HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-12-24, Page 6.09.
,thien you realize the utter weakness
that robs ambition, destroys appetite,
-andtmakes work; a. burden.
Isis° essential, nothing has ever equaled
or compared Nvith Scott's rtrullsion,.be-g..
cause its strength -sustaining nourish-
ment invigorates the'blood to distribute
energy throughout the body while its tonic
Virago sliarpertathe appetite and restores
health in a „natural, permanent way.
'If you are run down, tired, nervous,
siverworked or lack strengtheget Scott'e
Emulsiou to -day. At any drug store.
Scott &Bowel. Toronto, Ont.
R. 8, HAYS
Beres -ter, Solicitot, Conveyancer and
irlotery Public. Solicitor for the Dorn-
Saioe Bank. Office in rearsof the Dom-
B4:throrth. Money , to loan,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Potary PLb1IC °Med up -stairs over
Walker's furniture eLore, Main street,
Barester,"Solicitor, C,Onveyanceri and
Notary Pubfic. Solicitor for the Cana -
'max Bank of_Commeree. Money to loan*.
°Warms for sale. Office, in Scott's block,
Meta ietreet, acatorth.
Barristers, Solletters, Notaries Public,
Otto. Money to lend In Seaforth on Mon-
day of each week. Office in IforiA block.
Proudfoot, L. Kilicran, H.
J. a Poake.
fleaor graduate a Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of Domestic
. Animals treated. Calla promptly attend-
ed to and charges moderate. Veterinary
. Dentistry a specialty. Office and real-
, dance on Goderich street, one door east
Dr. Eicteat'S. office, Sealoath.
9 9
! E nor graeluate of Ontario Vetain-
!ley :College, and honorary member ot
the 'Medical Association of ;the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
all Doeneette Animals by the moat rrod-
ors primciples. Dentistry and Milk Fev-
se specialty.' Office oPpoaite Dick's
Rotel, Main street, Seaforthe A1I o.
iteraleffatethe hotel 'will receive " prernpt
*Mention. Night calls..feeeived at the
- .
C. J. W. KARN, M.D.0,31,
r 41 Richmond street, London, Ont.
" Specialist: -Surgery and Genito-Urire
try diseases of mere and women. -
----- ae.
The. folloWin extract EsT an arlicle
Vegetabl Seed Situation.
frorn , newspaper of Gothenburg,
SwOgis will be of interest . to;
growers of vegetabe seeds. "
The artiele refers to theBoard. of DI -
rotors oIthe A.gricultural, Oollege.'or
Aluarp, SWeden, asking ,for a Govern-
ment grant for thp encOuragement of
veget,able seed growingS
‘‘The board points out that the war
has roost clearly femphasized, the Im-
portance, for the country, of home
production of vegetable- seed. Owing
to the most important vegetable seed
produding countries having• prohibited
the eipert of @itch seed, the prices a
great number of important veges
table seeds have arisen enormously.
'And, stillOworse, 'Some seeds can
hardly be obtained, at any price. It is
reportei, f rein a well informed source,
that vegetable seed growing in the
countries snagged in• the war has been
laiegely neglt cted shriek the past sum-
merand that for this reason further:
advaness inprices can be expected.
Reports from Germany .state that the
teepply of eeed ref ,opeach, cerrots,
frost kind3 et eabbage, onions, cucum-
bers ":' and as is utterly smelt Fur-
thermore, Germany has praleibited the
eXpert of vegetable seeds to the end
f th a r Thsie -is therefore, every
Csategpathic Physician of Goderich.
31pniallat in women's and children'ec
diseeqes, rheumatism, acute, chronic
sad me:sacral disorders, eye, ear,nose
sad threat. Consultation free. OfIlcp at
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Tuesday
and Frielayea easo. till 1 Tema
Dr. J. W., PECK .
Gra.duate of Faculty of Medicine, Mc-
Gill -University; Montreal; Member of
College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; Licentiate- Of _Medical Council
a Canada; Post -Graduate member of
Resident Medical Staff of •Cleneral Hos-
pital, Montreal, 1914-16; Office two
doors east of Post Office, 'Phone 66,
, Hensel', Ontario.
• DR. F. J. BURROWS. f
Office and residence-Goderich -street'
seat of the Methodist church Settfortb
g •
Phone No. Pl. Coroner for the bounty*
• ed aurora/
• J. G. Scott, graduate of ,Yictorla and
College of Physicians arid Surgeons.
Ziaist Arbor, d member, Of the ()awl°
coroner for he- County of Huaon.
' 0, liacXa ,-hoecn• gradtiate of Trinity
Traivereati, and grad medallist of Teen -
lay Medical College; member of the Col-
lege cg Physicians andSargeoes, Ontario,
Graduate of University of Toronto
• Vacuity of Medicine, member Of Col-
lege of Physicians atidSurgeona of On-
tario; pees -graduate el:purees in Chicago
School of Chicago; Royal Oph-
thalmic Hospital!, London, "
tiniveraity College Hospital, London
England. Office-sBack of the Dominion
Bank, Seaforth: Phone No. 6. Night
calla answered from residence, Victoria
srlreet„ Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the countiee
of Hume and. Perth. Correapcmdence ar
rs.agements for sale d.ates can be mad
ky IT Phone 97, Seaforth, 9r
The-Expasitor office. Charges moder
ate and satisfaction guaranteed.
picensed auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Sales attended. to in an
parts of the County. Seven years' ex-
leftience in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
Terms reasonable. Phone No. 204, R.-
1-8, Exeter. Centralia P. O. R., R.
No. 1. Orders left at The Huron Ex-
positor Office, Seaforth, promptly at-
tended to,
o e .
reason to fear, that we have to face
tAe poss:bilIty of, a sery serious short-
age of certain vegetable eeeds."-Seed
Bresiels, Ottawa.
Lhaeneed auctioneer for the- couaties
of Harm and Perth. Arrangementsfee,
sale datea eau be made by cs.ilingip
Phone 2 on 23 Dublin, or 41 $eaforth,
ne the -Expositor Office. pharges mod-
erate and satisfaCtion guaranteed.
1. train r fjeldre.lepo or; 3.19
-It •Was with getterel regret that
CAmE. TRUE death last week of 1)/t1SS Walsh, ' who
- until midsommer of this year , had
word *as received in Blyth Of the
- been an the teaching staff of Blyth
Life Unbearable fram Indigestion ub1ic ehool. She was of an amiable
Health Restored by "Fruit-a-tives" - disposition, an excellent teacher., and
- held the esteem of the citizens at
-1 large. Death occurred at her home
in Fergus, she h.aving first a etvere
attack of typhoid fever, whiCh was
followed by 'a paralytic struke, to
which he succumbed.
-The following crops were grown
on the Huron! House of Refuge firm
during 'the year ;C• Hay- 20 tans; oats,
200 bushels; barley225 bushels; beans
30 hushes' ; onions, 40 bushels; garderc
carrotsI 15 bushels; garden beets, 8
bushels; potatoes, 250 bushels O man-
Isields. 1000 firest,ele; live thg so1d1,
13.60; three, acres Dutch )sets
052.23 parsnips, 16 bushels ;' cabbage,
1.000 head; Foddet corn, 1-4 'acre; to-
t:ees 501 baskets; raspberries. '100
Patriotic &Axe given by the
MELLE. C. GAUDREAU young ladies of Grand Bend. and vi -
' Rochon P .Q., Jan. 14th 1915 cinits on. Friday- evening, Deeembee 10,
, was a d.ecided. success beth fren a eyes
suffered. for many years 'with I tat Ono financial standpolut. The pro-
lerribii indigestion and COnslifiation.- 1 ceerts atnounLed to nearly $70. Bsen-
hecame thin and miserable. I had ner-s and •the MISR; weri.: givair
- hall
• free of charge, .tis this is the first at-
Treghent dizzy spells, and becaMe so tempt Of the !pn we glide- to • raise
,ta‘ts fOr ThoseViTho tnlistI mone,y thissway, they are to be hart-
When,r111" _down that I never thoughI wo uld t
get well again. . Uytongratula,ted open the , seecesS of
aenan hi thinking 'of enlisting
there are fivquestions that lThey are neighbor advised me to try 'Fruit- the affeir. %fore power te their Patri-
e ie wants i otie efforts.
1 a-tives . I did. so and. to the nswerdsurprise eeph. death occurred in Detroit, on
ae. e
seri ? Until of my doctor I :began. to improve and garerday 4th insf. of liqrs. Mary .A..
1-14,ow long , to. serve
the end ,of the war and shit months ars- t headvisedmelogo'Cmwith‘Frial-a-tivce. Geddes, widow pd the lati D. J. Gad -
ter, if requires14. - i I continued. this medicine and all my des, axed eldest daughter ts-E the late
. . . .
2 -What pay shall I receive ? Your . • John and Ilsfrs McCracken, of Wing -
pay as private will be $1. per geay. i Indigestion. and Conatiaation was ham,. after a brief, illness.1 !Zrs. Gede
and; 10 cents field allowance.. Besidss •1‘ relieved. I consider that 1 oweray life des =Wile, born on the ' old. Ironiestead.
this 3. mi. will be clothed, eeeipped and 1. -
to 'Fruit-a-tives' and I wandtto say to :Bluevale road; now, ..occiiisied. by A
s-ubsisted by the Government.
those who puffer• from Indigestion, brother, J. F. IbIceraCken. She was of
lug ray aosenee ? Every month there Constipation or Ileadache,s, try 'Fruit-
aed will be remembered by many
ChOeIltill (end loveable tcliapositioss,
3 -What will my Wife receive e
will be paid her a. separation allow -.1 astives': Giire this lovely frO medicine friends in this vicinity. Four daugh-
eine of $20.0(also part of your pay)
and if this is not enough to comfort-
ably sustain your family, the Canadian
Patriotic Pupa Will further , assist.
4-Whia.t will happen If I em watInd-;
ed., sick, or taken prisoner? You will
ae. pared for by the Government and
your pay continued until yea are dis-
charged. If You etre permanently alls-
abled, Ian .allowance will be paid yosi of.
:$264, $192. $1a2, or *75 per annum -
varying a&viding to the extent ot the
injury or disability. If taken prison-
er Sour{ pay, and allowances will cone
time a.s if you were° still in the field*
5 -What will be !done for my wife
leascli children, if 1 die While on active
service? The Government Will provide
et pension of $22 meethly for e widew
earaleaa for each elilia. The widewed
=Other of a „single man, if the son be
ter sole support, is treated, the sarne
as a wife.
he sums stated above apply to
pia ate soldiers and are increased 'ac-
cording, to rank. If you wish any
further'information ask the °Secretaey
of the bramela of the Canadian Petri,
otic Fund in sour town.-
' ELI.,IsT
Huron Notes
(Intended. for Last Week)
--Clinton and vicinity subscribed a-.
bee; a76,000 ,to the new Canadian war
'4-41r. James Keys, a one time well
kaiawn resident et the Babylni line,
Stanley, died, at his home An Yale
!Michigan, on December 5th. He was
91 years of age. . •
,-Curt Maple' Leaf, Canadian -Order
ef Foresters, Clinton, last week invest-
ed, fifteen hundred, dollars .of • accum-
lated -sick. benefits besides • leaving
nice little nest egg tor immediate
use if -necessarS.
-Knox Presbyterian manse, LRC_,.
:gine; ;was the Scene of a quite- wed-:
ding oh Satureclay, ;November
• when Miss Marie Isabel, .daughter
ale. and Mrs. A. Clarke, of Waltonta
became the -brid,e of William M. Strat-
ton, of atoughton, Sash.
Clatton, of Ideeburn near.)
Gollerich, las t week. shipped for
• Christmas beef, twenty. steers, widen
weighed, from 1,310 pounds to . 1.400
pounds. They were all of his own
feeding. andewere( sold to Alden. Allen
and delivered at alegaw station.
e -Rev. Jas. fllamlIton, clerk of the
• Presbyterian of Huron, has received,
reports a the vote an church' union)
from all the charge i in the Presbytery
with One exception. The vote so far
as received shows a deajheity In favor
of union of over five huntredt _
• -The death of James Nivins occar-
redi on, Fridays.. December 3rd, at his
:tome in West Wa.winosh, after ars
illnesp of some ,Iuration. Th e de-
ceased. wae in hie, sixty-niritte year;
• atoll had Cbeen a resident of the town-
ship, for many years. He leaves -a
• „widow, one slaughter and lour se/4.
-Ma3 C IcCreight, of Turnberry,
rchased the fine farm Of • air.
Graynor, of the townahip, • of
near AtWood, which' is well
B. Oh PHIL'.
Lieensed auctioneer for the counties
flaron and Perth. Being a practical
tarsier and tboroughg underatanding
the ;same ot Um stook and iniplemente
plazas sae• La better position to re -
:Lae good price:, Charge a 'moderate.
Patilifaction- guaranteed or no pay, All
orders Lett in Exeter will be procipar
bittssfrd to, ,
has p
Known -in that viciniity, as the Gay-
nor homestead; Aar. Alfred McCreight
has purchased the, farm of hie 'brother,
John afeCreight.
-Jane Fowler, daughter of the
late Ur. and Ws. James Fowler, fors• .
merly of Ashfielat townelttie passed, a-
way .at her tome at Akepie, Ohio, on
November nth.' The remains were.
brought to Goderi•ch and the funeral
took place from -the residence of Oleir.
Heart Woutd Beat Vieleutly.
Nerves Seemedlo Be Out of Order.
_afar chance and you will get well the
same as I did".
50o. a box, 6 for t2.50, trial Size, 25e.
At au dealers, or gent postpaid by
Fruit-a-tivei.Limited, Ottawa.
William Niven, Godericie cousin of
the deceased.
-On November 24, !Mr. 'John Cocht
rane, of the north ;bounidary 1-1a.y,
and Miss Teethe,- daughter of lir. Jacob
Latta, -of (Chiselhorst, • were • qraetly
married in ;the home of the bride's
; parents. After a honeymoon trip to
London and other -points, they are
settling down on the groom's fine
farm M ilday. -AU, join In wishing them
bon voyage over the matrimonial sea.
-The Roman- -Cathollc Church
Drysdale had a narrow -escape from
destruction by 'fire a few days ago.
The fire was first noticed near the,
altar and had not made much ' heed -
way when discovered, bat if a few,
minptes more had elapsed, it would
have been impossible to extinguish it
The cause is unknown.
-At a recent 'meeting of the Widget
ham Council it was votedthat the,
sun i of d3041, out of thit. $1.000
'toted- for patriotic parposenbe
given to the Ladies' Patriotic 'Scielety
to bet used in- the, Purchase of mater-
iels and pay for labor, money to be
-placed, in halide ,of the team treashrer,
and paid( out da .ordere from the Soe
cietys • •
•. -A quiet wedding took plane in the
'llifethodist parsonage, Winghem,, • on,
Tuesday • afternocm, •ADecembee 7th,
when George -Ernest COok, andi Miss
Ivy Margaret /Cook, both of East Wa.-•
eve,nosh, 'Were uniteddin _marriage. The
ceremony was performed by, Rev. el.
Hibbert.: The young •ceuple will
mahe, their home In Nehr Ontario.
-A very quiet wedding addt solemn-
ized at the le utheree. parsonege, in
Dashwood, on December 1st, when Mies
Clara •tokstein, .became the bride, i of
lair. William Becker. The happy couple;
-were unattended- and dnitniately fol-
lowing the ceremoay heft on -a short
'honey mohn. - On re turning they - will
reside on the 'groom's fine farm, north
of DashWood.
-Rev T. Cosens, former • pastor ot
Ontario street Church, Clinton, who
Is in hi k fourth year at Empress Ave-
nue !Methodist chereb, London, has ae-
cepted a• unaztimous. invitation to be-
-come pastor of the Methodist church,
In Cornwall. Rev. J. Douglae. Richard-
son. 16.1.A. of. Cornev.all, has.accepted
smiilar inyitation.-to Empress Avenue
Churn.. The chane .will take place
1 •
next J whIet
-A quiet wedding took place at
Stratford, on lIvionday of last week.
when itle. ,Johla ai. Vreornan„ of Gode-
rich, was united{ in marriage to aliss
Lily IMay, gdaughter -of !airs. Robert
Fraser ,of Seaforth. The cerement
thee performed. by, Rev .Thomes Man-
ning. D. a, the young couple betng
unattended. Met: and Mrs. Vrooman
yrooman being a partner in the firm
of Vrooman and Young, dry-cleaners
-Sittings of the Count Y Court .and
. Court of General Sessions were . held
this week in Goderich, opening on
Tuesday, December 14th. In addition.
to -civil ,actIons there are several erim-
-ina leases to be the,ard, including- 'an
arson case ,from Seaforth the burn
ing 0+ the o1 -Forbes livery stable,
and. the case against William De.nler
for alleged shbornation -of perjury. It
is not certain, who will preside at this
-Mr. and (Ur's. Thomas Maeon, of
Clinton, celebrated the fifteentr, anni-
versary of their marriage on Monday
evening, when a couple at dozen of
their' friends and, neighbors were
The heart always works in sympathy vitedetai to make merry with them, A
with the nerves, and unless the heart ill plesant , social evening was th le
working properly the whole nerve system spit and the host a.nidt hostess were liable to become unstrung, and the " heartily congretalated upon the hap -
heart itself become affected. . , , :py 'Occasion •and received slacere good •
Milbum's Heart end Nerve Pills will 'wishes for many!. more yeats of happy -
build up the unstrung nervous system, m
and strengthen the weak heart, so that
the sufferer will enjoy the very best of
health for years to wine,
Mrs. -John N. Hicks, Efuntsv&nt.,
_writes: "I am sending you my ony
for the benefit -I have received from using
Milbura's Heart and Nerve Pills.. Assa
nerve and hea builder They &etre done
woald beat .len.tly, and -' y nerves
wonders for • e. At timetipmy heart
seemed to be all out of order, but after
nting a few boxesof Milburnc Heart and
Nerve Pilis I feel like recommending
them to ethers that they might receive
benefit as I did." '
Milbunes Heart and Nerve Pills have
been on the market for the past twenty-
five years, and are universally consideted Park, -London, England, was , married
to be tmridalled as a inedicine for all, to Charles Albert Crossfield, - son Of
disorders of the heart or siervea. ,./
50c per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at ail • t1/2.611)11;b0Mitsfdordll, rQs.ueSbemc,uebly CRr°esys'.fi'eR11.(1' E°1. :
Milburn's Heart and Nervd Pills are
age, rector- of the church. Tthe. best
dealers or mailed direct h • t of
rried life, ' • '
A disastrous fire toOk place on
the peemises of D,evid 0lllki, Moreis-
b k, near-. Jamestown, fMorris town-
shjlp, between eight and nine e'clock
or Sunday evening Jest- week,' when -
°4e his barns, was destroyed, Mr.
Miller had ben dela/s.orne werk In
the tarn an while id scentling a lad-,
d,er in. tho, Stable, slipped and fe11,1417-
setting the lantern and setting dire.
to the atables MoSt Olathe 'stock Was
saved, but the bank barn 'and' thead-
• joiniag driving *ehed. were destroded.
- A n interesting, cehemh ty took ; pjaea
,on .Wednesday, December lst, - at • St„
*It's church, tBressels, when. Miss
Lillian Maud Payn-e, • ef Finsbury
,- Iman was Dr. F. Bryans, of' Brussels,.
peice by The T. Milburn Co, Lniited, and the. maid of 'honor, Miss Marie
Toronto, Out. Crump, formerly of Londa, EV. Mr .
sisterS and three brothiers aistl; one
sate bY whom slate will be saddsimissed.
d-Alnniveraary services will be held
In the Presbyterian charch,Cranbrook.
on SaVbath, 12tJ1 tests, .at 11 a.m. and
8 Pane by Rev. McDonald, M. A.,'
Attvotel. Special Thank -offering will
tt seireninfollowing a fowl gt
be taken
en and spectal music by choir.
supper bei served followed by
musical humbers by Ladies' Quartette
trom Listowel Presbyterian church;
elocationary progra,m by a first-class
eloctitionist and. addresses by local
-.At theninnael meeting of Brussele
L.0.1e, the following officers 'were el-
lected; for the ensuing year W. iltfe
EL cardiff S D. M., George, Colvin, sr.;
chaplain, Rev t R, E. Page f 'recording'
secretary, E.G. Plume Mandell secre-
tary, di. !Armstrong; treasurer. R.
dinith; a C., E. Semers; lecturer,
-Thuell; !first com., Bern,-
.rd ; secOnd com. Bow,rean; third
cond., Duke dord;en; fourth corn. S.
,St. Plum; 5th com. R. Thiell •, inside
tyler, William ItioCiAcheon, outside ty-
ler, William Andersont
Had Dyspepsia.
UP His TitEs.
Burdock Blood Bitters
Mr: H. N.- Mandersott, Stettler, Alta.,
writes: "Ablaut' twenty-five years ago,
.in the Province of Quebec, I came pretty
.near turning up my toes with dyspepeia.
A cousin of mine persuaded me to try
Burdock' Blood. Bitters. In about two
weeks r could eat u.tiythifig from raw fate
pork to unleavened bread. Three bottles
did tla job, • and I have never been
Itroubled with my stomach since. You
would,.Say that this is wonderful if you
I could ,only see what we' sometime,s have
I to live on in this country; baimock, hall
HE Judds lived' in a little .cot-
tage sit the very end, of the
towu. Mr. Judd was a; carpen-
• ter, and when he bad plenty --
0+ work there were light and 4beeranti
warmth in the home. But after helad-
fallen frem. n ladder and . broken his
.leg hard times came to the, family in.
the ._cottage, and th- two, little -boys,
Richard and Robin, erbitpered together
that surely Santa Claus -would not find
them this year. In former years ,pe
had been good to the two little boas,
but this Year things would be different.
On- Christmas eve, after the little
boys had gone to bed; Mr./Judd,whis-
pered to .iliat.wifQ that. a.iata Claus
might leave some nuts and candies for
Richard and Robin and that he _himself
had whittled them two beets that were
handsomer than those in the shops, and.
Mrs. Judd had, boiled setae molasses
and made a big panful of walnut taffy
from the store of black Walnuts indthee
Just at thafrnomett Mr. 'Judd sawa
piece ef paper pinned to Rabin's' stock -
inn, It was written in the little lads
pig round handwriting.,
• "What is that?" he asked, going to
the mantelpiece. -
"Robiide- leiter to Septa Claus, I
haven't read it yet. What does it' say?"
asked Mrs.. Judd as she cut the taffy
:into nice sqtares and prepared to WO
it in the waxed paper. - •
Mr: Judd read, • the paper, and .his -
eyes twinkled. ftSliS So,-nta Olaua
to' bring him a little'eister.' • He doeen't
want anything ,elsa- 'HO says he can
be happyplaying with4her all the year
..around." . • .
"The dear child!'' sighed- Mrs. Judd.
. "What is.that?'.' they both..Spoke to -
anther, for from il:e dorch outside tbs.y
d •
cooked beans, etc,
Burdock Blood Bitters has been on
the marketdodithe past forty years, and
cannot be excOed as a medicine for all
diseases -or disorders of the sbdmach.
B.B.B. is manufactured only by The
T. Milburn Co., leimited,•Toronto, Ont..
4194.• • 9V -W''..4`114•13=44.429.="7
neard a -funny little sound that swine -
ed strangely like 'a babsas cry.
"It sounds like. a baby," seid
Judd, going to tile door and turning the
knob quickly.
"It can't be!" said Mrs. Jedd. follow-
ing him. -
When Mr. Judd opened the door the
snowstorm triad to enter the warm
room. The carpenter peeredLout into
the whiteness and then down and lift-
edsomething that was huddled against
the door. ,°
"It's a basket and there'S a baby in -
.:eider he cited as he closed the door
and set the basket and its contents °it
,• :the table. •
Sure enough; -.n a nest of warm clean
blankets was a six months old baby
girl; blue eyed, gold* haired dimpled.
, Her clothes were coarse but clean, and.
Pinned to:her white frock was a note
11 saying that the baby's Mother was
dead and that her father was going to
a far country and made a present of
her to the hindest people In the town
he knew,
And there was SOD3e money in the en-
velope, ail that the poor father could
spare. It was very little.
dShall'we keep her?" asked Mr, Judd,
Vit. they were quite poor and his ill-
ness had brought many heavy bills to
"She came to us," whispered Mrs.
Judd as she hugged the baby they bail
found in the snow. "We can spare
'enough for her. And the boys Will be
so happy te have her!"
"That settles it!" said Mr. Judd, and
he went up into the attic after the lit-
tle cradle in which Richard and Robin
used. to sleep.
, . •
Girls! Try it! flair gets softefluffy and
beautiful -Get a 25 cent bottle
of Dandedine.
If you cate fer heavy hair that glint
tens with beauty ,and ,is radiant with
life; has an lecoraparahle Softness and
Is fluffy and lustrops, try Dazideriee.
Just • one • application doubles the
beauty- of your hair, .besided it 'mate,
diately dissolves every particle Of
dandruff. 'You can not have tree
heavy; healthy hair if you • have
dandnaff. This dostruCtiv.e scatPaps
the bRir of its lustre, ith strength and
Its very life, and if not pvgraotme it
.prOd ucesl a feiseriShness and itchin of
the sealter th.e' hair roots fa ish,
lodteh aid die; then the hair falls ont
rat. Surely. -get a 25 -cent Nettle dr.
IdeowItordS Danderine from any drug
store and just tly it, -
, a ,
When. Christmas morning dawned
Richard and Robin' crept out of bed
and tiptoed into. the sitting pone They
always dicl, `this.
morning sk as
not to as,v1eken
their parents.
It was Itarely
daylight '
They could see
their stochings
hanging fh. o m
the manteldiece,
and out of the
tops were stick-
ing two red 'Ninth
ed sailboats: just
'Besides the
boats there were ,
'warm red mit-
"BE twin TO us," tens, knitted by
wKISPEBED lo v in g fingers,
, and there were
delicious *Omit taffiewrapped itt wax -
.ed paper and some red apples. --
And just as they reached the red ap-
ples the ,littie boys looked down and -
saw the'old eradle eyitiz the- MOW -bah
by's bright and .blue eyes staring up
at them.
eHow the cottage rang with their
cries of joy! Hew they bugged the
_new., baby sisterd whom they thought
Santa Claus had 'left. at their _Skold
But we all know that sometimes:when
Santa Claus is very busy he has to ask
grownup folks to help hinr dietriblhe
the good things at Christmas tide sin -e
he menet get arcane to all the !tomes
'of all the good children in one en "liar
without tiring his reindeer toh
"Hurrah!" cried Richard nnil Robin
running to awakep thejr parents..
"Merry Christmas, father and 1'1: h-:
Come out and see the henutitul haby
Sister Saeta Claus has brimeht
Why, this is the best Chris(n:::'. i'te
ever had!"
Ctpasug;" rata foe_
Gordon whistled in - dismay. "Oh, ;
never thought efthem!" bh said- .
"I den/ weed my gray squirrels to
starve' to death!" said Paul.
"And Mr. Rabbit and bis family"'
added Mabel.
"Or thessnowbirds. I saw' a evitole
doek yesterday!" cried Gordon eagerly,
"Or my own dickeybird!" lisped Baby
Nan, pointing a fat finger :at the ca-
nary's cage in the window.
They all laugbed and kissed little
"And what about you, Cousin Mar -
1 of the little girl who
°et Mr. Rabbit, too,"
inking it would
s remenabered
tont" they ask
was.,visiting th
"Pm thinking
said Marion., 4'1 was
be nice if Santa Cla
Gordod, got up and d
-ed .a horn -
pipe. "Let's have tet'Shies as tree for
the woods people!" he shouted.
_What a racket there was as they all
:rushed into the hall after taps and
cloeks and -overshoes!
Clarice and Gordon* disappeared in
the kitchen and were gone a long time.
When they came back they carried a
I I ttle basket.
lieby Nan was taken to her moth-
er's room, and the' merry yonngsters
ran shouting across the snowy. garden
• to the path which led to the woods.
i1ow quiet the woods were when they
werd in the sbadow of thepinesand
Sinidenly some twigs crackled, and
a beautiful deer bounded lightly away
Azad disappeared aniong the trees.
"He was huagiy," said. Gordon. ''See
how he itis eaten the twigs. from ...the,
• was- the day. before Christmas,
and it had been nowing all the
The111aesden childetse sat
around the iiving room fire eridesanig:-
Christinas carols and talked about the '
millions of people who were sending
gifts to; loved ones, just as the wise
men brought gifts to the Christ Childs
under the Christmas starh.
Suddenly they noticed that Clarke
leas very thoughtful.
"What is the matter,1 SU?" wired-
. Gordon, the oldest boy. .•!
"I am thinking of, Ma deer i. -
people and how time mio.w.issa wring ,
their f so that they:4* daft 11!
• • ,
All oyer the snow were the foot-
-print§ of little animals-arabbits, squir-
rels, e'een- tbe trail of a fox which
Gorden and Paul -pointed out
And threadhag in and out like a pat-
tern of laceeverk were the dainty foot-
prints of birds. .
d'Poorhlittle woods people!" sighed
Clarice. "I'm afraid the Snow has cov-
• ered all the seedssand- pine cones."
"Where shall. we have the Christmas
tree?" asked hiebel, jumping up and
down with delight.
"Here!" cried Marion, pointing to. a -
small holly' tree. "See, it is? already
trimmed with red berries!"
"Just the thing," said Gordon, open-
• ing his basket. "Now, youngsters, step
up and help yourselves tp goodies to
put on the Christmas tree.
"Here are auts for the squirrels, bits
of suet for the blue jays and the snow
birds, some lettuce and carrots for Mr.-,
Rabbit and his family, some canary
seed. to sczttter on this cloth and apples -;
for everybody."
What a wonderful Christmas treh
that was! Everybody helped to trim
it, and when the
lettuce and car-
rots had been
24. 1915
ditapes Diapepeln" makes Sick, Sour;
Gassy Stomachs' surely feel fino
In, five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stoMache or lies like a lump of
lead, refueiiag th digest, or you belch.
gas and eructate sour, undigested -
food, or have a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn., fullness, nausea, bad taste :
in mouth and stomach -headache, you t
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
.,Put an end to stomach trouble forever
;by getting a large fifty -cent case of
IPApe'a Diapepsin from any drug store.
You realize lit five minutes how need-
less it is, to suffer from. indigestion,
dyspepsia •or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doe -
tee 'In the - world. It's wonderful:
tied on to the.
lowest branches
so that the rabbit
f a midi y could
reads lent the
all -drew' away
aiidthid behind
a .clump of hem-
locks. -
Bright eyes
must have been
watching the hol-
ly tree, for very
soon the guests
began to arrive
at the C h r is
mas party. Such
a twittering of
birds and cracking of nuts and crunch-
ing,ef carrots and crisp lettuce! Don't
you think their little hearts sent up
thanks to the loving Father, who had
reminded the Marsden children not to
forget,his little woods peoPle? .
' And as the children raced across the
snow toward home they -sang Christ-
mas carols until they Were overheard
by a great sleigh load of people corhing
from the railroad station. •
"Merry Christmas!". thex called.
"Merry Christmas!" And the sleigh
stopped and td.ok them all in, for. they
fiwere all going to. spend Christnaas at
the hfarsdens. There were Marion's fa-
ther and mother, and there were aunts
and uncles and grandparents. 'ilklerry
Christmas!" they .all said to eacht other,
for they were happy.
And I'm sure if you could have un-
derstood all the twittering and chat-
tering around the holly tree in the
woods you might have learned that the
woods people Were shying "Mend'
Christmas!" too.
Wasn't the Uniform.
A sailor under the influence of liquor
went to the main entrance of a New
York theater recently and presented.a
ticket. The manager rehrsed to admit
'hint, telling him that his money would
he refunded at the box office.
"Don't you respee yas country's nni-
form?" aeked the Ubulous oae. _
"Sure," retorted the manager. "Tito
it nff and I'll put it in a stage box."
"Do you believe that there is really
something which can invariably tell
when a man is lying?"
"I knew it" '
perhaps you have seen one
the instruments?"
"Seen one? I married one."
Dying Without a Willi
Ift.the event of ones dying'inteetate
the heirs conae in for their share of the
estate as established bd the laws of
the particular state lit which the prop -
arty, is found. In the. event of no will
and. heirs the property goea to the
state. • .
Pot Isifaiiio and MMus
IR US. For (Over SOY:siert
re we. are iiai1n a bunt
Do you want to earn
$1.0 a week cr more
in your own. hone?
Reliable persons will be iciroished With
profitable. all-year-rourid erenloyment
on Auto -Knitting
Machinei, per ,
week ready earn-
ed. We,,teach you
at hornedistance
is no hindrance.
Write for 'particu-
lars, rates of pay,
send 2C. sta.-np.
Dept. 185 257 College. St. - Torosta
, (aStzt4at LeiccsUr, Engk NA)
For Sick Headache, Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels -They
work while you eleeee
Furred Tongue, Dad Taste, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skib. and Miserable Heal -
aches cone frortra torpid liver and/
eloggtd bowels, which cause your
stomach .to become filled with midi -
tended food, which sours and thMents
ake garbage in a swill. barrel. -That.hce
I.ret step to untold raizery-insil-
sesticen +Dui gessis, bad breath, yellow.
reeetal feare, everything the': is
sere'. le teal raosealing. A Casea.ret
es.';',1 give ;your conttipateil
'avee's a thorough cleaneing end
.stra:gliere s -cu out by morniag. They
worlo.wLibe you sietep-ra itoefrot bee
from your drugssiet wUlitteD yelhdesida
ing. good Cr mouths,
' Business and
Westervelt School
NI Building
Lindon, Ontario
Collcqe, Son "Ne,ptlst to
Catalogue free. Enter any
3, W. Skiestcrvelt, Prim ipal
You can wara off many anxious
-moments it at the fret sign of a
Cough or Cold, you will use Cham-
berlain's Cough Remedy, It loos-
ens the phlegm, it heals the sore
throat and bronchial tissues allays
fever and gives good:reiults
at once. It Influenza, Broil-.
chitis • cr Whoop-
ing Cough have
developed, you
can count on thit
splendid. old fam-
ily remedy foe
sure relief.
that she -had been tO
the big dock in -0
only booming elevei
"I' wonder if S*
Luchades` stockingl
"Traps by and by A
been there,"
oily closed her
*bout Lucinda Mn
little girl. Lutindd
night, but she tra
and Polly liked heri
Lucinda told n3
Polly. That was It
Chamberlain s
Cough Remedy
always incthe house.
Pr:Lea-25c. and 50.
C. P. R. Time Table_
Guelph and Goderich BTatichl**
GOderieil•114!• • • • • • •...Lv
Auburn" •••• 41.• *SA; 11
Walton .1,
Milverton it
Linwood •Tet......... 1'
Clnoirs- ...
... . ..-
oronto Ar. 11.25 1-•
7.00 a m -2.30 p
7,26 2.56 1
7.87 " 3.07
7.50-" 2.19 "
8.24 " 3.51 "
8.35 405"
9.00 "- 430
9 35 " 5.05. "
Toronto.. - ....... - Lv. 8.20a. in 5.10 so
Guelph. ....... ...... Ar 10.15 " 7.00
itlinira... 10.45 7.86
Linwood Jet 114 1.1.05 1 7.55 11
Ittilverton. . ., ' 11.25 " 8.16 "
Walton Si 12.58 8.42 "
Myth u 12.10 11 9.07.*
Auburn....... ..... 12.20 9.19 "
"aciderich 12.45p. m. 9.45 "
-.,.. Connections at Linwood for Listowel,, Goa
nee Mons at Guelph Jot. with main line for Galt
Wo3dstock, Londen, Detre ad Chicago an * al
im 'radiate fines..
Grand Trunk Railway
Railway Time Table.
Trains leave Seafortia safollowe
W.45 a m For Cflinton Gixierich4Winghatt
For Clinton and Goderich
tor ()Baton, Winghara and Rim
For Glintoo and Goilerieh.
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto
Orillia, North Bay and Points west
Belleville and Peterboro' and points
3 21 P m Prittratfora, Guelph, Toronto :4102
• treal aid points east.
82 p ni For Stratford Guelph and Toronto
IYORTH •r &onager
London depare
Central .. 9 35 5 45
Exeter. . 9 a 5 57
Rings% . 955 011
EIPPen• •
10 06 61
Brumfield, 10 14 •6 24
Clinton, -. 10 6 40
Londesboto, . ....... 11 18 6 51
.. -. 11 27 7-05
He raVe, ......... . . . .11.40 7 18
WIngbarn, .... . 11 54 7 40
SOUTH Passenger
Wiughsso, depart„....-...... 6 35 , 3 22
Belgraft, 650 326
Myth, . 7 04 a 48 -14I4atbetao 712 366
Onalsoh, 7 33 L1
1.20 p m
6 18 pm
11.03 p m
7 51 a in,
'Bitie414 • a • • • 1.4.* • ..... • • •.• 828 4 as
• ,.............. 99 99 9,9 .9,9 8 31 4 41 .
., . -.............8 an -••,99. a 22 - : 4 45 . .
,..........-..-.....:,....... 8 al 501 '
0 ,,e,,_. ..........,........ ,A......• 5-03 -5 Is •
Lisactsli attLY,..,... as 6
06 61.=
. , .
Lucinda wanted a ,
doll -le instead of th
hies that people ga,
Polly went to sle
a start. She wits
been wide awake a
the mantelpiece th
bag stocking,.
"Santa Claus h
Polly, and she slit
pattered across th
What a lovely,
looking thing her
Polly felt of th
There NVO.S )31031
peeping at .her
stocking was the
doll you could, ima
"Oh, dear, I dolt
has brought Life
sighed Pelly. "1
Barefooted, wi
gown trailing en
pattered -silently
she reached the d
wing where the s
"Tsecond door led
ane ,fitrhe de0000rk,
girl Lucinda..
From the knob o
white stocking a
bniain with
som 'tee top o
there popped a p
It was black -
(tor Lueinda won
• Polly's heart b
teist3.y took the b
linda's stocking
ler arm, -she ran
ker own white b
kad taken it out
_Shad to elim
Jut the cunning 13
"I never bad
are so dear and
rself 'while she
us baby to her
h aSche hofe
u g,geed
kti n
It fondly as she
ef Lucindn's Isto
motheii, room
When stwjni
zyes watdlinit
alee pre
whn ..nr7c
white bat
1, dear 11 •