HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-09-17, Page 1­__ - F .. - ,_ .� . � ,F-- , � _� � �� x. . .. -P I ; [ I __ 11 I , 1 � � -4 I �1 � - � i , __ 1 " , , I , � I ­ �t - . -_ : rl I �,;, I , . I � I ]v � - � - . . 'IV, - I , � � ­ . - - - � ,�� I � I- Z . I . �, � I 11 I I * - - . - -, � , . I . 7 I � . 11 : I 1. I . � . � I � . � I - , � . - - . . � � . i . - - I F­­� ­­ ____ MM. - ; � - - . I . I I -1 , I . � .- 11, ­ � _11, . I - 11 � � . i - - . -1 - I . I . . . - I , I I . I ­ � ­ � - . � , - - I . - I - - . ­ . — , , - - - _:�_=_= f i 1p=- ! !!!! -_ - I . . . � . . � i I � � �. . . I � . I . . I � "I 11 . . . It I (;,N 191 5, - 11.0 .. . - e . A I I . . I . . : . I I . - - - I . I I I I i - . I . , . . -.91111IM111ft— - I . �� . . " , I . -_ - I . - ... . - � . I I . ­ -1 -I ­­ � � . � - � . . . . I I .- i . . I ; I - 11 - - I . - . . . . . - ----,i I I I .. I 11 .. 420ML I # I � . . . . ; I I I . .. . 6 1 1 �� I . I � . . . I I I � I I I i I- T I , , 1, I I � � I - . - I 1. I V I I . . I � � - I �� -1. . ­ . . J 1-1 � I I � . - I � .. - I '.1 I I R ! - �.l I Q - I I &A, :- ,�- , - o - " - 'w *rllt�tif %.*, -.. i f_�Tij -1 � * . � -4 _ . . * I I I . . ­ � ::: _. .. A ­ �^ - .1 , ��� I I I 1� 11 X I I ; I- n � . . � I "I w . - .. 1� � I _. -_ - I i I -1 �, � 2 1 1 1 C I . - . . . . Z I 11 (, � , il - . 1. - I � I , �� I" . . I : . e T - -k � I � , .. I I I � . " I'll I � � � lltl - - � . I I . - _. .1.1 � : . - . I ­ . q I I 1. 1. I � - 'S , � � 1. . le .. . I ..... _-W 1 .,4 � . - I . � �- - . � . . _.. A 1 � , ,��.s ­ ,� I � � I li- - .. I � . � . I ­ � 1 �.. .I- z . . I I I � � ­ - � .1 - j - . 0� �._ - I � __ - I I � _�,�_ � - . � - I � . - , I . . 11 J I — — I I V I I I � � mm"=—_ _Jil� , �� - --- -_ I . 1. ­_ . . . . - I - .1. -1 .1 ­. . --- 1. . 1. . ___� / � � I - . i- . I McLEAN BROS. PVbUshers . . i Y I I rotTy - NINTR Yr" T* '. I - � � . � � . I I � " ll - .- � t � ­ . It � 4 . A I I_-_ , q I - I I . .- 'S"IT I . . - - PTEMBER 179-1915 1 . - . I- � . I I �. a Ym - iu AAvanc e ' - lk - . %r" I � � I . 11 jAFORTH, FRIDAY1. SE I . . - . . I CI -00 � . J S . . , . I WHOLE NUMBER 241, � �­ � . - - - � � � `� - I I i -_ - - - — - .i 4, . - - ­ ��, - r� I . I � � ''. �._­j­ � I . i .­ . - - % ftv�___ - - -_ -_ I .- I � I , � , � I . . � . . - I � I -1 _Z . I . I . . I - . ,� I H I � . � - � 4^* . - I SeCretar,y Literature, Mva. Hamilton, beart.N vote ,of thanks was. papsed by - , f . r . * , I ' - Ta-ti1me 'Ago, i's getting 4own to - � � I I . � I � I I .* . FROM ONTARIO'S CAPITAL !so= W ; - S I I I . 00F.W.'asiml, has 'ai its G,oderf.ch; Secretary Miis�sloa Bands, the delegates. ' 4 - . __,� - . - � T . Holloway, a -di-s- . . Mrs. DeLaces, $eaforth; Secretary Sup.. A resolut'aa :E: -m- the Preshytery � . - I I � . , I — ��. 1 $ � - 'd Secretary � - , o a � tingulabe.4 i.retallurglst of LDndon plies. Nhs. G hin, Clintion; � k, busInf-08. 11his 0 1 * - A ormal Di'sp lay - -Greig � � , . . . I 00 ,, �, Toronto, &-pturber* a4th, 1915. ' 1cb`a)r1ran, George. ' � wa4s also prkad it-_-the�4VeWog meeting ' I thing C I Our big phow Is i mv ,a, thing of tb�,- -England, tb2, other rr;34mrb�rs being Pro- ers. I , vqg�_ the',��_goclet on the , Home Help , ,Irg. Monteith, Kippen; cangratulat , y , o I .. A..� . . 4 i j 6f the Ne r0' Fa ff d sucetq'1j,r of - the"r work a�dd. . I 1 1 . - 11 � .. .. pa*t iKw t1h,49 year, 0 = coantry causln3 k fpsg,or �$IllcX, provindal Secretary, Strangers, Mr�. Sharo, Ex- M,r ke -, ,� . I - . . I �, - * . I - igeolo,Klst; T. I - -men!t4g thAdr zeal In the ; I , i..M- I � I I . - . . liftvra all mt-urned t i, their - reispective , W. G*m4 Aeiuty ,.-r"�ter of mines I . . eter; Secretary, PreAs and Llbrar3-, - warmly con. I i � �. I I . . -I— % — - I � - I . - . - #41i Mrs. Kelly Go&r1cb. good work �mL wTA-6n they are engaged, L - � - .`�. - � . . V : hpk,eis amA the city : -Mice more as- in tlu>, Ontario serylipp,, and McGregor cWtUnei,.y at ' I .. I �. ' 1� 0 surrp nal q�let. The 'show on, youlig, x.r�*., A w -,11 -known, o.exnber of 13-rucefleld wai. .67elected for the aa� The mee,Vng throughout wap on:evf Iq l , �, _K1 its n*Tr � I . the moi�t Esful and 4pd- I I , S ,tba whole wals, a IT-atifying' iguocebs, K1.1 0AW30 bar. , 'T'bp_,04�ty-.;of these P * meett'ag plAce next year. - I -Plea��xnt, ,SUC,ce I I .. I I I I . I I At the morning azsslon a ireat inter- !isfactory- <A tbe, kind ever held In the � , all thi,mg1s. oonside.red. We, were not Mea: -Is, to Investi&Wtq evtprything con- I I I , TV Mtss lohhston's ' was Pre,ibytery, and every perison. seemed i �. I f Avor,-A as ring ne-eted. with the ,pr6duetion, refilning estVig and tiflpful Bible Reading I I 1 - Sh' -` w-*ing � , . - � I . with -ea o � weather- du . I . 11 . I �Bvg . . Men' . g!.voA b,S 1b.s. (Rev.),Car,swell, of Me- tD be p1taped witb the results anU'tao , I . . ' &r ke -. . . I . -1 t�hr-_ 1segond, week as dpring the first., and =ari(etlrig of 01Dt -10 nic 1, I . , , � �� 'I doubt mway vere stlwulated by Its I - 7 I-, Is - � . I on V 1011ap, which, by special reque,st wil . . . . . - " I � . .0 a mw_-Qumqce;. -th attendance was The, cor�ml.wloa WAs ap�olnt-ed in re- -t, . I-ve fer even grester 31 1 . ndt ,qul% w laM,6 4,s the, att da * flUrSd,ay be pubile.ed in f all in our next is, Auccer,s 0-? read � - en rice Ispanop, to A wide, a,gitatiah in- favDr of � * " I ; . I . � � * - " . I - 19 — I - . on tbjA,A1Mt WAek pd!tended. However; romn, relatrictions lbeing ed upon Wednesday' a .n'd 2 1suel. I I , I, � . effq;t )g ithe future. 1 i - , . C : � I I - plac � . I I I . �� . . New Fall,. .,S,u I A . � - ,tarlo. &t llm af terr-om seasion -an Interest. � - I ' - On 11 . . . _.. T . I there :b, alot much 'cl: .use lor complaint ; tlp� export of. nickel i Ined im or I -, - . I ZZ 11. � .1 . . . -a givAmi ,b_v Miss Jamieson, - il _Z� � - r ­ - AMda mark was It wax potaV!d out thiat tIlp, -bulk of alk wa Canada I , . I . I on, 000 00W.. The 3 W�'t - -1 � - Se#tembejo 22 02 . I - , . I � . ; � * Teiphpd, Jw jig! pbme two hun- V%.y� . w,Wld1,q pi I Isup ­ � Vf .Simcoe, Who took as her there, I 1. , i . . - . ; . I odt,qwba, che r6q, '10axa- f rom . - I , � - - _', I I I Z . . . la. na Provincial SP -c - I I _' I "The Children and ssions.11 -Ron. W. 3. -I ') - I - However, the �, drolu -0 . fb1t,0cW&j� da X1 114,83 % I _ wusaad jabor:_ ;t pow,, of It.- w" refinpd and .V,S . TANDING th e difficulties experienced, in . . coital"a, Ap . ' A In a. Toronto J, . . . I . � i 0TWITHS � � I . : �.. . glat.� mecellpts ' -�.p Eprovinc, - . Jarp�eTon �e=phaglztd the fact that in6tary, �m 13ean. confine ­ I ! 11 � ­ (were pufficiezvt to put ,in't� -.­ a4�4 that, there, was. .1 - jiltal. f�or several day;S .by &,6-evere I . I . I � .. .' 6 h0s � . � I N securing delivery of Briiisih woollens ofevery sort w e th jr y street and' -per- To suffkcp�nt guay*nie�i a ,should, be ',educated - alon 7t i I . I p ,aAageils on ea� � of Its, tot �f * : � All the newest ideas axtd --b "drc A ., I attack of illkbeo, t -4e nature of,,Which I � . I . I.. . -in landing one of thiZ finest assottments of AS*. 'w)Oh all V, cou #eid up there will r�-iacrlmg ,eaemiy �Ygndls f0r Use In the � �. broad m4asionary lines to have a whole- . I - I I , � . - � . I have succeeded L I I . � be & Isurpluis to fh� good�- s- exc,lWive inodeis will be belpf ul ,influenc7e In the World. ' 11AS 00't begh given. 1 i r � �. I I I ; ; ZZ . I * - I I Tranufacture., of ,en,6my Armament. A . . �� ;; ) . . I - �1 A 0 - , 11 - _W i - 1 - I - . . - are� =ts stDuld caref Ily guaizd their..' ;lr% -Henry Ingia;n, t , % . __ Xen s Fall Ready-to-wear Suits that has ever .been shown ,�� 0 Isuro.6W.Is f rqXr, ottawi- thA the destin— . . Poe =a0ter �t i : - .1 . - I shoiwn. Tom invited.' 9 z I � 1; - -_ home training 4nd Inculcate high Ideal� S t. Th �. p � � . I Ickel j � .A -died Saturdwy ,ey-,jdhg -at- . � � . . � � - inSFAFORTH. We have stocked up extra-iieavy because . A odm�wbfat unfqi a gatherkff.. took attan of .tbr-, n .b6int care� ,. . , � . . . __ - . I . - . . 1. I .1 ,h : -a that life means tZr a ioj;�g; 11 - 66 y s. e & - I . � . 1 .41 . #111,11 ftlk ^IF A ill" AAqq � Q26rA.;C&afer.-nf- �mri+ in, the childreh. A6 Llne�ss �Azed ear R � � � � � I I I I W 7 .. I . : . i 4z exact f one of 4 _ Black . I I TS. � I � all 'and I I I for -no � a is I'S what for the S I � I 1 rie new I Pric V V�%-". -xil; ar. iaqwj U:;L,a Opm evenutiff "'Zi. �1 r. ', ) - 3 , �� ­ 43- b*A been Postma,ster for -over twenty. a . . Ith, the WVM than living for worldly isuccasse4 . I of the further advance in cost and which. h's .already ,struck TW WaA , tr 6fbier's 464 w- I . w4dk. I Of 8=6 two ,*,� AwerwaA -v " , ' S srw . " . � 1 f end, �A the montli And -41f hi ., -JS The cbildren�ishould taot only be strong . - the big markets, of the world, In. triost Ainef'� our 'orders,.,* thp�e ,thous.and Tpe*e, who had approval of ithse,, � Ir.peria ., government, yeam- , � . I I I i .- I isufftcjeAtly healed expeits to get back phy1sically but mortally and opirlt " I igath�,xed to wXUiv,c0 and take part In faiD,d to aatlsfy those. 'Whar wer, de: � aally --Following an v,p�-Xatiun perf arm -ad a . , M t_0 the were ail placed -at the old 'prices, which " ilL me*an a big - I . f WT4 line. I , and 1. i -w 1 . Aft prohibition. All this - trained Lur the berolan in life,,' week previousl for appendicitis, Rob- . ! the dlistribultiom of -t prizep, AAd med- =-Andtag an P,r . , ' y � . . - ; . - 11 . I . - Vie, Prjnceov PatrIeW have !been part Children lshouM The as proud of -being e Iq ; . . - aSQ rt Leppington, ja prmrinent young I saving to our customers. I I . . -A]s Im ponip-etion the 'second an-- was isblri�, xnanths ,�but lt�IA ex- of t1bev 27th Bnp&-, regarded as one poldlir In 0 rle 1,8 Army " im. th � . A . - I . . I I I �ARZ -0 b t . e fagnwr 1A, Utito township, paosed. away I . . I . 1 " .. .- %nual Do*ercourt.B�a Kyard Garden con. platned that Mr., ;-�i�, thi-- -chair_ f, tbio OxIst briggdea In'tthe a=. y, under apmy of Xing Ge*rge. ,. . - ­ I � 4 1 ' V - I - I Ithp r�,Igslonj thas beei gatli- o , Saturday tnorAW,C J10 _q,urv1vo.d'b- - J - I � t . � � I I te0t. 4 show1u19 wba, many littles will "r0a of , com . - . � * . . y . 11 � 0 .1 ' ta in Ehglal the co_rtM." of Goneral Snow, and, Aftsis JR. 1. Gr4mm !gave a very inter- his.w1dow and four , , I accoirpl4sh wlv,n -pric �erly directed, the ?-rin'g dA' ad 160%tive- to. -the heir reputatioln afs fighterO, . I Aa%g#�M.r I I I - I d' *w1n`9 to t ostt" report of tbe proceedings at the ' L '1er'a0,r,W, t. on - I , I _. chadirran, df the, Cm irr-Ittee having the mox1re.ting of nickel an '-`t6 the con- have generally been given weak points --aw Wilfrea,� Aur , qq 8,,o sul S . contpist -W charge- o . t1ted that If elghtk ftlan. thod will- likely. atise after the General Council meeting in Mbntreal. opara,tIM in fWaUr street RqsAtg1,0L- . . I . . . I 1� . . r. W., ilis. ,now -bi Ontarlb, has had to hold.,The-_ result isithat ' the Princess at which she� waa a representative. - ta,wa, for Me removal a.ipp 4'pf . t�d I . � per ;ceat. of the ba ,-kyArd -gardens or. WA - I _ tij. I ' . . - I i f­zrence with, his ,collea*gueE a -ad Pats havip� RM rr.*Te thaxi their share The .evening gneeting was open to the b6ath wbV,h bad be_entwub8m$'W1 for - 4 ' I - ' Toronto Were do d to the cultLva- a, con -of ha�rd lighting. - I 4ay l4t -week. fte Wera- of vraigetables, - the net value ,a[* tbe 430LXMIAs nning actual op- . lie iva " qAe� - For the Man who wants a knock -about busi- t1rin "' Llieuv. d,e Bay reports that his regi- Pub d *w,as4argely attetiled. Many years � . - . i the prod�cttlon­ would ibe $1,875,136. In, Pratibm by -ja'thorougb exaltinatIOA, of X -P prelgent is located at Armen-tof *e delegite,s of -tile day remained tion was - Isuce.eissf ul, =14 thel Aged . . 1� � , � I I I I the Dovercourt Bac I ,yard Garden con- t1t3 nickel Industry -in - tbq 8 udbury Its- ,nt at for fift evening Lneeting. De�gte the : ptat.emtan -bas xecei,ved xnuch' relief - . ,- Iless suit with lots of good ho nest w� eat in it. � t1arels, and although doing weekly I . � . ! t.v3t, he rs,ai,cj, there were 616 6ontest- trict of Oritarlo. It, Is, eAr-re that the tbp.ir turn In the trenches, have 'not _ ,v,e.r,y wArm Weather the auditorium 'or and it la ,expected he wJlI be fufty ye- . . . -, , , of " � . .� L .- I / . I I - ants, 4�d 518 thi..ge- produced vege- gr-lat de,POSIU Of ml0keY11e, the ML - for mbme ,*tftn,5 t1keA part in hard tbe, churah'wais comfortably tilled, the covered ib&tly. - . I . tabkis , The averagei size of each gar- P;ral being talien from there and sent f tghtin I g, . Armp-ttleres, probably on ac-: majority Of the audience being corr- _W.- G. B�atty, aged 35 years, A ,� __ .1 , , - . 'dem was '1,500 squiLrie' feet, and the to Zef ining plapts, .in X.ew Jerisey in co,tint of jits. ig.tmengthi. has always been. 'jased of ladiez. We: meeting was pre- x=,Lrvint farm,er living on the farm - - awrage space devqed to vegete,bles tbr�- for -ml Of Matte, to t4�r'eftncd. The an P 1 . The 'the� late. George E. ,Ca,se3, while � 00 -Suit's - t - . ,a,ss vart of the- line. The bat. Aided over by Rev. W. Larkin of - , 106 . . 1,000 aquaro�., feet. I e value of vege- COMM11S,910n, Will later *Y a visit to taimm is again up to -full istre'ngth, principal feature ot the evening meet- A,nvlr-,g his buggy Along Talbot ,ntrect, . � I tabl-,;s ptraiduced f '.-i eachr 1,000 sqhare NPM JerAeY.,, I , � I . - I I- with 6*rp�alo% ralsedbS the Canadian ing Was an addrAss 'by.MISS 'grant, of in, St. TI.o.mas, ,1.,,a<Hng a zolt, was . . ,iit wos .�3'0. A 'lit oevelaty of the Tba za% -question to, tio deterrrhied univerisitleo, He estimatea that fully Torapto, the , Superitte,ndent. of the kicb�d It .thiefireiAst by the colt, and, il I I . 11 For the man wanting a good , g en eral pur- ' en ha ass Dea -Ho)be in Toronto, -w,v- instantly killed. The bloyr. on &O , i cantia,istants raised c ilckens, frornwhich ,1,.� a,§ to tha econairle.possibility or, tw,-,nty_fLVe hundred ,m ve p ed . coness T,ratalng . s . - . . . P, profit ,to, each was $30. Vavtna the, Ontario niek,el Afined In through tbp b&tta1ioSL,_,1nce it Wasfirat an timstitiftion which Is. under joint cl�eF--t had fractured a r1b whlch.plerc- . 1i; � it dressy in appearance and inade' of I` "' jurtsdiction. of the General Assembly .,,d ai�s beart, Ilk. Beatty was I* town � posesu f i3lever� out of butndred gardens Ontaxto. To liolva thig. probxf�;rri the c but proi:d I . . ) � � . _1n tbl. eve� Y . , om- organixed. .He Modestly ly � 7 , city were *gltenover to raising, Tr.,twdon will aseartain, as_jie,arly� as -pos- states vthat Abe Princess Pats have apd the Women�s - Hissionary - Society- arrangTqg to w,nd I)IG thoroughbred,- - t . - - , in the sat.-,(�, ratio, said Mr. atblo�- what the. �Ickp,l reabo �o the ver been forced. ,by the Germans to AnKI prim Zaittle to the London Exhibition. V - &essy cloths in many d'fferent cobo cb1cRens, a�N- addgeep by Rey. )&. Br6adfoot, I I ._rS. I - * ,'-�rceg I ze -r i . 11 I � It'. . ax - !g I a 4eturaed missionary from Southern A wid* and two children survive. ; � . Dinnick,'the. ,yxod6q! would be worth provtnc,�' e, N4h.at the '�R. -tablts.h.m.ent rp.tife from, a position. , . �, " I . � . !$264,000. 1. -involve I 1�eut. de, �BAy r6ports that, the son C1_-�&a, and .the excellent music by the -MMS., William WKay, wite! of a J . � .. I , of refining plants, bare *ould f ' . X---'- _­-% ___;006_�_ � - 1he Ontarto of. -P., -who was on;�, 4A church chdr,, PIP, -Qu4rtette Clr4b� com.- nearby farmer, was electrmuted in � - f 1-1 ­ " � - MT. Josl,lph Marsha 1, who Lg 105 years .amd What the, srarket fm - Dr. Clark, H. I . ' - ,�, - � ". of a4g;e, ,Was awar& d a modal for the product -wai :&,� when tne-. war is over. th.>, m4gln,al =embers of the battailon, - imsed of Messrs. John, Beattte, Georgq - Sarnia late. SaturAay afternoon, When � ! - . . . Y . � I . . beet viegetable,ig&Tden. This gardenhad T�h-,w will take -adn, M 'k 'hold of a wire, that bad fal- . � *12soO � l C, I .,e tima it iray not imp now a coirmLzA-aa an4l Is ;still with Israel, D. F. cGreger and James $be ,too ' ' - � I ' na -e - I e bac -of her her ,,bL I if . -1 t " been culuvaiteA by Mx. Marshall hirr- be fW19fted before the end of -the -war. th,.1, re * 119 At, pA, f uU of fight ar, ever, Meath, and well r ndered and ap len iover tb , k se�, whic ' ,-_ -0 � - I I . iself. The, old genlerran was Justly That- zean ar ftn e . IP . Z � I pz that, iso f - as the rr - . prol)rtate solo by. Nk. W. T. VAys. Mr. !sbe� W just left to go Into a hadse " ' proud of hW achtev ent. The ,gather- dlatsi� question, ithat �of_ dentrolling'the ' GeorKe, the church orgawst.and choir with butt�r. The, animal plunging a- I if . _ � - . I . . - .. I . � 1� . ting. on� and- the --ixport of bkkel durl:n,g the war, Is WOMEN AND MISSIONS - . 6_1tL - X� ing wal!5 a very Inte� ' � leader presilded iat the ,organ. The bout, drev4,-her atttntlba and ishe notic F 0 , -_ . I I I - , , - - - g g a: - R t Und . � object triost pralrev,)rthy. If a great- conceernea, nothing vrom Iis� likety to. - . . meeting wam a irost Interesting one. ed t11,e, wire, which wzs' hangin r .� . � - b,3 dOfte.. The problem ig; of colirse, ,a Tbe ainnual -,Meeting of the Haron 11 V Al . . er iniwber of our etizens could be In The,progrointre was well arraaged and gain,st the animal. The wire was brokw - -, . duced to devote th �Lr ripare evenings dQficult'on,;� fro,T w yterLal MIS4101=Y SocIPAY Waa w& lono jen.migh and not, too long. it is rp I b r CAWed 9 � I , � .1 an ewnoqmlc vie - . Ppesb Inrted, by failing, t m e , Nobw ., � 'ho, 4>y the ,way, Is a by W,q ,trunimInk trees nearby. * * J 0--,_ ,#--,, to the cu ve,geta%es ki their point, ,biit - tb,,:, kethods - adopted i -o- held ,M -the Presbyterian Church, Sea- MW. 4Grant, w, . & 1k ff ML I - ltivation 6f 1 - , 11 . . . . back garAeas a gr"t deal- of th ' I -The .weather ,rIncipal Gra-st of �&r WTn. Vznaorae, rallroad b - d . V, , . e . . . e 4es�- wArds it oblutton, and fbp sGTkjewhat f orth, on Tueeday last. . !sjoter of ,tbe late PJ ull - . � J )a a 11 . tLtution ZMA ' t � the V I ,*� q - . I � barX, ti�,� Which Infeasts 1,t�urely way In ,�rhdch� the queattgn w4a f Luo Wad thc-Xe_ wag a large a - Queen's College, Kinggton,-'wlio was er, finAmcier and philanthropist, d I ­ 1. � I 1 $15- k -.A . � I WO . Id be .mat'rikIly baA, heeo approaghed Uve gtve�a rise tendance, evvry auxiliary'in the Pre -s- so well and f avoftbly I known ao an in tt*�, Royal Victoria ff�-,�Itah In, 3ft- 3 . all larg�, cities L ' I ion $1turday, following -an ope'r-a- -1 "nX1.y. --- representp-d. The author and preacher, aid who istoo-4 tr�a , I - � miffiga, I � a, A It V10, Id be. vaiistly better , to �v lot ,of dftupslon, among Ontario b3 texy being w0l ' I- . or t1k - people. p�ople. me,eting wa* pre;sid,ed over by, the h1gh in the esteem and affections of tion fw jObdow1nal absce-.89. W 2 0 1 f 1. alth and p oraW of the I . . I - � He � As I , . . � * 4r 'Fletcher I 12-2 r -4 1 � � - - � 4k * * 0 ., '' . I . dx$.. , ;qJ the Thames the 13eople of Canada, is a pleasing yeATs old. He' had been In lealling J � � . . '. I I , . , -%� � , _-* *"-­ : I - 'I I .., .1 . .1 A ., -4f imb-pu] day isessto _ I ;1 I .!M � As W4L*re Sp"'R-er a,rd, , o. 11 . . 1, , . 11 of the Canadi=_ erclgrAr _ gave a very interesting health f or teyeral 3earis, a A M AU- � t �q,, Ult ;S , � 1% J . � -1 _� Liory jmLl1U*3r,AJrv1ce doesn't wftf�lneas such-- 'finrlptlon of The ihstltutlurh "OVer- 4V=t 2krd, bo ,entered Ahe bospltiaL � . , . � I . ­ 4 1 ting ra-t.i EWE - I . , . i - �. tion st!aff, Lofadon, wrl f , a�rtve, It - Will ,not be, because the sys- . f . . . ! .. . France, isays that, h1though only two t,,-�T ais. the reading and receiving -Of re- *luch ishe, .presides ,and WbIcif the *Until Wedne,sday 1i wag believed he 7 � .1 bgs W10 ,SAvocates mad ther -lei . . - 11 . � � I intles from the f"pg lLne, barve-Iting, , . Al y e ports, the alectloa of DEficer.s, etc� The d'hurch W - rm much Interested In. The would recover. Lady Van Horne, biq & 12 T - t.� . _ axe two, 33oth, s,61dlers. both men of -%v gran&OA Were at .i � . In full isw e most eaicouragLng, s'io - object of the ffq�me is to prepare young son, dAujghte�r =d , .- - Wa5 inig, a; a fine crop was tnote, both alp_ �to f, 'ke . " � R � I Good enouan tor any . I - T -a their words rel)orts we'r - - ie died Just be- � I ­ g,"f r1-.Ncz.--. to Where he trenches were I r1_1 I . I-,-,- -not onlv Increased glviilg but re- women for irismianar�v and evangellstic M3 be4,514� Nben, I . *.* - U4�&44Y �M UILS .W42,Y. qxl= OLL Jull.i . Aft-Im . I .- ' crest along all lines of ef- vVork. T,be� courise is two years and the fore. the end he Teiigai.ned consclausnes,3 0 PM�.I; _, being dug. How uld our C.a.nadian ne-wed tnt I .1 . , ' WMAr to, ,governor of Ontarla,- is one . - I- A purpose or any occasion � - decea-sed) � A I i I fax:rrrers like. to : el harvesting their and Qolanel George Taylor Dentson,the f Ort. NVe. quote'from- the e-s.cellent re- Instruction bath practical -and theor.c. aad ba& them farewell.' The I Miss 14. 1sabz%l­ tical as well as ,educational-, The stiz. was an, Amet-lea va. bq-*&F0- ) � ,n t�y b� . i crops with bombs d bullets continu- port of the Secretary, ­ . . _", � - It I -K I -" 1. 1&-st of the� ,militia old guard,. is thic, - ' - � �t.� � XJ . . ! , ally f lying ow heads and one other. Both have, sPaken. out th .,rcet­ QrAlrsTnt Alay doUbt as to the practlC- dents are inistructed In, hotjae�-keup_ .sided In Cgntlda tai 4 - yeanls; Rq. lemd- i , a � and' led boy and ended. I T -. xcu-ptioiaally well'tail" I Ili !r th , 1! ,q'; . lixtV tu drDp on thin at any mament ability or advisability of � t,be- menced, life, as an off .1 . . A -1 .,�� ,- . hl L - Mg, e1hbosing exhibiti6h audiences, and tbe amalgama- Inig X� W011 ,Rs In, M, 10. -Atid.Y. � ""I- I I . - . I . - -;'* ith considerable t W, a Of the, I logy. TheS are, ad',mitt -1 n I 01reck, pure f 1 n e, wool � " " " 'ff .. I It is, paid' people c get used 1�y xny have advocated . W 11 i lome and Voreign forces o ed not earlier a multi-mIll1onalrea. R-4- was a 1-14R Y- � ft"*.i.i�%,�al 4 1. . tMng ,and It wouldLW.m, the ,people Wa,rX ,d�,apehcd- and In ,union we than the, -age of 22 years and th&,edu- s,lded 111ap. � i .1%. Sir j ha:s been I - - I . A , dim liendr-le. and Colancl '3 - ing anecd4e Is being told � cloths of. the best im- - .� I � I af' Frznoe fbave beceirre is(Y accustomed D,,�r taoh Want tbie, is4ire thing, but *they have. not wily found strength, but aL CatlOnal test is a Ce`rtIfiCRte ShOW111,, -An airua , - I - I 1, . to wax that they ca a take its -horror,s call -it by dif frerept natfries. Colonel Den- the atlinulu,g borne of. - broader. vlslon� they have pa;bi;ed tfie erdrznce examl- Em. Ottawa in oonmzctlon with- Sir 10b- .- . . - - . - ported.stock, Un�a4a `r�,, - . I � I I philoso ically. ­ I Ison. o ochools, but 'Miss bert DDrden'.s Ttsit to the fra-litary he,$ . ,, . Calls it Oweription, plu, / , .ph . . � rp and exchange. of ideas and cordial I ) I - --V . /. . * * �* * v 071110e -of -1 9 . . platn, wbereaa the provincial governor. courise- The Huron Presbyterial now Grant explained that the better edu- pftal maintained by tne Pr � .- .. 1, - 1. . : . I Very sad thiags +e� ha'ppening. The us,!s thk,,t ,ngder..' -gar cotnprl!�es 26 Auxiliaries with a rrerp- cated tbe ,atudenlus are wheii they en- Qur-,bee .m ;PA-rla. The �Prlrre Xtdistp-r . able shaDe retainino : I sa -coated term of 1 1 4 I I J . 11 � ,/ . I � ,0,%( -U-1 ter Me easter Will Ille.y Tln-U Tile SUD- NM'�nt L ' ,L 1rug:ij a , WUN-W.I. L - I I I I- provincial Roense colirmlission has been universal iseryke, and says that con- ber.ShIP of 800, contributing ;T I " 11XVqSA1 '� ul,'tl Vi`, ;,ly, , 'r Storr, Coh-ml- I r , , . sidon. Bands . cuntr - I y Jviajo S,5 one and stylishly cut, For I . an the warpath a.goia and me. .of the acripttan Iss ,a think of long ago. and 8 .M,6 lbuting �equcnt wark. When they complete � d b * I- 11 . � . � aacWnt rights andl privileges of the In botV cAsea the, obJect is the swre, $256.0% ryia,kkDg a total contribution for t1jeLr course ,they ,are ready for mis- and Ni.r. Langlam Ile, *w. recelved'er I i - ­ - � , '. IT - clubman has. been t ruthlessly from namely, the isharting of, the ,militaxy 'tbe year, Inclu-ding interest of $3,731.10 slowwy Work 4n, tbe, cllurcb, subb. as thusi&Aically by Ilk! wounded soldierS , ­ . . e wl � - young men for middle -_ ,- I I 8 I its roAs. Xany' of be select clubs In burden by All alike, Juak,a4s people pay or an ,average of $4.35,13-er member. a4dist-ants to Vaotaro whd Tfxvid'Targe- and prr--sent d tb ani address by the '. .k ' lom - - Vloes .baspital istaff. Sir Rebbek ia the course I . . , 11 Ontario have -their - owin apecial -and xets. Coloaki Vieq,drtefa- alin is uni- There are al8o 10& I e Helpers, con chaxge.s a4d whV. praf6p -the �eiv I - ta - ' th I -a' . .aged men and special - i �, .- . irme or leas'e��lusLfe brwnds of flaid. V,,raal tra,kning ,I,Vr hmp efense, and tributing $87.74. 4teen neiv life men.- 6f a trained DeaconeZ.s to - b OeTvIces of hia vlslt met two Ot the sisters e . . � I . � _ ; dj -adaed durl�g the year. of a male a..so:wtant. Vwy alto look the, staff ,of the ho�pdftal and spoke to � , I . . � Heretofore it haig N21n the proud priv- 1,e A,r1guA,g tha,t �t'is the only fg1r(prIn- ber's 'have been --k,' deesigns for elderly men ' , I � . �1, r : . I . . !, ciple, of iservice, because -otherwise the lbitlOns thP Year are, after the ,pwr .and !t�eedy, lt the larger tie.rn *& F.rench. Ont :of them- asked, I - - . . il,3,ge of J.the club .r�larnber to Sign, big The caish Watr � - ro 4 - � �� arly' as can . estimated $400 lar- ceintreg oAd tb . ugh fiMely aid and I'Dm-lt you islpmk Entlish, six?" The � . � !nan:e to4 i ticket �md take home a Tran wiho. doe,sWi don the. uniform has AA me . . be . I - i � i . __ - - _ . I I I r . bottl� of ... the -special brand for future a voice (Im z the normal contributions of smipathy brtnig tthe= Into church con- P,Z&_ WInister therefore showed 'his ­ - . . - ,olding, the lawis, which- ger thArl . -w -rr - , I ­ �, don:.P�stic Teference. TI -gat wats the.cus- r,egulate, the buniduct. of the. �Tla.n who tbe. two tsociettes In, any former year. rigetAn. It Is & work bkb ]A srow- fa ,iliarity with tb�, En - -glish tongue. � I � ' . .. . M Is tair to-Worne T�ho_ t isupp Ireneb SU-terg I ' ' _' tair for - �� years, but it -has -In addition 19 bale.sof -serviceable cloth- � 9 1h ifavor and b1f - , wo . asedly 1 F , I 11 Aheise m, y ddes; plaicinig b1mi thereby under a par. - ued at $3h6.26 h -ave 1)een ship- A very lanportwat ,branch! dg* eftrch wpA,- f mr, Ireland. 1 .. � been ruij% ab I d. , Nothing doing. tial dtsaDAlity. Univerisal training a;nd Ing val - . i , ,� lab I ".., I - ,� Ab. - - . " -on the Isery e are the c - -9i.ad Toronto. - work wh ieli ,af fords an exceUe-At *;en ' � I ' Another Shipm-enti , -Of Tie .clubrrian must drink it U,, ure. ped tol Alber,rjLEk - - 1166d in'. - __&�rl> ' ' 4 � We are pleased t�o note that a splrlt �ngfor,ylauogwoown wftoax,e�d:ni� _ , time Ase Rely. J. 33. rotalle- i . I f . premisas or do wittDut or buy a pas- Colonel Denlaon Is even .mcwe out- tqpt1,,,n1sffl prevalls our tba.t Way. The school in TproqW f- � gb - " .., ote. to the cow- ; ;nbly Interlor br,m,4i from the. -nearest spo�ce,n. ffl.e Ms, of,,&i%raestnq-As and a in Am of Go&,rkb, ,,, * . ao, already stated, one � - Auxiliary reports fords faceaknirodatiba -and 14#WM to manditig offio�r -of w., 8 Cdrnpany, to * � � . British- -Waterpr�of_ liquor store. And the license cmrmls- of t* pid ;guard, tbei larst '=An re- Auxfliarkp_ Blyth y In about twenty-five Atud,entpL! %U In- g4t partic , I '. iskoners don't really set aboult 1-o be mk&g ,ml tile, rrillitis, .1tat of 10000 that the,Y have raised more rrone . Ular$ iDt PfRe., ,Rvse, Who en- , . � � - * .... I t. A reply . , . f th�, liquor r. It's . the preced- struetwn 'is Igiven 14 -tt4ir, Pro"(POIJOr's In Itsid in the 'that , � - .1 fri,ecAs o; . , stores, eithe troops organized wh m. -he waAs a 'id tbO� PeveA 020atbis than in dtbpra. Tbi� twititu- I � Just th4V WaY of do d1g A. . I of ftf teen, 3 eaps; In. 1855. He le a vet- ing y -gar and that the.y are trying to Kum C0110198 041A . was mi�qeived froLm C2 ptaln Hodgson, ,fto -charg. I Coats � . A I .. Alga they are, hel.p bg a little -to put . leran of Miodry wara: and a rewgntzed Witerest every w4Wnan in the work of tt�n U conducted under theausplees of ,is, now. In " of NO. 3 cor.- . I I Secretary says:. a wrnmittee appDinted by the General. -pamy, stating that Ptr�. Rosse had,lifyt ' . . . I I . � . - I . the f lowing rbowl be �vzxd the -reach of auth�jrjty on cavalry ,..tactics, and ma- XkVlOns- A40ther I ,22rd, . being, Ieft i- � ,_ . the isold.Ler. It isn?l that . they W&TIt w,uvers,. He, Ns, -an Imperialist of long qn ,spite of Inereaoed ,expenses on ac- A-asembly c,omposed of azertain num. b-�en. rseen stwe Aprll 1 ' - ' and, s ber of Clerssm* a4d laymen With on tbt�� field wounded 1pf ter the bAW- e . - egb , s uwft qm p> sisten t of j,he, War all the demand . nurr � I I . . i -our sellin of these coats enor . tb add to the nu� I e of his isacrItices. sta�nd,lhfg, a ta d _r t ad- cow', . ber (d the Coatinuous rains have made 9 � - of Re CrOso Or the intere,st I'a our Wb'Pm JXa asgiOcLated & 7 Efforts to'Mnd blin %V.e . . in C t It's Just thetir -�r4y of d6tNg il. The voca,t.,,� of 0imperialimn, Wh-erefor in past d W k moug, and our customers tells us that after A tho )ugh- . t6s Ontario !,goverwrent JoA one time'pro. yeam he �Waa called a, cronk a.ad a, Rissionary. 5&AetY'ftas been kept UP melrble;ns of the Womews Missionary b, --en useless, The Ger.ram3 never V -0t - . . . n b,% OM our gnee ings were . - , isuMorted from t1se funds to the ground where le was Iytag, iso . - ' ­ - ea -le of - liquor Jingo, which di(kxtt d1asturb him I t ,, - well attended " &ctet.Y. It Is in, recd:nt downpours, that these coats ,do the wor , tbq are posed, to p6lAbit, t t ens rabs- Of t",*dhiach ajkA the fees of the,st 1. . ' to men, ,M the ki Is. uniform, but 1--Nmt. balonel Deini#won wAs one of th *080 Onp Auxtllavy with seviennlerrb U. b,-� m not a prischier. .-,CW. Sodgsm . I ' intended to c1p entirely satisfactorily. , f 7 � - . -1 . t3wre was euch a w Id, high, Olercing wbo. preftted the . prelseAt w4r and ed ,.$104. 33rucefteld. carrie,% 01-C th. . der -tis and voluntapy contributionS. IL erltsted from, Clinton "With the flmt , _ le, , :_ I . I I 1, 1� 4, -A-bainkmffert-or a- is, certaWy, ja mot.9t deserving Instl- c;��&mt and Ihm SX service w1th . . . . 1�� . � . I .&rka prol-0119,en, tnowl. I MOUT, � LTI %liat L114::y ,�§ now wemng thei crown of atrue paim Lor Me Li511;Q0 � Is -doing a good work., . . . N � . � I I . I . - tbf-, imperia . z I - pwbfpb!et, 15o thot, hqs words carr Inouir. - -too 'placer 04 , � backed down ting to 4.143.27. Kt&ton hAs bad tutIOA- SA(I , I an-ny. -,� � . The Real, Wa'tewmro Coa .,. , - I - ,es the c0MrrXs y some is a 86111, . L Lklohg "r P"ev- 3Mr' Bm4foot of Jas.. -A prett weddin I . ff.r .. J tha't a qQdtlon the uailque y .9- k - . � L I t . 6f . . � . %On Air 'A lets It bfe, Sol- little, wei,&M. P.Re takep the - t1i Ir corres Wedneisday of last week at'the bo;r--e .. z . Imnor .of presenting a life I � ; - - , . I - 1 'i dwr gas, ibe put-on I�xdlan list by el . , I melib x1shLp certtf.1c;de to e . _ BpoAAfbot, Ong of the.pimeer repidents _ I .. 1 $15.6 � lat proteCtWg jhe, country Is b4§ mtuch ' ,I-- AW bal ,� . . ; , . in con- . ,and t,re,isurer, both -of �Gl&OtOXLO ftb t, 0 to and of KY. H.ctor McKay, Whitechuf4b �7 . . - c - ' Z � ,the hotelmen t eis, ac t Nag Mr. dAty Kd crve)ry AUze* as the pay- ponding Aecr'tarY fro= Mor- . i Prices '9.00 812.00. to 0 - he�lqxse v&o remove4 to t4t PQe � IQ V r I I ,.e. . .In ift)ier of ' have held olfte for twenty- XV. - when his daughter, Magaret A., Waa i . L -!rt and by agre. . words, 4.1dg Of UXIM, airA that the, system, Qf Wlbam . sokne f orty _W ago. Mr. Broad- * i , . . , yea - i . . � I . I � U-4. ,ill- i 11f 1-4. 4m. %,-#Div- ui� .0 - t I . a'_ . I utite4 ta marriage to *. R,*t. How �.. . � -11 I I I - R*1AAR" . - MVA=V.0 � . �� . I I . � . . � . U LIJP.w 1: �,.VCAA;D. " C%L&J QA.1�& Y— JT VUSUAREXL'y lkyn" J­�LJQ- - 10K XPA PM Mwelsm __ , . � - - __ I - I - - __ agre-e '1�bt to oell it their defenderp,- favor,q comeription, gad re-,,T.Inds the The Treaisurerlis repDr wed tb,! ,n Southern cWn�. for the paist pix bray. The bride ente�ed 'the ParlOr . . I . ­ . I veral Auxil- . with her father to, the strains of Me .- - ­ - I - tle cOrPaWlam wili f ack thern up and paople of Onta;rto that there still re- cmtributions frOM the- Be I , as 'now home on furlouih. � , . 1 . , . nil i YeAris AM �beautiful 'wedding xn�rch) played by I . wili do - things to th � one who -breaks =a" fti, ae, statute bobbs an old laries amA %don bands a0 follows: gj�,.eAdpeiss was very in.tereatt" He . . faith with the- otheis, It loolos sorrfe- cangeripUon law,, lenficbed, away back Auxillarlea-AuSurn, $36.64; Bayfiela ' ' hK-.,r sister, M_s� Berbla, W, Ke.T, ,cd . - - 1.50; lgrePt change's Which W.Aaghum I a*ceremonlly was perforw- .. , � , , Bly tb, $2o .10staftced tbe I - dur- Tb Beakitifful Co-ats for' ,- wbat arbitrary and day b,,, illegal, but - I -a, -1793 1by t* fIMt parii4rent of !'up� ..$181.70; Blake, $32.76; - qL ed under an ar-oh of evergreens, fr "- . .. . . . I J;hp_. poiwe3p of the eq rmhasim age very per CAAW&, . A, law which - -has saved Br&efield, $319.09; Kelly Cirele, Vok- 1ra,ve taken we 1A thAt country - , -, . r ye�m .1. ! t-119 t,5r- VaEkt few . . The people of . - r10A, $46; Dufffs . . . the centre of vlach hilng' a large bell ' [ i I . - - wi,dt-�, and deep. - -, . Is , the country fbefore aA4 which could 72,; clintain, 6204.10, Ca 4Xi Ile ClIAIR06 Me JUAt coorrewing to Wake 11P of aa,ers. Tt.,e bride,s w-edding ,re -os- ' I . . __ Futthprxrore-, the c a� io�hthrDugh W. iAspX1 a%41n, ira caise 4 eircergency. Church, VcX1110% 1$61.46; Dgrn dvi - to tbA exnpwtp4we� ot - their powera a;ld - R. XC .- . "�' y aq Women'' . ; - , . tuir-.e wea �of gre. , . Rev. - - , � onp- of ,Its ,.rrembe= ._'rn:-'r�ide chairrran, Tirese t,k� . W.*eches by - these two $214.50; Exete o 8're, Ixoprovi"- WXIal15, cor�merciallv of Owen Smn# - - . . . - . 1__ ' ' . Godertch, $190.- 1 � . . Each,-rn, , formerly iYas W. S. Dungiron, � . v - been given much publicity ayls under the I I , 1'� - , w,d to' be a =ein taye Band, Exeter, t$18215, aAd YA Fflam,Y QtW W -f the Whitech*h Pre., . I . .. I . . tc�h Arthur Citcle, $50; Gode. I tor o ,byterlaiiV I � wspaper-m-am, hais 1, appealed to the &pd ,arra� being .frrajc�r dUemsed In On- 57; Goder JWW deM%Xr1&t41JC fl= of, oVernMent. � Church, , f JCJa - 11 . I _, - Every week fresh arrivals of new coats keep adding to the "' : Union, $5s; C.rpm,d -Bond, I . A ted. Th4 happy couple i . . : 1p-wapaper-men in q -yeation aesem- toop, eg well a,s in otW parts of Can- X10,1 T, jp. 0 101d relWoAs. &lid ,practices 1 ieft'iby =,otor, amulst ibe best wishe.q � - . ff,msali McGregor WPI'lle, tA 3 . I in, ag nificent assortment of stylj�gand materials. 'Trom $9.00 10�ed, to boomi tl* wAse of Itemper- ,adga, and although'corrvuls-ory service, $90; .Heh:�ail, 29, � 3, mighty holil on the peo- - . _V RIP still ,114YA I I - Of a hol9t .Of fri_1113ndo, �� Exeter and 4 * I -1� . . aind. probibition by' meana of In- peegg,ptill to be a, lefig Way Off, i6Wd Circle, $162; nills.Greeirr, $100; ple th W_ is aim open dpar for the in- I f � tock offers ai �vantages to "" Irkton,. $141.75; Lee- . London. on their retur4 t -hey will take I to $3o.00 in price we think our ! s creased publicity. X r. DIr49man sug- ista.y-at-boTreo are wondering uneasily .-oen, si.75.35; K t,rod , uctlicl'a of t r I I . . � a, $129- sea- ,be ChT%tJsA gwleland up residence in WingbW-. � _1 buyers that cannot be secured other places. B t of course ge,sted the replacing Y�� the Aquor-sell- g it - b a,t als safe a AtBta,nce�l ar, it �uin, $43.60; 'LMde;9bOT " -it is, ibe� 61941Y received by the Peo� At -filt! T-eceiA. qWter1j, rneetin,g of , . , . I k ' . Ing hostelries by ten peramce bote ls, a g-,qire'd a little while 4.90, . fofth, ,Q262.90; Tharmr- Road, $211; nd - , - � I dWion pLe, wd telvcUally bY the ,Young an- the 21misse of Rief=�., T -t �Itcee of the , '� - . $27; , � , we leave this entirely to ibe jud ement of the p'eo,'ple 4ho �r r, all .er the province. .1 _,r n - U �a Inspection - I 9 . strt ig of ther . 01 � Varna, $58; WhithrOP, - I , _ , . 1. . � I ThEs, he promises, Id lha#ea the , W 42; i, $30.45. County Council, . I . _. .- , . - Dam -D&Yfteld, , BWt1 z '- - n come to see. I Zhe Princess Patricias ' occul, 5ing 1119h p0sitimi In the- coun sbowed 91 inmates Tui everything fn I . ncr- .; Rgmoadyllle, 860; � * � ; . . � prob,lbiticyn ino,%ement,lirriprove the r. ' Brucefte 'd ' At of thts, is evident In u5 a -al -, accounts total- , I . The resu good ,ordier, as � . - . -_ a %g!'tjerich, $65; Romall, try - W41 Ul-many quarter,s. But jing, $2 -7.80 were. approved. Mr. ale of extsthig, h ttel, =4 would b Accoraing to LJ,eut. M. S. ide, B�g. Exetei� . - con_ I - . twqYs ,9 o visi,tprs v ice�,,�q a�n urged that - otp, �& tl-.e orilginal frembers of th� - - ITIMY We" ,41 I . rye, are a lad to show o-471 coats � , 4 �9 . . eat Scarcity of Chris- � A& - I - . L I - . ucciess. 'The r,ml 422.50; SUM374ne IW$810n I�And, Sea t,tlero 10 ptill a gr -nor, of Ciliaton, was awardled the, &M- . t - 'fh�e newispaper owae s. give publicity Prin,celss- Patricia Light Infantry, who fortl,i, $6.66; Aarbara, Kl,rkman Mission I era. The harveat is bounti- tract for supplyIng . . . I - . I I I - -,,�sald, ought is 1h!qXP_ on Wrlough with a i�vwi%i eaforth, ,$t7. Recel,pts from adx--, tian work brea4 to thp- Rouse � . " . , to tb1s.propo;&al, wh , he 'I., In 13and 3 ful -but tt�c, laborers are pitifully few. at $3.75 per 100 lbs. The queatLop, of I . , I , pea- - -e are now only twelve I ' , $3,471.07; -MUSIOn,BaAds, $256.- , - -pruperties own�d by Inmates I i to be Jakein UP by itb� prohtbition, thje� arrc�, t,ber lia4e`4 pleoed for.,greater elfort and gen s,ffling . . 65, making to- 1'k � . 15*00.$20.00 to ' 1$30000 Ple. Mr. D]Agm= - , of there being hiiIn and ,,one offleex of the battalion 08; accrued ,Lutere,,st, $4.6 er,001ty for Vlis'-gre,at worit ,�st C1100- tj-�at tb,� proceeds Mjgbt be applied to I 1 s9euu $ 1 . . a wav,�! of protabitioa eztLrant abrooA wjuch ,maxcbmd away frdm Ottawa a tal pccetlAg for tho year, 49,731-70- ` � Of China. He Is � th,, t i . - . . . . . � 6, 4 oDurse, been ave, so far .escaped The- fellowitag- Officers- were elected : W7�1,19 tbe Pil"O'L's _it care, was again' disedased, gad I ,, . orrier Ck4ario. There YOPT a,90, ,:who if � . his ,%ddmsz - - - . � .. . I."", af tbis, I aad �ven- without the umiscathp.d. The O;Dle remaining of0cer f.or.thz, current year:. Xw. (Rev, Dr.) A 44*t, flueu-t VeAkOV &Ud Inspector Torrance givei�� power to4eal I -_ ,- I — e-vLdenc6 W , e -it. ISM li . I __ - . - is Lieut. Papinea u, who, although Read ple,tcher wap re-elepted President a;md ev'Ae'ntly 'rade' " good 'rrPressio%X upon Lt'h 'e"'h case. -as sei&rs b. - - - . � .� balp lie ,Aslijs for the provErwe is get I ,wing , the ,audlenc�. a -e intenilp reCurning to Kayae% aia Iturate, wa4 committed to I � . . - I :1 - - � ti�Qg dxlar -and drier. 'Jast MaTiday was -of- tbp,- borrb-throwing coin-tAngent, a will be Isupportad by the folk - Har . tl-�a . or,6,nt .this fall. � . � I ' � .: I . . ! . . . - I 1. thle pf friends in 33�xyfield, on � � 11 I '; Co ffi, I ,,t dry I abor ,,, tI, l,t,rl,' ,, ,,,,, and in all tb;o- lw-!* Honor,ary Preolde,atS, &13,3 F 14 The, d,21P&Ates t0i ;the MIp-s' meet- tiveir requdst, an the 6ndltlon that , - . - ., I .--,\A 0 ; . le,guslature b d; e:d .this holiday po�unt ngrhtg, f jig Still In th6 r1ugi; 1,Lin, Seatorthl And 9X5- V. 'n. Kelly, , - - - I .ter � � _ - ' 'Ps. aa . J - - �,b . � , to the Itat V4NW a�� Xr,s. Smith, Hen- I I .%s the me=bers 14 the the village fgtv,e;0 & tKMdJtb&t bereaf I ! - t h- ilades Christmas Lleut, de Bay wAs the only other Goderldh; ist Vice, . I 6bie will Imet agaln beca.T.,e a chasge I , X L 0 Dai. It wasas dry ' the clasing of orAdna ofticer left wbm he fell. He ' - I - 2nd, .Mng. Cgr,swell, MOICill'Dlp; FIXegbytery, ,who Were .tv session dur- on - � I Ureig . ,,Clothillig.i I Q , the -Battle .1S&R1 7urner, Blyth; ith, Mris. It. VrX t;k.e &,y were entertained at din- the county. other caoz ,of Wrs0na , I � � tr,a bars could make #, % WAg W&II-AP-A at of Roage, Ord, Nlrg. I - 4. .. i " 0, Secre- mzr a:nd supper 'A the .1chool room of ihime, admisdon to the Asuse was -do- ... - * Brucef ield . Recording I I � I V, , on. Vky Sth, whp-n the Germans made Woods, - -_ f the Sea- sw�d wepe left far tbi� deicLsion of br. � . 1; ff. I. -, th� lad,es, 0 � X"V The ontaxia nickel!� carr,ml-talon, ap� a do,aperata effort to break .the British tary, *456 orabam, &ajoft.h; tro,A chuTch b. hicb a I Shaw, tbw ffou=_e pby-zlbl - � � I 1 qjj coxi,gregat-on a6d for , w I . I oeaforth's Greatest Cloth^ng Store nted ,by the proviifelal. government linf�jg. He wift return, to Engla.nd the Treasurer, Urs., J. C. G�rOii, Somforth; for I � � . i� poi; I . - � - . . I i . , * I - 1, � . - I . . - . I . t . � � � . i ,I! . � . . . I I � I I � .- . :. - I - 4 � I . . I � !, I � . . I � I t . � � . . I . ,� . . �­ . f. i , ., - I . I � . . .1 . I , V, . ��, il � . : . . � - . 4 i , I I . . dW I I 1 4' . I - I I . . - � I � I � I r . - . I I I i i I ___;_1 _� I " I . - - . ­ . . � . . I . I � .1 � ! � . ____­,_-_, .---.- _1�-___­_­-__­­_­1 ­_ " , - � .____._­ - .. _­ I., - _. - � ­ � . . ­ � ,- .- ­ . - i � � . _­­ ­__ ­.- - . . _. -.-.----- ___ I ­ ---- ---.--I- - -1 - I- . ­.­­ ­.: ­­,­ ., - - ­ _­_­­� . I . I �,- -_ 11 . ; ., " , f � . . 11 .1 ,--- , __­ I '. , w . T � � � . i � . I . : 5 - � . i . � . . . . : I - , - . � . I - � I . . 1 � � 11 i - - . I � ", . I ! . 4 1 - . - - ___­� - ___ - __ .1 - - 1.__.1____1 ___ ___ __..._____­ ____ __ --I--- . ________­­_­ . -tgw4ff4�--i�--5&pav�-07-�,-------- _______ __ __ - - - L_ - , � A