HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-18, Page 1FIFTIETH YEAS WHOLE NUMBER 251 al I I 2==la, SEAF9RTIT, FRI 1 AY, FEBRUARY 18,1916 Greig Clothing Com Orb ev- rbey. month riauean think veyaw xu, can That inety, tain- how- aable Table arrivals to show autiful; spring. tially ig of he first re satis- me and are so 44 will be IT buy. • piece 4k know stand .1 luaran- in the 1 t, I Per POUND Before the War 15c per 1:oun was the ruling price This fact points We finger of warning to all, indicating What is going to hap pen prices of wool garments of every sort, and may the people take warning and so conclude that it is expedient to buy now. The old and very lo* pric et will rule during the month of Felbrua y at our store, and believe us, then, it will be well worth the effort oti yo part to secure your clothing needs for the year before this month expires.1 Look Down the List of February Bargains: $15.00 -8.9 3. 4.79 8.98 2.68 L48 49c Fur Coats Men's Overcoats Boy's Overcoats Men's Suits Boy& Suits Men's Trousers Boys' Knickers. Alt wool heavy Drawers and Shirts Boys' Underwear Coat Sweaters Mens Caps Men's Heavy Mitts Men's Heavy Sox Men's Work Shirts Boys' Heavy Stockings Cashmere Stockings 99c 29c 89c 39c 39c 19c 39c 39c 47c FRO ON4RIOS' ' I , Thia•b trent Pa n to .0n t are :V t a r to ai. royince In -Atter rrzy ton relnen cud Various _Ot!strong ekes ' re CTIO greater rollitary Tee ac ral pone patrazers t Ottaav h Ina ...."•••••• IMMO Torento, February, 14, ning efthe Oetawa Wing sl has thrown a , rio. It is mot tibia sor t is ealcuallt laxatien of w 11 the deter:Lin kee0 things feet, the e The scare is i2,5 ie. the s g8and oublic Inds, bat wit' tdeete resen 'more men ey in the exc fforts in every ervice kre Is based that ,eneirg a fired tgae fine a, a.nd t'natsu e destroyed tr. plants at Otte, to Join idreaoare on of °big. A t .a 'nature fety of works eower may' be adopted. The 'municil•-- ; :Antics cereal nest have aUgPsted that the tr.et adooter3, be thatpre- 1916 ?mod In Con ection with the, hydro Ilan radial railWaY lines which ao to tve are orated in iiTeetern Ontaribe This eQf would lacc.ah liat all ft...tura expends. ionsW''' slitanttre ii,eYncit..140:reveenlorpt_meanntd, and inont4arrinein-ntiins-n, khie would own i Me spetetot Tbe ooney a woulaa be A Charge upon the aretnicte °Tit palttles taking the power, and they aePh would ihe' added in the first fnetance I'D`a by en Leone of bonde, of-ithe Proalecial of Hydrol-Eleetric Power Come Ls.alon, It, ther 13 guaranteed as to principal( a. I Inter.- CARDNO'S OPERA F1ALL eillt wb14'eb est by the ierovinee of. Ontario:ann,ttee i tbe tr K. 3' cured, by -t* debentures of the ewarioue ? 1 equer el -10 rtunicioalitits ,cOnceineel. '-ilbis ar- Friday Ev'g, February 25th, ibr.anebl 0fi. rangement cotual. be 'mode sleet with, tilegand to i tile 'systezr, already cone tier:W.11:a T YITIL 'over In retern for their bends, . gs . i . it * • , Eteadieuarters Staff, Torontn, desctib- eree ,structed, the trunicipatities taiking it Addresses hy ilfr. R. E. F. DALTON quent I • Public ass - Meeting the interests of the Red Cross Society will be held in Chair taken at 8 o'clock nition amid res • Experiareets 'have lbeen made with itillagteledretOurions:d wsolidkier CanPdt'otherRs: Sersday reerulting le Toronto. They equipir.en a and es., have. been Of itwo kinelt and bath have Short musical programme peler were also of ince diary or gin. ottee eueeeissiPoi. thiere has: been c l The ate Iview 1,s tha the3e4 rea, sorra recrutting in cliturchers - and a good, deal Of recruiting outside of Silver Collection bet tat all events ithat- of the ihoui eel parliazrent, began ace entally, bet churchte. One of the new battalions .1....hoosewinemaaae''''''' ao ir,iest gation, *is in d ese to e- in procesa itsr organization for oyere oweeesseeeeeta-aete.e,... , i terraide J t deolw fart it is (safe tin- dolge..iin, hia ceenforting, theory. s2eea3 negerVlicn el t.hleconceviayreid uthe,cirure:Lest af:oPar 1 All Oee Oe tail° there re scor,3 of oat Detroit. Tile groom' was support - factories wasiattendel by her mister, .May. working at -big preasur cm recrotts. Some resurts had followed. aver !orders of 1 all --tort ordees :for e firet triatt of thd4 idea, (but the ac- ed ihY hlis cotrorade, Mr. William 3. JObaston, formerly of Scotland. and attetrolt was far fromft .311Ce3sral . *voition for uniforms and for all so tar as Inenediate reauita were pon-e dirolacres VancalliP has -sold Ms 100- aeoire farm, on the etit line a East tIble it that go t crake up -the odern,e uagn el anal one . other t trigs cern ed . AoPeals were rade ' in 22 We:wane& to William' Oke, Seaforth, ,L, teid. T aa didurchee, ditet, there Were ileevi or trio, (meat( of n army in til ter $6,500. Mr. Gee '' gets poseisslon results. i i factoTles and, their con ta of zra- at, once. Mr. Vaaicamp will move to 6hinery.,- d stock repr aeet an toe Boosters i of the Idea biatre the Teronto. weather, Witioh was bad end which Menge Fat nt of capit 1 invest ent. exo kept a ia4e , number of poselble re- O -Miss Lucy Alderson, of Cranbrook. They are guerded to jue, such an n be orovIded or by tth Irma, the mil tary aut ng entriugh to 0 in gr is for, public• ulidinga n ging to the anion. tertained that 310 cr.uch and t Y Start a few nd resu t an 1.71 ,property build W years a sensitive oe wa fire ala3 piacin of ts park and no t eate, a na w d mustache n old ih-.an ked that 3 Will tarn. enerily al Of rthe is er- lice, be. let him go. he stat of a by. ,hlat e legisla ure . and the ove, do -be baka MayoT Cleurca has al tr 'yteicle • to .he !dist tirbing poesibilit 1, that in en- d ia,ries: ate malt -ran g abo , t wit le fire thee t he ayic f all blue er- ptie cone ttae r ently received a letter from Prime -S. tent las p .i1,0., crults e,way irate church. The same Vapcouver Bettelion, atatieg that he f oto Pte. E. J. Fla.rvey, of the 29th divieluel i iteis hall, era we,a,ther, nceaever, fatted to keep away vvearing a pair of socks ,she had via, e at of likely material, fromtte varie it and felt thee! very comfortabi.e. inavorg ksigualbe .acvri ous recruitling trdeetings which were 17-8Dr. J.S. Evans, chairo. an of tbe The ;held in, the • tae,atrest At the eei treet 1 Clinton Public School board, after the fear, is e ereate Ings GIPeniaa kneels were riede to the women to Useitheir infmence With the bciard had been complete -1 the other btainess of the meeting of the new hesitating ti -..a ee. A hundred ,itir more eVening, invited the er.embers and recruits were secured, in the theatre3. Principal Bouck over to Bartliff'a 'Tibia aepease in the churchet Seems ao restuara-nt wihere he acted as host at have had ttie ileffect el, keeoing i nen an oyster suOper. • to swell the 'battalions. The feet that away frotrri el lurch, without ,heiodng —Hydro carried in D,a,shwoo'li by a isTiaitehants nfno4leescrotts were tea ben: axle pOlice 1 village Showed by their votes ! majority of 9,9. The peeple of th anaItha feat e ;Influenced !the attendance er ltila 32.1.dy smto have . leoe 'had need' .a2,4travertseisei.ly dttilltet, ittillebYthwereer43wialleredk"1014 vottoeb3efoill3r-ttlioe4 to a greater extent -than the badt weather. °ranks! In 1r the dest The ail Were gar and the the teaarpage uctioel of =ore ta.rio Parlltaren ly bierned a. f government is the fire ueeition. The Ot reeultedseceordingly in ilearerotile .guards in Q In (the .Parligurnit build aelvea, land no ham wit koroblead land arn upt that region. lo castle:11y re y finese ', was seized st o theispresence !of peovincial (biro end th' ent illuatratee woad Torolo at Ottawa. T 't I29i.th, not in, able ano is elate isitor -asoare d own, toc tished -in ten,dent meat:ion be Inc =and iappened la to me orrrient ng thane i3owder atid time fuses .1 Ond ihao I is3ued instrac thorough! Ig uard tog of . build in ge sand the pronto aa.aserwlal kered, oerson,s c[ ;Spectacle and fencing ' an. Ontario is the ' 1e to the 'revelling the Idiarism because, just lief lw,a. dIsaSter there was a 113 talk of trea,soriable = "arts elf 1Western Ontarl are a ober Of court tIt.u. largely y men of Ge Those el i3trict3 have .giv n Most • feroesay to the Canadi n Pat fund and to other fun g and ar ks of neral a‘te,d th We haven't the space here to rpentio the great quantity of . bOrgains our large stock offers, A visit to our spr where everything is on ispl y an marked in plain figures the spedi selling price for this month'. Highest Prices hr Butter their ol bee for lit the aloe aa. caring y 110 e Bt.Se y of ir Te the ,great.,de vement3 where les .oe -nate ides well re aented in the Mien diery. Major Sam Hu es -who investi ports r ratty circulat nounced -lerr.1 "Silly.” German descent, UvLng Ontario, e, Ihe says, i but Jetta). pts have 'been upoln, th. by ak frow extract „wilao have cr Unitetd S ates, and Who, will Ito rotoptly toter tblese t ingS hanineningi, of !fires, arrests here a the red ailing of g pa iron to be wonder o lic, nd of Ontario, on edge., Steps greatly Hydro - the cen province rent° Ibi Power through alOng t Isalgely eat. dletpute federal ownkirs Galen o extendi the been be *L re being take ePhere of lectric rower c r.al and ea.s Municipalities ve been kept o nefits to a the fact that Treot canal the hand.e of re has lbeen, tween the o authorities r 13 of power ri waterways, la g fro= the rglan Bay. Th ore the courts a frien ly action to d point ati which the "rov eral j LedictiOos dtvi Beck is reported as ha de pu tat oil- iron: powe cipalirte in central an tario that the province trol of tb,ese water po Sir Adun's coin ory working o nt winch he d In :taking w rut:rent. Unde ie queetion whi ore the courta o clutches of ill be made to Sir Adam Beck • presee9 sattsfac range -T. dsucceed ion- gov leng Ment t from t effort Croetrur.atining sources of 1, ysterr are tot province, with or water powe erests1 by the ents te thia ef the dominion parilazrents kr retitle ratified the Ontario Power commission wi 1 goaernment is for devel eossible that i of tie government's this Pew tertitory e. I of firanciag the dist and Eggs Greig Clothing Conp SEA FORTH Trent lo the ran tal vane in Agree be fore provinc „ the d It is nas . , by-law and two against. It is teAr- ! 1 stood the line will be built from EXP- ! 1 - ter west to Dashwood, with branches Is Canada Doing Her Share ? nOrthl to Zurich and touth to Credal., iiicnot Dear Ex tor,—Sir George Paish, ' , .. losese=z==osaaa=granee MeLRAN BROS., Pnblisherts $1.00 a Year in Advance brought home, arriving' at the bottle 1 the grocer's Sister, Miss Vera Page, o bis father, Mr. Jatres Wan1e33, an Mr. Dennie Ducnaz-.re, brother of the Saturday morning. The fumeral took brkia, stcurerted the groom After the place on Saturday afternoon to cerearony the haopy pair and guts Baird's coretery. aelurned to Mr .ani Mrs. Page's —Two of the soldier boys are kerit for Isiejeuner ibefo.re leaving by the on guard ditty night anti, day patrol- trate fore , nto and lother "int, ling amend the towm hall, the post for o. tatZte oeymoon, the groom tie - office and the armories in Wieghaen. Ing Sinerrer holpierit for ditty overaeas. This la because there have been Sng • —On Monday, January 24th, Mr and =any fires lately that appear to have Mrs A. D. Cameron. of Goderich for - been set, and also the fact that a mer .residents of near Lucknow, cele - stranger .was reported to be sketch- brated the 50th anniversary of their ing the armories recently. trarelage. On the eventful day fifty —The following officers' were elect- years -ago a sleigh -load drove frcon ed for 1916 in connection with Court the bride's bore in Peru, Haiten Woodbine No. 100, C.O.F , Cranbrook, county, to Georgetown, about foorterin .and were instal. ed last Yds:1y: C.R„, wile% where they were married a by A. Reymann; V.C.R, J. Gorsailtz; R. the Rev. Jos, Unsworth of that place. S., A. Cameron; F.S and T., Ed. Pula The !groomsman was Mr. John* Me - ton, Cbao., John Forrest; S.W., John Laren, of Toronto, brother of the Shleads; J.W., George Dunllop; 5.3, bride, and the brideoraid was Cath - John A. McNair; J.I3., Duncaea arine .Carreron, sister of the groten, sor ; Phys., Dr. McRae; Atelitore, 'now Mrs. Hugh: McDonald, of St. Hei- n. Mclialr and R. Housten; Traatees, ens. The greater part of their ttrare James A. MeNalr, W. Ziegler and W. ried life was spent in Huron County, Srraliden. Mr. ,and tafr.s. Cameron living for a —The enteettaitment given in the -member .Iof ,yeara about two miles ball at Ethel Friday evening by Brush sel-tti of L4lekliew' later ill St* Hel- ens, Froirr there they moved to G-od- eels young ,eeople tarned,d out most eneasantly and successfal. "The Min- °rich ,nineteen years ago. Mr. Cam- eron IS (deputy Shle4ft of Huron isterts Bride" wa3 well presented, eve erybedy ;doing their oart in ,e001 county, (having occupied this position form arias thie various local hits allot tor la number of years. Of the wed-- k al considerable -merriment. Etbel 'iding party fifty years ago, onlyene Mrs. Henry Rieletroed Blyth, Ws -- Waxen% Institute realized over $56, ter Of the tirade, was present on beta which will .go to the Red Cross Fund. A hearty vote of aooreciation was occaalons. Mr. and Mrs. Caereron are tendered the cone:outer. At the close atilt active. - the visitors were treated to a lunch Acheson, widow of the late before sterting norrewarel. rioney Fond, of Goderich townshi", easkd away at her home on 'Mon- -Mrs. George Howatt ceased, away - day !evening tof last week, after an ill- ,withstartling suddennese -at her home "nessi of a fortnight. The late Mre. In the town p-ot, Winghar4 021 Friday Ford was born in Pastaranaght ire- . February 4th. She Appeared to be lier uelnat health and was scruu...., land but tame t thie ceantry with 'her oparents, -when only four years bing the floor on Friday afternoon, of age. The fairdly settled Oil the when- Mr. Hewett went to a sleigh- feria now belonging to Mr, George bors, when he returned she wos ly- Gould, the little stre.ana ranning Ing uncoriisciou,s and 'expired 'a few throtigh being known for =any years hours later. The deceased is survive al8r6r-wr e td by iher huelaand a,n.,1 one aon, s as Acheson's Creek. In West. She was In her 64th year. en thie farm on the tenth conceesion G. T .R. System has now sup- of Goderleh toVenshias, which contin- olled all its agents in Canada Tem- -teed Ito be her flame ,and where she pera,nce Act counties with! "Special died. She is survivel by three Form 38'°, which is a 'declaration that sonsi mad one daughter Reeve Fori everyone trust make who has liquor ot Clinton, W.H. at Vancouver, B.0 , sent in te his address. This affidavit Fred On the bareatead, ant Mrs. must be made before a notary "ublic W. 4.. Rutledge, of the Haron'Read, or justice of the eeace, ant 411 Mr, Ford died *suddenly zeveral yeas ierents will be held! until sMh forms *ago. Mrs. Ford, waa a woman ofiniarr are oroPerly tilled out. The Grand Trunk aeparently recognizes that it 19 jenntly resnonsible with the alio- Robert Currie, who resides in the ' Ideeeased 'WaS werded Mr. ,Henry Ford and went to reside too ftnano expert Of Great Briti. '—Miss Gladys MeQuarrie has reatgn- :3er and'l he consignee for liquor ain, eay,s first fourteen trontha tedi her .school On the fifth line - of brought in for other than eersonal of the war coat Britaln twenty-one a Wneh orts, as owing to the dee of her uis se end ' net takirg any chances. l dollar a and sance that time, to tthr first of January, 1916 it has coot Britain seventy trialion dol- 1 Jars a siatt. Such figures are try..iy etaggeri;) g - II , rider tae cooditions . it rray well be asked,' is Canada, -dog her ahla.re an givihg of her i :reins. Surety Dotindividually, we have r not done our Oart in 'oeiping Britain and tae Maelit their life teed cath struggle filar Ifreedom from tne evil effects of Prussian sellitarisni and for tee freed*, of the world. Inalvita- oally we eriould do our part le giving 'freety of 4ur means anti). we feelit, and teen give more. If we are :not willing to do tn1S, Where is Our -pate rhatism ? iTite majority of the •Deorile of Canada in-Agat cut thecoet 01 tiv- 1°I in,g by terte-tinded and not jerieriize their heattln te the -least. We should( belt) -wake uo, n, .c.ncl give Wit eint• and for toe gen' er,aking grea lotic also ane Sir re- pro - be peopl of in We tern -n set, I y al, ode to ork n of Ge main seed fro. ithe says Sir Sane ed. Wit 1 all a succe sion et there land , it is fere • tha, the I e a "little bit to e the 0 .snleetio partn at of t of .tiehea2 the Brusee- is go extent oboe E Conao ater. ystem, Orivete long•sta !octal girding to alon tly•cana of Qui subject n ,*he .f terminef cial ar. Sir ing ass king e aster ould g ers. Th idence of a n has " a tie the, this ar h•as ill be tr. •unsel( settle "fit states t 1.ver a ,hatide share leased, te gover et will d ion, and Hydre- sainlY Lor a le ment ' the ex wer sch ifferent ibution tendi tarlo in the . To - !before it is toe late a will 'for tbe; benefit Ives of others wbo .are sacrifices for IL3 and freedom. 'mat wouid life be. wittOat freedom ? I ( R. B. McLEAN, Xiopen. , 1---- ifuron Notes . —Fifty desks are being shied this week frorr the Whighazn factories of t he Canada, pi urnit are Mae Cy Ateturers ' to the Theoliiion Government 1 at Ot- tawa., —Wiltseat rocery and Coopett3 book 1 store In Clihvon, were burial. on Monday even ,r g but the visitordil not rrfake (rn ifch of a haul. ' 1 —Dr. R. L Stewart, whet was io- cated at Bei aye, for -some :ttine, !has (deckled tti locate in Winghlaerf end will open an office in the near future. —Tne n:ain estimates -ta:bled in thet House of Cori:mons en Thursday 1n- provementS - d $22,500 for Brussele elude -$90,000.flor Goderich: herbor lee oubllc bulad g; Exeter public build., og $15,000. —Mr. Will -r. Cameron, of Crane brook, was re-elected a director of Grey and Morris Tele.. y at the anneal meet- ta1ker, it wee necessary that elle re- in !home with her mother, who'19 oith the lam, fifth concession, Grey tewnehla t The teustees and 'papas wore sorry to lose Miss McQciarrie alhle *as performing goad., !sera -ice lo the sphoor. : --The following doctor heve be . Jul* Foster, who was born on the Beyfield; Real, Stanley town- .shlp, Ihe farm! which is still in 1 possession of the family, sixty-eight years a,g4O, Idled at Pigeon, Michigan en Monday, this passing being the first br,e,ak Jin a family of eight. At fif- teen years of age, he went to Mo- t art porarhy epaxilnt•Ed to attend . to toe, to Oegin his apprenticeship at health of the men in the New the woollen mill trade, the mill be-. eron Regithent, at the different Ing located opposite the grist -.trill ; ntres:, Winghaar, Dr. J. P. Kon,-- on the aite now occupied by Canielon y; Bu,,sseis Dr. McRae; Seafortie, Brothers' store. He afterwards work- . Burrowe; iVroxeter, Dr. McLeod; ed at the Zurich will an subeequente eter, iDr. Hindman, Ilen,sall, Dr. ly conduct d business ' lea own Peck; Milne; Goidericht Bayfield. He has resi'ed in Michl- apt. Hunter; Cllnton„ Major Shaw, gan fOT about thoity years .H.O. El ce —A horse attached to a cutter, be- -A letter fnoec• James Bowman,; M. longing to Aldin Alan, of Colbcone , for East Huron, froo Ottawa, townsnae, who was loading cattle at ves ari account of the fire in the Megaw t-ation, frigntened and ran P raw:rent buildings. He made i -bia away on SaturdaY morning, taking to ,c eika,pe from Lb e burning bard le g enk ,t, rC,eDI . PInRio.ltroacvekr,h ,wealdlicierarlidt gfany,llosnwimee: en tbout accident, minas oat ar ci 4.0 hat. The place was filled with :hoes° three =ales away. There it was cafe - banding strooke aad ,gas almo3t ' int tured. Two young lads sent by the stantly after the alarm and little owner, got it 'back to a slide road. wthreaffordoredd p to1. fslhylurfr, orie1110ef. che•oley, cie tie& .4.84. and before anything last When the:non train cane aking aid —Or Wednesday forenoon of frligatened it again, aid it took to eek,ailfr a could be, done ;the train stauck the c. horse, killing it instatetly and a b dao - aging the cutter. The two lads_ ea - hared bYi itTriPing. rad Miss Nearva L., daughters of air. nd Mr. Hollinger, Breese's, were ite,d al =ferriage at Melville manse, Rev A. J. Mann, BeA, The young -uple drove to the home „or the g =as !parents, Mr. and Mrs. John srrie, Morris, for the wed,dhig din- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Shurrie will make their biome in Chealey. --Cha4lee McAlltster, who has ?old his fat. Join the Parr Line, Hay, has rented J3, 'muse in Parkdale, Toronto, endwill trove there early in March. Mr. Mc.illater goes to Toronto to give qts chi rein the advantages cs high- * edunation, otherwise he wo aid nave preferred. to retrain on the farm, Or retire, to &ore _smaller place to en- Ooy a Weil earned, rest. —On Tueeday afternoon of last Week, the annual, meeting of Braeseli, Grey and Norris Rural Telephone Oeurpany was held in the Town Halt, wem ing held At:. i Br ussels On T de sday af- brusselS. Annual report was rea,d. nter-. _Igoe and a.ft being discuesel was 7assed. - Were ternoon. ge Lyon, of Londeshoro, The It old Directors were reeel- ding annourceTLe engagement of her on- , octet], 4ze F. Se Scott, iti Proctor and - and ly dausghte ' Roselle, to William L. I W, Garcerson. T. Miller w2-3 re - the Hunking, of Hullett, the weddlog to pointed i auditor. lized, —The hour of Mr. sad Mrs. Benson 1 aleelborne (towreibip, shipped a bale. of I —The! Beturiller Red Cross Society, the take place his month. te to Williams, C iceaslori 7, Usboene, was I goods to the head offlice in Toronto, has saddened os Monday, btr tneuntircely . On F,ebruaryy 4th, containing the fol - DX, ce 1 den-ise of t elr daughter, Iva, tell Z., lowing Articles, valued at $166.05: 13 the.1 at: the age f 13 years. They have' pillows,1 IS pairs pillow slips, 20 hoe -- fed- the sympatOy of the commonity. • pital shirts, 14 grey flannel shirte, dem --Mr. nd Mrs. Thos: Ballantyne, of 1 4 suits pyjarcas, 134 pairs Isocks, 42 ed a the 12th concession of list:oar:1e lost , hospital handkerchiefs, 18 knitted mon- their little on William. Llewellyn, on washclOths, 950 vripes, a large pack- eiecwinbct:eainci Tena, 'en no ed tee above his shoe tops while the t con- indigestion. Tne little fehove was 4 .......n os i xi a°utttgee , oted spell, of two weeks ago, and sue- ogthe cee,ded in ge, tting a ge0101 I. cuo of sap. w far- Western haeundry, Wiughlase, was 3e- tcallY verely buttrek on Friday, when some ornin- molten :mated got into the too of his O !aria gore Weak , who 13 in France with day Morning last, that Percy Wan- ange-, I she°. Dennis had hi3 trousers roll- s- ex- men ths ad twen Oar On- FeIday laot, after an illnese due to age 014 cotton, bandle a tra,gazines. rci eainutt. ...... scued men were pouring not iron. • n the of maple sugar, which be goo to 1113 became known about Telma on Fri- o p.,a —gr. jo_nles Downey, of , *ingt. 1 :.rsiientiverbentreatred lalitettsbmrands.. jSnIenen byer He was eble to Take a fair quantity it Wail with' much regret that it the ±-Woddell Dennis, empoyet at the 1 ham, taped a few tres3 daring dee at the Le burn and Union Manse, ago conducted a saccessfue ba,rness oal Wedne y, February 9en, when the Cana n troops. A q wedding was selemnizwi Lpitai. Mr. Wanleas, a fevr years da -ghter of Mr, end .1kirs. I up he west to Vintoria, 3.0., wnere ate relatives and friends of the con-. an 44 few weeks and is expected ale -eight day3 old. : also of Ibis townshiet. The funeral 1, took place. on Tuesday afternooe to .Lontlealooro cemetery. LeS3 had Idlei at Gravenhuret Hoe - age of 72 'years. The decea3ed was born in London, Englend, coming to Adafte, wife of Mr. Thomas Adams, this country, .about 35 years ago, and taeaseed away) -having resened the et the nhata coueession ef Hallett, five years later, being rcarri'ad to her ad repeir bttsiness -here. Giving that .was a quiet affair, only tne immede, pry, s.,13 Saturday,: co last week, Euen ;Tasitha. Tbe new enterprise will start O the Robert 1ay, Goderich, and William : be followed op tits trade an I. remained tractIng tie -riles being Present Mr. =Oat to pay its own expense3 from of Percival Johnston, of the list Bat- in tbie Staget Preffinee *nth ;Ab011t rnest Page in the first Goderice , the start. Wages wili be paid to O. tr.an in kbeki to 1824 his bride to the , wafters, but the stoney so earned wfti —nitre passed away in Clinton on Sunday of Last week, an aged yeel,-• dent, in tbe person' of Mee. A. , Wlitae,.m.aico in December lastrounded, out her 92nd year. The late Mrs. Willse, whose makien name was Maxie Wittse, waa a Gana.dain, her birthplace being in Leeds County and the stock froce which ahe ,313rumg, U. E. Lanaelst, isterdy etock, of which °evade -.has arwaya had reason to be prowd. .1,tan January ttla, 1364, she w.as united to iher now bearea,ved hua- bard, so that they had; aoent over sixty years of married life together, About forty-five years lago Mr. and, Mrs. Wittoa and family came to Huron CoualtY and Settled on the London Bead, there they re:rained until foar ye.ars ago wNen they carte into Cdni-, ton. For some time past Mrs. Wittee ha,c1 beet) failing in health and: she gradually sank until the end C8Zre. —A tto box, weighing four or five pounds, with' a half burned fuse at- tacked and bearing the alga of a black hand pasted on its surface, =et the gaze el Ben Dawson, a farsrer living on the 12th concession of Turn: - berry, as .he wa:Ilted out of the door of 111S heuse one evening. Mr. Daw- n backed inside quickly, cleared ,1113 family out of the house and retired fispecial for best collection of wyatd- to 80Ctio distance to watch his house idot tes ethow all treelike of 'Wyatt - blown to &tome. But it didn't happeo, dottes cosrpetingo The fuee had ceased to buno Mr. Dawson's next act was to telepfreee Provincial Constable Phietpen, --1-Mr. E. N. Lewis, :readier far Wes* Wingham, the latter urged Hon, nas been given a. correniasgra to remove the box frorn the floor' in an artillery unit tnat will stet), though he could not persuade raised at once in Western Orttar 0. hiO to coon the box. The package is Mr. Lewis ia an artillery officer of thirteen inches by six inchest and four some execrience. ,inches dee. - Mr. Dawson tenderlY --Major Astor. owner a an estate buraed it a few feet, deco some le- ' let Clieeden, near London, Englatii, tame from. any building. . where the Canadian Bed Cross 114.1-t , —A wedding of great interest, took phial le, situated, is erecting a work- place in Si. Peter's church; Gofderiell, shop where perarenentlyy on Tuesday morning of last week, at (patients =ay Learn woodworking prior 5.30 o'clock, the Rev. Father McRae to being discharged to eivil Cig'- officiating, when Gunner Ernest Page arette traking will also anortly ferns of the 43rd battery, was united; to an industry for Cliveden men Wks gaoa,, third daughter of M.r. and halm lost an arm. They will be aOlie lira. Peter Ducharme, of Zurich. It to do this with the aid of mackaso, grac per lb= of character and of chars -rite ality. She was quiet and. -laving, but made warm friends of t Ose with whom ahe cane in oceitaet and was meld in the higheatl estedri by all who knew her. She wasi a. member ,O the Anglican enticha having adopted the charch of her husband:, and a erinsa her ear- lier years was a regelar attendant at St John's Church, Hoereaville. easing, Goderieh township one of ilts early settlers andt of Its most graeloue and bigtry ereal women;-_ In 102P one este Perth Items - and Mrs. E. Pareone, of Vane ro, annourice the engegerrent of their eldest daughter Bessie to Mr. J. Albert Serale, sten al Me:s. J. Senate, of Staffa, the n:arriage to take this month. Violet and Martha, Diegal, alaroaleagen,' have passed their re. aoective ,gleedes in rrusie at the tJen- lcilon 'Con4ervatory exatrinations beid at Stretford recent'. They are pupils of: Mrs .M.Ichall, of Dublin. —Mr., Ezra, Moreno, son of Mr. hnd Mrs. Vim. .1forenz, of Mitcn.ell, pass- ed away on Wedneslay afternoon la- ter a, lingering illness. Up to -the threatof hie taking ill, he ;was in tn. employ of the Mere -tante Bank; aait was highly reeeected. He was nine- teen years old. - Jatre,s Collie, one ef Faso% tetra gr.ost (highly reseecte.d and orotaperoue farmers near Carlingfox* Y,assed away at his ttorre on Satur- 1day, February 6,111, in his -67th. gear. Deceased thlad been in failing health: for nearly two years. Besides Ks a grown-up fatally servire. The fun r.al was heki on Monday afterneoe to the Union ceeVetery at Kirkton. —Mary Potter, widow of the ia,te Jdlen Ca -rot -oil, died on Burley of last, week age& 68 years. The funere al took olace froeu the family 'home in Fullerton, to the Mitchell Predeg- terien cemetery, on Wednesday, Felke mare' 91.0. She leeves two son,s aii one deughter to reourn her loss. One brotlier and one sister also survive t, Mr., James Potter and Mrs. S. of 4,ogan. The following poultry fanciers we e successful prize winntrs at Oa ertich poultry thew !held in that tosn last week: W. Yule, Fullartb 9 Jests and 3 Speeigig Oil berm and partridge mks. -War. Eizerman.. Mit hell, seven firsts, three seems* tf rill on white and brown le us and partridge wyan 'ottes. FAIL wads & Clark, fourteen firsts, oigt on Dorking, .lrpetridge ins.c tend bantams. F. W. Shervope &m, four firsts, two seconda,tb thdrde tan white wyandottea, poses. tenon, etetain,ecl at Galt, anal son of four itontbe ego, when he returned niiOn - Mr. and Kra. A. Johnston, Of the aaae home in sessewhat poor heaith. Some alar in kis ho-ze town. Tue bride be witaheld untilthe tran is diackart- me In town were united in marriage by the weeks later ha 'rent te Graveuhurst looked very ohs:Xing in a white cloth ad' Iron:, the army, thu.s providing fess ethod -Rev '.19-wes Hamilton. The bride wore but tie gradually grew *ores 1 until suit =fade a la with' white a Snail capital With which to re-eurter f the a navy bate suit witb *tare bat the end came. The ressahas were bat to rc etch. She was attended by ehdi