The Huron Expositor, 1916-01-14, Page 1Cene0D
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Pik -METH plat' t
Greiff Clotkiit
PROM ONTrArIt' /08' 0.1i.PITA.L
.......4,.....6 , 1
Toronto, janetery II,. 3.910,•
.ong Cho kireg4s New Year's honor,e.
t re are two erretreinent Ameticans
D of course bane begoir.e nattuealiz-
British subjeete, One is a resident
a /Britain. the other Is. a Canadian,
illiata Waldorf Astor eras been, cre-
ed a baxon and ISir Thomas Shaun-
ssy, preside* Of the Canadian; Pa-
ic RailwayerhaS been raised tram
iteht1iood 2 to the peerage. Baron
eighnessy, ha0 been tor any year
a naturalized OEM dlen, but unti the
r ent imperial aturalleation act
w passed" he die. , like either eri-
c s who became. aturllzed, Cana tans
to,idall beckemon is ,Anderican cit zene
sh t when 'visliti the Ihritish siest
was -barn ' lidilwankee in eges,
a Irish works, and has alwaye taken
an ireterest in the land of. his fore -
fa rs. This wee appr.6-1ate4 bo ,the
-pe le cif tthe green isle, and in '1911
he redid lithitie an hOnorary, D. C.L. a
T Inlay college, 'ufblin. It was '' Sir
W lliaita Iran Irfor, e, another American,
w brottglit Mr 'thanes to the Cane-
d Pacifio railwlay in 1882 as pur-
e sing agent. Iff xoe bit by bit un-
, ril 2he As now prdent of .the oad,
coidherd.L ridon and laid, fere
time Atter ft e war starte . Sir
T mas s
th war office eIdipoaa1 of 'the en -
ti purchasing' dartzent of his rail..
W y toremaking i4r purchases In' this
do iitry:. 2,
Right Now we are offirin
the public nios
unusual inducements to buy Cloi,bing
and Furs, Wonien's Coats, Coat Sweat
ers, etc. Our stock being expeptimliall
large in these department F for this 'sea.
son of the year, gives ample variety to
choose from, and the prices have been
reduced to such an extent that in some
cases the garments are selling at 12ine4
half regular prices
Half -Price.
20. C.00, -t§. for
10 ,Coats. for
and so on from the highest pr
coats to the lowest --- all cut in
Bit 4 Reduction
Fur Coat Prices
We have too many fur coats nd
we are determined to make a crni
plete clearance of every coat. iot
for many years to come will t ese,
coats be offered at such low priices
The above figure is an extremely low one when ap,i
plied to first-class fur coats, and yet, we give you
choice from twenty coats at that figure. Think of it !
Missing this chance on a fur coat ahd money loSt are
one and the same thing.
Heavy Und'rwe
The 9eason for the real heavy wool undergarmets ig
at its height. 0 ur shelves are packed fullWe want
to move it out now. - If you wait until -next season to
buy wool underwear you'll pay soc to $1 a gaiTnen
more for. them than you can buy the same garipent
for now.
290 Shirts and Drawers at
189 extra heavy Shirts
and Drawers at
Heavy Klondike Sox 40c and
Sheepskin lined and Sheepskin co
lared Coats, great for long coi
drives, and saves the fur coat
$5.00 to $7,5o
All sizes in stock
Buy on no
Greig Clothin
The Big Corner Store
1 ,
ie! risetof Sir Therms White, Can-
ed ha Minister fof Finance, has been
un que. hi .Can len .Political history,
In fact, it hp o parallel. A littf
tle Over four ye4 ego lid was quietly
pu suing his Asocial ion as one of the
h et Of a f1rtan411 institution in the
elte of Toronto. n politics at that time
he w,a,s a 1sberaI1 but took no active
P d t on either s1de When Sir Wilfrid
L trier presented to parliament the
terielding 'reel rocity com,pact some
Iei :'hteen Liberials t iok the bead against
One of these ,as William Thomas
W ke,. He jgener4d y spoke 4n colajunc-
t a with Sit Cli f ad Sifton, whet -was
th m 'plain €liftod Sifton. When the
c feet was over nd Sir Robert Por -
de was -called rto office, Mr. 'White
W s givert the po t oil° of finance. -Ili
go eraily takes n.ny years', political
ap reneiceship to each the ihead, of
th finance dep r ment, who is re -
c.(' nized ae ''next to the premier, but
the ,e IS a man who never ran for
Pu lic office befare, enters the Can,
Ad an parliament tor the firet time
as an (independ en politics and mine
ist r of finance.'one -four years
la' o• he is Sir T .as White, 'and it
Is seld; by his r1�nds that he 'will
ye'. become prime nister of thei coun-
tr , But as long a,s Sir , Robert Bore
de ehooses to e .aIn at the head
Of the party; n one Iri the ranks
d, -aspire to t a 'position. 1
, I 0 e, . 0
nth three tr n conttnenta1 rail-
s now `In ore ation in Ontaxio.,
an with one of't1iern slashing rates,
It looks like.' a zry winter :for Vbis
pr since fronl A ansPortation ,view -
pe t. The road n which the slash-
ing is being do is elle eNational
Tr nscoretireerntal„o rated by the G�v-
er Meat, and, the big cut has been
,c in fixing i. h winter rate for
elk carriage of' eat over that
r t. Tho ti•ew a e is six cents a
b hel freer., Ar s rong to Montteal
Quebec. I responds to the
c ep water rat hich prevails in
se atter from Po Arthur east. The
go ernment hes en operating the
Tr nscorrt ntat, 1 Northern Ontario
an Quebec 1 atta ss. ',Host of the
tr ffic -has ben s.p over the Ontario
s,ec Loa bet* en hrane and, Winni-
pc the tr tricwitching south at
hrane an1 co g down to Tornte.
he new OW at rate will help
tsai railroad to a e extent and will
hel the • edi r great deal. It ,
ni nee that 100 s a dety of wheat;
dr14 bet c'oerting do over the govern -
me t. road( and tha a good deal of it
mln all Probability,
wil pass 0=14111 ronto on the way
c . It also en
' privately oWn corrtpeting roads
will reduce their lir tes on wheat to
me t the low priee getablished by She
ego irnrnent.
two road p hich will compete
tly are the eadian Pacific and
Canadian No t rn, both pif which
their own. lin from the Pacific
oronto, Mont al and Quebec, the
Alan Norther having' recently
Coiwt bishedt a nevi p rvice between TO-
ro o and the co t. The new situa-
ti is somehwat s artling,, because it
me ns that, so tar as the cost to the
sill per Is concerrie , ,there is to be an
all Water grain te through North-
er Ontarioall fw ter, and, that, there
it the other r,aiii• s sneet the new,
ra. t established b the goverement.
rr storage elev t rs do Ontario have
i tie n taxed tpret y well to their ca-
ity by the aiu h of wheat from
western IprOvi ccs. There nee,d,
00, be any congeet n on thee account,
lert h the winter ter trate in force
ste the 'prospect Is for three big
•en Streams Of wheat flowing
li Ontario 1 a winter. Incident-
, it will ereaa orrfe benefit to the
• rio Govern e t railway, the
Te Iskaseing an4 orthern Ontario,
be ween North iIa and, Cochrane, as
t line will ca r all the wheat
ve kb turns sou ,ard. at Cochrane,
This is 'the seco shock to the grain
tr within the 1 st ifew Weeks, the
c mandeering o 5,000,000 bushels by
L Government ng the ,first.
• •
e Ontario a 0 far the soldiers
At the Trout and the rhospitals.
O govermr bas been sending
a ks to cne for some:timetpar-
ticalarly to tho in the English, and
"to the men who
ny as prisoners of
red and flfty eases
ited alrea y Rich -
beret f e prov-
e i250: ea golng to
Is and, 30 or. there -
s in Germany. It
ent as regardS the .xnission havc kseen examining these
'nazi', to be re- p eperties and it isequite probable, if
,00f being obtained I t lea.sis already &ndtcaed works out
there int good con- I a rEasonabl-e ifigure at the radial
the men:ford Whom • s may he taken over, thus Provid-
' t, trig apart oysten r ady made and en-
-nearly 80Q0 cana- soning a monopoly fr the Beek scheme
te English hoital* Sir Adam Is naturally enough very
nch hoopitals
held •in 0,er
e Sixteen hu
e beeiridietrib
Reid, szent-
4F. in England
French Ji
uts to ter's°
been an expe
n carn,ps
ted, only on
t the tfrait
on and reae
Is elestinede
here are no
o aoldlere- in
alone, and, the _agent -general reports
that there is oohing they like better
than a Igid, Ontario ii,p171e?. This is
borne but 'by kttetrs from. the head
Of the various hospital, and! the ,gov-
ernrt.ent has decided to Increase the
'shipments eo "that all the hosidtals
may be veell supplie.dt Arrangements
are neew being made for securing, the
necesaary supplies of fruit and g'ettintr
them acroes the Atlantic. Ontario, ac-
cording to' Attorney General 'setae 131.
Lucas, ha given supplies of all sorts
and contr1but1one of motley for patri-
s (up. to ts.)., grand, totalrof
tLo P4r
* * • .
The, adoption by the, electors of To-
ronto„ Berlin,' !Guelph And London, al-
so by all the rua-al municipalities on
the route -with but the exceptions,
. of the BE
r that this
It rdlee,s n
Will take
k railway proposal rrean.s
big project Will go ahead.
t tmean that the, province
on any tinanclel responsibil-
ity leig erough to hamper Ite work
In coaltrtiaatiag in varieties ways to
war exPenditures, but it firea,ns that
the way, 1as been orpenedl for a otart
and for tie completion
thousand and one prelim
sary in . the launching
Of such ragnitude The
jority tor t he hydroer.adi 1 by-law was
not a large one, which was natter pure
prising in view of the enthusiasm
manifested previously for the Beck
project in Pat city, anid in view of
the tact that London, h s bed some
profitabk. experiente iril the cood.uct
of munictpal railwat* enterprises. The
veto, however, wee substantial enoogh
to put the seal tef ,popellar aaimoval
on the scheme. The reel right was
In Torontond In Toronto the majer-
ity by which the radial bylaw was I en-
dorsed was ..a very large one,.
Sir Adam! -Beck put up an .heroic
corepaign for the suceess of this
second, fbranch of his great cheap -
power work in Ontario, addressing
several 'meetings nightly and, warning
the ratepayers that the fkilling o
th,e, echeme now would teave it dead
for !all time. His ooint in this .wasl
that by another year the,forces hostile
to the scheme would the able to
-stren.gthen their feeganieiation and sot
eetrench themselves ash to enake, the
defeat or the scheme probable if not
actually certain. The fight in Toronto
was not a party °tee. Although the
project is to be carried out by,e Coll-
E.ervative governirrent. lit was suPPort-
ed by Liberal newspapere and oppoeed
by at 'least one of the forrerr.ost news-
papers of the government side. The
laattle against the projeet was based
on two main grounds flrst that the
citizens were insufficieotly J./lb:armed
wIth mon], to the plans,1 its cost iand
the effect upon the control of their
streets, and secondly, that the time
wee e time for war projecta only. It
was urged that the province ought
nee to be called upon to shoulder a
neav and heavy financial responsibility
when every energy and le,soaree eught
to be exhaustted in the support of
the war. These' objections were an-
swered by Sit A.daan Beek with „ the
assurance that the city w-ould, re-
train absolute control of the streets.
Sir Adam explained how I ne Open -
dal aspect of the 'proposal would
wOrk out. As to the objection that
the raising -of funds for the radials
wauld cripple the rgOverrunent in the
performance' of Its war ,work he de-
clared. that the endorsation of the
radial plan by the people would not
interefere with the war prograartme, of
the governnoent, beeause the hydro-
clectrie corrmission Would not proceed
with any 'part of the radial echeir.e
wfthout the Approval a the govern-
ment. The Intention .VAtOilto raise $500,
000 or 41,000,000 on the 1 can -mission's
boodz, guaranteed by the municipali-
ties, and proceed vvIth the preliminary
work so that all would he in ereadi-
ness for going forward, with the
scheme on the conclusion of the war.
Sir Adam. ,expects that the (bon& 'for
the building of ate ;hydra radials can
be floated at par, becattse they will
'have behind themthe igeara,ntee of
the Idforernreent as well sa of the enun-
icipalities,, and also the system itself.
Toward, the close of the cazypeign in
Toronto .a (repcyrt was circulated that
Premier Hearst was not in sympathy
with the Beck scheme. This report
had, the effect of cleaeing up anY
doubt as to the governirent's -attitude
on the new policy. Premier. Hearst
*raking the statement that the
the govern -
the Whitney
providing for municfpall4 owned rad-
ials is !favorable to the alai scheir.e.
Trereis not now, adds, and inever
r .
le,es been 'any fdolub or rhesitation a -
beat the governtre t ejpressing Its'
approval of the pol y Of hydro-elec-,
tr eadials." With this 'very emphat-
ic !declaration from the Provincial pre -
her and with the voteof the etdef
tr Unielealittes coneerhed, there Is no
daturbt that. the plate of linking up the'
cities and town of Ontario with
re -dial railwaye operated by cheae
power 'picot/Wed by tbe government,
will be carried into effect. Sir Aden:
Beck included , the steam. railways in
the list of Interests behind the fight
against the radials, and it Is likely
eroagh that these roads will, be
ther he•ed bit, In eo far as local
ffic is concerned, by the operation
the Beck lines.
nctdentally, it has become known
finttely that the Hydro -electric pow -
commission of which Sir Adam
ck is the head, has under consider -
ion the taking over od the electric
es now radiating frore Tet•ento ad
reizie in t ere etre
ie 'sr ready :o dis-
Uwe/ Interests in
ng the Toronto
oro to & Eastern
d the Toronto &
5 burban. The con: isston can have
t Esc lines at their costplus ten pia
c nt.. and ,sorre sor of 'agreement In
w !ch the basis of ale Ile each case ts
f el, 'have been submitted to the come
ndssicue Engineers employed by the
of, all 'the
inaries neces-
London ma-
titude of the ar,embers
relent, following that of
government that leaflet
c ntrolled by the
5 Willi= (Slacken
of ,his etectrie r
is district, incled
• street railway the
Metropolitan, a
4 •
31cLEAN BROS., Publishers
$1.00 a Year bt Astrairo$
Lehigh Yalley
We do not say that Le-
high Valley is better than
other dealer's coal but we
do -say that no better hard
coal is an the market any-
where than
one load and prove its merit
Cluff '8, Sons
-,•••••,* ^,C• ...."..••••••••••••••••/
pkaseelt at the outoorce of his campaign
and, is receiving congratula.tions froir
all parts lot the province on tills suce
Huron Notes
-.Tie gam pecople of Varna Pres-
an church presented their pas-
vt D. Johnston, With 4 lead of
n .New Year's Eve,
le annual 'meeting of the Easti
Huron Agricultural Society, will be
heldIn the town hall, Brussels, on
Wede sdaY, January 19th at 1.30 p.m.
—Di. Oliver J. Courtice with his
wife, -0414i eon are at Holreesville from
Edmonton visiting* at elle parental
home- that Of Wirt and Mrs. A. J.
Cour tics- .
—The ladies Of Knox church, Gode-
riele, have 'presented , their pastor.
Roo. Mr. Ross, vale a New Years'
preseet in the shape of a handeom.e
fur lined at.
—Feed ,Burchell, of Brussels, has en-
listed for active service in the 161st
Huron Battalion, .and leaves immedi-
ately for Clinton. He was elected
councillor for Brussels this year.
—Pte. Stewart Knox, forn-erly of
Auburn and 13rucefield, has been taken
to Exeter hospital in England; where
he es being treatedtor nervous strain.
He expects to rerrain' there until
Spring .before- again joining the army.
—On December 29th, David Davidson,
son Of leireandl Mrs. Thomas Davidson,
llth concession of Grey, was united
In marriage to Miss Ethel Lydia,.
daughter of Odr, and Mrs. Frank Ritt-
wage,, oft '"Hill Farm", EllisborosSask.
—It is of interest to note that in
one Gederich home eiche following al --
ticks have been knitted, for the boys
In the King's .unifooto since the begin-
ning or the ware r3 caps, 96 tpairs of
wristlets, 14 belts, 0.5, flextrift, and 76
pairs of esockg. • - . t
, —On Friday morning before last, (Mr.
Robert Fox 'was Wound in his bed, ' at
the home of his son, Druggist Fox.
in Brussels, dead. He had been in
apparent good health the 'day pre-
vious. Mr. Fox was in his 83rd year
and was a fine Old frentlenian.
---Tho customs collections of God -
rich and Its outports for the month
of D,ecember, 1915. were $18,504;05. This
shows a very large increase over the
collections for themonth of Decem-
ber, 1914, .which were only $3,388.55.
The collections of Goderich alone for
December, 1915, were $4,413.13,
—Last week, int. Joh,n, musgrove, of
Turnberry bovneship, was aperate4 on
for 0111 obstruetion of the otoorach.
He was accompanied to Wellesley
Hospital: Teroeto, fley 4 Ii. Musgrove,
lid.P.P. The (operation was a serious
one but at last accounts the patient
waa dping (favorably.
—Mr. W. 1114. Manning, of London.
and for many years a well known
citizen of Clinton, was elected to
the Board, of Education In the. city of
London. lefr. &Laming ;stood fourth In
the list. He is a brother, of (tr. -R.
E. (Manning, of the Royal Bank at
—44, B. -9,1cLean, of the 16th conces-
eion of Grey, purchased tram P. R.
Leeming, el' itifeldillop, a handsome
yotmeg Durham calf for which he paid
the sum fog $100. The price indi-
cates the 'quality of (the calf and lift*.
McLean is too be congratulated on his
--diefr. and. 'Mrs, Harry Tyndall, of
Neepawat Mane are On a holiday visit,
with tricredo in Grey. Mr. Tyndall is
a brother to atm, John Brown and his
wife was ta former resident of the
9th concession rot Greys in the person
of L11185 Vary HatkIrle, It is as pore
since lir. Tyndall went West.,
i—Thiz(ty cOuples took A sleighride to
'the home Of (Mr. and Mrs. W. Wieite,
Crediton East on Thursday of lest
week andt helped (theft celebrate their
silver wedding. Ali had an enjoyable
rime and, before leaving wished lirr.
and Mrs. White twenty-five ' more
sears of happinese.
—The Clinton Knitting Company has
decided to use Hydro for power .as
well as for lighting purposes. The
Public Utilities Commission, of Clinton
are replacing, the forty candle power,
street lamps, as fast as they bu.rn
out with sixty candle power latoils,
at no additional expense to the tax-
—Vie Goderich Signal of last week
says; afe. -J. S. Dickoan, of Toronto
University, eon of ddr. J. T. Dickson,
formerly of receltaltio spent Christ-
mas at Bonsai' with its brother, Dr.
.4 A. Dickson, and has returned to
Toronto after opendinge- a few days
in totem (watt( Ms uncle, and aunt, Mr,
And Mrs, M. Bates. t
—4 telegram swan received iim Wing -
ham s (few dap ago from Ottawa, that
Serest Willtarc, Darnell,„ tormeiry ofthe
12t1'i Bettellem, who left Wingnam on
the 30th at ietutnise„ AK was killed
in action in Flanders on December 29.
He leaves a wife and five children
living in Lower Winghatm Bergh Dar-
nell was in his 48t11 year. The de-
ceased, carve from/ anglartd several
years aight
—Or. Ben prainiger and On Cecil.
are at Gefelerldie, trotr. Ogema,, Sask.
on a vist to their realtive0 In
Colborne townshiet. '(err. Grainger
has been ten year in. the West !and
ihe .aodi llts sohsi liave now 1909 acres
of lend. Vila year they took off
20,000 bushels lel wheat, besidoe 4460
bushiels of oats and 1500 buehell of
—The death took place at Detroit
on Christrees Day of Curtis Ineveason
a native and long tine resident of
Godericit township. (Mr. Lawrason was
born seventy-eight years ago on the
tarns on the ;Bayfield Road, Goderich
township, now owned, by Mr. Isaac
Salkeld and lived in that neighborhood
continuously until fifteen 'ears ago
when he reirsoved to Detroit. -
Andrew Porter,: of Goderiele
treasurer o1 'the Huron branch of
the Canadian Patriotic Fund, rccelv-
on Christinao eve, porn Mr. John
Joynt, of tfaucknow, .his cheque ;foe
$500, Which has been forwarded to
Ottawa. 14fr. Joint promised $1,000 a
yRal to the above 'mentioned rund as
long .as Ilia war should last., lie has
already paid 4500 to the Bruce cowl -
Years eve. The church. was erowded
by ,a holiday audience to hear the
kngthy programme provided. and
the proceeds, eterountirig to 3.80, wfll
-enable the Won -.en's InstItute to con-
tinue their Red Cross work with re-
newed, energy. The rrost promintent
feature of thei evening was a play en-
titled "The Spinster's Convention",.
'which was very capably acted by a
large con -any in, a way that revealed
careful training an$1. faithful prepar-
ation. Another interesting feature
was a f-ancy drill by a number ol
young ladies.
-Th. South Kinloss Presbyterian
Chureh to widen the Re'V' Mr. Reid.
of Lowdeebore has been called, is just
across the road from the corper-
ation of Licknow,cand so clings to
thk, ane.,ent castents as to eblior
ty branch. . , ; the kist of whistks and sing only
- A trolat wedding took niece at the the healirs. in that respect being
Pranse iri Varna on Wednesday eve I probably alone in all these tounties.
ening, when Miss Mary Pearl John- Tha congregation Is largely of High -
sten, eldeo daughter 'of and Mrsland descent and loves the Gaelic 80
ROSS Johristen: Of Blake, was united In •rruch that 'for some. time the pas -
marriage by Rest D. Johnston, pastor %orate hasbeen vacant while an -ef-
of the Presbyterian Churc'h, to Fred fort was acing ;made to locate. a
Wth Turners son, of -1,Mee and (Mrs. Rob- eetnister so versed, ire the ancient
ert Turner, Stanley e Atter the zere- laeguage so that this eervices in
Irony the eottple *left (on tine evening. South Kinloss might be like these
'train afor Goderich, of the pioneer dove Failing in
—A monster :recruiting tneeting was •Mr. Reid was the, choice. Tee
held( blithe town ball, Brussels, in the
Interests of, tire Ifirst Huron County
Rittalion, on Ihro.nday eerening of last
etteeke The chair ,was (occupied by Rev.
De Wren and, addresses were delivered
by letaler bleTaggart, Lt. -Col. Combe,
;Major Shaw, Thomas McMillan, and J.
T. Wood., A recrultiog league was also
formed. The ° Brussels company has
already upwards of twenty-five re-
crules in tr,alnin•g.
—Rev. J. ic, Reid (has been releas-
ed by ftible Rresbytery of Huron -front.
;has charge of Londesboro and Burns'
church, Hullett, to accept a call
front South Kinlosst in the Presbytery
of lefaitland, formerly in charge of
Rev Mr. McLennan, now retired. ;The
congregations of Otonelesberof and Hele
lett will be declared vaeaet on the
23rd of January by Rev. W.D. Turner
of IBlytht who will act as Interim/ 'node
erator. The good loople of Londes-
hero and Sullett Will be sorry to lose
tdr. Rekla with was much 'thought of
and Ihi s -work very h,sighly appreciated,
—The Crarebrook Red Cross Sewing
Circle held a very succeesful holiday
meeting last week. Many holiday vis-
itors were present. During the meet-
ing tas the ladies sewed, violin music
was provided -by 'Messrs, porlsalitz and
Jack Siennnen, 8thel: Lunch waa.
served, at the close of the meeting.
Proceeds of the day amounted do
$18.40. Of this stenthe pupils of
School Section Myrtle donated $3.50 in
coppers to aidttthe work. The interest
shown by the frren, revealed by their
presence, was greatly .arpreclateet.
.Everyone will be welcome again.
—Because of the honor reflected on
the Goderich Collegiate Institute by
the saccess attained by Miss dtary I.
Torn and Miss Florence Ai. Smith, at
the summer examinations of the
University of Toronto, the trustee
board of Goderich Institute presented
each of the young ladies at Christn:as
with ten volumes _of :the Temple edi-
tion of Shakespeare. The books were
inscribed as follows;r "Presented to
Miss , by the Board of Trustees
of Goderich Collegiate Institu.te in ap-
preciation of the honor conferred upon
the school by your brilliant successat
the University etr,serinations, 1915".
—On Friday !evening, December 8Ist,
friends number g seventy-five
rrore net at the home of Mr 4 and Mrs,
George Johnsto lst concession of
Grey, and after an interesting pro-
gram', presented their on Pte. John
Johnston who has enlisted -with the
161st battalion,, being recruited from
Huron County, 'with -a Bible, silveo
wrist watch a lgolti :Waldemar claain
and; knife and /1 silk kerchief,. Rev.
Mr. Johneton„ or Ethel, was chairman.
Presentation was made by Andrew
ildoleennan and Louie Frain°, while
the address was read by Andrew
Jacklio, Lunch was served, and a
pleasant social evening spent, '
—The Brussels Iftiblic School, whiz'',
has a continuation class, had, an ex-
penditure last year of 45,012, trade up
as follows: Teachers' salaries, *4,260;
caretaker's sals,ry, 4800; secretary -
treasurer's salary, $50; coal and
wood, $312.95; taxes $13.95; repairs,
$15.80; supplies, $62.50; supply Balm*.
ice $66.50. wtat. $5,072,70. 'title re-
ceipts for the soxne year were: Gov-
ernment grant, $596,91; County grant
,$1051.96; Legislative grant $142; pup -
11s' kes, 4405; levy on town, $8,000,
Total $5,104,31. Outside: vigils pay
$1 per !month and town pupils 50e,
75c and 41 peel month to the VB.riOUti
forms of High School.
--Mr. E. ko. Eagleson, fortr.erly of
Stank, writing drone Morse, Sask. on
December 6t11, says; We' have just
completed, our threshing and have had
most beautiful weather, all fall, The
early part Of the fall we had plenty
of elevator root and igreat nunitees ot
ears every day, but the past time
weeks the six elevators wo have here
are overtaxed and hundretda of wagons
are standing loaded from iday to day
waiting am a chance to get enloaded
which is done by nurebering each
wagon as they come to the' elevaters.
Prices are good here mot, itle in the
elevators and • prospects of gefing
higher. We have :cad no snow and
farmers are working on the land,.
Threshing is nearly finished In
this district!.
—On Neve Years Day, the home of
Mr. and dire. William Beevers, Bay'
field Road, Goderich township, was the
EISCRO. et a very. haz-VY gathering/ When
thetr .five chiheren and eleven grand
children !abseiled to the old hotne
once again.; Those 'present Were ilir.
and Mrs, jaeres H. Johnston, and
family., Of Drayton, laitt And- atre. -Ar-
thur Drovers, and family, exerd'
Mr. and $dra. Arthur Evans, ant tam -
rail, of Baydield e Mr: X14 Mrs. d'Altred
adoevers, who reside at homed and
Mr. and; frirs„ Amos Beevers, oft Mount
I Deemds, Ont. It was Melee the 20th
anniversary Of get ad! Mrs. .1011111t0111'S
wedding. The day was epent in talk-
ing over evente of younger days and
singing okl; daVeriWs, i
—Tile rroet stieces5ful Patel otic Con-
cert yet held 16 Bluevatet was given
coder the Auspittes of fel- worr.ente
Institetee In Xnex, church. on. New
salary IS elle %thousand .dollars with
free manse and a montirs holidays:.
—A pleasing event took ;place at the
home of iirre and ;Mrs. J.W. Vaeatter.
In Goderich, on Wednesday, Decem-
ber, 29dhe •when their youngest sieter.
Ethel May was united On erarriageEG
Ude.. Arthur T. Tanner, Millbank, Ont.
After the eereinony a luncheon was
partaken of ad( the young couple left
on the Alternoon G.T.R. train or To-
ronto. Mrs. Tanner, resided fei Gude-
rich several years ago, receiving a
goad' part of her education at the
Centtal school and Goderich Collegi-
ate enstitute. Sublequentli she at-
tended the Stratford Collegige In-
stitute, after which she entered the
nursing • prefession, training at Cook
County hospital, Chicago, and Geneva..
Dr Mr, Tanner. has apent the last ten
years near Saskatoon, Seek.. hie On-
tario home (being at afillbank.
--Mr. and Ora John Rapson, 01
Clinton, formerly of Hallett, tele-,
bretod their ,Golden Wedding on
New Year Day- at their home ' in
Clinton and alt the family were
present. The bride and gr,00nt
were married in Colborne on Jan a-
ary 2nd, 1866, and for 46 years
were residents lof Hallett township,
A (family of seven children were born
andll are living: Bets,: IL RaPson
and, James lof Blyth; Isaac and Al-
bert of- Hullett, Mrs,. W. L.' Jamie-
son, of Hulled; and Misses Fere
and Nellie. at home, Four . years
age, 1Hr. and, UkSi 'topsoil: moved
to . Clinton. During the day or. NeW
Years, a complirnehtary addrese, was
read 'to the parents And a gold watek
and chain was presented te the fath-
er, while the mother received a gold
brooch, ring Audi gold headed parasol.
—One of those pleasing, functions
that make _country life ertjoys.ble took
Place on! New Years Eve ar the home
of afr.. ilarrias Andereon on the 1th
concession of throxYree'when between
six(ty and eeventy Invited guests
assembled. The hostess did herself
ittdrice In the splendid supper served.
A programme of *music, vocal end in-
strumental, readings and recitations
was rendered by the younger Tnefn-
bers of the party and much enjoyed
by all. The erode pleasing leatuto of,
the evening was When the hoot and
treeless were presented withan a.ddres5
read by Miss Ethel. Hunkin gnd
beairtifal set of silverware by lefissee
Blossera Anderson and Maggie Boa-
kirkfrore the members of the An-
derson fan:11y. After seeing the old
year mit, and • the new year in, amid
goad, wishes and pleasant greetings,
Vise guests departed to their severed
homes with happy recollections of
,the evening.
—On Saturday evening. County
Constabks Waflts e.n4 Welsh raided
Re eben Gra.harnis hotel and secured
on wet goods, alleged to be too
strong to be sold in Huron County
undEr the Canada Toorperaneer Act. It
Is clahrod that although Graham was
shown the search warrant, he said
the °Lacers had no right to search
lets plane and spoocedied to place
hie rtfk on the bar, apparently with
the intentIon of scaring off the of-
ficers The constables, however, could
not be set aside leo easily, tier oven
by the Wring out .of the electric
lights, aa wao done by one at the
occupants. Wallis den:anded that the
lights be thrmediately turned en
again, and this was done his pocket
hearoblights -being (ueed in the 1r:cen-
time, The officers proceeded to
make an examination of the ber arol:
found, a keg of been on tap, lea') vt
they claimto be whisky t.nder thp
bar. Graham will appc ar Ware the
magastrate in the near future.
—Mrs. Ann Brown, coma -elan 10,
Sydenhaen, near Owen Sound, celc;
brated Jr 10t11 birthday in full
posetosion cot her faculties and in good
vigor, She is deeply interested in the
war and koccapiks herself with knit-
ting oceks tor' ookliera
—sle fire wheel had evidently been
smouldering for drotars, broke end 10
tite. aeventh storey ef the Union Sta-
tion in Toronto Monday afternoon, aril
before being extinguished &Itasca,
fire structure to the creel* of ten -
thousand dollars. A nurrber of ofe
floes were noodled by water and warty
valuable document* destroyed Tit'e
fixe, is at:tweed to lhave been I catteed
by oe. cigarette !having been carelesely
tlatrodon on the floor Of the filleigrotere
--That a brigade of Canadiene sr
German. descent ,W raised to fight for
Canada at the front is the saggest;sn
which lids been made to the ettinisthr
of tfofilltietend is now being considered
by him. There are at preaost stemiters
of wale men among the ratlita a tile
Canadiaa soldiers at the 'front 04N
they have idene Egglendid service: itie
abrkf Intellignece officer with tits
float contingent, is a Genres -Om**
velfose, father was a Genrari army ot-
ter and erreese mother 'was Ase
daegister of an. Austria4 general,
thee brothers fighting in the erae-
tat= roam bc#44,y, Her *ozl.
ri,anadian army has already Wen**-
errated. for aood ererre,