HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-12-31, Page 8I y, ,of Tormato was orce for Torrybarr dItIon, but Ev'erybod ters;VE_afz1,New 11C I im Bclridg ser-lous ,*4 ]Urs. A. t h e y� ey e . not� E�ble t� -t.TrIV- t T,orontc�,,_-v1lted t iness to -0jet with her at the, elitl, The for Heal h n app W 1-ing hr-ra this. week.-Atdr. RaTold Tu� I too place on Thursaa and Best f un era y e f tile wast last returaied bar rm Win* 77 NeKillop rosper att ATTERS Oro y0ang it K_ nipeg. Sbe is survived by a andlP daughter. TM skneel-At sympathy Col. IMAny Will. #)e iextended to the 'berea% Grocers -Sea. The. Council.-- Tne next meeting Of 9 Roll. -The following- PAMes -ed gh-d frl the cQm�cjl will 1y_% nld I' Calder's ,bave bt,aan oAded -this week t6 Sea- 11all, Wintrirop, -,on January 10th, a greatln.0 ow plow torth's hoinour. roll. of voluntpo4s f9y t. follo-wing let- tenderp for operating the 6n N04"j" We havC Frotn The Pro,! -.T61 and le Pte. Igor -y the. SeafOrth j:L1e.d -,WiSh 4 dvo&rseas. erwee. tep� was xabelv6d� on ji�e, roa(W of �the� ir unla., by ih�!hour_ kirk,. ffo. 19 -Co., C.A.S.G.; Vamc0UVeP; Cko s'otflbers In. acknowledgement of s W III !be �b�enA r osperous. cpality ei ptrom an parcels.saint -to- �the- sulAfers In the + -n d: all - a.; *.qgt. W. C. Wjnt� No. _402003,' Pr 1,z_ es* of v Sith , jja�ttaliom. Cf. F., Brarashot trerchs. Tbis'lett# is frarr Mr. 0=1$, Ltphook Red, Cr6 C. M otICK11- Ne Year a Hal"P''py PtO- 01106rd, Harvey Is Institute lop. It. is dated "On ActIV,- Rt&,el,. Charles constgnliy, Hariy Ed: Wmnen' cial In- rticles -to rosDerous, w&PA Pearce- and Iole-ut. W. Person 'kA ts as ff)110wsi� Pelir has, sent' the follow and Val Docaniber 9," 0, c1homps, ns -W Gie the latb�r four b�el`�ngiAg to La,dles-JUS't a few lines. to thank you. 0. e the CoXadlian 'Rev) Crow Society, To--� to:. c's an N �kw' Y a- Battalion. h �12k%.60; 409. pairs slocksi e e. r tbe u, -.w 6ist �Hxrou for the parc,al which I, received to -j Se%forW .36 P11-4- and w,-� 4 tsid�, gh night. it is ritning, ou Shades, Picture frame$-* _Id1&y - shifts, 71 m 40, Window on sheets, ChrishrAs Vlsitors,a--The following are -billeted, upstairs -4n, a bata With low allpLq,. 12 pillows, 24 catt handkerchlef-A. Sproat . 13ros., spept ChristmAs at theitr homes here: plenty 01 strw, 0out mile 15 Omen ))Andozes, 24 wish rheonj6'Co%ran, A&.Govnlock, Relen f ram the and I Only 5,880 *fnoath W1 'to me,xit your Sealdrtly twjil qWts. on Larkin Besda.0rieve, tA le a'd Cella yDu Ildles �ould gee the pleastie It. 480 ;MWb CI(ittp, 6,0 pDMAS iy1dcotton- I " WerjNml continue 'Aame FrQ4 rIvIr. es6 pre6ents, nd 4&� I Horan,, gives ra to receive th, ar still '41V YOUT tb0)L19ht8- Will Uorrow, Jack 14inchleYl r to IcnVw we taro Walton. pircel, v wach f or t&,- ,gt�est of -'Ur. md Mrs. .3abh Dodd -g. Of tic, Gaetzm-,yer, Rae Govcnlwk�, 'Nettle TtIlank you vr, patronage on WbD ShIlliogla:w, Glady Trh,;Apg, and little ve A, XWl Cobtract.-The- Foot, ardi kindly remember me to ll, the Mrs. MY -Ay e time, Wt with DepArtmexit Is calUng for tenders wishing .-you all been bere ;for'sowr Floren e Workers, and I cloise, htorr ' &jesty% malls, %,Thon-paun, [Aildrod , Few, Mr. (kcKay for tern. e an the c(w.veyAncei afl'Rls J the �&Kay, Pt. Wrn- X w, irrerty Christmas amd a bappy P a= twclvq thres per rvreek .,Oetwen Will rest of WRdinesdy.-. . g. a 9 Ow. Studw I Taldlaw, FjoreT_ T e on, [Ar T_tehttle and le Yaar. I think the the Sea-, t(W) pmt office ta,0-.Z,W� 0; P. .B. Iher dfaindhtaz 19rd Smith, Of Pete�- Wal Pethibk -dandyl, tkTO, left KE y for Winni" to SWIMS. Tenders 'gicKenzia, Mary . Gillespie, et orth Wya Ar all "ge� an'd 16 Osoar Vaaftmc�4 al V ath-is leaves rre in0i and uBeAtt open "eelve& by the Sinceray yOUTs Lee.001--naireY J. fl0a,, 1b(rjE;, tels, idat*ftermrs. jt#e pre :Hawthorne, Alex. 011, D Dorrance, '6905, C Omrspan . y, First B*d, who is very III and. Fridjay P,-br ApjrU list. New Years day from nine 1 bee Fioj;sythe sent dontract 03QAring M sonle s. -An affud&vlt by Iffir. -CaA. Inf. Div., VIrst Can. Div.,- B.1A.PF, be cobveyed;ln publifirlwed In Th-, ZT01=tor Was the *gw4t ot ber TJsd Trialls Ara O courier o'cloc& until foui John StOrn-0-Ut is theivrise. The le �Uht,.pay. (Mrs, Larldn, veUcle OT 0 t1fic Despatc, of Strvn;�, Alberta, on De the rsails tvFice g over This would be a ood C" 'efect Christrnas.-Christmas passed at the over 0 Xr. Will Nave tO-Omn'my .oeirb-�r l5th� to lie bad' r, Sundays excepteA and to no dollbt d Igys. OoDrg;� Smitb;8t�, olf Toronto, ead-4 4wa3 'irajns on the anadian yqry quiLatly land we. have an tkat day dzliv-,red In Strc�ne five ifis chance 'to have th4 eet lbte in tkat wem farromd, �bout� tae- 20th p1basantly 0nianY. Therei was an Un- spent Christas wit1h h-IrAflaughter, m y Iarge'mdn�vber 16C visitors In jj&rjj. j,�� Scjater.��*. Mrs. L. Pacific. group picture made whin; 1 day of April last that weighed, 1,140 UsuAll no e, of'Oalt ld�A- Mr. and Mrs. E tbere town and we �havia Krus pmnds, lbeinj, et �average t Exeter. the family aro, at', home f %1161V Manchester, Vent Christ- pou,nds each, said jaogs be n Z few were 7r"y bleasafit and happy Lawson, of ions, The, w4eather, lthough cold rkaa4at the- h0me-of Ur �j_jtind Krs'� Christmao Wdd",-A: qujat wed- for the holiday. dys 149 thun algnt months. ol4d, and t0un A pl4ce at tha brlde parents, little blustry, . Was not Willtara- Sclater.-L�Wss MarjoTio AnL ding tu(yk I werva sold to HL '1- IliastIng-3- � Tbeoe I'm - the road Were gdO&I show greable, and -draws 'Who haa,,j)e4en attendAng normat U4-044 gra. Peter Frayne, on -and when it S were. no doubt some Pigs '.s wet Fe Studio -5 tf.,e 6jjjgNjDC Wing _ excellent. The sbbuoj'mt Notfi'Bay, was here thli- neidaY morning, 9d thl 'ek' 'Ablat Mi. StoirmOntr. upderstands Vbk Aaughter, Lille, i - t the- home lifi� their yoIJInOest Seaforth way to produde pork, for he. htaa- cer--, rilace rink was In VO4 0haPaf and!' W,eek, la Iguest is Smith, t and recreation for alf wag. 4narried to 131r. Russell 4 Mrsi A -os Oath ere- talr.ly made a it remarkable re- forded. �iamusemen ter. The c old jamd yo -ung. Thera wag an unj U�ffjemaa�� of Waterlo% apent Christ ­t baggagemaster at Exe cord. Ga any 14ur6nite baat�bimf rnensr� crow -a of people In town on f armed by Rev. at tfi,e hbm of --their MCI% Mr.' rrotLy WAB Per ' 14 -% thronging th tiretS fram. jjj�jry Gel.13, God;erleb street. - 11089 IMeAllister In the re ence ot T 7 s. --At 06, ann6al Friay, farencoo until late at B%, Peck,�of Tomto spent the holi!1-- Mdiate -friends. The bride, wh w I Off,ce s T I early Ir the herw�69, io. 6665, 1 Ixeettrie of. Curt S field, and U0Xttendodl, were er travelling dresg� night, many coming fran) cosldrabl�l �'wlth,her pi -tents at Bayj _�_Wkt Or&r o� Foresters, the fol- * Chrlstir. An4 of I)lue serge, After a AaintT lunch I to dlo their -as shop- of Seat, U1 ware el.'ated, to. fp.l R", &Ud Optician. %.n,g. 19,6rchants, say that I nt the took train foz Sarna Toronto, spe lowling brethreii, had a ery shtisfactoTy week's''bust- of fide for t the parenital,hqme of 04nd. other VWntsj on their return the tern, VA. ']J.f I . . If, Issuer Mani-ag Licerlseig ildrably- in ad VIss t1ley Will reside In Vxeter. ;.b7 W D. - Boag; CiR.. 1. T. Pell i 6n th, waole con S T. 11omes.-I the r. Fortuni. ver, C., Was ONT j,5tr(,,s Sleeth; Secretary, of-l%st yta,a T 'HEAFOR H rd "'It of 'I�W Wjutam� and Wss Mul.4 uk of vancou Treasur, 'F W., Alex, WttjVGUt �xntowgL " q er d Daley; S The local S.B., 30A' 1 lvnt vocurring W M&T, the,peice, h4r� ChrIstffias* A the 9 e An IStoble; Tru i 'holiday. RabrXirk; HeTb..Dox; rrom aliq ood y a t .4n addff Departs. o 'her Jame one W atsolia, G. Scott W. D. lj�oj&g An&,J.. The ExImitorr wishes "14t(I fflay'dh� faVery has t e n'6re serious son W. BristOW, ll 9, vpry. happy and Raplen In h�r 12n4 T, Fell; AudItDrs �A'jArAk. Jdbu I is to 04ceegsorr to W. Jef!ray and J(yh-a Fiti6ft.''This eftri hardpn t m f0t v Sbz was, In 7 her usual.' health r -1d seoon&Mondays� They a:nd. iin houTa;f te he was trots the flist 2� en --and- "ly �ba nioTe numer- r isha retliedi H Dour of m will 41ke wlt4-a hemorrhage agaersl Fire, We and. A:ccident, di'al Invl�,btjoii h tria,4n and a co -T. d of oad Dabb of Mrs, Aybm-Tho eous Idbortly.-,Kr., �A rs. Jame ly 9vlarcome R Sgent, . _4!: U aou' Insurace on all Is extonde-d -to all tmmbeis. rros nst�Ljjtan eath of L$Ars. J�Ilzabath Ryan reM-Oves GrIevo,.dod family', of bitblin, are ad'Ideath was -al , t, Agent. 'N - li-e eff leve,s She�,Ian4j her partner , 'OOL -he holtdj"4 at Mrs. Gr �kinda c roperty at the r of- 0e best known and MOSC fr oin live Th6 fo,116w- -d this nelghbOrA00d- "pend&n .-Mr, olo 1he. farm onwhicli thy�noW j1denU &460ssiul Norm:j teerr,qd, rest r, erits of ro,7estra es. parental hom -of jW. Ni Cluaff abo�'t 49_ Years ago, which :Was thn I JiSt'01 UYVD5 m4e(-C6unty Ibister 6f, t m New Raymo hite amd Mrs. W UW d had is,chines an(I of 14�ron, *40 1haVe quallft6cl for lIm-. -._'T1fe decease hrist' iddr W "(1 17�g I' e fra h 6 .4.q e X � to h V . J. V)Vtt, An4MIss"Loulsa 111its eaux of SeafGrth Vlett' of 401rimsby, M&S at d;bns,.� wilderness,- but Is now wg� e WA T %R New Home Sewing. - I 9 uvvived, by three s an'd. Alstrict ceitlfl� the bome 0 ee - �41 'hikW. -.She- ds s Ited th'rd cll irk National Cream 801,AratOrs, _an, if f f oj� one week of bronchial J. R.Vab k on �150 gar ef' I f Normal school hich'. -and somo- nd Jbre'j_XL daughters: ine cates t orne f the pne=onta and Infla-anza duringw atreet,-49r. -3. B., Hen&rzon, 4 full- supp 0 se _JnL the provn' : 1Atr&iet I 0 iqW kid �Mnry on I Ander-i tL the iadPln- ,.re �.Sbe b tichmt nts, and ore er Bul ferIn.99 'With miss Etendarson, �,ent Christmas With th"Ibmestead; rable pb4lence and to- INr J.],�nde _9. --A.�__ Ing' farm Chris en, resignation tie, CC -CalgarX.;L II&rs' 4%0 'sm Wroxeter; Wilfrid P rzo's 4aughter,f 19r 0 S --W' - ted- Go* d ell rri the -Igrs. Bushelberry and W. -Adn 1.6an .9. Will of Godj.. Forge IS. T. Holmes she tsou-gbt the bAppine0 ot tbo-,3e lefter this-. bek fjor�. big. son; Wtisa burg, vt Sa,gkatchew,%n. Tner Wati4 Cooke, C11 tful of self pitz,, Larn Cowan, Blyth; Robert W. Cunningt uAttal -A. Doupe Kirk- z to the FivangeliciLl Albert; Joseph" about her and -her ch�erful worAs W is d X �A rrilittary hspi- f unergl took plao- ++++++++*+++i++++*++,*+, Port V101a be jon 'Charles who y, D ne. eve I , Ig rcr Ida. eceiribei 28t y r homle n + + -ton; Victor R,, 'Evans, B, Iss,,.d not -only by '.Icr or -1 in �ukland suffering from wounds perretdrY oil TueE d. - The K. r Hearne, -CEn1wi -�Vla Kraake� and ut also by M rowlnlg ones 'Illy aiseby'beins'�-b rIed. by-.6arth- fr�m sn4,.was largely attende Wn6ra .P. treexplosim.'af a shell at rowing We V. Kraake, *roxeter; Alleg K I -y or frienos. 14er idath too place at hei; the tront ns have tile sympath REMEMBER and g1la God.-rioh;, Evely;x on Wednesday �y ainc lr) Chlealgo in France, stating that e,,wAs Im, -the ommunit ur m-Nny Pollock ]Bayf Ield; Idt oun 9 -A.mthwell, P.m. Fo - d, Seafo kth, Dccenfbqr7 22n, tat 5 prorving, ,j)ut i Bomoc what slowly, Ris Notes. -The CUL, are 111A - Ir ttl n al en lliwo?e 1111ch tell "'om '__On� hi:Mrw'son.1 Ren oti;pe dgr Bayf jej4j; -da,1lienj will -hope that he -Eddle be please10 le4,ra ton: Dolly S. Ross, . John'k dgmghterS and, thrae, sons gla"ened arany Irlen Xleber Will OH + 'Webb', Lucknow. -- District certifleatq, W (Up 9"I will zoon ma covery. tj�at is improvingt. her. home i%Ad. hert arid gr i.6 a, complate re' Perry .1 Glger, -Wwr joly ad comfort, The rs. D. Webb AnA daughters roulng her, �Vr, aad 1M + m th viisitbra at tb7e h6ine a4a. fr er residence f unral tPok PI of Wingfam,' were e1hurot -Coming.-Sea-j ,of her..dAughtit iATs. K Broderick, Wott) tbis wftk well Known Lecturer C - of Mr. ia;rt4 iKrs.1 T, 'G tree erIch, street$ �� IA,ond�ay, at 9.30 1: & the Notes.7_Jrhe, Christmas -Word-.�waz l ee�b thU. weel ag w eld 'ne Methodist lchuTehl"WAS T Im pf -C, forth is -sin to be famuro wifn a God Cjr in Ali- n I -11A 0 jarrs, Chuict, Where -%f Mr Rober sI@veryoqie lecture by ev. J. It. Dyke, , 1 presen ass Dt&, 'Snd 16 Itional Sanitariuwt 'w, aolarn JAigh M of qti em aS argD, North Da�i great success. delighted, w1fa the progranime� Secreitary of the Na JUMeq WAS Assbc'it'oW. Doubtless 17ra y remem- $ujnk by - Rev. ather Cotborant as -i brother'lof Also.Furr r Northgrave% M-1chiiel J�Ohn Robertson Is sisteA., by tt. Mr. Me b -.T th - lecture 9' n fNr Pather 14 id, by an at t t this filme, iis w6 a' to start upon a.-nd� Rev. Father Whte. of St. 001um- has bein pr�stiafi tack of gravel in I)reparationjor building a 11� re ag.intonsely Interesting merLouW UST-�a IL earers werje her teall. We' ban. The jpa nep-4 paralysis. t a 3ronth _ last 6110 durlingAbe c()Miftg sum The Only Iforn in Seaforth str at,-ve a.rd errAnently. r ract has ikinted. his IATM to (yjxn aif& Will Devereux r ryl,-1 i ve, desire to &lr.-Ct some to any rea. tand Ahat mucn nnv InfaTma'4 hews, J&IneS, J surrm In this v1_ Fisher, wnio rjson and year,. iinAcrs 4 IAr tion. a ntr John Broderick, cInIty,_Rev. __F t Sunday ir has never done -bugk s with u 4 anh kin Will MVe -0S8r9j TayIDr ber of pes orjj.� in t�nds roj��fjdjvjr 1% isfio, bad a success -1 vho� pelrchance,' Detroit' n,d'Frank Jor ohis, subjecf- x 0 moving" Ictur,ps ake, 3 evening to 6 -sented .%t the lectuic.. wnich on' Monday we Wish fo,iA attention to' th -t C Ing, '�Go& Is" cot, ful. 1b drmwirig gravel on i , fiat it is or' ej�, 'prt - Goderich farmer who ,,The Nailsd Ran or the Will 14P. g`v(,;n. �ffq atTattra, rpeoianst in dkeWtea -ul -eavor to ease eveg 'q, -,y oveni a;, Dr. Sobart oi Th d PI �atro [big load; Of oiats-m-entioned est an constant end o and thramb N11 r liotel. seaforl%. nn Wedriesday. the '11) 'lait W'eek;& -EXPO'Ato I n -- - p; fe -Y 3 J�ftllit%ry-Ath !916' Z. t t the'ge, ear, n as It- was- Winor Term froin janijar Ift, It be at the QuIeWe �-Very Ray1rehid. Dean Downey of SO d W* the,' 16th In ploce to ctly: ' s kin - Al,*.onisu.sl Chlurch, WindSOT, and store " or A.�rp nt . a y tlWedwitinue �Js vigits nionI _art, but be ni"t -take ly. coin IT.., No Dr. Forester and,w 2604-tt rude Ryan, BA., cert� ' �entvd to, o,6cjq)'-P' th& his -rt f rinerly.' ' . - regarAl. to weight, as 0 Education. Toren- �gecdndi' Place In be mide for adrnlsslon�l, Faculty 'of 7 sJ11811(d by savallf. w f om wIll Ile �Io of the McLean W to, are oannot to� vart'ly comm thIs Jewellers. 2277-tf t Faliyiew'llall, 'the Robert and Ross 're h, end jes home of (Ar. (ad, m D-vereux. \�Jltchell, a idilstance of 14 rrIZ'iI, Gopd frarnehom i reaAers. a16 -d- is and foar ae 'a, Contajt�jrd 204A r ppAy to -MrH . A. is t6 kr I1c6turp to a House for 8 as -b-�en, %iads of rick, each loa. of land on Market stm t foy sA, For par if-Ulars, ma he b aric,,s best busi-.. 24984 I. - at -'a carrp In Nafiltob% briqks, P,acl� , brick weigned 4 14 Stratford Ont On�t Tn I Y store Is lNiunicpa Hketion. Dr. as anxious as ours bTIC4 ness C011e6.' 00mmerdid, 14hortband BiA. ir+i having* witlidrwn his nnal. spend *;a itaw holidays at the home oT pouos aking. the welght -iot A. Gvenl4ek, obeys,. rity, i Tea )0 poun, As f9 d opula musto- I graddAe \Tk�'u 41 Adding 1,11 I U_ to'its 'atrondge an )krttnen+-Q 4- this Week 9136 PMU &A V ns,tlou IDT - the rray-Draity, lifir. Oourse, �Oantkdlan Aoademy rf 5fjj*ja. eaonar 01 at 5 A way, to W, t see that cu�tomers. Our graduates secure good positions s,,electe.d niay6i: bY' accla- pi wo an and. theors. Pilplis RrOlpa-ed. lor 0an- Ptc..' Holman was �on his gak�s the t Ara pains o rM an for a t hip: 'and U6;' cDhtest 07.4 wt didate A Stewkrt wa r n. ill be' jj&uds, 'WIiich ie­1­ccoQ­, rqcdved fourteen Ofons.-,..For t6rins apply ista tory qualities w tra Ithauccess .,.In two days 0 exanif "I �fid meet urn Is -a c adt", Aoagd .11 y and Tom M0 Coniervatory where tatIoned weigh tration. Dr' Virb at reelde6ce, North 46Dtrcal, I 005 PO4 and -sat* C henev, recently - yvia ' to,Eng- 0 the, Lj, f oats. by sRceve§ �z Ime before proceedin y for 'the at* Seafarth. the plications for trained belp. M any of 7bws, of �-�fllk We would ik4p,� to hear of Iwill ibe betwee hlwm a:n#i lamdi.-49r'. G. C. Bari -not meet J ver, Alberta, was In i -T these applications we cati Stewart f OT the -There. -are Local BrIfs,­49r. anW.fMrs - W- R1 fiurs., who rw TnoTe Some Calls offt�ring from $45 pL tja� and. daughters pent Ch S t- djay, 1&1r, Barrow a Is a fornier t he D at L� rs, yl z 'wItU relativas in Hamilton,:LWr In 4he month ta 81400 per annuni lain4 eight as 0311ioly oij�e ne'llo the fou -pnfilled.L Write for f r(Z e c&talogUe at 0011' rnas Killop resident, bqt'hw� been h Jahn, Mardle. G.E., 19 spetriding' tlle� h011-4 West tor oorfie. -iears. lle� sNotes.,—The- Chrlstma§ kin t�eftalnment bnoej it will interest you. D. A, 219 and. NJ rs. f jW. hey, ar'.. given y HAT we'want is a- &-an�x to you h *"',w Clcff nd Dr. John Grieve and 'the, %ajz­wlth- is Imrebts.. Mr. ily down w1th him and t b' t- Meth6dlst Sunday schdo, pains** Ih neipal. Liwlil PrIl new asp'rants aze Itobert 111clnto-9.1r, 1A. kuirdie, MbKI1 rlatries -in the Sat&rday might was a 84Pcss- Thz tak g out servtc*e to- our cu�s 0 te n six#� lop,—Miss 13K.Ille� Xc- 'visiting. friends' tand 'the Robert Smith ' and Was �a gue,st at tne hO.re Bat -,Mr. Faul-111adebt,-forrnerly bt was well given program, aso ,e over -is nelkhbor� Mr; are fdr evtry se n The. are all -900d of [H r' Q;nd:Mrs. 3arr,-e.s, P 4 jrje TbaTregi Road beads a"Wounted to about,- large our. assortments Will1arr, Gold! I Mrs, -11. S. vrc.i;.3a s a r Arm - ano -a 1�imin4&104. meet- and the pqo�le will have a ion lyle Christmas, &. an,( Madge ba Vie nui.rberatC 10 the r Vio-fiW Instruct* dependable qual are' re o-pable %W: s or laa.-Ilton spent Christ-fti,as haxe �Wf oTtablc ham4t a4 'Ile 44 a townih$ Our clerk .hig on t choice and Se -ail 'th shina h.ava a od e C gua ye.At,, no laiv -wheat Mr.'.C9-rrPbelIfpho. �as P01- t ils his h4j# t,the prices are—how absolutely w a�! og our S. we a. vi -good 6rop igood council next -over "id The Mr. Alfred J. Curtis hjts opened his wh�;cji of those lecte.d.. Cassf. been In Ca 60 b xsfie a nd oats sition for 27 rced are -Everett W4,�i, gas. rK P run.ning over years, has resto ac. of satisfaction. ns,' 100 busbAs per ac -Col. - W11ioln, -ie4slgned. tho M SIX in(yjat* re. tudi; of music. in the Cady Block op. lelliqXd. for ye, i9r. Finglimil I has-al�w r nt- tel, 6001, s Wilg6n and,'da"'gh- -.4.9r. and Mrs. Dewar of L,o posit� Commercial flo Thp �Da-nc —The annual Christmas speni Cbristira§ W n. r brath��. cwrpainled by' M is Woe 'Monday, dance f the Bachelors and Benedicts �Ro In SMiLb's nters, were w t1dk Th' the Christmas vacation wk The urse commences lC616fti- accontpan: no's - sryrne, '�� ` i4e. femains of Septem 13th. of Seatorth was eld'in Card 'h4l .-re this week.---dfr and Urs. e -d'' ter's niother, tile IFLUlk Major 43e her "tijW Q(tebee to 'Ib- pandWg the�, -traes. in violin playing, on. Weaiwday !ev flal&--, �Ian., hof ening last under the' Robert Barbour. of Snow tiara f HIghgat -coi P.7 L - - __ - L 'ed to dayj at horre.--JA d oidlers, FL,,,A and ave come, -down to Pend a cople Land n. e. Iss Berta- Bid d anTao.Critl tie bowing, ausp,tes the S over- to Jen R idea of satisfaction is heof re. and ilt Quebec. am , �'f or and (Visses Blp . nle'. Malas U )iouri. �Uccess�,ul � of, Months wItn friends h d expec ts. anor and annAill danceA. There a of Mr. Joqi. Scott, Roxboro. geas early ii the ve m'os W Chawt,ar ar. A 'he conc6rb and'Q thcsa� many- good the hom arry f London re spendinx t vAcation tiding aleas, IV -at you expeqtj nothing e: Se. 'We afo, j.. ide 0 "I'arge att�-Pvdsncej ificluding. a 49"r. Mr -Middleflnost, of Town. w chestra w t�k will b.eltnught. .nd A. ho, h be ape at hotrev--�Am Young and Cla M Clartis is A P11pil (if the reoown'_ was a a six eeks', v it �klth .'friends In vislttng in-Biantford.—Wr. anJ`?yXrsP-' nt 0 4� alone. Ydu afe'_,thp e tb ,gests, a.hd 1jarrilton pent Christmas at t w out ot tow,h ur idea O.n I'J b t* Terms ma to thoroughly 6d re-yo,4 Will reco _rd6, ed, by ca i ng fi- a tk �4 - k `,� - - i wiilY use thl 11mb - Ft lay�, fQr Harril- L ervilW . - _1 p ed Seveik method and khaki. borre ad Mrs. Robert John., town ,lei to -day -qa -of Walk Y. ruction. A good sprinkltng-_pf men, in of 19r. eslie, Wood for -our owz,g�, nd yo .rs -method of inst bLf the floor.'was never too crWdd. Winter is visitilig tba, Wh he ec �a -to,: �veid visiting 4t tWr. J. Woodw,gpls�—R, V, and we insist I �. I -y� be obtain, d �ev Toronto and l9iltofi.—Mr. OLT)d !Mrs. Clysdle of Salem. and, Ur sati fi to a point Whe In 2Nk n aryone seen -ed frieTi)& In Ion 1jr. (hirds at his stu o. to di enjoy th - even -Ing/ The music wag and tUrs. Ftan4k Smith were nere j.� IMIlls f Bly th _9,a4 Mr. and" -Mr�---. W. 2411-tf :he:stra, oT. rr�as with his parents, (Mr. 13r,'gh-arr pent Crl your friends. fir.1sh4A by theOurtiz, orc spend Christ Tnell elt$ 6trn4s at the--lPa, U townland was ei6c.41lent, iulij the eqjal )a-ndz lArs. W. R. Sm1bb.—Mr. 011A Me- West 19nd- Nb4s.n-T`�e Qhrl3t`1mas I po,page.—MrS. 3. Ste-vensdh of - V thl t hI e t m-ent Ah -I eTt pelit Cbristmas Tre ava ent to 0,�y We have ever had. Ab' supper in tyre, ot 14-ansall, s h was spent a f4w days.with h k brotherilgr sang, '!We'll with friends"In town.---igr. UmesKur*, held la;it Crawford.--4A!e_-sr44 Waelcy-- CraW- Th -3 well T. C.M­y venlrig wa tlrr L!,--ut. Do Reld 3 Piringle ate hon:16 from a' old Fia.j PA I r 'and 19r. R; 'Pleasani e id Louij i. Nev,--r 1�ct Ahe al Ith�'l Y,- f Prtland, Oregon, attended and ery ven- ford ai -4 a nA - It ctpe 48 speAt. r ,Oscar B011, of the West t -r at Cro%vd . I I rr: of Regina,., nt thelholtdays .--49T. ffad Mrs. S allte taking :up the chd�T . m. ;_ C 4 ;, � K 013dsays at his Ingersoll are e nAmber A b4fetluncli 1hr wi, a their mother, iMrst- F, -Me of r 4 y the w t Isiting at. the bo ad x -rousing . "r;' Detroit ji�nt t e h E sell merchandi4o,� a� has fe b Is nome n r er powet n. merit ndtilgT r -el Mr.' 'aud Ars. Doug- or 4 Y. ev r -n,..r.e y. on dendi ility that w C _b Kesqrs.'30 n an Allan As spa �, %Z d Chic4ig,o to' s 0-bolla44 a 'i 4t 'r1ow. 4�1- Mr, D. Gudd,-j, was served rr= twelye to half -pa W114r -Mulcahk e bere.-­INII�sjlat� �turne W; sl of -gehui ue pend , the . hob,days e &ad in -,wae contin .g nil, -hr,ae, dclDck. IIne' oni. -ho om rt l,tzmtIl'idtei t with As 'if other and isters,­41&i- 116 the h6l- t -aga knqw, I'ligi I -las Roluies Iss spent Cnrrst i. Calgary, spent' Notes.­491ss Nette anJ ICr sionyrs orners baek e 9d : 7- Death 61 tltrs. Bond.—Th�- sad I s..witho, nis broher ano iras W ho.,e.�LjW.,s, Irene wart Robertson,'ate. 40end: ng �-7 day ;and Ste ith t h4D hol V or. Roggarth, of - 'Winnipeg,- on Tueqq,�Iay �_m Joan 'Leat�retland I - . . . I :, . , . of of Toiorto, spent tba.holidays With Wr. and S. G,1 . Y, .0 Xa 910110J3 was received of the 4eat n. 1he rge M6 Idays In Chatham. -+-A* better. ning- Windsor, ,Mrs. Allan S. Bond,. of th4� clti./ The' relative rras- at,'hr hofti? here. rely u spent Christmas with hi s f at -liar, d. nd Kra. sad ev,-,nt was not -e cfed Pub& S- rs, nti nexpe lboot Duncan, McKellar and M James j[,e�atherlari --jAr. a Mrs John e fake t' is app r-7 G f Sin us -8ond Kwd not enjoy. -,,d good C; i tten&I.41 -OX hi 0 as Q ` - g . - t t W - tjTn,.�.� ISIrs. Aa�id, was Hinchey, of Stratford., ap.mt. tne 11 health for' SMS 't*Ir cousin. Idiss T, —Rev. A. 'fun ur we appea eath' ty of thank* the' Jde't%daught�r f iMr. and i9ro. - Iday with. relatkyes In tbwn. Ing 0: R. G an itames Beattie f�Seatarth. Af*,er'her W, Barker ot thL, of Dresdda; was bere on I F r insistent, if credi itf D W JaM# ove f ar goods As old par The pijblic. sch66- sight Singing-' Kay &' AlInston customers -Alhtn Bond, -a fe )Aimeros rrarria e to 41r.' W, Thursday last, palling on latter's parmts. i9r. an4 r the sue �Os' -ipeg fo jjrm JanuarY 5t the icindergart- or ei�rclasses *11 �re- I r the winter -o, she ;weRt to. reside In W19pner, 'Ar. Stollary wnolwe regr , 6 wil.l.�re I* C f Aeir gen6r(jus' pat- years ag Scott.—WIllIe and lgarf.,i wa Wir you... n and ha been 4'resid int of..(to learn Is still s,,rlously 111. hO' n those who haie trie4kthe and Soaforth. have bee ' *ill be: hel i n Ly 1 d at 4- t one m'ore frien ror Ye dur' 9 rourns. C :qung,j!Aessrs. SmillL, of ToMtq,i SPBhL the that city '6ver since.. She. wal f_,,th�lj/fatbSr en ]as heir ral4ives h�re; sh - 8'n e a n (I worro"n, just, we­mLght ,sa:y;-'Commenc- '­Ilrollday at tn home o T 7 Aft. G. D RaIg g days. passed, off ry, quie Pe meml and to. i the fol jai Smillie.— .a been. mk.� W. 4. Ir 9 life and had dt sparei of the coimcll eturned',,Iby, alt'a ve�y,---happv and her a '.rcost uzef-�I and I using the' old -Rald Wilson store A h4d bf are *thunp's Avid Miss accIa '1� - prin*ry Mis lex r. as she had everything on 'Aa -in trqi,,t as a- sho"W and store t room Lor the new. Cinevrolet cari� t,bE Oweek with Pr soetlou� New'Year happy,carea iaartr*'�' W dnesdav _'il rNis Wi 0 oy Aart and IMr. a�-d M. Lt could' add tb her t,�mporal com- juntor—Miss 9 and Miss Hi -b- spot1t 9 fow days I... -except the rraln -0�blda he has 'baen appoInted fort andl happiness. -ki She wa's a nd Mrs. McGuire and Mr. an&', -ro!) Orsday friends In .'Roy Tr,&-qualr essential, health. -t r 4, Drie f a brii�t 'of London,. Senior-5tiss MeX. d Mr. Naylor'�, and little son of T�e ',t spen-6 Christ- �w 'Ar Ors. and .',Miss Raymondi cheerful disposition, of pleasing man- with. he _r rras k"41std, s. Wfulam ne . r rance and wrX3 Christma guests at the Com� rooms, U r.1 and prepossessing appea re 4 was rruch belove tjlt�. i4d a t NorrIs.—A very cold Is. Vrev- -d by all who enjoyed Irrclal.—The Misses Nefl, of Stratford For t4vose W116, -41 R -of t4ketj this Butter Wan'e& W�i]A&CL spent CbTiStM;aS at the -home of their" work the-ri'a,w'iII?f,h'-,speciatI 'clases in lent In thls,vlct-. num�bar a bey iriendship. Sbe wao �._native of quite sick at jMve ome -years a member brother,, Mr.' Oscar Nall-�Ktss bllc-� *ach grad6.'z--; 'holidays P Seatoirth and for s also appearM 4,. tid the U04..&Il spent. 0h;r1stmag wita ber Hijimpt Tr4de 0 of the Seforth Public School staff - Fe -25c per t4 -,Z De r r atu and Mrs. William Me- in our TrIdst. eimber 20th, Sho was a highly endowed -and Cf It�,ed paents, Mr. -�-kr.;,#Lid t o, little daughter' brIghte lady whose arly,� the horre f IA -r., William only to, her friends.' but to wards, of Toronto, were g z Off le4h.Ag a losB.:60t.. Dougall in EgrrondvIlle.—The lHisses Ho 1(9 - d uests ot AL Hugh McLach- many I F r�entock Me -K ACTAVISH. Kay. r. aq 'fs Je .14 Ho e qf Gqod ShOeS gD4:"d worthy objects, IMrs. 'Baat- Mg., Mrs. W. D. Bright over Chrlstr�,ap.— r.- A. McKay, at'lial- e Smith, of 2-907-1 Hamiltom file and hr. daughter Mrs. W. M 2 acher Lan, spent wItb friends In q I - . "I - SEAPOIZ-T ft� e for Cnrlstrras- the -erboro left here n Pat ant L