The Huron Expositor, 1916-01-28, Page 1191&
T `
Values 1;
21 t
rid into
coin at
Is offered
make buying
yle when you
its,. We are -
lose out every
ice the extra
-50 to 15
fo $12.50
for $15.oa and
rt 'tor $ 1.2.550
goods and
oods hair..
sty of corn`
'tag 6f the
ved at
angst these
It may be
be 'piece 'piece f
e some" #.
- r
vilcoLE NUMBER .211
OMMENCING January 27tb„and continuing for 10 days. Ls and 1,0 ays
i Company's a Steck of . ulot ing, Fur and
only. The Greig Clothing " p nys s 1 g,
Women's Clothing, Fu
n om s 1 h
Boys' and J
Men's, o
Furnishings. , � . � g+ ,
Furs, Men's and Boys' Oven. oats, Undetwear, Suits and Tr users, L dies'
Coats, Coat Sweaters for Men, Wainen and Boys, Glovep' ape, Ov= a11e,
Sheep -lined Coate, etc., representing in all $20,0110 worth of hi hest sten + and
quality merchandise. Here's a price explosion Sale and an portunn;;it for
picking up dollars that no man can afferd to miss. Commend g at ohs we
offer our entire stock of high grade wearabies at prices cu„ so ow that they
will be simply inesistible. We offer you sdollars totake t e goods a ay.
$20,000 worth of Clothing. 1+'urs and Furnishings at 1 to i off regular p ces.
Nothing reserved. Everything goes. It's our big yearly clearin sale, the time
whe n`lyou can get more for your money than est any ocher sea4 n ot.the ear.
i�� . � II
Men's Overcoats
Men's overcoats, worth and sold $6ever
for $ i o. ao, on sale
illi fY s.:w.. we.,,,.,. Ow 4....“41.0 •
The best of ulster overcoats, single pr
double breasted, heavy !cloth, neve t
styles, /+$.i 2 to $14 coats, $8
p 9
saleprice.. . w... .'. .c. ..;o ..... •
=Fine chinchilla overcoats in colors f
-grey, brown, -blue, etc., shawl .coil
or notched collar, close form fitting or
medium, with strap over back, regular
selling prices from 16.o0
to 20.00) sale price........... l 1 .
Boys' Overcoats,
For Small boys,ages from 4 to 8 year
regular price 3.50 to 5.00,
sale price-......................
For larger boys, ages i o to
splendidly cut, strong an
regular prices 6 50 to 9.50,
sale price..-.... ... 1-.. • ....
Furs for Meth
Black dog coats- worth
X20, sale price...............
Black dog coat with fine Astracan c
lar, worth $25.00, sale - - -
China beaver coats worth
$25, sale price...,...,........ -
Ccon coats, worth $8o
to $9o,. sale price.........:
Fur Collared Coat worth
$22 to $25, this sale...,... -
Fur collared coats worth
$18 to $2o, all go at...,..
4 year
Furs for .Women.
Fine Fur Set in black and blue fur
muffs -worth $ .00, sale
.............. ....
Sioies worth $7.00, sale
pr1Ce,.....wa. ... ••$3.
Alaska Sable sets, worth ,,
to .0o sale price $42, a_
6Q.C)o 75 9
Black Fox Sets, worth
$fo, sale price
Fine white Thibet sets for young ;els
worth $2o, sale price ` is
Men's Furnishing Goods.
Men's Heavy Klondike Sox, 3
regular 5oc, sale price . • • • .
Negligee Shirts worth $i, sale
pkice................ ewe.....
Men's handkerchiefs, worth i oc,
, sale
ii en's suspenders, 35c value,
saleprice.... a .. ... .. q ..
25 dozen ties, worth 50c, all
the newest shades,. sale price..
The best men's work shirts on
earth, sale price
Men's hose, worth 5oc a pair,
sale 3rice.........a... . .
Men's hose, worth 30c a pair,
sale price...... -
Men's all wool ribbed under-
wear, reg. 1.25, sale price.......
Boys' fine coat' sweaters, reg.
price 1.25 to 1.5o, sale price...
in d1
rail 7ep
kiwi the
ao.d r is 1
to di<
re rve ref financial; ,strengeht
tarsi.did very well In Imre +,sed
u c iii last year, despite the fact
heavy rains in the early part of
ry &
1d In
Torontq, ,Jan
rr as,e ° production is
el for the Outer
1. I rease,`d, product
told;, persons more the
!tore dollars in , t1hie
?ler, li elollarsj
iding the preview O
ems pion which is
raxination of
�hdertaking to
end,. but n emb
n!reent ase ur
their part ,
a v
s till
ry 214, 191q:
again to be l
farmer this
„ the is be-
at thefront
kets of the
be useful
r the- ;period
d to D1 -
he war, No=
11 ',when the
of the, On -
ng tb Mart -
aids 1 uilding
r ?damaged- the root crops to
Acme ,degree. d he loss f.rotri
d by txcessive rains is esti-
the millions, b t the farmers
Mill ar Ahead of the r old position
Nle rr tier of their -ti iduction and
inertial ia1 return. T+ example of
western pratrle. pro 1ices is being
•up io Ontario as Incentive, to
,gra ter efforts.
B. L leas, attorney : ner�,.1 qt" Or-
d, tele the men wh grelle things
t eek y extra 11000 :n _ rod' sten
ns orse more man ;he farting
.and that by the inept method
of .1acreesinse thie prod.i ti• of the
pro ince ;+y $100,000-000, 11ic u..ber of
Ire , tanned on activr ser lee could
be re,a : • by 100,000. 14'r. utas has
wa nerd, the ;province t i, be ;prepared
fpr a, ods of Indus tat +egression
when t not t .ore war
obis tbu
re i
war ends and
e ortuhcon 31g
farmers that
ers in this de
the boor?, sort
acre are evid
oat on "t h+e pa
stirs to profit
te•f is are now 1
the rural ` ?districts
a Iglreaterr
be 'n. R1hie Various aha
cle les„ - representing all
rang industry,
t'b •0e1ve s in the an
wI h 1a€ t� peer's ,expo
tgw ,. ,baa getting'
, war market, with--
tie Thew the d,etrand f
d is will lee distribute
t western producer
no a grain grower o
n last y►ear's increa
dgov rnirent itself
.va Gnus -- ,-vincial insti
t'h a assiumr at Whitb
tort, Marko, ko, W
London, Oriliia
• end the prosrinc
at Geselphlt all broke t
;s_.i.n raining crops
field production. at
ounted. to more th
a, Atilt larger surf, wil
whim the reports
da ryin,g, Ihiave bee
is money sande
is enough in tbt1
ie public institutions.
on o
re, del tt
tarfo far
:he 1 as-
w,ilt not
ea, in-
stry. Al -
ea de -
the On--
,race in
ntat io to
ti1a has
tee ?sting
nt l I reting
a thit
I upply
lea as
P 'w
t .ri +
n is
part., Thin
s €LSC i1• a.a
mou ...111.....,...NS•+..•.•.r �. ..
that must be made.. A large, number
of mien thieve one already from the
thidustrues in this district, but the call.
for more tro s means that every man
rwhe? can by ny possibility be spared
frbtni works or faetury must be en-
list A The 1 ' al breech, of the Can-
adian .elanufacturnes AssociaLion has
adapt, d aresolution pledging its
members to Jo -operate to °rite fullest
extern with t
he military
ar9 a tho
and a ;co:ranitte,er ham, been > ,peointe:i
for the, par a°se of Seeing that all
the ren who can be "Spared ire ;given ur
a clhlano' to
With oicd Half Their Pay
The fo1lo�
regard to t
g Important -notice ;n
withholding o1:; fifty per
cent. of thy, pay -of troops ion o-ver-
eas servleo as a ?savings nest : egg
until their r -turn to Canada at the
conclusion of the. war is contained. in
'militia order issued on T rid ;y `lIt
'tbeen f necessary, in - the in-
-' terests .est &, cipline, and In t,i* in-
terests - of ttee rrre.n them -eves, to
withheld portion of tta;: pay'. of traps
rm 'overseas ';see -vice Zentil 1 tf'eir re-
turn to Canad,a.. From the first of
Jan ,ry, therefore 50 per cent, of
the ;pay of tne rank and. file Lentil be-
wIi isel,d;
/roes those who have not
re re any aesignsrent of pas. As 're-
gards' those who have assigned. less
tirta» 50 per cent. of their pay, the,
difflencnce only between the jos-flan
assigned, and fifty per cent. of their
pay is to 1 withiseldr, The pay so
s 1tx thield wit I• be paid to the lam
inada at he termination f their main ed, last ,yeer's officials at the
engagement, but sin' the cash men ean;e salaries, They also granted $10
inveli,died - Or .e,, the overseas payranas- to the' Sick Children's Hospital and
ter,. London Is authorized ' to losue $2!1 to' Huron Carty C,hQ.ldeen's Aid.
it before tl seedier sa119, if the Society ,and $100 to the. Red Cres, the
latter - so dee res." bits largely paved by .tie acclama-
tion election,
—At the Western Dairteran's Asso-
ei;ation Convention held at St. Marys,
Anciently, Ethel Cheese factory - sus-
tained, its rep:tatkrn by winni:sg first
prize ja, ZOIT
�`Oot'}ober' white cheese,
ing gV&4* pd lits. t 'si. Brown also got
battalion, fi et contirug►ss'tt. He ibis :
the Chemoe �+ers esilver cul? tor'
been eviE $1 en agerrents and so
'highest owing cheese. This 1E } then;
,fn,+ bats ictir.lorrm rl. F`h.� fate which has
second year in sire 'eselon for hold-
ing the cup.
-- Or. and Mrs. 'Williams"Stanley. of
Hohr, viper 'have; moved to Clintoni.
Prior to their ids rtuxe a large num-
ber off friends gates at their
bkttre ar�esented Mr. Stanley with
a leather chair and a - well -filled
purse a t ors. Stanley with a large
Oxford E'b1e The Foresters also pre-
-rented Mr. Stanley with an address
and a past chief Ranger's Jewel. -
--At the annus meeting of Goderich
District' L.O.L., the following officers
for the ensuing' tear, were rineta11ed
by i ir. G. B. Hailey: District Master.
Walter En rnerson ; Deputy, John (c-
Clure, Chaplain, John Woods; Ree. -
Secretary, Adam' Cantelon; Financial -
Secretary, O. Welsh; Preasurei, Geo. -
Cooper ; 11. of C, A. Fisher; Lectua` -
oa r, Mr. 1�Lcfa1ven -
—A pretty wedding took ;,lace on
Tuesday of last week.. at the Blyth
!M`.hodist chisel", when Miss Ger'
`trial demises, daughter of and
ibfrs. C. Smith, of East Wawanosh, was
ratted in marriageto �.y ri William 3,.
Somers of t& Same township, keV.
George Jewitt officiating. After a,
short littn+eyroort trip the young co'
plc will reside on the groom's farm
in ,E2st Wawanoet.
orta. The
000, while
Ile& Ali
to mind Y
to which
ure, was
en -re po-
of the
to f
to f
ik re
m A
, true
' merit
also e
5o Suitings to be made to your meas-
ure in our own shops. Fine Browns
Greys, Black, and Blues, $18 90
reg. $22 to $27,sale price
REMEMBER all the above marked clown prices pre bas d on before,the-wor
prices. That is to say, the goods we offer now were boug t bit us before the
sharp advance vthich has tetcen place in all woollen goods Therefore this is
the last chance to buy clothing -at these exceptionally lowlprices.
The list of bargains given here comprises only small number of
the immense ranoe we have to offer but they Must,* the colossal re-
duction at which''you_can purchase the highest grade Clothing.
Determined -to turn our stock into cash quickly, We have -totally dis-
regarded original cost. We have made prices such:as were never be-
fore offered on Clothing and Furs like ours. '
potatces, the
affected the g
The -loss in
tat like 10 eel.
c'enter the re
highways com-
ae legislatur
roe and. a con
d county -road
11 parts of t
Iled for the
ry -to driecees
and areinta
roada, and
McLean, cheer
for Ontario,
the peril
I be, for thee
various coonti
of construe -ti
nIE the useful
dents in - tom
and of -getting
road prob
What is be
re end with()
as is- nee..ssary
a 'general
tura' of governrrent
op p of roads in
be le only upon
kiedl :it is partly to
that basis shall be
teen re being ca
laws and ire
stroctioin will also
se eer ehe build
Ham lton. The bull
nific t reed has se
peon .e to lee met
oe of highway
in rnishing tire
thee e
tine Will be told. to
tys. pct,
the pee-
wee lsW
been pat
_nee nas
ond we
aye end
orrk; Theis,
aid n t cell -
ane a tire
a Will be;
coining sees -
of lining
rence will
par e of get-
eerit 'and: sup -
with ore an -
herr, away from
r which each
to Work ?out
,s without rrela-
in the wor
Imre?, It is
motley Mion
he counties
determine hat 'into Hur
that the 'arty Use of t
togethee by ,the ifyle,gistra
, woe fin
beuendnillacegrcOgi.:vreenigii:hei,ae:41-1 61s1:717-pitlitrj;illa'''
n Toronto and be Went
e,ans by. 'Which Tee9nte,
be overtoere, Ali /ere eat
he conference next to'", the
tr°11T t%ebil‘result Of the gathering will be in mcr
the the coming season will see a fair
sta t reade.on the big scheme of road
bui log which the new highway 11-.e.
pro erreet act prov ,des 'for, the ; start
ove the province.
�a t.b -home of i , and ? Mrs. James C 11)
son, Ix11`orrlis, m Wednesday January
1211, at noon, when their yours ,est
daughter Pearl A., vas ha pity n ar-
riedl tee i1VLr. orge Cole, $ n or r.
and mine. Albert Cala 6th line of, ;
9orris. Thi cirerrony was eerfDraped
by Rev, &org'e Jewitt,. after which
the ,guests iia; the hu:rrfber of abbet
forty eat - dnern to a dainty
They will visit friends gfo a ew
the 161st and parade i for the chlzre i.
r h *r Maitland
or hi ..�
or totf �e o Lo,
weeks ri tleaving, AF d
w�. � f 1 , an .�..?�i , a.LSo
outtoIast ,
at Frabi,�i1�r, ask, i�
, �pay their respects
-- Gooer rh tewnshilp council, wrench to the memory t ttaeir elepartedr.
held its initial n:ieetiang last veek, chin- brother. The ehlac ch was filed. and
si.ste iF or the followle g�:; PTi c,
Senior O. H. Aa
Hockey Match
arnia vs.!
at PALACE RINK, Seaforth
Thursday, Feb. 3rd
Game called at 8 p.m., sharp
ItIeLBAN BROS., Publishers
$1.00 a Year in Advance
now being tor:reds
—A eremorial eervice to the ;memory
of eiajor Charles E. Sak, who idled.
of woteeds rs.ceived, while on duty its
France). was held, in St. Georges
neon. Lieut.lCol. Grebe and. officers
and the Clinton company of the 161eat
Battilioer with the Isattalion bend.
bb, many eould not ,get admittance-. Tha
Reeve; Dayed, A. Lindsan,„
an the service waa takieg place On Men-
ar hekl sremorial service in the lodge
.coreer, ceencillore, The toll
lacers Were appointed for
—At the aneual reeeting of St.,
Andrew's church.' Bayfield, the re-
t'S were very satisfaettory.
The eession's repoet snowed that the
membership a tho \ch-oret is 144 as
members havinc teen 'added to the
roll land two removed, The number
of baptiser.s wets eight and of marri-
agee„, six. The following is the linen-
rePart Ordieary revenue, $1277,
of $102. Budget offerings $276.„
maxi's Missionary Society, $284;
bath School $168, :Ladies' Aid Society
title. William Stewart being added to
cz,boawerare, otteeelfrleac4i-ae:rst.lie narr.c of
The first Senior 0,II.A. game ever 1914: Treasurer, Jorieph D.
played in Settforth. Very few ; of the clerk., N. W. Trewartha ;
hockey fans aromid here get a chance .G." Thompson; asseasor, 33E.I.
to see a game of this calibre. Don't -axidri tors.. George nist, Acne
let this o portmaity pass. A. Gould; medical health o
Seafort must Win from Sarnia by Whitely; member of board see the fastest game ever ' play -
think they can die it. Conseeepect- •
in Dultigannon. She lu-d been
ed in this part of the country end you patient sufferer from. rheumatism
won't be disappoihted. r nearly twelve years, She was in
Ladies 25c; Gentlemen Oen
D. REID late Mr. Robert Davidson, of that
the y
and. G.
ficer, r.
0. DICK legn and, a Mee. Martha DaVid 11,
Secretary waril hen been able to be at- her bled-
Pio= the Front r
- Fr* TolioNvIng letter la from a soles
slier .ron thart far flung battle line,
"Somewhere in Frame". He is the
in belallen ea any of our breve Cana-
dian boys. letter was written te
wattng of h the, soldiers at the front
hope for he frame Canade. •
No. 81 29 Ffrst Can. Div
.E. Fe• 2nd Battalion
L.—Your kind and inter -
arrived safely ' just
•, as you enpreased
ight. There ern. - times
ls. rather lonesome, per -
hat they term iromsick-
Greig Clothing Compan
about Ohris
-:wisliales it
When one. f
Napa it is
nese but not matter vehlat it. Is a few
lines 'from old, friceds at .leome elan
°here le chap up. The =aro mention
you einerne
wishes. I e.
right enacts ds here helping, -us in the
?dottrel task we.. have. undertaken. It
Sr 3
t -on the wnole thing.
for your kind letter anl
are -say Mere are er.any
long three
against. Ls
earese yo
many of
will be
which the
right to r
homes the,
and childr,
o realize what we are up
t us hive their awaken -
store it is too late. How
'chaps can poen as men
drawing r(xure puzzles
sineerre wish that •
lasion of the war,, they
atted, out of the , country
Can claire no legitimate
nraln in. Able men who
infuse to fight for the%
isheiter the aged, women.
axed all just cauees of
nation. shioulci be thrown
coirphitely out of it, we &Wald re-
fuse to lhaelboer there, There is no
ground th
given, them
Please p
we Undere
a bo
t floirtshes ander the
of our drear old flag, should
• cerneteryt, let alone La
nd that everybody isnot
tier, 'but this is not ea
idtlier's task, bat one of
y pen Is running dry soi
ciere, w s for the welfare of you,
and yours tor the corning year. You.
will hope soon see the victorloua
boys come marching home. Thanking
you segatin for your ewayer,s and good
Yours very sincerely,,
Huron Notes
home in Goderich on Thursday morn-
ing. Jam ry 2,0031, She had been ill
with pne melee
—Mrs. M. Hall, of Blyth. left o
Menday (f r New York to sail on th
.New Ars rdean to be with her hus
,band„ Ca t. Hell, who leaves ehorte
ly, with s battalion for the front,
—Scam] tt Bros„ London, wholei
ante gr rs and liquor dealers, ever '
th illegally snipping itqu
s fineappeared before Folic
Andre ws Saturday at
Mien: Brown, of ; Mien
a former resident of Gre
is here visiting his brot
eve Brown and Mr. Thome
t is twenty-five years since
west,' where he has prove -
nnual At Home and Patriotic
of the Huron Old Boys' A --
of Toronto.. will be. bed ill
£31.12W S9 Terreele; 229 College st.
on ,'Friday evenieg, Febr4-
6let Huron Battalion to aid
—'11hree sons of 13431. and Mrs. w.
NV. C. ten, 6th line of Morris, ha e
enlisted, with Brussels company. They -
are Ito Fred and Josenhi. Also
Messrs. rry, Roy and George Chan: -
the 5th line of isforrist have
with the Brussels Company in
litary officers
the be permitted
toe es of this mill
to' the not
Put Oaring work
t of getting
ere loyers are
suggesting that
to entet the fee -
y district and talk
uring noon hour,
[hours, With i the
recruits. Another
hex* and 'the
ing aske , tO take 4 off the ;Goshen Line, Stanley.
.gener I sacrifice 1 —Morris Township Council have re -
—As the staff ,eirrployed at Doty's
Engelke Works in God,erichew-a$ gang
to work -on Wednesday evenl.n.g at 7
;o'clock, tire was discovered coming oat
'ic(f the roof of the boiler house, The
etre brigade resportd,e,d promptly and
)soon got the inane under control„ but
the Ian -op, winch ,,is working night and
lday on eighty-1round Shells, was
(forced; to clOse a; few days for repairs.
Thle WOO Will be. ,about -$1,000, cover-
ed by linsunene-ef. 1
—At our o'clock on Wednesday af-
ternoo of lapt w,eek, at the Union
and (Churn manse, Rey. lames
Hattrilten ienited, in marriage Mr.
nwres 'McIntyre, of Duingannora and,
Miss Plora Isabel Potter a Colborne
of Me. Surma Potter,. of Colboene
township. The Prlide was prettily at-
tired in a gown of shot ofi.N. After
drove to the bride's home near Loyal,
where a reception wee held, .
—The farm of W,H. Kern, ,Brussels,
located on the, Worth Bowndary a
ownebip, has been sold to Mx.
ISICCreckent of the same local-
es now in exerseasion. Noah
n, who is now on 111,. Rs Bene
farm, Ws been the tenent for
bar a ,KarrEt. Mr. McCracken
Be.Idon farm, rented, ;for the
Jacklin has coiree back to 4t 4t' rOin
—Word was r,eceived in Godericht
on Wedlnesday of last week I of :the'
death of Major Charles E. Sale, of the
1801 battalion. He died of wounds in
his right leg ...t a field hoseitai on
January lithe The Major WAS well
known and very popular in God.eriele
Cairneigne and two children aged, 7
and 4 years. He had petacticed. dent-
istry in csodrerich for the ,past twelve
—The death of Mr. William: Brown
occurred at hie home in Dashwerod on
Satunday. January 15th, after an ill-
ness et only about a week. Deceased
W043 67 _years a at% Sella Or many
years lived en the 14th concession of
Stephen. He retired three year's ono
that village since. He is suevivel by
his Viidow, three sons and four dough-
ter4 Is -dement. was made at the
—The Clinten Newe Record of last
weeks sayer
were shipped
Yeartglols Corr
side frequently during' Iher ilhee
She leaves her. huldbandi and
childr.en, besides her mother,
sisters and, three brothers to m
—Miss Gwendolin Colborne, of Ba
ltortt, ad., danghter of Mr. and
31, H. Coilboene. of Goderich, and
brother, Art Harry Colborne, who
been attending Queen's University
will leave shortly for Cairo, E
nia party includes forty-eight n
Miss Colborne and two other 7
ladies from the !..John 1-lopldns
rital„Baltirrorer hath been select
head nurses of the ;party.
—The tfuineral of John R.
took Place Mandan afternoon from
residence a iiiis son, George Du
South Street, God to Mait arid:
cemetery. a,asdi was ,largely Eaten
Mr. Dunlop Nadi not bawl 4211d0
and ;Eir hbrtne as a breath in gen
14.6 ibiad been a Wee -kora farmer
the Bayaeld _mode areel, _ales
hied attained 'the goOd age of sev
one years, Us appearance was thaiii
of a. mom nuseli yo• gar. He is ,ear -
IF—1Mr. and Mrs. Iron Tuffordti, of
Goderich celebrated on the 6th bast.
the 25th annieevery of their *ezdr
MITA: :Vvihtleh beak place on Janleary
r of
the 16 t Huron Battalion.
—A q t' wedding was solemnised
at the I par Jona-ge of the Wellington
Street .1Metbodeet church, London,
when A. H. Hiliott and Miss Stella
Rathwell ware Joined in marriage by
Rev, Hazen. The bride is a dauen-
thie late lit2r. and Mrs. Thos. Sal owe
and the ckrgyrean performing the
ceresrony -was Rew, Alex. Mel. Man,
About twenty-five guests most of
whom were present at the , -wedding,
participated ill thel anniversary cele-
bration, Ur. and Mrs. Tufford -were
peeeented with two purses of liver -
together with man good wishes for
years of prose -erne* and, ihappine s to
—An okl resident of Goderick in
person a 'Mee., 3_13. ,nitken, passed,
aWay en Sunday evening, Janae,ry 16.
Dec esse4 vAllia had reached. the
good age of $4 years.„ wars Iv= in
Scotland,' her maiden name being
Elizabeth Calder, and came with bee
pareots tO this country when
• flevienten. Prhe family settled first
at Peterborough, and later moved,
to AllandPie , in Peterborough
county, Sixtyefive ,years ago' she ware
married to Mr. JPhel L. Aitken. whis
feYrty-feur 'years ,since the family
were horn to them, of whom tlmee
eurvive. Mrs. Aitken was a very
kindly woman .aeld an earnest Chiles
tian. for many years being e snernber
of the North Strt Methodist Cheirclit
—Tits funeral el the late Mr.
tery oh Teeadayi afternoon of laert
viwk from the home Of hie sail -bre
law. (etr ,Ba;rron, nes concession
of Grey. Rev,. 40. Ltlay conduc-ed
the service. Mr., Howlett came here
to visit fron Svetift Current. freak,
'where he resided with nia een, arriv-
ing there the Taesday before Christ-
i -rare On the way 4own the old gen-
into peeurronie, end pleurisy, caesir.g
his demise an Monday evening, Jan -
eery 10thl. He •Was 77 year.s of age.
It is fora:teen Years sinee the de -
a sister of Peter, Jacob and Chele,
Barrows, of Maleillop, He was ree
spected by a large circle ot friends
arid was a fine old gentleirees He
was a Methodist in -religion.
—The funeral ofe the late David E.
Cowan, -Ohio idled in Goderich on, Fri-
day, Janua,ry 14t14 took place 'from
the home of his, Mr. George
Cowan, concession 1, East Wavnanosie
on Monday to the Union Cemetery,.
The deceased was a eon of Abel Wile
hair. Cowan, of Gederick, and was
More on the homeatead now co
by his brother. -George, in the
1894 and whoa he retrained
going to Goaariet4 with his 1'
biet health, hand to return hoar
Was ill good health luntil a few ontlis
aga Oa been attending
—.George a native of Gade-
rich and eldest sear of Mr. andi Mrs.
Robert 'Williams, loud somewhat slid -
had, not beea eniOying robust
Der the past four 'yearn, but
iV.4T1 confined to the haute at
Friday eventleg ble ;was oat at
gather(larg and. met Satutdayi
pings of not being as well se
—The ianneal tweeting of the Kirk-
* ,Agriceltural Society was held on
Wednesday afternoon. The treaeure
er'e -report ehowed a balance on heed
of $3.25, after,. pa.ying all airlze money,
The following officers were alarointed
few the year: President. A:. Brethoter;
first vice-president J. Kelland; F.e-C-
tors, William Atkinson, Jarnes Stepha
Paynten R. N. Sheer, James More,
William Robinson. James Creary; aud-
fe" torn A.. M. Driver, and William Bat-
cliffe. !honorary directors', Dr, Steele,
J. Werner, M. P., Harry Ellber
Dowse seas unanimously appointed
seeretary-treastrer for the 1.2th year.
The president and secretary were
appointed to attend the etnareal con-
vention of fears to be theta in Tofeeto
Febrt.are 2nd and Vet •
Four fine laleaVy horses
on Monday to ithe 13 TM
pazty. of Montreal for
n their city delivery bus -
these! One pair waa bought ifrore, Ur.
Henry Baker. of the 16th. Concession
one of the best teams he ever owned.
which Uri:dies that it was a good One.
decidedly,. The third hoese was
0414,' its mate from isfat
N. W. Fritratlia, the cearpany's local
manger, periled, the abipment
Which will edd to Huron County's,
hone breeders laurel%
—A panettrt wedding took place at
He gradually greot Worse -until the
end carte on Monday rnorningt The.
deceased was arar ed eight years ago
.o Jennie Monk, Who, with twO young
brother. Robert, of Godericb, nd one
also survive, -,
160th and 161st belts a o Bruce
Friday evening, the y-terlan
Church, Whitech ch, .• veli eh con-
gregation eleven oung ,ea have en-
listed,. two being the renal' 8. Ade
dresses were de vered by D. „0.
Taylor and Private, ,McKinn of
161st, and Capt. McNall of t 160tis
basting reigned, from t a fro t after
being wounded twice, The masked
meg-hers Of the two 115 as
wit se other telent f ore laigham.
The church ,was c de . Two
stood up and n , da enlisted at
--The =noel cet of Willits
MeTagga 1 secretary. his is the
er, BD., !bile been the Minister of this
detach., having! forMerly been in
Chalmers IChercht. Loneloo, The mem-
bership lie; been; increased dl.ring the
year by and I the contribetion to
olssions Was $70 more than 'any pre-
vloee year. As a result of t 'every -
member lives.% the errvel offer-
ings wer '$„800 more Oren any pre -
John. leic wen, W. Collyer, and A.
Inlie we g elected to the bpa.rd of
truste.cs, It woes unantireouelY decided
to stye the minister $1.00 additional
salary AO the eoreing Tenah Bev. al---
laarperie nacre las been Mentioned in
llotese-Messrs, Thomas Newell and
Havvksitaw ware id Detroit
this week attending the motor show.
Buoleana.n and daoghter„ who
were visiting Mrs. G. Manson &Tor -
visiting INfr .=.4 Mrs. Frank Butbanan
tes returned home from Toronto,
whiere she was operated on for foot
trouble.—A Junior League has ixen
organized in connection with Saxes
S4-reet ehurch, Meetings will be held,
On Tuesday evening from seven fd
el,ght o'clock. The lowders _5411 be
Mr. A. E. Andrews, _Misses May Jones
and Ila Johnston.—The Saerwell bleck
here somposed of three stores, oc-
cupied by Jones & May, and sig.
loran. 'hardware orerchant, were
sold by public auction to !Mr. 3. G.
Jones for $6800, This is a, good in-
vestment as It is one of the best
business prowities in town. — Moe
John Hunter was caned to Grundy
Centre, Iowa, on account of the, death.
ther father, Mr. Were Dew. The
John Usborne, at one time ale()
bull, srf ,Ferquhar, and secretary of
the Usborne and Harbert iMuteal Fire
Ieeurance Company. has quit college
to eelist. He was a brilliant student
and in this, his final year won a
sehelarship, valued at $600, On Wei-
nesd,a.y of last week he was rearrk.-4
to 11,1iss Maud Ralph of Dandes, hie
parents and sister Isabelle attendiaeg
the wedding at • Dundas. iSfr. Sur. -
bull :has had 'charge et a church neer
ford, of Marlette, Mich., who hoAra
been visiting here for a few weeks,
'have returned home; lies. T.
unloading some wood at his ho
Sfettitevr Viniebeiner was stricken with
paralysis eoed is le a parboils omit -
daughter of aorrhe Alta, are lilt-
heg reIatives here and axe avests se