HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1916-02-04, Page 1a
Ren waiting
want at a
We have
ot ev r
it { stock.
saved to
need the
as Fab -
tion jiext,
De -
'A **.P.,.9*.
X 10‘51011
_ �T _._ �. ,.T.�::,,. ,D.,.,.s, ion
'Vast crowds from all over eontieue to. invade or -r big s
Explosion Sale prices bring great smiles of satis action t
making lean purses feel grateful and wrapping u content
ery purchase. Just as good firings now as the ijrst day 1
Fresh goods placed on tables each day. Noe the indu
still beckon you here :
Men's Overcoats,
Men's overcoats, worth and sold ever
*here for $ i o. oo on sale
The best of ulster overcoats, single or
double breasted, heavy cloth, ' newest
styles,. $1.2. to.,$14 coats, ' QQ
sale rice.....,................ 13!3.1
Fine chinchilla overcoats in colors
grey, brown, blue, etc.,- shawl colla!
• or .notched Collar, close form fitting of
medium, with strap over back, regulai:
selling prices from .16. oo Ua
a� 19
to 20.003 sale price•a..,..... •
Boys' Overcoats. • I
re -and
very fac --
ent with ev-
f the ss !e.
ements t at
For small boys,ages from q : to -8 year
eguiar price 3.5o to 5.00, }
sale price,. • 4 0 a. O
For larger boys, ages io to 14 year
splendidly cut, strong and room ,.
regular prices 6.50 to 9.50, $•I
sale price................. ...
Furs for Men.
Black dog coats worth $13
$2o, sale price.. .••a.. •
coat with fine Astracan col-
Black� f
lar, worth $25.00, salepnz
price -..a: •.e .r. •..i esf•
China beaver coats-worthi Q
2 sale ._rice........, • • l.2
53 price
coats, worth $8o ,
to Collared'
Fur Collared Coat worth .01:
$22 to $25, this sale.....,_
Fur collared coats worth
to $20, all go at 'I I.
Furs for Women. I
Fine Fur Set in black and `blue fur,
muffs worth $7.00, sale ry
r, p
price ...v.••••....•._.•s..•••.` t�t%'
..... s
Soles worth $7.00, sale'
... - ..•.e..•• .....•••. 403.9
Black Fox Sets, worth It,
sale price •
Fine white Tibet sets for young gijrl
worth. $20, sale price is
anly...•..•s�•..o .a..es. ti
Men's Furnishing Goods.
Men's Heavy Klondike Sox,
regular 5cic, sale price
Negligee hirts worth .$1, sale
price ,••.
Men's suspenders, 35c value
sale price;.. •..
25 dozen ties, worth 5oc, all
the newest shades, sale price.
beg yyy��en9'sspwork shirts on
earth, sair price.......... r. ss• ..
Men's hose, worth soc a pair;'"
sale price
Men's all wool ribbed under-
wear, reg. 1.25, sale price......-.
Boys- fine coat sweaters, reg.
price 1.25 to 1.50, sale price...
10 dozen black bib overalls,
reg. price $1, s e priceheavy Ide.
>15 dozen extray
overalls, with or without bib,
sale rice...............
reg'. I.25i 1�
Shee pski nli ned teaming coats. T
are strong, extra warm coats, fur
lared, sale
rise..... el
50 Suitings. to be made to your
ure in our own shops. _ Fine Bro
Greys . Black and Blues,
01 0
2 sale price 10
reg. $22 to $ ��
The list of bargains given here comprises only, a
the immense ranee we have to offer but they illustAlet
duction at which you can purchase the -highest grade
if there is any difference' between losing money and,f
vantage of this GREAT SALE we fail to
as -
T.h1: J,e.
�own; .
ithi the
✓ `bl- ,
J hat.
owielc ;
Govt n
lliotf a
rich, T
ne t ` J
n ;_'13
n 4b1; A
11i1tve, BI
t ;e.; C
,d.te, G
Ai ION 11,
of Mc
W 1i
E W rd
The fel;
✓ ivea
est H1
E nt;lasin�g
Iby i~,
, isitrk t
e i app,.
✓ Y. 'Poi
,i1 'be1;•
✓ ates
esti g
aO a,.
'I131 ,f
eine d
lex 1
uaiy etessi o1
.lied in the!
on-Tuesda&y 'oit
libwin!g meirb'
ar_d J. _Dalton,
borne; W H.
: ; R W. Liv
n, 'Grey; 1
Ha immg and ,
M Armstrong',
k McKi11op
w :r, Stan
d r dhlh Lave,
kersitith ; T
; F 'A Elbe
N.! Campbell,
E.; Eewin, . Ba
thi,; 3 Leckie_
Tinton ; 3. W
Nairn and J.
rich; F W.
A. Stewart:
..ngh ere C.
ne presided
Taylor and 'L
stone, of . Grp:
I+w'.ng corr.:nuni
nd 'sent to 't
H. Johnston,
n Teadhters,
copy of a res
Asscei,at1on, 'a
e+gricultural r
ed fob• t:hie co
clerks of
ties,- asking c
he chefs' s
Werner, Seer
ets ent, ,ask
appointed' cto
n Toronto in
c. `clerk of
n irr e,
the dismissal
1. r (of requests
: -kinng for the-
alowinig epplicati
?rfield., Pmt inn,
Clinton; P., P
i, F�, 4 : rk, richt.
Onpl L•rli, t�a dohe Zen of illowMessinlgrs
a St king committee
n. • g i c imi tees for
se: ortreed, dove
raiy, ► 1 lott an i Lobb.
Mov d ' y Mess. s. 3. A
,E that A . Po
= ve .be as: kr for
io ed by :Messrs El
Elliott, i :hiat 'G, W; Ho
tor. Oa i led/.
Tine f Allowing .high
were- ?.pointed:; Wing~.
stone ; e od,erich, Dr. N
torr,. M. t.n.ning; .Seafo
Burrews •
Move by ifessrs Lo
that t , usual grant.
continua ion and fifth
Sent tEducation. Ca
isiove by Messrs:
Laitliw: te, that a gra
nr s.de •., esacie of the t
in the i oiunty-Goderic
Wingh. Sent to Ex
crit tee.
Move by Messrs.
Reis t t ,the usual g
made; each public 11
Execut `e Committee.
Moyne: by Messrs.
tih3at a : rant of $25 be
ton, "Se r orthl and
Showis. Sent to Execut
MUire , by Messrs.
Laithiw' lie that the
lives . those - Whe ea -ill
battalia . in `tihej suit
frame ti e time they le
to the , `return or urn
over., • nt to Executiv
tee` ev
ton, 3
. E4
S .Mt
B .M
H. lie
1iln f ,
ty g
to t
mall f nu lber ' of
the col ssal 'e-
iling to fake
e it.
Greig Clothing Co
eport of the St
presented 4,3
tive Committee
lir, C Stewart
J .C. Laithw
1 Committee
N. Campbell, A
p F Dodge t .
c trnee--
.tssettai, .D
tion -Committe
11, J.A. Stew,
J. IC Govenl
and Bridge Co
3. Shortreed,
ray, H. Crier(.
y Property -C
3• '. Brown J.
of Refuge.—
. Louver 3. M
n'8 Commit
3. N. Cajrsebel
• Stewart, F.
e appeared
ng a grant
report of D
neer, was pre
Road and Bri
d by Messrs ;P
t the- Counci
the road bet
ridges,: town
o Road and Br'
d by Messrs:
that a gran
to the four h
o Executive C!Allot a grant11.1.013w flowersed / by Me-sereGiptoednetrictho tor ports of thwe r eived and,anTT toietorurotherere'sport;Wilt the Ow*
the Coninty
last weeX.
• prese
Lobb. Gode-
ngs torte,
AY:, FEK{IJA.ipt 1910
ci&. EROS.,. Pub
$LOO a Year in dhanee
#e wets( recei
i Moved, by
that the Med,
Vince, having
the.f the min
not i,enacted,
sthe council be
Hon of the sr
fere, for this
tion -of svhat
bridge bet we
ed andr passed.
fessrs. Campbell and
It On 'Weer of the fact.
al Connell of the Pro -
requested the Legisla,
the law to th4 4ffect
um salary of a, :m4dical
at this legislation be
rid that this a,dtiort of
brought to the attene
-inhere of the Legisia-
unty. Sent to, Special
leld), re the construe -
is known as '
n the ,,, Counties of
russelse J.,
aYlore XE- have it ref,e ed to the Munleleal
With( thc Cou ty of Wellington an3
end Bri ige Committee
Is WrCkt ter ISEtt that the usual grant of: $25 be
'011 TrI3 113'n made to the armetee Institates and
was el et- 'Moved by a s.srs .Reis and leferray
hat a grant f $25 be we a de ato each
ttteee ere
,diffe eat, Agritoltaral lety holding a fall fair.
eramnua Jon
tary of
g that
ings, as
in the
f healt
lution. p the work of t le War A.uxillary Board.
Jett (Seaforth) that the .sune of $2,-
'Ay 000 be grante to the, Huroe War
twortie Aoxiltary rd for the puWeee of
()leered° !stimulating r tilting, in the 161st
;battalion now being raised in . this
.nance and Ex utive Committees were
presented 'an ;pleased. s "
MoVcd by Milne and 10. Bela
nosIttl, be Irra a. weed of the Child-
ren'o Aid See ty, an.d that the Wara
.e1C7e also re-
seal gr nts
ns were re -
of auditor :,
awanosh; P.
tickers, ith;
ere appoint -
to select the
1916. Ca ried.
erington and
hoot, tru tees
ree hoe
bb and
made. toi
e Carr
ty insu
t in the
f $1,000
e Caned
iking Co
3. Lec
Erwint Joe
0 lee
Com -
t to
Fee• d
e 'the
EtX is
ring -
war, M
— Dr.
W. H.
Moved by srs. Elliott .and Ford.
,that Dr. Mi and F.W.- Smallacornbe
be appointed legatee -to welt on the
Legislature conjunction w Hast-
ings and oth r counties to oPPose the
school teaehe s. Careleidi
The reeort
't -y and Road
were eweeive
M.oved- by
Lobb that et
the revieedi
to the clerk
for their sue
After' [pleasing a by-law &entire -ring
appolintnient of County. auditors.
the Council adeounned: to- Meet at
the. 'call of the Warden.
d; Dr.
. Ellezington.
fore tb
e Committee.
100 to
r and
d sent
well an
een F15
of $2,0
h school
aft hwat
of $10
and s
e. Sent
d and
nt to
rt wits
imolai 0
request was ved f
Huron Poul y Associ
to the Executive Coir
of .the' County proper-,
and passed. t I
heve received Co,ples of
of their trunicipalitles
ssors. Carried.
Treasurer's Report
Dr. Holer.ies, treasurer, repOrted that
the grass receipts foe, ith,e year were
$227,634.28 and the `-kroes, ex-eend-
erdreft of '$5,214.85. The areount
einking funds on hand, not calculating
accrued inter,est, is $113 353,63, which
4s more thlan sufficient to pey oft ill
the ,debentur,e liabilities. The town of
Godexichl has not paid any oart of
ale coonty -rates for 11913, .1914 and
1915. He Was 'of o,pinlan that prompt
action Abould be taken to force the
town to .eettle up. Blyeh was the
only other erutnicipality errears at
the close of the year, but nee paid
during the present year. -
Inspector Toro's RepOrt. I
seeved longer than in other townshees
rfor the ,puroose of ed. ,ulating re-
cruiting 'in the 161.st attalion, they
recoir.mended ae follower: That the
a.nd have tbus made their Imilueece 'ea:re be •,granted, aZica that all ae-
felt loin both earents and pupils. Tbere counts of experieli,ttere of this grant
have, 'during the past two or three be eertlfied by' the 'president and
re, been in some sections, 'severe treasurer of the War, Auxiliary Board
and the Warden of the County, before
being paid by the obuney treaserere
payments to_ be, made monthly. The
War'den and treasuree have the right
at any thee to stop Payments should
and chicken ',leer. Tease outbres,ks are
more prevalent in , cold, unventilated
So is. Two 'schools teak uP SACCepS-
ty the work ito agriculture. The
gr nts this year On certifleathe andi they eon:eider that the money is not
sa artes amounted to $4,480.30; in 10.4 being p.ald out for necessary re-
p y were $1200 moire. The: deerease, exulting per,poeee.
was 'brought aboat :by a change in. the
tr.eIthod of apportioning. the grants. A. From the Dardanelleis
welch' largererceritage ;WRA given to
, The following interesting letter was
schdols wit an ASSeiSsirent below written by an old Soaforth toy, Pte.
$100n)00. Ae there is onlY one sectle'n. -Frank Helakirk, eon Of Mr. John Hab-
in East Huron with an aseessment bee rkirk of town, and to whom/ tho let-
wiiin the Itinimum grants: Three new with the Army Medical Corps. The.
schools were bunt in 1915; one in, No. letter was dated Dece, mber 2Srd, 1915;
3, ITUrnbeery; lone in No. 10, Morrie_
and :one 4in No 4,1 McKillop. All are 1
My Dear Fatleer.—rtknow it is quite
of( brick, of good -appearance, well
a long ,tirre since et, wrote • you the
lighted ifeated and ventilated. The
only I bending 'likely to be done thie
Yeari will be at Walton., where an ,r, arwoanneityercidghangweperepr waet wieearset. todabeys
addition Will probably be made to the
moved to, that I only sent you a
present school as the attendance has
The couple Of field ‘eardee to. tell you. I
outgrown the zenorrmodatione. i
of! Blythi, Bruesels and Wroxeter, is X have been pretty:well now for a
larger thian at eine., titre in the pest. long time and ' rny tteapetite, is sirre
T.le 'Ford(wich school was this year good fo I couldg ea•t all day if I -got
equIped tor fifth -class work with a chan , 'but we are getting along
-, i ; alright ed in e raffle or distribution
16th, Welke -are gone away. no one
- The Road and Brld.g-e Committee re- knows Where tbey are an.d the pale.
coMireencied that .ihe report's of the eels that have orre for Christmae for
eegifteer be accepted, but objected; to these neert, weee divided up and 1
t' e building 101. is , sidewalk on either &few a, little fruit ,nake, which. was -
at of the Brussels bridge. Tiley re- very acereptable for Christmas. We
earnmended MO raetfOth ith the mattee of are all away Imre; Where Ore were;
0'e grant of $100; to repair the read; Nthen I wrote you4 last and effate oft
b tween FiSher bridge and Race We night of the 12t and after being -
b idele. The tengleeer le to examine
end nilave repaired the approach to
Bentriller bridge. In the onatter of
the: Motion of Meeere. 'Campbell and.
SteWa,rt re: 'the construction, of what
le known as Buller bridge, they re-
inckrreended that the motion be a.doet-
II IGeOler'e Report
of contents of Pareele for men of, tne
ported four arbite ,schools in his 1th^
teen teachers, one of whorr is deing
Exeter ischol building w.as enlarged
eight teachers, five of wham are do-
ing prublic *hoot work and three
high twhooi work. Ilensali has three
teachers and Bayfield two,e There are
09 .rural
teachers; Na. 4 Stanley, 2 teachers;
14 Stanley, 1 teacher. At the high
wahlool entrane.,e examinations 271 can-,
vtal taxnenditure of the school boards
for 19,16 Was $108,581.08; aa compare -1 -
with 465,244.18, While the 'number of
pupils on the roll in 1915 was 4602„and
in 1886, 8677. The number of teach -
en +employed in 1916 was 133 and the
!salaries paid $78,084.67; total govern -
trent grants, $7725.62. Only seVen
schools changed teachers in January.
Agriculture hoe been taught in No,
4, Goderlele township', Noa, 6 and 14,
Stanley, and, No. 17, West Wawanosle
and iseveral other schools will take it
oP bhis year. In 1915 the Strathcona
T ust 'awarded $10 to the '15 schools
alas for
to Elt-
d Ford
r bridge
be re -
Educe -
iwith 109 teachers. The
e fifth claps schoelEOZur-
wood, 3 teachers; Den-
iGarder Griffin reported twelve eer-
Sons confined in the coun,ty gaol, el-
even for vagraneY and one- for eon-
tefIrpt of :coeuff. :He asked to 'have
sev-eral poles tplaced in the yard for
hanging elothes lines, ;
!The. county property committee re-
phrted they had videted the different
county bantling& and fouled them. in
good reptar. They recommended : the
granting of 'the e•-equese of the gaol-
er for poles for the clothes yard.
iff's +office! be repainted and that
the pounty -aesalnee the payment of the
telephone ins,talled by the Law' LI-
, Special Committee
no lection re Ir.iotion. of Messrs. Powell
sndlMitcbiell. Na action in cennection
'trict repres.entatiiee as received from
the 'isecr.etary IOT the South Heron
V.artner'e Institute; aro action in ;coll-
ection INN i t .111 A trg2S request of West
trim. Teachers' Aseoclatioe, In ,con -
aunty Seanelleof Hastings. asking a
hange a the 'medical health aet, it
.Was zee amended thiat ft similar reso-
&len be passed( and copies of it be
'Sent to the Proeincial Secretary; and-
it(rernbere of Parliament. In the ,mat-
teerIlli 7.flhAerrt.x;rtiObangtof Messrs. Came -
it was recons -
ended 1 tha,t it be adopted anal ;that
be, 'clerk send- popies of the reacolu-
ien to Other connty councils with the
r:11°n, • Conan/ Engineer
teed and
landed here w slc in three *elaces
in forer,cnight and are:now dolma..
temporaay dot. In a* emergency con-
valescent hoot. al here, and have been
Can take care of the*selves.
I Ih.ave been changed with a, . few`
others this last few Aar to camp
duty and look after getting par rgeals
Irons the cook , house and cleaning un
the tent along withl another In our
tent. It is nearer civilization than liv-
ing' in the nogbute and we are fairly
comfortable too. Eighteen in a big
square tent and sleep eretty well, al-
though! the t feev tliayS we had
(sold winds a, heavy rain and of
courae,1 crud. Since then ohn Hay
Iltew floor and sidewalk were re -
:nutted for Truseels bridge. A 'num-
ber. of iserall hriolgee will have to be
ereeted this s*.nig, but these can be
attended to after the spring freshet'
Ordere to the amount of $844.71, have
been is,Med since lest session, of the
following amounts were recom-
I Clitolo$N5v5u418,94; Goderiche $8765.60;
iPegort '; $4044.40; Wingham4, $8022,40,
;The g Orolults are to be patii
Yfetroti coanti,Aplls„ Mitchell •$32,3_2;
paekhAti $124.88; St. Marys, $42; Lis -
!$93.71. It was recommended
that tWo delegates be appointed to
attende and oppose tire superannaatiox
bill for teachers in connection. with
*other nounties..
and I -were up to one of t Canadian
Hiasoitais here yesterday, and met a
Well. They ihave tWo -good hospitals
bere, end our patients tell as good
who have beeni there. We have ex-
perienced our firet greew on! November
28th and eo many Of the Australian?
and New Zealanders had never seen
snow. before a d it; was rather bard
on ispnee of he Indian troops and
other,s there. Then ;„.on Deeember 5th
weee hit "-hard en -
we lost none of our
after that of course,
itt fOr they had the
eek end were broth -slit
we don't know- Where
roqided against & grant to the Na-
oft„West Huron, whose pupils passell timal Sanitarium They recommended
on the coUrse -preecribed In drill and a rant of $500 to*the ChildirenrstAid
physical training. Two of the 1915 SoffetY. They recommended that the
teachers—Boswell P. Dougall, aretion of Messrs ,Lalthwaite and EL.
dale and W McIntosh, No. 7,PrAsnYs: liott that a grant of $2,000 bet' made
to afili of the feta high wheels In
the cOunty,- aad'also Out a grant of
$1,0:be!arade.for the purpose of plant-
ing flowers axo, and the coat twee.
The tender of Ithe Goderieh Signal for
f inettng grants were recommended:
a d Wiliggrat ritli:16$70°f0 eGaenrictOht itCgrlinkten
the courtg $26 to' agricultural
leties hold !fall -fairs; $25 to
COunty Poaltry Association, S. J.
&laws pollee Magistrate at Cline
*6 par mouth! for office allowance. In
coneletion' With -the Motion. of Messrs.
Herding and Invitionvalte that the
enlist in the 1614t Huron Batta.lion
for the'estra .Of $1000, each -from the
threl thwf *me Canada until their
with the scolidoe- itteisrs. Nairn
SieWart that the et= of $2900 be
gran,ted tile lau,coss War Auxiliary
we had. tlo
range too we
:here and nice
we will be sent to next.
There ,a.re oely 'Abut sixty or a, lit-
tle snore, all told cif us officers and
tr.en, and Imotet of tts ere hoping, for
a While Sefi rest and -quietness. I
hope we -get a rest for seer.e of
unit 'have -be
months Or -111
earc.ping (place
field, reSigned anid enlisted for over-
seas ,service.
Inallector Field's Report
Inspectoe Field, of West Huron.; re-
ported that during tne- laet year,
there were in litS ithSPeatOrate 123
public,,,sel3ool teachers, besides, alx
continued n „school. teachers, of these
10 had f st-class eertificates, 111 had
second-cla s, two third class certlfle
cateS, an one terramary certificate,
There we e 82 changes of teachers at
Tridalsnrn r, bat only five at the New
Year. Of the teachers, !21 are real
and 102 fexale. The highest salar
paid to ale teachers In rurs.3. schools
-Is nd feerak teachers $700,
Thie tot suer paid for iteaehers
tales for public schools Was $72,841.42.
The ave age salary Ulla, year is at
ledst as hagib as that of last year,
which is a little In excese of $600. The
and u n was 4261; the average at-
tendanee was 2975.* in Septez0er and
October any elsdlitrin ire kept home
-who ea be of use a all on the
farm. township of Tooke,rsmith
[highest in regular a,ttead-
001Xmit- stands
n out now about six
re. Tnis is sure some
and th‘ave been over
to the M C.A tent near the Alto;
tr.alian lines
enjoyed the
Jain, and
uite feW evenings ani
other fellow' and I
the: old villages here
and it sure was Interesting visiting
the 'Banal -room, &lin the ofld Greek
church- and 'iseeing the old "Book" on
the reading teble, the *tures. tapers,
never be ,.sent back there a -gain, but
GOel only knows ',where we will b2 sent
nqxt, or wheo. 1 would like to see
the Port at the eoutli far a fe*weeks
then bate to the old land, and in the
spring. over to jefin. the boys on the
distance, both. Asia and Africa now,
and weitoler if I will ever be laaled
ari 'enter of them.
X think Christras Day here will be
the eaerse as any other, except for our
little bits of cake and candy receive
.ed in thicke• pareels; and Sundays are
the same, too except you see
groups et soldiers out on open spaces
ed form., of English service, I was on
duty in the "cot tent" 2.11 day and
in the afternoon, had eighty pat -
lents to look after and sr !, they got
their own tea, etee and kept order.
Poor fellows, so many of :heal lacli
'frost feet" from that awful day in
the trenches. We were glad ~w.,:
were in the hospital work, although I
had an extra trip that attereoon
special ar.essages to the D,11.M.S,
Cezranandant at the Australian head-
etearters, -Seere -mud, but 1 made it
in an ihour going-, end a little -.a-ere
correng. I am 'having it easy this af-
ternoon iso far, but it evill soon be
tea thre again, oe some, more work
n:ay turn up soon. Remember me to
all of the old frieeds .Altheugh -we
rr.ay be shifted again- before long,
thie is the best ,a_ddrees now to reach
tme. so if arty of the old ,f.eleefie -
.1 would !sure like to get lettece bot
seme of them never react.; us I gues.
fDert:nt dar,egtaxriodAbheto Larallkint he" 'Icloenaers, H2,zold_
:teas, MetNalabe and -Murray%
I think I have given you. ail the newe
,can, for yoo will have read allthe
-reial news of these situations here in.
'yOu any more. May God bleas you and
eti you and haeten the day when
v,e lean meet each other in peaces
seri may He answer your orayers for
Your loving _boy,
No. 23539 R.A..M,C., 16th Casualty
clearing Station, Dardanelles Axm.y.
Huron Notes ,
tion of church Improvement Waa
usaed. The plan is to trove the pres-
ern edifice to the lot purthased last
year, band B. :cement basement under
the churen and probably add a choir'
alcove and porch at the front. The
intentbion is to veneer the buildin(et
„with brick later. A most desirable
property would. belong to the charcn
when completed,
• —Mr. Stanley Bartley had the trie-
fortune to lose all his household furn-
iture in a fire that completely dee
strayed his home in Ethel near the
obitsigileg trill early- one morning re-
cently. The fire apparently had teea
stroal.*Ing all might and broke out
between -6 and '7 a.m. Mr, Bartley bed
difficulty in lescaping with the chile
dnen in -their sleeping apparel. Mr.
Bartley is \in. business at Listowel,
where the faarily has eince goat.
- The geese postal revenue of the.
Wingban. post, office for the past
year was $6,8en,94a the nuer.ber
trAffley orders Issued, S703, amounting
to $37,508.80; total torr.mission receiv-
ed from public, $273.82; number of
money orders paid,',2046, amounting to
$22,310.22; aerotmt of. post a ootes paid
$2,982„24; con-Pensatin paid: to pest.
eeaster on money orden business, $168,-
58; eicamPensation Told \ to postmaster
on postal note business\ $19.96; ?last -
master's eatery, including commiesion
on ibox rents, $e 400.
—On Saturday last thee bridge &-
elves the Nine Mile River On the 4th
lapsed with the force of Ice and wat-
er Fortunately no one was on tha
bridge at. the time, although the traf-
and iqueer seats. It was dated 1875
tic that day was as 'usual. The ab -
and is Quite a. land Mark.. Them are
sence of the bridge is a great incon-
venience to those living west of the
river An gettiag to the village, but we
!understand a terrperary means will
goon be 7eosicled to nake traffic pass-
able until spring*, when a new an4
eubetaatial bridge will. be corstracted.
—On Ttreaday n:orning of last week
pretty wedding took lace in St.
Peter'a church, Godericit when Mise
Kathryn Amelia Flan of Goderich watt
united in marriage to Wm. Henry
Costello, of Hamilton. Wm. O'Neil. of
Winnipeg, an uncle of the bride, act-
ed groos:ran, and Bertha Costello;
ester of the groom, assisted the bride.
nnele of the bride, performed the
ceremony and Rev. D. A. McRae eati
the nuptial mass. The young eteeple
will rmake their home in Hamilton.
—Mr. A. M. Crawfcrd, the Winginiza
agent f3or etce Ftteri Motor Co., ar-
ranging for the, building a a new.
garagc in the owing+ on . the Nation -
bundling will be -of brick and will be
,modern in every eartleular. T.he old
'hotel „stables will be torn dewy . The
lkvIiietneibb:111Trtinaage lientb:oeingawcoeunivnegr. terdownint:.
four stores ,and tbc seconsi. Storey
These improvements, when- cornelei
—Arthur E, Hort, for five. years a
ident Usbornee and- well knows.
in the township, died recently folio
injuries received on the battlefield oe
France. His death was repotted last.
,Saturday, Mr. Hart joined the Their*
ecntingent, enliating at Toronto. For
a while te trained at Lindsay, latex
being transferred to Belleville, whern
isister resides. He was wounded oe
Dcerr.ber 26th, pneumonia tting la.
and in ttie cotcpany, under Maier
Sa-lee, whese death is also just raeettt-
ly lamented. bra. Hart for five years
aradn Ws home with Mr. and Mrs.
sinee -moved to Exet-er. They hare m-
a/steed eeyeral letters Mar the
wx:007 company be: had just ones
from. the trenches, whet re theY
with their first exPeriehee Gst
quite a 'few little . villages here in
sight and we filled oar water bottles
One night frcire ans±old Greek- welt on
the way toward the village. Tb.e men
bere Yircfar ti4e old' type of Eastern
dreas And tNe warden, -luta kids dress
queerly too. 'None 'of Vve Canadiat4
boys thle.ve ever received, any trail ad-
dressed `co', reinfOrcercents and I
want you. (to toottlice a new linS 101 our
tew address. in this letter. That wa4
the latest orders 1)efere we left
I do 'Iliol pe we are tent somewhere
where At As vea.rmer before the real
winter comes on, .lie middle of next
month, for I am afraid we will feel
the cold here some. Alright innents,
as Odd has been so good 'and, taken
such wo'Interful care of tee in all
thinge that I feet He will lead un
where He wants till -to be and I know,
jn health reed in -Strength in answer
to yours and other's prayers, for ar.7
safety. God' grant to keep Ere and
protect me from 'danger and disease.
Three of we Win4ipeg boys are still
together and John and. I are here en -
getter and -I dnq hope we can etaY
together all thro ' . He la on night
duty now and g ts a. little sleepy at
night and again ; gn the de*. IVO
are getting bread, sow here daily, In-
stead of the biticiu.it we ueed to get
when bread we.* wily once in four
or five days but we miss the igood
feeds a _if we bad at tea &tee,
bet the bread IS a welcome change.
We are -.quite itikee to the water
there too, 'and 14 is a fine sight to
up in the evenhago. Last week the
moonlight too, was beautiful and now
not finish up _with snort,
I fip 03ope 1)541 able time nett year
that this Will bei ali over and, victory
and neace tray i be 4oura once a-
gain, for God 1.4oara peace is Prefer-
rahle to war and Suffering. May God
'hasten the fday 'vrhen peace is de-
clared and the , wrongs of the poor
Belgians, Frendh and Setts are
righted, We Canada). boys are sure
Ihnving some eeterience in this Part
of this world and' guess few amen
boys have bad our thence of seeing