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The Huron Expositor, 1916-02-04, Page 5
Y 4. 9 x 'must g. Nes, or them. ` On all ted shoe, heavy straight ;discount .f you are; in need r to save money. 'offering S r e Very h. We hti a gone the odd lines' and n two to f01 - laced stes,. all sizes 3 49. lot, No. and fine ` .d teeth= lies 3 to 7, regulas argarns in men'., sizes 6 to 8, reg M .s : ills paten �LLF and 5.;00, sale. for $1.99. _ REHM, Dince ithe :;purchase S>I1, which `n conjuration with [AD Mill. We are at both offices pre- m. highest; spot cash Is of logs, either in onsand auc% either :in in our yards.. ifn r sat either. rig 'Ines , y Coal the coal tl at#satisfie standard of Canada best:by test & Shingles, Fibre Board osts, Lumber of ids, etc, Ind by fair, square eavour wO thi.y6 to liberal patronage. .pbolies: ,n 174; :afield office 11 an 145 Mustard +++ 4444-teHelelte. 4-44 teleleieielef• with has his aself 0; the ..o.h. ipped sloes forth ITBRITARY MAR l ` � i u.!€ eat (stein.) new., -Oats, per bush.T'Y Peas, per bush .. R . #1##R:4.11, Eley, per be ....,.. Beans per bush..,... 2 50 to 2 40 Potatoes, per bus...... 90 to, 90 do per hag...... 1 85 t.) 1 35 Bran, per ton 24 to € how, per tole; �. 26 00' to 26 00 0 Flour, per owtr.. .....3 00 to -. 4 00 Butter, No. 1 loose, lb. 26 to 28 Eggs, per dozen .. - .. t 27 to 28 Ray, new, per ton..... 12 00 to 14 33 0 80; 10, $6.65; 0,.6' 1.g 7P4149.7© , 8, 1,00 70 }5Eo 7'64 Os $6. $ 0 Brix, $6.75; to 37 _ 870 d , 16.50. "covA 3, e $4; 3, 1630 nd $6,76; 1, 14! 4-5 to 48 ' $6.5 ' 14 `920 wutid,s. $4.101,: 1 polo fl Bean Market rifetitft; `eb..:1 ar �-i aned4ati 0.' per amu 1. C Y, 1etrit, PPeb. 1 --Beam Ircknedlate and et.ary slii;ent, $8.70,: bis. OhIppingi»lnts ; lArrias, 6 1-2e to 'lc per axyand. , Poultry Market, 'oto, Feb:. 1 ---Spring tallekets. 17 o 1k; fowl, 13c to 14e; 43,teleg, 17 to 18c; geese 15 tots,; turkeys, 28to26e. • London, peb, 1-Drefted. Wholesale f ken 17 to 20e; old fowl 11 to 12c; turkeys ;24 to ; +ducks 14c; 13e (to 15e. Dressed, -Rem .- bi;kena, per rr, $1.20 t $1.60; turkeys, per pountl. 26 to 28e; °geese, bt, $1.50 to $2; ducker per Ib., 14c Irs> t t r.. i ; Diary Harken,. • Edon;, Feb. 1 -Butter, c ery, 34 to 3 butter, dairy, 83c; 'butter, in crocks, 300 'to 31e; eggs, per *lien, 88 t'o 36c; honey}: strained, °ten :'lbs., 41.40 to $1.56, I • •.,.. Toronto, Feb. ' 1 --Butter i e . tri- ket is quiet and firms with( Moderate it,fXerings. Fre dairy 28c to 31e; in- ferior 24c to, 25c; creerrery prints, 33 to 36e; solids, 33c to 36e. Egg -Sora age 28c to 29c per down; select 31 to 32c; new -lead, 35e, in' camas rats. geese -Large. 9e; twins, 19 1-4e. .Hy - Pr1ceea in 10 to 60 pound tins, 12 to 12 I -2a combs, No .1. $3; No. 2, $2.40. • e : ' 2iir=a.i n, t • Toronto, February tat -- Manitoba Wheat -In store at Port 1 northern, $1.24; do. No. 2, $1.213-4 ;' . ,No. 3, $1.15 14 Manitoba Oats- In More at Fort William oda. 2 C.W.. ''44 1-4e; No. 3 C.W., 42 L4e; No • 1 :le.tra feed 42 1-4c; NO. a 'fid, 41? -4c. An -erten tion -No 3 yew, 83 1-2e. Canadian f. ...a -Feed 76c. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter, per cariot, *1.12 tot $1.14; egg/eV scout and tough, wording to satplxe, $1.08' to 41.12; operated or Earatty and tough accOrding to sample $1 to $1.05;. feed Wheat', 9k to 85c. - Ontario Oats - No, 3. white, 44c to 45e; commercial ts, 43e to 44e. Peas -No. 2,. no�in.1 .per' car lot,. $1.90; sandbar peas. $1.25 to 51.75. according to sen plc, Barley Wi long, outsidei, 64 to 66 cents; ao Ne. 2. fid, 51c ta`Sttc. Buckwheat - Nomina ucky ht- Norr:ina at 80 cents,. Rave-•?; . 1 commercial, 9.3e to- 95c; re jectedp 8Se to 85e =oceans to earr.ple. Mani- .toba, Flour First patents, in jute bags *7.20; do iseeonds, $6.70 strong bak{,- ers' $& 50., In jute hags. Ontario 'lour -view OntarTo, $4.80 to $5, nee meeting to Sa1rplec, seaboard or _To-, Tonto ° - -ronto freights in hags. i i ifs ed -- Oarlot. per ton, delivered; Intreaf tzteAglits; bran $24. Eraorts, '$25, Po - tat -Oar Idte of Ontario quoted at 41.75 -tcs $1.80 and New mks At $1.90 to per bag on track. Live Stock Markets . Buffalo, Peb. 1. -Cattle.: slow; prize sats 48.40 to $8085; Wig, .$7.05 4I 48.35; butobeers $6.75 to $8,15;. heat-. 'era 45.75 to $7.50 : cows $3.25 to 0.50; bull *4.50 to :6,75; stock 'heifers $4.50 to .$5.55; stockers and heifers. $5.75 to 47.25; . fresh cows and, skin, ger ,slow': at .$50to $95. Veale slow.; $4 to 11.50;'. Bogs--Recelpts, 16 000iblead; a.c ve I; (heavy and mixed, $8.35-•; •yorkers, $7.50 to $8.35; pits, $7.25` to $7.50; roughs $7 'to $7.25; stags, $4.50 to 5.75; ,gip: and Lair% -opts; ,` 8,000 head; b,eori and chi active; lambs, $7.60 "to (411.25; year rigs, " $6.50 to $9.76; wct:hlzrs, $7.75 t 8 ewes 4.00 - to $7.50; Sheep, arlxedi. 7.50 to $7.75. Idontreal, February 1.a -There was an advance in prices f steers in t!blIs trarket dfJ 15c per cwt. An active trade wens_ done, w4bbt sales of_ full loads of obodpe hatcher steers at $7.90 ,and [good -at $7.40, why for picked kits of the, Tor:r-er as high as; $8.10 to $8.15: per cwt was ,fid:. There was no actual cbangie in the condition of the marketfor cows or bulls. The strong' feeling for hogs still continues and, ant active tradewas done. The following are- tk& tluotations 4 Cattle-B:itchers cattle choke, $7,90 tv $8.15; butchery', cattle,rred1it me 46.75 to, $7.50; do., • ninon, $5.40 to 46; canners $4-: to $4.50; butchers choice cows, $6.25 to $6.60; lrredium $5.25 to 46; bulls at *5.50 to $7; walkers, choice at each. $85 to $90; minters. common, and ar..3dhirn. each $76 to $80; spring- ers ,$60 to $10. Sheep-Ewae, $6.15 to $7; bucks rand, culls. $6.26 ,o 46,50; lambs, $10.25 to X10.50. Hog=, -f. o, b. 410,50. Union Stock Yards,Toronto. Feb. 1. --Pbere was another very dull ' -Tar- ket ar-kat this :rrornin;; and alight offer ing"for a 'Nfoncily was difficult to d1)ase of, there being 110 marked de- iand .for `neither class" of cattle, and until th' weather beeojres seasonabl- it is unlikely that trade will improve T.he retail trade has been badly hit as, a result 'of the and spell. Val'ies this aro-rang were steadyt with last week's .:decline ef 35e. One sirall: lot Elf. Heavy steers sold for eight cents `and several wall lots of butchers. cashed in frozr. $7.40 to $7.76. One load of 1,200-pa:nders realized the lat- ter price. Frorr $6,50 tow 47.80 was th+e :general run :of values for the best of rbutch»»rs. There was not a large dearand for milkers or springers. Stockers and feeders were tbr, uasual light trade for this season. at . the year, but q:iotations are loading very firer. No change was apparent in to - 'day's values for nrd nit meats. The of- fering was light and the trade active, while, the supply la d. Choice 'tabs Axid up -to 12 cents and calves to *10.75. Light cheep i'Dif good quality Were in fair ck' r.•anid.. Hoge were a light run_ ,and held to the. week -end values of $9.76 fed, and watered, a .few elects tetohin-g an additional 5 •vents. Corbett, Haan and, CoIn sold 15 ids; choice heavy latitcher steers, $715 to 46; gsood steers $7.40 to 1.65; ohiolce butchers . $7.25 to 47.45; 'good( butchers, $5:90 to $1.161;: medium butt- Cers, $6,60 to $6.85; common butch- ers 46 to 46.50; choice cows $6.00 to 46-26; .good cows $5.60 to $5.85; :red- ir.ro cowe, 44.75 to $6; common cows, 44 to 46; canners 4S.64, to 4.00; beat Neavyruils, $6.60 to, $7`; pod banal f6.20io 46.69. Duna and leave& ,d -Butchers, 16, 1.,190 pounds, at $7.75; Douai9, 44.20; a,, xotal 5, .860 l nd; :, $4; 2, 10,20. 30; . 1, •980 4• B pounds, $6.60; 1, 1 60 po 1000 nds. ,$5.1i; 2, 1330 lbs , 2, 720 mound;, 15; 1180 po ds 1, 1020 lbs.. $5:75; % $0.8 , .f v'AVersd 38 lagbs 12 ; ba, to 411,75; weep =i to $3;' alv t4 to 10,60.. The nu' - .: 001 1,4 we •1'$ .. i=.i'9 ' a $' .135. - 4s S i to 7.26; `t o, 'we' di $6.10 to do, soar za. $5.10 t $5.40; bu bulb, '6.50 o 6,76;;• d bulls 45.60 .tkx $6.01 t do. ro 'gh' $4.50 to - $5; bate rs' cos, $6 to x$;6.5:0; do. d, $6.7 to rc,edium, $5.25 to, 5.60; : do co $4 to 44.50; feed:: s, good, $6. $0.50; stocker,. 70f to 900 bs., to $6.76; ` cutters 4. carni re, to 44.59; milkers, lee, ea h medium, each. 5 to 4100; 11 Heavy $ 6. ote $109 ; Ido. coli. an to, 460;.pr: gxs ewe $7 to 48 54; •to $-; 0o, bucks $8.50 t $415 yearling ian' a $7 to $7.75; nabs c $16 to 412; calves, medium to chn $6.45 to $10.25; _ r corrbior4 $4 $4164; ihnge, 1 . nd watered, $9 toll #9180, i 1 r 2 70 iD Cid 115 0 ,t0 $6• rn;. eb' ts' gi be hot m 25 75 t C X&CO. EMBALME -yes AND . 'FUNERA D1RECr6 R$ H. C. BOX Holder of Gove*ment D and L cet.,bc CHARGES3► Flowers' furnished Night Cal: Phone 1: p10 ODERATE on short notice Day C.11': Ph.ne b0'' a C1ARRICK-In Stephen. of and Mrs. William Caryl Bi G0' --In Exeter, on Ja him F, Bim, a sera. JARVIk-In Winghaii , on to Mr. and Mre. Robe January IF, a son. ry 20th,'. onday, Ja wary arvie, aeon. Ma COLE-'GIBSOI~-In Morrie 12th, Pearl A. Gibson, to Morris. ATEINSON•-'0Il43ON-In Addien M. Gibson, of 74 son, ef Ha4eraville. SOME118-8111T1 -At Siyti trude L, Smith to W, ,7 Wawenosb.' GALLMAN-LAUSIE--At P by Rev. Mr. Gilivr..y -• ea, to Mr. Henry Gama NELLANS--SHRENK-At _ 17th, by Rev. A. J. Sbrenk, to John M° Ne l Dead ;, MURRAY-In Minton. on"' nary 22nd Mary >t 'r ggart, widow of the* a William Murray, a 94 years. DAYME.iT-In Clinton, o aiivary23 , Elidabel Foster, wife ci Mr. Joh Dayment, n her 61 year. MCOLENAHAc7-In Wing • a , . on J'a uary . 23 •, 23rd, Anna Margaret B .r r, wife o Mr, Hen 3, McOienahan, of Eafe Wawanos , aged years. FINBEINER In Credi o , on Jai:Mary 244., Matthew Finkbeiner. a 80 years, OAFdSRON-ln oranbrook ten January 17th, Ell bath McComb, relict of the late John Camero', a Pd 80 years. DITNP-In Goderieh town hip, on Jatuary 224., John R..Amber, aged 71 r ears. CARROL---rn Goderich, on 3 u. 27th, Minnie Smits widow of the late John C .01.' . . es, nship, George Cp orris', on .3 rris, to Kin1 n J nu !y b th nuar 17th, eley Atl+*:ei- , on Janus 18t'' Somers,, II o er< 5t strolls, ons January 14, :.Jean Laurie of Petro - , of Zurich', ecardine,' ion Janutiy -. os, ngfordboth IOfin , re. Rachael. ton1 h AN•N..B•N• • I S. T. H. o lm • • • Ji' 3 ria 2gg para I s building S wart RroDr. Scott'sF dense Goderic • • Funeral „Dire tor and . Lc4sed Embalmer .:� dfe1 ors in Oi oppgsit �. Resi- ts st., cpp Flowers ` furn`shed or O s Ort notice. • • Phon Night oar Day 119. i • yR 1 ••••4tt•o•i.•••st...G ' N 4 4 s4 4 r4 )4 '4 4 r4 FARMS FOR SALE OR TO\ RE vault FOR SALE. -lot 6, Conceeeion! o Tuck L' smith, containing 100 sores, abouteven ao ander bush. The farm is well le sed . a drain and in a good state of cultivation' Theare on t premises, a good frame house, ban barn,pig ho • nen house give house and •• two good elle. berms and partiou1 rs apply on t e;pre isee'or dress MRS. JOHN - eCLOY, F mondriilp E:. kR eii 000 G :.: ? FARM FOR SALE --West 28, Coil. 12, Hiboert,:containing 50 mar the premises is a very good -barn, aeon b 45 cleared and all seeded down 5.weresgf very* goo wood bush. Fences in go.. repair.! A never spring near back of farm. • good tell with d nee of water at the barn. There is alto a orchard of choice fruit tre :. This property uated about 2 miles east of Chiselhuret on gravel road, 6 ranee from H .. well, This els a grana farm os, would make a good arson term quick sale the property:will be soldnabl further p reieulars apply . S, S. PHP8, Box 76, Exeter. 24 If I L1 a0 h ails bu sme. 18 5 6 go f A6 l 144 ArN 000 FARM RM FOOFt 8 Ur parted Lot 24, Oono training 130 acres. There modern brick house with There is also a good barn dation and stabling undern on stone foundation, pi p in good repair. Thereto al chard and two hev'er foiling underdralned and welt enc cultivation with 10 acres of well attuseted on the North of Walton C. P. It. station, mala delivery. This is a eh sold on reasonable terms. apply on;the premises or ad Walton. • T FOR SALT : For 1' Concession 1, Tucks more et leess. There are o frame house withkitehen. cistern, good bank barn 40 and cement floors, drive ah in house and barn supplie ent taark.The farm is in and drained and there are bush and smallorchard. and one half miles tro from Seaforth and one Haile Rural telelephone in hou4ee west sine of railroad track shape. Terms-Reasonabi proprietor wishes to retire, apply on the remises or ORIOM, Clinton, Ontario. For Sale Lot 2a'i a elan 14,Melliillop, co re on the prem sea a 'bard and salt atoft x126,'wjth rtone fou_• tb, driving shed 30x n and ben' house, a a gaol be ring ` o wens. The firm w and in a is to ;hardwood ush. It .vel road 1 mile sou also teIephon and ru lee farm a d w 11 F,or further art£ • •I= s rens. W. J DIC 4 le south half Lot ith, containing 9 the prem ad woodehe1 6 e 4 with sto s and hen hi use by wind mh and oe class. condi ion en 10 acres of first el The farm is: th Clanton, ve m from church nd : , h.:, 1 .The farm ie 411 • u and is in first ole , resone for eellin , .t or further partioul reee JOHN Tao 2512t14 VALUBLE FAE1 f FOR ora for the estate of the offer for sale, Lot No. feu Concession of the township canasta of 100 aerosol ale lands in a clean andood situated in a splendid f to markets, eclaools and oh are erected a. comforts lSx74, with kitchen attach 52.00 with stone stabling u and coater in barn, also a in barn also a goon pig pe. tarsi is well fenced and ex title ppiiosperfect and jaoeeea$ purpose of rs. all mem ppto O ROBE= N, Ad e .HAYS, Beaforth, their Soil LE --The administ ! • late Hugh M. Gond ... en (14 in the sixth 6; of .Mclffillop. Thief red and imi roved fa to of cultiion and is ng districtave nie • i; ea. Onprem[ frame . 3r►. Splendif eerneath,eat f 11 sig pen and wa er hen house. e well tile drained. e n will be gfr :. .for yin!! work. ' er further BAD 4c; `reift, or istrators, o to tor. 24 R N E .TOR, 1VI le_L1R ATAL 1 FA. The Canadi pity for the dis unt ar supplied fre T. AN SEED OATS PO Ban nsa colle of c REIG NOTICE SALE -0. ON, He N BAT RCE REATwwilawimmuilawan LL.D . D.0 L., President . JONES, Ass's General marine DESERVE •FUND $i35OUflOfl ST BU§INESS of commerce extends to Farmers every ion (5f heir banking business, including tion of sales notes. Blank sales notes afok. Bran thorn SHIRE BULL -The for service on his p . DANIEL GRIT undereign Nes in will keep 11 frau 0111 ereOf furth MEY es for Sale or Ren tunes in Egniondville SALE, or will exchea 16i, acres of land 4 aiiroad station. Por FO D, 602 Woodlaw SALE -Lot 35. acne B, with bush, vrindm or sale or re sold reason ge for dart North Oak artfulness ssion 4, Me 1, fruit oro Mrs. IL rth. le dwening dow taxes ble. Apply 2193x2 tt Ootenty I, Wile Mop, 100 arise For Cli ceiv Seoy cape IR LEADER or Pre draws' church, B up to February 19th. entor wan yeti. Appll JOSEPH for St, Mons re. TOTHERS 2612-2 NTED-A position of taking full cha ply at the Expositor bousekeepe with farm For furth on a Wm work and ly acre. to sell Caned writin Count eetA 11 TO clear nevet barn A go half f within L. There with and tii balane miles f malt a on th No. 1 Cent cleared, 2 good wells noes and near good I also have a good pa patented. in the Uni M FOR SALE -Lot 1 tkersmith. The farm and in a good state ailing evens, windmill f Ens, pg. house, hen frame house With fa - extra goon orchard 3 miles of Seafterth, re on the promisee a rave shed 34x50, Go t house and barn. F drained. There are except 35 scree is in d telephone. For I premises or address arm of 160 ed States N, Coleras Conmessio contains 1 of cultivati awe and d Thie chef on the Ki res, meet. y given by sores, au. n. Three ad hank ve shed, re and a 6 farm is pen read, - 24024f o• rdaining ood bank rame ho rm is ail ight anus rase. Ms her partie e 2 on 19 neession 1, 100 aeries. ra 48x52, , plenty of ell fenced bush, the situated 4 Id. Rural flare apply , Clinton M FOR SALE -100 ao y distance to Seafo and 'w tou, on the llth Orm clay le „ free from stone a founda ion with cement c el gook et Wine and out b until water- ement cistern. A ther 1 -Medlars apply to RO of choice h. Blyth, mien of H d very le e brick ho r. Larg.e es, also Silo shable fa EMT ntEl ft ed. with - nett. ob on st res ref 113- ank wind - When, eofb For fur - AUCTION Came of He Conde Perth class drive - geed whoa • rese ef sale eAM anon Them lie au Colon wieh al Ro berla Grah Tho years about I men steel sperktt Ian batne sin le for of Hoes sin 11 su moat Jo t Positi ION SALE OF 0110 the estate of the fat n will sell at the Per 11, on Saturday, Feb sharp, thatchoice fa ion - I8. Township ntaining 100 acres, ick dwelling; large Possession 10th Mar Terme and parties r may be bad on a ON; Auctioneer R. y wey of Exeter. RING SALE OF F ENTS AND HOUSE oKi ley, Agricultural Id. eneral purpose Gen , general purples; ow to calve in May :i filer, set sleighs, ay. Iler, disc harrow, IF. gen plow, eet die., tter nearly new, stri d hotse blankets, mit farness, set pony i : erdet a cut sew, au old umiture-Coeld ago ne range 4 burn loth s mangle, extern of Ira, hen bed, ' ere t will be given tee X off far cash o Auctioneer, ALES E FARM James 0 Hotel in flt Sask Ope Terms 4111141111114 rem HayQ, Sea forth Tenor Solofst tchewan Gold Medalist for Engag-eme.nts In 1 e Hosiery, Underwear.; and S eater factortea Vacan- cies i all departments with experi need help. Highest wages and oderately priced board. Apply immediately, P EMMA NEI LOUTH Paris, On, Fifteen gir winders, kni specters. A Th f 2512-2 Wanted ters, sewing machine perators and in wanted to work in prating mill a Ply or MITCHELL WOOLIeEN Clo., Ltd. Mitched, Ont. Hous and Land Ifor Sale , kir. Helm offers hie residence in Harpurheyf With two and a half sores of land surrouhding It for sale, 'mined! te posssesslon The hewn contains roweled& kitehen end pentriere bath room and lumber room The &table contains two etalls loose box an ample roam for conveyances. The house and on buildings are lighted by electricity. There is a nein in the limn a d there ere two welle and twee soft water cisterns. he grounds are well fene,ed and planted with fruit end ornamental trees and shrubs. The property is; about one mile west of the Main street of iteeforthi on the Eforein Road, township taxes. Per Term8 land particulars 249841 F. HOLMESTED, Seaforth Notibe to Creditors Notice is reby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, cit all persons having claims against the estate o belt E.Snowden, late of the townebip of Stanley, in the county of Huron, farmer deceased, ho died at the said township on or about the 15th day of treetanaber, 1915, are required n or before the 10th da:y of February, 1916, to se by post, prepaid or deliver to the undereig ed Executors, fun particulars of their -claimer, duly rifled by affidavit, and the nature of , held bY them. Further take notioe said lard mentioned d,ste the assets of el will be distribird among the thereto, having- re rd only to the poticie shall then ave been given. security, if a 'that after th To chase - parties eatItl lit Throe- claims(); nvbio the village • uary 6th, 916, at 8 le compos• of Lot n3, Exe Hibbert, County of I rly new ba k barn and Sollol ent c lurch and h 1916. Po lively no rs made len.wa on day pliestion THOMAS 20111 RBI STOO OLD ruit noted to sel ars old sup I diog rising filly rising' frig rising nd June year old mowers, : tend harro g of new tress moun ted back near. cella bee boxes, kettle, nip (reales. fa on teble, Id all credi, roprietor b. URE - by Ott Tues. harp, the in feat to try o by Ray, by Cara - by Coldnel 1 by Ring heifer fer rising 4 calves, e. Imple- lky rake, drill 12 Wallung , Parv- enu, rag, ted heavy ds, 2 Sets 8, chits, quan tett fling mill. w Detroit ng stoves, horn, side - en table, lamp; a ernes -All - ount ten approided 'sold his Thonaas C,'$.N GRAIN AN I; SOME ALUABLE LUM R -The estate of the te R.4). Bell. Mr. Them Cameron has been nstructed sell iiby u lief action on Lot 3, Oen I .sseen 2, T okersmi, b, by • Kin Th mas. filly colt Iv King Thom , farrnees yeate, 2 he fere rising 2 yea 8 steers r ing t year, spr liglitle on stone boat, bag 'ruck, - • ng stode, new lib , 6 horse cot ars, 1 • In platform scales. set re . 3 kettles, large 11 I .tash ket le, water nu of o her Indira Othe arMel numerous to on. Lumber -A nu po te 000 feet dressed pine in r Iran ity of dressed bn wi nu ber of wagon -a• tffierneee, etc. bee* der ver for 10 y Tet . : All sums lif and amour' 10 month's credit ant ti °tee Four X oil for teddy ly aro reserve as fa ris ber ext sr cedar he al -rote 1 mber has , dilrrelinrku:t luit)(*inalb tPr°18eout drfit e*)14:eorr: Ptao over Mist furni approved =ABETS J. SNOW EN ROSAMUND SNOW EN tia• ll;this 18th day of anuary,1916. 2610-8 Notic Notice is he that behalf, t the estate en of StaialeY, on' or about are required o 1916, to mend verified by any held by the said lase deceased will titled thereto which flake Da ted at t Creditors. at a• il persons having 'Milano Foote late o a the ,county of died at the said tow the 25th day of or berore the 16th. d by post, prepaid, o till particulars of th avit, and the nature em. Further take sectioned date the distributed among having regard only hall then have been the Statute in chimer against the township UrOn, Farmer ship of Stanley, ember, 1915,, y of February, deliver to the ir claims, duly of seculity, if °Moe that after ets of the said the claims of Solicitor for Executors, Seaforth. forth, this 24th day Of January, 1915 2503-8 Notice Tax Sale Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes bee been prepered and that copies th reof may' be had in my office and ib that the list being published in t e following is- sues viz. December lltin 18th, 25th 1915 and Jan- uary let, 1916 of the 'Ontario Gazet e' and that in default of- the payment ef she taxes, the lands wilte be sold nt thli town hail, Seaforth, n Wednesday( the 15th day f Idarch, 1916, at3 °aback p, me for home. ne. Seaforth, D 4. 14th, 1915. 2505-13 GRAND.TRUN SYSIEM Wi ter Resorts F.pecial Round Trip Fares- Lon4 Limit Stop -overs Asheville "and Hot Spria s, N. C. pprings, k., French Link Springs Ind., Jack & all Merida 'points° 'Havana, Cuba and NeW grleans, IA., via N w York and Rail (oe steam- er according to destination) or via Be uda andtWest Indies 0 her Health Resorts Mount Ole end', Mich., Battle Creek, Mich., St. Catherines, Welland, Ont., Preston S rings, Ont. Furthe articulars on application to Grand rik agents. Union Station, Tor to, Ont. HEN we announ,e a Special Shoe Sale, you can make up your mind that there will be a rush for shoes in short orden Our sales attract a host of buyers, because there are no exaggerations And no misstatements. There s always something doing at our sales ! This sale has only one purpose -the closing out of all our Fail and Winter Footwear to place our house in order for Spring and Sum. mer Shoes which will soon be cominv in. This Sale will continuc but 10 Dayb Commencing Tuesday, Feb. 1st Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes of all kinds must be sold. Every pair goes, Nothing reserved. Ws a very wealthy purse that can afford to turn its back on these price inducements. Alen s Patent Shoes Regular 3.50, 4.50 and 5.00 Sale Price $1.99 Men's Tan Shoes Reg. J)4, $5, $5.50 Sale Price $2,49 1-4 OFF Ail Winter Footwear Extra Special Grey, Fawn & Flowered Tops $1.49 -$2.49 cremeserammeserreesseam Children s Shoes Sizes 5 to 1.01 69c No Goods on Approval Money Refunded if Goods not satisfacey omen's Fine Shoes 99c. Also a large rriimber of Wozuen's Low Shoes at Women's Fine Dongola Kid Special at $1.49 SPECIAL About 50 pairs of Boys Patent Leathprs at H.R. SCOTT HOME OF GOOD SHOES $1,,y4 Terms Strictly Cash Goes Like Sixty "Johnny. o We are agentei Line; Ensties,! Feed Windex* Belting, Pulley Engine at our and ge • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i 2.9. F.O.B.Osha IP Price Complete $ . i ;i GEO D. HAIGH, Agent Seaford' Phone 95 for tlie, Faare-as 'Gilson '13)noliage Cutters, Slim, Pima, Wood SaWa, , etc. Call and. ase thia Vile Weeks In Bewail fah. poxticalars. Phone No. 7 Hen sail For Sale or Rent The desirable residence property in Egmondville, owned by W. Ge Charlesworth end situated nag from Seaforth. The house Is a two story brick, with furnwee and electric lighted throughout, nen good - miler with cement floor and large soft wetter cis- tern !neater, There is aleo a new 'stable with tyre single andone box stall and drive shed. Geoid hard water and a few fruit • trees. Will be Bold reason- ably and on terms to suit purehaser. For further particulars apply to 25024f j W. ClIABLESWORTII Sestortb A HIGH 'GRADE SCHOOL , Toronto, Ontario stands to -day with- out itt superior in Canada. Graduates highly successful, Catalogue free. Enter any time. eitinamentenweinesensimeseen Oats VS/Tantedi Seaforth Oatmeal Mill Weiare again on the market to buy any quaktity of good clean oafe at the Seaforfb. Oatmeal mills, for which the highest cash price will be paid. Walter Thompson & Son, Ltd. Seaforth 2503-t 1 Tenders Tenders will be received up to Monday, Febtuery 7th, 1916 for the teamster:cotton and repair work on not necessarily accepted. M. GOYEKLOOK, Secretary 2511-2 aelenvos V R 0 L, THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE • MODEL ,FoVR NINETY