HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-18, Page 6rilTE thIRON- 1.;;XPOSITOR
*vrreceive the proper balance of food
enflkiently nourish both body and
loin during the growing period when
andute's demands are greater than in
11111ture life. This is shown in so many
**faces, lean bodies, frequent scolds,
and lack of ambition. '
Por all such children we say with
eunnistakable earnestness: They need
Seott's Emulsion, and need it now. It
oeea in concentrated form the very
elements to enrich their blood. It
*angs weakness to strength; it makes
them sturdy and strong and active..
scat& Bowne. Toronto. Ont.
Barrieder, Solicitor, Conveyance and
Stara Public. Solicitor for the Dona-
ld* Bank. Office, in rear of the Dom -
Won Bank, Seaforth. Money to :owe
7oollareister, Solicitor, Canveyanc.ed and
IIIlltary Public. Moe up -stairs over
olker's furniture stone, Main street,
r Sollcietn, Conveyances and
Mallary Public. Solicitor for the Cana -
• Isar of Commerce. Money to loan.
Minns lex foie. Office, la Scotts block,
Mtn street, Beaforth.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
.4 Money to lend In Seaforth on Moni-
ed eacb week. Office- in- Kidd block.
Proudfoot, 3. 1.3. Killrrran,
Ok Coo/se.
Honor graduate ei Ontario Veteirin-
e iity College. All diseases of DOM9Elt1e
Sidinele treated. Calls promptly attend -
Vito and charges moderate. Veterinary
- Vestistry a specialty. Office and rest -
on Goderich street, one door east
tif Dr. Seettie office, Sea,forth,
F. Weielli3URN, V. S.
Boner graeduate of Ontario Vetetin-
I Oellege., and honorary member ot
ifedical Association or the Ontario
Viteriaary College. Treats dises.sea of
gil Domeetic Animals by the most rod -
as principles. Dentistry and Milk Pelt-
gra& specialty. Office opposite Dien
�Otel,Main street, Seaforth. All or -
t1 left at the hotel will receive prompt
:1130beation. Night calls received at the
C. J. W. KARR,
Richmond street, London; Oht
Specialist : Eu.rgery and Genito-Urin0
diseases of men and women. 1
Osteopathic Physician df Goderich.
Spetialist 1n women's and children's
Z. dIsese, rheumatism, acute, chronic
4.4114 nervous dborders, eye, ear, nose
1111101 throat. Consultation free. Office at
liaawnercial oteI, Seaforth, Tueeda,y
alid, PAW*, 8 entre till 1 an.
Dr, J. W. PECK
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Mo -
.0111 University, Montreal; 'Member of
e0ollege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council
.1.:dtif Canada; Post -Graduate meinber of
Beeldent Medical Staff of General HOB-
Ibital, 'Montreal 1914-15; Office two
--door e east of Post Office, Phone 56,
Ifensall, Ontario.
, Office and residence—G(xlerich street,
ileest of the Methodist church, Seafortle
,raonie No. 46. Coroner for the County
DRS. d.feCerT & MCKAY.
J, G. Scott, graduate of -Victoria and
Bev of Physicians and Surgeons.
Arbor, and member of the Ontario
ner for the County of Huron.
C. MacKay, hoaor graduate of Trinity
litaiversity, and gold medallist of Trin-
elity Medical College; member of the Col -
of Phyeicians .andStergeonee, Ontario,
:Graduate of University of Toronto
:IPSealty of Medicine, member of Cole
kte of PhYsicians andStergeons of On-
', rsaio; pass graduate courses in Chicago
. =fecal &tool of Chicago; Royal Oph-
lain& Hospital, Lcenlon, England,
eginivereity College Hospital, London
lowland. Office—Back of the Dominion
lOank, Seaforth. Phone No. 6. Night
palls answered ;tom reenlence, Victoria
&teat, Seaforthi
, Licensed auctioneer for the counties
;a- Huron and Perth. Correspondence ar
eueagements for sale dates can be ma,d
7,ey caning up Phone 97, Se-aforth, or
Lbe Expanitor office, Charges moder
4.e. and satisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed auctioneer for the County.
of Eluron. Salee attended to in an
, marts of the County. Seven years' ex-
mrience in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
?fee= reasonable.. Phone No. 204, R.
13.u -ter. Centralia P. O. R. R.
fo, 1. Orders left at The Huron Ea-
ter Office, Seaforth, promptly ate
node& to.
Liceased auctioneer for the counties
Baron and Perth. Arrangcmente far
'Oe dates een he made by call1ng-3.p
tone I on 23 Dublin, or Seaforth,
* Wee BegVadtor Offiee. abArtM mode
, gate and eadisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed auctioneer for the countini
I Buran and Perth. Being a practicalrer aad thoroughly underatanding
he value of farrastook and implements
lama age la a better position to re-
' ee good price. Charge a moderate.
' *tisfactlua guarant•nd or so pay. Ail ,
ideas left la Exeter vrill be promptly
Maklatitd to, - - -
Death of John Tolmia
iderrher of Commons for arol,talf :
iBrace or Manly Year
Mr. San Tattle, exteK.P., died at bis
Nome In Kincardine on Tueoda,y,a.
Old result tot a fali In hie cellaxt the
previouo evening, when he attnr.bled
and otrack ibis head on the cerrent
Mr. Tollerle was known aingil lre-
Onocted widely throughout Canada for
lids lovable personal qualities as well
fteir ihas keen bitsinesa Sense and
ahrowd political judgerent He was
boon at Balgowan, paniaht of Lamm.
Inverne,-shire, Scotland, August 30,
1845, Tend educated at thie Balgowan
Sabot Ile arrived in Canada Li
1868, taxed spent this first sixteertyearei
In this country on a farm. For almeat
ktharty_ You's he had Ilaeen a ,salt :menu-
tfacturer, being manager of the On-
tario People'a azat. & soda to., Ltd.,
in xinnarpaiinio.
'llhiek nail for politics catre early to
Ifre Tokrae, .and, he salved first as
Coundilliar for Bruce townlip for
two year, an4 then as Reeve -fortwo
years,. Later the was Denuty Reeve
lot Kincardine for a year and Ma or .
fiar (two year* He wag first eiec ed
bei ithie Houae of Dominions in 189$ as
an Asclenendent - Liberal candida,te.
and ava,s re-elected in 1900. In the
electiiiont of 1904 the wan not a cartlii-
idate, [but tin itlhe bye-electionlth 1906
EWA [was rettuted for North, Bruce:
nate hantdacere majority of 411,
re-elected, In 1908, defeating Alex.
Welk Pay 339. In, 1911 he wee
'err.. Toil -die weal a thotrioughgol g
Scot,; with all, th e genialityand c
araderie tlhat the lover of Scottlar
poetry aud music .poasenses. He was
a good, atory-teVer, a popular politi-
cal ean:paigner and a man( who made
• and [Weld friends. 1 i
Mr !Dothatie was twice married; first
to Maggie Patterson, of LueknO(Wt
an leecond to Alice Robertiont
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
—Theo first ce.sualty in Vancouve 'a
big enovestorne, occurred, on Febr ry
71-thl, when Sidney Mills, aged twe ve
year fell do the roof of his hot .e.
Yong MU hiad been shovelling 3r4w
and .fell forty f,eet thebugh a ye
light. He i:lled while being* taken, to
—A young worran named Eliza thi
Boyce, fromMyrtle district, near C r -
man, Man., passed away at; the Car-
rran Thospital, on February.6th, after
sugaring tea. eleven Weeks from ae-
vere turns in the lower lints, 'received
thirou,dk her Areas catching fire while
working around a kitchen stove.
--Tame the paralysis of the grain
traffic and the existing condition
where IN faxerer cannot alike or 401
Ask them what they think Of Zaifri
Buk and you will be surprised hdiv
many of them would tell- you it 43
the best known healing balm, a id
that it should be in every ho e.
A contest in "Everywoman's
World recently proved this!
Women from coast to coast have
proved by actual test that Zara -
Lark is unequalled for the skin die -
eases and injuries of chifrrea as
, well as of adults. They have found
Zam-Buk different to ord inane.
ointments in that it allays the irri-
tation as soon as applied; prevents ,
festering, inflammation, blood Poi-
soningretc., and permanently heals
In a very short trine. As a mother
and head of a- family_ you owe it
to yourself to have zsm-Buk
ways handy!
If you have not yet tried Zara-
13uk, get a box at once,
Druggists and stores, 50c.
Look Motheri if teengue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and yole have
a well, playful child again.
Sick; children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative
Millions of mothers keep it handy, be-
cause they know its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
and sure.
• Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bot-
tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which
coatains directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-up.
Is Productive Of More III Hlealth
Than Anything Else. •
If the truth was only known you would
find that over one half of the ills of life
are caused by allowing the bowels to get
into a constipated condition, and the
sole cause of constipatiou is an inactive
liver, and unless the liver is kept activ
erou xnay rest assured that headach
jaundice, heartburn, piles, floatieg
before the eyes, a feeling as if you w
going to faint, or catarrh of the stoat
will follow the wrong action of this,
offthe most important organs of the.
Keep the liver active and working
properly by the use of MiIburn's Laxa-
Liver Pills.
Miss Rose Babineau, Amherst, N.S.,
writes: "Having been _troubled for
years with constipation, and trying
various so-called remedies, which did
me no good whatever, I was persuaded to
try Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I have
found them most beneficial, for they are
indeed a splendid pill. I can heartily
recornraend them to all who suffer from
constipation." a,
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c a
vial, 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,
T Lydia E. Pin'kh
II Vet.
etaiI3 e -Com
ashington Park, Ill. --- "I an the
mo r of four children and L ave suf-
feted wi • female
trOuble, tackache,
',nervous s .ells and
the blues. My chil-
dren's lo • talking
and romp ng would
mike zne $ nervous
I could ust tear
o3verythiro to pieces
and I wou d ache all
over and f 1 so sick
that I vrtuld not
, want an t e to talk
to Me at tznes. Lydia g. am's
Vegetable o4up�und Ind Liet, r Pills re-
stored me t4 1ea1th and I wan to t.leanit
you for the good they have 0os me. I
have had lite a bit of I, ubla and
worry but i does not affect y youth-
ful '
looks. r friendssay e • ydo yojiz
look so yo and well ? ' l we itat
to he Lydia E. Pinkham
—Mrs. Rotir. Stromai, Moor Avenge,
Washingtod Park, Illinois.
We wish , eyery woman suffers
from fernrk troubles, ne ouenetne
backache or the blues Could s e the let-
ters written bk womeni made ell by Ly-
dia g. Pinklin's Vegetable qompound.
• V you have iny symptom aboutwhith
you I would 1i1e to know rilte to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Maes., for helpful advice given free of
flits igrain, the hank* Of Al
iolar.tingl a great deal of won
grain grower e on grain in
wadlin theprlva4ely owned
the fararer14 This as the ia
learned Sallwrday. atornirg,
from a I ptotadaent Calga
—Litoutt4. Mears, of the Ala
ereiesion, 'bag
Lesion Would
,oelt ine the b
e to the n
ntratts are
right of
neering cot
that pea c
1,000 tiren at
the ,governilte
coal 'fiolde4 0
for clearing f,13
einlitnAles are ing aSeeerble
—The three storey. plant O
ery, Manuf
enga.ged, fn
woreen's d
by fire sho:
.tose of $100,000. About se
glrl terrployeas axe also b
of wok. he rranufactarin
ash ienti was a .subsiodiary
Jatrea Ranalsay, Limited, d
tore, wihtch fwanisliett
Ilaia-tge art ott ttlin pri
-el Kit the tire is enkno
Ing ;and Flock are co
ilaglic4°Ise Oaijaslfan Bank of
ted, for tThe war, a,ccord
land, lataiirrationl obtai
y ?US Two years ago
Bank of Coo:Marco th
7, with 3 of :Itttat n
ha areseat Wee the b
of 37 with 1 of t
figurea as 1s Lied by
G. C.K. Nourse, shbw
'31 of the eirployeea of
bank have enliated.
r(tion probably will ti
d an a large member'si
rta, banires of that cor • ,
rr lob of evera] mdre. sold
tely wrecked theWtitte ban
r,ant Eighth ravenuejt" east, In
ary, 103.rUary ollowi
00 work, 01 deatriiot1onY wre
the prezeises of 'the, same conce
Tlntth,aneatie. A raror that t
ger Iliad dismissed 'retuned
, ;who hati been hired a waite
ad replaeed theari with
responaliaIe for the atti
,aegel, the manager, del
d distir.ineed any ret t
, lsut saida that he had
, that he haat hired
ta a irnan Wh(of hada at
. a soldier, but was not
enseas forces. He dee
attain was the resudt
ty-t t ' '
tiring Co., in
tthe making
aes, etc., was
tly before radni
can -
up t
• dier
Er. an
erta. fiiXe
y to nhe
tbe field
bins of
Vara ry
ka, engi
00411 have
atnch of
ing Iet
y. and,
ad con -
the ELT-
own out
(19.‘ ob-
cenni of
artmen t-
uet. The
red by
the' place
• have
e ,F
the 21.14-
✓ rir14
k has a
ert girls.
he n-
urt er
theC l-
rrna s,
led that
neid s
any r-
casion to
one thne
ow d wt hi ta,thit
tie con -
An ncident That Spoiled a Hunter's
• Pleasure In the Chase
A. anadian huntert tells thi incide t
of h w he ouce.came face to lface wi
his 'unary and hadn't the hert to
"It Vasn't a case of 'buck fever,' su
as a .ovice might experience, or I h d
bee a bunter for many year and h d
Idiles a good Many deer.
his ,was 4 particularly ne bu k
that I had followed for three days. A
stro g man caa runway deer eathTh
time and at last I had my j ey tirtd
out. From thil, top of a hill sight d
him a few es away. He ad given
up t e fight and had Stretch d hlinself
out n the snow. As 1 stai&�c him 1ie
cha end his pesition and toet shell r
behi d a bowlder, and„using 1he sa et
bow der for a Shelter, I came uddenly
face to face With hitn. He didn't at-
tem.t to run away, but atabd there
look -'hg at mei with the mot piteous
pair Of eyes I bver saw.
"Soot? I ceuld have no 11ore &Inn
him that I coluld have shot a child.
Had the cbande come from, a distanee
of a hundred lairds I would itive shot
him oWn and carried his antlers home
in tr umph, bu once haaing looked into
thos eyes it ould havh been nothing
less han mur. ea I have hula ed deer
sinc then, buij I find the spier- affords
me 1 ttle pleasthre. Whenever I draw a
bead the picture of those mute appeal-
ing yes come S before me, and though
't h s not preVentedme fro pulling
the rigger, I have always felt glad
som how when my bullet failed to find
Its ark."
is al
Clean inJ3sS In Persia,
Persian Spends hours in the
mains" ((Turkish bathait which
ery hand-40mo haildings decorated
tiles an4 embellished ttb nu -
as exhortations gs to tjjie value of
lines& The smallest villagel in
has its harurnam. and bathing
ost rekigieusfunctide When
the ot room and massage are finished
the Persian shaved, and the whole
top of his 'ead is likewise shaved,
thmigh the oalr over the ears is left
and allowed la grow down to the neck,
Th ia strange coiffure has a religious
meaning, for the two locks are meant
for the ang 1 of death to bold when
ito arries th believer to paradise.
How S
Once whe
Rusin be to
his Scott ma
Ing the leav
ly, 4e said:
preclious of
ing this boo
as 9
came u
where I
the bee
as I tu
end. Is
• before?
a man
ott Bore Adversity.
I was staying with Mr.
k delight in showing me
uscripts. He took down
from the shelf, and, turn-
s over slowly and loving -
"I think this is the meat
em all. Scott was write
whea the news of his
n him. He was about
have opened it. Do you
tiful handwriting? •Now
n over the pages toward
the writing one jot less
there more erasures
That assuredly shows
an and should bear ad -
don Graphic.
e dinwle
3r, look
,over t
you ar
y goat?'
Gdatfi* Voice.
was talking into the tel -
h! I th1nk—ah.11-h1kper-
l—Its-ah-h-h-h1"— i •
here!" came a sarcastic
e wire. - "What do you.
, anyhow—a confounded
Ing in
t last ev
ying the
s. The
her, sa
re in a
Little Mixed.
an omnibus up Regent
!ling I beard an old lady
ether passengers with re -
conductor remonstrated
ing, "Ma'am,' remember
ublic vehicle and behave
don Spectator.
e orang
ed fruit
wild ch
d by nat
of cul
ion of the Orange. :
was originally a I pear
boutthe size of the com-
rry. ,Its evolution is be..
ralists to be due to,1,200
H (annoy
said you won
I sa 6? It
omen's Way.
)—It's 8 o'clock, and you
d be here at 6. She --Did
ought I said ?."-
at makes life dreary is want of
e.-7-Geerge knot. L
ny .wtotren who have ptirChasedi
a. kage 'eld Dr. 3ackson's Rocran
11.,e idIsregard,ed instrattions to Make
the porridge without :stirring. ;They
Per apoultice instead of a delight
ul eel The tiax oil in Aom
/Lea Wan been changed( Intel a fast
loss and oderless (resin by driving
oxy n out et it by electriciteo If
isti :While hot this resin again
o-xygen from the air, beeome
ling linseed ell, Bad, making theelpore
rid ;taste or linseed.. The family
Pelt oat it, and are deprived of
Met very best food onearth, and the
tros ideliciods if made properly.. In
juste to yotir family try it again and
irak Ode no/ridge an directed on
pac age. At grocer' 10 a,nd 201:centa
a 4ckage.
• Mfr1c- by Roman , Meal Co., Toronto.
Old ge Is Nht by Any Means Merely
0latter of Years.
Th re is n scientific evidence to
sho that la a youth and middle age
are 1eperios of commencina decrep-
• itud and "oldaage," Man grows old
beca4ise he is njured; because his body
cells are poisoned, and not because he
has I ved just so many years. There is
110 rt tentless aw determining wheal a
man' shall g ow old. ,The tradition
"thr score ears awl ten" is condi-
tion mainly on the manner of living
and 0 ot by a y naturallaw. But imau
has t in his power to modify these
solid tions either for better or worse.
Pr bably a greater luxury of living
whi j is not alanced by proper phys-
ical xercises is a primary condition to
be r ckoned ith. But temperance all
alon the Iii e—in eating, drihiting,
wor mg, play ug aud even in resting—
has seen suneested as a wiser prin-
ciple to hold o. This avoids thepos-
sibir y of rua ing out on the one hand
or o wearing- out on the other.
Yo there is another way and a more -
%Tort y reasoo for retaining youth: and
dere ring old oge—cultivate health for
the love ant - pleasure of it. , The
' mon bly lette• of the Life Exteusion
lnstio te says 1 this suggestion: "It is
not fear of i lness or of death that we
shop 4 encour ge, but a love of health,
a se Se of re ponsibility for the care
of o r bodies a desire for bodily en-
dure ce and en eiency and full achieve -
men If the mind ia fixed on these
ideal and the alreadyknoarn neeans of
appr aching hem are utilized, heart
disease, kidner trouble and the need-
less u-eries that embitter the lives of
so nny may be left to take care of
tken3 elves. I is not so mach neces-
sary to fight disease as to cultiiVate
, .
hea1to for th happiness, contentment
and ri oral ga that it brings."
Diffe ent Systfirns of Computing It and
Their Varying Figures.
As long ago as 18 '9 John PhWips,
the eologist, estimat d that the time
requijted for the deposition of the
stratified rock lay b tween 38,000,000
and 6,000,000 years. This was prob-
ably the °ply estima e prior, to Kel-
vin's epoch eking paper of 1862.
Since that ti e man estimates have
been inade,v rying all the way from
17, 000 year to 400,000,000 years.
Ke]lfrmn was the first to discuss the
tge of the eaxth considered as a cool -
Regulate Kidneys
Relieve Ceinetipation
Gin Pills are acknowledged to have the
largest Sale of any proprietary medicine in
Canada -,-an achievement solely due to their
rremaed.rkay. pie virtue as a Kidney and Bladder
But users of Gin Pills have discovered that
this Invaluable remedy also acts as a mild
cathartic. The evidence of hundreds of letters
we have ireceived establishes the very logical
fact that in compounding a medicine to heal
and tune up the Kidneys and Bladder certain
of the ingredients have a stimulating effect
upon the other organs, especially the bowels.
It is important to know, in the case of con-
stipated !patients, that in Pills do not act
harshly pn the bowels there is no griping,
- but a gradual and gentle restoration of the
functioni Try Gin Pilla for constipation. In
thus relieving the bowels, you safeguard your-
self against possible Kidney trouble.
Gin Bills are 50c. a biox, or 6 boxes for 62.50
at your dealer's. A trial treatment will be
sent upon request, to 16
National Drug 4* Chemkal Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toront.
boe.17.' In 1-81-13 ri.drence King in-
troduced the impolitant criterion of
tidal stability and reached the conclu-
sion that 24,000,000 represented the
conditions. This reault was adopted
by Kelvin in 1897, aid then he placecl
the limits as 20,000,000 and 40,000,000
Only Sir George Darwin has discuss-
ed the age of the earth frotn a purely
astrononaical point of view. From his
theory of the earth moon system he
derived in estimate of more than 50,-
000,000 years, which for a long time
stoocl. between grou is of higher and
lower figures. J. Joloy was the first to
base estimates of the age of the earth
11111899 on the sodium contained In the
ocean. Adopting the hypothesis that
the sodium content of the ocean is de-
rived at a constant .rate from that of
the rocks, herarrived at an age of 80,-
000,000 or 90,000,000 years and increas-
ed this by 10,000.000' in 1900. In 1909
Mr. Sollas made a !searching inquiry
into this subject andl placed the age of
the ocegn at betwehn 80,000,000 aria
150,000,000 years.
"Be careful abouti asking ;favors of
people, ray boy." i I
"Because once a flan does a favor
for you you are in his debt for life."
It Makes Tracks.
Oue day small Herold came running
iuto the house, and, bolding up a horse-
shoe, he exclaimed: ;
"011, InaiMna, sOlde poor horse lost
one -of his tracks, ninl 1 found it." -
Keeping COmpany.
"They kept compahy for an awfully
long time before they finally got mar-
"Yes, and they've ltept it Most of the
time since. lIer relatives seem bound
to live on them.".
Temptation floes not make a man
bad. It merely showa him ‘vhat he is.
—Thomas a •Rempis.
There Ls ncore Ca arrh in this sec-
tion of fide countr than all • other
diseases put togteltto,.,r, and for rranY
years It was s is
Doctors prescribed 1' .
d to be Inc urable.
relredie.s, and
by constantly fal •g' to cure witiN
local treatment, pronounced it incur-
able. Catarrh laa ;I. local disease,
greatly influenced y - conatitutianal
conditions and therefore requires eon-
etitutional treater, t. Hallos Catarrh;
Cure, rranafacted br F. J. Cheney &
Co.,. Toledo, Ohio, 1,ft constitutional
remedy; is taken L4tcrnally and acts
tadru the blood on the Mucous Surfaces
Dif the Syateert One Hundred Dollars
reward Ls offerd oer &ay CaBe that
Hall% Catarrhl Cure f ila to cure.. Send
for circalars sad te thtonials. l
F. J. CHENEY &ICo„ Toledo, 0 lo.
Sold by all Druggiabli, 750.
Hales Fatuity Piths for conatipatio
Gorgeous Spectacle of the Midnight SUn
• at Karengi.
I was glad I stopped at Karunal,
Sweden, for I saw the midnight sun—
the almost Midnight :sun, to be exaet,
for although it was noonday bright all
night the sun did make a bluff at set-
ting. 'It went down at twenty minutes
to 12 and rose twestit minutes after 12.
The sun went doWn blood red, and
the sky Was crimsoned almost to the
zenith. It seemed as if all the north
were on fire. The river burned in the
glow, and the sky took on tints that
ranged from cardinal to pink. Just aset
the whole place seenaed about to burst
Into flame, the sun dropped out of
sight, and the glaring reds began to
mellow into softer Shades, the riVer
lost its glow of fire, and the sky .dulled
and dimmed until it looked like a great
inrerted dome that had been white
hot and was cooling Slowly.
There were no other shades than the
shades of fire—none ,of the usual ma -
roots and cerises and garnets that
corde as the aftermath of mountain
suneeta. Everything was carinine.
The air quivered redly, and the .trees
and the grass were rubescent All
is softened gradually into a. glowing
toned mass of ,color. Then. at
twenty:- minutes past 12, at a point
thst seemed not more than half a mile
along the horizon from the place Where
the sun disappeared, there came a
golden glory that spread evenly over
the reddened sky. The sun was rising
and soon was above the horizon. • It
went down as red as fire. It came up
bright, glittering, gleaming, as if dur-
ing the forty minutes It had been be-
low the horizon some titanic band had
polished it for another day's use.
I asked in Stockholm and Christi.
"When do you sleep?"
"In the winter," they said. "Then
the nights are so long there Is nothing
else to do." -
Grand In Its Ruins.
On Calton bill, Edinburgh, stands the
most remarkable unfinished building in
Britain. It is far more beautiful and
striking In its unfinished state than it
ever- Min be if completed. It gives
Edinburgh the appearance of ancient
Athens. It was to be a memorial of
the Royal Scots and was first talked of
the year after Waterloo. However, the
orighial plans were so modified that
enthusiasm petered out, and the na-
tional monument remains today a meg-
niflcent fragment —London Express.
Guncotton Amber.
Nitrocotton that produces such pow-
erful powder also produces a beautiful
imitation of amber. Claim is made
that if one buys a meerschaum pipe
with an amber piece six Inches long at
what seems to be an unusually low
price, one may rely upon it being col-
lodion—a solution of guncotton in eth-
er. The cloudy effect which some
smokers Like is produced by a large
amount of camphor in the solution.
Nitrocotton also produces a fine sub-
stitute for tortoise shell.
• Food of the Gods.
Chocolate has along reputation as a
feed, though its manufacture into
cakes Is comparatively modern. As a
beverage the European found it al-
ready in high favor when he arrived in
America. The Emperor Montezuma of
Mexico, for instance, had fifty pitchers
of it prepared for his daily consump-
tion, in addition to the 2,000 allowed to
his household. And the value of the
cocoa plant made such an impression
on Linnaeus that he maned it theo-
broma, which is Greek for food of the
gods.—London Standard,
Calm Resignation.
During a dinner party the topic turn-
ed to the connubial state. A.mong the
guests was a bachelor person.
"Speaking of marriage," eventually
remarked the bachelor, "it seems that
the longer a man is married"—
"The happier he Is," impulsively
broke in a spinster party with a hope-
less glance gt the other. -
"I was going to say,"- resumed the
bachelor disregardingly, "that the long-
er a man is married the less he seems
to mind it."
London and Garlic.
Curious how the old time old wives'
remedies come back by way of the
modern doctor. Garlic has been prac-
tically banished from England for cen-
turies, and the smell of it Is the first
greeting of the Calais landing stage.
France has found garlic a most valu-
able antiseptic. London, fumbling
among its naemories, finds G-arlick hill
and a church named Garlickhithe. But
since it posed as a remedy for the
great plague garlic has ceased its smell
111 London.—London Tatler.
Story of the Prodigal Son.
The story of the prodigal son is
more than a parable. It is based on a
law set forth on a Babylonian tablet
2,000 years before the time of Christ.
A Yale professor has translated the
Sumerian characters in which the laws
en the tablet—the earliest known—are
written. The fourth law provides that
a son who desires to leave his father's
house and to set forth on a career of
his own shall receive his portion of the
estate and henceforth be legally sepa-.
rated from his family
illeke yourself an honest mate and
tnen you may be sure there is one
less rascal In the world.—Carlyle,
Shooting Humming Birds.
To shoot a humming bird with the
smallest birdshot made is out of the
question, for the tinieet seeds of lead
would destroy the delicate plumage.
The only way in which the bird can be
captured for commercial purposes is'to
shoot it with a drop of water from a
blowgun or a fine jet from a small syr-
inge. Skillfully directed, the water
stuns him. He fails into a silken net
and before he recovers consciousness is
suspended over a cyanide jar. This
must be done quickly, for if he comes
to his senses before the cyanide whiff
snuffs out his life he is sure to ruin his
plumage in his struggles to escape.
Humming birds vary in siza from spec-
imens perhaps half as large as a spar-
row to those scarcely bigger than a bee.
FEBRUARY 18 1916
Dangerous Condition Relieved Just in
Time By "Fruit -a -fives"
Mt. F. 4. CAVEEN
632 Gleraard St. East, Toroato.,
For two years, I was a victim of
Acute liedigestion • and Gas .Ti The
Stomach. It afterwards attacked my
lIeart, and I had pains all over the
body, so I could hardly move around.
I tried all kinds of medicines but none
of them did me any gOod. At last,
acting on the advice of a friend, I
decided to try 'Fruit-a-tives'. I bought
• the first box last June, and now 1 am
well, after using only three boxesre, eee
I recommend 'Fruit-a-tives' to anyone
suffering from Indigestion, no matter
how acute". FRED 3. CAVERN.
Simple Indigestion often leads to
Heart Attacks, Catarrh of the Stomach
and constant ,distress of mind and body.
If you are bothered with any Stomach
Trouble, and especially if Constipation
troubles you take 'Fruit-a-tives'.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Toronto, Ontario stands to -day with-
out a superior in Canada. Graduates
highly successful. Catalogue free.
•Enter any time.
We beg to n.nr1011teee1the purchase
of the BAYFIELD SA WMILL, which
we will operate in conjunction with
the BR UC EFIELD Mill. We are
open for business at both offices pre-
pared to pay the highest spot cash
prices for all kinds of logs, either in
bulk or by the thousand aud either [in
bush or delivered in our yards.
You ma,y also secure from usat either
office any af the following lines
Lehigh Valley Coal
the coalethatisatisfies
Canada Cement
the recognized standard of Canada
Buffalo Brand Fertilizers
best by test
Dressed Lumber & Shingles,
Canada Fibre Board
Tile, Cedar Posts, Lumber of
all Kinds,‘, etc.
I heartily solicit and by fair, square
dealing shall endeavour worthily to
merit your most liberal patronage.
Bayfield office 8 on 174;
Brucefield office 11 an 145
John B. Mustard
Owing to the great demand for
team li'arness in the spring you
will find it more satisfactory to
place your order with us now, that
we may give it our special at-
tention. We guarantee all our
harness to be made from No. r
Union Oak harness leather which,
coupled with first class workman-
ship, we know we can satisfy
you, in every respect. Get our
prices and let us have your spring
order now.
Cleealing liarrte§
This year we are making a specialty
of cleaning and oiling harness. We
find that we can do it better and
more economically than it other-
wise could be done. We are using
a specially prepared harness oil
which enhances the life of the leath
er keeping .?ach strap soft and pli-
able. Bring in you harness and
let us clean it.
Br o derides
Harness Shop
Opposite Commercial Hotel
Clothes stay white if
you treat them right
ea ALL
fiol *e
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