The Huron Expositor, 1916-01-14, Page 4g,
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4 5
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25 26 27
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• 1;.:14 z.
a81 29
Woomes Ftre-Eitswart rroer-a
lualiberingTooli--G. A ills-e-
Sisuusey thetavish-S -
lumber -N. Cturi-4
Plownsie. Institute -4 '
Hockey Satoh -8 .
entlotautloreek t Edwards--&
Annual 1(eet1ng-5
Town of 8eatorth-8 °
Curial -hanks -4
pecitRetwarleher-.1. Invire6e-8
Tann for sale -Mrs.& norranee-6,-
Pay lip -A. autledse-s
At sine nierain-Thoniesoies Boots
ortuding-Te Aberhart--f
Aosounts-G. A. ,
Zenoirtrm-o. L. w1Iitens-4
Cows brsale-Georse T. Turnbull -
re -t
on Extutottrir
iselVea, 18 :aran31it by he xifi,
Itaatedepreelattian of their aecurlties
-abroad.4711eir bond i :ere now gOlig,
_abeggireit'e-011, the New, Yo k
markatiti-ah, .ea,idlektitott- at 26. pertehtt
cif thetattacet value eted7.there As ev-
crY rpoSPeet :'or a '60 iser,* eat. - rea
4:et haerthInSe:T' re 'teltvIllesalt:fint" " hsk,v11131
e . , . -
sntOthAT:i kle Germans; and, .will 'prove
mote aiestructive !the ' prbspente
th:ait thhir a0PhYriathsg. af see have
been upon the I;ireatchaadeTheittiat- sole .,
alters. As soon.!ias- the neutral Paivt..
ers -find :that Geartany Is not lenge
let !able to :payc`aellahler the supplies; _
she purchases they. Will ts ut!..rf the,
supplkaa .Th!. will, cause* trouble at
home taMotig_ the. hungryGerrnan peo-
ple. Thee Tie the thing thataWillbring
thee Kaiser and his advisers to. their
.aensea, store tteicklY than any loses
they arey !sustain ointae battlefield,
The • Britlitt .strangle 'through the 'op-,
- ,
-erations of. her navy Ile working game
what slowiy..but ,noae- thel leesure-'
ly. 'It is iltapet the ar hensene
1 fate „that co Id, overtake the Ge ins. .
-The •Fulford :Eget% of Pink' Pills
eeterkty, hita •ijut made a 'grant of
410,000 to the. ',Canadian Red Cras.s
. '''''AIXIKtit $2,000,000 ereentMy is paid out
by the Itlilit a ,Depertment in itsrairient
a oay Or separaUon allowances to de-
pendents or relatives of Men at :th
teal° Liberal leader, was taken' to the
-Hon. A. a Igho aye farmer On-
thiesititai!in Edrontoi, Alta., wafering
_frOm, ecete Lnsey,-, and was operated
utain. Itis co ,Ithatt la regarded as eat-
SlifeeterY as Ocild, b» expected. but the
l'Ithlraleleona rega,rd, .It as still critical.
a . -A 1214,111 lit . dealer 'predicts that
gasoline. 'will•gis ' to forty Cents, • per
gallon or lov€Ir Id,arinethe toning emit -
mar,. The for 'this rise is. -a
stamp an th,. .supply in Texas * and
OklahoMe ; and. the.large increasers. In
'were the' World over. .- ..
-,,A: five, million dollar .Toronto com-
pany -has been organized to natio-
:fact are ansmimitiorl and, explosives Of.
-all kinds. The ooMpany Is known ae
the Canada, S NItro ,'Ptiatiucts, Limited.
Another two million OonteanY ergo -
'teat Im Toronto is !the .Williane Wrig
1-y; jr, - COMpany,i Limited - to care
an the! busineast of manufacturin
thew -lig gum. , , I e I
-The new International Hotel ' at.
Sault Ste. ,Marlea.Onte Was burned on
ItIondate night, Cattning a losis4 Of .$250,-
000. A. Pollock, manager of the ha-,
telt Who was 111 in. bed in a thir
float' • roone . was rescued, with dif ii.:
dully. ,iThsh guests, rr.oat of whc.
.ffitaderetited. escaped injury,. One el
. Mari tell 140 feet le= a' ladder an
Was badly !Ishii.
. .-E. A. Osancaster, M. P. for Ltneolie
did at jhis bber.e in. St. Cetherines, afe-
ter a lingering illriesi of over twO
yearoe He tlefeated the late ' Hon.,
Williarr iGibstin In i 1900, and ' had • 're
preeented. Lincoln county ever sine :-
He leaves a wlfe, one daughter anil
two ." sons. Theeteldr Oant Pala. E. H.
Landes:ter of the 10thi Battery, - 3rd.
Brigaudet Canadian .Field - Artillery,IsIs
now at the front In Belgium,. .,
efr, .Charles Wellman; a farmer ot ;
Thurlaw,, Township; aceortpariled by
his wife, were driving ;home . from
Belleville osi Saturday afternoon, when
their vehicle was strack by the ease --
bound Tritcreolonialre express- at Can-
itton Road, crossing In Belleville, which.
,is a level croasing., Wellman.. was kill -
'ed. instantly and isies2 Wellman -ter:tete
, id, painful injuries.. The ' tearc Well-
man was :thriving . escaped, injuryribut
is ,e sleigh was earaahhed to peeet. 'The
t ethr was alto -at 'fifty years Of age;
C211C1 'eaves 'a family of six chlidTeo.
SHAFORTII. PRIY, San. '14, 1916 .
The Dinninion Iarhament
This Doreinion..Parilarriant Otasetied, tor
business :on WeAnetsdaya Theee, was- 8,1*
*. ye* (fan attendance of Members. The
opening ceremonies,tVhielil_.took place
on Thursday, were' o.f theensualnat-
u re. It was expeet(edethat.the only
be,siness tse. telec-
than of a ".Spettitet the late- Speaker,.
Dr Sproule a hating taken refuge,in.
the Senate absee the last se.saion arid,
after that the Hou ee would, adiOure
unt11.1afonday.When the debate on the
address evlitateprOceededi witita , The
first businetit transactettt after the
address as :distal:toed of: wilt be a bill
aAarritted, bk the -Government aerovid-
' Ing for Oaf ektension of the Parlia-
mentary term: .testr one yearWheth.-
ar 'tor not Ilia bill, will be accePtabie
te• the Opaosition willlikely-depend
largely on it6 provislons. If the tbill
doas not have an objectlanable tail to
It, .the probabilities are ;that it will
pass with bet littlediscussion, as no
Demean desires a war election, and
tretribers are not rgenerally averse to
staiing off a general erection' as
Tang as mossiblet There are stow :nine
seats vacant In the Conotions.
The War Situation
One the principal event ofthe
past week was the -evacuation by the
.e.nd -French troops ot the
Dardanelleg, All the troops: haltenOW
been withdrawn from. the Gallipoli
peninsula.. It will be remembered that
-a considerable 'portion of the' troetoe
were withdrawn a few weeks ago. On
Saturday last the rem aindee
were successfully- withdrawn. So -skit --
folly and quietly -wee the Work accom-
plished by the' Britisb otficers that.
the .Turklah autharities ere not
ar wha.t was going,
—work was succesafully co
1nuntil the
leted. The
withdrawal was effected with only
One easuality. In announcing the re-
tirement fo the Birtish Parliament, Itir.
!Asquith, the Premier, said, `‘These og7
erations are, I believe, without par.,-
allel in militery ioe naval history." Not
only the men, bet all the war enut
nitions and erateria were remove&
safely. without any loss worth epeak-
log .eff. The Dardanelles expedition
is now clotted. It was a disastrout
and disappointing- operation- to all con-
cerned and it Oat -Welt that it has 'been
so succeSsfully ended. About 150,000
men have thus..been relieved_ to ren-
der assistance elsewhere where need-
'Matters are still stationary on the
Greek froetler around Salonica. Neith-
er side its.s trade e rnave - thus pa%
One side seems to be -waiting or the
other, The position ohf Greece has
not tal Changed.' She still affirms
her strict neutrality. It looka„ how-
ever., as if it' Were fear of, the Allies
rrore than love far them that keeps
the Greek. king frare casting in his lot
with the enemy and dragging -his
poultry in with lane Roumania is still
waiting to decide on Which side of
the ',fence it Is aatee.'l to, Alight
The Russians are still attaelting moat
valiantly in the East and they are be-
ing foeght off just as valiantly- by
tile Germans and Austrians. ,There has
bcen a terrible slaughter. In the
sphere during the ,past twta weeks and
neither side se,ems to hav'e made any
Aubstp.nlial gains, If anything, . -for-
tune has been mostly on the eide at
the Russians, and, the ,Gerxrates have
suffered very serion-s losses, both in
men and munitions.
On. the Western trent there has
been severe :fighting betWeen the
Gterrans and the French. The deal, -
manes were 'Strongly reinforced, with
the object of breaking through
the -French lines, and fierce aetillery
battks were corrmon on bath sitiea.
This week the ,Geter.ans in great tarce
trade a ,fierce concentrated, a tt ack ' an
ebe French lines on a front of a few
mil,,s in length and sought with- as-
phyxiating bombs and thr, epraying of
r.poisanous gases, which thetoused, most
prodigally. to break through the
Orench lines. Ilut the French were
fully prepared far them and they W-er
drivcn back in every attempt with
ha vy lessee and failed to gain ev-
en 2. foot of grounett On the British
portion of this front things :have been
comparatively quiet. but it is expect-
ed, that the next Geerr..a.0 attack will
be on this portion. Of the lines, et
they have not been ' discouraged by
the drubbing which tney received at
the hands of the French 'on the pales
front. It is now generally adtaittedi
that the FreacheRritish .front, is prac,
ticallychrpregnable and can withstand
the severest attacks the, Gerrrane can
make uponett. As the German, 'position
is nearly as firrr:ly axed matters be-
tween them have about reached ae,
ticadlock. How this ts to be broken
,reerains to be scent
The British battleship .King Edward
VaI has been blown up by a (mine In
the North Seat The crew, numbering
Aolet 100.. were all saved, and safely
Undo* This Is one of the severest
the- British navy has yet ,sust
Ineneial. stra,its in which the
atitheiltiesi now find them-
St. Col u in • .
Nertes.-Another of our *young nlen.
to tanswer the call to the eolora is
IMr.1William oilfte., former sexton
-here. tiallie" was ,always a favorite
and our best wishes go with ilrn!.-
lh11ss ,Nora Gleasoni has returned, here
after spending the tholiclays at . her
home in 1Jcrndon.-leetits ,,Minnie Carlie
has reter ed. to. Tpronto to resume
her etediel3 there. -4 jeltees.ry erecting
will be 1ie1d:01 in the balletiere this
Friday ,eveniiig. The irnain featurE.>
will bc a'debate on conscrpition.-eallss
Dalton leit this week to resurree tier
.stedies In Windsor, -St. Coluarban'cer-
tainly edocs 1.ts part in sfurnishing
teacbers af 'the ,dif.ferent schools in
the province. Within a rid us of a
ihecussie ta;t1 mile* thee •v4ore ten
teachers horr.e for the Chri tmas hol-
idays. -The Red Cross; Society sent
to Toronto this Iweektwentjy suits ot
pyjarras, 6 military flannel hirtie one
:dozen sheets, two dozen vhlte. and
two dozch colored handkerehlefs, and
Wenty-eight pairs of socks. Now that
he holiday !season Is °vete it IS .ex-:
eted there will be ireare.11.0 Cross
Work &Vic. There is aiwaYs . lots ol.
yarn on hand, for the knitters. -
f 1111iirliMMINIMMIB
A Concert. -The Wcnren'sl Instant,:
ave asked the Brussels p ple to
ive theedearca, 'The Moist r's Bride"
and, at will Salt • place on i rido.y ev7
ning, -January 21st, in t e Work -
,ares. Hall Half of the roceeds "Val
c given te the Belgian A lief Fund
nd the re,st wiLl be used for Real
IuurptaSeS: '
.A. Nsw Years alarriage,-The fal-
1 *leg, atrhiCh we take from. the Mount
tiorris [Index. Ogle county, 11. .will be
ead with t interest by not a ;few of
r readers. Dz. Gardiner, the for-
unate ;groom., is ae son of lbir, 'and
!kirs. Alex. Gardiner et Wallou and in
his earlier r.days was well
many in that Vicinity The 1
A :simple - but pretty we.d din
krr nized on New 'Years even
taclock. when. Miss Edith Mi
-ter of !Mrs. Alice Miles o
ararrie. tvae united in srarri
Jahn tGardiner, also of this
cresrony occurred. at the h
arol latia .Gordon .Adams, 3103 Doeglas
ukvard„ Chicago,the Rev. Floyd
ckwith, 'pastor ()fettle Dept st church
In that locality. officiating, IN rs. Gard-
iner' tis one of Mount ,Mar is' best
known and pePular young la ies. She
graduated from '.the heed U tcheol
steel also from Mount Metal college.
Late she took the course o training
or peofestionel 'nurse at he . Prefi-
Ayterian Hospital In Chicagei and dile-
irig the past year has bee a 'mem-
lier of the Faculty of the resbyter-
Ian !Training School, She Is a iyoung-
lady taf many tgraces of min and per-
son attho ,is capable of filling the barr.e
she will adorn with 41600 ess and
Will ilseottrula , a helpmate (com-
panion to thek husband he s (chosen
to honor with aver hand.fgroom
hate very suecestfully preati ed - his
profeegion in li&unt MOrris the Teat'
three years, having been salciated
with the late Geotge 131. Coeld. .11e
Is a graduate both freer, th univer-
sity and medical college at Toronto,
newn to '
dex tsay s ;
was Ka -
rig at tsix
es, d a ugh-
ge to Dr.
place, The
me ofDr,
_you ..g' coupt are -Oolis .4
-tholr. tr1etI41 In T.,40 real
.4 Iby She_itiridetateMOtheia!
wit( ts'thatl'iliaiie been be
their tuturnalto4plitess and
-their hot , Of acquaintances
profuse and heartfelt, '
, • -
Notes.e.4Mr!,i•, CoWeed,.
fron the Weat .Ittiiejlteett vis
theahttre, ol are andreM s
tiOn RetherthO
-Fit Wheal,* dlsposed of two
colis ecentatt .1 .Which &s ev e
•horse trade hrpeaov1ngese0
1 Jdd Who-atia, at -present et
Jeth 't Tetley, 129..3 enhistedI
Huron batta on for overse
and .!-e-t(peets ti be in train
course• of o,-1- eek: oe,
Ha r:y, Couph from .;the- Wesi
around Chisetinirst, t
hoe te.-The friends of ittrs
be teasedilt, 'learn that sh
Ing. WillA:nIMeLitist= (Paid
his rental!: t .New Team
a 'Meant a ."battallo!
at Wen Se•
N tes.-Th ',roads are
fiat -of lee at tlere of r
the blackstri rhg around an
dol g a rashing business
ha shoes --in election n
:ski Moeda o persons on
ben came ' o sadden g le
the sleigh skilled and
OVC Into la pee ditch .some
the eighth li e. but few of
-bee earry * Ible wounds.
tdou t there as eonsiderab
ad dignity. one of the
lost their° a bers in the le
and are ' suf ering from ell
, re. Geor" e Munn, who
ka, sus ration, is,
p sed to te y, on a fair
cov ry and is hoped she
reg. In her. ual good heal
lea re that iss Eva Sparli
ftiau ht. se In .erction
some time, as rettred. 'IA
Ing, .by her ental and plea
ner won ar y warm Ifriend
and young. A {goodly nurr
VIA section qattending the
'aneeL• t th December me
hag at ' Wal ise. and ,sayt it
°our County ouncil, a moti
$1,0i0` tow - recruiting a
reg ent Iv Idefeated by a
of ont Th Council had
vier, large um DO patrio
Os s a. shoe dire ,previou,s1
pre ent Co y Council r
gra t the y it Is up t
Ike s -Of t re,gircent to
the trunic council.
th e is no of them. wou
td ontribu fifty dollars
wo Id -make the SUM of $
the mioney , requied, it
rai ed it .16 just as well t
sta ,d that n. , as later or,
Zurich '
N't€s.-TkI annual treetin
Zr h Agee tural Society
hel here o Thursday. 'Jan
at tne &doe .-The annua-
tion 1 oteet:n of the; Luthea
was held las Saturday, whe
Jab 1f alt ,d, R. F. ,Stade
eat a truste in Place of IA:
Blob' andi Heldman; WI"
to .tire. --M -Peter Woole y,
sill, was /he one day recently vleit-
ing told Irk s. -The concert, recent-
ly Iven he 'und,er- the tatsVices of
_the "osten' nstitute .will 'be repeated,
In. .arna, et , Friday, even_ng jan-
uar 14th: ! prdiceeds ate to go to
Pat laic p ses.-Mr. ant, Mrs. John
Belies houee here. -----The Upper Gall an haV returned .fran- their
ho tymoon t p .andt now occapy INfes.
ada :Bible S kty acknowleaged the ,
r,ece la4t a • t ,suir, of $55:27 :the at
mount eolkct : here and sent tothead-
quarters.-4 ainful accident occurred
on ues,day last week ,t,e, :he farn:
Of (.' Johlt A. Smith, Gosittn iLine,
sant. which tight ihave lace ed, mere
seri us. IS1r. mdth was idr Ving a
te.arr hitched i • the wagon, w ieh was
heavly loadei eri the -d ublettee
arid jwhifflet 1 e broke. and t e whif-
,Iflet e flew 111-ek and the oak at
the' end cad ht inr) the -old iof his
face. A utast gash resulted- , hich re-
quir sd arany titches to cies'.
H ro-Eleetric Parries. - he ratee
pays s Of Zu ich voted* on day ton
a Issielaw aai horizing the ownshtp
council • Of 111 y ,to raise y (debent-
ures chaige. ire to this v 1 ge, the
sun: Of $7't001 -far the est blishment
of t 4 HydrolElectric system. hi, Zur-
iehe There viPted, for the •y-la4r- 1165
and only .6) age.inst It. A. wf 1 • be
built !west r.f re, Hensall o serte.
Zur h tandi 2 ..,sh-vv-ood, cons r etien. to
be sailed a once, The ".ol bee.)le
of urich ar never behin in the
way Of ente rise and ar always
mead y •te endo a any reasots b e scheme
that is Intel to advance le Litcr-
LstsI Of thei, bright 'and, eseeroue
little town.
..easkae_trelatedi' At the ions
lint Tbe 1pniest the speech., lgrt and Mrs,.
Otte ta left •aveke presentedrivIth a Mar
Ce -Ow. n- lirold
kindly ilyts
ed Or! fa
cess by '
0 been
' ,
ing At
I P.!
ce- of the!'
lee :•Can -
Ing with! N'
In the! Q.-
aervitel bee
iv the!lic
and,'Itilre.' the
,are via -1 of
ir . old 11 la
Lavin will: Can
visit to
e is note!
statlonedi1 gas
it -
as an expke'sSion a the fan -
love and; esteartsetsfany other gifts
, ftrknida far and ;pear ;were also
rcee vedt Both •Motand Mrs. Hillen are
In :c client health; , They* have -always
he a, Nighplace In the 'ease ion
and, asteetti of theeimmiunity, and We
ark jure their large 'Circle of, frientla
will Oshe with trith 'Expositor In ;wish -
bag than malty 'Ore of health and
hi • iness and, that ;thee. Draybe spare
ed,o celebrate their diamond aanliter-
sar. ,
w 630olis.-BY thc kindness of ev•
'ate, the folk( ing books have
placed for cli illation. in the pub -
biters at the se 061: Belglumt and
'Belgians; an Ihlutrated, account.
hie 'little Country in vrhleh we all
such an. Interest,' Rural lAfe In
• fay John McDougall, the
floe contelete at y; which has yet
been made In Canada of what what is
,cal 4 the 'rural Problerar with Aug -
ion .-Ifor ineprOving the conditions
ountry life. This book should be
by everyone who is interested
welfare of o cenntry. .., Two
r beaks ort s tal-eproblems, ;are
Critidna.1 and he Conmaarittyl, by
Yoh,' and thei. oCial Teaching of.
s by Sheller! Matthawd. Quick
on Service 6044aareel:oohif ittSendo.Dbe.eri:Orertiponi
• the blogrephy ! oft"
r,oligloaa (Medi -
d by one Who knew
'at first grand, A.
bertson'el relatiyee
fl Huron Countyt
oks in hc libratv
to the section .or
• ;
ing, and!
bout are!
nintrpin FS!
t bigi
Were on
he alum, -
but !
wound -
ear, .gle14
ht colds.
, arta
y to re -
will aeon
- W
g; who:
8, for
-0 Spar1
ng 111:5:1 -
both old,
X from:.
as juat,
to giver
(atria a
. pure
if the .
use to 'bi
Jt -
done Ifssnous.boolt
tati The Life- n
by "Iph Connor
the great reatarisSiOnai
Wk_ tern .Can0dO to
the work he tdid
0 tar lof DA.. a4t
live, in this part
Everyone in the ii
eorc., to use the
w .ther 'belong
'meal.. La .
NOterie-At the
tit* Meeting of
on -January .5th, t
Weye- elected: Pre
ity, ,(8.eclairation);i
McDonald, Robert!
Wilfrid, iMicEweri
Duff; Treasurer,
Correspendln.g Seer
win r (meetings
W .eies iinstitates
idles; and. were
Me • Powell .addr
Ins Itute. In K11.63(
ter °On, While the
me t • in the ,Foles
er teing Det Sild
was substit
4. to appear. !
In eftte evening
on he !Idevelotaten
pro ed, to lbe a ca.
eaker. Mr. S
west of the this
and the organized
Of hool %airs. - H
the. very last can
out the (help of ae
tore of -aviculture.
the vetting was th
Mr. Arras Smith '
pro rairenc was •igi.
Kin.:. Miss Atetnee
-Spei and Kearney
the of -
d r.efuse Lag'
which .
200. If
ust be
of „the
111 be
ary ,20th
n church
were el-
essrs.• s7,
'of Hen:
Have you tried Jackson, the boop repairer at
J. Wil is' Eon, op aiteExpositor offi e, y not do so
A trial will entur our custom i 2509-1
Gee den 'Wee eing.-A, hanpf tivent oc-
eu at ,th home of ItIrt and \Mrs.
Jams Hillen 'mirth coneee lob. of Mc-
Killo , hear ve's brie* , ,on New
Year day, 1 nhen their fa'nhly and a
few 11r1ende athered to ftpx their
congfatulatto a and celebrater the.
fiftleth armiv is.a.ry of their ntarriage..,
Mr. Hiltena e n of alr. Jo a Hillen.
of the towns Ip Of Clark, jointy tif
Durham, and Is wife, Elizi e it Madill
,daugliter of It John :131a 1111 of the
-same place, ere united 1n Marriage
on Nre-W Yeses Day, 1866, ! s Rev. J.
5.!';inullin. rri lister at N wtonville.
.Sbor ly aft& their trarria e they
tura ,d, the1refaceS toward Western
Onta lo, an ettled on the eath con-
essi n of I. illop; where 1 tiley con-
tinue 1 to re a de till 1903, hen they
r.ettr d, Trots. he farm and t3ok pos-
sess' n of hr conlifortable touse on
the orth vel Road by : !..te banks
of lite Wale d River. Hee on New•
Ya re day - h living remb41aa of the
faMtly, all f whom reside I Mckil-
lock hire. J s Kerr, afts Robert
Arahib.ald, it , , James Morie on, Me.
0. A. Mlle ,and their nine'grand-
veY Dorran e :who* was 'onel of the
children, W th the exception f Her -
first ' to tr,e to th,e. slat' 's call,
and is still engaged in the truggle
In France, al 0. Mrs. Calvin rmour,
o Bay alt , Silehig-ali, Mr, a1 el Mrs.
A.odr,ew S ar r , of Clarke, a d other
relatives an eriends assemble topay
their trlbut s of , respect to he still
youthful co p e. After •ttilnn which
was'served a 'eae- o'clook, It v. D.
Carswell ga ;a congratulate y ad-
-idrE.s..i; to h Mr. Killen espond-
c4 in ia ha. i erenner. He banked
all for the dly greetingnd ex-
pressions of 1 ood, *ill; ixern1 y was
aetive anal, .a y inchlents !of
nue' re-orgaelze.-
e Literary Soetres
following' offlhers
Merit, W.11. He a-
-lee -Presidents, G.
haw, p. S. Which,
secretary, tia.ry
obert Aitcheeon;
tary, C. Duff. -The
the Farmers', aen,
were held, her on
quite stsccesefal.
ssed the Won:entt
church in the, ad -
Farmers' Institute
's Hall the tweak-
. of Elgin County,
d •for the speaker
a the iota rreet7
Miss Povv-ell spoke
of 'character and -
able and trite est -
'cox dealt with the
t represeitta lees
n and advantages
n 115 ilOW one of
ties to be
Istrlct -represe ta-
The cheirma.nof
district president,
di a good inuelpal
en by iMr. P. D.
Aitcheson, Messrs.
nd others.
Sat faction -The nest iv
Join business is to deal 0
In th b way you keep out
Start now and see whia
F. A. wards. i
- Tt Late Mr. 11 itiaori.-On- Tees -
day, Jan, Ord, the e departed tab's
etea theme one h • Bayfield's well-
kno n residents, in be person of- Wm.
Yclar ison. Deceased was born ,Apell
10, 828, at Rolla's Parish, Nortolk
cou ty, Englande came to 01.5
COU ry. in 1854 an itrad•e a tOme on,
tt'.e Sauble line.' e was married In.
1860 to Catherine eith of •Lond '
A mily of ninee f .whom are in w
livin Mrs. Kenny of Detroit, la
San: Huston Mrs.- . Ross and .
tS. IM Ewan of Bayfi idi, Daniel Of Goicl-
,eric and N. W. 1 Buffalo, welre
tore to them The =era' took p1ae
on 'ersdah, Jan. 6th, to. Itayilie d
Ce/r tery. The pall bearers were W.
Ileaed, Charles Par er, Tholoas Canoe
gran' Mars Dickson, "Ohara, Smith and
Robe rt Johnston. 11 %vds.. Rickard seld
Ma,clailene conduct de eke servicea.
Br • ezes.--INfiss Hilda: King, has Zee
turnad to Benariller after a short
visit : home. -Mr. aohnt, 'Stalker, of
aft'. . Dupee. - Several of our
Erlet Pa., Is visiting at the theme sst
Yr -
y to have satisfac25491: In
f -debt and awe in ey.
the Pay asyou Puy Plan
ctilyou. can save in 16.
Or.angercen attending the dist
meet ng; at Varna on Tuesday. Am
th I who went were R. livictriur
C. 'ollock, O. Ca.stk and, Glare
Poll•ck.-eRetrember the annual meet -
leg the .Bayfield, Agricultural $ s
ciety, at the town hall on; Wednesda
aftesnoon, January 19th. All rce
bers, who can 'possibly do so, sholi
atte II and thus show that. V.i.ey
rlhave.! an Interest 111 the society. Cdine
and ar the report oe the past ;year
landt have a vote; an the appointina lef
dire tors tor -1316, ond if you, have
any Ouggestions tee emake to advabee
the welfare lot the eiolete, come and
state there. -The annual meeting, of
tble j>nblle Librarywae held,. on taton-
day evening, wheal al very satisfac-
tory report of last' year's business
was giveri. The loll wing officers and
klire tors were ta„ hated for 19164
Pree 4.ent, Rev.'Pod. Rickard; 5ece.-
tary,j George Greens1a4e; Treasurer,
carer; Librarian, Rev. A. !Mac -
!aria e; assistant librarian, H. Dreb-
man , directors, Reeds. Rickard and
tMacfr1ane, H. W. Ervin, 1F—A. Ed -
war B, H. Dzehrearel Q. E. Greenslade
tato', Janes H. Reidt-A box social un-
der the auspices of Ithe Patriotic,
Society is to be [hell 1n hhe toten hall
on Tuesday eveningi Jen. 18tia
• ybody attendingi s requested to
bring a box contabilitg, 'melt for tWot-
There, whll be a gated prograerme.lof
ete., and an; auctioneer will sell
the boxes. -The anal; ;meeting of the..
Cetr.eltery CompanyAS to be beldha the
town hail on Mosley afternoon, 17th
instaa-Mdss Love! of Hills Green 118
the guest of Miss Spnettman this.week.
W,allace Johriatorewife and three
'hildren, of Corinne, Sask., are vis -
ting their parents! lieree-air. Ben.
render returned, to the West this
Horses BoughCit-7--IPter", E. Hall, of
Winnipee'„ a large irandial owner, •in
Manitoba, was her during the past
Week 'buying breedIng mares,.Ililies
and two-year-old . Stallions. Mr. Hall
Pays that before onJng to Ontario
fo'r homes, he wa4 adyleed to cane
tbo t,he County olf 1uon .flrst, astle
01114 be imost 1lkly to get the
infdl ,stuff • he ! 'Waged tin thas
ou-nty; He now stayit he Made no
irlstalco In cotnlrtg to Heaehn as he
found the very trulality be was 'in
arch cf. Mir.Hai has taken
le with Intim 86 head in all. These
shlaPed to Ms We.stern r,anch a
pioneer ;few /Jars ago, The following are some
h ei
td the martini frac What: W. Malt
nuOle hasect Weeley Harvey one.
=are, rank'Graharntwo mares; Jails
Wail% two mares; Robert- TInney,
three ores; Robert Munn, two
;meet Janes Ittiberteon„ -one mare.
Alto a two years old .stalitott from-.
Rxrtj J. Cooper, at figures ranging
,flear the five hundred 'dollar mark,
The fr- two-year-old StalliOne and
the, teen mares and, filliea, bought
by: thf4Eafl,worelirefitfroirt the well
knOwn stock homes, ICing-ThOtras and
Mate nAls Glory, owned by If
Thortia 3s therry, liensalltsewell 'mama
horse niorter. This opealth wed for
the h Clatraetele of bhJe1 Ithorsed Mr;
-Berry 'teepee
Briefs. -We are pleased, to learn
that esfrt Jarree G. Chesney of the
2n4 cOneeasion of Tuekeraaritte who
has been confined, to the. house or
the pagt three _weeks avith an attack
ot p wren% Is slowly recovering... -
A -gra 4 entertain:re/IC-Will be held
litre tnder the tauspices of the Meth,
`tadist 4Zuxch on Friday Evening
•Janua y 21st, The programme will" be
paxt14aeid In by the yormg people
of Vailna Itafethodist church. The play
will ea rehersal lof tbe - character
sktch1 entitled 'The Itantsfer's33r1de",
This tpay was given lastt fall at Varna
by th4 awe' young people who will
be he e. The Varna people have a
tputation for tdoing things In
the r Way a'nd( we have r4 doubt
but tilis reputation will be sustained
here qn jantfary 2144 ,.- lart, Jantes
Wr1g1t, of Poirit Edward, was visit -
tag bi rother-ad-laws Mrt 3arrestel
Chest( y during the past week. --lar.
and LWrs. .1.61111 afoffatt were at Cline
to it1Izls whit' visiting Mr. hieff.attst.,
In:tithe , who ds in poor health. afro.
!Wolfe t Jatat veer old lady and It 10
-Only the wearing out of a Constitut
tion tiat le geadually coming to a
cleat. Mr. Thomas Kyle tilts week
dispos el of -la young roar year old
horse, Us go .to Yancouver.-The slip -
What is a the past "week have
nade la Ihiarvest or blackstnitha in
sharpening tbe 'mese ;shoes. It Is an
111 (w td, that blows no pereo,n good.
-r jand, Mrs. Thomas Workman €n-
jqyed 1a pleasant holiday with ht'De
'and IN a, Reid at London. -Mr. Chas
tJpshaU writ the .New Year with
friende at, Brampton. ,-- !Mr. Joseph
.Coar,bres, of Toronto, Was a viraiter
the home of Igia ',Alex. McKenzie- dur-
ing ti e week-Ure Andrew Slater,
Of IMa itoba, is here visiting his broth-
er an I philter at the home of r. 111r.
Waite Sclater. -A 'few' weeks ago: we
made mention of the death of Isirs.
Cherie Whiteman, Of 'Detroit: Word
has al he, been twelve/4 of the pass-
ing a, ay to its met- a ado, it3ha,r1es
"Mite ahr who idled a few days after
his arks air, Whiteman -was well
known in this -vicinity. He was a
patyrrcin,t: by trade and with his ar-
tistic brush beautified many of our
. 111.411.1411•1111111'111.M.M111111111
Death Of IM.r. Vletcher.--The people
of Esalter were § urprised and pained
on leaning of the death of ilfr. wrc.
Pk tch r„ la respected resident of t1115
Platk 1 which eecursod on Monday
afterreon. • It seerrs that Mr. Flet-
cher : • not bean very well for 0o/re
time. On (Monday forenoon he under-
went an toperation which it was ex
pected would effectually care his
trouble. The shock of the operation.
however, proved too great, as he Wed
a tfew hours afterwards. air. Flet-.
cher had, ifor f long years been a faren- -
er in the toxin -ship of Usbornet „kfew
years ago he ;retiredfrom farming,
and carce. to Eaeter to live. He was a
quiet, 'unassuming, good. living -man, ,
and was held in the 'esteem
by all whoknew hired. He -was about 65
years of 'age andis survived by this
-widowand two daughters, Mrs. Gold -
Ing an, Mrs. Allen, !th opf Winchelsia.
Note .-Miss Jennie Mur.ray, teach-
er in the Exeter public school, had
the krit,-fortane to alp on the icy
pav.eire t while In Lore:lea and break
her el ht tarns, with : the result
that s e Is Off duty at schoot-alles
Kathie n .Stewart Is visiting in To-
ronto 4nd. Bowmanville.-The curlers
ha,ee a anged, to curl on the rink -a-
gain t is yeare•teiNitr. Geo. Garrood, of
Wiltox, Sask., is visiting with' air. H.
O. Whi ea-alie and, 'Mrs. John gfty bad
an int resting gathering at their
hare on, INTew Tears Day, when there
were f ur generations present, the
great anderother, airs, Heeman, at
the rFpr age Of 191i year's t her Oa:ugh-
ter, ft, s. John Keys, her daughter
Mrs. E1. McCormick .an4 grand -daugh-
ter &11s Marjory McCormick. -Mr. T.
Ceiling oed has severed his sonnection
th the jbakery business with -Mr. E.
AeFolliek. They have peen in partner-
ship in this business, tfor the past Ifif-
teen yeare.--(allrs: .1, A. Clark of Col-
orado 41prings, Col., died on New
Years day ,aftett a long illness, De-
ceased?* Maiden name wa4 Lucy
Sautheett, daughter of the late John
Southcatt of Grand, Bend, and was
well known in Exeter. -A special week
of pra, er and evangelistic services
were lleld, last week in the Main
street tethod,Ist church. The pastorl
Rev. . -W. Muxworthy, was assisted
by Bev. Mr. Finlay of Centralia and
,Itev..IM . Rearrond.-Mat and Mrs. TS.
Herten entertained, the choir of !slain
street hurch recently, -.Alen they ser-
ved! to them a fowl suppea.-On Mon-
day of last week as Miss Le Hazel.,
wood ef Varepthatr WitS passing the
post Once ales fell on the -icy eides
;walk ad tfractured her hip, She was
taken to the home of Miss Cameron,
where she will be *laid, up for Some
UM -E. -MISS Da =Joi.hnston and: the
members Of her Sunday school- class
of gills have attended ( Sunday school
rs gularly every 'uday for a year.
Bath teacher and, toltils deserve tx:uch
praise for their faithfulness. - Mr.
Seth Brown, of Stelihen, has sold, ibis
hundred acre farm to Itle. Daniel- Hod-
gson for the suns of 4k4041. Mr. Brown
will get possession lvfay 1st. -A ser-
ioua, accident happened to 4 Williams:
an old soldier, near Kirkton. While
carrying a belt .across the fork handle
over his shoulder the (fork' handle
broke and he bt 11, the prongs or the
fork entering : abdemen. itir. Wil-
liams is now i . a serlotel condition
and, small hopes, are held out his re-
eoyery„--A. pa triotic entertainment will
be..givwen In •Ss, S, No. 1, Usborne, on
the evening Of January 14t1. - The
Lumley Dramatic Club wlll put on a
drarra, entitled "The Prodigal Broth-
er," and, Oleo Isir. Callinss ot the Exe-
ter '1,0m:orie1 Church Will preside.. -
.1%e local rrilistary authorities have
eecurd. eroom south of Dr. .Quaek-
enbush's office. and are fitting them
up for a soldier's club. Furniture
Contributions are wanted. - Exeter
Patriotic League packed three boxes
last Week, chntaining 4 pairs; of shoes,.
3 pairs drawers, 1 sweater, 18 coats,
3 pairs pants, 8 yeah; 8 ehirtse 2
(saps, 1 fur neckpiece, 1 khrona 46
pairs eocks, 4 tarts, 22 suits of
pyjamas, 29 hospital eharts, I, Tale, 2
This is the season for wet feet, and
they will be numerous. If you pre-
fer to keep your dry and wish to
avoid the dangers of slippery side-
walks; our rubbers offer you the
desired prot dim We handle the
best wearing rubbers made in Can-
ada. Our mlelfs and' women's fine
rubbers have the red rubb2r, heels
with double thickness of rubber at
back to pr vent breaking down.
Ourscnool r bbers have re-inforced
uppers antira heavy soles and
heels to with-siand bard wear. We carry a co plete stock ot these
good rubbers and can fit any shape of shoe perfectiY. The prices men-
tio.aed here are for first quality, fresh new goods and not for imperfect or
'auction' rubbers so often offered the, public at a cut price. Men's
rubbers Loo to z. 20 a pair. Women's rubbers 75c, 8oc, 85,c a pair.
Misses rubbers 6oc, 65c, 75c, a pair. Boys rubbers 75c and 85c a pair. -"
Children's rubbers 4.5c and soc a pair.
January Special
Men's first quality rubbers with high storm front, in sizes 6- to z 1. Reg-
ular selling price $1. Lc). Ijanuary special85c a pair:
pairs alt of gauntlets and some reading
-; Dr. Hardie, dentist, phone No. 6. 250812
New Coal Busineess--I be to; announce -to the
people of Hensall and vicinity that / have now on
hand a supply of the very bdat .g)A furnace and
-chestnut coal and s011uit a Mari of yoixr patronage.
Sheas immediately in front of the old salt building,
office Petty block, phone'10 D. A. -Cantelon,
Hensel]. • 2607-4
• The liu.ron ttifeetingsse-The Huron
County Citizens apirrnittee will hold,
three meetings in the County during
the coming 'week, a/Nell all who are
interested In securing Provincial Pro-
hibition by July 1st, 1916, are specially
and, cordially Invited. The first met-
ing twill be ',Ifekt here in toe etetho-
dist church! on Monday, January/ 17th.,
at 1.30 par, The second: meetirig on
the day following in Wesley Metho-
dist olturch at Clinton, and the third
meeting on :Wednesday, the 19th, at
the Presbyterian chureb/ in Wing/lain
'Aitt this' is. (14 live question atthe pre-
sent tirre, thel.eneetingS will no idetubt
all be largely attended to heir vront-
inent speakers that will ad,dreas the
• Wedding. -7A. happy event took place
at the ara,ned In Hensel' on Wednesday
afternoon at 4 cam., when miss
:na Maud Madge was milted In mar-
riage to. William Benjamin Elder, of
:the second line Hay. .The ceremony
was performed by Revt (Kr.. Smith, af-
ter which the happy pair drove to
the station and boarded the south
.train, amid showers of rice and con-
fetti:, for Toronto. and. .other points.
The bride !wore a blaeln military trav-
elling suit with hat to match. On
their return the young coupW will re -
Side for the winter irs W, Uoir's resi-
dence, the bride's former home on
King street, Hensel'.
Brkfo-We notice by a recent Paste?.
of the Calgary Morning Albertan. tliat
Master Arnold Bell, grandson of Mrs'. Dick, of this village, recent-
ly -passed. his High! School examination
with honors.--M.r. George Washington
who has been in the itfolsons bank
here for a nuanberi pf years., has been
Promoted to the Forest agency. --Mr.
Canfield, and. Ifr Sydney McArthur,
the latter a on of Ur. RobertAtic-
Artleir, of Hay, are the latest to of'
feeethemeelves for Phleir 'ging and
Country. Goodrecruits are con:ing In
and, in tills counection, arttichl credit is
doe tor our ,efficient recruiting offi-
cer. Lieut. C. H. C. Soklan
had the 'misfortune to strain - his
back quite severely a week or two
ago and. bias 51110e been confined, to!
his roorn, but we ,rust goon to leiee
him a around again. -The Ladies' *Fa-
tatileitio League wish to publicly ice
knowledge and thank the bachelors
andebenedicts of He,iisall for a
cheque io.f forty dollars, tills being
their second. donation to ale Patriot-
ic League. Mies E. Jehnsto-n, eeere-
taryta-Wrs. (Rev.) Fisher 1.112..S been
here tor the past week or so visite
big her trothier, !Sirs. Alex. Ingram,
sr., and relatives and frienda In Hen-
sel' and vicinity.-tBy. Mx. Smith gave
an illustrated, discour,se in Carrrel
chlurcb.: on Sabbath evening last. -Mr.
Duncan ?alcEwere -the well ktrown and
ItiVenes of lour elster -village.-Miss
Belle Hobkir4, youngest tdaegater of
Mr. Gideon Hobkirk, of the, -west, and
formerly of this village, 'is . vieiting
relatives and friends bere.--Mrs. Thas
pia is in Ola ville yisting with leo
,ecen John -wife.-We regret to re -
Port the qui e eerious illoests: of the
following, al t iiir. A. Mclaggart,
Mee Robert Ihrysdale, OIL John
Steacy, Miss . Fisher and Mr, and
Mrs- R. Bon lsran„ all of whom: are
confined' to their rooms under
tredical treatment and professional
nursing, but hope BOOD to bear ' Of -
marked. Irapreernent in their health.
7 -:Mrs. NesbUt, of Toronto, lad for-
-arerly 'of thie village pas there for a
few days during the saast wee.k. re-
newing acquahitances. We are pleate
.1 to learn that ehlra, Nesbitt in corr.
ion with ne ray everyone that has - :
Ever left mall, intend e ,returning
here in the Sprin-The funeral Of
the late 014 .1lohin R. Taylor, late oa
ihioosc Jaw; ask, was held at the
honee here o Friday a.fternoon. last 1 ,
to the Hen 11 Irlii0r1 cemetery, arid
was quite largely attended, The fun-
eral service as conducted by Rea.'
Mr. Smith. hoe paid, high tribute, to
;the life and c racter let the deceased
and also lea a letter 'freer., the Rev.
DuncanBucha an. Of *hoes church'
the deceased d been a re -ember and,
&lee- of the ri *and, ea -prose -1/3g ale
,very high regard lot the deceased
and the gene al regret felt In the
oomenity to the loss sustained not
Only as an . efficient public sehoal
teacher bat a as a eitizen. The re-
nains.were rePariled here from
the West by his brother. Orville and.
sister Jennie. thfuch Sypathy is ex-
pressed f e bereaved family. -air.
Richard St eon tis there frost the
Western Stats, visiting his sis rs,
Mrs, Walter tolakirk 'and, Mize Mar-
garet S. Sturgeon and many relatives
and frit...AL in this eeetion.-An auto
party of, yoting erten haat quite a /nar-
row eSeasse frorri Bellew danger onus
Sunday 'afternoon last, Jt west of
our sehottlie Owing to the very icy
"ZOT113ition. of the road. their auto
skidded and a couple of youtrIgt girls '
on thle:,roadt side. were knecked down,
one of then: !sustaining a fractured
rib and irciriori bruises, Owing ;to the
good managerrient of the d.rlyer, who
is an expert, they wore sav-ed from ,
wa3lat looked almost Itre certain des,th,
whel,e the autel party thesneeIves nar.-1
rowly escaped! very serioes consea' -
quencea. As it woo the car turned: • _
corrpletely aronnel, owing to the quick --
action of the emergency brake.
A promoterjcif health. The safest
and most reliable disinfectant and
sheep dip. Insecticide, antiseptic an-
imal dip lice Ittller to be sold to -day.
Used and renmended by fifty Ag-
ricatomltural Col eges and Experiinental
Stations, Leading live stock growers
and poultry raisers allover America
use and endorse Zenoleum as the hest
and most economical disinfectant
Expert Government Surveyor, is time the world.
A guarantee goes with every ounce
for as short vacation eta- an absence
of Many years and gives a good.; toe -
port of fhte. Chatetena.
Bwen, 'professional nurse, of New
York City, Is also home on a svittit.-
Nominations for the position °Came.-
cillor on Mondsty brought out thic fol-
lowing candidates, all of whorra will
likely stand, Tor election a 4. W;ort-
wein. :Alex. Smith, G. C. Petty, George
Hudson and W. B. Pfaff. -Our villa-
gers were much interested, on:Mote
day Evening last po hear of th,e.reeelt
of thevote that day on the Hydro
qaestion le Zurich ,andt to learn that
Out of. tibia large village vote there
that only eix, votes were caat against
it. Tile result oeth 'vote' speaks well
for the spirit, enterprise andgo-alread-
of Zenoleum. Ef Zenoleura is ,not all
you think it might to be you
your raoney back, what bitter would
you want, try it.
8 oences makes 6 gallons fluid 25e
1 quart reakes*25 gallons fluid 50c
I- gallon mikes 60 gallonsiluid 90c
1 gallon makes 100 oats finad.11.60
Zenoleum lice powder 25e lb. tin
N. B. We hav,e a newshipment of
Butterick patterns just in, call and
get A pattern sheet free. We have a
few 1816 diariet left.
Successor' to Alex Wilson
i umberfoi Any Class 1
I of Building .
: .
t White Pine •
* He ock, Spruce
Georgia Pine Pine,
Red Cedar Shingles, xxx and xxxxx •
Fibre Board • Beaver Board
Mouldings Sash
Interior Finish
Doors, etc.
Seaforth Ontario •
• Agents for Lehigh Valley Hard Coal-
• *
10.41.#4.0*.0****fte_teOlikOME A4.1044.95141.&44kt.513:4_40,....
$1014 ):BB sra ras 1
t ag slunidiertipsp:hefrerir perPdt orcteownr )1).
:eatsgyi a 0, eepwre pbe r
Shorts, per to
Butter, No. I
Voronto, Jan.
• to DO; c
se 16c te
to )15c; c
24c to
1ic t&
' Montreat j
but the tont
Ch.eese Is an
- of the
for eale
'egg§ weaker
en, owing
finest eastern
ter - CholeeS
1-2 cents;
ggsfr ,sh 4
No. 1 stock 26
- Toronto, Jan
j.„5 0. wood dema
which are Nai-
to Sec; inferi
prints, 34e to
gtwage,gle to
2,60 to 36e; new
kits. Honey -I3
to 47e; 'tins, 7
tins. 12 tle2c,;
comb_ hooey, No.
jl,per den,
-r Toronto, jan
,Wheat -New tb
45 a. -2o. h
northtrn. 11,09
4c; NO,
, 1 ffeted. 42 3.
store at Oea
Oorn-No. 3 I
track, Toronto.
yellow, old, m
oats -Ne. 3
trerclal eats
freights outskl „
12)wi3iter, iper
slightly eproute
intt to eareple
or 'smutty and
Oatrple, 92 to 9
according. w
:-No. 2 narrin
O1„.80 aecOrdin
. $1.75. according
;barley 50 to
Flour -First
46.80; do.
bakers, 46.10
Plour - New
ccordIng to sans
rehnto freights,
xats per ton,
gretghts. Bran,
Per tn;,125ii
r' 41,60 per
iod $4.25 to $4.
iK20, Potatoes-
lawares, New
/lar lots, no lee
y Market-Lec
▪ g hay on the
at the following
new Nig. 1, till.
No4. 2, $13,150 to
6 to 7 a)er
Since the turn
cal commercial
definite Improve
week buyers
the Canadian
jfairly g9cd h
Tr-AOI1e. to Alber
.1t* -an and one to
lOirened with a
imk3.rket. Bath.
f. orders came
t ry points. H
ktew. basis now,
ago, but a little
bae the close -
'are ripe for a
tgood.- tranY hor
vele the poets
tions have imp
Natio were, cust
leis of horses
but them, tor
Vie result that
Or a ,substitat"
kiess froIr now
tidal's, Who are
log here now., e
Mository every o
twill he held. nex
ehange announce,:
likirscs will find.
Wavy kiraugbts.
WO sound.. 1,350
*165 $21. L
/tears. and elm,
4180 to 1170.
horses, young an
.Drivers, Young
4170. Serviceably
Faavy .run
cattle are agaio
ay now be
per pound. ein.
iiarkt 15c to
.PrIwe native
fair to
Id mane.
teers, 1,440
0,; do la0
Ala 1,8; do 11
to 17.16; do
;to $7,26; eat
.chcr steers.
at heifers: $6.
hher hehIer and
to. 4745; hcs
uteher cows.
to $4,50;
- bulls, $5.
, 45.60 to
rs. 44,50
• milicere
y and yo_
7,14. Shoe