HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-10-22, Page 37i
W011. ga.j
60GERT, General WSL�Mgar- "We are not downheartddll wu ttr�-
keynote 0 the addresp deliveked.at
the 'Cqwnlug of the alartulal meeting 0
This Bink Offers Famers the Board of Wasions of thA5 etlioditst,
In CaAa& by the 'Venerable
samplate and s*t1*ctary baddng service. =�SuOierinteAd.pnt, Rev. Dr. S. P.
Iwo& 144tes 60110oted on fw�rama terms and advances fnvd� Browp -In - V16W �d the vapt Autn glv�
am& crapo worii apa ofher 'pa- 10
a n6tol� at i monable rttes. 611 .6.
wJd A tum I
tilotic v�6rk during the yeax, the .11
Savingf Dejartm ant ts a safe and coniontent dapository eislity -'jAp Methfoftts of Canada,
te ts ot.
fir your money.,'�� Interest -at current rates 13 paid olk depod aig Mporte-A at this- meeting, bas bee,6h 0
a�nizing.- The lncoTre tar rnl4lons this T e Largest and Most Co-'mvrehensive
one dollar and u YL
0316 dollar �Ons in account In the Sa�lngs Depar6ent., oyer 47,000 r�ore than trtnri.the
atne s
the yelar
Contributtains from the yowaiO peo-.
befixg $770,000.. ;', e . . it Iha een'our pleasure
o ioureve la�A yAar; �the. total tor
EX osition, s b
pie df the
Ch roli isho an increase
of $2,500 over laist year. In the Home
Ikpartment there are -618 rrdsslon sta-
tions mAd 471 migsionarles. The mils -
t resent
om Ru�qla. 0 U
stans to the Canadlat Indiano isustalu
T ),
ife� who had bee.%
�y sinct- the begint
Woxan told us
ir. Germanv. &
nmt and prlvaji6�
Jrom her husban&
hu-iOband was tur
v&� &ad. She w&%,
9 be -fore the
tLT.,e subaUtted oxi
Ax cents per da
tot 11or &T--, aha
Priare Of 11fe. but
i old wo.-ran. it 6--
i fezl elth4r
1nL, Berlin the pco-
�ar to be over by
the dattI� advanced
ol �Warsavv waA
triumph for the
tD rrake
-e' and his wife re -
'!t strafe England"
t1he eye every -
:he viery best auth-i
iy h�o wade peace
.a. bat theso wer-�
The Russian pea-
-iopeful 9 -ace their
,he German losses
and one rray well
Ahe rt�al victor in
in Poland and a-t
i; grawhiig family id
6thi'tr -f 411-- ilt It ist
,lany --others who
rnoraing- to night,
never don -2,
Ar Suffering and
ace of ch-aerfulnes-4
7 Only tbexraelveg
�istressed by back-,
,is, dragging down,
weakness; 'how
ften sleeplesis, and!
day's work tired,
unre(resbed Such
that their, suffer -
[e to lack all go6d,
�hey -should know
�hey need Above all
n new healfh, aad�
A blGcd. and that
� there is nolle, car -A
Pink Plils t,:tr their
ng womarx, every
�T4e and. family to
; k tl14eS.
�l 'Pilt-1 a fair
k,e(-p,h,L.r in healM
ake her worketLsyj
,�-cton West� 011t.,
ther of threeabAld-
h birth I becam,!r
-had weak, thim
tlred� and uRable-
,i wori-� After thu-
�hild I see,-xed tcy
1 very badly ran
L to take Dr. W11 -
found the greatest
[Is and c-tGocq gain-'
. �-ngth Indet�d, af�'.
a:� w(41 as la
Add take pioasure
us,�id B-.-tkyls Owa
e ont-s and have
adid =edi2lae 4or
-h any,
nrall at 50 -,cent%
or $250 frarn The
I rkt-
re %*
ambition to
-d overcoats
They have
are. tailared
,ich theY are
�ne f
actor in
rar, British
.all over Can-
tinue to make
within the
ILI and Win-
�:h, fast color-
youaw men,
whether you
Come in and
N041 1,
62 15tationis, 52 m1olonarleg, 2 Wats-
Au� the playful little
—The of - thip t4nts, aM 32 tewbers. There are 5,20
nhipmu,hk. W.embershlp,
Latter Day Saintla of tht city of Lva- Tndlan merflber�, AMong the Ohlneaa
4,d�i - la noV. strong. enough to Wad there are 9 stations and
A temple, of worzhip for itself. khp 4,mts�slonarles, e�A�=ong the Jxpaji. �t4
'he most exclu
-and'5 mlaslopartms, sive mode1g. the bea
COJ�ner Ataine of a new, e4ifice was eisej 5 stations
The foreign work of the Methodist.
laid Suinday ilternwn last by Blsli6p
Chujroh is confined, to Japan).and-West
Stanley R.. 0. Evani ot -Tbronto. In course 'Of �est c ice and
.1% �remarW f China, the "rk. in Japan being done 4 value, the wiq ho" Lhe most
Report,—The ,b;e Dishog isaid. In colla1b1dra-tion with the \Apane,�.qe 4F
ol�wlng is the SalAtlo. W ot . inch'higber, bigser
-t oE School
'SeptemUer monthly �. reqd;' Metilodiist Chtobf, o, n.�tlys�l imtita-
or 1better-t�&A our chafacter," Other
In Swtl&,i No. 14, St;%uleY, Names. are Meakers explaln6k tbe, bmk principles fascinating styles in women s coats,
in iorder of merit: Flfth-4. L. Fisher, iEn 'niversity wbft In West China
01. �bp OPSguization claIrning that they u
A. par
b, ai)12a
C -caper, Z. Mqpre,,9. ";e -l' d ular
L, P. OTde. Senior Yd K were not wha=4 'of their thiere Is a- wOrking ution among the
s. t -h 1. Ben. W-b1zh embraced :freq %xecb, an vjen American Bapitlets, the English 'Stilts a:nd othet rei T.O-V C
Jor lhlid — E. P. i4b1ear, , V. npole aA-d a iriee pulpit, Their belief 'Frienhs, the Methodlit - EpisconxIianis,
it T
M1. XcClymcmt, N. J.-:- Hood. Sen. df the United Stiates, andi the Ca;nad n
lor Second — W. Rost, W. J. wgW 4n no way anal , o9ous to the women a Pit offerect at the most
'wr'-ftw. , i I I ! . Wlethadist 1yody. Wre Is a Lorespect
Uarvey, '.F. R. Pars=s. �:Junlor See- �h�at Ws ij�jo� will ooVn include 04
's store.
ond—W , L- Wsorltman, D.j !,M. Foster, English Episcopalians, ond theCburch
Leon 11fear. Secohd Part—tp. C. Work- CHMI)POOD CONSTIPATION union bAs progreAsed Igo far qLs to in- Dopular women
rhan. 0. 24. Andersoni, Ph -§t Part
. # -
clude exchange b(f merrber�s who move
-G. Marvey, C. Brydgez OF. Ander- frdffi one part of the corrMuntty tD
ison. The be -at qpellera in JMby'a Qwn Tablets. %,ill, promptly
it -he mon thl
y an4ther.
aspelling matebes were- P14th — Arala Cure cOwtiPafJoql of childhood. They Th means that a rreraber of the
'Fisher. Fourth — 'Haralil It as a Igen Is
Rathwell. tle laxative, regulat-, the Baotist Church, w.bb.se principal tenet
bow,419 and Atomach'and are absolute- is There W. i
s a distirro.d dif-Orence ra our J& a
Vhird—,�lla Fisher. Secctn4 — Walter ba, ISM, will, irroving to the dls�
Work- 1Y Mate. Concerning them !Mrs. Pt on
'lWorkmaln. Se�=,d Part—Vlayd A. Ore -
.1 trict oyvere5d by the FrIepdis Church%
Man. woll. sanAy cove, N. S., writes: ,I be freceived. In that body, whielf, he-
to- Wear gannents, more N
can.stro.gly recommend Baby's Own 11eves in no baptism at all, and the st - -le, oerrer
Tablet$ to all, mothers whose little ptractice works both ways. A basta of
Ones are suffering. from constipation,, Bela
'gehool Report.—The fdll�wln - union of W1 the missions on the -
9 1-' the The tablets are oold by medicine deal -
report Of the School In Sedtion No. 14, erd rr b. 0�rf h4 ,v; already been dratted, but Is. not
y mail at 25 cents a box fr -the meetidg of workmansh" finerfabrics, lessLad-
My, fDr the mcnith . of September. The Dfr Brock- yet cong-UmIrAted. At' 14
Williams' %f6dicine 0(y
Names are in order Vf -me#lt: Fourth ville, OVA, the Mission ovancil -laist January. in fiitd
—Nellie P,�-tty, Laura Datar.4,'AAargaer- Szedhwan, -union with tbL- 194thodist
- t - 1�piscopal Church. wag discomed as the ishness than y o M 'Iml
Ite Reynold's, Willie Thu�rxn .-Gn. Third
—Albert Datar3, Hensall to the larger union of all
Nlyrtle �� Brownlee,
ist badles in Cb.1na and al -
the Method
T.00 Late For Las Z
Frank Grabam. Bd`bb1(;-Gra1*rr, Albert -s-t Week.) a unian with the other missions �anywhere
93roN�nlee. Secoad — Murdodlk Stewart,
Pearl Thomp�cm, Hazel S-dIllie, Idary A Splendid War Sermon.—On Sabbath cioniing into, Szechwan. The � rrain dif- DM- MtAL
Thomw,4on, Prestan . Grablitm. Arst' evening 1a;st Rev, - J. F., Knight of this ficulty ham. been to -get the consant
at the [Rome BoarcIp to the ��uirma-
Class—Olive Petty, GlIbeft, Jarrott. village delivered his promised serrron
tion of the unlano
Part Two�Wlls�un. Brownlo', Stanle'y. on the -fresent great war, its results,
- Evelya so tar, and the matters that led -ulpr Two �repreisentatives of the Foreign
Graham. Part One, Senior 3L
:Missions ,present were R-ey., E. R.
Hefferun. Part One, Junlo� — John to it, ox4d wl;ich as- lone whlalllad trav-
Breaken, of LuVhw, WWt China, and
Graham, Marle Di-ak. The be4,�f -spellers elled flirMigh much" of Germany,' is Rev. J)r. M. M. Ooatets'of Toklo, Japan. Iff"N
llh g t 6 s were : well a',�, of France and - Great Britain
In the monthly Ii;pe n,, rraq te '91st an-
3�purth—Laura Datars. Thir4 — Albert In quite recent yeam he was In a po- On -Thursday 'evening last the Hundreds of Exclusive New 'r all Modek. in
Datarg. gecond — Murdoch[ Stewart, citi(Yn tu do from 'personal kacywledgge nivensary 'of the Missionary Society
as ebrated. In Massey Hall.
First—GlIbert Jarrott. — Et#& iarrott,. and acquaintance, with the -peqple'and W, eel
and with
events transpiring In Burope, -"ROUGH ON R�&TS" cleam out RatZ,
co md:M Interest was this addres,
'e, elte. Don't ale in the house. 15C
Idoiked -forward to th&t bef6re the
t Drag and Country istores
opening 'hour of iseven o'clock the spac- an d,.25.c. a
Buccessf al Anniversary.— anday of laus'church w^s nut only crowded bLt.
Wit week Rev. George W. pLivers, B. e' Th
every available a In the wa p Devotion of a Wife such
par, y of styles in
'Many new a d captivating smart Materials as serges
D., Gorrie; preached appropolate ser- alsles, steps �n# passages were crowd- !&rrlong the igeverely womded 001 -
mons In the -Methodist chur4 In con- ed and a number were anable to galn diers who ree-ently - arrived at the iaoonal weav cunas,,worst
broadcl' es icheviots, ''Vi eds, etc.,, in navy-,
nectiDn With the anr4ver.qar.,F, to gpod I Othst
admittance, and, t1je large 'asserr(bly Louvr.a Auxiliary 140!Tital was & terri-v
audiences. Tbw did not have tu;,,,�a kway disappointed, toTlai -narriod J�an -Large, aged R. us s i en, grey, all sizes
choir gave llexcellent 45. A
'Ing was monkey br;; n, an an,g e
rrusi-, �nd the frce-will offei I
ploce at ashell, had crushed r ght
about $60. Monday eve-ning jitter an cr In Bible languake saying. 41what
canle We out to see'.,or- he--arll, 6s the, ktae and ,.part of his thig1h, iq�ad he
1 capper in tht� hall an J�njoyable
leman dellverj.�,d a rost Ijad 103 t a igroat air.ount or blood be.
prograrr. was rendered �ii' W! chairch. reverend igent
'A-,,rong the irusical taflent'J!"was, R. able fsermdri, womifesting careful fore lie had been taken to the fWt $1%00 to S, 4
Ashton and sistc-r, GaxT-I�,- 'b4lsa Flus. thought andpreDaration and a strong rzlipf ��tion. 1-11� v ditlDn wais s�whl
and sch6larly graap of the subject th;
it it was thought irrpoIsMIble to OP
ale Barks, Chatham and z cOatinTent a, L9 en " 0
from Brussels 'Methadtst cbI f throughmit, !and as he dealt withl the viraba siid 'his Wife w s t f, r. Dr
all o ditferent phises of the �§ulbji�ct he w'as �Daurl4c, who waig -in charge.,of the
%horn did i:-;plendidly. F. 11% Gilroy, followed'withkeen interest and mar ca, -,e, did not try to hide t1f. th
ss -and omen
33russels, gave a snort add�p eMe Charming '11 Coats for W
ed -attention. Me showed most 1conclu fr(>rr, 'the wife. -but i's she w
7 caiihe from, many . was a gre 'band la., al -
the speech of the evening alvely that whileGer at tho 'bed where her bus
P I ag, �-non, d ha& given
,.ev. - tl. A. McKelvey, DU 9V9 al ntation, an t,,the,,w ld so ready half uncomclous; he aald - "There
jorme,r pastor, who�se con:.Ing','�was an h this onefor coats that,
a 1, 1 M are f,entiraly new. and
muchl -in the pa4st 1i f Ine Is only one pos�tble chance, He. is dY- SONS there never was o to co pare wit
"Johnswi OF ALL SEA 0
unexpected pleasure. Rev. Mff . A� u ght Ing from, wafit of blood. Will you evest'styles. Coats;jhat
presided. The financial prbceXds w --re art, clever scholarahiA great striking d�signs, We are showing h7indreds of the very r have a natuval fi It.
and Wrofoutid khowledge in bo h the- give birr, t5arne of yours?'! -
*113. A �soc'ial 'was held ,tuesday us and captiv-
alogy, science and matters' connected she 6oupled wit that riehness of appearane that brands them as coats of un' ual attractiveness
"Take It 0,11 It. It is nc to them,
evening. i, -rod commerce, yet -of ire;p1leid.
with both state 'a. u can buy these stylish co, ts at prices that will please you. Come in and seethetn.
recent years and ,particularly during een proceeded' to p% ating appdarance.
The surgeon tW
ransf u-
BayfielcL I of blood t
the past two'yeaxa the glory was f9,3t lorrcj the opera;tioo Ann
C (Tau Late For La,$t Weik) departing andisbe was giving place to gion,, using the ay�tern introduced- by
rice - $7.00 'to UU
�Breezes.—Sunday laot WW,' Pruissianism in Its worsf toTn: Dr. Caxrcl of the Rouk-celler Institute. P $25'
Observed , is and L.
ga chlldren�s day st TrInit h�l h trom the Spiritual to, the Tl,�e operatidn w.%5 a. su&aEo. Tile pa -
C' ' rc p
- Erwin: Ae -arti"g
Vt thi, m.&terlal, and making force ceorclo-a tint galpted istrength enough too an-
W:�o has been tor some year at Ed- and oppression the platform and f -un- dergo axnPutativh� Of big le nd, a
Ba "I id for dAmentai idea of their lif e as a na- � -c orud tra� , f J�oin of blood 4n9t hirp
wonton, bAs returneA to 1e ns
the winter.—on Sando-Y rftc
YJ1,!i,n9 last tion, �Many of their igreat stuxlentA, op, the high rigaid, to recovery,lVe W,16s
r ot'Clinton,gve an writeris a -ad -university men going sv, js Me to'tzlk, and told- 13ur- ts
S11 's Overcoats
-W. A. T. 000pc� , dn 'V Stylish New )A
excellent sermon in the in�rest of -to ao to Tzay that the rod of war. gCon what gveid fortun-e -he ta& to
,Church. was greater than the Gdd, Jehovah, ice like Ms. "As
Teirffierance In St. AndrewW have a healthy W
In the evening Rev..".&,' 16FarlMAB and characterizing "valoTll ais the re- bJvilll&n,,1 he i�],ded, ';I sul)PO.50 sil P # You uVV7'11 Never oee
aikogivia# 9 ligio!n to b,.e followed. The reverend t w a have. st
preached a tine Tha , erman eTation like tba old P a
In thr - Churell,.—Thb,se who gentleman rraAe it very clear that th� rortuae..At lemt,,$2,000' eh?" 0 ear
, %letnodist ermans of Canada and the United ,perhapg so,,,, Aald the sa geon, * Readynt Beffer
purpoiz�c isewing'Cor the rsoldbor$ May G king 0
Iget, material -which bas been.�dut oat� states who had lived here over ten. %-lit juist - now we are all
lr&s Or twenty or more years had nothing to .,for n,
Mrs. W othing. it is for Fra�nce-"
at 'Mrs. copeland's, Ua, when
Ms,-, Parsonis.—On 2401*Y mor*ing Mr. do. whatever, with ae present state is jsad to have to, add t
were really
,Robert Bailey, Wjio.hart, been �tnanager 01 things in Germany and youir representative 'Visited the MPit- You men': ho Want the best value for yOUf It you want. to really know "'what Js wbat"
ha; Al ten days afte he X1uM I
nk here'for the Partst as Innocent ict the condltioi3a that d r the operation, 11 91
Kyf the Sterling Ba ige,ha-d. died tbat Who want the ma in the overcoat line — c omme here. We wil
`SeVring- o;btained there as his child[, endsibould- clothing, money . I a
khree or'farur years, left for y waywith the found that Jean La pth&19. had Oet 21's at a min- olor
h6 branch not -ie cl-=geable In an worAbIg. A forrr,,Df di wear and a eara y
.vflle to Vsu�ne charge of M I , J111 ' good nce show you every new stylle, cloth and c
qatullday evening !knembers present conditions, and he admired, e ouldier co,
In, -aglaWst Which th e come he -U this fall! Don't be that is worth while. - You will Eee the fick
there. On IMUM pric
of Trinity church chplr,-Met��-at the the German who had a love and ven- ndt OtI4-9104
liome of tjae orgentat, Mrs.. Wdods, and erafiop. -for �Ms country -as he had, ----------- M� with orAina, y', style and every- luxurious appearance at a glance and feel the
tut satisfied -y
Ispent a social 6vening, durtrig which knowp -it In many past Years, Piles for 15 Years sensible st,
and cor- day patterns. Our ne suits are entirely dif - cosy comfort of these les. Roll
Mr. Bailey wais pr,(-,sL-nted, withl a, beaur that unfortunately the deceit ou must and convertible collars are strong sellers. y
prefiville D By z.AM-BUK nt this year. see thern, The
1tiful-iy bouhd hyrr ruption that was nvw characterizing CURE
.n book. fere'
COV,atry * wa� Itst -undoing. tion for the no A
sad John. Atkin�un an4'-MIs;41 Cart�r, the worsteds, serges an tweeds in brown, giv",e you the required -protec, Ca
-1:6are. left V-,hile th�ere military Organlzatlol� was
'who hi. thQise black*
ve spent thu summer Richard e world. and w1jib suffer from this! pain- ngly inter. Brown, greys, blues and
Or Detroit Tuesday. — 'Mris o-Ae of the finest in'th t u,1 m alldS the following, letters n' avy, greys and black every suit stunni adian w
of Mrs. the thtuuVbt that they Ing
Peck, & Seaforth is the 'gWasi pired In their vAll be of deep interept. Mr. A. MID - -attractive. are the waqted colors.
M. Ward.—Mr. '-'Shearer at -odericb, ooldiera namely that -they as men -were of DUM24, Ont., wiitea-,! 11FGr
IsucceeAs MX. Wley as manm,,e r of Me noth-Ing &s. c6mpared to the nation; Ewen, with ;iiA and
oldlers passe& fifteen ya&V I.suffereid
W11 � John: tb:at they as men or jg Until I PrIce
lRerling Bank here.—Ar cou3A iget no permanent care
away, but that the nation lived, Made price
of London, was here' ths week. Zam-Rwk. ,Aft4er having *iven
Iston, i; -tried
their. isoldlers* ready to die for their 9, fair 'trial I jound 11 wais
1i U+ ally re. country and buld; and fearlesi 'in at- UM-33ulc
LIFEBUDY SOAP Is &light 'getting r. and in the OA4 if" Oom' akin
k, y -et it wag not the high Qr en bJte 4) Al
3treshing for Patli or Toilet. 17'r wash- tac 0 1 A.A A11+V in n1etely cured me." V Ing to V01 n I it ,
Ing =derclothing it is un qualled. n -doling VIDuVit. u uy- I- 3arneis BuAdy' of Killaloe, � Unt.,
self- I &fr.
Pleansez and puriffm its best -form, or Mat made men I ys. ,, sulferad 1greaItly from �plles.
respecting -and a desire to live and ray yone" who
battle for that whklit was ilkht, ipure 1 Zhe pain trom thWe. as Wn at
London .1 will know, was
He voint- isuitters, from
(Vrom Oar SpectAl Corresp ndent) and gdud in the best rience. L l=iaiAf unbearsbie, 1, tried! first 4
tWes a
ed tout t1lat their cry ior - motto "Self I nedy and then Snolthler, but all
Note's,—Thanksgtving Day was ob- realization" W49 altdgether contrAry to one Wen pileo atill 'con -
I without ef
t;erved by -the 5 000 soldiers now in Wh.�;t. made a gobd and noble nation f ect. The I iteara a I bo;uf
0a,ining at Ca a In- or irade &kyd citizens. He eirpathized-1 tinued as bad as ever. Swe Coats for *en in %Yi
MP Carling.—At the coirknenced- with the ater
que,st on "Jaturday night, the death the thought ajow: Great Britain aesired. Zam-B`u�k and . t joy, afterIpir- Men's W 'rM U nderwear
Of George A. Reid oif the 34t Batta- p"ze and good, will and that when treLttment. To r-rY grea the
116n, wag declared to be ac idental, L� at fol- Iseverence,, I ubfainRA relin-f from
she conquered a nation instead. I palW of the 'piles. Having -You can't buy better coats than� we sell because
Reid was killed by a G. T. train lowing -the present attitude of Ger- agonizing. You can get suited i underwear better here be give sWeater coats par.
I by Zam-3�uk I heartily re -
at Wytan on October 4th.—T Lon- many'in cruishing the conquered, Brl- toph CUrlelll to all sdifferers they are not made. We
end the babri o the ffiany lines we carry vve #
Aon and Port Stanley electrif ed rall-� tain waig go kind aAd igeneroug to t�re comm cause oWing t ti*uiar attention, that is why you'find so inany ato
7-�y his made a good, Ing f almost to a, tault, that she J1r4*h- b#eS." s
Or conquerc . s fering? Take want and the price w,
,the tln1,,- It -has been in operqtIOA, its gave th-e-cOnquereA nation r�earfy ev- Vhy.ihrOt end -your at be sure to have just wbat you tractive colersq, comfortable styles and pleasi'Pg
exree d e that It want- tt�e -,aA.1ce -bt the buh&eds WIVV have
'earnings so, far"having Q.X- erything at ail,reasmisbl
�na I Witches d,'ba y had tVa result% of am-Buk w Wr trial- prices.
t that the done so and give Z be -right too.
1pectations. New stations 2 ix qulckW re-
br,11i along the I .1e and tb# treatment in the devotion show- This m vellouls. rerre�
,Are beltig
Pre- ed'by I all the Conquered Or Ae.W C01MI- I lleVO' h,-. adtfering It. sDotbi,-a andI
many rcanutacturing concerns they lels to the M*her Oauntry,and a -proof bealis t � inflamed,0'IrritateA lieltOrr-
paring to do, bu:91ness wberev th i
a periseverence W1
can get Isaltable propertty. eal W- �df wMeh wais h6W th1e, colonies had hold vc ins. eav 4
to along distinguished themselves in dDing great -Zam-33uk effects TKe=,oment cura&
�ate bas already begun to e needs Zarrt-Buk — acel-
,the entire line from Landon [to Port explolt-9 for their Empire in the-tirrie BverY h0M
V -Z&M-Buk, is the
Stanl(,y. New ear shops at MJC03t 0 AC& need., Tha;t,we enJoying all tUo :dgats v,111 happen aud kes the
aid.3, It quIckly ta
on I attland liberties &YA rlghUl
MT,000 (Will be (,rected on t of a cutA the fire out of ter, wool
gt,reet, ln� th 11, r a
clt�. of Lon4jon ad the t at ge tand glorlouls Em e, should. sting trom a
will be I aske lin- t' In t1fe way & buV11 or iscaid, the goreneso Hut
G(wernment 41 td do all We �an t* ateksts on. or other compli-
Ar t Stan, of senic �, AA and oomforts to .-those brut4e. 4,dod-pols ter, Wool
Jprovem(,nts to, the pier,% 9 t -Y -Buk But
The maorrr-= and conduclorA are who Were e;t .*A� *oAt cition a rnot creep in where ZaM
, A**. 1Ak1n18 0Vk bhg be& "plied, it Ja a. sure pura for
lev w.
llt�� be prodded witbi heavy Aniforms pl.Vejs in the WreaT battle lhlat'14 Z*- anti
Ito. re b3- XY Many interesting PlleS, z ma ulcerls, chil4en's Scal?
UWAe ve
91nning to seek shelter in thl� thickets rA.uts, e "t w1W many Matters sores, Icoise I
id, c
Vf the city, thirteen partr .964 baving iNA *10� tble� opwa 0- A* Awwal we C1111app Isi 'et . 50c at all drug-
teeh.seen on 0 outs, dtores� tM post-paid
COT4 Atr,?,t .,
'Bunday �T
r the winter,—Game birds. relnis, cold 'cracks, ted * I -
Wan LI! V -
drug I J
ag aermany'a
%sta-B k Tordnfo, f0T Price- Re
and anims a kAinaliar . i t -film . NOW
,last. : 0 t her b&rd-5 Irel snd fq�e , a titutes an4 harmful 1=1ta
*0 the euly pioneer we to be wE MIM"EM
ther Couh-try,
oeen$ -amocrfg the=i the th