HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-11-12, Page 3NOVEMBER
est.se, KW, Pois.stworr, A Ws, w*t-fitliattler;
0. A. BOGERT, General Man4er.
_ Qapitsi Paid tit 0 $60,CO0,01040
tteslitest 7:300000040
You t aSaving
*116414,1X. " It is not neeessary for YOU to t untilyou have
terjelarro ot Money in order to Mitt a 'Stavin Aosotint with this
SAIL An s.ocasint osn'be Opened with SI. or intro co which
intone le Ompottodisd twice * year. -
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-Ulna up hta
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1y, $125. Prck
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S have cured
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ity. Each of
because the
proper 'lour.
. The reason
Pins eurener.
LSe they make
on which the
er tone. It is
anis' Pink Pills
because they
trouble in the
tee doing this
L•tify the whole
e. -Among the
•elief from pain
dicine is Miss -
near Burford.
years ago I
-• pain in my
hip and knee.
got no rest,
QrteewIth the
E he trouble was
• nerve. Line
they actually
still the pain
Then ail the
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t jerking and
(id have to be
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maehe case.
til the., trouble
4 and it had to
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tuld make me
;led across the
t became par
could scarcely
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ferent doctors,
lwer, but each
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her decided /to
Fink Pills. Be
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encouraged us
s was continu-
3 I Wet.% able - to
taY to get the
ateen or twenty
they did what,
e had not been
well as ever I
'Lye had nu re-
ly family ,and
was a miracle.
dit te Dr. Wil.
Us through any
pail, post paid,
six boxes for
Viiliarns' Medi-
rnbition to
I overcoats
They have
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Zip fawn Expos
Disriticit 111.714R0
`. A Friendly Vielt.-The gentleman re=
ter'red to in the following pa.ragraett,
1whiela we take iron': The Montreal' Dai-
ly News :.of 'Octdher , 29th, will be re-
irerrhered rrany our readers.. His.
residee-Newton McCauley sold his 50-
Olere '£2Zn h Alatnshard• townShip to
skelelbor, Mr. A., !Knowles, .and hae
rented. Alex. Russell's 100 -acre tar,
6th line, Morris tow -awhile and are now
'PoAseisSion.-One Of the:pioneer set
tielisaot the titlit lineof Morris- town-
abLp, to thi ireward NiTedne•sday
irorniner Of ,lt week, lie:the person ef
Joveph Sxililie. He was -in tis 82nd
year and is survived by--hls wife, four
stints land erne daughtef. The cause of
death was a trouble in the throat.
for which an (operation was performed.
ilte was 111 three weeks. The.- ,f unerai
took place to Bluevale ceraetery.
Sri illte wan a line man, Who was eS-
teemed by a wide circle of friends.
Wats a fit enter of „the Pre.sbyterian
church and a Liberal in -politics,
try wa.,sTitheii toneet and he had to,
llteraliy;#ew out a home :foe himself,
but th.W!hp dld andf rade a success
of larnrng and of the raising pf Dur-
ham. cattle. Atter over forty yvars on
the, far he retired', from its labors,
settlingF,In Lancles!boro about twelve:
years Its*. is isiwitived by his. wife,
to Writ Miss Alexandrine •(bleKenzie, '
land Ave; of his six children :
on the Oomeetea,d. Joseph of the ,13th
coneesarn, James Of Toronto, and
of Clinton and Mies- babel]:
MU' aldeist Ism, Alexander,
Dakota about tourteen years
is also !survived -by i,.four
Oren, two brothers and one
„Webster- was a Prebyter-
jr Say
r.,ather, Dr. John Carrartell, was far .0.4.
(many years a ipretrinent resident and 4
iffuceeast ul professional rtiln of Sea- =tee -
korth, before avovitig to ilvok15n, N.T.,
lan4 it is gratifyhig to know that al- 5.1.2s
though the son has long been a rest -
,still lam in ',religion, being e linew
gent a the -United eStates, be her 'off =,.. Knot church, Lonclesborce ,Eyod
ieht-rWies much, of the ,paternal pat-. 'In polities a Liberal. He was an hon-
lridtisnt and love of WO native countryoreble i:dpright man and w:as of a kind -
The Newer says: Sixteen „members el ly ,gerilal disipositiojn, • and was highly
he New york Scottish Pipers' Band ta,,,eeee, .01 ii -,y all ,wha. knew ail.... Bing rrived, in 'Montreal to. -day at the Ban., is ia...kto. 'i and thoughtfUl husband and
laventure Station under the con -mann
f athezet the loss in his- Owa farrilY 1#41
of Drum Maier John A. Rowe. assisted .itke tbilL.1.1.,01,e yeenly lat..
. by Pipe gajor .7ames Cooper, and ,after
breakfast at the Edinburgh Cafe, -
rrarched on to the barracks .a.t the car- DCPT:' ST.IEt IT. 7.•
Anti Of Guy and St Jarres street, in- PLEASE DON'T STIR IT.
termingled w-ith the pipe jaand o the
„/Srd Bailment, -and /headed the
-qar rrorning march tie '
With one exception, all the rr.enehers Drckson's Roman Meal iyorridge.
let thins band are ex -British army sole It -ye4 tdo it's spoiled. Read and fol.,
limiest eat most of ,themr1 are nowt natur- low directions on package. For early
alized Arr.ericansthough their hearts brea14ast, rrake while getting -eve.ning
are still with the Gel Land. The ex-. rreal,Illn a (double bolter or set boiler
oeption to ,the Wtile is Dr. O. A. Carrel- in (lallsin. of "bailing water. When you
light tgas under boiler, .ailow
boiler to ,set in boiling water
t stirring while dres,sing. Your
a,st is,ready. It's delicious, very
louts, prevents indigestion and re -
bell, of Brooklyn, a native of Seaforth, get
rant The bright (dress unitorrhs of the 1nmei
visitors contrasted strongly with V.v.,. with
-lsevere khaki of the 73rd, as thenen brea
Owung along. Crowds lined the rot e nutrit
le:arch and loudly 'cheered the vis- lieveN constipation or `Trolley back.
Ude,. As a pipe band they proved All grocers, 10 and 125 cents. ,
the-neseives to be one of the best of
Ruch organizations ever heard here. t
When the 73rd reached Fletcher's
Field, Drum !Major Rowe lead his men,
down Bleury street to -the armory ot
the 5th Royal Highlanders. In the ar-
krory the band gave a hriet exhibition
of fancy trarching, which won general
radrrization from, the klities. A,tter a
-rest the band lod off down Bleury, a-
long St patherine, dawn, Windsor and
west on Doreh;-ater to St. Andrew's
arr. Aqueduct. all the tin:: playing
Scottlah airs and ;followed by hun-
alreda ot people. To -night the pipers
:will he. .preaent at the Caledonian So-
elety'e concert in Wiadsor Hail, which
be attended by Sir Sam Hughes.
Thewill return to New York to -nor -
row evening. The New York Scottish
Piper' Band has been running its sec -
land benefit for the Iner,crial.Red Grose
in New- ..York during the it week.
They have contributed generously ,to
lthe Imperial Red Cross. One of the
,irerrhers o. th..! band, Piper P. ICen-
eth lent his wife: in the
Lusitania disaster.
School. Report. --Te following is the
report of the Sahool In Section No
Tur...kerstrith. tor the xr:orith of Oc-
tober, based on conduct, regularity of.
attendance and gen.eral proficiency
Fourth Claas -Learwond Mardi. 13 per
cent Ss.die Clark 71, Ritchie *Traquair
'64. Third .Claee.-Ntabel Purdy 'i72, Net-
tie Pkipper 70, Grace Pepper 62,1 Susie
Dalrymple 54, _Stanley (Mitchell 152. Sec-
ond Class. --Mary Clark 80, eatriee
Ma.dge 78, Fred Fairbairn 73, Robbie work is completed Brasaele will have
Keys 65, Gearge 'Vanstone 62. Th-st ore; elf the tAst business; streets ef any
Class. - May Fairbairn 79.- Dore. Small town ia the previnee, arid at a
kepper 78, Lily Dalrymple 61, verpt reaeonable coat.
Garnet Dairy a- ple 65 Prireq Class.
"Foster Pepper 18. Willie Camp- ,
Gacher' Wedding. -A very happy c.
venti.iiitaak place on October 27th, at
the , orre of Mr.- and Mrs. (.1. W. Gray-
biel, when their daughter. Violet, was
:anted in rr.a.rriage to Mr. Wesley
)ngland, son !Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
England, ot Dashwood. The bride,
who gown was of Ivory Idieleees tsa-
tin. -overed with errbroidered net, car-
ried -a bouquet' of white chrysanthe-
umi and was given away by her fatt-
er. lie was a.seleted by the groarr. e
siett Miss Air.elia, England. .whiie the
brld, gralarn was supported by Mr.Wil-
bur. 1Grayfbiel, brother of the bride.
The wedding march was played by the
bridir.e, sister, Miss Beatrice Grayblet.
The( ceremony was perfarmed by. the
Rein' .3'. H. Grenzebrath, only the in --
me fate rela,tives being present.
iieffigmewmas, •••••••••••441.404rp••••••••••••••••••••••
Stewart Bros. Mali 86 Phone Orders Carel 1
I AnQther Shipment
omen s Coats
"One a the tr od Inflizential agri- •
caltural Papers In the Dominion," is .i
thee:way :others refer to the Weekly
Sun of Proidn'to. It is- ir, paper wbik.N1 4,
Appi.als to the Wide-awake tioteao. w
Independent land ifearless, It "hag al- .40
wale guaeded the .best Intereste a _o
Canadian lagricultur-e. Aside from Watt i
its.' iwourate and carefully complied '
market reports and sun-enaries give the -•
reader a practipal grasp of market 1
conditi-ons. 'You. have -saved me 7
'dollars," Is the repeated recoil:Eremite-
tion of hundredS lof its readers. The:.
-.eun la On the gerotina, It Is the paper -
for the fartre.0 w(ho ro4Its up hl.S ;sleeves,.
and to thlose Who( are 'farming for pro -
Melts 17 arket repsorta are worth trrany,
times the subseription price. _ ' ,' .
' .. •••••••••••
Presentation To A-Paator.-ReV: F.
W. Craik, pastor cif the Walton cir-
calt, having 41too to himself' an as-
alstant in the pe.rson of tgisa Myrtle
Eva, daagh,iter ef Mr. and Urs. Peter -
kin, df Inantreal, -and on the eve bf
thleir return to the personage, a good -
1,y nuratker ,of the ur.ernbers of the con-
gregation waltetl on thd pastor and his
bride to extend congratulations and
give theln a little purprise as well as
to extend a hearty welcome to Mrs.
Cralk. During the evening tie pastor
with Ibis wife land mrother, ivere asked
to enter the parlor land kind 'friends
made a presentation of ie, rocking chair
for Mrs. Oralk, a baok-case and Sec-
- retary for the pastor and a small but
handsome taken for the minister's
mother, ' wine has won for herself a
warm poke in trany A heart on the
clredit and who was ion the eve of her
-iaeparture to her Oka ehorre. Mrs. S.
Crawford, as President of the Ladies'
Aid, gave the presents, ;which were ae-
cornpanied by an appropriately ;word-
ed address, signed by Mesdarr.ea Craw-
ford, Bruee and Trewartha. The pas-
tor anade a reply .. befitting the oc-
ea,sion ,and short Speeches. were made
by others. Lunch Was served and a
tr. est enjoa,able evening spent by the
corepany. A very Jylea.sant social ev-
ening was tspant ba! all.
. Brussels.
Notes. - Josepth Smillie, a pioneer
resident of the. 1st line et Morris
Township, idled on Wednesday `of last
\vett( at his tome in Bluevale.-The
are unt realized at the weekly Red
, ,
Cro ;s Tea, at the harne af Mrs. J. F.
Rollan.d was.; $170. -The' funeral of
Mr* D.avid Pipe, a former well-known
reeliiient of the. 5th, line, of Morris, took
,plan6 to Brussels Cemetery last week.
She died at the home -af her daugh-
ter, (Mr.s. R. J. {Young, In CE-illiett town.:
shii,-The four iblOcks on (Main street
goa.h, which have been baxicarled from
the publie for the ;past three and a
hal , months, =owing ato road improve-
ts have been opene.d. When this
bell 11, Stanley Bean 75, Anna Caldwell
'18, Mary Fairbairn 69. Dickie Taylor 61. a\qates. - Mr. War. Philips reurned'
a-Jea'sle Buchanan, Twheadlier. lea, WRek troll- the Wingeare hospital,
,re 1`...e had spent twa weeks, hav-
, in , undergone an operation for her -
Hay. nia!, Ille is improving nicely, which
School Report. -The following is the tact will be pleasing to his frien.d,s.-
report of the Setool In Section No, Friends of tiViiss Margaret Forsyth,
11-12, or Octobr
e: Senior liourth.---1 who is ,staying wither sister, Mrs.
S t
Ward, Forest 886, Willie Blackwell 352.
Senior Third. -Orville Strati 297,- Annie
Aiehardson 293. Junior Third. -
Farre.at 316, qtranc Love 285, -,Pearl
Elptex 250, Clifford Re drnond,' and We5-7
ley Redmond, absent. Senior Second.-
' Greta 'Forrest 432, Vera Gram. 413, Ger--
trade Lave 375, Wesley Richards=
296. Junior Se.eond.- Rusaell Coas
263, Frederick Quackenbushaa4, Latall-e (se ihetr. It wa,s fee.red for earn,: tim,
1k. 18 Senior Part T WO. - Luella that It ou1d terminate aerioulsly
267, Bona Blazkivell 2,13, File:ads, 'will lb! .Pleased to knew that
3. igepdersop, Hawlek townehip, in an
endeavor to °recuperate her health,
which has not been of the. best of'
late, will !be pleased to learn -that she
I a pcerewhat improved. - Quite a pe -
Jar and paint ea accident happened to
Arthar Steinhoff -an Friday even-
'. While yawning his jaws locked
it reqn-
vired 'edical attention to
LIFEBUOY SOAP is eiightui1y re-
freshing for Bath or Toilet. Por wash-
ing underclothing it is unequalled.
Cleanses and purifies.
Grey. -
Notes. -Whooping cough is nrevalent
In teorre, carts cif this towniship.-,-*ir.i.
Harkrtes.cs and children left for their
^holne Ln Verge.rville last week. -'Mrs.
S. Campbell. /Ms :gone to the Sanatari-
um at Gra,venhur,st for special treat-
ment. -The Sunday School held in
r-Schoal. Section Nu. 3, has been cios.ed
for the winter after a profitable eLea-
son.-Mr. Alex. Ross, a torrrer weLt-
known renident of this township, died
in California last week. tile was rrar-
ried o,nly ejevn me:Intl-is ago. The re-
mains were taken to s.Gorrie for inter-
ment.-Rdlaert Carr l'elved word last
avee,k that his son, Jarres, was confin-
ed In the hospital in Edmonton, by an
attack ot typhoid fever. -The box.social
held at the home -Of Mr. and Mrs. T.
WIlitfield, 13th concession, one evening
last week, realize,d :$35 for patriotic
purposes, besides furnishing a, pleas.;
ant eisacial and n7us4cal evening for
those present. -Mr„ Thos. W. Johnston,
a former a1e11-known resident of Grey,
by!' for the past 25 sears, a resident
of 114Vost ;Mountain :district, 'died, on the
14th of October at the age of 79 years.
Ifie is survived by three daughters and
two sons. He was greatly reisPected.
He was. a devout and faithful Chris-,
tien, a member of the Presbyterian
church, and a n -en who was upright•
In his convictions and his dealings
with his fellowmen. -
. .gery Richardson 166. Senior Part One.
-Roy Kyle 99. J tinier Part One. -Gre-
ta Blackwell 178. Florence Armstrong
147. ,Glann Love 101, Nereber on roll
,--23, average attendance 18.38. - S.
Pe tt y, Teacher.
St,,hool Report. -Tr,- following is the
rerort of the Sool in. Section No.
Hullette for Octeber : Senior Fourth,
e---M,yrtie Glazier. • Pearl Mann. Alta
Fiorenc.- Jamieson. !Mary Gib-
birgs, Eva Glazier, S-niOT Third ---No-
ne Dale, Greta Mona. Cecil Farnham,
Raymond Jatrieson."Ilercy Tasker. Jun-
ior Third.-A1Ii,7on_ Dale. Willie Liv-
ingston. Senior St,cond.-Leslie Teak -
kr. Charlie Mane. Junior Second. -(a)
Jne Hugill, Roes NIKIregor. (b) Etta
Wright. Halton Mera. Part Twp. Sen- N'neek while driving to Bru,saels. Her
ler.-Ernie Dale. Part Two. Junior.- horse took fright st an autoand threw
Denald Dale, Kathleen Livingsten,Sen- her out of the buggy. _Although badly
ler Prirrer.-Frank Fowler, Gondoelte- shaken up she was ,not .seriously in -
Michael. Willie Wright. Clifford Gla- jured.-An old and highly esteemed
„attn., "Walton Dale, Junior Prin:er.-Geo. tomer resident of the 6th line; talor-
Gia.zier, 'Myrtle Dale, Fergus Wilght., rig; !died in Saginaw, !Mich., on Friday
-Mrs. Farnham, Teacher, October 22nd; in the per's= of Thomas
Another Pioneer Passes. -On Thum- u.nell, at the age of 82 years and 2
Illay of last week thze..• pae..4-sed away at onths. D,eath was due SO old age and
h1-3 hon- e at Londesboro, one of the ,stroke paralysts, He was
re.oit prominent pioneers or Hallett urn Wettord, England. carne to
township, the person of James We an.a.da when 18 years pE age. lacat-
sttr, his death following an illness of g in Vaughan township, near Toron-
zo.te weeks' duration. The late Mr- 0. (Ere was married to Marg.aret Me -
he 'has fully rvcovered.
1..,ocale.,.-Mr. caftan Shuric Lt as re-
turned from the west.- Frank Me-
Ciitcheon in home from an enjoyable
trip to the -west. He went as tar as
Edmonton and met. many old friends:
-,The 100 acre farm of Alex. Russell.
6th line, has been. leased to Newton
!MeCaulay, of Brueeels. eroved to
It eltiEl week. Abuld do well. on the
place as he is a good worker. -Ars.
W. 3. Wailes, and Itvirs. T. E1. Maxwe1I
of WinniPog, who were ;here on a Nis-
0- With their 'father, G. A. Maxwell.
and other relatives and friends, re-
turned to their haste la,st
are sorry ti)illie.ar A -hat Mrs. John Dug-
las,,6th line, met witie an accident 41ast
A Goderieli Girl at the Dardanelles
The cable despatches have told us
aorrething of the aevere pondCitions un-
der whieh the Allied iforces on the
Gallipoli Peninsula have Ibeeie carrying
on their work.. Thes:e unfavorable leen-
ditions ,apparently prevail .aeso on the
island of Lemnos, where the hospital
n.arep Is situated. Miss Alma Daneey,
danghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dan -
cc' y, rGederich, is 'one -of the nux.see
at Lemnos, and in a letter 'just re-
ceived frorra her by her parents she .
calls the place a "be,a,stily' h.ole."
"Writing Octaber 4th, she •,a,ys that
tonditions, have hrproved and the wea-
ther is icleal-warn: and bettatifel in
the tdta,ytirre and at iiight cool enoust
to 'send. the Illes away and permit of
:sleety. Miss Dancey says that the td,ay
en which, the weekly rr.ail arrives is
one of great excitement. She -never be-
fore realized how delightful the God -
rich local papers are.. "I even read
Hodgins' advertiserr.ent." She con-
tinues : "It's queer, here we are so
near the very thielost part- tit the
'struggle and. rever know any news
at all, 'except what we read 1n three -
weeks -old English papers. OE course
rumors. go around all the. tinee., and.
are fbuoyeti, up, only to hear the
next day •that It has 'been officially
contra,dicted. The officers on the bat-
tleships and destroyers _have been very
kind ,about asking as for tea,. It's aw-
fully interesting going over the ships
and ;seeing how the efg guns work,
etc. We are out of tents now and
have gone into huts e so we are all
prepared tor the rainy -Weather. Be-
lieve n -e, when it 'rains innthis place
It is no gentle shower, but a raging
torreAt. iretowevEr, the ,Spring begins a-
bout FebruRry, so that's pot too, bad."
Prt ,bs ter was born in Banffshire, Scot- be at Stratford, who predeceased
land, and came to this country When
quite a young man. Fie stopped first
at V itbv for a tit -re before comIng
to ullett, where lieiseraed on lot
27, on the 8th eencession. The coun-
ire five years, agoarid they nacre to.
orris_ township Where they spent 89
Years'. Mr. and Ws, 11..ofgell, on leaving
Lhe farm eix year ago went to Sag-
a number IA' the family
There's a Reason:
So great ha S been the sale of our Fall coats
that we have sold more coats up to date
than ever before in our history,
There Ire many at-
tractive new suits
here for your choos-
ing. Women who
know style are im-
pressed with the cora.
rectriess and newness
'of the -designs. We
have not room to
describe here but
we whisper don't
buy tefore you see
them. • -
Price $7 to $30
The reason is ap.
parent. You will
understand it at a
glance when you
see the new ship-
ment. There simp-
ly never were pret-
tier coats made than
these. Every one
a brand new style,
beautifully cut and
made and theprice,s
are just as pleea..sing
as the coats.
$7 to $25
Men's Underwea
50c to $2.59
ActiVe men are
hard on clothes,
especially under
wear. They
must seek gar-
ments w ho se
wearing power
is high. • Your
search for good
wearing warm
underwear will
end right here.
We sell Penman's Stapfield's Turnbulls,
• - Wolsley in wool, uniOn and fleece lined.
a - 1
PRICE 50c to $2.50
Men's Heavy
I Mitt time is here, you
* need a pair of -good ma-
terial,•well lined, strong-
: lY sewn, and above all
: cut to fit. We have them
• I
4! • in mule skin pig skin
0., horse hide and calf skin
1 iti both mitts and- gloves.
: 50c to 1.00
From the smart, -neat short fitted -coat to the
I• big, long high collared ulster coat, we
have them all. Every style that is passed
and approved by the style judges is here.
40. We want you to see these coats, not only on
account of the many new styles, but more
:-especially for their real value in dollars and
cents. They will prove to you- the decided
• money advantage you can get by buying
Constipfition and indigestion; colic;
worms, colds and simple fevers, and
all the other minor ills of- little ones
can be promptly cured by Baby's Own
Tablets through.their action in regu-
lating the,stomach and bowels. Con.
cerningthem'Mrs. 11. 11. Mills, Heidi.
Bland, Que , writes: -"I have found
tion and stomach trouble." The Tab- i Eggs Wasted ,
Baby's Own Tablets of great service
in relieving my little one of constips-
lets are mold by medicine dealers or t
by ila all at 25 eente a box from The ;
1 . .44.4.4140.441.43l# .......AW -440-..“....“ 414.404444••*•4104443X44~.4 4K Wet44*-4410"*"3C444361114
: .
Dr: Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville , o . • •
, Ontario.
Ler rau
Stewart Bros
Winter ,Styles in
Attractive Prices
There are some very attractive new shapes
• just received in our millinery department,
specially designed and adt-Aed for late fall and
_ -
• winter wear. There
is a style to these
new shapes that is
worthy of your care-
ful attention. Every
shape is entirety
new and different
and the very essence
of becoming helauty
and good taste.; We
pay special atten-
tention to childten's
and elderly ladies'
millinery as well.
We want every
woman to see our
display of neck
furs, m,uffs , s
and rat coats.
litere is a wealth
of:beauty in these
rich, 6- 111/Xttri0111S
rims. :Every fur
libcitranteed to be
exactly as repre-
sented . or money
-back. 'Come and
see Mein, you will
be delighted.
• Pr- ices Right
Mothers are pleased
and the little misses
are enthusiastic when
they see our show-
ing children's coats.
Made of teddy bear,
eiderdown, velvets,
cords,imitation lamb
and fancy tweeds in
red, tan,navy,:fancys
Size 2 to 14 years,
Price 250 to $10
Meds Fall Caps
50e to $1.50
Men we are ready with
the new Fall caps. Ev-
ery color and every shape
is here with fur, knitted
or plush ear bands.
Made of black, navy or
*brown beaver or melton
in fancy tweeds, worsteds
or serges. All good,
warm substantial caps in
all sizest •
Curtains, Rugs, Carpets
and Linoleums
' Housecleaning time finds ifs well prepared with a
most satisfactory stock Of floor coverings ,and curtains.
We never had more attractive patterns in lin9leums and
rugs. Patterns specially designed and suit‘l for every
room in the house -kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, ha%
stairs or parlor. Every material and quality from the
inexpensive to the very highest grades. We are proud
of this department and we will take pleasare in showing
you through,
PRICE -50c to $1.50
$7.00 to $22.00
Butter, Wool
$7 00 to $22.00
Boys' New Suits
and Overcoats
There is an interesting
display of suits and, over-
coats here. They will
gladden. and delight ev-
ery boy. The new styles
are the best we have ever
shOwn. They catch the
boys' eye at a glance and
are easy on the parents
pocket book.
Su11s...$2.90 to
O'coats 4;00 to 6.00
The reputation this store has for selling on y
• reliable. furs will be materialy strengthened
by the r.e`tv fur and fur collared coats. Coon,
Wambat, Beaver, Siberian dog, Galloway,
are all here ranging in price from the lowest,
it is safe to buy: to the best quality to be had.
Men's Fur Collared Coats
Good black rnelton shell, M arrnottor French
Otter collar :rubber inter -lined, curl cloth lin-
ing, knit cuffs.
$17.50 to $22.00
Butter, Wooi
_Eggs If'ate