The Huron Expositor, 1916-01-07, Page 4K.* VARY' -T 151.1••••1.11 • 12 t9 9. 16 23 • 3° 10 17 4 If 4 9, 6 20 ' Of e were large pap -hat the latter •nd Irate* ife seise • ' g 8, gift.Site 6,190 Oa theta of imager:a and, In a't Pre ty, t4iowar bouquet. of roses h ihntatlee. the less-- if life -veep yer 1117- .0 the V011eyi . MIAS . Ruby' c ;sidorable. In itIgIta c.aseithtliii1 veer P1a7d thiWedding rausliti Thq . t t the *hilt rviiii ti:e pearl a we were attacked Wif3 t any warn...- . ,g to the passeagerS , -and, both yett Ishii a Aber. :the Ceremony a sOla sank rapidly afterithe attack. Tile rille--4*IrfOat shah shah served after w a Silhaare roar takingeffective atepae mit iaid MrS. Welsh left, ! ! amigh to .1tcheek theseantirderera of omen s.110Wer Of 149-1440 Andl!' godeW,l'e 1441 Cilnd,r4n and at Is likely theyObeill Or -Their Mina in:. Toronto. • he socee.ssful ahd,that there 'W.ill'''IlOt :. ''..".k-,VPcif 0 itOpeslOrflulitlafg bee. be a great deal triore of thiaitinf Cling held ,at, tha *1100, Of iii0. ;,1. 73 At BOA rbatiotss kiror nt of Wirfare; ' I Inbklorrthi; y townshille Fr 29 AtnriciitIrsxmENT 4rieciiile-Ste;ratettros-S. *oaf iralue-Beetaeiek-s tartrate atia-CatisOlothinicOo. Pest Touring Oars --.T. IP. Dely--5 Itubbers.:-W, a. Togs Watied-attlent Bros. -6 • Wilder Bort*-a. T. It Motion Sale-Ocotge Boiland-8 Wanted-Soe6t, Bensall,-6 IMlioeitIluttneesOollege-6 South Huron agricultural Socisty-6 SPermentingitute-5 I BrokenPromittee-Tell'sPnoso Studio -6 Blank Rooks-Tcotupeces Hook ,Fitore•=8 Almost Betting -6 Oardli ot Twin -5 Outtere-eieseoleipbt11-8 Cows tarSals.--11Turnbliii-5 Rfixall Remedies -0. L. Williams -44 S;.. SPIAFOIMEI, FRIDAY, Jan. Ith The War Situation • There pre twD Immense and ! well equiPpked armies now facing; eaeli' oth- , er at Salotiki on the "Greek er.. BILt neither (have as yet Made ; any tamale)) ;move t rt haslbeeni ex-' Peeted that the offensive wokdd , ye been taken bef e this by ,the tro- ciertrar* forces; it Aeons that this .-Intentich has -WO abandOneti,, for the preber.t \at any iate . lichst up- ishot of the Athreemont will *elf •no ',Iverson tat this diStaric an4 with, the irforrna st hand can even. g est. It Is saki that the Genesis- care barging baolt lentil they ean. get the Bagariars. ta join them in • the at- tack. This the Bulgariate :not show a eltIsPosititio to do, They object to er teeing Greek territory to tight arid aft= ,satistied to enjoy th nos- teselons they won from Serbia. c On .F,"-arcarint of this condition it 13 Said the relations of the German and ul- garlan officials have become co ski- erably strained and # ruptuve May he ate reselt. The Bulgarians say they (have novr got all they set' ofut to-Otain and this being tile- ease.: , rot intend to fight Any or, NS-lat will be neceasary to ain _the conve:sts they have already Owleg .tilis,ditficulty the Ge ans bsa,ve trot counmenced their offiasi at galactic' and, the protabilitlee are at their activates_ will he exercise :In some *other sphere. the Eastern arena the Bus ris are still waking gonquesta and arel iday by day tdriylng' back the Genr.an 'And &marl= forces._ They have capt 'red several brportaet pesitions within. the past eseek and are eviOntly ng the ererhy into:sue:hi a corner tha, he will reit.; be labia tei emerge fromliex- cept at heavy loSs of both mer. land iraterlal. The Russians are good ter *fighters said the Russian wi ter does not agree with the GerneanS In the West there is ped pt- Ible change in the situation. tr ch is cocationally taken by one side = lost thy the other and artillery d els .are Of frequent and alreoSt daily ce- . currence. Within the *past week; ev- ar,a1 Attempts have been rnade1.4 Ithe Gernears retake -last positions, ut by the reports all these attempts ve been (met and repulsed by the Bri sh ard(Freneh with heavy loss to Ithe enemy. The New Year criticisms; or si ng tra of the situation by the . var us reintar$ critics, were of the mast t- _ireistic character. It was the gene al- ly expressed opinion of tall that he prospects *for the Allies are very re fi wore *favorable than a year ago. it was admitted that the( German ad n:ade- many spectacular attacks nd won 1rech territory that In a, ry point of view they are not nearl as good a. position' as they ever year ago. They 'have reached, the ith of their achievements and:.stren.i and they Trust now- recede., e w, Ile the arore territory -they held tile In re difficalt their task b4. While this Is the case with the Germs, " he Allies are said to have /vastly , rr- .`proved •their strength ,both in en arc munitions and are now in a ch • better position for effective work t an theyt were a year ago and thaLin he rature of things their condition -Ill improve. The expectation Is that t- ivities during the winter will rex in abut as. they have been. Both part es -will.thoshand their resources ai 7fee ',possible so as, to' be prepared or the big push as soon as the weat er ditions in the 5prIng VIM PTrailt. itt Is hoped and expected that by tr.,d- Flarrrter tile Allies will have 'becornP4 so Strong both la men and munitions they can drive the Gerrreens oet !Of •France and Flanders and force' m back to their' own territory. But aal to whether they will foikiw there furt er is w•atter for future coasiderati. n. It its expected that aS soon as c Gertran axople realize, they -have` .1 a holag cause and that their arm es are: Eno longer able to stem the flor leg tide they will collapse like a houee of cards ard the prebabilities are Oat ilgsplte the rigid rule of the rrilital y authorities igeneral people will , 0. volt against a continuance of /tics at SO great an expense sin- ly to !gratify the: gred and pride ,k1 a few ,privil?ged individuals in auttuir- ityl• We in, ust say that even; now 41eations point in this direction' ad are evident to many close and eare8 1 observers. 1.siany will be greatly stir - prised If the war is- not satisfactO .- ily termtnat 4 by mid -summer. f course th-ra is a tot of work 1 o i e dote tk -fore that desirable result Os reached niut the Allies- are tepidly ge, tirg themsvIvesinto, shape for • jui such an ev-tit, When John Bull p.tls his shoulder to the wheel and, /giv s it a above ebireething has to tno•v! stet 13 TIONV !getting into good .sb,a.pe give the vvheel mighty shov,e whid will aietonieh onlookers as well those, Who are etn. the' other side of t machine. a th ea • The British naval authorities •ha... - "kg !settled the submarine war In th Atiartie and aroand the British coast, which created so iruch consternatio' a- Short time ago, the Germans havi removed -the scene of their ,activitlei to mate blediterrartea.n. During th past week several vessels have Yeei otteik by German or Austrian submar os 11, p;wessmmismin of WitelahWilesi the ladlea and g 10 • NeW Years ipTii-Ora of, the „Women% etitute quilted two quilts; Orte for th. Belgians the other !Pho not t R.140.1.110'#OrS AE1S ' Red -Cross Work. Amount zolleeted, tor 14 tatiesl, for all 1,41vtlikat we Tray t Itiek lozos -tOr t on the •Red Cross qLlh etti acild totalled $132.40, Nevi, treat' has ocit been ault,e part, ot which rani ,he t•Sed In buying be tharikful AS the, 114 of 'Sirs" In grater* for sewing Idirithe Red Creed, Canada is getting to ha so large and arid the ,retraindee wIil be forwarded the Or1101`) FR cochlear that. it 1ias al.; to the See/Ay. lidiss Eva Brown drew ceasn'ed to be 'at, honor. Sir the lucky ticket and, became possessor of hbg Mhas filhauglmessy, !Presideneek t or :C quilt. o:,woitting t•sel puce at ! I the Canadian Pacific Railway, has noon thr Wodineeday In lOrtoi clue che be Soule a Baron, a' d Oxen. .p Gib. 'Omit 'Lottie, 'yoxn.st will horeafter be lane ,as Sir W T. fence tat‘r daXight+r Of lib% ‘14141 Oh's. Willia,ne Crteath, was natited in marriage to White, the Dominion White. These eteo the, Priecipal onees maculae R. leeLeare of Cleveland,. lad as the therare he .wen n own bride; ,was POPular town- lea e to Our readers it is netessry to s a large circle of riends who join in Os mention them. We have not n tieed wishing !her ness, The bra ea any! groom was s !former resideot of Gode thrich, being the 13011of Capt. Will e Gee. McLean, now Of Cirveland. The youflg the- couple 1 'ft on the 2.30 traln foi e. trp thr ,g11 the States afterh1chL thy wi 'reside In Cleveland. tesday Ovening of last wnele , the\ Wart iter town hall WAS crowded !to 'the114 a to enjoy the fine. p I rata inle y the Wroxeter Continuat Oil la/SS. he !first part of the p ranethe consisted of a chorus by he route 'Continuation Class; read** of "Noe Affairs'W the. school pa r; presenta ion Of diplomas and reading of yak, ctory. Second part was a -langhah Play iontitled "The dear boy g uate" by the. Contlnuatlqn class- it ts, who came in for may leo= pllme ts Whleh Vie.re'.1 well deserve seri. Pr.. • . which ansOurk, ted to Oa, will be used for •Patriatic purposes. -The WSW, ;away ion -Christ/nes Day, at Lr an 'how's of some Years Mary W Gould,, towns ,1837 of *Poetry, A res 'that Sir Sam ifilaghes ham create 11E1F41 gorlOrari Coloaele. By Way, we alnitht forgotiBrigadiee eral Bertram,- late chairman o Shell -Commission has aloe .been made a [Knight Bachelerr, as has also Chief .1 lice (Itaultairi‘, of Regina. We hope all these- gentlemen nUry long live to enjoy these heInors, although/ we fear , the weight rcie-Y be "Irkforn to Igme Ofi there, esPeCiaily to pIalr., tioneet 3`014n Bartrara 6 The leical °viten Vote Local .Option by-laws' were carried oh INIOnday last in seven teWns five villages and, :bur townships. Tnocid op tion wee ,sustained for the third tine in repeal contest9 In ./wen Sound. Noecity went' dry. ' Contests „were held In eight citiesi and threel �f 1 their./ gave ' stra.ight majerites a tank the by-law. The three-fifths lento keehs the others wet. ;The cities vot- ing,were--Belleville . Brantford. Fort William, *Niagara :Falls. -Port-Arthur. Sarnia, Stratford and Woodstock. By-It:els . carried' - th the ; f haw- ing arunicipallties: Aurora, ;Carleton Place, Essex, Parkhill, , PetrOlea, Ux- iid bridge, Wallaceburg, Of, Luca, Oil Springs, Port Perry, fiulph, Chap- leaat, Fitzroy, London township, 1Son..- rat. The Ov-laws were *defeated tie ough the three-fifths ,clawse in the Mlow- Mg: Belleville, Brantford, Port Ar- thur, Sarnia, 'Aram:1st' k, Oakville; Parry Sound: Theasabn, WhItby, , .Giencoa, iiterrlickville, North Cayixga Louth, ibtaribero, .illy -laws were dofeatd by striOght majorities in the fo owing,: , Fort William, .Niagara Falis. Stratford,. Niagara, Ostawa, Erin: • ...: ) By-la,wa sustaining and continuing the law in copiFation was carrkd in Owen Sound; pinch andi North, . A by-law to reduce the nurtberf, of licenses trfyrr /5 to 38 was carried in the city of Ottawa by over three * thousand. .1,.............. The Hydro -Electric ' 1 On INfanday last A nurnber of m4nie1- pa3ltles on the route of the propos- cd: ilydro-Ek*etric Railway. frore.. To- 1 roko to London' voted upon bylaws authorizing them to iss.re gieben,urefa fer Vvpay/Tent of their resp -e tive assessrrents under the Hydro- m- erheloe tor the construction of! the 2rOposd road. Nineteen, rUral. rA,m1- e1pa1itiesr live citlets, three towns and four villags Weie interested and: the by-laws wen carried in , all rrunielc, panties, nexcaPt three to-Winshipe..Thee werle Blanshard, Waterloo and North aerthape townships In these muh1c1- 11t1es,11 the by-laws were defe tted by smell Majorities. The. vote was 1ore in the nature al a -test of a abile. Opine ion! for before definite ectian car? be tahen :by any of the munielp tlitics,1 an- other vote oa the regular by-law ir ast be laken In each m.unielpality. 'How- eeeiothe strong probabilities are --hat the, enecandiyonte will be AS pronouaced, as the !first. - I The result of the voting was great victory for Sir Adam Beck, the father of the scheme. It was tiikel as a test of public ,opinion en the principle of pelelie ownership of jublic utilities and private ownership of thi same. The Beard of Trade of th S City of 'To- ronto very strongly Op•poseld the schem•e. They weee ,supposed to re-, present the e,a•pitalist interests. To-li rton to '.vas the pivotal • °int of ttlt schotriet as it is ted be by, far the 'erg - the vote in c schemei if gh entlre.ly, long in. t mid have and Men po- ise heme its eyet, the nto in fa tir anger aide dangers to est contributor. And 11A Toronto lbeen adverse t jt should not fall • faro wor4d, be long 'delayed, s that ,private inIerests Owe to fget in their work • lize the power that th designed to deVelop. 11 "very decided vote tin 'Dor of .the 'scheme sets this and :one of the prinelpe, the ,[seheire has been 0 following are the arr.oun each' ffruncipality intereS to ISSUe idebentures to ea.Try111g at 'at the sche Tooreehips--LObrion *68 gar, !$678,921; Waterloo $ shard, 402,909; •W Downie, $418,735; Sol 5:316,262; Toronto, $345,3 wcya, 4'343,147; Guelph $ bicoke, $401,335; North Ea 4686; Baddulph,, $112,166; $91,922; Puslineh $70,300; ,$42,180; Nelson, $31 180; East, Zorn. $39,000. eltie $4,240,19; London, $1.10 $774 040 'Guelph $734,862; St atf I $661/.785, Towns-Waterl. • , $ 88, St. Marys 153,940;$Milt • n: 65, Villages - !Mimic° $111,2i0; N runto *82,250; Port Credi .154,0 New Ilan -burg $66,250. T` Lai, ::13.7 160.2 viatedi. s for wtich edwill have ns tire he e : I 1 ,389; Tra4al- 21.903; B1 t $419,05; h Easth 5; Nessaxa- 61,025 ; Eta:sthpe $29, - Es ciue g. • Brat -noise., Rica -•Tomato .303; Bexilin " Huron Notes • -A. very tenet but pre ty wedd$08' iteirs. Rowland Jenkins 'of the( 16th co tOok .place at the home •f 1.1.4 ceosiolo Of ,Giofderich tow ship, whp their 'youngest daughter, fly E., w#,, united in 'marriage with . Nix Welsh, of the teachingft, of Taxon -to Peblic Schools, of 1 r aied Mrs. Retort Welsh, of Clinton, The cereiromy was per armed t Rev Dr. Rutledge, of Cli ton, in t presence of only the irr.m te r tives, The bride, Who •A8 giv away ibr her father, were her trave lthgpun of navy blue wit picte 00. 0; 4 - • had tent antt Christ verse Of thioe, 0 lier - • • eons $ .4SErS. thr:e we Ailed. in Christ eregt about born in For six the st rlsr whe 1644 IS tha tarrredi Itoba ,st.s.te aliforn rtman, wife of, Mr. WI the ;literati Road, Goder The deceased l; was born Mated Empire riLoyalist ut Oor trany years had t• Of rich township, (ter y yvirs a con r of t Methodist chu her long illness w , fortitude,often' repeatln$ a her favourite hymn: N Ord,, 1 htavetteard thy vote 4 and /writ], of tliree daaughrotsurvive. A.n.cmcatnr; aOn known reaLdeet of1:ylorris, hi 'Angeles, California, igal3. dirs. McGattney as ano,• tyrnylearng itfronibt agbeeingan: 'Was nshard tOwnithip, 'years she taught schbol • achool hintoee 2nd 'line, !Wor- e She met with'fine suCc4ss. remembered 4is OMB Mar - iv. and thirt. McGaffney ' *. dome year lat nakto y, and disposing Of their ra1 t a warmer , climate in ten years agd, where tic led. They had no 'furl ving aloha at the time 1 1 tliog 5u1den death' • to4k then township on Wedn s -i .ber• .29th, when Sarah W14 wife of Mr. , Robert iM4te ' away, thirs. Mitchell w s aal health unth Puesdaiy, was suddenly 'Stricken wi attack of kidney trouble a was not long Coming. .T Itra,S borh In thel township .11 jyi- helo hpU pa -s . her .hen sh e. acute he end gaeased .Y. tephen and resid_ed cohtlnu;otisly in the town hip all her life. She, was is1ged 66 years &led five days. By her lovable . dispasition andkind hearted ilature she was aehr.ired and loved all who had( the pleasure of her a eunintance. Besides the 1 sorroiwi heeband she is survivedhy several a igrowtn-lip ;family • -A very 'serious accident happen en Thursday afternotm Of last wee While, Mr. 'areed Mrs John 1Weir of tt eixth concession of Turrilbe,rry, witib heIr two children, were driving to .Winghann in which. their infant daugit. 'ter was ,so seriously injOred that t died the following day. The aceide t w, as caeteed by a runaway, the hor taking fr ght At a Chile -Ones tr Which was lying 011 the OA In its dash it tore the reins frota the( hands Yr the dr ver and Ce.reered- down the 1094 for some dietamm hefore ttin hatter in which thy wer ' riding was 'set. Then baby girl, was our Rontps ci4axed had an arm bro n and .re- ved inhales to ,her 1iad. • She • ea taketo the Win,ghni hoepdtal, here an operation 'was performed, th I ttle one died; ihe follow. 1 g day, 1' r. Weir had h s heed cut one\ Ig injured. Mrs Weir had 9 ve.r.al s fractured mid was sefi ✓ rely sh keh up. Their !three yea d 1.sen. ho wee•iieth ther escape u ,n inljered.. —laird 3: .s Carnpbell, filhe veteran - clerk of township of Hellett, an, nunce4 -- th2., n1nat10 mee epacity of. e, IiI ended clerk for eArsalieiul tuatt; ,ipa,ntlinnisEtate4k, to a close In a Mew went over t be • • iidied do file cIer1d for he last thee as ✓ signing ter serving a t enty-sev n conseeutive tt has en exceedingly having I so efficient an of oda' and When t at hie tzrrn was drawin as he pu, posed realigning weeks a mave Of regret the rneetin ,to which exp ession was eve[ni lin la stand44 • and eunanirroue vote of si cere apprecia4ion which was Ifolloev by a hearty singing of `Tor (He's a Sony Good Fellow." Ibite Camp ell was perce,ptibly touch.4 ed by thee tokhol of the regard from therpeciple whom he has so long and, fa thfully rved. littr. John JF'ingland e -.Reeve i likely ,to be Ikea Campo bell' suede sor. 16.1r. JameS: • Bra1th- - w1te, tsir Cazr.pbellis epiredleeeseor; served, ass t along oit perhaps longer 4tirlittetwhe. • 11 isuccessor, •:-The loll 'wing is a state -one of the wYrk idlOnte oby the Clinton- Pa.triotiC Society Olt Itslorganizatip ele Sept. • 28th, 1914, •intil Decemlaer ! 7th, 1916 Total an. nt spent in Cilliton 'for work !saw s, etc., $2469.64; 'From bal- ance, Of 4161-2.96 many donations have ,beee, giveh to the Red Croee, to the Shereeeliffe ;Hosp1tal,4660,00; field A tot 88rd, *200, 1 The col - leo tone froi the boxes for isyetemat-i lo patriotic work t have been, very atifying; Colleetions for Oc1ber $1 .46; tor 4)Novornber $116:1 511. On it. e -r 27th the :bank ace .couint of to. oociety showed a cash hale/nee of260.611. The Work Rot port -nit o work in c i•ige of Uri atrunroe- 1618 wire of ks, 278 'P irs wristlets, -196 scarfs; 99 IAVA CAM, 48.cholera belts; totalmum.' r of pertier4 sent overseas through this department - 2064, number of (10-, ations i25,6s goiepital supplies - ' get of (Arai Chant and Mrs. ,I•lb20- ay -Sheets 2.87,. towels- 1244, watI- c1othis 476, pillow elips 1047, bedi pocks 70. Shirt Department - In charge rot Hellyar.- Pyjama salts 169, flan- nel shirt840, hoevital shtits 127, Red Cron% slight shirts, 109, night shirte 1109.. , atatio,a on Mondial ehe of last nf:et the Landon tr,ain a Wingtatn -4 large area enamel:re crowd eek to welcome home Private Fred Groves, who was woundol on April 23r4 a.t Sb. Julien. Fred, isthe eld. est ieen Of 'Dolan Clerk and Mrs. Groves cyf Whighttin and left that town with the First Cootingent hi Auguet 1914 jeat at .the outbreak cif the :weir He carries several scars which bear testi Orally that he has done, as bit for oar, detence andthe cause .sat itanity. He de of a quiet disposition 'and would r,ather, a thousand times, 'not be mOde a fuss, over. A procession headed by the townband and the niernhere of the 161,9t who are traine lag at Winghair, proceeded. frieeh the station idieven Josephine street and, le. Mr. Groves In a very few Words tbanke4 the oeople for the cordial re. epption tendered hirre iln the sleigh Was Pte. Marshall, who also recently returned Irmo the front, and, the two returned( heroes chatted. over valiant (Lc.eds Of the 'battlefield, Mr. Groves as .shot through the breast, the bullet passing through and outing out his back. He also received "ser iv re shrapnel wounds on the ttiturib his right hand, his drip anti right t, besides havhig suffered severely :aron,polsonous gas width Still af. !feats him at times. 1 Constance. Notes. -The ,shootirgehatch between ntie 'Srdonteadi Oth boneession and Conn( .e.e Club madeethings lively for a ' bile en .New YeArs Day. Quite a .ir r. bet of eports gathered to etee the a rs•isheryt. However, they all made la fair p,verage, but the eighth and leintheconcession won Mit by nine, ;birds. !There Qs some talk of formhig re Otani Club itera-IMr. and Mrs. Andy ,Best, of Sa,skittcheevan, Ian 'Mending Ithe whiter here visiting old friends. 1ehll1r., Matt. A.rinstreing was elected to !the ,Reeveehip on Monday laet by a lvery large majority, while Messrs: lthosi -Mcidielikel, Millex, 'Watt Maid!: :Ilowson -dor councillors, Hullettni will 1b4 well well represented, for another terzr.. %ire. ut.de,m Niehollon is visiting friends la TozonticeorMe. Ernest Andrew, . of Saskatchew'sn, 'is 'visiting with his sister, Mrs. Bert Stepheason. •, - •* Brussels. artit (irs. John E. Smith, Braindon, Man,, are visitors with 41 friends in BrUssels.-Mr. George Burhatnnan B. A., ob town, has taken Re position ion the :staff of Weybuen, isk,. Collegiate Inatitute, naVieft for this week.-13russels Council for 1 4 wee elected by acclamation and consist cif: Reeve, John Leckie; ID Walker, J. !Hewitt, R. Thomson and..F` Birehall. The school trustees whose terms had expired worealso'rewri-elecQua:tediorewhThetoididiye4of the ate Rectorin -wer, Ool. On December liitho arrived he on Thirreday I evening of .last :week the feeneral taking place fron• : loore Of his hir, F. elton, on Friday afternoon.-Brus- ls schobl glid not open on Monday t, owing to the :largenumber of c$aes Of 'measles still in the evarnmen- . Janeary l'Oth 48 tho 1date set for the 'Melling. • ' Clinton A (Fire. --- Fire was discorered in the store of the Il!ilorrish Clothleg Co, n Clinton out nine o'clock Sunday zfr4n1ng, and although th.e firemen eSpeceded pronertly! considerable dam- ee was done, to the !stock. It wan e toithe, Work room Of the ae.cond flat ,thl t the fire started and the fire -. n succeeded in =dining it to this flat, where con,sklerable reserve, stock Was stored, hut the large Stock of elietbing and furnishings on the firsV. fikr was also damaged, mostly by, lefr. Cliforrish is unable, to ex -I ' , the cause, of the tire, except' t it apparently started; near- at4ve in the work roma The Morrish 0 pany carrie,d, about a fifteen thou- sand dollar aback ahd the loss is fully cehezedi by insurance, in the Perth, flore, isfercharitsO Monarch, Dominion North Atnerican and Queen City cotn- pantiles. The building is owned. by E. i, Powell and his loss is covered by il surance In the Perth and Queen City ceomanies. I , Dab° e. Patriotic _Concert. A patriotic con- certi will be given ie the whole' Of School Section No, 1; Usborne, on the evening of ,191riday, January 14th. A • p entitled "The Prodigal Brother," W111 be given by the Lumley Diomede CI . Etev. D. W. Collins, of Exeter, Wi occupy the chart. Notes.-lMr. and Mrs. J. 1r Morgan visited Mr. mid. &frt. Samuel Popple - In Blytlf, at Ne Years. -Several Ir pis vicinity are 4onf1ne4. to the limn's with -ith griPPe. Miss Edo& lLazs (spent the hol ,a,ys with rela- tiv s &c LfltcheU.-1tJsses Helen and Alnfa 'hillier apent the holiday week at their home here -Pte. Reginald Knight, visited his prents, hfr. and .111d. 'Knight last week. -Mr. AWrir. -Wilkinson has pure sett a fifty acre ha.ree near 1fr. Ben Fried\ off Dahwood, lhas egae4 with lair. Er. Brawn for the eoanlqig year and: Mr. William Ferguson w th Mr. Wesley RAMs,---Mr. J. AnUhclny, Yf Ilespeler, ard hire. James Bargent, of London Read, moth, called 'en frieeds here recerftly'. Stanle DOsig their Sit. --A concert in aid cif. the Red Cross -wink was heldin the ischeol house of S$. No. 1, Stan- . ley 'on Wadln-esday erening, December 291111 The (school eve.t peeked to the diF, as returns of •$55 show, and, ev tytnie went home satisfield 'that th local talent of the section was r4 to be despised. The "Red, White an, Blue" drill by eireen girls was particularly well e're rated and re- ceived rounds Of ,appitiuse. Two solos, folloreend by enc -ores, by !Mrs. Saun- ders were Admirably ' chosen to suit the Scotch saudnce and vvoire well tea4reelf. The big, etient of the ev- er' was the sketc ,entitled game Day In 1P1uinketaille" by a aroma thou of twenty-fouo. This lasted an hotilland, a ?quarter, was so uni- forrn Y ghlod that if w uld-be invidious to 'Make any distinct s. Too much credit cannot be given to Miss Jean, tifeetard tan& Mrs. John Innes, who did the training. A Wag' closing the fertertaininent was a tableau' en- titled "Tenting On the Old CampGroand"e in which some of the re. (melte froM' the hection- took part. awimmammumommummet _ Tuckersmith The Blections.-There was not a great deal df beterest taken In the election this 'year. All the councillors having being elected, bY Ateel an:attar! , the, taily conteet was the ,reeveshio, buIt' the vote polled in this ,was very email, the siformer Reeve being roe turned by a imaJority of 118. The •foIldwirg Is the vote by divisions H. CrIch-N4.1, 41;; No. 2, 00; No. 3, 48; ,Net. 44, 140; No, 6, 22; No. 6, 30.-217. 4. P. ibicKas—No. 1,, 19; No. 2,, 9; No. 12 2; Nil: 4, 17; No. 5, 14; No. [b8.-91 A Tlappy Event. -On December 29th the home Of Mr. and Mrs. John) Clark, iTroaaure Valley Farm; Tuckersmith 'wee the acZae of a very pretty weal.:( :ding, when their eldest daughter !Katherine Agnes, was united io mattai ariageeto Charles !McKay, all° cif Tatka .,orsmith. The bride, who was given re.Way. by her fatherwore a moan be- coming dress of white silk embroider- ed net trinuned with lace and dechees satin. The house, was tastefully dece !crated for the oecasion. Rev, Mr. !Smith of Hensall officiated and the !wedding march was played by hese !Pride McKay ht sister of the groom, After the ceremony th d guests, about ,sixtyltive in number, oat downtel a sumptuous repast. The bride received 'many useful and costly presents: After 'tea dancing was indulged in. On Thursday Mr. *and Mrs. McKay drove to their home on, the. 8th concession. Tiatir grainy friends wish the yotmg eotaiDa long .and contituied. happiness. The frimds irrOat a 'distance othem wee.* present Wer.::: lar.Wililan Mo- ot Stoughton, Sask.' Dr. Charles d (.ehis MOICay and Miss Resta Mc - of Toronto; !Mr. Ross McKay, Lifessrs. James and _George Murray and E. .Sherran, of 1Woodstock, • , West Erd Note.. -The Jianua,ry thaw !settled down 'the enow and trade the t oads icy, -Mr, J. Tierrybory spent he holidays visiting his Aster at Daledoria.eetair. B. Sw1ts3r was elec.- ed trustee hi No .4 school, succeed - WO IVA. M. Cricli, Whose Iternshas ex- •pired,--Miss Turrer returned to Allen tin Monday', itravaimssarsamtarmasvma . Mckillosi Arzr. 13rokece-fairs. J? -3 Lawrence fret with A painful accident' on Thurs. eday, Di 9th, 29th. f3he was dowa teller aid as sha was wahdng throtieh the furrace river, elle tripped- on a stick, causir, a her to fall, striking he.r ahoukier agairst th! door 'jam, thee s treakirg the bone in her arm near he enouldier. She Is recovering nice - Jo (Bib'? aavroutne trace, ehteain. will setae be able , The Ekctians.-There was a spirited Contest in thitownship for all the trualcipal peeltionS on Monday, es. daily for the Reeveship. The bah MaJority for Clove:dock 39. r4it ing is a statement' 09 the vote cast: 'or Reeve-Conradt Eckert, Division 1, 79; No 2, 67; Ni. 3, 64e; No. , 34. 'Dotal 23. , 3)14. .0Oven/ock.-No. 1, 44; No. 2, 44; No. 3," 66; No, 4, 90. Total 273. Couecillors--John Dodds 206; Eh J. McQuaid, 294; D: Regale, 2Ek-9; George flearne 245; • John Govenlock, 226; William IfoseLhtel, 181; George Nesbit 96,. , • • The coureil for this year will be as folkevs: .7. M. Goveetiock, Reeve; Coureillors'John Dodde, George Earn, Ff 3. 4,1cQOade and D. Regele. The courell meets in Calders' Hell, Win- throp, on January 10th, at 11 o'clock 41' Christmas Mairlage.-The follow- . , lIgthewilleWhinwn#41petagiG‘.'rfere°ttrItaelsecewinlIt Isbesileof interest. to a gOod many ,of our[ readk ers. It sayskA very quiet but Pretty weddie w,as Celebrated at the home, of Mr. ad Mrs. gawley, Glen Ewen, ,bn A?cener 22zed, when their sister !Miss Susie hieSpaidden, was uns ited in inarriaget to lifri Frederick L1d- dirt-4ton Hutchings. The ceremony Was perforrred by Rev Mr, GOthrop In the presence of the immediate friends and relatives. The bride, who was giver, away by h,er' brother -fn -lar. Mr. J. H. larchnilao, looked sweet and 'girl-, ish lin itl. tgbvin of Silk georgette crepe with tulle veil end orange blossoms, arid carried' a bearitiful boutjuet of cream bridal roses. She was attende e4 by her ,sister, Miss 04 B. McSparla den. The bridegroom was assisted by his onle btother, tMir. Thomas Hutch- ings, of Nottingham, Sask. During the signing of the register, Mr. W. E. Hawley Sang' 'The Voice that Breathe ohr Eiden." After a. wedding break - test the happy -young couple Igft a -t iii ' ;fit showers of rice for a. short ymoan to Winnipeigl. The many riaterous and costly (gifts they re- ceived goes to allow the esteem in efeeo:enr.,theey Ara held by their many friend% Amongst the gifts being a eabstantial chellue from the brid,e's • Kippen Attacked by a Dull. -One day this wnee.k Mr. Herry Ivison of this dis- kteict had a very implea.sant expert- exece. fEle was handling a bull when ,the azirnal tio•ned cai him and; krock- ed him down and attempted to gore him. Fortunately !the animal was reless lor Ole Oonsequencee to hir, Ty1scyr, gright have Peen rnuch more serious. As it was jr the tassel he ore (cif his legs fracturedbefore the vicious animal was beaten oft. Fie will be Ialdf * for oeveral weeks but win his ty friends will hive for him a ',speedy and full recovery. He should make (bully beef for the soldiers in the trenches in France of that 'bull. Prizes (hi' Rouranship.-At the be- Igirning oil the year 1915It was an- noanced-lby the teacher of School Sec- tion ,No .2 Tuckersw.ith that prizes ,would be awarded at the end of the year to those- excelling in Penmanshia. A teat exercise was given on Decem- ber 20th and the orates were carefully eXagn.tnee/ and, graded by Mr. D. !Mc- Lachlan of the Central Business Col- lege, Stratfin* The Ara prize for girls was NVOI1 by Tenet Detweiler, the [second by- Gladys McLean and the thitd1 by Edna !MacGregor,. Mr.ong the boys Elmer Detweller 'stood the highest Robbie' Eigle ,seeend, and John Butt eine& We congrat iate. our acne* frei,ndis not only on their Sle- CPSS in winning reheat but Won' °IN the P =Alert progress they have zrade, in this very important sect. Briefs. -Mrs: De.tweller of this ;la*, who has beeir in the ,hospital in London Or treatment ba a sufficiently recovered to permit of her *attune - tog !home and ryte are pleased to, learn that her health is very iruch JANUARY 7 )bers Itn Everybody This is the season for wit feet, and they will be numerous. If you pre- fer to keep yours dry and wish to avoid the dangers of slippery side- walks, our rubbers offer you the desired protection,. We handle the best wearing rubbers made in Can- ada. Our men's and women's fine • rubbers have the red rubber heels with double thickness of rubber at back to prevent breaking down. Our School rubbers have re-inforteal uppers and extra heavy soles and heels to with -stand hard wear. We carry a complete stock of these good rubbers and can fit any shape of shoe perfectly. The prices men- tioned here are for first quality, fresh new goods and not for imperfect or aleetion' rubbers so often offered the public at a cut 'peice. Men's rubbers 1.00 to 1.20 a pair, Women's rubbers 75c, 8oc, 85c a pair. MisSes rubbers 6oc, 65c, 75c, a pair. Boys rubbers 75e and 85c a pair. Children's rubbers 45c and soc a pair. January Special Men's first quality rubbers witn high storm front, in sizes 6 te; ie. Reg- ular selling price $i. ro. January special 85c a pair. °JP( N DA FILE SHOEs TELEPHONE, 11 0 POSITE OOMMEROiAL 11071 L proved. --Miss Etta :-RicharideCia, of Wcioagtork, is a .visItor at thitifeeese i Rt the guest of Iher brother, R 1Mie Richardsota-tilets. Re Brow ee of this , -Alia.* spent 'Ale New ear at LOndOin with her mother Otra• ITison, Sr.d 'her sister. ildrs;; (Rev) Barnahy. -Mrs, Zarin illiarnalbl„ of Lunen., was sperd'eng the New Year with bit uncles Messrs. fEllarvecy Jores 244 R. ,Drown' lee. -Mr. T. Mellis Was away for a few 01:k172 PCDEAM the SPazks 02 •the at- vil, enjoying the 9011days with his soh ehohn, in Debi:4i Yoor correspon- dent being thuis absent as not iii a Pcssit:Or to keep track of all the eureAnge tam& ssteags during the bell- diaos, einidl it any have been =lased he wants all to understand the Omission 'was trot intentional and all will iv:- Celia:A elue attention in the tuture.-. Thie fine home of Mr. and Mrs. Arch iMOGregor, ot Tcricersmith WAS on Friday evenihrg last, the scene ,of a pleasant event, when rei their lervita- tior, a 'leacher of their friends ail- azerfoled at the litetne of Pie *kind. host ard hoetess to annry a pleasant and social evening- Germs and other atratem'ents framed , the programme, ard all ?spent a jolly evening. Mr. .and Mrs. lifeGrefrOr are s'pleadid enter - takers and the evold things Provided oo bOuhtifully were folly enjoyed by their guests and all separated natter Svishireg the worthy host and, hostess aird their family a very happy and prosperoas New Year. Hensall Dr. lilardie, dentist, phone No. 6, 2560.12 NeW.00111 Busisieess--I bez to announce " to the peop le of }knoll and visit:4y that I have now On hand supply of the very bast 1W ).4 fur nacre and chestnut °Gal and solicit a &Ire &your patronage. Sheus immediately In front of the old raiz building, • offloe Fatly bioOk, phone 10. D. A. Olutkion, 2607-4 Briefs. -Wedding bells are riaging our village at date of writing.- Arroog thieae Who have heard their 1Cirg and 'Country's call during the past week, where Messrs. Thomas Sherritajr.„ JTtran Johreiton, well Dougall kind Clarence Johnston, all youag erten of whom the Huron Battalion will b'ave reastrn tr(be proud. -A cantata entithalt "Shiloh" was giv- er, in 'the Methodist church an Sab- bath evening last by the choir and Wit9-S Well rendered and much enjoyed by, the large congregation present.- fho SuuoTay everdeg 'first the th the Revt OfriStrith i11 giwan illustrat- ed eirmon which practises to be very intereetiore-lifiss Ruby Vlore:ley spent the oast -week in Clinton. - Lieuts. MeLeari and Galata Of Seafortle were here the first of the week amdi did good tservice in' getting recruits in carjuinction with ;Lieut. Ball, WilO Is seting gIS -enlisting offloer for 'Hen - on 0;14 vicinity. --Miss Marjory Ben - tett Of St. 'Marys :spent several weeks here 'avitn. !Sirs .11u511 3. We- ald and her daughter, Miss Edna. lasJFlossie 03orthron I6,ft here the first Of the week to tr,adnt as; a mine ih, one of the. Toronto hospitals. -Your correspondent *during the past week received a 'very interesting letter frore Mr. William Stoneman, of Saska- tiesire firaok, and former/a' of this vil- lage, Amore; ;other !teals of news he mentioned havifig the honor of being ak =ember lof One oft ,he .largest and wealthiest lifetnodist churches in that city. ne expressed his pleasure II I 11 reoelVing The :Expositor -every week ard noting the prosperity of Hensel'. Mr. Stenheean also reports conditions ar.4 prospects as very good and en- couragirg the vest and that the grate, .harvent Of it Fall as being a tragriticent *t -t& and afrs. James sirrpoon Werek 4Th 1.e.can last week at-. tea:ding a heedding„-Our bitaine5a ran report tnarie es,contInulut good. --The nomintition dor row Councillors willies,. heki bdOnday, January 17th, when It As hoped tom- good, &Jen will be found ready to Maud and that an eL eetiorl will not te necessary, being that *ah election for Reeve V479,8 :mad fkanday last. -Miss Maud McAllis- ter, of Toronto, *ant Chris4mas with her parents inere.-A 41.ight !terror ap- pea'red Ir the report last ? week of the autorrobiles reported asnpomiror to OUT new iflehr, in that line,„ namely Messrs. "MeDotell and Mare:lock. The report should have meal as c'eight tearloads" histead of eight car a and • oho iof the. carloads 111S now arrived. -iXrs*Alexander ROSB (nee -Miss Belle Borthion) ispent the poet week here with her mom friends and relatives; who were pleased to -meet her again. -Mr. Mervyn Brown) of. Toronto, end formerly of thla vintage. and veno has a tine drug store in trie Queen City, speat the paet week here with bI4 tParerts. Ma, and Mem George Browine-The contest for tile Reeve - ship oh inanday 194t, WAS elate a spiritedt -071a. being a three -cornered, cortest lbetween IMessrs. Thomas Bud. sego ,Git C. Petty and F. W. Smaller:I eorrbe all bang men -who had very ably filled, the poeltioa in the past. F. We Strallecombe however, wan out -The box /nodal :niact at the borne of Mr. Chioies Redmond of the town- ship of gay.. 41; New Years' eve, was quite' largely attended and preyed at most erjoetable affair. The sum a *35 was realized for the church sheds funds. -Our curlers on the same eve eriag, played the old year out and tne r.cw .year in and report having had a vnrY gohd tirre.-Miss Mary Buchati- 'an, :professional nurse, of Toronto spert the, Cloister:as and New Years holielaye with Pier 119-TettS, 131xand iHrs.• Alex, ElliCh20112,11. - RISS Nellie Carmichael of Stratford. epent a Jew days holidays with her mother Mrs, John Carmichael of this village. -Mee ..Edith afeEwern returned to Orilla this week to resume her duties as teaeher ,after spending, a weeks holidays with. her mother IHTB,. Wil - gam IhirEiven .of the, London Road, - Mr. D. Urquhart and Mr. Norman Cook each made business trire to hioatreal during the closing weeks of 19,st rreritha-A telegram - -was re- ceived this week by the Misses Tay- lor ,rif this village, advising their a he death of their brother. 1.1.r. Johan. othert Maytor, of Moose Jaw, &hit. wbich sad *vont occurred, on Sunday last at the age. of 24 years and five .oriths. We believe his death °calm- ed from precanonia but at present we have rot particulars. The , &- eased was a bright promithog young art' who had been engaged in teache rg and was very highly' respected, foe Is vary excellent qtailities. The fun. al will take place from the home of 1.9 ahtiers Jrgertsali., on Friday, Jan- ry 71h at 2.20' prn., for tr." liensall Uaton cemetery, The most reliable. lineof Ptepa ations on the market. Fir For every ailment we have in t e Rexall line of Preparations a. rememby that is positively su e to relieve the sufferer. We guarantee every paekage and c eerfully refund the money if the customer is not satisfied. Rexall Grippe Pills—An efficacious re edy for La Grippe, a system tonic as well as a preventitive of Influenza in its various forms. It is a prescription of value for relief of'Influenza and its manifestations such as colds in the head, running eyes and nose, sneezing, cough, fever, pain and soreness of back and lirnbs, Sore throat, head ache and general prostration. Rsxall Compound.Syrup of White Pine and Tar. This is a well tried formula and proven reliable for treatment of Icoughs. colds, acute and chrodic Bronchitis hnd similar irritations f io the throat. Put up in zoc and soc bottles. Rex'all Cold Tablets. We stronly recommend these tablets for treatment of colds in the head, woixtl! headache and fever usually associpted with cold in head 25icab. Rexall Mentholine Balm. Recommended by us to relieve headache, facial Neuralgia, sciatica, Chilblains, chapped uand, catarrh of nose and throat, Large pot 25c Rexall Celery and Iron Tonic. An excellent nerve restorative and blood builder and purifier. Large bottle $z.00. For cold weather try Wilson's Ginger Cordial 250 a bottle. C L. WIIiiams • . • • Successor to A1x Wilson Seafort recovere gorsts Olieegy rah.-, Notee: ieerred I sperdire gird ! airincipe ha.s reii cation, e Mt. ai •'evert 111 -Lhars. ! Itir5. A.1 FloggarS ir: this ; ham, I'd doIiar Eighga 1, Nati- alordeai 3011TIS years ei wish ra t 1011 was elet new co; Taolorei -Ur lor heldln J e the ! evening! daY *mai y ev,ni aCal on Frid tering the Red e* -*1 Fali WI • Oats, Peas, TO Barley,1 Beans, 1 Pottage -et do I Bran, Shorts, I Flour, pi, Butter, ! Eggs, V Bay, tie try, rata Ve60; t! greaaot to Ire T.orowt, Sc toli keya, 16 . geneaa 11) ;12c to Ali keys att) geese; 11 ket, per : Der idelei Torent cartons, leafed%) -straight at ree freeh lao; 3 30e; feelO 1 -Se berrels. per:pouee nerepoun pound tf per atoze! NO. ItebA No. 1- ei, 46 Sete, 1 1 11/teli slightly. A g to ns] or smutt sample, t We. On* 40c: oreni -No. 2 SAN; sal vie, *IA Malting, I feed, 01 *LSO; bakers, Flour -I extending alfinto frt. ketie per! freights.] per ten, flour, $t ed *4.26' *OM Po 'Wig; Nee Buffalo atroag; [ *hipping ' .to *8.26; 0.40 to . stocker! ha stock ir aows aii $60 to Hogs act ,roughs 41 Sk ee,$fl to $ wethers sheep t.T.i U711011 Ma& first ho, paSsed busines Were Ing ifor Several $1.60 tie • *7 to steady helves were ea the erar, of we-ste he the X Ors Aare „Dunn ren hefdera, 1;000 poi 41,50; 40; on.