The Huron Expositor, 1916-01-14, Page 6• I
be a eeventyairraharitat
t ad Ce, hetionle la.
p dd1e 1we too-
Sat gored col • sedor mess treat -
Mont. **alight sch �d pain � •adtapl�
and c.
*iidt imine stren
'reams* far later
' To be mnger . , older, I your
blood pare and ri and: active the
atr ngtlt-building d blood-rton ttehing
-pettiest* Scott's l mntision whichiaa
a .. ' c and areediaine to kispyonr,
alley ate
rheumatism and
%void - • ea. At'any drug store.
Barrister, &elici;te ', Conveyancer and
teary SoII ttor .tor the Domes
Saba Hanky Office In rear of the -Dom-
* Bank, Beaforth. - Honey to loan.
j J.IL ,
,- Barrister, Solicit' , Conveyancer and
$ry Pattie. Office up -stairs over
'walker's furniture store, Main street,
a torts,
'. ROL
" Burlster, Solicit nveyand r and
Wary Panne. So for for the Cana
ilias b.k of ° ., •+ vee. Money to loan.
Patent foe salt. t}f Q e, ra &Ott% block,
Meta street, i!leafor h.
arriaters, 8osdait ra,, ,i4ota-*les Public,
lac, Rutley to lend n 8eaforth on Mon-,
rias of each mak. Office- in Kidd block.
W. -'roui ttooft, .0 s J. L. Killoran, S 1.:
:�. i
A GOOd Wor
lip tO alle present nearly 8 OOifee8
rtterheade have been sit Plied Tres of
urge by ,tire. Toting linen's Chrletlatt.
Asscelatton Workers-tothe Canadian
soldiers at 'home and oversea; In .Gate
tan p ;in Ctenada; and fro-. against. and
in the trenches . In Fra ce and Pel-
glutz.. Glimpses ,of tithe rvicee of the
Association fieri Will app: r from time
to 'thne en hhis paper, i eating meet-
itnlg`e, sing-sokwe, ooncer r , arraning
entertain -trellis : and saki tic meets
proving warn, land - day quarters , foe
'letter writing and, area g, • writing-
thousands of letters, Ind . ed, `to borne
themselves for denied who - re wounded
or Heating -in 4 word,, living :betide
the men and striving 1 every way
to add to their coenfcr and cljeete
There are al readly twen y -serer !at
work amongtate Canadl : n soldiers
There, ink trouble the Young isieale
Christian . Association t?e resentat vez
at the !front ,will not toe for the
Canadian soldiers, O a of thern
writes, � ;`Our• C.O. than ed• tee when
. I came Aver} stocked with a goad. sup
ply elf Feenc"h arozrey, so the `Y'
sentative sae cheques, postal or r
drafts, etc., ,for all comers to
tune of 3000 franca, The fact of y
being a f a.toinr_aker is known' amo g
the €mete„ and they (�'all firing th it
watches to ere. agent; are rectified
et once, the other: 1 send= to and n.
Many ra chap_ 3s surprised: et lgctti g
his watch back next 'tidal' 'and' °ne e
once has dt ``' cost a : cent.; Evert time
Io' to the trenchesI1coiuib k
bottled with requests for things, Orn
ders to Stilltetc, and 'go back
feel like a verltahlc • 'nta Cls s,
Iand, look sontetking Bike a Christ as
tree. • The Y.!M.C,.A. ioffteer,. Oats to e
brother father, lover pastern, 'in f
everything front brolter to :barber."
One hundred thousand- ,zrragazi es
were collected .in Toronto in one ' y
by the National Council of •the Yl .
C.A.'s. and will be forwarded to t c
soidic rs overseas. This Work- ;will be
carried on regularly. ,
Romer ate c
ary Dolle. All d
(bawls trated. Cal
ad to and charges rn
raeintiettry s epecialt
renes on Qoderich a
Dr. &Ot'e otficeL
Fs, V. S.:
Ontario Vetetin-
asee of Domestic
promptly attend.
Berate. Veterinat y
▪ Office and -refit"
et,:one dame east
( Honor ovelauste of Ontario rete In
ar College, tad honorary member
drle Medical 'Association ;et the Ontario
tsterinary College. Treats dimities of
all ikomeetia.Aetna ' bytthe ,most need-
, era principles. Dent try and Milk Fey -
Or a specialty. Of °pposlte- Trek's
Patel, Main street, Heaforth. AB art
lent attire hotel' #11 receive prompt
attention. Might received at the
f aJ.W,
r +AQt Richmond e't
/pexiali t Burger
esy diseases of area
t, Landsat, Out.
and GeIIito-IIria-
and women.
Osteopathic Physi
Specialist in !worn
dieea es rhenmstie
s: ne;vouedisvrd
sad threat. Commit
Bomxnercial Hotel,
std Frfdayia, Ssatro.
an of (loderlch.
's and . children's.
acute, chronic
rs, eye, ear, nose
tion free.. Office at
Seasforth, Tuesday
till 1 ctn.
Graduate at Fac ty of Medicine, Mc-
Gill University," Md treat; Member of
alolage of Physicia s and Bargees' of
:Ontario; Licentiate of MediCouncil
of Canada Post-Ga(aduate cember of
Resident Medical Staff of General Hos-
pital, , Montreal, 191 -15 Office two
doora east al Post Office, Phone 66,
Hea11, Ontario.
Office and residence--Qodsrich streets
east -of the Methodist church, geaforta.
Phone No, 46. Cormier for the County
of Baron..
J. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria and
College of Physicians .and. Surgeons.
Leas Arbor, and member of tlits» Ontaxia
Coroner for, the Couhty of Huron.
O. MacKay, heeler graduate of Trinity
Utnversity, and gold medallist of Trin-
ity Medical college; #nernber of the Col-
lage of Phyeieians and. St.rgeecia, Ontario.
Graduate_ of University of Toronto
iaccity of Medicin, member of Col -
lege of Physiciansd Surgeons of On-
tario; pass graduatcourses la Chicago
Clincal School. of Cicago; Royal Oph-
thalmic Hospital, London, England,
'University College . Hospital, London
Ragland, Office ---Baulk of the Dominion
Bank, Seaforth. Phane Na 6. Night
calls answered from residence, Victoria
street, Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
of Huron and Perth. Correspondence ar
rengements for sale dates can be mad
by calling up Phone 97, . Seaforth, or
The Expositor office. Charges moder
lite and satisfaction guaranteed.
sensed: auctioneer for the : County
of Huron. Sales . attended to in all
parts of the County. Seven years' ex-
perience in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Terms reasonable. Phene No. 204, R
1-3, Exeter. Centralia P. O. R. R.
No. i. Orders left at The Heron Ex-
positor Office, Seaforth, promptly .at-
tetided to.
tecensed auctioneer for the counties
of Heron and Perth. Arrgcmeanta far
wale dates can be made by callingip
Phone y on 23 Dublin, or 41 Beafeeth,
or the Ezsitor
erate end. satisfactionguaranteed.
B. S. PilILLIPS. ,
Licensed, atsetioneer for the ;count
o ±uron And Perth, Being a 'practical
terser sod .. m hi wsdt tattdiag
d, value of stock and hugdements
leares In: s better p sitlen to rear
tette good prime. chart moderate.
gl : i ra* guaranteed or no pay. Ail
weer& tee la linter will be prouptlet
from Flanders
i The,foilo$1ng 4s* letter recetwtly re-
ceIved by airs, J. J, adcGavin, Pre i -
dent the Women's Institute t'.
Walton, frorti Manson; Taylor, eon f.
ale.. William Taylor,'of . ,t Morris„ and. a
nephew Of life. Robert Jan -keep, w ..o
• rens time ime kept the •`` o den Lyo "
store in Seaforth. He acknowled es
the boxes sent blrr. by the Wornc 's
Institute last lioverrber. This ;society.
is doing considerable Red Cruse' w k
and, hold sewing meetings weekly.
Dear Friends, -Will now write a f ' w
lines to tank you. for a :Most welco e
parcel that was received in (good, c n-
dition yesterday _. and the contents.
thorot:ghly enjoyed, and the socks,
gloves, handkerchiefs, soap a :pd po
der were all ranch needed,. as ,.
worldly possessions here had tile'tn -
fortune to ,have( a shell drop on th m,
during. the .big borchardrnent ,in _wh h -
our P.Altaonton, Sgu'adrnr of . Canadi fin
a ounte4 Rifles had such.. heavy :casu t-
ties. idly rifle, a rmunition and. , . all
went, sox tar that it will. . never sae
-them a in. Regret to. say that o e
of ray •hest trlenle was killed andl 11
his belongings were unharmed; so 1
have his• tbdnge now, excepting the
personal effects which were sent to
his hie: intit England, i
This is no doubt a pretty couetry,
but nm• :afraid. that we ,soldiers hags
the .artistic eye. We loathe the patch,'
as it is a case of rain, read, - isSttah
and rrerre rnud,, and we have to v} t
in it up to the knees. Most of
travelling to and from the .trench at
and, working parties is done ear g
the. darkest park of the night and i-
ter one ifalls three or four tiee s,
woe unto the enemy le all threats
were carried. ayat. 1
The Cana+dia.ns -haven class of rn n
here at the ffrontt to be proud of a d
are , a jgood -natured, kind heart ,
fearless lot and we have 'lots ` of f
at tines at rine another's :xpenee ',and
even though there are th rdshirs, c
do not .wantl;to leave 'her. ;untl t e
Germans are beaten to finish, s
sante of the ,crimes the. committed,
while in possession of this ,part of the
Poultry for ta, few days a the begin-
ning o f !the war, ane too awful to
describe. I }
One hears a lot about he Por
Suffering Belgians," but t ey are =.scat
in a, bads condition at all : d, some Of
then are dothg betterfr, m a finan-
cial.standporint, than. ever they did in
peace titres. Theyy are t ylng 'to .•get
as much as °possi.ble out of the eel--
e�l-rdiers and IDlvet them very [little in tact
;hange and, a great many are pro -
German. One place near here. where
we were `=in the trenches, one of ;the
farmers was .shot as a } py and eight
identity discs taken out of his bocJ-
et which accounted, .for eight . Britt h
soldiers that 'Ittihad killed by sniping'.
It is surprising how irany narrow
escapes one can have and what they
can !go through an -d• still }saveg d
health, as most of us ate . feel' sT
flare and, just to think olt Decen b r
1st almost makes one gr w cold
.The trenches are divide Into thr; e
lines send, the:lines :divide and ntu -
iseredt and each, squadron has so treah
to take charge of. On vvedncldalj
rrorning we were in the front lira
about one hundred yards from tine
enemies 'place of abode and a'ei
warned that a gig bombardment eels
Ice. take place that afteroon. We
to ver realized. how bad t could' to
a 1 it sce7ned;'as though all the demer. s
in hell were ishrieking, as the C'`r-
rr•.ans' shells °were bursting in a:na
around our trench while our. shed's
hada to travel so low to and in the
Germans' lines that it s emed as
though one could touch :,herr, goin'
over head; and the shrieking, whirling
groaning nc°ses were and
• T;he force i of the shells
ous and they were mostly
s treu.en ••
high e o
Save your -Hair! Get, a a5 cent botft:
of Danderine right not -Also
stops itching seal,
Thin, brittle, colorless and, seragg:
hair is mute evidence of .s neglecter
scalp; of dandruff -that wful scurf
There is notaing sodestructive tr
the hair as dandruff. It rs the hair
of its lustre; its strength . nd its. ver:
life; eventually producing a feverita
ness and itching of the s.+ alp, whirl -
not remedied causes th hair real ,
to .shrink, Ioosen and di -then ale
hair falls out fact. A Iittl: Danderi;a<
tonight -now -any time-- Fill surf.::
save your hair.
Get a 23 cent bottle of Knowit :':
Danderine from any drug ;tore. Yu•
surely can have beautiful h it and lot,
'of it ifyou will justtry a little Dc••
derine. Save your hair Try y it.
p f Ives 9th 'a le* etre
tifcretee, a Met dnt'Igroui)s
ex . titin every
hurled.: htoeternity as ' t
act roachirg-wbi z
earth w' ld tremble :an
a a ce
lg' dsp cr
anayd 'ta, -smokeraten a
shoata y a'+
a'nid(r• .fit dowot nit ori s
a , the ; a other would
oh a b4;11t with a
re vt u u „be ,a bow r
,aterial ti' to a num r r
bays we c- buried alive
ar h last othem r r 6'frsa"nwr
all t •'b reedd tar b
ndetti hero:, X had
vOtt d h vel tibcen •stll
I bet'tveet .
three and
re to •:h
fere world-
arid, the
few feet
ould opals
pieces - moo"'
t into the.
in showers
the trench
ndlbags and
o . trench.
of the
a friend
ta, aluog
eds Xy the
sings and
n standin:r
my one of
where he
'big that
haver his
first shells
11 dark erg
ring' there
ght adage
toll was
ghty men
d and tett
many ark
t thing o
our. begl
ere beteg
we theme
th, but,
hung yard
year, 19ii6
soon bel
o our nit.
a: vain fon
elp and
home that
d eausing
er friend;
T s.YLO1t
Manitel and North
'Anne t died at
- P alga on .Newi. Years de
ot 101eyear The remain
Pater himster; of
n Who has occupied t
b the far _ere 'let tae Davi
d trict, to 1;12.300 bushels
ranged ale to 61 Ins
delivereti free Of Icharge
-The Se vetien Arn:y
Triers Da enable C
se , the id; ners took place
e t thaws, the first one
4 ptra_ Every army corps
y s7t b ohi e a r e nes
und, Ont
of the aetzt
ne ted the
A my Amb
pr viouslyt
A. lifea
• der the
he left It
he hottse.
th body t
• wipe Li
an went,
as j....1.Hagne-rdr71
work and,
war pu
dep.). found
of a
ation. of 1,
and Hart
Farm, Pa,
yoeng .an
ada. Tide
brr,d! as UAL
eon. Gran
En -sign w
cola; sTirnrnt
owner of
Che •Guel
cents per
nd surgeon of
lyen up his p
ria The dock/.
hie birtnplace
He has been
e n on active
ha h, a fearer
s south of et-
as shot 'and. ks
bred Iran. The
Intluence of 11
Atter he'
dragged him to
FIndane, he e0111
iere he. burled
e peep in sit
ne back and th
age's -we're ir
as soon allele ta
'h r neighbor
the police. N
he terrible
vA on his .waY
a new high e
as invented
n writes the
'ntains Berne pi'
hitherto, been
es. Mir. Alla
shell whieh
to a constdera
ness of air rai
the _solitude of
for the study
ly .sold to ;Me
al ;was sold to
higliest price id for an
thils lage In _Can-,
-oung !bull is vs ry highly
Champion at t Regina
of 1911. Sh. as sired
Victor 1, N hosirewa°sE
grana champ or the
western fair c cult this
. McGee o• was the
et: McGregor, be young
,off onors at
(and Toronto ows rei•
whIch was sodd :for 46
und, live weigh .
t Notes
ortage la
ere taken
rt age la
holm Me-
e position
of wheat.
tic acres
els. The
Vogt. and
the. im-
on New
at io the
at differ --
tar -tint; at
the city
or th Da-
actice to
ing Owen
the Un -
h the let
g and: has
living Live.
d instant -
man was
uor when
not hide
he body
alerted to
he would.
get away
r. Stevens
cause is
o England
sive shell
tish war
eip'es that
foiled ifor
the hopes
le extent
the foot -
b !he was
a suitable
d elabor-
s. }tartly
ley Stock
ng son of
Tills fine
. Walk ng Empty Head d.
It is one the regulatio s of the
British ar that eVery Bel ler when
stich in old r to preserve a soldierly
,dhoearance nd prevent any ,hing like
stouching gait.
Tills pplies to all rt nks, and
shoeld an one eeek to ev de it he
woeld flu his progress .barr id by the
sen y barrack gate o !entrance
or aswagger sticks," noncomInissioned
invariably g ID for the more xpenelve
kina. It ita question that ins oftrn
been .ask.ed. Who first slims ated the
From t earliest tame thin ser-
geants an rum majors. hate (-eared
froth that ro t. Soldiers, neer rule buy
their own ell ke.but in one or two reg-
Troll -a -lives" Ovi Kno
Woman's Deg Mean
"FRUIT -A -TI ES," the farttett
fruit raedicine is ii)ar icularly well inti
fin- the use of womeni because of its mild i
and gentle action' and its pleasant taste: 1
In severe case§ of Consiitationt //di-
gestion, Bloating, .5g k Headaches, .1'ain 1
is the only meditin needed ad correct
Buell troubles and r tore the e frerer
to complete healt .
luable to purify an earich the blood
and build up strong le and vigor.
At dealers (i... se t ostpaid by ruite
Le:fives Limited, wen.
wan, he gets hte en
lost, however, he h.
and subsequent on
There is a storn
day who couldn't
knowing be woeld
didn't have sothet
quietly picked ite a
through the gate a
his Win -Dundee 41.d
form. If MI gets
s to buy the itext
id, of a soldier one
ud ids came ond.
e challenged if he
ing in his hand,
poker and paesed
1 right with a. In
Made the Enernyi urnish :Denote,
When, the Beitir 'were endea °fang
to subdue the ea they wer long
natives to ropleitiO. their stock o Oul-
lei* at the eepenee of. their en Mies.
expose it from Whir d a tree ne r the
Malik lines. leant diately the Brit-
ish :would blazei 'Ohay at it. ehind
the dummy the Meals would hav Con-
structed an eartin b nit and fro this
they Would later d their supply of
bullets to send/ back to the British.
It was an inter st ng sight to writch
a beaver at his e e ing toilet. To be-
gin with, instett of sitting up with
his large, flat ri bed tail proteuding
behind him, he c ed it forward be-
tween his Innd 1 gs and -sat upon it
Then with his ha d e carefully comb-
ed his long hair, ns g both hands at
the same time. ere were many
places, however, t at could- not be
reached in this way for his arMal are
very short an,d hi ody very large, so
places with his ind feet, using lirst
one and their- th Other. The entire
operation was pe formed with the ut-
most deliberation and care and oecu-
pied more than a tenter of an hour.
The Appi n Way.
The 'famous A pi n way was con-
' structed - by di ging two parallel
trenches, three f et hi depth, a the
bottom of which ere placed two lay.
ers of flat stones Mortar, upon which
a layer ef cobblestones was placed, also
laid in mortar.. - hen -came a• eourse
of pebbles In cone ote, over -which were
placed large, fiat' leeks of smooth lava -
tv'eli joined toge er, forming an even,
uniform .surface. It was primarily a
military road ,an extended fltOM ROMe/
to Brunduslum, 'stance of 350 miles.
So perfect was t construction of this
celebrated road t at it still exists in
places as good t ever, notwithstand-
ing' it was made nore than twenty cen-
turies ago.
Beethovehls aest Days- .,
Beethoven had trOubles besides the
life the conduct f his brothers -irked
and; grieved him, alndi when on the
death of one or theM he adopted his
orphaned son"that nephew's outrageous
conduct, broke hie heart. Then he. felt
the sting of pov-er y. Dying. he would
have tacked the v ry: necessaries of a
waning life had t hot been for the
Philharmonic Sod( ry of England. The
society has DCVO' boxisted of the fact,
but a fact it is tb tt !n.' douceur of £10b
sent by it fo Beethoven at his last
gasp wade death ess a, martyrdom to
the famous musici lit there it otherwise
would have beeti.e Lontiou Graphic.
Wooed W
• Among the Yao
many 13u rtnese-Ta
men woo their etia
out words, but t
Sic. On the first
marriageable girls
the music made le
sit under the "des
inn his favorite ,
maiden he loves pi
plays louder and.
girl ignores him
knows that she Wi
If ehe steps up to
er upon the instr
grasps her -by th
away together.,
ith Music.
Midos, one of the
tar peoplathe young
tbe sound 'of nata
day of winter 'they
, ;at which all the
gather and listen to
the bachelors, wbo
re' tree," each play-
ts,rument. As the
sees him the youth
ore feelingly. If the
and passes oe he
I have none of him.
Ira and lays a ilQW-
ment be jump$ up,
hand and they go
Male Fast's' mit In 1850. '
Male fashions 0111850 had other dis-
comforts besides 1 ng hair. Trousers
were tight and but weed under the foot
with broad straps Every man who
anoired tO be wel dressed wore hie
flays Vinol eates Strength
Rosary Hill Hom
r -"I have used V
down, weak or era
benefit. .Qne young
and ill she could h
for aid. supplied
She was strong, he
her cheeks rounded
We guaranteeVi
petite, aid digesti
and create stren
.CHAS, "ABEErfaht
ol for many run-
unted patients With
woman was so weak
dly creep to my doer
Mel to her liberally
rdly recognized ,her.
color charming and
outs "-MoenEa M.
ol tp sharpen the sp-
ew/kb the blood
eon su high In the cd11r #grant'' the
back of the bat rested on its, This
Cashion wee go prevalent that, accord-
ing to Mr Algernon West, "every hat
had a crescent of cloth on the back of
the brim to prevent the rubbing of the
bener or imitation beaver of which
the hat was made, for silk hats were
not then invented." nd from the
tam - authority we lea as that "opera
hat wereunknown, a d in the even-
lria fokling elrapestu-,b as vias carried
ttndg r the tldop Meng,
Rather Hard on Father,
A ong the Walwai tribe of the Amts-
zona basin, as among several others, the
eta sus custom of the couvade tra-
vel s -that is, whet a child Is born
the father takes to his lrammoek and
re Gina' there for a month. During
tin time he refrains from .all stung
foo , and the women wait upon him
as an invalid. Meantime the mother
of the child goes about her work. -
"Naive Life In the Amazon Wilde
nes " in Travel.
The Same Thoughts.
do t ye know, that I had been born a
rai h, don't ye know, over in Ind*.
don t ye know. Bell Britely (wearily)-
wa. just Wishing,that very same thing
The Hospiteble Beard.
"Tour wife's dinner parties, are al-
wa. s beautiful affairs."
es," replied Mr. Cumrox. "At first
peo le didn't ,seem to want to come to
'ern 1 guess mebbe the high cost of
Livi is making a difference."
A Difference.
eYou told me Jones bad become an
"1 didn't say anything of the Icind.
I told you be had gone on the itage."
She Knew, Better.
OatensIble .Etead of the Family -Kee
ria, there was a caneaseer at the or,
fice today who wanted to sell me
wot k on etiquette and good behavior.
treaches ft In sir lessons: I told hit"
IV ask you if you thought we want-
ed la
Reai Head -It's all humbug, JoIM.
'.*:11q be taught in- six lessons. I've
beets trying to tench It to you for BIZ.
teea years and haven't succeeded yet.
Photography was discovered In thie
way; Daguerre was lying on a couch
hislattic abode and saw a sunbeam_
fall upon a spot fh the darkenedaoom.
He was startled to See the objects on
tbe street vividly portrayed in all' their
colors -in fact, a panorama of the in-
cidents outside. He studied the sass
ject, and his search in the mystery
was the beginning of all that is beaa-
tiful in photography today.
"Is that an eight trey clock?" sal& the
young man as the timepiece struck the
midnight hour.
"Well," replied the sweet young thing
witb an unconcealed yawn, "why don't
you stay a little longer and find out?"
Very Serious.
She -Are your intentions toward the
widow really serious? He -They arat,
I intend, it possible, to get out of hei
Precocious Child -Papa, tell me what
is humbug?
Parent (with a -deep drawn sigle-rt
is, my alear, when your mamma pile -
tends So be very fond of me and puts
DO buttons on my shirt. ,
Young friends, in whatever pur-
suit you may engage you must not
forget that the lawful object of
hunru . efforts is but means to
higher results and nobler ends..
Start not forward in life with the
idea of becoming mere' seekers of
pleasure --sportive butterflies search-
ing for gaudy flowers. Consider
and act with reference to the true
ends of existence.—E. H. Chapin.
A High Priced Fricassee.s
Lord Alvanley, a noted wit and high
liver In Englaiel a hundred years or so
ago, Insisted on having an apple tart on
his dinner table every day throughout
the eear. On one occasion he paid a
caterer $1,000 for a luncheon put up la
a basket that sufficed a small boating
party going up the Thames. Being one
of a dozen men Caning together at a
London club where each was eequired
to produce his own dish. Alesalley's, as
the Most expensive, won him the ad-
vantege of being entertained free of
cost. This benefit was gained at an
expense of $540, that being the price
of a simple fricassee composed entirely
of th'e "noix," or small pieces at each
side of the back, taken from thirteen
kinds of birds, among them being 100
snipe, 40 woodcocks and 20 pheaSants-
in all about 300 birds.
Cold Baths.
A few years ago the remarkable dis-
covery was made by Profesor Wintae
nitz Of Vienna that general cold "baths
have the effeet of increasing the num-
ber of active cells in the blood to a
very remarkable extent, the Increaee
sometimes amounting to one-fifth or
even More. This Is one of the ways In
which the cold bath increases the re-
sisting power of the body, and rallieft
the blood cells, so to speak, calling
them out from their hiding pieces and
preparing them to fight with vigor the
battles which most be wiged every
momeat In defense of the body. -Good
Barrister's Fees.
The barrister's fees arearrecoverable
1 customers and tan also Mat off MIs
advance, a - ntfl recently y
in acus Y every bars
deter,' • had on his table a gentle re-
minder in the way of a fee bevel. In
earlier tiMes the client used to drop
surreptitiously tite money In a 'liter
bag at the back Of counsel's gowns. A
truce of this receptacle stili figures in
legal costume. --London Chronicle.
Eliminating Risk.
"I hope the motto of this railroad is
safety first"
'‘It is," replied the man who thinks
only of peeuniary precaution. ' "I no-
tice It never lets anybody travel a mile
without paying in adyauce."
"The population of Our town is grow -
"How many people now?"
"Tbere ain't any more than there
Were last year, but the children are.a
whale lot bigger."
At the North Pote.
The taaximura temperatures- at the
north pole is Almost never above 32
degrees F. Even during the twenty-
four hour days at midsummer the vast
snows and stretches of Icy water pre-
vent any rise beyond that.
The common everyday bean Is a ma
Hee of South America and was Intro-
duced into Europe, whence it was
brought to tide country in the sixteenth
century. It is now represented by
more than 150 cultivated varieties.
The Habit Strong.
Ardently (to -milliner's assistant) -
Lucy' Ribboneounter, life would be
worthless to me without your Iovel
Dreamily -My heart Is yours, Harry,
Where will you have it sent?
Oatmeal For the Complexion.
A lady once asked a physician what
was good for her complexion. He told
her to use oatmeal. "Do you mean rub
iti on?" she said. "Yes," replied the
physician, "e ub it on and rub it in -
swallow it." -Good Health.
Martin Van Burma
The first president born in the United
States of America after the signing of
the Declaration of Independence and
the establishment of national unity
was Martin Van Buren, who was born
In tire atate of New York in 1782.
How 6ur Solar System May End aed
a New One Be Born.
The whole of the present solar stet -
tem Is ultimately to fall into the suet
ceusing au explosion tbat mate result
in a new solar system. Sods 'is the
theory put forward by Professor Philip
Fauth, a well known astronomer,
whose reputation has rested principally
upon hie researcbes into the conditioue
ninov7111.feature of Dr. Fauns's the-
ory that It is Mad tiport the puppo-
sition that a great part of the kii'M
solar system, including especially the
planets Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn, are
not composed of mineral matter at all,
but are tremendous masses of Ice or
balls of lee surrounding a Mineral ker-
nel. Furthermore, he declares, a part
of what is now known as the Milky
way is not mineral or gaseous, but "a
ring of ice dust," masses of particles
of ice suspended In space, the other
planets receiving a constant addition
to their ice mass from this source.
Professor Feat's declares that the
world already at some remote periods
has had a. similar experience, resulting
in tbe death of nearly all animate na-
ture, and that all species of life as we
know it have arisen since then, Even-
tually the planets swinging througb
their narrow orbits will fall into tho
'sun, causing a new explosion and pea
haps the birth of a new solar system,
but for thousands of years before that
time. all life, either on earth or else-
where, will have disappearett
eteptilds, Eggs.
Reptiles' eggs are not very attractive
objects. In the case of crocodiles and
Many kinds or tortoises they are pale
colored or white and resemble those of
birds in shape. But the egg of the
gopher tortoise is remarkable for it$
cumpiete roundness. It might well be
inistaken for a golf ball. Many snakes'
eggs nre soft skinned, brown as to col-
or and look for all the world like a
number or new potatoes.--Sclentifle
Strictly Bu4ness.
"You say that couple lead'a cat and
dog lifer
"Too bad. Incompatibility of temper,
A suppose."
teNothing of the sort, They conduct
a' cat and dog bospital."
and more, people with chest and
throat troubles have tried to cure
.them by pouring cough syrunk
-lung tonics and the like into tit
stomachs.. All a mistake!
Peps wey different.
Peps are tablets made up of Phi* ,
extract, and Medicinal essen
which When put into the moll
turn into healing vapors.
are breathed down direct to *
lungs, thront and bronchial tu
et. hot owallowed -down to the
stomach, which is not ailing. Try
a 50c. box et Peps for your cold,
your cowls, bronchitis or
drOggiets and stores
Co., Toeontoe Will supply
healthful situation.
is Productive Of Pore HI
Thou Anything Else.
If the truth was only knoirityou'w
find that over one half of the Ole II
are caused by allowing the bowels te
into a constipated candid/its
eole cause of constipation is an
liver, and mikes the liver is kept
you may, rest aseured that it
jaundice, heartburn, pilea floating voila
before thlueyes, a feeling as if you
going to hit, or catarrh of the stoma*
will follow the wrong action of this,
of the Most important organs of
Keep' tbe liver active and wo
properly by the use of afiaburn's Loaa-
laver Pins.
writes: "Having been troubled
yealls with constipation, and '
various so-called remedies, Which
me no good whatever, I was persuaded
found thein most beneficial, for they *re -
indeed a isplendid pill. I can heartily
recommend them. to au wato suffer htim
Iraza-Liver Pills are
vial, 5 vials for -$1.00, at an -decant
mailed direct on receipt of price by
T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat.
"For ierormation that Ti -ill 1c2.0. to -
persen or persons sniferints from,
Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison„,
SLin Diseases, Bladder Troublesi
Special Ailments, and Chronic or
Complicated Complaints who can-,- '
not be cured at The Ontario Medi -i
cal Institute, 263-265 Yonge St.
Toronto. 1 Correspondence invite
You ehthald aid Nature to throw
off proraptly. To loosen the eougle
relieve the lunge and heal the in-
flamed threat tissues, try the
It is gut* -acting and very
effective. Keep a bottle
ulwaysIsniuind. Ail
druggists. P;101:
25c. arid 50c
Business an
Westervelt School
'London, Ontario
College in c=
-essio-n Sept. 1st to
WeAte-rvelt, Principal
Butter Wrapprs
Farmera Or Dairymen requiring But-
ter Wrappers as rovideu for bz the
Dew agrictiltural regulations, can hav'e
the eame on the shortest nottee ht
Prices •
In ts of 10001
1.13 lat3 ;Of 500
of the
.,..i.orwtyrbekari. prepared, and addition's and thangto
eel t thou be reported to our Loma Manager
Rove you o telephone ? Thm: who bora
VrnY not ardt:r to -day and have your
name i32 the new direetory?
ed. The ea
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a sudden
TT Ites e tn ()int beds, ar aro at wha
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Meth room.
of crude.
IxenUaeoaldf erdoncfluale:ghub:
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