HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-18, Page 3_ RUARY 181 19t13 - Iseessostea.tounaste.,esenneenriew.P. MA soaERT, Genera! Manage%, ar go- t with ord has, for his himself well ?t S730; the ices f. o.h. equipped merit does Seafortla ad arnWtion t ble satistactio 5 and ovrcoats r. They have -17 are tailored which they are me factor in a. war, British ors all over Can - continue to make rat is withinthe r Fail and W• of rich, fast c ior ease young, rn en atter whether yo rty, tailoring and Lion. Come in an • The Business Of F ng aelike the buainess of Manufe.otortug--should be done in a buSinan ws.y. Proceeds should be put in bank. • Payments shertalCbe made by Cheque. A *erten percentage of the profits should be put in a Savirtp Aceottot as an emergency fund. The man who has a *ash aurplus le a bank, is protected &pleat bad ;emits and hard limes. SEAFPRTH BRANCH night And :a party.. Aril* wound tlteelflotia.s ggh 1 by tit arefi irnxtr, tee Yardisfolf the foil Octet 'iree trenehe porttry, P on'hurt; :Lie gone retina down and it jaw -t I ra.1IJ1j, ttilete thloge. ee&lefo'ese Towt, Pot, Over-ntre' Net prim to Ott EXPiameeease. patrona for bothb Ytt*. and butter- .' fat, Tettelabotter Made, anI hall Winchelsete Creamery Oonfin Vele method? 8. Testing dialler, im. ritlelet or twice pet month. 4. Onading cream and gelling 'butter, ' Thio b tterrelle IS . Will, be sold by auction to .te higileet I Clinton War Auxiliary.- A. meetteX responsible bidders some ,t e during ?was (held in the council chamber, LI the erecting. Terms made' known day ton, on ThuradaY evening of last of ieale. Sthbuld tine permit, itoplase of !steak, for the purpose of organizing interest to dairymen will W. ens- & ewe' branch of the Hurvo War eeeead. lane qt mations aneeepreo. , feeedliar,y. te.. \pod number of xe. I .., i._,................._. oreeentatIve citizens were pre,sent and LIFERIJOY. SOAP isildelighfully ra- • 1144311 'fr"'Ilea Scott h'4'41 been called trashing fm• tea Or toilet, For fer the chair, the oeinelization ,was wing underelothing it is u availed. 'erebeed‘d with ae follows: Rev. 3. K. Cloaose.s and purifies, reirfull was electell, president: Mr. G. Di OicTeggart, vice-president; and l/lfr. -511. L. JOhnson, secietery-treasurer. aible following were aPPoloted ward enremittees-St. juries' Wird -James tt, H. S. Chapman, T. Hawkins, C. Harper, 3, L. Kele-I:V.3. Mar, aghan, Wesley Walker, William, glillaiker. St. George's Ward -3. Tor - .A. 3. Moorish, Dr, 3 S. Evans, J. Wiseman, P. wupairt_ Caettelen, L. re, Rey. Dr., ' we wage hurt in an eatottobile accident Paisley, Neleon Ball DISTRICT RATTIfiRS , ' -„ Ene ACATH f•anIF -felt AA, 60** AWAY ale194.•;0461-11•Et4 .4410f 101140.1.1 02010,14.14g . !'koleaP. 1;..r rorgirmar Sr ... =.04174%. ' AMR AI." Uk meek iorsomal*.Saile commie& sosheteitt, am* re 4F Imow or rad% .4104 .17 ring your construct ing-floore, • tiler thibee eformation" :a 22" i; the toots • ttetero are eoneretee erYthillg fit and terete. rove- teret rED, B41. flL fr copy of Guarzete. Prow__ 1 Goderich The Late S. A. Megaw.- received early Thursday rm. B. (J. Megaw, of this tow ;death of 1112 brother, S. A. California, onrerly well -k lzen of town, t latterly of innipee. :yet no fun partlealar,s Lave been reeeived, ORA lit Is eutederetoo thief, ora. wee riling. ;es _ 'the egaW, In oNVH, eit- autl- . A.H. ao4 4164 :t froth! "e effect Agt.StAndrew Wail a- tew raw. haore later. .The deceased wae .born U, Gibbitts. Ilege J. W. Motere, W.S1t. Holmes, He in riele-214 ill the &Atte.% and oaile wib •Plitse, W. `I% O'Neil. T. Watts. St., tct Canal4,- lle. a - WY. Later he AIWA jaMea iilitert, J. P. Sh4aletealit beetnesse 1976 the was made h's Ward, - cottle,, 'George c'z'we'd' *nt weIn *k wben he C4eVed-Itilyee C. MeMatie, A. J, Tyndail, J. ay% assistant '...r.anageir of the. A. W. 'Ogilvie iger, McKenzie, Sr. , Plotter MUIi Ccero*ner, and r laterWas tranageoeof the Lake 030.1 or ood MIUing Coirpany. in 19.02 bie and the fkood. Showing. -The fortieth .an- Kouy MIllin.g Company, of Brandon, nue meeting of the Usborne and, merged and bought the Ogilvie Hatch-, ber Mattel Fire Inettrainte Viraa Olsonettlis +here and a little 'Ilater,1 &A an the public ball, 'Farquhar, oa Monday, V\ebruary Ilth. 'Owing to the vary stoney weather the meeting wee het largely attended. The preside:it, Robert Norris, occupled. tbe choke In ble, address he .shewed the company tote etill progressing on 'a solid baeis there being a ma:raced increase in the _percher of new risks, amount of In- a -era= and, assets. The Secretary- easurer's and andltorst report show- eliat there waes Issued tiering the year .600 .00licies, covering an insur- the ?resident of the Vianipe epee of fa,421.95, rcaking a tote' or Stock Exchange, and was regarded 166 pelicies covering an losuraetee of elle higneat authority on the ore? pit 484,130 tat the close a the year. tion in the Wet. Beside po WittTlje . Yearia loss.ee Were quite heavy a- ow, tWo daughter,s and; th.ree; son eLrting to $7,858i95, whin were papaw. , all very promotly paid, when Satisrectory. claims were established. rI1hbeet is a cadh balance In the Bank KEEP LITTLE ONES Commerce, Thaeter, of $16,238.97. WELL IN retiring directora, Robert thee new' company 'was know re 'gee the Western 'Canada Flour CoMpa.•ny, Wa any hae Braldon Wineieeg with had office at Toronto. IAl?011 a. month ago the ideceased,e ;retie' from, Ott head of the concern:. ' California He w beta Gral of which company the de elected oust:dent. The core at pre,sent mills GOKIPlick Calgary, St Bealiface and wee on this first holiday to : when the reccident 'leavened welt knave to the grain two.. tie and J. T. Alicon were Ire -elect- Winter. OA a dangerolue .01, and John -Kay and j.S. Ballantyne Oho /little °fleTh a.' e, Ida .ere re -:elected auditors. At the. changeable-ocne bright; the lose of 'the annual mee,ting, the direc- ,otr (met when all- the old officers 'were re-elected, viz., Robert Dterrie, President; Thomas Ryan, viceepresi- .ident, and W .A. TuOnbell was re -ape pole ted sec re taryetreasurer: The eats a th k com.pany are John Ese‘ ry, of Ueborne. R.R. No. 1, Cen- elle: and O. Harris, of Fullerton, B. R. No. 1, Mitchell' . r` Dashwood. Notes. -Mrs. lieycocla of Zurich, has been vie:kiting her sister, Mrs. Gus,* :bar iduring the oast week. Whoa ,Gaiser dette -enlisted for over,seas- •servi,ee at. Parkhill. -4�.r. Joseph Day-. ot Exeter, spent a few tdays in :own last week. -Prelate J. afor, o• :London, visited here over Sueoie.Y.- ito H. lioftman was laid, uo with; an Caatain Shuttle th W Sale of Ma Laat Port Paid tan:e; ?nits *he exian.4.ned, dressed lilt Men and weak thiey t trOeid .to" thee While awe cage to ake t evet0 haV in Ws, t tie Rank .'ay. The Bat lion, o the enehese did no known e t rosbrinintZ1/4 The , to t t, %IAA to( war as they Vo. gene eve, he oar- ing to aeon their I On t ate misty an f ovarian not series, Lekine for hi& e terrible co lielt withi (ajdrShatterin and 'the, floe in Just been, Bteee.4eY, • gent, * traveree, • [Sottr.e through t warnin ing dation major aa . The bolo h the ifaj ed arid t te'n him. UP. A the motor to the was the The IA the dis,,; plosives cassioce. two a piece of the to, escaped juat thrown seld Ir, at these HE EAMON E TOB .0* 4 *4 Ma" & Phone Orders Carefully FiIIo Stewart Bros , doctor, - n d re - saw hicet as very Colonel litta.e, aanbul- hospit,a1 and( .1wlet eat til iblenott are, gaeet that MaJtel. eta II4at ibeia ,pany NO VanY come • rx 'tto (ti uard wasi and (Vows ,a1 aiEt eve it in. du ei-at re „. 1Wetrit.: re *nett On the Tue of t tren Mc otighy ever allow CaPt °aril's?? aWnldigt Lt. -Gen the 6. fleet's AX) irer.bularoll: nento We 1th tety 'the stretch.' ete Y ionek tary s PrinCte,' Cat. cordS are k • tInge'eta'Ithe'elailltafett ihwtsilibil4141,ankteltik: --civer!thihr,. eeo- a kindly ,reiri, a love fieri the .aSut eOtearent! and true. ya the bet willingly le t y. ()there little ffice -fr ndslhibt• nay -a, q q ts iro la for, ute. • et * tay *hi we es. On Wedete . BaXtex ail to attepd he reed. the. zee' 1 -Hand GO al Si# d. men :were' ught him. fro ecd the rotate .. Major Jon emb and Inyste This is a I kept. IV Is vision' and eke t.. Officers' row. I ivasfl e was' nol cof a soldier wit). jt h the Uhl a - v. Vas een a 161et Huron II/18 ni !Valeta. , ;Ire gide ;soar. Orr t spri Squi ter tiler sort to not etaisaloint3. f5oor smjatail 'POINTE Obi • wext Q14'1clea. will tur We is pr pr and storal, that the- motile .14 kfral, to take the children out for the -free air and exercise they need rag, mue In creeseqeence'. they are o , en, coupe ap in overheated, ba,dly ventilate recast .and. are titoon eeized: 1.0,1 col ,ast we in I' tap fall , get g plow e Ran- ising e tear so days. com casion 1, sert we ee of tend lag ur ng it d r part grind 1.1/urPo ke. The bought II 1 eases, luction. or grippe. That is need d to keep 'phe f Sw Ex aft Ge WO Of Sw can ucte at 425 fonts' e box fro, et 14be Dr. wa •widka Willtame Medicine Cot., Brockville,dlstrlct .411 . Ontario. . I• /low Major Sale ied A very ours a, Clare 'tea Mr Ghana 'cle°aitel real. c is in :tube ay• daug aft etter fr ne • of -fru In co. lor McBer Battatio ir Kiang the. toMr1. .trarriage' iI cite of the OA death aOd• -of which he in ,the de ets, p the, little ones well is Bay'S . Ov4). hange Tablets. Th-ey : will r gulate the moon, efotracie and bowels and rbie. ' oult. etery.- colds and by their use: th baby wih e in a be table to get over the w tet eeaso tev :Gs in :perfect safety:. The ableta alte . rtel ,sold by teedilenie , dealere r by tma pa - attack of the grippe last vreek.-Mrs. C. Kellerman, whirr underwent an op - :station •last Friday for abw,e,ss, • is Mead C. E. salp, of God rcarrIa ii&Artg- nicely at the titre of writbg. receipt of the following 3. -Mr. P. Meisetae's was the auccessf zi Captgthruttlteworth, seco Under for the 'telephone cental here. eratd of 0 Company, 18t Oteoley •of wihach Major Sale w reemang officer, telling School iler,ort.-thee le the- Ottirstincea tot. Mejor' Louuw - .01444. report of the sehoca in Section No. of ea..' Mire arleo e39eerct 2, Stanley, for the•tronth of January. was (hield by 233 ar.en. The tames are in order of inerit; V- Capt.; SihuttlewOrtttO IM Saba COttlrall, Agnes Love, Pearl Am- follows: - rson, Senior Fourth -Opal Pinter. The Major hail been tilr. GI -Russell Love, Verna Reid, right. -ShiCe aliEt last Vi 'George Anderson. Jr 111 -- Louisa Noir, he had nevelt' loolea 'Planer, Mute cecNraze. Grace Elgiebet went intot, the. trend Br. II -Keith Love, Lorne Colerean, in the •best of spirits, WV& Stephenson, jr. II -Me Love, he believed we Would linnie Turner, Emma Love. pert wIth!out a lose. ,Our line Willie Anderson, Vera Smith, mole did eihape and NV i(th t Oda- s trete seeiee weather and ttroenr1ight gene. p r Walker Carlisle, Eileen Turner. Jr. Primer -Merle Oar:iale, GiadS3 lenson, Clarence Ste,thenson. -M. ou- TiSher, Teacher. "Hay 'School Repert.-The following is the report of the school in Section No. 14, Hay. Names are in order of mer- it: Fourth -Willie Thompson, Veille ;'attY, Margaret Reynolds, ',Laura Det- ers, Lenwood Perd.r. -Third - Dityrtie growitlee Frank Grahaaro Albert Dat - r5, Albert Brownlee, Bobby Graham, 1,2abe1 Purdy. Second -Pearl Thomp- Le, Mary Thomoson, Hazel Srnflhte. P. fekiaVaina Meeedoth Stew.art, Junior -51econd-G11bert Jarrott, Olive Petty. Part Second-Wilam Brownlee, Stan- Le3r iGraharr. Part One -John Graham, 1141.1B best spellers in the monthly sel1- hg were: Fourth - Willie 41hDtrPs0n. Thlrd-Bobby Graham. Sec- VA-Ifurdoch: Stewart. junior Sec- '-r-10:--811bert Jarrott. Part Two --Wil. Son Brownlee -E. Jarrott, Teacher, Wittchel • knitt93 Meeting. -The annaal reet- !I of • the :patrcinA of WinchelSea 'CreeererY,ewill be %ea in the Orange 'Nes, ITYlOodlaiwI, on Wednesday, Feb - harry t2Srd, at twO t011'Olving Will bp trite ordert of busi- minutes of last meeting, anditoror report, °era aoetiO-o.12 sieeesaary be taken -1. 'Buytng Cream ,hd,Itght on the batter fat basis. tids method. be ?diorite,/ Y- the rivhdielgea Creamery, 2. Makieff the batter (at a Fikatot rate wir pound, l'74 -X A aOrrplete stat4nent of Cream, felt quite secure In our wee (about 9.80 on the nig'Irt of the tionat L altiht twhen I 'wiais reneved, by, the Mae, t was jor. He had been having at good WOO ecarrc kn and tin corroeny! ierithi Lieut. Kerr, he of last w went tfor l. walk down line. It :Mb prev was :very quiet,although when I had knolWfl tb cetrret along a few sninute earlier Vv4[yf3 !day very •neara'y 110. Isorre trtLltee ent rtatne :Arty filling sandbags and driving tt11 the stakes were =eking coosid rattle mo13e A tea to and had attracted acbI:u gLtn fire Mil w and also 'a- bocrp exploded( outside the, sto tblo parapet. throwing dirt and 'debris ovIer politihbr to. There wall *Me ' excitement lortlY over this, so I d1siri3sed the :workihg Pa a Party. On returning etoi the klu'g gr, to the Major Of Itt- nu duty, Aftier( the. hi feve m'dnutes heaeld yst, bout 'the 'running' new 'some-. M 11 I midtt' tot 4e r lying on Q lkpe ofnn • lb bait, lost ,.b leg, wag 1..ff: freer! entail' lartatediatsly at.er -217bdi eters, Who i he By i prldent. d qLaUtiee ak h cte of •ch 1 a d une ell it. I o We eased Oki an We the A ?doctor, PaPtaba George Kale, pobn, ap- PeArefil 'Aso gajor Nelson, adjut t v at .010 r is j1. Jci ; the hortrie Wing 'I, all Charles,- 1' to Mountr, day of better and da/S- Hine tliia tire %be; late aying Walesby, e through enik year as -in spie- and: Clint at Sckild , Agdol Ights, •*e '10-14*. sition. t. cord,ell w Yerocirrted th Other details of boot °lad left a another bomb 4ploaln, aaree place, then stoenebOd past the Idug-ottt, so 1' al:Reg.-hail happened. Vith tJbetvoit samr inie" Maj the Awl/Olt floor andai ,c worldng'oyer consciousness, atria Ihis badly Om ond bleeding gh'Itapnel, wovni3V.- sent, for thre Doctor, slot brandy, and ale stretcher are traAned in first aid, stolpped bleeding ,land tled, up th 4 wound?. tib 'itirfia the MOO 'MA lietov attW, bbugh ile WIDA ,andl White. We got hitti cber and carried hicit a way. They SaY , anti beiledrige, b4t. 414' erg w or the 'ft* r hottnb awl uron Notes Parnby, of inted chaplain, ttalion, the been, ann'oftrin ilumber of vicinity of the, weather to ing which ha early start g. Mt: ord were airron, es, the bete tet 'WA& on his lowing in Ja on la Ontario orrartti R. . 'Cardiff ussels I went to rchased a mo obille, ' Tey the, east ban er at -Brussels the old, qua _lisreetone to seeetarting in ing of lime o be one of own to aid in , ral of Mrs. Eg letrees of th tel, Was held.. 8 Ockck to large number tendance. In t D. Ross, B A., or, Rev. kr. service. M know - throug coun y. She e an , Jack. ten; =meths plea,saet event e of ,Mr. and of 1.1ernberry neon of last ter, Margaret, to Mr. James' Inberryi, son of ' ry of; Tara ter VOrrie., w air. Charlea toweship. •R stony ghlarcia recepti officiate a of411e iv* 2 his sonAn Co ell pose Bell, in Clint wee , e the IreauIt ✓ Co ell was Wins d Eng ago, ad' c9XCe about two ye tali f1lJ daughte e cor4ng to care aker of alert Juinct1on, withf much reg n tr. Clinton 0 that Mrsbill day at Goder She leadi been and that Mt for `her reco news came ✓ a fortnight called to God ea.; of the late and -was he after ,antcil in be done she until the. , , .:. n for da, for on. She t h. In our Major) odt kept C Coro, party. le, coin- ed •to ess was tween el or a tin were are out day Mr. toy self unerel. ice. Col. veral of ores- tn. y ceme- e, Major carried Ig come tinder? ate re- ves are ry to , but he ped in jaCIC lgeave. of the .appoint - d this t he fari. ton too finish a., been lei thl t le an the en,- havisn farm, to ary as no and A. ol urnb rri lime pose in Of th havin Ile an. agric ul ot thee t he he bee increase iton Brit n Mondae frien, e abs -enc D„ Mr. Harrilio s. Swar a out . t e ayes. t- r.oSwar s g, took e Mrs. on We eek, wbn Uhit .d S. -,Mc13, • x-counet rrunYite.dal D. Pe • •. Foll n wpaai.‘slhe nt.. a-ytay w, on S a fie bora altrok to Cana aan and id azd:E n instit England,. et wi d atIt . Saturd y ohad d ery 111 f hope w b s. a shs6k. go, M ichl owl latilr. fstaJk.` smite �f ‘14ea'an74.ya:cylea- e tili was t , the et later ed a A.fter nal in ter Milner, b1a4 11 on Viet an of ysasallelaf!egede e he: :u"und is a ma a reg and erof I • • wart B SC per* Ready for Sprin Stewarts' Store Present Itse in all the Beauty of the New Spring Goods No matter what the weather is without, all is spring in our stores, wash goods beautiful dress goods, preity embroideries, lovely silks, exquitite laces are here in al- most bewildering variety: Large shipments of entirely new things have enhanced the stores general attractiveness until it is now re- splendent with attractive beauty in every new idea, and in view of the war conditions the prices will be pleasing to you as well, Buy Your Spring Dress Goods, Silks Wash GooOs Now and Trimmings • nUR stOck of wash goods tlf4s 'season is a revelas tion in cotton goocIS manuf4cture. Nothing more beautiful' than these dainty wasii -fabrics, The many entirely new ideas, Ole variety and exquisite color schemesp'fflr untold possibilitieS for spring and sum- • mer clothes for women and- children. The striking • feature however is that our wash goods will positively • • stand both suds and sun. Don't miss this big diaplay Pri'ces always lowest di Pretty New _ Waists .the best and most se- lect materials are employe in making these new waists. All the little, •but important distinctive featues that help • make a waist beautiful are * • .• 'attractively brought out, to the• end that in ; these I stunning , models you have 6 ichness and beauty at very el, Clinton. eath 41 • con d ey. e time the te Chea- t idX n years man yeitra Mrs ivately her Jwn otreet ! Shwaa & •rue, b4erfiiL 4•90 dustrlo d !by, her m Lwoin for &lenge them, a* to wilizu tad taking keen t. She w foril1ts. etatrirls sa4 w tele mertie tfu smari. fiso rLou terprisev, 12 11 ly 0. te. 0 - he er. he ho a ed ter la a itS ; • ! r moderate prices. • Price $1 to $6 • • • •• • • I Many New gtyles • in Norfolk designs The Norfolk has come back this yeatj stronger than ever, • and with it many ideas in t pleats, belts, etc, all �t which add materially to the general good appearance of the suits. The nevv suits for spring • have eommenced to arrive You will be delighted with their beauty and well finished • appearance and the price will be equally satisfactory. Prices . 2.90 to $8 Dressy Clothes for Boys • • • _ Men's =rima Overalls 8c Smocks When working clothes are re- quired this store stands at the Itop of t4e ladder. Peabodys, Big '131, Snag Proof and M.C.K. all the reliable work- ing brands are here, ' • • 75c to $1.35 • • • • • • • Batter, Wool and I Eggs Wanted at Stewart IF you would be correctly and economically gowned this summer, you must visit our dress goods depart- ment and inspect the new stocks. You may choose with absolute certainty from this matchless array, knowing that every pieceis new, correct andEdepend' able. This stores supremacy in this department is generally acknowledged by women who know. This season more than ever we are very proud of our dress goods,department and take a special pleasurelin show - the Goods. Call and see them to -day. Prices lower than you will expect to pa, 41111MOM4041114•41$0044.4411.114•4411144 New Si its and Coats for Women The first consignmentiof womens spring coats and suits has just arrrived and are even beyond our expectations in style, Material and careful finish. All these garments are made to our own specifi- cations as to linings, trimmings, etc., insuring you that your suit or coat will not only wear well but will positively keep its shape throughout, and as only the best cloths are used you need have no fear as to the colors. Prices Coats .. $7.50 to $20.00 t 13.75 to $30.00 eiMitia00~10•WINIIII4 New Corset Models The appearance of your new gown will be greatly improved if it has for a foundation one of Cromptons Corsets. Our large and well assorted stock gives you the very g-reat aavantage Of assurin you an absolute perfect fit. Price 50c to 3.50 • Ready in the Men's Store -Season's Nobbiest Suits The advantage we derived by ordering our men's spring suits early last fall is clearly demonstrated in the beautiful line of new guaranteed worsted suits we have just re- ceived. We said guaranteed and that means a great deal in this time of extreme scarcity of wool, unieliabel logwood dyes and increased prices in linings and pocketings, etc. We repeat GUillitiEvel EED because we bought only suits made of reliable guaranteed cloths and we hand over to you a positive gnarantee with every suit we sell, but we also give you the additional advantage of buying your suits at practically the old prices. Sizes 33 to 46. Price 57.00 to $20.00 New Spring Shirts for Men Who Care There is a wealth of beauty in the new spring i shirts. Plain or fa.ncy pat- terns in black or white or colored effects. All guaranteed to wash and wear to your entire satisfaction. Price............. ....... ..... .......... ... 75c to 51.75 ewarthros. SEAFORTII 2- uhit****40•••••••••••••••••iot•••••••••••iii* +.+#++++ 4,40.444.4* 9A -1P4444 *30,A \444. Wool ainti • Eggs Wanted $ 44.4*******44-********40,#•••.***__