HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-10-15, Page 31915
5 19
hare with all the
ent of its beauty arid
lercial suggestion is
lade arid yet. almost
'Inpuisive comment
"LE t us go to Can*
taateful Werk of
irely as a presentae
of its commercial
ctilai experienCe dee
d al 1 -ere
kia au liaz ar 41.
a's resources iava
_Ids and thousands
ists and have taken
It is the most effe
ng just now beinc
and its greatest
ay following exact
. -
Erse from that ore
wery pro•vnill
tber of commethern
insistslt take*
ice to realize that
lost far-sighted sele
t polite self -efface*
affective seltessere
trouble Canada hail
through similiar
is just beginning
'1 for the success
xhibit is due to Col.
who since his re.
d member for Ot.
any years in super -
action, erection an
S permanent exhibie
inson ia 6. relative of
- crown proiecutor
l'his private correse
evidences of pride
ing the Panama Ex..
Exposition is a sym*
genius beyond all
ng honor and credit
government and to
-_teived and directed
is national raonn4
fellowing excel.
nada, which merits.
ed Eeld in Flandere
ors war neer knevr
tassing old romance
ights and doughty'
‘gainst Paynine,
country's fame the
iIe e,
to each Cana*
where contests fait
along the Golden,
m the Maple Leat
e that makes our
II lands above
tntry and my:Ioved
eble- Girls
tre,:hold or tvotrane
to a decline In spite-
tention. How often!
have bent strong
oaddenly weak, dee
• Ilitlef:e It 15 the
ed -a •:-...easis in thd
- old promet rr e a.se
te keep tie; bleed
h the red tint or
nat loalthy at
he body is weaken
follow. Dr. Wile
E.,aved thousands
r what might have
liolistr. or an early
loiad-builder of unit
rengthening weadd
'kga liberal supply
which every girt
strength. Dr. Wile
hvc pro ved their,
over agalni to
le health was lane
Duffield, Eramesa*
ree me great plea::
hat Dr,
for ire. When
0 Age of woman-,
tly from bloodieesei
work wa-e a drag
-tita, and never felt
Fees. 1 could scarcee
rinutee at a titre
.!•=3t. X was troubled
ches. and th1ng-5.1
'ed. 1 doctored for,
but little, if any,
ti% to try Dr.• Wile-
d 414iso and after,
irre felt better. X
Pills until I had
h 1 felt like a new,
in en)ay leg ieplenee
Jtrongly advise
tk. or run dewn to
frezr- any
'trail at 55-
fer Irene'
• Medi:One CO.4
r this iuterni
uts, Aup., pawn v. ur.
,A.. BotiERVetiorieral Manageree.„
The Busine Of Farming
the buaineas of Ifitinufactuking-ohould be done in *, praddeel
tiverkesi way. Proceeds ahead, be put in a bahk. Payment31
Siould be made by Cheque. * certain percentage Of the profits
alsould be put in a Savings Aeount as an emergenoy fund. 1he•
trAn who has e cash surplus in, s b.ank, s protsotsd ags1,31st badi
seasons and hard times. .
*ran Extmot
School Report. -The following is the
report of the School ht.:Section No. 3,
Iiullett, for September. The tnarre$ arcl.
ozranged in order of merit: Senior
Veurth.-Beulah Scott, Vina Roger -
%M. Junior Faurth.-Blanche Wheat-
Iy, 'Verne Dale, Thelma, Dale; Wean'
Scott. Senior Third.-jire Armstrong
and Clifford _Britton, equal, Junior
Third. -Wilfred &Ott, Jack -Kelleri
"Lorne Laweone dean Lawson, Clifford
Carter, Willie Barwlek. Senior SeconS.
e -Phoebe Wakefield, Violet Scott, Ei-
leen Clarke. Junior Seeded.- Cita:elle
'Riley, Peter Dunlop, Blanche Stevens,
Olive Medd, Clifford Colclpugh, _Frank
'Riley. First. -Arnold Dale, Bert Bar-
wick, Mildred Britton, Hazel Berwick.
' Settee' Repart.-The following is the
report of School In Sectiori No. 7, Stan-
ley. for the month of September. The
tharee5 are -in ;order ot merit: Fifth-'
Idabel Coleman. Agne5 Love, Pea,r1 An-
aleratn. Senior Fourth. - Opal Foster.
• Senior Thirel.-Ruesell Love,. Verna
'Reid, Gearge Anderson. Junior Third.
Cachrazie, Grace Eigle, Lou-
isa, Turner. Senior Seeand. - Lorne
Coleman, Elva Stephenson, Keith Love.
'Junior Seem& - Anna Love, Emma
Love. Part Two. -Annie Turner, Wm.
'Anderson. Part One. -Vera Slr.ith, Ed-
na Cochrane, Marjorie Rathwell. Pri-
mer Senior. - Walker Carlile, Mae
•Stelk: Eileen Krueger. Primer, .1 tinier.
-Gerald Krueger, Gladys Stephenson,
(.1erle Nt. Fisher, teacher.
widow and ten aildren to mourn Ns
togs, Twt.ez3i and three brothera
also isnrvive; .11 rs. War Graham, Mies
'Elizabeth lf-Ii e,.Williardand Fred, of
Mitchell, and' Mtn Of St. MOOS.. •
-By the death of. Mrs. Catherim
Stephen,- in Ligan, on Saturday retorit-
ing, the- toWnshila. Wage another of its
early settlers, at ,the age of 83 years.
Deeeased, haa ben.leakingher holt%
with her, , r, Mrs. Albert 1Hinz,
and Itatis been in poor health for the
p year., sei that her 4ea.th Wak Incot
une Pected. Her husband predece,steed
her about ,48' years age:
----Mr. Mtn Neil, lot St. James street,
St lifares, died auddenly at his 'home
Wednesday inerhhig last He had not
been. sick, but was not etreng, and
was '4.ert idown, teem Ti Fridey.LEIIE
housekeeper, Mime Sarah i Baeene, heard
hire Cough as if choking, and on going
td his ram found hire dead, evidently
heart fellu,re being the cause ,of death.
The deceased was roast highly respect-
ed by everybaidy In, the cointronity.He
had, lived in. Vigt,- Marys for twelve
years, his, slater living with him until
her deat' live years ago. He came to'
.9.1 roses and lilyaof-the-valley, Men- St Marys from EaSt NtssunL
'idelesolnris -wedding march Was pla.yod -Mir. George Rase, a young 'farmer
s Mies Rhea Bailley of Kit:toil, who
:also playeti, Lohs engrin'rt4a1 choree
,:idering the isigning of thl register.
'iThe groorens gift to the.brde was a
pearl .a.nd diarrend pendant' nd to the
i pianist, a gold wristlet. Aft the cere-
.011y a dainty hericheon Was eervel on
he lawn in a trarqUei draped with,
riecolered boating, flags arid autumn
iieeves and the tables we presided
itiver by the cheirof St. Paola Church,
Kirkton, Of which thebride faS organ
School. Report. -The following is the
report f the Senior Room In Bayfield
Public School for the month of Septerr.-
ber, !based, on conduct:, regula...eity of
attenda.nce and general proficiency :
Continuation Manes. ,Forne,
Fowlie, Nesbitt ,WoodO, Lulu. Bak-
Agne,s McDonald. ForrreOne.-Lucy
;Woods, King, Izette Merner.
Florence Elliott, .Nina Heard, Buelah
'Parker, Lilian Ca.tiirtg. Public School,
Senior Forth. -Greta Baker, Mary
'Currie, Irene Catlitig. Junior Fourth. -
Ruth McDonald, SOirley Xing, Harold
iWestan, Harry Baker, May Howard.
`Senior Third. -- Charles Gemein-
hare, E. Niel Jewett, Ncrrval Gemein-
learelt, Leslie Elliott, Bete Harrison,
:Oreille Irwin, Alfred „ Copeland, Jean
Moods') Edward Cooney; Lola Elliott,
E. Niel Gerrreinhardt, James Ceding.
-V. E. StevenS, Principal
1- "ROUGH ON R,A.TS" clears out Rats,
'Mice, etc. Don't die in the house. 16c.
and 26c. at Drug and Country etore.
• School Report. ---The following is the
report cd Sallee' in. Section No. 3, Hay,
for the month of Septerrber. based
On general proficiency, regular atten-
dance and punctuality': Senior Fourth.
-Ward Forrest 30'5, Willie Blackwell
:244. Senior Third. -Annie Richardson
189, Orville Smith 123. Juaior Third. 3udge6-eiv.. 3. He
-Mary Forrest 412, Grant Love 297, III. 3 LU11te, Start
Pearl Kiefer 215, Clifford Redmond R. ei. ewe o, eo
absent, Wesley Redmond abeent. Sen- '
lot Seeenel. - Greta Forrest 370,
Oettrude Lave 351, . Vera Gram Grot, ing Veget
g21, laregley Richardson 156. Jun- Ninet/43ix farr.l1ie-
lo,r Secon.d.- Frederick -t Quackenbash vacant l cultivati
e255, Belle Kyle 226, Russell Celesta the wits Ices of ti.
136. Senior Part Two -Bona Blackwell, cording to the ' r
ra96, Luella Jarrott 278, Margery-• Rich- that or anization
ardsan, 219. Senior Part One. - Roy week.
Kyle 86 Junior Part bae. - Greta The fist potato
Ola.ckwell 197, Florence Armstrong 173, vacant it/ gardens
Glenn Love 129 Number on reli. 23, July 11t3i,
average attenda.nee 16.57. - S. Petty, feet of and. in t
Teeehee., . •
let. The heppy couple left,
iers of confetti for Toront
end -Eastern pleinte,
:ravelling in a navy bine
i-ary suit with mart black
Ui their return Mr. and
ill reside near Lucan. G ests were
rirestent from Montreal,'Do onto Lon-
Woodetoak, Dutton, WhIgh.4.reand
her places. ,
tiA ‘hilcir, health depend
state of hfs aorrach an
tliby are kept regular amc
ligtle one is eure to be healthy. Baby'e
0 -+Orn. Tablets .are :the xrdthees best -
friend in keeping her little ones well.
T1tey act as la gentle laxative; are ab -
err etely, safe and are leaeant - to
s. Devid La -
rites :--My
ay or night.
Tablets and
y boy." The
icine dealers
ex from. The
a, Brockville,
.1d ehow-
‘, ,Niagera
the bride
velvet hat.
Mrs. Neil
upo:i the
bowels. If
sweet ,the
tar. Concerning there M
beli Ste. Perpetue, Que.,
ba:ky was so troubled wit
that he creed nett sleep
I gave him, Baby's Own
no be is a big healt
Ta'adets are saki by me
orty mail at 25 cents a
Dr. i Willia,Ms' Medicine
, 1
Exeter High School Sports
Ot 'Monday aft ' ernoon of last week
the;Exeter tHlgh Sch
bhatt their annual Fie
a.te4 'after dinner a i
lzraisiPliaYed be eid
the tg
on t
ent-s and, all were ke
Unfa.tunatelt shortly
clock 11t startedto r
were left unfin
;the results:
inelsoro Senlor
Ash, Jr.-Ortwei
rd. rat, Sr-
d Day. Irerredi-
et ball match
- picked frorri
rle, the score being„ 7.6. This was
ed by a baseball match by the
the score ,being 8;to 1. After the
arga.• the sports were continued
e fair grenade . arid the seholara
d heartily into tte different ev-
nly contested.
•after four o'l•
in, and several
shed. Following
d,red year daeh.
fEloffman ; 100
Davis Hanlon;
ndsor, Hoffman,
Jr. - Tuckey,
lig breed jurcp.
Hoffman; run-
eyle, Davis, Or-
d jump, Sr. -
fman; standing
wrap, Jr. -Devils, Manson, Or -
running hop, [4.sthp and jump,
ndsor, tHoffreain, Parsons; run-
, step and j
Ortwei , Davis; • bi
Wells, :Doug
shot, Iy; Wi deer, '
Girls' ventsg-Spike,
-Misses Fenwick, Ta
end F
220 y
Sento ; 220 yard, raze
Davis i' Ortwein; runn
Sr. -, in diser, Pareens
'1, dad jup, jr.-
twein g Standing • .br
Wind4 r, Parsons, 1E1
Ing h
imp, Jr. - Boyle,
ycle race, Jr. -
is; putting the
°Moan, Parson$.
driving contest -
,and, Pickard;
Fenwick, Harvey,
race -Misses
rd; 75 yard dash-Misles Fen -
o& and Ma ett book race -
Ford, 'ffey1 and Case; egg
1 Misses Fe wick and Sharp,
rrati, W.D. Clarke,
r,s-1-1. E. Huston,
Oetober Wedding. - On Wednesday,
tetober kh, at 12 o'clock noon, a, mt.-
eltg wedding took plane at the home of
Kr. And. Mrs. Andrew Barissiale, -fifth
concession of Fullerton, When their
daughter, Miss Lara Beatrice, was
i• -earried to Mo Robert H. Boyce, of
ithe earre township. The ceremony was
)?erforxreel, by Rev. Mr. Sterling in the
presence iof about fifty guests, includ-
Ing friends from, Mitchell, Stratford,
Forest and Brucefield. The beide, who",
is well. and favorably known by a,large.
Circle of friends, looked; sweet in aro
14a:berate weddin.g gown and carried!'
a shower bouquet of pretty floave-6.!
The groom is widely known and popt/-
lar with all classes, and his friends
'join.. in congratulating him; on Winning
to amiable a partner who will journey
througa. life with hirre Sixteen .young
laelle-e of Munro Sunday school called
at the 13arisdale tome a few evenings
Previous to the wedding and taking
the bride-to-be completely by surprise,
Piresented her with a. miscellaneous
rillower a beautiful and useftll articles.
This, together with other similar ex-
Pressions lot kindness, is ,evidence of
the popularity of the bride. During the
afternoon, after an elaborate dinner
IM !been. served, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce
lett tan arf auto trip and- will visit
leanden, Forest and other pas, and
bin. their return settle on the
grnore's farrr near -.Munro.
ve,getabl§is and ei
cine-ao)e plots,
It alas been, ?Asttr.
ed ait attOut 300
alt were raised oi
crops tgol to the
bles in the City
benetitted by the
carried on under
Rotary Club, ac -
port presented to
at luncheon. last
atiout 35 years living on the 5th cell-
cessiola of Logan, idled Sunday morn-
ing, October 3rd, very sUddenly. De-
ceased was a ea.n. of the late Henry.
ReSe; Brodhagen, and was in Mit-
chell lon'Seturtlay, but was not reeling
-very well, and before going herre he
went to a &etch and 'got some medi-
cine. Hfotwever, on Sunday morning he
appeared it°. get. .werse and , a doctor
was (aliened for, but when he arrived
the young man bad passed away. The
Suddenness Of his dea.thl cure as a
great shock -t the community, and
toi yenIng wife, Who was former-
ly adise Bennewies, is prostrated with
grief. They had: only been married -a-
boat two years. Decea.seel was a ro-
bust Tr„sA and bis early death came
ar. a great shook ttie Us family and
friends., Besides his yciang wife, the
late Mr. Rose is eurvived by his moth-
er and a, .nurrIber of brothers and sis-
ters, who irieum. his I9ss. •
was planted in the
on. May lith and by
pre 600,000 square
e" city 'planted vrith`-
t Acres, -divided in-
let outside thecity.
led that crops valu-
ain acre or 0,700 in
the 130 plot,,s. These
62 tren, women and
LIFEBIJOY SOAP is delightfully re-
freshing for Bath or Toilet. For wash-
thg underclothing it is unequalled.
Cleanses and purifies. - . •
News Notes.
-Directors of tlie United Farmers
o:f Alberta, In, seasion at Calgary last
week, estimate the average wheat yield
at not less- dn. Alberta, than thirty
bushels, and perharts: as high as thirty-
five routhela to the acre.
-••111re war has had, its effect upon
the geography of the Dominion fit the
matter of narres. Old Caeca 'Sewell,
Where the tracipis of the West have
tratn.ed for rr.any yeas, is to be known
es. Camp. Hughes. Vhe order for the
change is said to have come from Geo.
Bury, vice-pre,sident of the Canadian
Pacific. . .
-The positioki of eolicitor-generai Ms*
been raised Ito the rank, of a Cabin.et
minieter . and at noon Saturday, inn.
Arthur Meighen was sworn of the
Privy Council: He will lidt sit in. the
Cabinet. Heretofore the poSition bas
not carried with; it that rank. Mr,
Meighen has been 5olicitoregeneral
ince; June 1914.
-Lorne A. Eedy, B.A„ Who Las been
associate,dr with his father, Jahn, W.
Eedy, for a number of. years in the
publishing of The St. Marys Journal,
hats purchased The Walkerton Tele-
scope, takier inorediate neseeselon.M.r.
Eedy has been identified with every
moverr.ent having' for, its object the
moral progrees of the town-, and was
superintendent of the Methodist Sun-
day scheral.
-The DOTI:Inion Coal Com pan y's
steamer Kron Prinz Dlav freen Sydney,
N.S., to Montreal, is four days overdue.
The delay recalls the disaster of the
c "bier Bridgeport, which was last at
a lest year in circuiretances ,sircha.r
those surrounding the Kran Prinz
0 ay.. The Bridgeport left Sy detey ior
Montreal with a cargio of coal, and was
neyer heard from latter her de,parture
trate Sydney. Strewn wreckage found
along the coast in the.Gurf led to the
belief that the ship was lost, but Ina-
thiing 'definite was ever known. -
-One of Palmereton's earliest public-
spirited_ citizens, Mr. Hugh McEwing,
after a lingering illness, idled on Sun-
day, aged 76. Born in Iverne,ss, Scot-
land, he c-arne to Huron County in‘1844.
He practically educated him:self, at-
tending school when he c hid be spar_
ed. from the farm., wad -'ter taught
&haul until 1871, when the town of
Palmerston sprang into existence. He
opened about the first geeerai store
hero, and was honored by being the
Second reeve and also eecond Mayor
of the town, and ,later was appointed
police magistrate, which position he
filled for many years: t
-Word was received at Sarnia or;
Saturday last, telling that the badly
decoroposed body of a worre,n had been
found ion the shore of Lake Hero,
a few, imiles above Port Huron, on the
American. iside. The body would tave
weighed about 150 lbs. 'and was 5
feet 8 or 10 Inches in ilegight. The up -
.per jaw had, a solid geld tooth In front
and the fourth tooth, on thIe left nide
of the jaw was also gold. The remains
are thiongart to be ,tiho,se of ane of the
victimis et the, fateful ,storre of Noyem-
ber, 1913,-Nitegi. many .boats . went -down
Int tb.e lower end of Lake Huron. The
remains have been placed. in charge of
an undertaker and an effert will be
Made to ed`entify them.
-elite' Wan. Little, an old and re-
speeted reSident of the ninth conces-
sion.of Arthur TOwnship, near Harris-,
ton was sei eerie -ugly (burned, on Sat-
urday last, tha,t atici .tdled ;In aboat
three hours after the accident. Mrs.
Little lived. with her son,. Robert, on
the did hbrees.tead, her Dinsband having
predeceased her lest December. Robert
had gone to a neighbor's threshing and
hir wife had. gone ItO the barn to feed
scene cattle leaving the old lady in the
house alion'e. On retareing in some 15
or 120 minutes ahe WELFS shocked to find
the deceased's clothing burned off and.
the 'floor' of the houise on fire. She im-
mediately, extinguished the fire, blet
told late to sate the oldilady's lite, as
she never ,regained conscioutiness. It is
suOPosed Mris. Little'S clothing caught
fire frdni the ortdre aod being in feeble
heaiti'e *as unable to make an alarMi.
H--77,- 777
•• • •• •••••••••1******* 4r• •••f 4.• • • .404 40..•••••••• ••••• • *••••••004240.4441.0~4Mitifk *** • *4404 ••••41.44** •
3 Stewart Bross I Mail 84 Phone Orders Careful! Filled Stewart Brosr
children. '1/4,v1ao didithe work of cultivae
don. i . .
Illya eal''t or iploulttka and harrowing
the late ,Wag altiouit $1.25 each; eeeds
and, •plan s, $i_25 A lot; signs, print.;
Of $3.25 . lot. The financial report of
td strattet, postage, etc., 76c, a total
the vacalt lot cultivation coirrrittee
showed.'Qat it go ain, income of $529.-
66, eattel' up .as follows: Cash from
club hospitality fund, $250-; froM gar-
den fees, .$117.80; contributione of
members it the club, $112. The ed.:mit-
-tee repcete,d that It had a balance af
ere awarded VI Vacant lot
as follows : First, He Gies -
than Avenue; second, Three
Carlisle Avenue; third, W.
0 Eastern, Avenue; honor -
' Pretty Wedding. - A very pretty
!wedding tack plane ion Wednesday,
29th ult.:- at the residenceot Mx.' and
Mrs. William Ogden, when their only
daughter, Vera Lorraine, was united
in marriage to lir. Earl Roy Neil, sec-
Onel, of Mr. and Mrs. F. ff. Neil,
Lucen. The bride, whet was given a-
1way !by her tether, was very becoming-
ly attired. in a silk crepe dechifte 'gown
trircrred. with silk shadew lace and
eeed ,pearls, with Juliet cap an;d veil,
pod carried a shower bouquet of- brid-
gardener s
sop, 220
Mier, 10
Pollard, 5O
able reent4on, Mr. .‘ Tadn:ian, 37 Myrtle
Avenue. 1 •
-Mra W.
erty tn. 'rt
preSe.init '10O
Perth Items.
F. pevy hes sold 'his prop -
e north ward, Mitchell, at
upied by Mr. Swan:, ba Mr.
James Bo ; Logan, for $1,000.
W Kinoke has purchased
from Mr. 'Wm Eizermen, the temse
which the:latter at present occupies
in Mitchell
his 67th
The late A
and Mill)
John loran
Ing gr.
Znie price paid was $2,800.
, McEvoy',
Bt. Marys-, died Sunday in
a,r. ffe Was a Well4enown
St, 04410 end district.
ex. Niven, C.E.; of St.Marys
on, - was -a, brother-in-law.
neSday cif ia,st Week, als r.
Ke'aticott, was, assist -
ward; RWeifery .0if Logan,
shredding, his hand- WAS
cane* in, ' Machine. The middle fin-
ger glaid .* pa* not =twto were
tagen. ' • i
Sanuel(Erzldige, die:a at lits
home tn. at'kOka on Tue,sdkay, 'Us
fila year.pia a native Of thre
toppslaip Vgliarto% get leaves. a
. Tomens Stylish
Nev Suits at
With the Largest.
earing Apparel or
Woman 4rid Chil
f Moderate Prices
The woman who is particular to get
the best possible value for her suit
money, will find here a
showing of the very new-
est and most stylishly de-
signed at particularly at-
tractive prices.
We are pt oud of the suit /
department. Every gar-
ment seems mole attractive
than the one before it.'Some
are trimmed with fur, some
with braid,others with fancy
buttons, but all in select
good taste. Greys, blues,
blacks, and browns are the
prevailing shades. Made in
serges, worsteds and fancy
tweeds. The siies run fiom
14 years to 44 bust.
$10.00 to $30.00
Soft Warm
$$00 -REWARD -11100
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to uure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. ,,,Catarrh
being a constitutional diseaes, requires a constitu-
tional treatvaent. Catarrh Cue is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blond raucous
!orifices of the system, thereby destroying the foun-
dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting nature
In doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith ,in its curative powers that they offer One Hun-
dred DAMS for any case that it fails to cure. Sand
or not of testimonials.
Address F. J. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by drazzists, price no.'
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Every good make of under-
wear can be had here. We
carry all the reliable adver-
tised lines, troin the low to
the highesqpriced garments
in a full range of sizes.
Women's F a 1
Coats in Swagge
Muffled up to the chin in one of these
charming coats which hay just come
in, you will enjoy the cons-
ciousness of being well
dressed and be able to bid
defiance to the piercing
winds of 'our Canadian
Superb Showing of
Fashionable Furs
Are yov ready for the eoId (weather ? Have you a
nice stole to muffle yourseXup to the chin in a
manner that Dame Fashion commands .? Have
you a new barrel or melon Shaped muff? Do you
require a new fur coat? We can interest every
prospective fur purchaser here. Interest you in
the variety, luxuriant richness and dependability
of our furs, and
Our -Prices Aie .41ways Lowest
Magnificent en's Suits
sio.00 to $15.00
Although suits in our vast
collection can be had at al-
. most.any price from $7.00
$20.00. Perhaps the great-
er call is for suits between
$to.00 and $15.00 and it is
between these prices that
we have excelled ourselves
this season.
Sweater Coats
Hundreds of suits are
here in the above prices in
Fali and Winter weight,
greys and browns in little
checks and .fine hair line
stripes, beautiful blues and
blacks in fine wale and rich
finish. Sizes 33 to 46.
$10.00 to $15.00
A sweater coat is as necess-
ary to a man in the winter
as warm hose. We have a
• complete line of heavy and
• light weight coats in a big
i; range of desirable color
• combinations. Sizes 36 to
L50 to15.50
Butter, Wool
Eggs Wanted
There are'vely chin-
chillas, astrachan cloths,
camel's hair cloths, heavy
cheviots, serges, zibilines
and tweeds as well as a
splendid showing of fur fab-
rics including cara.cul cldths
baby lamb cloths and rich
plushes, all beautifully lined
in all Sizes.
$7.00 to $35.00
Winter Hosiery
fpr Women
Good hosiery Is a strong
point with this store. Every
years finds us delivering be
best hosiery values on the
market and this year is no
In Our Boy's Departmen
Each day brings Something New
We are making every effort to
giye the best merchandise ob.
tainable consistent with good
wOrkmanship, correct style and
reasonable prices,
Boys' Suits
New norfolks with stitched down
belts; new Oliver Twist suits
and stylish little RnsSian blouse
S1.1 rwLi
52I60 to $9.00
$oys' Caps in a full range of
colors in all the new styles.
25o 50c to 75Z
Sweater Coats
A beautiful range of these
popular colored coats in all
Psices-75c to $2.00-
• Bigt Roomy, Comfollable Over-
coats for Men and Boys
We have made big preparation for you in .the
overcoat department. No man or boy who wants
good value for his money can afford to miss these
handsome coats. Every new cloth, every attrac-
tive style, every new design is here in all sizes.
There, are dozen of these cosy, Warm, dressy coats
here to choose from.
BOYS' -$3.50 to $7
MPUS $7 to $22
Men's Viite
Read over this List
Stanfield's 44.1.40 up
Gait Knit.... .... ..4.14,25 up
Penman's-- .44... .50 Up
Fleece lined.... .5o up
They are most reliable underwear
makes in America. All sizes and
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