HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-04, Page 61 L r the frown the explo- t h was C. S. Ay- lariz+ed on eight Weleek tlt a lose - of and $165 in out at the g in_t.ha h` xti. e. , An upstairs d peen and a till detectives. were , two at 000. b- and, a 11.600 ging to Mr, 0 ditin :ring yohr teem are: ou i#eel �gdF w or lid ear stintice stook takkt at Low >u ffwaFrt failure oaf was 75 years ah`r . d' in 1 n ,n for forty y r. C. I .Buroltt and Mrae have gone to g rnt by way odNew ,Zh anal will rears a .ante Until started in'the the Wainwright lg. CsYrr, q bOding, In Wrri ;Pr=imp night dereolished the flour Wail, with dantage cetirt ate 4 rsr Louisa `Bursae,, affect 3 3 eesiden •of Wood taw instantly killed of Saturday v .flea aim vearadered on to the G Taunk tracks near 'tom local st ante& was struck by a passenger *-P:,gurea tabled in the Win Legislatues. ;lutea the investigetio thle Royal 0 rm'ission into Perlia tit: ielings contracte cost the P, $40,00. Inquiry into the el. stances attcniian8` the change Of ernrr:ent east $9,000. :-- reg- children of 4Pte_ W. Jackson e 84th Battalion, . Bran were buried in a cave—in in a pit in that pity len Saturday. were un;hurt, their iiewde hav e ah g Constfp t r 13tomich, y 1Cathertic. f eats to invi gn the €trues, nourish the her etrt gth es strengthening g ousan : -gid will help you. Try it. Scott & ;fie. Toronto; Ont: LEGAL. R. S. HAYS Barrister, Solicitas, Conveyancer and Want Pt:blic. Bolcitor. for 'the Dom-. Bank. Offloe In rear o2` the Dont/- Woe Bank, Seaforth. Money to- loan. tor, Conveyancer Conveyer and (floe upstairs over rre Mare, Main street, P. HOLMESISD. er, & 1icitot, Conveys. 'and Public, Solicitor for the Cans- o Commerce. Money to loan. sale. Office., in .Scott's block, street, Seaforth. i PRRGUt FOOT.W 1..ORAN AND COOlth Barriers, Solicitors, Notaries Palle, atm Money to lend In Seaforth on l4ian- alty of Nieb week. Office in Kidd block. Proudfoot, K Ce.. J. L. -Killoran, &1 Dr Cooke. VETERINARY JOHN GRIEVE , V. S. Bonor graduate of Ontario Vetetii,r egg eollege. All diseases of iikelmals treated. Calls pr{tly attend- , ad to and charges moderate. Veterinat s I tistry a epeeaaity. Office and rest- Illaace an Goderlch street, one door east Qt Dr. kaa St's office, Sea1orirh, ry P teABB€ N, V. S. one r gra to of Ontario Vet'eran- ege, and, henorary member ot €cal Association of •the Ontario Teteriaary Collage. Treats diseases of III neotic Animals by the moats zrod- principles. Dentistry and Milk Feer . a specialty,. Office opposite Dick's. Wel, Main street, Seaforth. All or- islet left at the hotel will receive, prompt `ttion. Night calks received at the iitice, MEDICAL C. 3. W. l..ABN, f.D.0,81, Richmond streets London, Ont'. lia"t : Surgery and Gen no-Ilrin< diseases of risen and women. DR. -IC ORGEF HEILEMANN. Otteotathic Physician of Goderich, Speelalist inn` *maths and children's ses, rheumatism, acute, chronic nervous dlsorders, eye, ear, nose Sad throat. ' Consultation free. Office at 4ereial Hotel, Sea4orth, Tuesday and -Trims , 8 taint till 1 ci.m. Dr. J. NP. PECK Graduate of E aeulty of Medicine, Me - 11 University, Montreal, -Member of Uege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,, Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada, Post -Graduate member of Boadent Medical Staff of General Res- pite', Montreal, 1914-15; Office two doers east of Peat Office, Phone 56, ensall, Ontario. DR: P. 3. •BURROWS. Office and residence--Goderlch street, eseet of the Methodist church, Seaforth. one No. 48. Coroner for the County n rot. DRQ SCOTT de MCKAY. 3, G. Scott, graduate of Victoria and College of Physicians and Surgeons. Wan Arbor, and member of the Ontario ironer for the County of I4u:Yon. 0, MacKay, honor graduate of Trinity Tjaiversity, and gold rnedellist et Trin- lty Medical College; member of the C01 - loge of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. aaaalt Dit. H. HUGH ROSS. Graduate of University of Toronto Vacuity of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of On - !Arlo; pass graduate courses in Chfca o Clines' School of Chicago; Royal Oph- elmLc Roapital, London, England, University College Hospital, London England. Office—Back of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night Calls answered from residence, Victoria ;greet, Seaforth. AUCTIONEERS. THOMAS BROWN. Licensed auctioneei for the counties Of,Buron and Perth. Correspondence ar • ,ngementsfor sale dates can be mad by caI%tng t p Phone 9.7, Seaforth, or The Expositor office. Charges :noder late and . satisfaction guaranteed. ` R. T. LUKER, Licensed auctioneer for the County of Huron, Sales attended to In ad. parts of the County. Seven years' ex- • ience in 2,1a.nitoba and Saskatchewan Merras reasonable. Phone No. 204, R. 0--11, Exeter. Centralia P. 0. R. B.. No. 1. Orders left at The Huron Ex- positor Office, Seaforth, promptly at- ded to. JOHN ARNOLD, Licensed auctioneer for the countlea ©f Harm and Perth.. Arrangements for ale dates can be made by coiling ap Phone 2 on 23 Dublin, or 41 Seaforth, ,or the Expositor Office. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed. t . . THI ,LIP . { Licensed: auctioneer for tike counties. Ot rtnc'an and Perth. Being a .practice. Waxer and thoroughly understanding tatv u_e off !axle stack and implemenee &Ilroues in a better position to rz- se good prices. Chrges moderate. ibrtsE't, s guaranteed'or no pay.. Ail orders -aft 1* Exeter will o promptly CASTOR1 1 For IritkAtE Milittea In Use For NwezLbsmis eignaiteme se - on i . at d on. in., acs cod an rel ao an fro esti f. ke 310 •std m by ca nt . boy ck }-r - ov- gee Cb J' e�. of wo esu g the th sev� by, NV w± g tthi rra en a th rre tee ar�•n oral alae Ike vii our liv • muck your ble you are f tion, bilious la --you. always eta. They i ante a E i regulate the Ore the = ur, fermenting ases; ' ke the ;&Cos ver i 'curry off'the este a r and nteati s ` nd bowels. x fro yo r druggist o fiver - n bowels cl h.. tweet tai,, d head clear to hey w rk hlile you al:ep, sd ora ess get 3. Jac Su'ffone ,alb, n fn's 1.4' Cobour bb€11. allace d the e aionl y wets was 4 whs 31Sroot 'rid in Nord., ivel. a w ers -w oss'_on tourefl , Friel vca%i1 on waii ftfeet 1E a five, yea. here are !e, ie Aver ten ye Se$ r.our to while CarzranI two sons of ebbed the for latter eleven 9. -in {the house,. xaa:ilntng • a 5 tied. In sorre 'heel. and the g the older la aptly killing lit ged forty, is d an may die, e "seriously' in) fratural as._ w Lilyy tenement y sir: orning. I Ohl the cans a leak in 'tine, rim the ih0useti old led tar. e un ad, ed, lch In es- -of gas i nor At the Forty-fifth Shareholders of The Office in Toronto, ! o ing statement of th December, r9I5, w GENE Capital Stock paid in. , Reserve Fund ......... Balance of Profits cirri Dividend No 133, paya nary, 1916 Former Dividends ane Total Liabilities to t Notes in Circulation. Deposits not bearing interest .$ Deposits bearing in- terest, including in- ter -est acerued to date: nual General Meet' ng of the omi.nio. B nk, held a the Head. 26th jainu ry, r9t6, t follow - affairs if hey Bank,, as at 3ist submitted L $T, i EWE ra tiE forward 1: 3rd da 1 Sharehoalder 21644,373.24 9,361,22415 5 • . 1 Balances due to othe Banks Canada ............! Balances due to Banks :'ad Banti Correspondents in he • Unit Kingdom and foreign countries.(. Bine Payable Acceptances under Lett re of Ore Liabilities not included in the for going Total'Liabilities to te Publie. 0.0o 439.71 I1 000.00 ,049.75 5,666 00 6+,965597.9$ (1°85542 s 006,000.05 7025,489.44 30 5,489.46 Gold and Silver Coin. - —Dominion Government _totes of other 'Banks. Cheques on other Ba as Balances due by -Bank and Ba. ing, Correspondents elsewhere thn in Caned ASSETS . .4 ... $ ,6 6,964.01 f 1 ,0 ' ,905.50 7 c ,778.65 7 ,594.35 8' 8,,361.15 7,352.00 2 ,1563.49 2 t 7,241.40 9' 9,637.45 5,126.91 Dominion. and Provincial Goverb.- anent Securities, no exceed ii g market value Canadian Municipal Se eding ks eding thirty re than 91383.8.7 4,625.68. 5,150.69 7,263.9 ,647,001.59 5,944,900-.13 2211159.58 Other Current Lo Jane a d Discoun,s elsewhere- than in q .nada (le it i rebate of interest) ' Liabilities nf Cuetomer under Let- ters of Credit, as pc , contra...l Real Estate other • .han Bair Bank Premises, at •not mint thee. Deposit with the Ministe of:Fieence for the p trposes a he Ohm Fuud Mortgages n Real Est te sold.. ,21.10-63.49 18,414.74 02 ,361.30 6 61 p9.71 60,400.96 a al eliteIP relay ,,i,. wk. %.if=s aleyor y 0,00 + tin awe lair; ,ytrran w labs .1 yntan IK • WIWI swan ,r isfad; been fore ' iwa4' oirnd b; tibia i,,wels rrnd r1r g valued ing to rs. Hyar:a d ,eol tetra jt to Snider„ atged 17, son of ✓ s bier. and Fred Lambert, a t 98th Battalion, married, of P Colborne, were drowned tlolle Irth Watson of tba .19th Bate -Who was 'spending h Lambert, was rescued au fa ted condition by Were Xaramor's boy, The boa- loesi Inert the water an It after the partybroke ice. They were on their pictures at the break - It went to the rescue toe own Mee throw - Watson and pullizg cave from New York to idthY Igreciditiy share igh the wa to take at great en t wa, ler P_eston in' tarty years. A. Jam a Just above Galt On the. IGaand, river- caused water to back ere linto 8 ed, and cover the road, ihnd flat tWeen Preston and Blair ito a. id li itf at least six feet. Houeoe 11131e ocennants had to be !taken out in boiaas b the fire brigade. About etehlt ,o'clac when the water wee at who Lives o the flats near ttle Plair 4 Irene P sst vilth his horse and wagon ao It the risIng water. He was criaighlt by the lee when . about Vali' away erase and sumunded by it. Ha r,ente nett there standing in his wagon up t thlis knees in water for dettr.e four ours before his eescae was , effected. by he pollee and the fire brie teniout. Vizi barn and; house on Rude UBIde'S Tani, was flooded and four Piga were idrowned, also aotre fifty 'blears. The Water •Ifae since dropped Soltte tivo et, but tbe road to' Blair will be SIT t impassable for esome -:74.hIsese en were killed at . d'Satne Mae, near Amine Ont., Saturday in. an accident• this le =ore. loss of life tains has occurred Were in any trine in. the Ocbalt or Porcupine coma CabILU, Bold 32. eingle;. Shift arose; and, Bernard- Deethaaes, aged 22, single rziner. $st4inightt the three men were wog ' in th'e new centrah keesen a reek jam. Tbey had blasted it ten &Tea, withiout result, and • thdalchtg it quite: ti i„ ' they took self. The hole tea fell, engulfing ale badiee ere unco red below the 1 THE NUNIBE NINE. sy to Mulltiply by 1 if You Will Re- member Thi Rule, equality in the ni Itiplication table nine. ap to and Inc! cling nine timee e . Select, for example, Ox7=03; or di it inS th product filet digit, the sum of ou May make pra p culiarity of nine am n the foil if nine 1 to bermu case the first s oue less than nine is multi- igit in the protn n added to the he two is.nine. Heal use of this its Multiples by wing way; tinned by eiglit 06 ,900.00 5,126.91 Pre ident. AU TORS' REPORT .T ElIOLD checking the eash and verifying the sectri ea at he and certain of the principal Branehe D eenthe ce e books enid d after OiRce 9150 we 3 st, certify thatp in our opinion, such i and correct, View of the state of the Ba hi affeir cording i In ahditio to the eeamination as shown hy the books of the Bank 1 ' 1 securities at the Chief Office an Branches were c'heelleeed tied verified the year and fourut to he in accord 'tlathe hooks 0 .All informetion and explanation required have . our notice have, in our opinion, been with u the ps: TORONTO, Jlanuary 18t,h, ior6, m en cert a he of th p `neriptil another im during th Bank. bee given orri ander of the Dr. Andrew Wil on, Dr. Gor- don Stables and r. Lascelles • Scott, the famous English an. alyst, have all per °flatly tried Zane -Sok and express ,d themselves convinced of its great ealing value. Weston, Winnipeg, uffered long 'with eczema 1 and fin lly her doctor said only Zam-Buk co Id cure her— another fine tribute f a scientific an t this great her al healer. zema roke out on m nose and one' side_ Of my face. I could get no sleep latcaUse of the irrit tion and paha and My face was in s ch a shocking condition that for two months I did oot go out of the hou e. I applied remedies and my doct r treated me, but without effect, un il one day he, said that the only thi g whichvvould be likely to cure me wa .Zam-Buk. 1 cured me completely leaving no Zarn-Buk Is a Sure cure- for ruts, scalas burns, eprema, scalp sores, iceration. intim- ation, , piles, etc. : also a embrocation for (4, Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful The 's no use putting on Iinirn&nts and pla.sters to cum that ache ot yo hips or back —the trouble is instde. 'Your dneys are out of order. GIN PILLS go rig t to the cause of the backache and heal an regulate the kidney and bladder action, Then you get relief, permanent relief Many a man and woman Who has been doubled up with shooting palas in the back having to stop work and lie down to get a little relief$ has found new health mid comfort in 1 Ili PoRTH KIDNEYS Two boxes completely cured A old leteMkell, of Lowerseana, N.S. el have ever had any trouble wit4 inybaek since." he says. If you have a lame back any sign. of Kidney trouble—get GIN PI to -day and start the cu e working. ace. a ox, six boxes, for $2.50 ---and every box guar nteed to give satisfaction lor your money bac . Trial treat- ment free ir you write Natiorial Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronio - Ont. 15 alawarlaa for example, think at once of seven tvthich Is One Jess than eight, the mul- '11plier); then think of two, which must be added ito seven to make nine, and you have Iseventy two, the product of nine and 'eight. Or, it niae is to be multiPlied by five think of Our, which Is one less than live; then think of five, which. must be added., to four to make nine, and. you have forty-five, the product of nine By .usirig this method the nines, usually ainong the harde of the ta- bles to fiX in the memory, may, in a short lime, be fairly classed with the fives and ;tens and. elevea , which are said to "remember th niselves."-- Diamonds Under ater. An imitation diamond Is never so brilliant its a genuine stone. If your eye Is net experienced eltough to de- tect the difference a very' simple test is to place the stone under water. The imitation stone is prae4cally extin- itsparkles ven under watel and Is dis- genuine "Itone beside the possible imi- tation uteler water, and ithe contrast will be pparent to the least experi- The m st oddly shaped gold nugget ever _tau d was that disecvered at the Midhas ine, on Sulky gully, near Mel- bourne, Australia, in 1887. The nugget was fiat and almost the asset counter- eart in ontour of a colossal human hand hel open, with thet exceptior of the thuinh and forefingea which -.fere closed to ether in a man er so as to make it appear that th.e thumb was holding t e finger in plact. Its great- est Iengt was twelve and a half inches and its; reatest breadth 'ght inches. It was o the very pure t gold, with but a 11 le of foreign. substances ad- hering, ostly between the "fingers," and wei ed 617 ounces. rorty pati :off` wrobg t iron Increase the strength on#y it cult The MaXimain revel as therefore produevi with 30 per° ee18 wrought scrap. The. Harm of amp WOUS$5.. It is dangerous to health and .0 n to life In a damp, moldy house or one built over a Moldy cellar. Many yeara ago the London Lancet In an article on diphtheria traced the disease in cer- tain cases to the presence of certain molds and fungoid growths which seemed to be breathed into the throat. Remember, one of the best disinfec- tants is lime. Moldy cloths, such as shoes and other artieles that are unfit for use, should be destroyed at once. Sttil In Advance. Boarder—You made me pay . ad - voice at first because I was a stranger, That was all right. But I ata not :a stranger now. Landlady—No; 1 knoW vou now. Deferred to tho King. During the latter years of George la's reign all performances of Shake- speare's "King ,Lear" Were forbidd in consequence of the madness a the 1,1 It Sure Is. Patienee—Do you ever look ba k over the past? That's the wily way eine Call look Customer—Pm going to a mask ball, and I want something bat w coMpletely disguise met Costumer— C rtainly, sir. will give you sonie- 10xercise is the chief source of int provement in all our faculties. Milestones in Life. "Did anything ever feel more coin- spicuous than your first long trousers," "Only the vOt expanse of m t dress shirt." • Nothing to It. His Wife—Never mind if you have lost everything. You still have rte. Mr. Bustup—But you're not au ass t; you're a running expense.—Judge. Prejudice corrupts the taste, as It perverts the judgnient, in all the eon - :erns of life.—RacIne. Cincinnati wants lamps on baby car- riages. It'll want headlights on roller skates next. It is costing'more now even to look at an egg. Egg candlers are demang- ing higher wages, And now Manhattan is to have a building taller than the Wiolworth. The sky is the limit. Early to bed and early to rise—and you'll be surprised at the people you will meet going home. At the sable time if Vesuv us could cure her own bronchitis Italy would be able to breathe more freely. , Many large corporations are learning i that it is toth profitable and wise to make the people love them. In, Englai[ul, is particularl the country of cente arians. Ii. that 1 nd one man nit in every ,200 has lived t be 104 years old. Irel nerranks next 1 the longev- ity list. In the Ltraeral Isle out of every 840 of population there is one centenarian. Out of every 43,000 Span - way has one in about 96, 0, England, Scotland and Wales have about one sentenarian to every 177,000 of popula- tion. France has onei in 180,750. Swe- len ranks seventh with one in 250,000. Germany has one in 702,060. Denmark has less than one, to 1,000,00 of its pop- 4 illation. and Switzerland, wfth all its reputed healthfulness, has none. Judges/ Wigs. The is only worn by English bar- risters to give them a st rn, 'judicial appearancle, and no one an say that it fails i this respect. The custom was origi ated by a French Judge in the seven eenth century when, happen- ing to dm. a marquis' wigeoue day, he found it gave him such 4 stern and get one f r himself and w ar it at all times In ourt. This he id, and the remelt wa so satisfactory roman legal - point of v etv Ora not only Judges, but batristers niso, took up the custom The co mission pent= on United States wa • vessels goes u When the vessel is I laced in corron sion and is flown cant nually while she remains so. tions bas d on the way bunting Celli' and Wrought Iron. In a paper 'recently read before the Society Of Chemical Indus y the state- ment waa made that the strength of cast Iron *Is affected by he addition of wrought iron in the to lowing pro, portions:' With 100 parts t cast iron ten parts f wrought Iron ease the strength per cent; twe ty- parts of It begins to look as though a bad thing were now a good thing for the average New York play, producer. Switzerland may welcome Mrs. Pank- burst with full coufidence that nobody. will atten3pt to burn down the glacial scenery. Midwinter surf bathing' may be de- lightful, but a lot of people manage to get along without it with no discota- fort whatever. A Pennsylvania farmer boasts of a hen which laid. an egg with a nickel inside. Another puzzle for the income tax collectors.. The new water cure for bichloriditis vrill doubtless prove effectual if the patients are fortunate enough to rally from the water. Washington is to stop the se of pro- fanity on the streets. This is a cold and unsympathetic world. for disap- pointed office shekers. 1 a me dm a a MO IND init 81. AO a. IP aD la la MI AT% The Health and Beauty Bath is assured when Lifebuoy Soap is used. It keeps the skin radiantly clean and .glowing with health. Lifebuoy is an holiest soap —unwrap a cakf3 and smell it, A mild carbolic odor is there—that means an tit. terly healthy skin. nut, the after use, Ve Ink 1$911,1,041111 4, -555 ililli A R a% After Suffering Almost Two Years, a..tivee Brought Relief. 382 St. Valier St., Montreal. "In 1812,,T. was taken suddenly Tirith Aeute Stomach Trouble and dropped in the street. I was treated. laY several physicians for nearly two years. 1 Was in constant misery from my stomach and my weight dropped. down from 225 pound -4 to 160 p!ound.sh Several of my friends advised me to try Truit-a-tives' and I did so. That was eight months ago. I beg -an to iinfirove almost with the first dose. Ne, other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly and. quickly as 'Fruit -a -lives', 6.nd by using it -I reeovered frora the dis4.essing Stomach Trouble, and all pap; altd Constipation and misery were cured. completely recovered by the use of Trait-a-tivesl and now I weigh 208 pounds. I cannot praise Trait -a -I -Ives' enough". • H. IVItaTMAN, 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by 11.un-a-tives Limited; .Ottawa. us 'less Shorthand Lon a 10 Coll-ge Sc.isi( rt Sy' Catalogue free. -triter any time: 1 W. Westervelt, Prindial For information that will lead to Nervous Debility, Diseases or the Mouth and T.broat, Eltiod Poison, Skin Iiiseascs, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronab or Complicated. Complaints who can- not be cured at The Ontario Medi- cal Institute, 263-265 Yonge St, A Christian college -home, When the B IT IS A SIGH OF KlZREY MIME Doan's Kidney Pill; cure Ile aching' neath—for it is really the kidneys ealdne and not the hank. Doan's Kidney Tills arc re spechti kidney and bladder medivire for in.,1 cure of all kidney troublee. Mrs. Louiea Gonslinw, 0S3 :plus Ave., Thronto, Ont., writee: great pleasure in writing. you, e tieg-titee' Kidney Pills. About three years t-4.0 I was terribly afili...ted with lame back, raid wae so bad cot:lil not even sweep the floor. I wee advieed to try your rine, and before I had. wed one box there wa5 much better. However, I kept On taking them until n:y back was completely etourrtneIbahclig,....h.ly recommend I' Doer's mark the "Maple Lear appeare co the wrapper. Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c -ixr 3 boxer, for 4-$1.9.5; at all deniers rr direct on receipt of price. 1,y T1., T. Milburn. Co., Liinitcd, Toronto, Ont. When orderiaz.direct specify "Doan'E." END STOMACH TROULE, - GASES OR DYSPEPPA Gescy Stomachs surely feel fin* in five minutes. If What you just ate is Ourlug ol your stOttach or lies like slump of lead, refuting to digeet, or Yen belch. gas and eructate sour, u digested fexar, or have a feeling of Izziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, ad taste in mouth and stomach -headache, you can get biessed relief in five 13trinutes. Put an end to stomach. trouble forever hy getting a large fifty -cent; ease of "You realiie in live minutes blew need- less, it Is to suffer from indigestion; (]yrpepsia or any stomach disorder. ' ! i ' 3 file quickest, surest stomach doe- to- • in the world. It's Wonderful. teC011eet iv! coonr ton and with pa.ssi He no sheep, an' ftvt d tied up state zit, I shook Zott see Ze dogr' "Row d 141 listen he treat heent v* over me Surel The wh flash as who scar tion made ga "You vas Bah! Ee know. 11 you keep back of Ifaybes shot z "That teliberate atter his terestr epta titer bole bac one nigh ago. Ze Ot, have sheet pa ail yes. Mayb dour atm was zat team ac zey pick man is, -eet be se se fin Some o from Pi hees seer." The e go way not like d the rea Zen Ze capilide Piay 'este