa nearer and neal;e • intil . they. h. ed the southern g to and n they. over the stony c . seway, :eat broad Luxembo rg- upon and Coibert's last work, th upon their left. • The youn his head still tbrust out dow, but his view was ob cur broad gilded ;carriage whi . ►� 1 heavily along in front of tia road broadened. however,i s - he a did 11 to be orifi - 0 1 grew c1 piss- r11ttlit f, iatg tl ' t the r rig' valid ; o+icer bad P 'e wi by her s. the r ed to a one side, and be was ablto aitch glimpse of the °atinat Jou e. It was surrounded on e. ery side. an immense crowd.` The house of. the $uguen't r ercha was a tall, narrow buildi mai at the corner of the Rue St ar and the Rue de :Piton. t za fo stories in height,, grim an i gra a I1 its owner, with h� igh peak r o 10 diamond paned windows;' : fr ewo of black wood, with gray : as innt the itersticea, end five sto a ste which led up to the narrow an om door. The upp er story wa but warehouse, in which the tra k his stock, but the secon were furnished with bat:bin 4s with stout wooden baiu trat`1c the uncle and the nephe sp �a of the caleche - they foun,. th upon the outskirts of a d=use people, who wereswaying,'auc with excitement,' their chi • a al forward and their gaze clir ward. Following their ey officer saw a sight will h to standing bereft of every s:isa amazement... From the upper baleonv the hanging head downward ';a ea DR. P. J. BUItBO'W&. Office and residence—Goderich street !a#it 01 the 'Methodist church, 8eafortho Phone No. 46. Coroner tor the County ilk Baron. SCOTT & MCKLY. J, G. Wit, graduate of Victoria a&d °phege of. Physicians and Burgeons. .arbor, sad tnember of the Ontasrks COroner for- the County of Suwon. ' O. MacKay, Imam graduate of TrinitY,. ildversity, and gold medallist otTrin- kr liedical College; member of the Clef - lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Oateslo, DR. Vii. HUGH BOS!.° Grate of University of Toronta i i softy of Medicine, member of ca- b& of Physicians andSurne0TIS of On- thaki; Pees: graduate courses in Chicago Meal School of Chicago; Royal Oph- aliabnic Beepilal, London, litrigland, tralverstty College Hospital, Loam Maglaced. Office ---mak of the Doman Bim, geaforth. Phone No. 6. nemeels answered' from residence, Yid Street. Seafort'h. AUCTIONEERS - THOMAS BROWN. Licensed auctioneer . for the couftiee pf Huron and Perth. Cortespondenee sir einente for sale dates can be mad by selling up Phone 97, Seaforth, or The Expositor office. Charges metier and d satisfaction guaranteed. R. T. LUKER, ' Licensed auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended to to afl parts of - the County. Seven years'. ex- perience in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Terms reasonable. Phone No. 204, A. 3-1, Exeter. Centralia! P. O. B. R. No, 1. Orders Heft at The rHuron Ex pcMter Office, Seaforth, prompt', ceded to.. - f JOHN ARNOLD; Licensed auctioneer tor the counties of lid.ron and Perth. Arrange Ante foe sale dates can be esa4e by calling -4 none 2 on le Dublin, or 41 Settfortie, Or the lexpositor Office. Claiges mod - brae mid satisfaction gtiMuteett .a y g n. r e k er a pt th rd ed iselc owd Eossi 7trolvn ed Up- ig m n Save -e. Was n clad ut es. of ng "are "ftway, Yoh Vasil AwaseIs "That - the slat window. goon'L 1 him -tip round of th yours if "Let n inconnei heels lin you ra. "OIi, ping!" "Yon your m old mea Do you • "Oh, 'up!" "nt talk to :!th eor pr Ile en d a "Pull vte up, son of the • up l ' he screw In the bright blue co breeches of one of the ki His hat aid wig had dr his close crop ed head backward and forward feet above the pavem resounded overthe wh the air was filled with h mercy. Above him at the cor cony there stood a , yo leaned with- a bent b balustrade and who bels dragoon by either an however, was not direc victim, but was half t shoulder to confront a diers who were clusteri#ig at open window which or ed out the balcony. - Suddenly the crowd ga excitement. The young leased his grip upon one and nd the dragoon hunganow by one >ray, «I ba his other leg Sapping hel ilessly in the Yo12- ie B. It PHILI;IM Licensed auctioneer for the countlea Baron sad Fertile Being a' Practical tarsier and tboroughte anderotanding limes me le a better position to re - adze good price)... Charges moderate. ilittliellactave guaranteed or ao pay. A.11 orders att la Exeter will be prouptry how this will trou d ST ur Iden, u .dolts, you s eciles! see ane chaffsto piece ? ! Off with yeti ' . - tter," :said the outh wh n had vanisl a from t e e gave a tug it the dta• - s he spoke.: w ieh jerk d ftr that 110 Could tw st iitaleholt1 of %bel lower ed e 'only.. " -flow: do you fi = d ?" be asked <, •jp, !sir; let m p!" ods, time. I • e` r that it is t to you to till with your i ar. I am g ing to p 11 only. oconfit ons." are granted!- I am -sl Ii p- 1 leave this hou e—you a d You will .not •ouble ti is this. young gi l ny furth • r. - we shall go! nIy pull e fast. It may 1 e easier to like this. T d not kn w ws are over le re. Ma be thing is not Per fitted. ou e ince` that I s al] have noo the matter." ne, Only pull a up!" ' g . d Come along,." H , tz_ ged' at the dragoon's 1-g, `vhf e , ther gripped his way' up ' e bat str' d until amid a uzz of c: n - gra ula'io i from the crow. he tumb ed all n a • am over the ra 1 on to he bat any, here he lay fo a few : o- rne t s` e had fallenf. Then, st a g- geri g o is feet, without a glance at his ip n i, t, be rushedl with a bell . of ge ough the opea indow. 1 • s little dram.: ad been acted o • I, eta the youg guards had shalt •n ;off his firs stupor am zemeii' and had puss ed his thr ugh 'e crowd with such vi. tha he a '.d his companio had ne - rea shed s e bottorn of th • steps. tial ora o ° the king's glia d was in self 4 pees -port anywhere, nd the f of Id' CCe nat was so w:11 known the district filet renew en drew b toe aenr path for film toward Inn se. Tie door was 'fit ng open u, and an old servant stood wr this he ds in the dark assage. �h, ink. tea! Oh, inast r!" he cr ed. Ch doi rise Such intra' yt„ s he s oke a clatter . -nd show wh ch h burst out again upst en ed Su denly in a trent ndous cr v; i vette , s bf oaths and a prolon bumping nd smashing, ihich sir the old li use to its foun::ations. sol ler an the Huguenot •ushed s ift- ly p the brat flight of at, irs and ere abut to ascend the seen d one, f om thel head f which the u roar see ala ed to irocewhen four ,in n, so lo eked them at they formed but one oll- i un.1 , game thuddin down a-' id oris of splintered st it rails ' thea., !nd struggled u on . the I 1 ata. • ering up, falaino down, , Isrde ing together Iilc the zein i hitianty. So twisted and tw nrii n I t e that it was had to_ pick e : ther save that : e inne le s cia' in black FiemisI cloth, • a e : who clung to im were es i>f the king. Yet :0 strong orous-was the man wh m they Bold : at as often as . e could feet ►: e dragged themafter n ' to end -of the assage, I ht pull, the cu s which on to his haun i.' es. An ad rushed dew' at the. bU. Balers, thrust °h s hands 'civilian by the throat, gain wi • white Clappin lashed- ou to dri. unarm t sprang the writ . .t the sc 'St I was very but just Ilei ging on ,unt summer wife where I soul my work. have a ;chil day and hof and dizzy s my head w most .burst.. I got where I waE a walking skele n and life was .e to me until one day my husband sister told my husband if he du something for me I would net l,i and told him to get your med cin got Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetal pound for me, and after taking three doses 1 began to improve. tinued its use, and I have never had any female trouble since. I feel th t I owe my li a to you and your remedies. They did fbr me what doctors could not! do erever I Mon - form of ydia' E. and I will always praise it w go."—Mrs. G. O. LowERY, 41,9 terey Street, Denison, Te If you are suffering from female ills, get a bottle Pinkbam's Vegetable Co commence the treatment wi d, and tdelay. shortened, but was met blow from the cudgel of stranger which sent his kling on to the ground. however, on the stair had p pistol and, clipping it-withi the guardsman's ,bead, wa a settle the combat once aid when a little old gentlena; quietly asdepiied from the who had - been looking on amused and - interested sin fierysequonce of events too an quick step forward and of parties to drop their weep ay voice so decided, so Stern and or of authority that the saber p ly clinked dowi together upcn e . quet flooringas though it ler in of their daily drill. ce - "Upon iny word, gentle in my word!'.. ;Ile said, looki ck from one to the other. In 1 hie bearing he had a dainty for backward crick of the h • taken with his sharp blac ng_ high, thin features and manner, wottid impress a s the feeling ithat this was power. And, indeed, in Fr u of it there were few to w man's name was not fam'lia the France e only figure whic up as largeas that of th le gentleman y th ea lied out a me, sir', that we ars, your debtors even a foot of more. You have deiced your life for bout to my cousin, - and but for your cudgel forever Delbert would have had his blade ho had • through me when be had me at a=van-- strleet and ; tt ge. Your hand. sir! These are ith an i things whish a m a :a cannot forget." ile 1 at this 1 "Aye, you may well thank him, Am - al sudden eery," broke in the old Huguenot, who >rdered all ; had returned after escorting his illus - ns with a trlous guest to the carriage. "He has so full been raised up as it champion for the rots all afflicted and as a helper for those who e par- are in need." a part 1 But their young visitor appeared to be more embarrassed by their thanks ere upon than by any of his preceding adven- sternly tures. The blood f ushed to his weath- *ait and er tanned, clear cut face, as smooth as rut and that of a boy'and yet marked by - • which, nese of lip and shrewdness in the keen yes, his blue eyes. assured 1 "i have a mother and two [deters a :eorrwioiutht s 1ierker the water," said he diffidently. a man' of "And you honor women for their - om this . !"We always honor women over there. for in perhaps It is that we have so few. Over i loomed ht these old - countries you have not ing was Darned what it Is to be iIvith'out them. wird Steed I have felt what a good woman is and i one hand how, like the sunshine, She draws out tie in the and the Hu;ue- thjere who the great of French e, victor of ero of the Fronde? • rump of his ing' irs sh, _ed sok 1 , e to in a wr all a w fr w th, dig vi to • hi from boar fatten an nd- and in ued one ost hile sol - and ried find him had eels n to but an eeth the his: it op - d fty da eh s Melee he whip Place until 9aPi as stream' for met he , wean bale swIr woe threw& the P°gent of the. etc over the dan ed them back s left thumb. his mouth, he. d was about e bedy of his hen De Catin caught him by nein, Delbert!" den appearanc bodyguard pon the bra ek, with his th d his sword y at the ne had released th ting in a line, ed against the from his black ti little accoun re, Delbert," s 41S taee, oup of soy. elect the king . sPr.trillg into- n"ith the dos "Pull me up, son of me upt" he screamed. murder me, then? Heb "Do you went to come said the strong, clear young man above him, cellent French. "Yes. sacred name of IF BILIOUS 10 CENT "CASC d'or Sick ,Headache, out Sto Sluggish Liver and hwels— work while yot.i sleep. utshea devil, pull ale, and up, capt voice, o speakin 0 ex - cpsrvE Furred Tongue_ Bad tion, Sallow Skin and clogged- vowels, add gteted total, which so to unto seta, tweed ia are, et to -night ere give y strreghtee :•oe. did by work 're ilo; yeti bleep from your datiggist.v 1 iserable cause ed with and fe cite %hie end saoreLeg. They I keep you feel - hey digesi ane undi om a eize Cam e th ttdtlabe oak st hie pl like a luA elothr von thru sob theis teolat • he cried of one o had a lers. D mb still corner. idle the bru to settle Your the agic n his owl - Him and oung hing with at, ord, e no quarrel wi you." De Catinat st ped fo ward ck him acroes the face with and furies!" scr amed th cap - 0 your arms, m ni Hole, ere, ove! Cut down *a fello and ohr prisoner! Hole! the me?' 4 call a dozen more tr open ffYine down e stairs, while upon the la ding ad anced them, however, and call: et out old merchant'S' hand the thick with you, sir," said he, eking e beside the guardsman. off your canaille and fi entleman," cried De Cati entleman! Hark to the uguenot, whose family ng is st ad IS ht me at. eddies this very 11 now, with and deep 1 Other, upon not's house, for who was did not knew ,the last o French nobles, the braves captains, th beloved Con Rocroy and De Gatin sword in a - "Heh, hel the Rhine -1 Min. But ti "I was 1 the regiment yells hieliness. De Cat -yet yes. are aau?" old snuffbox i ced bandkere he landing of coward. -I wi I write ler on rang fortvard and sett in e which might ave fou d ita al Dalbert'S bear had. the heave aldragoon noti:lescende from de and shorn hie more elicate 'of !triumph his enemy t raised the s !" cried the in. "You were eh? I know yo But you, sir, Delbert, your oil" soldier, with me on r face, cap- es !with Tu- of ne ha.steniag forward. the instant that De 'Millet appeared. It was Mlle. Nantn, the confidante of Mme. de MaintenOn. "I am so pleased to see you gap- tain," she cried, "and I have waited so patiently. aladame would speak With you. The king comes to her at 3, and . we have but twenty minuteS. I heard !"/. ant so ,pleased to see you, captain." that _yon had gone to Paris, and so I stationed myself here. Madame has eomething which she -would ask you." "Then I will come at once. Ah, De larissat, it is well Met!" A tall, burly officer was passing in the same uniform which De Catinat *ore. He turned at once and' eame !mailing toward ilia comrade. "Ah, Amory, you have covered a league or tvvo from the dust on your "We are fresh from Paris. But I am called on business. This is my friend) M. Amos Green. leave him in year hands, for he- is a oh -anger from Araerica. and would fain see all that you can Show. Fe stays with me at my „quarters. And my horse, too, De Brissac. You can give It to the groom." Throwing the bridle to his brother officer and pressing the hand of Amos Green, De Catinat -.sprang from his horse and followed at the top of his speed in the direction which the young lady had already taken. ey Have Done suffered a great many years w kidney trouble- tried several remedies, a also doctors* dedicine, with no result. Tvi-o 'fears ago read an ad. in a news.- Da "GIN PILLS FOR THE i:ID d sent for two boxes. They zed ood than all the medicine 1 had ever k„After I used the hn-t sent for two more:: boxes, and am sati-11:6, and also know, th4t Gin Pills are the hest :•....Iney remedy made. Used to -have to rise three or four times in the night ; now T. can AVOTI ArIZI don't lave to get up at all, tivanks to are PILLS. 50e. a box at all Draggists, Samp)e free upon :request to National Drug & Chemical Cd. . capada, Limited, Toronto. "I Wilk that I have already seen "Yee, madame. I have once en twice had the honor of attending upon 'you, though It may not heve been my good fortuae to address you." "Paig life is so quiet and retired treat I fear tha.t much of what Is best anif worthiest at the court is unknown tcs me. You have served, monsieur? "Yes, madame:. In the LOWlandeg on ,the Rhine and in Canada. ' "Isi.-Canada! Ali! What nobler am- bition could woman have than to bia a member of that sweet sisterhoOli whielt was founded by the holy Marl • rthearnation and the sain • c le Ber at Montreal? And do hi -less you have had the privilege al o of seeing the holy Bishop Laval?' , 'Yes, =dame, I have seen Biabott "And I trust that the Sulpicians stair hold 'their own a.gainst the Jesulters "I ; have heard, madame, that the Jesuits are the stronger at Quebec and the others at Montreal!' ° "And who is your own director, mons ' De Catinat felt that the worst had COMO open him. "1 have none, testee "Aiii,41.t is too common to dispenset with a director, and yet I know 710t how could guide my steps in the dife ficult path which I tread, if It warn not for mine. Who is your confessore 44I1ha.ve tune. I am of the ,Iteformed • The lady gave a gesture of horrora and. a sudden hardening showed itself in mouth and eye. -"What, in the 7, tuf th court itself, she cried, and et CHAPTER VI. neighborhood of the king's own per- HE rooms which were inhabited dour by the lady who had already dyou will find, ma.dame," said De taken so marked a position at Catinat sternly, "that members of ray„ the court of France Were as faith have not only stood around the throne of France, bnt have even Seat- ed ':themselves upon IV' "Oed has for his own' all swlee we- llies permitted it, and none shOuld it better than 1, whose gratt4SIM humble as were her fortunes at the time when they were allotted to her, but with that rare tact and self re- straint which were the lea ng fea- tures in her renaarkable' character she had made no change in her lietng with Theodore d'Aubigey, did so melds le the increase of her propperity and piaee a crown upon the head eaff the torbore from provoking envy and teal- great Henry. But Henry's eyes ousy by any display of wealth or of opened ere his end carae, and 1 p I power. In a 'side wing of the palace, ohe from my heart 1 pray—that of one's soul ' all that is purest best." I far from the central salons and only may be also!' 'Indeed, the ladies should be, very to be reached by long corridors and She rose and, threwing herself down; much obliged to monsioUr, who is as stairs, were the two or three small upon the prie-dieu, sunk her face la hat eloquent as he is brave," said Adele chambers upon which the eyes, first of hntleis for some few -minutes. A tip, Patinat, who, standing In the open the court, then of France and filially at the door brought the lady. back tti door, had listened. to the latter, part of of the world, were destined to be thle world again, and her devoted ei‘ kis remarks. turned. In such rooms had the destl- taiint answered her summons to Me i "Much of my life has been spent in tute widow of the poet Scarron been test the woods," said he, "and one speaks "The king is in the Hall of Vie 40 little there that one comes to forget madame" said she. "He: will be how to do it. It was for this that my in ate nainutes." housed when she had first been brought to court by Mme. de Montespan as the governess of the royal children. and in such rooms slae still dwelt now that she had added to her maiden Fraucoise d'Aubigny the title of Mar- quise de Maintenon, with the pension and estate which the king's favor had :awarded her. Me young guardsman had scarce ever exchanged a word with this pow- erful lady. for it was her taste to iso- late herself and to appear with the court only at the hours of devotion. It was therefore with some feelings bath of nervousness and of curiosity that he followed his guide down the gorgeoua corridors, where art and wealth hae been strewn vtitla so lavish a hand The lady paused in front a the chain ber door and turned to her companion. "Madame wishes to speak to you of what occurred this morning," said she. "I should -advise you to say nothing to naadanie ttbout your creed, for it is the otily thing upon which her heart Cat be hard." She raioed her finger to em- phasize the warning, and,' tapping at the door, ehe pushed it open, "I have bro-aght Captain de Catina.t, madame,'" said she. "Then let the captain step In," Tbe voice was firm and Yet sweetly mu - Obeying the command, De Catinat found hhaiself In a room whic.:9 wa no larger and but lithe better furnish- ed than that which was allotted to his own use. Yet, though simple, every- kler to us for many a day. I will or- I thing In the chamber was scrupulously der Pierre to saddle the horses." neat and clean, betraying the dainty After riding some time Do Catinat taste of a refined wohaan. The stamp - said, "Now, if you will look there in ed leather furniture, the La Savon- niere carpet, the pictures of sacred sub - king's new palaee of Versailles." I jects' exquisite frona an artist's pestle The two young men pulled up their -of view, the plain but tasteful curtail:1St horsee and looked down at the wide all left an impression- half religious spreading building in all the beauty of 1 and half feminine, but wholly soething. its daweling whiteness and at the lovely 1 Indeed, the soft light, the high white -grounds, dotted 'with fountain and with I statue of the Virgin In a mnopled niche, statue and harried with hedge and with with a perfumed red larap burning be - walk stretching away to the dense 1 fore It, and the wooden prie-dieu with weeds which clustered round them. '„ the red edged prayer book upon the top They passed ihrough the gateway of of It made the apartment look mores the palace, and the broad -sweeping ' like p. pante chapel than a fair lady's drive lay in frout a them, dotted with boudoir. carriages and horsemen. On the gravel On eaeh side of the empty fireplace walks were many gayly dressed ladies, was a little green covered. armchair, who strolled anneng the flower beds or the one for madame and the other re - watched the feauntains with the sun- served for the use of the king. A small light glinting upon. their high water three legged steol between them was spraya. One of these, who had kept heaped with her workbasket au& her her eves turned the gate. came Beer wished me to stay some time in fiVery well. Stand ontelde sail fume, for he would not have me me kaow when he comm. Now, once more, "you gave a note of al= ow up a mere trapper and trader." she eienthlued when they, Were the king this morning?" Mtintespan was refused admittanalie Le grand lever? "She was, madame." ‘fltut`she waited for the king la paimage and wrung from him a Ise that he Would see her today?' "I would not have you tell me thaj which it may seera to you a breach Of *Ow against- n terrible foe and for -se great stake. --Tell me, then, at what heur was the king to meet the mar- quise in her room?" is my "And how long de you stop in Part sr' asked the guardsman. ho the devil I f the Golden Rod, my father's ship, ,fleas, of 1- comes for me. She has been to Bristol, ; is now at Rouen and then must go to card age Bristol again. When she comes back n our head - Once more Elphra4m comes to Paris for hi and 1 :•-sity von standing et die lin. The young ma on s, as I uriders swo when I ha upon me. together." "My fai tie behind as he glen strewn all broke you "I could guenot an the drago "You co but not k him go, s "I belie used to de _word is b in the kin "You ar Conde, gl ehoulders "1 have from Ne "And • me, and it win be time for me to go." "And how like you Paris? Have you e he would ...o. 'from the semi the city yet?" the young stran "Only as I journeyed through it yes - let him up he it ter evening on my way to this house. led we all canie It Is a wondrous plate, but 1 marvel . how yOn Can find your way among , you seem to ha these thousands fie houses!' you," said Cond "Pe,rchanco it Would be as well that ed at the litter you should have a guide at first," said over the floor. 1" De Catinat, "so if you have two parole, Captain horses ready in your stables, uncle, our not hold treat -e friend and I might shortly ride back to an enemy of the .Versailles together, for 1 have a spell if sulkily. of guard again before many hours are ld hold treate, i over. Then for some days he might p it. And why bide with me th.-. a, if he will share a ?e, soldier's quarters, and so see more ed his promise. 1 than the Itue Ste Martin can offer." I with Indians." "1 should be right glad to come out d you, think with you, if we may leave all here in tter than that a safety," said Antos. s dragoons?" "Oh, fear not for that," said the - t think so an ho Huguenot. •"The order of the Prince very strong, trio of Conde will be as a shield and a buc- eing keenly 1 at and are.hing 'eh lager. "You are been there, sir. York." ow came you ! to speak "My mother was -of Frets h blood." u been in er. "Yet t his men ownstairs e left lit- , smiling, hic.h was d so you ith a Hu- ingat said. d you let have -been an officer r ago." ieur," said the broad st of the from Can - But I am "Heh! And you already begin to throw yo r mother's countty folk out "He w annoying a y ung maid, sir, and asked him to st p, whereou have sip. me had I net elesed with hian, uPots which. he called upon; his fellows aid him. To keep thein off I swore at I would drop 'him over if they mo ee a step. Yet !when I let him go ey. set upon me again." "Hem! "You did very'. well. You are "If the are many of our kichaey pm may give my friend D Frontenae soin.e w it ere be found this empire of whl be talks. But ow tit this, Captain bert? What ave you to prang k ..The ranter are to es orders, your highneas, every means which may the gap of the trees, you will see the CASTORIA Par Mamie 00aftes ha Use For *Mr Alerarbobsam eigaatma at tapestry. On the chair which was far- thest from the door, with her back turned to the light, ma.danse was sit- ting as the young officer entered. De details, was simply conscIoUs that he was In the pretenee of a very handl some woman and that her large, pen- sive eyes were fixed critically upon tim end seeneed to be reading his *Plights ws their had never bow. read 'al you. You ha.ve done me a aery, , andi shall not forget it. NoW you • must go, captain. Peas through the ether room and so into the outer passagi. And take this. it is Bos - Wads statement of the Catholic faidth. it; Os softened the bear', • 4if othem Children Or FOR FLETCHER'S Was Not Much of 3 Believer in Patent Medicines nut milburn's *kart and item \ Pins Are Ail Right. 1 Val beli I Mil with smothe.nim spells. In the erotdd wakee up with my breath gone. and think never would get it back. I me to \try Milburn's Heart e Pills. Re gave me a box, and only taken a few of them when I -could all night without apy trouble. I did not finish the box entil some yette•de so took the rest of thein and they burn's Heart end \North ha e been on the enatket for the pa Eu.w.ra should be enongh to .vince you that what we maim foo is II. and N. Pills a Mailed direct . Wit. McElwain, Temperance - ver in medicines, but 1 must say i. tun's\ Ild. and Nerve Pins are all ;Some years ago 1 was troub14;