HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-25, Page 8to en Pro c. Yes, I would like one `tof pictures ever so much. 1 bay-. etet any of myself at present tO exchange but expeet to have sortie taken soon and then` I will rememher you." Now behonest, to how mast people have you told this 01 old story? Count there up carefully, then come in end get enough &owe to square yourself. Fell's Studio Seaforth DIS $111.A. MRS wie Wong theme Who, Wended it be in. A Wetawnilat ded erTi. jesHee:1:133tlya, f-tata:1 Of War A The treet was addressed lb Rev. Mr. Fat er- ily re Oen ,at the trainee in. day the rvicee wan be coneue teal by Mr. vauge Seefortb.- , however, lope he t Doe 1.48 a tended t min Wane " 11 eo 'Friday everting last. •nto wee e-Yess L. Void 'en tr and r, )411Alett. redknair, te‘ 130o:eerier: arhee reg. lar tenthly d nee of the h.. on 0, in aid tof deers, hall Twee ay eve xt, Feb 29th. 'Wincing :r. tea li let Wee sabell. will • to Teetrer of Mage ewan- is here fe- lting his ketbiet a few days, be - has enlisted for o sees eervicet with e Queen's 0 A member cif the are down with t aisles, four. of al being under the e ,lot Mrs. Jp Patters.on of en. vent Sunde at Maple Hall, ltbe Violin Instruction Mr. Alfred Curtis hag opened his studio of trite& in the Cady Block, ep- pOsite Commercial Hotel, Seatorth. The course commences Monday, September lath. ial courses in, violin playing, Chamber music concert and er chestra work will'be taught. Tblemetee - The' Glenn V/09. wen in St. Thom reeatitly the Beattie rink, 11341.Tne*od, bee that oily* on Tuesday, .7intlen the !defeated the weal rink five a very Oro* lentil the tearteennii wean St, Thomas scitredetixree an this trophy a number Of times.' do riot aeon tiO JIRVe Much. Lack next 4;are It 0621e.S *.e4 it will male at least 43100 yea4 The -Sea . rank was comaesed of Ce Betleme . B. Keetnake. W. Bethune an Goes. To to td s. ed • fible Seed Show. -The aunual Show. under the aesegees a the Heron Agricultural Society, will laid on Tueed.,sy next, March Me is the only seed Show hel tbe cotarty and it is waning in fereet and value eaolt year and the eociety are offering &Oral. this -7,--ear,, 'there be a large Mit lot all kinds of seed grain wed ea a large attendance tit Ma Curtis in a pupil of the renown- tors And seed . This ed Sevcik method and will use thia an opportenity teat e laud rot method of instruction. negected by those in !need of Terms may be obtained by calling seed as they witl aave a large on Mr. Curtis at his studio._ ieeilion of the very east to c 2491-tf frocre Tbe exhibits will be Jed a *practical eeetkra,n, evened by I Ontario Department of Agricui who, will not oaly do the Judging, atsonwhl give an interesting aidTes,, nuceessor to W. N. Wa.tsort eampies Judged. james fleeerei Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance Agent. Beal Estate and Loan Agent. Insurance on - all kinds of nrntrerty eifect.ed at the Ie. -rent owl Deader u, New 6 it supp mediae a pairs always d, White and Machines and sewing. machine hmt nts, 01 and re- in stock. $ REMEMBER ft fi etitN eta be als es is be by nt Dea,en of Mrs. James Steed/. 3. bare with the geee.teet patienee encl., Christ -len fortitude. Mese Sleetn Wan the 'yvitangeet ..idaaghtea .of the late Hugh Grieve, and was born, OD the eiarrestead farm in McKlillop, en eine d est an Bed ble „worke, and- their de th be lc illy telt areotng 'her arientlet in these d 10th 1P62. San had- renriett. all lite in thls vicinity. Tee dee .Presbyterian Church and waif a entheelastir worker in the eCrose Society. and In ether cbari hone, Henry, of Slitelds. North DA lead Robert at bees. Ana, by t Mons, 'Meet of Seaforth, and 70t &Arnie, her hutband, have) eboet fifteen years a -go. The • were Interred int ble Maio ties feel ank e Jew Hers, Etc.. Brafort ii:eofnormtazike-LoGs rod I9tIoe4Tbe Liiira 3att of books on!fla Tho peon, Librarian r Bale--Seveui r oY laird. W.U,er or Sale -A th" ro b cockerel. R. F r'lving Outft t r driving mare,, oc a 1r- are to driv h ii raj + a, knee bots et. v h les ' are figs ,y get er or• `wlil co Sid o to truck. Appl e. 1 ial$1.50 Optical, ed epeoteolee an deal lenses for only sold by others aft t e. by my -well kr o erly optical man • The test a pne y and W'ed n Home earl rth. • Also Furrier The Only gornIn Sonfortb Local Brieta-Mies Kate B of Haerhton, spent Sunday At hate of her mother, Mrs. .1; Broetifoot. -Mr. Wiliam fiend Raymond, Montana, le visiting its+44444444.44++444.4.44444, fatber and brattier- here.; -Mrs. non, who has been spending the. star at the hare of her -father in the west on Priday.-Mr. end . Nead, of Ciranvale, North Dakota are Messrs. Thas .and Jas. *Mk eel, and Mr. Jobln P. Dale, of Melee asad her aunts Mist ancialchael, flins. r0.1102, 'Mrs. Turner, and Mrs. Sne mother, Mre. M. C. Chesney, curlers, -21ayed a friendly game tin Thursday afternoon last, tvIn on the mend by five sirWts; The turn,' game was played in Hitches Wednesden (ef this week. -Mr. Ge McMillan,. who is tonne_oted wi large marble works firm- in Sa. wae 'here this week egperinten the erectian of a magnificent en :rent, over the grave of the la were here to attend tbk. foie the late Mrs. Sieetheetviestre. 3 Evans and 3. G. Grieve. were de Is Insurance Oa -Mr. N aloes H vie° scent the past co ale ot tr alert at elle notre of nilee R. F And with other relatives, hae ret 1 ed to his boxe in Ore On, is bere visiting his i Parente, Mr. an,d Mrs. Alex. Stewart.erMr. Th as I pay this week disposed of les k /Rota, wbo will ship hire to the lest. son of Grand View, Mattitoba, ere matt with her c,ousin, Mrs. Mc rn- an, in Cbdcago. She was accempa led( no Cbicago from Winiaser by her biother, Very Reverend! Dean we. ey.-We are pleased to le in that Mr. and &ire. agree Beattie, who ave been seriously Ill, , are i overin 33rownell will regret to 11 arn a yearis.-Itlisi Pearl Coneitt. of Green,' is visiting with ; her Society will be held one Tau . March 2n41, a,t.four o'cloek, where draw for tbe centre pane will place. These wishing ttf buy - tic : ear the same may do sp at Ste Bros.' store until that eate.-Mr Soxerville, received word of the d Thoxas Grieve, which eurred on February 18th. -The et lage is an - Toronto, to eir. Thomas' E. Deno an, a A,dra, Kaese.s. At me after let Muriel Willis leftt on hureday for is attending the milline open in Toronto, -Mr. Alex. Lenean as returned frier DesMolne , Iowa. file was Etecompa.nied home liy las 4 e; Mrs. MeLeed atel her grandchild re -Pte. Ralph Reid was eere from Ot- tawa this week visiting bis 'are tec, 1de and Mrs. 3 ares Rep, en his leave before going overseaa.-Mrs. J. 0. Rose of Guelph is the gee of Mrs. John Beat -tic -Me end airs. ert 3.1 MeGaw of Goderiela were re this week venting tbe forxer't sis- ter, Mrs. Ja:ret Archlbald.-Mae R. ni. Hays is in Ottawa tale Week in - Jeweler and )ptieian. homer Marriage Licenses Ibis Win - Mr. With time CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in ful operation, end we want your pttron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your &earn, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same We also supply can free. of charge, and Five you an honest business deal. Call anti see us or drop us a eard for panticulars The Seaforth Creamery Seaforth Ont Stratford, Ontnrio You OAR Secure a, Position if o take a comie with us. The de. mend upon us for traened help is many times the umniter graduat- ing. Students are entering each week, You may enter at any time Write at once for our free catalog. D. A. MeLaehlati, Principel.: Logs land Heading Bolts We are prepared to pay the highest cash price for ail kinds of logs and heading bolts, in bush or delivered in our yard. Heading bolts to be ut 20 and 4o inches long Soft elm, ,,,oft maple, and beech logs to be cut tt, 13 and 16 feei long. Rock elm,hard maple, white ash and basswood and i6 foot. We have in stock and 11 sell at the lowe4 price I. hemlock lumber and the best grade Red Cedar shingles. ment Bros Feaforth 1311 ade ell ere / a leg ry. of Vr on. pan ire y, Mr ler, , specialist In diseer roakwin neat the e of thly me house and fonr, acres for sale. For parti niers Sperling et., orthl house ingots' °end Mon, water, large garden. Ap- • es two unfornifthed °me 11 be open for the rou- y, February 26tb. !zeta 25 5-1 house with about 3 acres tre Seistorth. 251 x4 d Road Island Red rose nesting of one uti. inlet and he.0 lots of s ed, ugiffbt Wagon. Al the ifi1 cutter, he nester tin t must be se to- exchaoge on auto bile Box 506 or the Ex tor 25 5-2 e of warranted gold filled 1.50.. These &erne g lees in 63 to -85, Ryes e specialist Mr. Ba son, lien!es Jewelry sto Tor- o mar.. Two day only , February 29th and reit le Bros. Variety, re, 25 5-1 Widens elite .:Itte. Inn Tartan,. t n, iCluff Tro To the ranks iteMedlatel cans the foil These men ty will re the nette Coebe eve be 1 bays i e lade elate Homer Pte. Wil Bile% Pte WEliarnin ts Own' the Berea Ove Wyllie to g mix men Of Oblate. Consi ith, and Geo h Others from t. Clinton,. and those selectedl tor a good, s her un- cle hly OeS the ke ets are A. th d in Owen are tees f notably interee icif this. td 'there. The le terra une re' Robert Me Inn; wbee an atiii,ck She had, oily aye eat wa thee medics, heeband see and two son inrilpeg, ere/ end •Watte. one brother, of A r, Sulli 1 d.e-T.hie foil sat Owee' So to mazy Itere, tter of Mr. 3 n, and wais ay to the h r ht. on Mon grippe, &Id ftettng better leaf wale an ight and des a et two da ehatt Camp, E S - of Owen Sou .1 t • 3. se te. ow the E. ey, eix to by PearilaCe of your home at very little expense if you buy -your Wall Paper here. Brinerin the size „of Our rooms and We will tell you the: cost of papering them. Thompson's Pookstore Seaferth Window Shadesund Picture Frames Agents .for NeW Idea] toc Patterns being held there era T trwley morn- ing, Bed irterment being mane in St. James' cemetery. ; Chiateurilt peared. tmder 'this Weeding last week ethould have read Methoditt eeereat "seede, IC swept la pity that any debt anould. melt% on it When: this Noitee.-We arc sorry te learn, that Mrs pally is on the . sick lest. -The tiene4 and berx social given at •tbn home pit Mr, Harry Bennewels last Mrs. In. Dempsey 'gave the people of this • vicinity an old, eance, last Morsday evening. It -w settee enJoyt ed sy ell. Mystery Satved.-Aft Untiring ef" Ines Officer Pnappee en Priday last finished, up ;his invesligatien of the andecaased trcedh excitement. The box , was snipped trate Davidson, Sask., by R. S. a elre,yautne and Waage Traynotes warehouse there, where Andereonni goods bad . been stored. Flexing was going to iree for brewing ere etereps olet there,:ilibet wan isent tare in mistake win Anderson's Brueefield Our Reliable eye speoialist Will again be in Sea. iorth, on February 29th and March 1st. at Beadles' Fair, Seaford). 25154 Sold. -Owing to ill health, Mr, Aimee Moodie has ditneised a his tine tarn Just meth of the village, eti the E. Boyce, a the Bronecin Lime. -Wino :Will take possession next erienth. Save time ago Mr. •Mnoldle isuffexed an attack a appendicitis, from h he bee never &Ay recovered, the intends Miming to lanicefleid id trona the active duties' a the will soon reetore hien to Weld, t self. He is .lblavirtsi e, pale of hie es.e-Tlikt tarleantif of the Warn' n institute Wee gave the play, *boon Aim Frieridty Village, ev report laving, had a grand tax the night being Wait and tbe hing good: The hall was &IL The en .catne home dedgeted with *IP and lhe rayae way in tile Adios ;served refreshments aft r. tele play and they hoe to get lb "been renewing acquaintances` a- Coieteil donated $25 t0 the Crass in Walton, for whale ;Lh.e A eet oe be Mr. ell * me lh ey ed did Neel t in _al Met en rec ite ser be the gra • • imornirg that Mr. J w e at hta r ng. Alt oug heeith for releed 65 ye ire g rt ebeue,15 ye ea an ,enthuslast the va.rio at different one of the 2r and also one re In 'West on t club, while it without 30 he *immunity VMS hine.-Tee 0 - ed a shock on n it bee me n Shine had .e and able to lentil a, short t me a.go, but carre to ents when 12 oo 1, where ey ess ability be , Tetirirg to a-1 and valeel or ChM and had *facet) of ea an 1 for ye a inent skips of he Ontario, and his eea will be a the members a eel, to many he Shine will n nurvived by is ill be extendre. ho tsf be Winthrop reliable eye specialist will iota. be fn satorth *nary Nth and Mara 1st. at Beattie tratr db. 515-1 le Rem -Ming Re.•11y.-The reit:- rally held Calderfs Ha rine Ay evening last under the alas - Wary. wao one of the trent .4 ea - in 'point of resalts, the foe this cause in the coa ty. Robert Scarlett -aebed as b tr- eed a good Octaves as alto :a s2lendid adideees tal worki and the care of w idlers at the !mit by Miss itb , who has recently ret r ed England. When Oft,. WYs- ed soldier trade his appeAl ' for its, no less tha.n foar revon ed he call a,nd ,Erigned on far active local clergymen and a ate adid SPECIAL orth Branch Huron County First Presbyterian • Church Seahrth Sunday Eivg, Feb.27 at 8:15 paii. Ae dress by REV. MR. BARNEIPT Special Music by the Choir Short evening seevices will be held in all the churcnes to enable other co, gregations to ettend; Vent are cordially in- nited to be there. Ga Saw theitring 'was/nal nregreenme comnisted the eve loth* entertainment. '10 teritainly ;Wowing the . way. The names of- the men, who volurtteerteli tat tlitle meeting are Mee Beller:le El. lton Heist, 'Fred Taylor and 'Willi= 'Elliott, and we. underetecel that lniumfbef la others are One/40ring the leant I T0a 111 Friendly Village in 1862" on Thttredey evening last, in the Forest - esters' haft, to a very atteative elide fence. Tbe! earis were ail well taken. „The .1noceeditt were tgiven to 'Melted a March 1.10th, in aid of -the {Red 1 Croat work. Come ationg 0,3,4 boott horse, Whio tied to the acat in ern of ,Mr. aleens store, sli2ped, Us b le, and, 'WEIS soon at his *Wu itoble, 'a Out idoing any damage, and none the '4worse for lively. jetunt.-ale. Jay, 'tang frie there. Weirtilingee' Ort lintsibreary 1601, alt four o'clock, is, very prette wed,llne took place at tioe ;biome ot Mr. andl rtalarton, wrnen their daughter, Ina- Kennetie McKenzie Roney, of Hibbe The ceremony' Was Performed 1 Rev. 3. W Baird, pastor of ;the met bride -entered the oarlock with bride's sister, a iorence. The mar age took ?lace under a eretty 4 The bride wore a gown a ere ducheta satin trimmed with lined pearls and dhadow %lace, and care d a bouquet 'of white roses, tillee of he tume Wee Of navy blue serge, black ',attire that trimmed with etn1.- on and taupe ebaded plumes. Mr. d Mrs. Roney will reelde on the ter a Egrientakd Wm in Blibberi. 0 t. Tuekersmith The Denete.-The debate .tettder in the Reid Wheal on' Thursday ening last was one of the most easeful ev: nts of the season. T re tweet 'veey large atiendalice. T. Mr. T. G., Shillinglew acted es lit 1 ith the debate, "Reeolvel that tee 1 United Settee should enter the -War on the eide ot the Allies," the, titi play entitled "Advertising tor a ,Seze vent," and leplentlid musical teron gramme. tea groceede amounted to 422.60. Person,a14-Mr. W. C. Landesboredgb was in Teeento -this week, teeeti g a few da witir his neehevr, Mr, Addison J lens. Mr. Joliet is an' eid Teckersall h boy and -1w a time, be ty, 11but the web theee years ',eat erork co ty 'on the outskirts i;o11 front in his c'hoeett professiori. *as 'school wee completed Just lest yea at a coat of $90,090, and la consi rect it...1141,11e eroztre. a.ndHaae haasmerseagveenA teac ert a about 4:00 pupils. Sad Beattie -Death vialted the I thew teeir eecond, daughter, ire Elleabelle vibe eassed away In he AltoWer of :her youth, being thir n re.ars and ten menthe of age. Al- though the deceaaed Was idling or ectre time ehe was Ws to go out ideeantt. a Durfewingdaiers lonsetrevionasmAstgo. er wee a quiet end eatient set Ste' posseeeed a beautiful Claris eleaseacter end lovable dispcialtion, will' be greatly missed- in the The funeral was lend on Satur February tathi, at -two aerie the vice at tble hone being conducte Rese Mr. Knight, af itympatby a the community is tended 'Pa thin Para-ala‘t4 tanauee., nire Blyth se a caller In town y Years ago.-nr. Ne 19.0$ bought Mr. Wil this aons, who are t e doing well. MX. Me to Mr. Jedin Vod, March. -A member et the military ball In n ay eveniag.-The la, s eie hall, en a,10 well attende 1. The given to the Rel Op. bare twen Bielby's fa rise It is west with ane, who eon had t alace in of Load eession in here took ton on Tu °le tine Elle party in nvlech was a visitor ten life after businesa-Mr. and Mts. P stone and r. n. FEBRUARY 25 1916 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • actavish's DOUBTEDLY • • You'll enjoy buying your Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear Apparel here again this spring Not alone because of the htih qua y of our goods - Not alone bebause of the correctness of our styles Not alone because of the lowness of ur Not alone because of the excellence of our store service -Not alone because of the importance of our "sure satisfaction" gnarantee Not a1one because 2of any one of tnese features do customers- decide to trade here But becaase of the combination of them all. loll, are sure to fin,d out that this is Me Store 2hat Satisfies New Silks and Dress Goods now on sale New Prints, Ginghams and Crepes are in stock Ailimummo Mactavish's vish's esigner Subscriptions A 10c Offer and A 50c Offer The for t for t and The and aid, then two price of the special subrcription this year is 40c elve consecutive copies of the Designer or 50c e Desig-ner with one copy of the Fashion Book pattern. We recommend the DesLiner illiagazine and Standard .Pat- terns to emery Itousghold Designer is not equalled in value among the $t 1.5o magazines for fashion's news, household ersonal and social advice, and general entertain - Don't neglect to take advantage of one of the pecial offers this month. Hensall deatns in one being i February person In ity, having yeats. He time. Dees in Iowa, a a staunch and a highly est correetnIty The -other Mr. Frank living - _with John Cum aedson ha' teamed oet neeeesiteted While the lief, it die of the dre Ally decline day. Dece sons and t was 'raki, ing made in a Presbyter serve t ive In unity la fealty are in the vie ity I 1 • • • the person or Mr. L 1 1: Pi sbyteriart in tong en, Teder bil; all7:49bFe a:1111i ' rig have the eye Nehy of in their hoer of sor eath this Week was tha Of 14.9 daughter -en -law. 'diteased foot, he gangrene, ani w • ration gave some re- I removal of, the at eermanertly Cure 413 41 disease, and he granite 41, until his detail cc mo4., • 4 is survived by wo Wo 'aughters. The fee Wennesday, interment lemon cemetery. He * 'Utica The friend3 teeid sy:neathy of the cone he bereave:mute Mactavish's We are now ready to show you a big advance. assort- ment of new spring goods. Some of the attractive specials are PER YARD C4Dred Dress Goods Som. very beautiful effects 25c to $2 Bla 1k Dress Goods 75c to S2.50 Be utiful New Silks New shades and new weaves 50c to S2 00 Prints Scotch Ginghanas Goods guaranteed to be same qualities and\dyes is last year Latost Wash Geods Novelties sorn very new effects'Abat will please 15c1 loc llidhest rade prices paid, for butter a egis lliactavish SeafOrth 2he Store of Bvf 1°2 We enjoy es an our trade accept th duct of t CLOTH no higher service we man who w Hat of Co sha'pes in Each seas large line Hats Hatters live