HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-25, Page 1I Er - •• -1-- _ ••••••om, • 4 pes 44 Illg4-- , Dffer '4- * E + iS 40c r 50c Book t doE, the $1 . isehold, ' [attain - of the Z • • 4. _..... 40, ris 's T 0 e 211 IETH TEAR OLE NUMBER 251 GreigClothing Co SEAFOETH, FRID4.1r,1 FEBRUARY 26, 1916 FROM AMOS' CAPITAL onon.amo TOM** Feb;21 19 during the la red several new way's taillike for Gerean •Gentians who 3h Jan. Whe .9 an ide cont' the eleve ru and. 'person true Absola aIn an race eO.X eat tL'r. re ha d the the eo have bee the leposed .t provinel to licen led tir' t e and the Germ a s • 1.;e1ne.93 1 mans gi the e apogee to ▪ dIrs stigatio sse Opeseeemensisesseeme. ---.".February ill see the prices cut to the lowest notch on all winter clothing and furs. De- termined to clear out every vestage of heavy goods we have made the price so irresist-bly bvv that gooth are sure. to move, and move quickly Exceptional chance to careful buyers with a few dol» lais to spare. Look at this great saving Men's Overcoats • Men's Overcoats, worth and sold evetyweere on sale now.... The best of Ulster Overcoats, single (doub ed, heavy cloth, newest styles, reg. $k2 to $r sale price............ .... ....... ...... ••.. Fine Chinchilla overcoats, in colors of grey blue, etc, shawl collar or notched cOar, clo fitting 9r medium, with strap over 1)- ek, re from $x6 to $20, sale price... Boys' Overcoats For small boys,ages from 4 to 8 years, regu $3.50 to $5, sale price... .... • . • For larger boys, ages from ro to 14 years, s cut, strong anct roomy, regular prices froth $9.50, sale .... Furs for Men • 0 • Black dog coats worth $2o, sale pric 11,110/ ••• Black dog coat with fine Astracan collar, saleprice............ a. . Coon coars worth $80 to $0o, sale pricer, Fur collared coat worrh $22 to $25,this sale • Fuccollared coats worth $18 to $2o; Igo at Oa •IE • ••• Men's Furnishing Goods Men's Heavy Klondike Sox, reg. 50C, sale Negligee Shirts worth $1, sale price........ 5 dozen ties worth 5cic, in all the newest s The best men's work shirts on earth, sale - Men's hese worth 50c a pair, sale price • • 1 .... . tee for 80, so.sp breast • Coats, $8.9S brow, e form •. prices 11.98 lar ptiCe .$2.49 ,Iendidly $6.o to .$4.98 tario' k h• w1ng tan for t -the ,elves thf provin it tirets.lt able energ content of - with the elf Teuton! proot°° fal!usy are It has not of he large bee little ere en Whch bave lar belief t i en4 still ie. viMe. • be ro.G&xn of Ontarki ge and devote and talent t4 So it tea be ea. that certa origin etave jy Ontario of late ifficult to cib 'en possible to troubles of r tercels, bat ti hAngs here a helped to feed t enterer agen e too busy IT 11Ll1c se itrent is hot t for e. Even the government, Per the Onta board, 'has become Gatis. ething eht to be don rd L9 ac rdingly invittre get out of the liquor. all ceses we the said Ge evi. ences to, stereathy wit err ee ef t1 rountry. Shia all liene. The action la res it of co tern recent inv by Ithe boe soc4e co olt to els in a by iGeran for1 Gerea or boa boa to *tere or ,yroor ete soriable ta ut' the to warra fist of jobs while Th e an noteet t LamayoN weit nthatftIII: e•Pen, the! rag government, to •Ma for the mann .reduced in Lsgood,a noyIntminentuf, Lthek alcenics43eTT 7erkire " deeneits in the this ticket was United Slates a rind its way to torles caVsed a the early stages governme the exectrte .of trace Canadian sista that the 1 or its agent, following tInts to the t effect the t ember of districtseee ors! d flave been •meeting Places emathizers. not been an tabundan to Jul:It haw far the tre hag gone in theeelaces, thinks It know e enoa the action 'now be ta1en, No definite promeueeement bel»g mar* 119..bout It, butt the wee lug out a Width g Germans will th board'e Hey. It iti 'telt a3 erinc le that no German W net be aturalised has the rig doebeal under a govermerent se, even though he has lived f s in -4i4t trovince. • Naturaliz ans 44not in quills the sae Moll4 them are loyal eno bu those ho are not will coefe de the a 1a the board with' iaing to to the troble, of co. =I ting the lailate offense twice. rt4ch for the license beard. 1 't • • e • S Am ,cdrit ds finding expr War& in the Ont there are *reshot:41s lose eentente. have ro .! the arents, parttc ntie Protests have be the -chief ineeector of t taking °tees ' te" eliminate ira sed songs with a vine tl.here are a n thirk, Fatherland d .1put hito the • song ld was at 'ewe a believed there coult as Is now raging, Seh e being motitied that tl; the ban von songs c offend the p iblic spi ly tthat an entirely n 111 be, iseued, contain' ero-aille songs. 1.3.(10 rth $25 17.75 $Mi • 15.50 11.5 in ot pe. so, ot r boo ed the I ia*ly in T ar�de, and sc cols 13 G mar ratan of these, 'They wer when the when r B.. W Ipais tr. st p c lated to end it ia songbook nothing rb! The pre der the.. 7artrment read stat Times ha ie ar ys and school d rice 39c ades, sale rice 59c 20C Men's all wool ribbed underwear, regular 4.2 sale price.........•...••••••••••.•4•14-0.4/ !be *Oa •• a ••• • 14 89c Boys' fine coat weaters regular price $z.25 to $i: 50 S1 e price....... .... .. ro dozen black bib overalls, regular price $r.00, gale rice•• • • • Om.. •••• ••• •••• ••• •••• • • ••••., ••••.,.•7i9c 15 dozen extra heavy black denim overalls„ •with! or without bib, L. $1.25, sale price. 919c Sheepskin lined teaming coats These 4e srpg, extra warm coats, fur collared, sale price $3.9 and $539. New Spring 00 Large consignments of New Spring arrnent are b4ng opened and placed in stock from day to da and we shall be pleased to show these to customers in search of the new eason's garb. S. is a lo woaten can 114. ever you cn, The trenches aro Very * 0i* muddy and wet t although the weath- it•Panes froth Ote er 1,9 quite irr.leit :here new -no snow-, t • International Nickel bet Iota of rain and. `.-r ad; end when Jersey has areed- we get or pack on, which weighe t ihe Doti:111ton abate .six ter poand, besides 370 ect, aat In Can- reenes of .arenanition arid Roes rifie, ture = of nicket .and -perhaps a sack of cake or rat tione each man, andetert o: a slx or eight mire marehl to the trencoes, t troegh thick, heavy mud, almost knee deep, believe tee, 'we err, cer- tainy ready and willing to crawl into a deg -oat and get what little aleee we car, regardeees of the close prox- imity in Which shells may be burt, leer around es, 1 ieseect to get a &ort furlough soon, if .the Heins do not get fee first, ,and of course. I will imake haste for old Lcmdon in the sm.ole and get a good steep in a zeal bed, and a bath le a mat bathtub le real, genuine water, something we ,shousd be done in this cuntry, The eklder., bear of out bere. Yoa want - 'red are to suggest somethieg asefei ot' here, Well, Mr. Kelly, I do not like to inesose on •good mature, bet If there is any 'eleDornald's chewing le • Se.afrth, I woldn't triad leaving chew or two, Now do not think brassy 'Net. sugeetgerg, beif • there are times when on listening 'tact for two hourat a stretch, only about 25 yards inert the Hans, at night, when we cannot smoke, andi a good chew would not go =Las, in nose ,our rifle missed fire, then I could sett in Fritz's eye -one ad- vantage of hewing. So now wishieg country. Thie 13 Ontario, but :there Ontario prqdrees the north ale:eef the richest nickel cored, 'The fact that ing refined in the dmight conceivably Mall at:nameet fac- vigoroas protest in et the war. The poe t took steels to check relined nickel made e. Ontario Nook ine refining of the ore annourcement n made Is that a re- fining ?tent wit be built in Canada, but not in Orta O whera the ere is roduced. The • tant is to be erect- ed seerewhere o the Atlantic eoast. This meets the demand for Canadian manufactare, b ideas not give On- ario the Indust al • benefit to which U thinks itaelf entitled ac the oroe vinee which e duces the nickel. Hence the news free the ceitl lo r.ecelved here ith rather dividel feeling. The ntario govereent, which has take • this nickel situation, serlous.ty to be t and has appointed a. speciar arretnitbee to investigate it In ail Its bran hes and bearing, is determined to ontinue the lveti- gatiou despite t arrangement which has been arriv at beween, the Do- minion -governm nt and the Ineerna- tionai Nickel •;Teeny. • • if The Ontario overnmeette ha ,e decid- ed to introduce legiiiatiorr at the ap roaching ges1 legislature to electric 'power droBiertric ting from' Niag that the plans largely incr electric power throughl the tat railwaye an APeroved by the tree Mid is cle had. The n of 'the proVinclat crease lhe StOply oe Lane' near Watton, to his brothr-be- hiclit the Ontarca Hy- Ilawe Alonzo Heath, and will take a er commission le get- rest from farming foe a year or so a Fads. This enan3 endeavoring to recruit his 'hearth, Sir Adam Beek for Mr. Any .Aden, of the Lake the diatributiorn of Shore Road, Cotbone, one of the best the Niagara zone, known men of the district, paesed d system* et rad- away on Thursday zeonaing of tast otherwlie, leave been week, after a Aihert Illness. The tun. government and that erai took place to Maitland cemetery ✓ lee Sir Adaer to go pe Saturdey afternoon froze, his late ernarent ee mates nesidence at Dun. Mr. Allen was that Western' Ontario will need an- in las liSrd year. bther 100,000 !horsepower within the -Mr. Thomas Mao:ded Clinton, this next five year* and the legislation wlt-known cattle dealer, was strickes with /paralysis, while taking in stock at tile yards there on Friday fore- noon lase Poi a while he was In s very serious codition, bat has gain ed in strength awl there is every bone that the will be around again in dne tizre. -Wedresday, Thuriday a� el Pridaye Sentomber 21111, 28bh, and 20th, were Selected as the ,dates tor the Gode- rich Industrial Exhtbitken, this year at the 'meeting a the Society en Sat- urday afternoon last. Cocrtmittees were appointed to attend. to the Ore - vision oft the 'prize lid and other work in connection with the eXhiT- tion. -Thre died in Belgrave, on Tues., day lat, lir. John Scandrett, agel 67 yer, well known In London town- shis He was born juat oeteide 'of London. He moved to Belgrave some 39 years ago, taklag -de the hotel be1ne83. Some years later he retired to private life The deeeased was well kaolin in Huron coantY. Was for this purpose. The local company a the 161et marched. to Bayitield on athiurday. and a tile Ur) Go terich _s also being arranged. -Mr W1U1i1n'x Garniss., of the sec - end, conces,eloe of MOIT1, has soid bis rave to MrLewis Jewitt, for the sem of $6,500. Mr. and Mrs. Garnis, who have purchased Mr. WhIlatei .house In Bleevale, will move to it in the nea.r futare., 1 -Mr. We-. of near Leclotow, was the vicItirri of a. very eteritoes and. eaintul accident en Thareday of last week. Ile Was hauling a gasoline en- gine on a wa.gon, and while naseing over slinpery grouted the wagon elewed to one aide dumping the engine, oft It In some way fell or rolled onto Relds feet and legs, fracturing the bone in one leg and badly' bruising the other, -The reeraine of the tate Mrs.Wile Lt, formerly Mra. Grube, of Logan, who died at Desbevood. en.Frday, of test week, were brought to Mitchll, on Monday and taken to Grace Luth- eran church, where the tunerat ser- vice was 'reached by Rev. Anbert Dede, eastor of the church, after which the funeral took ?lace to the Bat:lat cemetery near 13rodhs,gen, where the remains were -interred be- side those Of her first husband, who was killed by lightning in the hervest field about twenty year % ago. Mr Witiet 19 strvived by quite a large !amity. Mr. William Grube, of Logan, Ls a 13011. you afl the very beet of everythl - 33lytle Agrkfultunal Society, held on -At a meeting of the dtewtors of and thanking you in anticipation, f Thuraday evening last, -tbe mattee 11;a -tit uahl, beterdecv:urrrsee: itlia.:n Mill ,n,:oldintee. of revising t he 'prize ilst was discussed strong" in the trnches. and a comtelttee comeesed of Mesers,• J. E. VAN EGMOND War,. Pollock, William Gray and Jatnes CrerIng were appointed to take the (same address) • work in hand. Mr. War. Gray, who was the 2•eresentative front thie" So- - Huron Notes.. ciety, to the Pairs Association Con- -Mr. Bdward Ciark has rerted N3 gvesnvetlez:1 rvecereyilteonlY claleisela rrortT°olirignlithl.' various subjects pertaining to fail faira that bad core up at the meet - Ing. .taking sane suggeationa that may be carried out by thlis`society. Twin probably up to that it Who W o Dear Exporelt interest the a R. B: McLean, in last week's pearl' is among pet great weig ;:oole. ce eealize the se and fbe peril Navy a wond t •ey 1_ Mx to start be _ball rolling. and I can 'safely say t will not roll in vain, •I might go a little further and. sa.Y ag that he atight the means of rolling the ball right nto Berlin. Out* little. Oleg eat He 11, just a coaede of rr- miles stsuth of been has most heart- e- ily reseonded eacth call trate uPon al- his and in eac case has er.ore than ar• !thrilled tbe d man I, I ha-ve lace the to tenghtest doub bat that Iiensall int books were Issued ction of the Ontario education, bit, as a, that was before the w changed and Toro not dlspoesd to let Cr gins sing the Father] whdJle the aforesaid fath d ractces of Wfl in perente approve. Rant in tb its estern Ontario. where iatio Is a Getman descent, t -Ge feeting is running hi lie of Berlin are so keen they wnat te change the thehr city and the chances will be ehanged, aet net e ar th t . , Highest Prices for Butter and, Eggs • Greig Clthing, COmpun SE AFORTH b. vide for an lecrease ant or imove. Make the Start? r,-1 read with et uch Lick written by Mr. he veteran a inen, ,sae, and as Mr. Mc - oar far- seeing men, 1 • in flits advice to the ainly aught ail to iousness of thie war, r coantry is facing. Mr. McLean, a.sking -General! regret is expreesed over the &missal a Plivate Archie C. Wright, son of Ms, and Mrs. Frank 0. Wright, of :Brueselei locality, which aael event took place on iferaday last at the idi4tary, boepital, in Toronto, Deceased :had come, from Kyleeille, saie, and Was a Member of the Am- munition Ooleasn, Canadian Yield ArgUiery. He took a trouble is Us head know e as mastoid abscesses -acid was operated on twice without seen. The funeral wee heid W.410100 to Brussels ceretery; the Members of the Brussels Ootraany meeting the erocession et the boundary of the teem and escorting the remains W its last resting place. Deceased was married and was a fine young mate aged 25 years, thteee =aths and 21 - days old, 1 -There Were in the neighbOrhood 011 five liteadred Noels in atterelance at the annnal areeting of the Ilowick seetual Fife Ineerance Cocrteanenhelat at Gerrie on Friday of last week. Theauditors' report was a, "most en coursging one end showed the cores pany's fines -ices to be sound and in good ordet. This Was the 43rd ree port and Was an excellent one allow+ the nearber of eoliciees writt?,:e to be 1537 and number in force at end of 1915 tO be 5,431. Total ineerance written *tee the large stcr of $3,- -7- MeLEAlif BROS , Ptibliskers • $1.00 a Tear in Advance irony, lei rive -course dtriner was serv- ed at be resIdence of the .tiridee eatents,i the guests censfstieg aott.y a few immediate friend. The haeley couple left on the C.P.R. train atehil ehlewers of plea and confetti for Montr-es and Naenee, and will spelt •a week' as guests of the grootzte mother tat the latter place. At the end of tietS month they leave fortheir future biome in Regina, where tile groom, holds .a responsible position with the Dominion Express CAX Perth Items -Mr. t W. K. Fouca. formerte Princleal of the Mitchell Hies SchocA, but now of the Collegiate staff, in Hamilton, baa enlisted as a XiTat-C With the 173r4 ;Battaion. and Mrs. John Sioor.e. of Inhol bert, announce the engagement or their danhgter, Lettie Me to efte Alexander Rrmey. of IrIbbert. The wedding will take lace early in Manete -A ghtet wedding was solemnize* at St. Andrews manse, Stratfod, at 7.30, Monday evening, when Miss Teri& Horn, of Logan townehip, was unite* In marriage to Mr. John Michael, alas of Loge*. Rev. Finlay Mathesen -Mr. jazzes Pullman, of Mitchell, received! word on Monday, that bie brother Joseeth Pullman. had died at Sarnia. !Deceased was 85 year of age and was for many years a, reSident 011 Hibbert toetvnship. Besides Mr. Jam* Pulbrant another brother resides at Caradoce Deceeeed leaves a large faily, 4nd at the time of his deathi was living with this dau,ghter. He left Hilbert ea member of years ag, bat will be j remembered by many old fnientlat -A very ouccessful knitting 'PA quitting ;tea was ,held, at Mrs, Jeeres Johnstoe's Hibberts on Thursday ot last tweak in aid 45 the• Dublin Woe rren's Petrlotic Society. The dey Wae fine and the louse. was filled with ladles from mortuop, 1.44-yeb. HIber Kitchell &ed. Dulin. Three 'edits a large quantity of sewing and knit( ting were finished arel oat asidet tor th.e next shipment. Tea wao servetti and about 85 ;lemmas sat ellowan . tb?' well filled- tables. A COtheCtiOn $22.0 Was taken up„ an addition ets 02.50, from the sale of natrlotic pine kindly donated by &ara circuit, trac- ing *2510 all. Csaiadli dia ean:teen to rage COMM in the hewn of Perth, for the Patriotie Fund In two dws, which, crime Prfe day night, about $11,000 was readseir -Vire stetting from the furnace, did damage estimated at $5,�0e th 'St. Like Preehybeetan Chem% la Port on Saturday night,' organ was destroyed. -Mr. Jcinn Bennet Smalirnan, ore glf fee founders of Small:nen and Lie grear's deeartt-nentat store, in Lork4 odon, Ont. and ereellent flos coreany, ;lied swiderey at ela late home oti Monday afternoon.1 -The! •r. Eaton CocreetlY have effee tritte idplans to. the Wineleseg City ;Council' for a twelve• story building sand extensions and ierprovements °A their ezisting prmises, the work to Rake ten to fifteen, yers coxt". letten„ -Tres Bell Telephene Company on, Monday evening, succezefedy oeened: fee Mntres1-Vancotoer era 1. Eie 237,730, leeving net amount in force trie longest, ar-t-ar liberally the futare oast, and Will an Anglican tareligion and. a, Cn- at close of year, $11,419,877. at) the world, 4,227 miles, The New York In the glitice143.a. summary crease of .$110.005 t in the amount at and Sin Francisco tine, reneetly ref risk. Preteleen notes held by cOmettey 'ened, being 3,400 ;tiles tengtn. ene e,girtat in ee'so• ITlettlkanPee'r49reiati-1,xlitlidr: ntise:-rirveheatieevinf°eelsilivrind2Done at Silver Corners total $570,903 and amount available on -It is enderatoed that tittle ticrts r valuable sece, I cheese factorY, -near Atwood, for the said notes, $517,271, Loewe were lo to be lost by the Government * truy, sweep of e91: Value ofcheese checks etaid as follows: By lightning ert =liking a start on the eew, Govern ,s will reseond as she has do !Tot' con t in ue to do tarism. is 'crus 3:- • 'Editor for y remain yours IIE he ut Pro The r- followl recently by M Bank of Cee.n. oOganiz after t to Ger a. as e.Sifl tablished ettref# "eerie g t and Mnr. to--to come back to bei capital -there hes b ern 4 erg of the Antierman League, 0.3 CO Fund, an1 n whose euroe 13 to get old Ses..forth trade which used to bei ng gond, son of y; and to twee that tr de a- Egmonderil as possibte within the rn- trenches for e bar lea,gus have been .ot- lY Interesting' in .other parts of the- it saYs: . The Toronto lea,gue is the workigmen, snercla act arers of Canada to Stein frot .1 the employment off Geri workeris Gemari • Tne 'relimiar ree SAI L SUBSCRIBER $32,1103,11 ; total pounds of mlk, ,- beildings $1566; live stock 11.1, fielde# trent Building. $65; tot asles, $900; coal 011 Jan-ongaged to examine t wall* the Front terns $1660; -unknon, $1879S of the burned building, has been ree e letter was received, -A quiet Marriage took place at calved and it is lin 'ersactori tt there Kellye formerly of tbe the home of Mr. and. Mrs. - George will not be much delay in ilea ing oa erce staff here, sece- Davis ,in Clinton, on Wednesday plans for a new home for PrlitrenWt. aforth soldiers Tobac- last, tyhen their daughter, Bertha, -With the thermometer register.. bele g writteo by an became the bride a Mr. G.A, Brad- Ing 16.1zelow zero In the eltyt coa MOO, - • Mr. Jolla 'an sbaw. The bride wore a pretty wd- day erornirig, the lowest meet toucke rs. C. R. Varl ding gown of white silk cre with ea this winter, a number of acoldente , who has beert the trinemings of satin and shit w lace have tOccurred owing to the extreme) and eareled a bouquet of nth! roses coid. Philip Kengginsok, a Pole, me time, well d and lilies tbe valley. She was at was Wiled on Senday night, Whew * to our readers. Grand Trunk Railway shenting en sp- France. Jan. 2, 1916. • gine etruck ihrer at the Peirtf Ste ats Mr. L. C. Kel y, Sesforth, Ont. Charles yards. The Pole had Mesterei rape down and lid not beat the etre gine, !Francois Xavier Gaboory 15 Notre Dame Hospital with to.. Itande frozen so badiy that a:tptlt.-4 tical 19 necessary. -About six o'c•olt. Sandey evening. a fire destroyed the main Recori Foundry and Ilachine Comeaneit behelleg, mometon. NB.. bat dit not reachi the :r.unitioes fetory ok buildings being fitted ye for herreekis for the 145 Battalion situated os - the comeany's prmises. The fire * believed to have started in the meals washroom and it spread very rape tdiy in ell. directions. The centente the buidings, inciadieg ateS eatterns, etc., were vaeued aboid. 4160000, anti the damage is elated. pi neary $100,000. -The w:rehouse and oftlese e at- Wi1i= Rennie Centeray, wholesabt zeta merchants, Toronto, were bag- v- damaged by fire on Sun at night while a year's sunely veds eorr eietely ruined. Tbe 10S entallai by the destruction of the seed3 etaced at over 420,000, and the elm& age to the buieding s,t about 47401., While the erten of the fire' is net cknown it la thought to have beeX dee to defective electrical --.1tee the blaze broke out near the efe evater, which is oeterated by electric' ity. 'Practically the entire building was !flooded anl the water ruined the heavy stock a seed, whiten -were packed and ree. ty for shipment. -present the fire. employs ninety mea, and at least forty of these will es) terc*rarlly thrown cut of • employ- ment, Althoug.h the leas Is large is cpvered by inurnce. -Salvation Arrry bands. com epasedeer women, will 200n be & mwl, filth* Canadian algae Over SOO of their trek musicians have jollied bende the va.rlotts overseas contingent*, atilt more than $900$ member* of the Sat. tsyationeroleAr:oihe7bastilkengsted Oisk ranks. Kingston will tete Gas ete $3138; fron: furnaces, stotrepl. s, ete. poet of Architects Peareon antMexche • 313.552; .average 10,65; average t Per cent. a butter fat 3.47; average cost of rr.a,nufacturing este poen& of cheeee 1.52; pomade of ctieeee 211,685 5-8; av- erage price per pound of cheese, 14.99; average value pound .246, -The following officers of the GoderIch -C,ouncit a Chosen Friends have been installed: Past Councillor, J. E. Tom; Chief Councillor, H, H. Alien; VicelsOoteicillor Mrs. F. Wood; prelate, Mre. 0, Buchanan; recorder, H. A. Dicereath; treasurer, james Dickson; aseistant recorder, George E. Lit tie ; warden, Mrs. Jaites McDon aid; zr.arshall, Gordon Drinketater; gearti, Herbert Hastead; sentry, John Weiss. -On Monday evening, of last week Town Clerk Knox, a Goderich, dis- drawing room., while Miss Ethel covered that a. roil a bill, contain- Bradehaw 'played the wed leg sr.arcri. ing about $7, had slipped tie °Jet Tre ceremony was performed be Rv. his pocket somehwere on the street. Dr. Rutledge, and wee vritneseed only ge got u t mere "Lost" notices and by immediate friends of the con - was greatly pleased the next ecorn-• tracting parties. When the eere=ony Ing whea MISS Lode Challenger' re- was ended and the tiewlyemarried turned the roll to be -r.. Needleas to pair hod received the vangraAulatione. say, Mr. ICnor hantded out a eentle- a those present, all repaire to the manly reward. Better have those. dining room where a dainty luncheon pockets attended to, Mr. Town Clerk. was served. The color schevf of the -Mrs. Stepheneon, sr,, ot tto Lon- decorations of the luncheon table, don Road, near Clinton, recently cel- , were yellow and green, daffodils be - 1 ing the flowers used. Mr. and lir. ehbormactedof heherr eat:might, lemirth. bArl.t hBd. chtpetnh_e 13radbaet lett on the afternocin train, son. They -had a family reunion, for Lendon, Detrot and other points. Mrs. Robinsott aed Mrs. Alex. Welsb 1 Tbe br:de travelled In eetaildred suit being present. A very heevy thee lof Wee satin cbeviot with cream silk was spent by all, Cngatu1ati33 bocliee and black velvet hat. On their ed tire. lite)?henson vritN the wi3h I - are in order- end are heartily extend- eett.-fn On Tuesday morning, of 14t week, they will reside In Clinton. that she tay Ise 32aredth good at nine o'clock,' a wedding- special health to aelebrate y.et :tore birth- r 1erst tO the younger people of days. Goderlell Boord of Trade hell last . when Miss Mary Eden fl daugh- wek, the fiellowing otficere were ter Me., and Mrs. Richard Vass - elected : President -M. G. Cameron, en, Britannia Road, became tee bride rerer;, or Mr. Ross Everett Martin, a. Re - tee, F. fierlink, -William Lane, W. *focal/1Z She looked sweet and girlish in KsecCre;taricice, 0PriertLid.eila,m000. 3L: wine. eon of the late Sideey Mart Willis -7 Campbell; Council, Chas. C. and Mrs. Clara Martin, ef Napanee. Roberton, P. a. Hadgensli H. J. epring suit of n:ustard color poplin A. MacE-vren,; B. Muntens, 1 11. E. noire, with small spring tricorzt hat. Hodgens barks A. Reid) George Her sister, Miss Hazel Pbalen, was Williams, F. ,Woolicornbe, W. T. Murn- bridestead, and wore a 'reel of rose ey C. A. Matra, 3. H. Marshall, chiffon silk, with overdress of Fraser, 3.3. ilLegavr, biLayer icleeari• Georgette crepe and large spring -ArrangeentS, have been comelete hat, tria-rned with American beau.ty ed whereby a sehool of Instruction rose. The bride had a bouquet a Is to be *Acted is Clinton, on Motel bridal roses and the bridesmaid ear - day next. it la exeected that there ried pink roses. Mr. Jaaes Cummins will be abent sixty noncomosissionvi ee St, Augustine was beet ran- The I I 's • • nd frore purchase 'She ue bee the sapport er.any ie neet men In Toronto through° t the "rovirce and, it fettling f to a strong start. reposs o Its Influence fel t5ver da, so that the whore canton y joie in the icameaign t tie dowe the trade vs ch was many's t after the w r rone wid go k. The movi g epirit the lug e would like a federal tax an man goods an goods other ell ryi countries, t take v latmediat ly jolter the 'w . A ta 75 per ent. is talked perpoese toward wnieb t work Ls the restriction tion of tnigration fro tries. ole • 'Ontari wiemen are ganizing a view t tIng meree ork, the wet n Great Brit n are 4 There 1 teen forred Toroe women'S Ienaergency cor . The is to me hies the wont n of the to do fee Work a me in fact ard eisekvhere so the e,n. can. ehe fro4t without the rb -iness country ibeing dislocate „The e are aet inttng committ • for various aMts and are intervie exproye s ail lines o buelee-ss the abj t Of getting th used Idea of e=eciying w n thei m s, factories a.n so on. ,sercees been met Ithaire 1. InstIt who I gthoueennsananedial !rem ing ified their wit1.1 gness • employ nt to membe a sex so • hat the =ales lean get khaki. Three big ban nounc that they into ir are be g reared ani cornet Ls at work tended by her sister, Mies Bes was gowned in white gilt vo trimmings of black velvet rib Newton Davis was best :earl bridal party took their pace at bank of als Bald feriae 1 le, who le With n, Mr. • The before the Eb- Dear Mr, K 9,2 think me ver of acknowledging setendiel pare ty,-You will no dealat t ems, ter ai for eot receipt of vet: 1 at Christn.as, bet e.s of etote know I arr rot always le a etiel- and tion to write henever I want to end, since theNe Year I have been cn- ts tint -ally hi trenches so I koow It all yet_ wet cert nly forgive rre rtie hOt writing soon.r, bet jest noW I• 'ea Do - oat for a fo :day rest and of coues, •r_ I am taking ()vantage of it to ries- it wer rry corre eondence. Yoe may be in sure Me. Kee , I am more than gr te- • tte • to yoa rid your epremittee far rOM sending me nrucn and cab aas re ter - ft,* you ad in - aforth, that I will !beget you w • 1 an drawing a , on the head gef a Hun here. very exciting 'race j is some thin g- doing un- ery :repute f the day end ellebt. • Before you ve ever been in a trench under shell fire, it • seem3 horribie ttink Its and one really ith loses his ner deve :re, at lg- get used to 0 a the bursting late fear almost unknown and we walk nd aroend jest the isage as yore in &a- les forth would walit down street. Toe eve I it, but nevrtheless, d ear regiment, the R. well an4 in good epee , heve had a few t that mast be expected a good number Or owe before the end, but of- even that must be expected. I often .one bave a chat with James Hutchison • y, a and 131ari RoOs from Seaforth, who are tons, both In my regiment end ad are well have and feeling Ifiee. I see old Seaforth erue stiel send ng the mn, to the col - of. Ano,her ereeches are e icagee or pro - enemy c IL ka have take ation a reds,. Ulu g now and thei I 1 e tblnk of it, but be- er p, few daye in, you he whiaz of beelate and of isheds, that makes to tray notbeil tee It is true, a C.R.'s are al tte its. Of corer lag men killed. b wita end gue the will yet go fair ors and 1 guess tberes is odd a al -T- into ber acre yet available, Beery man orncers eh- posslime Is tire needed as it le a *ill be in awl; of Celt. Varatee, diamond pendant, the gift .ey„ the omen bard nght, and believe tre, is not snap and he will be assisted by Sere*, groom, and the grm.'s gift to the forms when once you get in Franke. It 12 ;3eeley, Great, Schilefer and others. brldeen-ald was a crescent of pearls tion teeecely go a 1 the time, alMost night! , teol. Cote loos asked, the tows COUR., and to the groomelean a x . i r a go a ' awe day an get your sloe, when ell for the is of the *omen ebaother suer Ante. After the &leek sere- Goderich, was celebreted at St. -At the annual meeting et the t Peter's church, by. Rev, Father MeRee, oniy ornament the bride ware, was a is attendance Te school -4C