HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-12-17, Page 5ER 1915 frg Meuse to assist you in Christmas Gift for , member of the ng footwear You o that is iiseful is always appre- this list of season e. come and see large assortment aosinga WOMEN 3.50 to 4.oci ha° te 2. Ce(& 50° tO I.50 75C tO 85C I 25 tO 2 00 Fo Girt 3.00 to 4.50 1.75 tO 2. 50 2.5o to 2.75 1.25 to 1.50 65c and 75c hem hippy with a bers. Make your Ltd. Never mind if ter Chaistmas. 01 TAL ROT Ke for &wear gt boxed in fancy 20c, 75c $r Too 111 ers xceptionally nice 3xed Si. to $3:5o ig Jackets robes. Make ith one of ours. see thern. and tArm bands ticlers,. boxed 25c riders, boxed 5Oc in fancy Xmas ) to soc Tie pins s That idure be clelighted if for ill Make her the re - ft selected from our jetive jewelry. lo: stylish, gold filled 00. Fine variety oin $3 50 to $27.50. 0:kkt up. c;pecial val- athes from $2.75 up ' manicure and toilet ebony manicure and ter. silver manieure Also separate maid. tecee in above goods-. M brooches, rings, . bags and every - not in an up.teedate • e you with gifts for "Him," 'Sister, nd Friend. X triaii Gift Store. onell .iatt Hensel], ster, Manager tI nxtures during December. eoda,y Lott was tne e eayreent of the eli- ;out lit t le a1ditjo- 'r calIector, efr. A. reeeetea ` et -r toot day: ,erid we b''en. paid I:: 'ter.-3;fre7. L. 11, Dick- eed eleugnter, were Toesday. sp•qidirt's heir relatives • and C. Petty recently pre- • -.vitt'', a .nice flag, oll, the 'first (rote put rreuch frayed. - 'enc.. recently return - 4t., reports everything cnat tnere, with for trei pat season. ortsmen secured, quite bbt during the past nave this week to ath of Ws. Robert has resided in our tuber of years, and to eference is made bY :urrespondent. ;SKr. D. Stewart, left On iing lag for 110chPs- ,t - • _PCEMBER 17 1915 MARKETS eold laurbtL - smiuroR.TH MARKET:* 1$10.15; 12 a steel), $8; 20 Curdy bough 800 to 1,150 po e'Y sold t Van lout of beset *T.59 to -$6.50 to $7; era! George Aliattoir, extra -choice for ArM.04r btitober oiktt 45.56 to $i. rEIUMS11.1T, Dee. itith 1910 'zFailiWheat (stem.) new 98 to 98 )cokte, per bush.. MI to 38 Peas, per bush Barleys per bush Beans, per bush... .. • 2 50 to: 260 Potatoes, per bus OOto 90 do per bag 1 35 to I 35 Bran, per ton ...... 23 00 to 24 00 :Shorts, per ton... 24 00 to 24 00 Mute per cwt.,. .... 2 75 to 315 Butter, No. 1 'loose, lb. 33 to 35 E . per dozen - 26 to 28 y, neve, per. ton...., 12 00 to 14 33 • Pouttrv Market. .7acin1c1, Dee.- 14.--Chicken9.pair, $1.20 to $1.60; turkeys. per, lb.., 20 to 22e; /geese, each: 41.50 to '$2; ducks, per mood, •14e aio 18c. . • it toronto, Dee. 14-Ch1ckens:, 13c to 15c ; fowl, 11e to 12e; ducksi 15c to( 16c; eese, 14 to 15c:. turkeys.. 20 tone. Bean ‘ket. Toronto, Dec. a4.. -Beans, 43.50 to ikts.% per bushel •1.' Detroit, Dee.14.-Beans. inuneiiate. shircnent, $3.56; December, $3.45; Jan- 34.35- per bushel, shipping points; Limas, 8 1-2c to 7c per lb. • -Dairy Markets. Decentber 14. -Cheese - Pinest westerns, 17 1-4 to 18c; deo finest ea.sterns, 17 1-4c to 17 1.2e.: Batter, choicest creamery, 33 1-2c to tS4e; seconds, .31 1-2c to ,32e. Se ;,-e. fresh, 5fie to 52c; Selepted„. 33c; No. ' 1 stock, 20c; No, 2 stock, 28es London, Dec .14. -Butter, creamery, per pound, 34 to 30c;;hotter dairy, '33c; butter, clocks, 30 to 31c; eggs, per dozen, ,38 to .40c; honey, strained. ten pounds, *1.40..to $1.50. Torontio, Dec. • FiaTilutter-a' Receipts continue moderate i.tad. the o demand is good: Priees eare firm. Fresh dairy, Mc to 30c ;„ inferior, 22c to, ; cream- eryprints 23e to 34c; .solicls, 31 1-2 to 32c. Rigs -Storage, 30c to 32c per' .idozen ; selects, 35c to 30c; new laid 43e to .45c; case lats. Cheese -Large,. .17 3-4c; twins, 18c. Honley-Tin.s, lb., '.10c. to ; combs., NO. 1, *2.40 pet Alozen; No. 2, $2. Grain, Etc. Toronto, Dec. 14-161Fm1eoba Wheat- lAll rail, immediate ihipn'lent-, No. 1 northern, 41.23; No. 2, $1.20 1-2; No. 3, $1.17. ihfanitoba oats -All rail, ,To- •,ronto, Nei. aw.,' 48 1-2c ; No. 3 C. W., .46 172 cents; No. 1 extra. feed, 1-2„cents ;, Not, 1 feed, 45, 1:2 cents. Ainerican corn. new 'No. 3, 74 3-4c. Canadian Corn, Kee 2 yelIoW, 73c, nom- inal. Ontario Wheat-No4. 2 winterper too- lot, 98e to $1; slightly sprouted and tough, accordinlet to sample,' 96e to 98c;-- sprouted or smutty and. tough, according to sample, 74 3-4c to 90c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 37c' to 38c; commercial oats, 35c to 37c. Peas- -No. 2 nominal, per car lot; $1.90; sample peas, $1,150 to $1.75 8..ecor:1- beg to sample. Barley --itifoltinkg, out- side, 5,7c .to 60c; Ni. 2 feed. 50t to age. Manitoba Flour -First patents, in Jute bags, 6.41;$seconds, $5.90; strong bakers, $5.70. in jute bags. Ontario blelour-LNew winter, $4.20 to $4.50; according to sa.rople, seaboard, or To- ronto !eights, in bags. tHillfeede-Car lots per toe, delivered. ;efontreal freights. Bran, e23; . shorts,. $24.00; middlings, $26; good,, feed flour, per 'Ptago $460'. Potatoes -Car lots °of Ontario Out- -led at c1.25 to $1.30, and New Bruise: - wicks a.t ,1.40 per bag, on track." Live Stock Markets Liverpool, Dac. 13. -Trade at Birk- enhead, to -day was firmer, good cat - tile being ecarce and in demand.. Use- ful quality steers and heifers made 16 '1-2e per lb. 'and best sorts 17c. Chilled beef uochanged. • Buffo..la, Dec. 14. -Cattle slciwe. prime steers F.8.50 to $9; shipping $7.50 to .$8,25; butchers $6.50 to $8.25 ; .:heitere, $5.50 to $7,75; cows, $3 to .$6.35; bulls, *,4 to ;$6.75; stockers and feeders., 0-5.40 to *6.90;. sleek- heifers,. $4.40 to Ve-als .actiole at $11 to ;$1,1. Hogs slow, heavY, :5.70 to $6.1'5; mixed., $6.65 to $6.70; Yorkers; 36.60 to f-&65-; pigs, 1$6.25 to. $6.50; roughs, 5:5.8.5 to $6; stags, $4,59 to $5.25. Sheep pad. Lambs active; lambs, $A to $10; :yearlings, $5 to $8; Wethers, $6.75 .to'. $7 ewe,e IC( to $6.50; sheep mixed, -$6,.50 to e$6.75. Ifontaral, 'Dee. 11. -There was ono load of 'Christmas, cattle sold at 8c per pound, the loa.d to be retailed ,after- wards for :higher prices,. Prime beeves, sevee and one quarter to sevtn and .three-quarter cents.; me:diem, 5 1-2c to seven and one ()tarter cants; common, four and, ,a quarter to •fi-v&' and a quarter cents; small bells, 4 to 4 a -2c; catiners,:. 3 1-2e. Calves, 5 cents to 6 ;and a ia1f cents; sheep, 6 to 6 1-2c; lambs, 9' arielLa half cente to nine and. three-quarter cents; ;hogs, nine and a half cents to nine andthree-quarter gents. Union Stock Yards, Torenta, Dec. 14. -The cattle trade was,. comparatively quiet on Months, follOwing the, _big week -end Christmas beef cattle mar- ket last week. Prices were not so high. 41.- average as paid for some of the loads of show cattle on Sat- urdasebet a few small lots or prime beef cattle sold at from $8.• to, $8.50. Choice loads of butcher cattle sold at from $7.25 to $7.70. Fair to medium butcher were perhaps a little easier. _ Good fat COWS were scarce and firm. -Choice bulls fir.. Sheep and -lambs very strong and 'higher. Flogs weak- er at A3.751 fed and watered. The quo- tations: 13uteher's cattle, choice *7.75 to $8,50; euodt $7.26 to $7.50; medium, ,$7.15 to, $7,50; common, $5.50 to ; butchers bells, choice, •`46.75 to $7.00; good, „-:5.75 to $6.25; rough, $4.75 to 0.25; butchers' cows, choice, $6.50 to t$6176; goo di k$6 te $6.25; medium $5.- 25 to $5.75 ; cororncoo $4 tofee-d- ere, good, 1111.59 to $61g5; stockers, 700 to. 900 pounds, *6 to t$6.75; caninerS land cutters, $3 to $4.50; milkers choice $75 to $100 ,efach; milkers, common and medium, $35 to $60; pringeree $50 -to, 3130; light ewes, $6,50 to $7.25; sheep, hvy, $5.25 to *6;.bucks, :$3 to $4.- 50; yearling lambs; to $7;75; lambs, per cwt.. .49.15s to $10.50; calves- med- ium to choice, $6.50 to $10; e'en -linen, $4 to $4.60. 'Hogs fed and watered, $8.75. The followieg represenitative sales are noted; Dunn and Levack Bold, 24 Louie of cattle, sheep and iambs; 2 heifers, 900 pounds: 37.35; 1 'heifer, 1 020 pounds, -138; 29 heifers. 160 pourais , 47.60; 17 heifers, 1,040 '47.70 o 2 cows, 1;175 pounds, 35-55; ; cows, 1,225 lbs., $5.50; two bulls. �,000 Dolmas. 5 t teets, 1.050 lbs. 1,54.40.; 21 steers. 1 3.00 -lbs.. $7.601. 4 steers,' ,$7.25; 3 cows, L- INO pounds, 46.60; 350 lambs, $10 to 100 snep, 87 to $7.50; 25 calves, 8,-.48,78. D. A. *Donald he Of lambs, 410.30 to p, $6 to $7.501- y-erling. ;r. calves. $4 to '.$10. ;Mite- dirbty tutolker attle, ds, 48. Rice an41,. hiLl. 5;..: loads of cattle O one steers, $8; °hake 'but; 11.60..; medium butcher, met, $8.75,fed itax4 Avttt:- ' Rowntree, for the Har. ought 300, eittle, steers t 47.25 to $7.75; ',e, few at $8 te:.$11.10. F; 'Cone. CO., Ettimiltan, 1:004ght. '50 vit50 to $7.16 ;a -pews, W. T BOX, lc CO. • EMB 14MiRS AND . . FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holder of Government Diploma and Limner CHARGES MODER:AT'. /Night Call - 1 Day Calls Phone 1t7 hone 50 CAUTRIGHT- and Mrs, At HAYTER-In and tirs.-11 'STIRE-At D and Mrs. o Binh*, n Mullett. on .december let,' to Jr. os Oartright, on. ' " tanley. nn December 6th, to') Mr. •nry Hayter, a son. shwood, an December 2nd, to , Mr. icholas Wire jr.. a son. Marriages BECKER-EC STEIN-AtDasharood, by Rev.' G. Grauptier, nDecember 3let, Miss Clara Eck- stein. to M. Wm. Becker, both of Hay townehip DINNEY-U0 VE -In Exeter, on December ilet, Thomas M Dinn.y, to Ida 111,, daughter of , Mr. . and Mrs. Roberb N. Bowe. HO& liTON . -Toronto, LINN-In,To ICIett.thr On bee. 14 at ohi Greer field lipme ellie F. nought° . 'aged 53 inyears,' J nto, on Novebe '30th, Hato - land Line, nephew of Mr. W. S. Harland,li /of Clinton, in his 32nd year. ****** • tS. 1 Holmes • F I I'Eh -1 • lo St d D • Flowers • _ s • I Phon • 0••••4••••••••••••0•••••• reedrnasl, DLI.ector , and ' er taking parlors in Od'dfel s building opposite :wart Bros.- Resi- f. A ce Goderich at., cpp . Scott's, - , furnished on ort notice. - Night or Day 119. . , i I On blonde 'arm stook llamas Wiley, 1 SALE REGISTER . I r, Deceinber 20th. eta o'clock p, m. nd implements.- John Sparrow an Exeoutorf; Thomas Brown, Anet • RTANT NoTicps 1 Rouses f hottaret in r Sale or Rent -2 comfortable dwelling Faamnnaville for Rale ne-rent law iteeee pleasently situated ; will be sold reasonable. Apply Mrs. -M. A. hariesworth. Egmondville. 2490x24f OR SA E, or will exchenge for Hurou County U fame 1O acres of land ire North, Dakota, 4 mile rom railrolvt station, Por particulars write H. G. CRAWFO1D, E03 Woodlawn Ave., Buffelo, N. Y., 2502x12 rpEaoaka WANTED -Protestant, for S. S. No 11, _11_ towers IP of Hallett, Huron county. Normal trained pr feried. Duties to commenceJanuary 3rd 1916. Ap ly stating eatery to JAMES HAMILTON, Sacy., R. J. N. 1. Londeseoro, Ont. 2502x4 • AUCTION SALES, UCTI N SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IOIPLE. .1-1_ ME TS -Thos. Brown has been instructed Co sell bypu lic auction, on Lot "11, Concession 6, Stanley, 4 'miles south of Varna, on Monday; Dec. 20th, 1915 at one O'clock p m., the following. Horses -One mare coming 6 years old, 1 mare 8 years old, 1 horse comingeol years old, 1 filly eight months old. Cattle -1 cpw in calf, 2 cows milking, 1 cow neWly calved, 1 steer 1 .year old, 3 spring calves, one calf 8 weeks old. Implements -1 binder 1 mower, 1 sulky eake, 1 plow. 1 scuffler, 1 wagon, sleigh, forks, shovels, spades, and a quantity of householc furnitere and a cpianbity of hay, oat S and berley. sold tow and hous that atm ositively no reserve as everything must be ndup the estate. Terms -On implements hold furniture, 310 and under cash, over nt 0 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes, a discount of 6 cents on the d Iler allowed oft -for cash on credit amounts. Stock, by and grain to be cosh. VOHN SPAR. ROW, THOS. WILEY, Executors; 'Mos: Brown, Auceioneer. 2504 -td 'Co iv for Sale Another lot of those high erade Durham cows of good milking strain, for sale in ,Seaforth, Dec. 24th. Also some good young cattle and some thoronghbred Durham cows., . 2605-1 GEO, T. TURNBULL, Seafrtili ° clinnouncement MR. ARTHUR COLES, First1 Rate Comedian, is open to accept e4'age- ments. Concerts or entertainments. Reasonable terms. Write He•nsall; phone Exeter. •2504x2 For Sale or Rent The desirable residence property in Egmondville, owned by W. G. Oharleeworth and situated 1 mile from Seafortb. Tbe house is a two etory brick, with furnace and electric li dated throughout,- has good cellar with cement flodt and large_ soft wetter cis- tern in cellar. There hitiso a new stable with two Single and one box stall and drive shed.. Good hard water and a few fruit trees. Will be sold reason- ably and on terms to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to 2502-tf W. 0, CHARLESWORTH Seaforth YourPhotograph Jv.othing will cidd nzore to the Xntcis pleasure of your friends. See our new line picture frames. ia frame suit every picture. .Fql's Studio Seciforth, oee.....fermeeetorea, T. Hays, Sealforth Tenor Soloist Saskatchewan Gold Medalkst Open for Engagements Terti.,....2221,0cia,i ico, POR SALIii OR TO RENT. 'M -NOR SALE -Lot115, Concession 4, MeKilfop, 1,00 acres, with bush, windmill, fruit oreharde. For further parameters pply to Mrs. M A. GREVE. IIRYER, P. O. Box ,Beiforth. 24864f TpARM FOB SALE -Lot 27, Concetision 6, Hay II township, one hundred acres all dearer' and in Ia good state of cultivation. The Loll is , good clay leam and is well drained and fenceid. On the land ie a storey and a halt brick house and large bank ;barn with brick stabling. plenty of water. Apply on the premises to °MA/ILES l'PARQUHAR or to W T. rARQUHAR, Bewail. 24136x44f ,i VAUM POR EIAL13.-Lot 6. ttioncomion 9. Tucker. -.1l.' smith, containing 100 acres, about seven acres under hush. The farm le well Sewed and drained and in a good state of oultivatiba. There are on the premises a good frame house, bank barn pig house, henhouse, drive house and two good 'wells. For -terns and particulars apply on the:Premises or ad- drawl:MS. JOHN MOOLOY, Egmondv.We P.O. ' s 285641 FFOR SAYSI-Lot 10, Coneession Tucker/pith. The farm writable 100 acreso, all cleared and,in a good state of cultivation. Three never failing wells, windmill at barn. Good bunk barn 50138, pig house, hen house and drive shed. A gmd frame nouse with furnace. • An otos and a half of extra good orchard. This choice farm is within Smiles of Seaforth, on the Kippen HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville.. 24624f 'UNARM FOR SALE -For sole, Lot 38, Concession 1, L.R.S., Tuokersmith, containing 100 acres. There are on .the premises a good bank barn 481052, with straw shed 84x50.` Gorarne house, plenty of water at house and barn. Farm le all well fenced and tiledrained. There are eight acres bush, the balance except 36 acres is in grass.1610 situated 4 miles from Clieton and 2 from Brumfield. Rural mail and telephone. For further particulars apply on the premises or addrese GEORGE WATTS, &S. No. 1, Bruedield, or phone 2 on 197, Clinton Central. 2498x44f - 'Imo_ ARM FOR 8ALE--100'acres of choice land. with- jr in easy distance to Seaforth, Blyth, Londesboro and Walton. on theIlth Concession of Mullett. Rich clay loam, free from atone and very fertile, In a high state of cultivatipn. About eight aores of val- uable hard wood,. Comfortable brick house on stone foundation with cement eellar. Large bank barn, gook stabling and font buildings, also silo, wind -mill with water flowing through pipe into, kitchen, .soft water cement; cistern. A desirable form. For fur- ther particulars apply to ROBERT REID, Lenders. bore, R.R. No. 1, We 2. IleKillop , rural telephone 16 on 170. 24964f GP"GBASS FARM FOR SALE -West half lot 23,.Con. 12, Hibbert, containing 50 acres, On the premises is a very good barn, about 45 acres cleared and all seeded down, 5 acres of very good hard wood bush. Fences in good repair. A never failiog spring near back of farm. A good well with abun- dance of water at the barn. There Is also a small orchard of choice fruit trees. Thie property, is sit- uated about 2 miles easo of Chi selhurss on good gravel road. 6 miles from Herman. This is a good grass farm or would make a good grain farm. For quick 'ale the property will be sold reasonable; for - further pareiculars apply to 13, S..„PH1LLIPS, Amt. l3ox 76, Exeter. 2404.81 GOOD FARM FOR SALE -For Sale, Lot 31 and ,east half Lot 3.1, Concession 9, Biathlon, non. taining 160 acres. There are on the premises two= good frome houses with stone cellars and cement Mei terne. Two good bank barns With minent stabling, also hen house and drive shed. - Water under ham supplied by windmill. Windmill in field and cement trough for watering stook. The farm Is in a good state of/cultivation being web fenced and under - drained. One aerie of good bearing mallard. The farm may be divided to suit two families, or sold in two ports to suit purchaser. Within one mile of school, church, .WM*11111111 shop and store. Apply on the premises Or addrees the undersigned R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. ROBERT A. DODDS, Phone 8 on 161, Melf illop,. 25034f GOOD FARM FOR ALE -For Sale Lot 25and part of Lot 24. Concession, 14, MeKillop, con. tenting 180 acres. There are on the premises a modern brick house with hard and soft water. There is aim a good barn 60x126, with stone foun- dation and etabling underneath, driving shed 30x40 on stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all in good repair. There is also a goo I bearing or- chard and two never failing wells. The farm is well - underdrained and well fenced and in a high state of cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It is well situated on the North gravel road 1 mile south of Walton O. P. A. station, also telephone and rural mail delivery. 1IIsis a choice farm and will be sold on reaeonable terms. For further particulars apply en the'srefilises_or_addreas. W. 3. DICKSON Walton. 2.4584 T;IARNI FOR S ALF -For aale south half Lot 31.32, r Coneession 1, Tuckeismith, containing 94 acres , I more, or leess. Tlaere are on the premises a good frame house -with kitchen and woodshed, cement cistern, good hank barn 40x64 with stetne stabling and cement floors, drive shed and hen house, water in houee and barn supplied hyr` wind mill and cem- ent tark.The farm is in first class condition fenced and „drained and there are 10 acres of first class bush And smaliorehard. .5The farm i3 three and one half miles from Clinton, five miles from Seadorth and one mild' from church and school, Rural telelephone in. house. The fermis all on the west sine of railroad track and le in first class 'shape. Terms -Reasonable, resone for selling, the 'proprietor wishes to retire, for further particulars apply on the premises or address JOHN THOMAS CRIOH, Clinton, Ontario, 2404x12 l'TALU13LE FARM FOR SALE -The administrat. V ors for the estate of the late Hugh 51. Gordon, pffer for sale, Lot No. fourteen (14) in the sixth (6) Concession of the township of MeKillop. This far consists 01 101 acres of cleared and improved arth lands in a clean and good state of cultivation and is situated in, a splendid farming district, convenient to markets, schools and churehee. On the premises are erected a• comfortable frame dwelling house, 18x24, with kitchen attached. Splendid femme barn 52x70 with stone stabling underneath, cement floors and water in barn, also a good pig pen and water in barn also a good pig pen and hen house. 7he farm is well fenced and extra well tile drained. The title is perfect and possession will be given for the purpose of doing all necessary fall work. For further particulars apply to ARCHIBALD McGREGOR, or ROBERT GIBSON, Administrators, or to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, them Soliclear, 24914f :TELEPHONE NOTICE e annual meeting of the subscribers of the T ckersmith Municipel Telephone System will be beid in Walker's hall, Brumfield, on -Saturday, De- cember 18th, at 2:00 p.m. A full attendance of sub- scribers is requested. The new Telephone Direc- tories will be distributed at this meeting. _ THOMAS G. SHI,LL1N0LAW 2504-2 President • McKillop Nominations Nomination on Monday, Dec. .27th, at Calder's hall, Winthrop, at 1 o'clock p.m. h In the event of an election, votes will. be taken in Polling Div. No. 1, at late W. Reidy'e house, Beechwood. Polling Div. No. 2, at J. Hillen's .honse, Lot 25, Con. 4. Polling DM. No. 3, at W. Davidson's house, Lot 10, Concession 12 Polling Div. No. 4, at sechool house No Leadbury. 2506-2 M. AlURDIE, Machine Notice ' All bilcOormick machine users will find a full line of implements and (repairs, also full line of cutters, bug It el sleighs, wagons, hay fork thole and B. T.- Litt farriers, pumps and pump outfits at Shana- han did stand on ,Main Street. The undersigned will be pleased to meet ail his old custoMers and many new ones in his new quarters. 5 ' 2504-8 P. O. KERR, Seaforth FARM FOR SALE For Sale, Lot 36, Clonceesion 3, L. R. S., Tuckersmith,containining 50 acres. There is a good barn on the promises, 45 acres under cultivation 'and 5 sores (0 bush. The farm to wen dreined and in a good otate of cultivation. situated 24 miles from. village of Brucefielde The farm is being sold to alose up . an estate. Bids will be received on this property up to January 1st, 1916. Posseaion given April let next. Terms -Cash. Applications stating purchase price cflered to be addressed' to JOHN SPARKS 2504.4 itoHortion et., LOnclon, Out. THFYR • EXPOSITOR Farm for Sale TsVo first a- farmis n M3161110,, 100 acres each. two miles- from 'Seaforth, *bad building*, choice farms, will be .soki septratelyer jointly. away ,ta Mrs, JOHAICSAlf 1.741pirBer seetatth, or.. to PBOODFOOT, K!1LORAN it °JOKE, Borristers etc., Seaforth; •1504-61 Notice movemlommomee All aehounte owing me Must be settled byeash or not en or before December 81st, 1015, atter which date they, will tn.phiced in otlunehands for ledteetion 2664x3 JAMEIEVAill Beechwood House for Sale The resideoce Gods-lich Street Weet, owned by1&D.-1J. McCallent, and at present occupledaty Mr. John Dodda, will be sold obese). Terrce ot payrrent reasonable. .1rec particulars apply to irAmns inaoranob • Agent, . 1484-tf it Seaforth. Municipal Elections Township of Tuckrsmith Ttie annual meeting of the electors of the townehip of Tnekersmith for the Inemlnalion of candidates or the offices of Rec-ve and. Councillors fcr the year 1918, will be held, at Walk- er'e Hall, Brucefield, on tfvfonday, De- cember 27tn, at one ;O'clock In • the ;afternoon, . and if a. poil be neces- sary, awe. 'poll shall be opened on Monday, January 3rd, 1916, at tne fol- lowing places and by Ube follo deg' officers: No. 1, Wm. Leitch's stoce, G. /51.. 'Jackson, D.R.O., W. C. Gove.nlock, poll. clerk; No. 2, Senool House. No, 8, Samuel Nfalleocn, D.R.O., .13.-Meet.Theee,- ney 1 rk; ,No. 3, Scbool House No. a N. Turner. 'D.R.Q., Geo. Layton, poll clerk; No. 4, School House. No. 3, R,. P. Watson, D.R.O.,-3; W. ISIcIntosia poll clerk.; Vo. 5, School nOUSte No. Robert Traquair, P.R.O., Duncan Woods, poll clerk.; No. 6, School House No. 9, William Sinclarr, D.R.O., Alex. poll clerk. Poll opan f rom ecru. to 5. p.m. D., F. IMAGRE0011, -Returning OglLere Notice to Creditors, In the matter of the estate of Joseph Money. late of the Township of Tuckersinith in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. The Creditors of the above named Joseph' Roney, wbo died on or about the 126h day of October.'1915, are requested on or before the 10th da,,o of January 1910, to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the executors of the said estate, full partioalars of their claims against 1113 estate, after which date the meta of the said estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been rcceived as above. This Notice is given pursuant to Seaton 50 of The_Trustee Act. F. H. THOMPSON Mitchell, Ont., Solicitor for Executors, Dated at Mitchell tide 10th day of December, 1915 2601-4 Notice to Qredifors. Sotice id hereby given pnrsuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the estate of Annie Hemme, late of the city of De- troit, In the State of Michigan U.S.A., housemaid, deceased, who aied at the said Oity of Detroit on or aboutthe letday oflune, 1915eare required on or be fore the 20thday of December, 1915, to send by posr, prepaid, otdeliver to the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of Security, if any, hal by them. Further take notice that after the said last mention- ed date the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. R. S, HA.YS Solicitor far Exeautor, Seaforth Dated at Seaforth, this 29th day of No,vembeii, 1315 2503 3 Notice to Creditors. • CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now In ftil operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to, 'pay you, the highest prices for your bream, pay, you eviniy two weeks, weigh, sample and testieach can of cream carefully and giveyou statement of the same. We also supply can free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop us a card for particulars The SeaforthCrcaMery' Ont Seaforth - Wintn Tenn from January 3 Stratford, Ont Ontarcus beat busia ness coltege. Commerelal, Shorthand and telegraphy departments. • Our graduate e secure good position -a and nieet with success. In two days recently we received fourteen ap- plications for trained help. Many of these applications We cannot meet. Some calls offering from $45 per. month to 81400 per annum 'remains unfilled. Write forlree catilogue at once, it will interest von. Di A. Mc- Lachlan, Principal. " NOtice Town of Seaforth Tax Sale 111•11.1:1••••1111•11.1111W Notice is hereby given that the net cif lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof may be had in my office and that the list is being published in the following is- - sues viz. December llth, 18th, 25th, 1915 and Jan- uary 1sto1916 ef the 'Ontario Gazette' and that In default of the payment'of the taxes„ he lands will eold nt the town hail, Seaforth, ft Wednesday, the 1.56h day of Mazeh, 1916, at 3 ociobk p. m., for taxee. JOHN A. WILSON, Secy.-Treas. Town of Seaforth Seaforth, Dee. 14th, 1915. 26o.443 4/11. Raman! a WANTED Billets for soldiers training in Seaforth for thrst Huron Overseas Battalion. _First -Those wilts can accomodate boarders for both board:, and lodging. • ' Second -Those who can accoino- ° date lodgers only: Thirdlyl-Those who can give meals only. • State the number yon can aocomo- late ad the price. you charge. This board will be guaranteed by the , Government to be, paid on the 18th and last day of each month. Send the above particulars to Prov. Lieut. Clark, or call at armories in the post 'office building. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons having claim@ against the estate oi Alexadner Grant Ault, late of the city .of Owen t ound, in the aounty of 'Grey, retired mer- chant; dmeaRed, who died at the said city of Owen Sound on or about the.28Eh day of October, 1915, are required on or before the 90th day of December, 1915, to send bylaw:et, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, hill particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidsvit, and the nature of , eecurity, if any held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed atnong the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have. been given. R. S. HAYS Solicitor for Executors, 4aforth. Dated at Seaforth, this 29th day of NoTember, 1915 • •`1,303.3 Notice to Creditors! .Notice is hereby; given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, that all persons having claims :against the estate of Alexander Oardno late of the town of Seaforth, in the county of Huron, retired merchant deceased, who died at the said .town of -Seaforth, on or about the 27th day -of October, 1916, are required an or before- the 206h day of Decem ber, 1915,-. to send by post, pretlaid or de- liver to the undersigned, hill particulars of their claims, duly verified by afillavit, and the nature of security, if any, held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will bedistributed among the parties entitled thereto, havin; regard only to the claimsof which notice shall then have been given., R. S. HAYS Solicitor for,Executors, Seaforth. Dated at Seaforth, this 9th da.y of Noveziaber, 1915. 2E03-3 ats Wanted Seaforth Oatmeal Mill We are again on the market to buy any quantity of good clean oats at the Seaforth Oatnaeal mills, for which the highest ca,sh.price will be paid. *alter Thompson St'Son, Ltd. Se?,forth I 2503-tf lolin Instruction Mr. Alfred J. Curtis has opened his Studio of music in the Cady Block, op- posite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. The 'Course commences Moliday, September 13th. 1 Special couraes in violin playing, and artistic bowing. Ohainber music, oncert :and or ehestra work wi I be taught. . . . Mr. Curtis is a pupil of the renown- ed Seveik meth d and will use this method of instruction. Terve' may he obtained by calling on Mao Curtis at'his studio. '24114f frAl LWAY QRAND TRUKK SYSTEM. Xmas & New Year Fares SINGLE FARE Good going Dee. 24 and 25 Return limit December 27th also good going Dec. 31, 1915 and Jan. 1st, 1910 Return limit Jan. 3rd, 1816 are c 1-3 Goodgoing Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25. Return Limit Dec. 28, also good going Dec. 29, 1915 to Jaia 1st, 1916 inclusi\ve. Return limit - Jan. 4th, 1916. Return tickets All 13 issued between , all stations in Canada east of Port Arthuoand. to Detroit and Port Hur- on, Mieh., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niag- ara, Falls and Suspensioln Bridge X.Y. Tickets and full information on appli- cation to Grand Truok ticket agents. W. Somerville . Tcwn Agent W.PnDepot Aec„to C. laE.tgo H 01ZNING, D. p! -___/a4- , 'Union Station, Toronto.; 025n0141 LKS SEEM TO FORGET that I am in he cobbling business rn Seaforth--either that or elso,they must all go in their' bare feet - because I haven't half soled enough boots and shoes this summer to scarcel, keep body and eoui together. I wish to inform the general public that I WILL DO WORK IN THE BOOT -A N D •SHOE REP 411.1RANG LINE as cheap as anybody else will, and cheaper if necessary. • • have been in the cobblin bUsiness Seaforth going on now for 12 years. I HAVE C013BLED COBBLED AND C 0 11,11L E D day in and dav out, and 1 ''expect to continue to cobble here as long as I cobble anywhere. After you have worn a pair of shoes fora year or two bring them to me.and I will Make Them MOST as GOOD AS NEW • Boots and shoes half soled or boots and shoes sold. on cornmissio n. If you happen to buy a pair of boots or shoes which are too tight or big for you, bring them to me and I will sell them to somebody who will have a fit Patches put on, hee1s. straightened, shoe blacking and shoe grease for sale at reasonable prices. Give me aicall. You Will find me in my , shop wa, ting for business from 6 a.m. to 6 p. Yours tor business C. Consigney SEAFORTH - • .BANK 'OF. COMMERCE EDIKUNDAVALKIR,-C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L.President JOH:N3/4IRD, General Manager. Fl. V. F. JONES, Aset General Manager CAPITAL-, $15,000,000* REZERVE FUND, $13,500,000 • FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers evety facility for the *transaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes ,are 5upp1ied free of charge on application. .szi4 Seaforth Branch O. T. MOR4ON - Manager Beautiful Hair Makes any woman attractive and youthful and ladies who would make their appearance what they would like it to be, should see • DOR1ENWEND'S DISPLAY OF FINE HAIR -GOODS At the Commercial Hotel, Eiss..forth on Tuesday, December 21st Switches, Braids,' Transformations, Pompa- dours, waves etc. -the products of Canada's oldest and largest hair -goods house. "BALD GENTLEMEN" A' Dorenwend ton- e' pee is an absolute necessity to the man who is bald. It will protect your health and make you appear years younger. Come and see them on day of visit and have A Free D' monstration DORENiWENb S 178 Sparks St, OTTAWA 10,5 Yonge St. ronoNTo BULLS FOR SALE. Two Aberdeen -Angus Bulls forsalei14 months, old, from prize winning stock. Apply 60 H. O. SOLDAN 25034 . Meneall House and Land for Sale Mr. Helmested offera his residence in Harpurhey with two and a half acres of land surrounding It for. sale, immediate posesession The house contains 7-, rooms besides kitchen and pantries, bath room and lumber room. The stable „contains tao stalls a loose box" and ample room /or conveyances, The house and outbuildings are lighted' by electricity. There is a ftornace in the house and there are two wells andtwo soft water cisterns. The grounds are' well fenced and planted with fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. The property is -about one mile •4est of the Main street of Seaforth, on the Huron Road, township taxes; E'er Terms and particulars apply to 249841 F. HOLMESTED, Seaforth 1 Lehigh Valley Coal Is Good Coal Try It N. Cluff & .Sons SEAFORTH 2504-2 - innweasmmominemeememommeroceammemi umber, an Shingles 'We have in stock and are prepared to sell .at the lowest prices No. i hem- lock lumber and the best grade x x x, xxxx and -xx'x.xx red cedar shingles. Before building or mak- ing repairs call and see our stock or dr.oRus a .card for prices. 1 Ament Bros, Eeaforth Coed Business for Sale Owing to ili hea4h am forted to dispose of my large tieck of best quality Scranton Coal and will retire from the coal business which 1 have carried on in Seaforth for some years. Egg ..... Stove Coal . .... Chesnut Coal No. 2 Nut Coal • .50 50 50 Orders can one left agmy residence, osito Ogilvie's Mill or at W. G. illisitibrie Store. , 5, GET THE BEST, IT PAYS TT IAlso No. 7 storehouse for sale. J. J. SHINE Seaforth Toronto. Ont., offers the best ad.van, tages in Business and Shorthand ed. ucation. Enter any time. Writ for catalogue. Gces Like Sixty "Johnny on the spot" i 14). ,= We: ,are Agents for the. Famous Gibson Line Engines, Ensilage- Cutters, Silos, '1Feed Grinders, Pturpee Wood Saws, Belting, Puileys, etc. Call and see ado Engine at our Tile Works in Hens:0 and get full particulars. W. E, Pfekif Phone No'. 7 Hensel' 1 IMO amaiber mammimmortic We Recommend This Coal We karo it's good. les unusual richness in carbon makes it burn long, evenly and -completely. LEHIGILYALL ANTHRACITE The.caal That Satisfies is always uniform in quality, veryfree from state andother foreign matter. Althougl? , much more economical than coclinary coal, it costs you lIno more. - i Phone ,is your order for 1 prompt delivery. 1 ' 1 , ik -J. B. Mustard 1 Phone Hon 145 B R uccrip....,Ln 1 agil 011111111m01.10 • alINIMIINWOOMPI" Good Suggestions I For Christmas Buying lat Broderick's that will please . Gloves, and mitts soc to 2.00 Gauntlets, - hod to 4.00 Audi Gauntlets 1.75 to 4.00 Sleigh bells of all, kinds Sleigh robes from 8. oo to 10.50 Cula bear robes i.00 to is.00 'Stay -on' horse blexiketsr. so to 4.00 All wool blankets 2.50 to Zoo Club bags from 2.50 to 10,00 Suitcases r.000to 8.00 ). SIN9LE HARNESSth.00 to ss.00 Our Iown make, cheaper and better thanifactory neotk, we guarantee aliour goods to be No. x r °derides artless Shop Opposite Commeaelal Hotel SEAFORTH bee Trunks Rugs