HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-11, Page 3-„, 11, 1916 seamaareere, Later he crana,ge etei at St0ttler aoo ted the ArrAre h .Strong'rltro-ti-ter aro', in eastern Canado-o. wee, ertertrated aneN se _year -a f0„ age, . Of MOO9Arrin` Saek4 k1 by the Ored.kai ofo Lt Bettalfan at Wore oana /ago 'Sack sue4 fraeturedf' Ieg, which reling weeks in tho ad and eventually /eft ht ijn. 4.5 a result,. rated 'own by :medical • attempted to rilj. i nine-teer eccaalonee oeg last week, fie wee( tre.t by a reerulting atrged hire to enlista that he hs,„.. beentry.4 tea do thq Very thing :CC-Zzl..St* The -sergeant ry once rnr Th d • eureese beet delight: aaoitted es a rode . Battalion! there, 'reatmeire he Stomach METHOD IS MOST )14 IN TREATING. 1 ilGESTION . Mod methods of treatte atoeraeli trataMet [worded. The troub* ..4111oned Methois WaS treatment was storine4 anted in an aggravat4 modern Method of cu* and other stooaatt one Op the stooaell t rk. Every Step toward step ,gained, not to X•Of • reeoeer,V, of th' apt* tppearame :of that thoSe who barer treat -neat Terperobe4 all steps one t L' Will/oo: Pink 'WI! dider. torte a -edict -see ept ot 'hkt Is belt / the digestive organ o the eery beet reeredy- ses of steerach trouble* cases like the followina ceessfa7 tills treat:rent r BreV:r•ITt&-,. Of earnithlk At.2„Vf• Lund ser.lit great ,• W1"- Pink P1a4 be eneeett.ttil if I 'ii4. y a god Naor 1 In th /a.dly run -.own end 1r% • a -.ery bd co e 'Ition'e esed oe, told tett me, eat 1-e-44ffere.d froot izzneese ad frequent an /ear,' furthest ains inthe back and - Una- eee 'tete fon and, an 14' err grt 1 badi from eerI eoctors, re. Thee I, heard -of ire Pais eed began Lakin ria.d that they', tee, ani rio•w• I am 114 can eat ant kinds if fox; end have not anacho these Pills through an Leine or by mail, poet tLate a, boo or six .04>X4' The Dr Militants Meal keine, Ont. , Ore telePbonie for y $13.51. .:The subscribe 1 for thisiO which plainly tie ourplusi being 'We* iPer"tel,eilldiOn15_,_Vr roar. eysitito now Pas aleaer -509 loss woold'' . fact. ;and hi a rat he council wl the matter. the eauripil re• •.trnission at to raise, the tr $12 to -$14 a t. rdeelded. that eit until, next he matter. Ot .the exoper :king are of 'i life of the ise With Parkhill were dealt nfortration at t the anti IProve least. tot deal '•vvi • ted the t to the rarissicin ibers areeti tter ting lading t ones. prolong t etOinneetion +AM WI Md,,raible • ,rorte. LIFEBLI freshing 34841thig glearses Is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where ead, upwards aro recerved and interest at careen • :. tip Wttratt Expoottor DISTRICT liATTRRS RAM WI -cert. -A grand oyster sapper an - tie aueopicOS f the\ LadleAid Society of die Methodist church, Will be held in the tow,nahip hath on, the evening of February 11th. An ex- cellent 'programme is 'being prepared by the committee in charge. Mr. Et Chamberlain, who is now wearing the kihelti, is expected tot give a selection, k'toolas. Say School Report. -The following Is file .por1. df the school in Section Na. liare for January. -Sr. IV -Wand , riest, 9-10; W. Blackwell. 841; 1r. Ing priv,ate. It was att io -Orville, H, Smith. 689; -.A.nnle Rich- two brother of dson, 648. IR -Mary Forrest, 455; ronto, narr.elo, Joseph rant Love, 428; Wesley Remdond; both of Toronto, and th 61; Clifford Redmond, 366. 'Sr, Bessie of the =mare city. ond- Greta Forrest, 693; Vera parents and family have ram, 510; Gertrude Love, 484; West- of the community in th Itieltardson, 481. II - Frederick n:ont and antiety they uackenbush, 39.4; Belle Kyle, 351; many- years over one so resell Conaitt, 349 Jr .II-Margerr and yet ouch a 'patted ichardsen, 281; Bona Blackwell 201; sufferer. / • kirk; 1 S., Miss M. Drysdale; To Miss Jobhston ; Warden, IfieS Horseley; Con., leird P.% Jar Chap., °MO K. Stott; It.S 13. Reynolds; L.S.N G., KW G.. 1 ex; R.S.V.G tiros A. V.G., Miss 11.liVilsrotiw I Drake ; 0.G, Miss E. G1 iML rte,a1;111 of Percy •Acheso re' to (have this week to .laroniele dea,th of Percy Mc. Kerr dth Ache yOungeat son Of Mr Ache proprietor of the. Com Octal II, Pency wee -ea bright -- but si -four years ago, when 0 was a, thirteen, bew attac ied by apparently incurrable ase, ep sy,_and aitlalomgh loving pareo.ts. irt every. way tia ibleve hit .eure was wit/heat ,avail and Ile grad kept sinking, until o ' iturday he passed away. -The errains interred b .the Henoall Uplon C tory on Monday 'hot, .t e funeral aided bY eased. 4 :1;1 lk, The-lb/ere ve the Sympletti eat bereav had, for dear to the, and be les xerrZres rear etionte. norny g concrete. s durable, as Ost as concrete. f wood, stores or d this book tells with photos and ans. day. Keep it Enediecely upon frLMITED, rAL. AIL ;Herald Bwil.bkr, 4 a free copy of 5 with con...to.-r teens Jarrott,absent. Part I -Glenn Briefs. -Mr .Than:413 ace 195; Roy Kyle, 189; Greta. Black- near Seafeothl, "was h ell,. 171; Florence Arltotrong, _47. slending fetw aas3 . 011, Boll, 22. Average. attendandee .85. S „Petty, Tetra t Ribbert January Wed:dinar-On Saturday, anuary 291111, a very pretty event as Buie/rafted at the borne of Mr. d Mrs. Maxwell Gray, of *Hibbert, n their only daughter, Roaa Belle WKS ted la the holy &midi of trimony to Mr .Roo Francis, of Follarton. The core -irony was formed, *fore a bank of palms and follagea, by Rey, .E. Darling. of Staffa. At :hut neon the bride, lean - ng on iiire arret of her father,. erld feted the parlor to the strains. of Ofetneslagothlres wedding Vera, played by ihe groom -re :slater,. Miss- Jean Prencle. The bride was becomingly attired in White duchess satin with Shadow lace trimmings: Her travell- ing costume was of navy French boucle clothe with black -fox far trir- blinga sad blec-Ir picture lheyt with ltrarea. After th nerkalltrrir a sumo- tuoas clejecner was served. Among the guests .oresent were Mrs. John 'Aral, lot Gilbert Plaine„ lien., Mrs. },waloington and son of Saskatelor- *an; .1fr _Robert Livingstone, of Hama liton; Mr Harvey F Fray, of Toronto. The courille were the rteci2- ient oo freany ward and valuable efts testifying to the high esteem in which they are held. lir and Mr's. Francis left 'on the 3.45, train for Buffalo and' ether ?Dints. OD thele return. they will reelde on -the groom's farm in Fullerton. The beat wishes of a hest of friends accarroany the young couple ion tb.eir jorersey through life - • Usborne. R. tt; sa vet the on, OD, tel. at hat led it ally The •Scott Ha E.• Hays, formerly staff he by ibis O'er was. 41 at d hle 0: Dear K. *oleo:roe, ,-ay it w y ox$ st„ ifogie , fraid, ere • od Ire* be - we To - ton 1 Coleman, re real - tib rela and frier:Ltda.-Able eanveeser,s wit Mons for the Govern. ,ent to a prohibitory measure for itqaoi beverage outposee rt that editions have beei too t. largely ed bath :throughout th villages rural tcffitetiets in Ills ineighbar -11r. Nelson Reichert, who has blame for th Wit w k on aei of dine 13 now laver Vinr. an - *a- iMitrdlocilt MeThe n, a of t States of Idiablo, are la re vieli illePherson's patients frie s intend remaining in the vil Week :ow so. -We are p1 aSed to that nearly all these. eeently r ed iota On abler risk list aro no Hog around again. -'C. A Donnell Is in Parkhill this we la Miss. Zetta Ilawden, Clinto Vis-lting her 'uncles, tb Meagre arol6. re., kjoDonnell, Ilisae1 Do hell has retur-&-'11 efi_et it with freindo --- /Grain do coarin,g into market, d demand and good. era. Concert Company gay rtont in the h,a11 on last, wthlich d'mew qui -Mr. Cleve Joynt has a large atock of boots the Petty block, bavin stock of Mr. R. J. Dr largely added to it. Knight addressed our Methodist church on taste giving a sermon highly apoken of. -We ed to report that Mr 'Robert J. d,aie, who has been - very serieu 1.11 for a number of eks, and. wh life was despaired • , Is at date writing, inot arils 'hold rig his o n. ut were is consider.a.bity improv and it t he other ,wistb of a- host of !relatives friends that -ae way cOntInce o Preorl.-Mro. Johoz, o !Guelph, '15.- ltingi tber mother. Mr Coe brother wh have confined to their roe tiroU1 illness, but we ere plea r ,port that they are both n proving adoely. R erutting going on briksly and during tile jtaire? Mr. :Weesial ,gtote.Log rs Freeman to,alery an Mr A711 leen Iowa McKay timed eel:toted; the latte ,c :re nal 1ng from; near Kippe• all are to la ware ; ti ive 7.)e ditio Since _ au orous tr 'though With evlhOle, We're toil ticular 1 reetwey the tiar Tester a nice 0 the res - -very d the rati wet 75,3 the cdbb ?touch of weeks . tangier •nothing' • t a- new ,e idright . to- wetted hel sign an oo bee Pretty Weddiag.-A. very pretty• wending took. place at the horre of virs. 3o6n Peart, of ZIO.:4 Ifsborne townehio • on Weaneeday, Febraary 2ni, When their daughter Emma. G., was Lavaca in marriage to Mr. Nertran McLeod. Pasemore. 'Th;e CFrerrony was -perforrned at high noon by Rev. Barnard, 01 Elireville, in the presence of shout 125 g:aeats. entereld the rerlor e oereo lion the `erne of her father, while Lainengrin's vreiding march was toe- ing played by her ulster. They Vivre married under an evergreen arch trirrrned with vrbite lilies and etrom which suspended a Large white tell. Two decorated gates divided the bridal party from the officiating clergyman. The bride was moot be- omingly dressed a bridal goevo erealet Ow crepe de chine. trimmed with peed pearls and eadtt ribbon.' She wore a tulle ver dtaroed wltb Strange blossoms and a blexdaotne weld necklace oet whit pearls the, gift of the groom. The trearton of honolr, Tao 'Mrs Newtoa. Deicer, of Exeter, orhe was dressed la black silk trircei teed with chiffon sa-i4 black oille gulo pire lace. An ()reboot" rendereedt a oelection during the signing of the Megister. The groom, presented the plesaiat with a handecer,e pearl brooen. *ital. the ceremony th guaota sat wrt to a very sooptemes wedding Omer. The bride Wart the recipient of 'many handsome and coetly ,gifts. Mr amd Mrs. Pasemore left Granton Om the 3.40 train for TOTonto and wiil wend two weeks at Sault Ste. Mart before their return. • I I 1 • Hensall (Try Late For Last Week) a week' oreares quite bs oath ea. -The aT• en te oday e' afull pened outqu and -shoes Torero. d t dale, an a The Re recreits unday which Is are very t an ottles wale, - I 1131 Mita! sincere ahly. WAY. ar tal e i n t rd pie Dr L1 is a- -pys how s that 401 at $1.50 The Hay subscribers $7150. This other( year be forced t was Bug- ke arrpliesa orotnto for e to. MASA phone,, but t would be year before er matters se of tenor at teries to• , switelng long, la- th! and, 'c ed th re- , Y SOA_P, is tie or bath or t OrclOkhing it i nd Purifies. htfully ra- t. For uneq Prom Scott Ha s let ter nit ten by is. -son of Mr. nd Mr T. t,ibit(-x town, t Kelly, et • the Bank Commerce -beeread th Were:et y friends he e. The Leta dated France, . January' ithi 0 of tvriting had beerron line for five weeks. H received your Treat x on Sundtao and I reast moot beartil appreciated( •As for „sogg tion, &WA iotfer you any, as yea ty :good judg • nt yotLlfself reaelted, trr.e in splendid Lir I log our reg cot we've ttY fair tirre, he long vigo g being ail •rough, 'and ttlaree, we ha e to it olp velences, ou life on the PrOtty 'enoyab . At 'preeent tefd barnsk, trim let being trtighl y confortable head of tents. About :half the weather pretty fine. rnded me ery much of y Canadian ay day. , Bat ofr the time wa.thvj 1.8 tres:e, col4, I 0 rainyl tod O coursee lea ed the roads bad' 'Shape, ch added tat tepee for w -ranee ices ratite m pretty a ,jcite We'ret at in two ging and Irra g. wir0 ene te tto the trericheeH but rruch 'occrred. - Of cottense, niiblt, Work an it was Latta rienee to: he the ballets and to thee artiLlery on booming away, but on 1 the rather enjo d it, though it will fsoon °toe Pretty (a bine, •ig fly I want thatnio for t d and filgted OlnPorM1)) lia Tite Insurance Tblia treating • Town*, Mutual Fire Pany ich, on good.- n't g the ed. • tranif te procee h Mr , so and e for 191 J. i Trweitebtin annual ry 1 trana.7 5- 1, noport Ebnes appoin • retied • Comelt ly of signad eepted Sterithe baianc b en trotaid..1 ed to -• nearb -8 till the st run: broag. h r- be complimented 'ID a nswrinig4 to ' call of their King thia critic1 thre.-0 ing last, a very p held in the Manday, Jana ober of the :luny were :pr edj .a deep int g. Otani- ainoitt, appainte blisiness was aninutes Of were read 'meeting of th .'s., financial an were adopted. and Jacob Ha d auditorsfor • direetos, C, Stale and cted by .,Leclae erer of three y of Jelin She arid this eon, was' elec te d of- the term' o latlidl&eees we Of the ,drict retary, .11 of te res t Out. The 9, made refere s daring the less of a la 111F',- eti ligUtn nd Country at /ling r a Pan heefe P1 Tuesday ev tro• the istAlletlre asant *cld13, not 0 fiplent for 1 sa • took place at our ran way Matti n jas ln.g. Itreas was also before the arrival of the five o'cl cl prOper1C4nectioin beim, expree.s- w / t:111e and the. thr rt. hen Anse Gertrude Pe fifdaughter of Mr .G.G. Pet also w presented with ave y nicely fake lightra addreae real by our Reeve and with metal coreoarded by a purs •of Mone . nd contnecti recruits marched' to t'ne train 1 o et! lightning p her off ao she has ably and fra• throf nte. voluateered to 'go o eraeare as a 4it annual re feesional 'nurse a-nd ho s that 564 copple of weelco in sming the rear ] eaeation, will go o •e of $1,417106. country to ildo her wall 2010 polic is known as The Ont • tal 01101.1.11t of will be at Kentahl tte' receipts • a briOt young lady .27 and the -_, The other e tlie •Stratford bovit fl ty g • agal e, Buildi UE Itttachle.Tvtehle 7, ac et_ rot after ead din e a. tore Tor nt0, etre sued �r t the 01 suran ty wha rio osp tal Ian- + Is• ett a to 0 as ha lent le • vi r . $4,9.921.98. t Compan and $93.0 a: At ter t was e close the The $0,88*5,004, iss adu. ‚id - In o had very spoi est cif o hae in nt tire -A e e t lent { very aUCCOSSf erto and the large mart aerrbled at the dei )! on batice, (Allowed the inte villagers as well as: pri , in one of the !girls go Le 'tIte- fro nurse. In addition' to 'the money of which 'we :have rnaat tion t1..8 presented to Mies Pett train, oho was mad the reel Annual Iiieeting of Carmel Church,- ether oreeents by The Annual meeting of Cannel church Was held on VGtines-dy evenieg of - Te last week. The attendance vras very Hay Township fair and much intereat -0a5 manifested. The annual rceet in the large number of reportafrorn tars or the Hay T all the different aorietlee and organ- Syetem was held in lationa con nec te d withl the church, Zurich, en Saturela or:I:rich allowed growth, liberality and The hall was filled real._ open the part of the congrega- °ting points relat Con. Ifr. J. Of Bell, as a reth...ng taw' were aseussed, tranaver was re-electell° and, Mr. For- reeve. Occlatted the IeSt of the Township et Hao, wee el- sr, acted aa secret !acted ao a nevr wassaer, U. James report showed that Bonoiron, as congregational clerk ihand to the credit and Mr A ;fit Iiipthdll ao treas.-- tb13 e.nd of 1315, b rer. t_ " '• to the end of the Officers Intalled.-4t the regular balance to $1,026.25 'reeting et Reagan CaPewa Rebkah band ohow s that Moteige, No 11, the following officers goad ateaeong fin *ere installed for the cement term but et woo ,dereoy, by District Deputy, leas A. Consittoperating at a lin a very able nomen; Foieltbint, provision was oOt [A.. E. Cansitt; 3./P N.G., Mrs. A. two the OtInililla ifynt; N.G„ liars Wrroer; T ard a Ildeflatt r MIs' F. Foes:, R. Sass A, Ilabe totwAstip et oxa„ 111111111111 &One of the nship he Town II of last and Ira toth Mr II 21r and y. The $1,576.2, f the a salad° ear red • The wolttest grater? 10 Lally atI pr t If ye • STO F. s a anal wals on ste d e this in $ent, coe, • cr Out t the .al tare •OVID, th tha be' The c g and g a balanc Thle total ,consisting e due of 1.82. , the ellreetter' ile annual imeet ppointed presi t, vice-preide to acceot try box. It! we,s the bill roln-i 1 - OTT H YS CornpaIyr of the Hay suraree n *hall, 184 y hold t arid rest in the pre as cthl hen ep the last adopte direct° the 2,u Messrs. 3r Zur,- . VII -of all the • URO EXPOSIT° 1 •womminvimil,,,,,,vommorme,Feamr, 3 ••••• ••••••••/•••••••••••*••••1•••••••••*••••••• •• ,••••••••••••••• ••••• *44••••••10.••••4••••••0 cIto art BOso Mali 14 Phone °tilers COirefully •Filled 1 Stewart Bros. - • v••••01,,MInr*. The ew' Wash Goods, Dress Goods' Ernbr ideries and Laces are Here i come and See Them tient raran eeded mum , an itor'a A. G erer weer4 the yea. The 3g113. W. 'L. treent; Hon for ani, ars. ThAr ree ritt waS ac oy Sher itt„ o fill o t th he di etor's e given rand 10by Eilber, and points wer, retaXy, in hie le to en unitsr ast year. It ge barn: which ng. One light, •ed on the cenfl tot thil large a buil laid upon ti made betwee isture in the ed the farmers g rod agent. roofs sh.ould no to ake 1. T On the Waph Fabrics hion has Bestowed Her most Laivish Fancies ALL that the new season ushers in, in new patterns, new) colorings and new weaves in guaranteed wash goods can be learned here by practical information imparted through a quiet review lof the many new pieceIs we have just received. There is a charrri in the new effect§ resultant from their decided difference from anything you have seen before.•, And beautiful asare the many effects there is also the saisfactory, assurance that they will give you the limit of honest wear and pOsitively keep their. color. • 1 rt of -the airedt- Licles were lee coverin ire end the year s in force W1.0 i..9k a $6,042.545. for 1916 were ,s amounted 'IL8eorra Nwm.e lhatidt 8910f s of Inc casli on 'handl Main notes 13 eeting helo af- g, Mr. C. Sta. de nt, 8414 Mr. F. for 1916. 1 MY WEATHE otos rr , bluste ave daring Fie treztely hard make it n ?.r to keep th are often con dly venti1a,ted, tIth racks rd againet t Tablete Should and an. wee ab -y to keel) Is working re 11 to break h of te. baby !he brighter 11 ata are' 094 by 9: (mail --at 1$ Dr Nruifialvi. 9At. , 1 • ARD ON BA Ne Styls in Neckwear You, always find -the ne-i+ thing S here first and neck- wear i no exception to this rule The new lotus crepe trim - tied AA, ith lace and gold in all the n w shades is among the real n w ideas. • Wese • joetrna •• These t terns i • I 4g • • • Patterns 1 both the Ladies' nomia and Pictorial Ptterns. re the two strongest pat- • Prettier Dress Goods 1 • and Silks you never • • • saw .than the New • • Spring Stock we have • • • • • • georgsgous representation of all the the most wanted materials, woven into patterns that are entirely new on shades of coloring that attract your enthusiastic admiration at first glance. We have made great prepalation in t. in the dress goods and silks department • Yiu*'will find here a perfect avalanche of new ideas from the very brigistest of I light colors to the sombre grey and „I blacks. • Come in and see these beautiful materials now when they are fresh and new and while the range is compleie • and at its best. Tile pric es will please you as well as the goods. Women's Suits Madeto-Measure $20.00 to $30.00 We are better prepared to make your new spring suit than ever before. Hundreds of exclusive suit ends are here in beautiful shades of blue and black serge's, Viclitla* an cheviots t There_i_ *9 a delightful showing of fancy worsted cib- tlis in greys, browns, tans, greens and wines. We can make your suit in any style you choose and we 1 will guarantee you perfect fitting stylish garments pcint of stylfit and easy .r rice 20.00 to 3 0.00 1.1 g. Price xo to 15c. • • •• • • Bn fol tac Boys' Spring Suits Fresh from the Factory Price 2.90 to 10.00k ht, new, atractive suits in the new style Nor - s and fancy pleated effects with, attached or de- ed belts. Also the pl in e of high grade wor navy, grey, brown, ta • Bloomers are well made, I1cOu boys suits are cheap in' double breasted designs teds, tweeds and serges in and Scotch mixtures. cleverly cut and easyfitting e they wear the 1ong0t. Price 2,9otosio Yo I . 1 - y 'Weather *hieb uary and lderch children. Conr. essary for -flhe m in the ho-Ose. ed to elver -hear - 'rotors nd ceechl sb heir who spatero s a box 13aby'e se kept in flie lona doae given Is steerDh and laxly. This olds anti keept 14! igaad con,dition cone along. The medicine dealrs. fix a . box ine Cot.„B leo • • f _ 1 Men's Suits acie-to-Measure Price $20 to$281 Correct Styles, pure Wool Materials Su • erb Tailorin.. These are the coin- menlable qnali cations of our new spring tailored suits for en. There is 214 style and 'superior tone to the suits we make -hat ccim stnds them to men who care and ar desirous of that welt dressecl appear nce. Every suit we sell is gnaranteed to fit. They are rnade of pure wool cl ths and built to keep their shpe. • Navys, greys, brown and blacks be the lea.ing colo s for spring • -andi summer. We have big range of • of very attractive pattern, aeld color ° very • ing to show yon. e sethe • • hig est grade trimmings. • • P ice S2 • • • • j. Butter, W oql I and E!g6 Wanted to $28 Crompton Corsets 5he Corget-d4uxe Crompton corsets rpresent, the highest achievement of the corsetier. They are built along the lines- dictated bythe 2 - rules of health r.nd at the ate time crive you better nettnae, 6-eaereoirifort add longer wear. . - 4 There is a Crompton corset that will fit you, we have it. • Ask to see it. • • Price 50c to $5 • • Hosiery for Everybody 1 Dependable, Economical Comfortabie This season more than ever you should be -partieu. lar in buying hose owing to the great scarcity of reliable dyes. We can give you hose of guaranteed colors and of reliable materials and while in some instances there is a slight advance in prices for these hose, the difference is practically nil and you are purchasing •reliable merchandise. We can supply every member of the family. Working Clothes for Men at Attractive Prices Strong, sturdy, substantial working clothing has always been a leading feature of this store. We look after the wants of the workmen better gthan most stores. We give this departthent our special attention, with the result that it pays to buy working clothes here. It pays in comfort because they are cut to fit. It pays in hard cash, because they are built to wear. SHIRTS Black white soc, 75c Heavy twill i.c,o SMOCKS Black & grey 65c Black or blue 75c Black or blue $1 Peabodys $13 sox Cotton toc Union 15c Wool 25c to 5oc MMUS Biafic or Mx, 75 11ak or $1 Peabodys $1.35 wa ros. B *ad Woo., Ejgs Wanted 1 , SESFORTH, . . -:--; .,.. ..,,.,,:i-,,4 41* .+* 4** 4 • ...4444..****,...4_400..0)...4140_44444,.. 44-0 WWI-. 40-44 • • • ae • •