HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-09-03, Page 5rtml
SEPnlYIBR-3, .1910(
Pall Wows (Strthteudiattbktili;ve)***.,,,I. 85 1:15.
.1 k
Oats, pet husheknew) 40 to 45
Peas, nee a— 00 to 000
tiffOts* 60 be 65
• •*•-1. 27 00 to 27 00,
ton.... tia•• wa 80 00 to M CO
100 lbeea........-aeeieee.e 3 25 to 4 00
1, loon. ... 2114 23
Eggs Osi doean.. es eeekaae.wee19 le3 20
Ry new-- ....
... It 0G -t� 12 140
new, per.i*ale50 to, 5)
Be, . . 60 to 2 50
particularly good
tire at any stated
nfort, a shoe that
hoe that will serve
for a Smart shoe
?..w, dun, bright or
v style featurs—we
f prices but merely
:n tnetal calf boots,
toe $4.00 to
w English last for
or bluthher lace 'Oaa
S patent colt b-
kes for $5.00 a pair
last for 5.00 apair
'Slater shoes for men
Wr. Charles igeAlbster.
A,Ilister returned to
,e1c, after spending a,
n• at home. -Business
as sale and purchases
*ntlnue lively in our
ek we have to report
re in the way .ofM.
ho has very se...ceess-
, a Large and ever--
fld teed bu.siness and
;s, who has sold out
. Case anilr. son, Gar-,
to be carried Son um -I
le of George Case
,ve already taken pos.
on, on account et kfli-
O s• ell out and enjoy
[t f• rom wave duties,
Te also that a rest
and active business
eh he has worked so
:a Improve MS th..ealth,
ere wish of his many
will be the ease, In
ftor joins, and white
'we at present of gr.
nt from business, we
a and son, who are
vorably known hem
that they win prova
business tren and
-to Air. Scruton. --
rk left here recently
toba. to assist in the
Annie Carina and
left here on Monday
to Toronto, Niagara,
and other ct
absent for a couple
Lev. Mr. ICnight gave
:On on Sabba.th las%
ghly spoken of and
e of the 'best and
stirring ever given
s. tr. w. Palmer left
7 a couple ..Of ,weeks'
'In Toront+, Handl-
Mr. G. C. Petty film
n a splendid cement
.-llar and will soon.
)rehouse or beans,
r. situated kora the
adjoining the rat-
ty has also ,treated
new and improved
Lev. Mr. E. P. Ma,.
: -week trom spend -
vacation. and ocett--
Sabbath last s
Poultry Markets
don, Aug., 81—Dressed Poultry,
iekene, per lb., 18 to 19e; turkeys,
leer Be., 21 So 22e. Live -Old fowl, per
lb., 10e; young °Wakens, lb., 12 to 13c ;
turkeys, lb:, 16 Ito 13e. \
, Aug., 81 e- ing ehlek-
Maims, yeari-
daeaseel, 16 to 180; spr
to alcow6, ito 13e; duck-
, 17 to 0.8e.t
1 Dairy Iftsekstla
filsfitireet, Autslet 31,-0 e-Irkiest
eigesies, 12 74 toi 18 Mc; efineet
'easiteerns,12 1-2 to 1. 33attar --
OhleaceSt crpiaxery, 28 1-2 to 28 8-4o;
gieeonea, 27 14 Kci M7 8-40: 'Elfigs-Freabl
27 to 28c; 'selected, 25 to 290; Ne. 1
etcick, ilk; No, A s§:tck,- 110e. , *
don, Auguet 31. -Butter, dikitY, 28
to. . , - Solis, 08e; crooks, 26 to ne;
etwe its, 25e. Eggs --Basket, doz., 20
2104 mate,* doz., 119e.
Toronto, August 81.-Butter-Fres1i,
dairy, 24to 26e; inferior, 21 to 22c;
crea.riery Prints, 28 to 29e; do., 'solids,
08 tic' 28e- Bggis-No. 1, 22 to 128e per
dozen, in ease Jots; -extils, at ;24 to 125e.
Honey -No. flight (wholesale), 10 to
11 1-2e; do., SeSail, 12 1.2 Cto die.
CoMbs, (whielesale), per doz., No. 1,
*ISO to SS; No. 2, *1,,50 Ito $2. 'Cheese
-Large, 15 to 15 1-2 nts ; 45
lr4 t� 15 3-4c for twins. 01 4, cheese,
21 1-3c. Hooey - Buckvt. 7
1-4e a pound, an tins; 7e tO 7 3-4e in ,
learrele; strained clover honey, 12 1-20;
14e in 6 -lb tine; comb honey,. No. le
$3 per dozen; -No. 2, :$2.40 per dozen.
Se -lb. tins, 11 Se2c; 10 -Ib. tins, 12e.
Grain, Eta.
Toronto,a.uguet 31. -No. 1 Northern
41.20 1-2; No. a NeTfhP-rn, $1.18 1e2,
an track, lake ports; No. 3 Northern,
51.13 1-2, Port MoNicoll. Thoe quota-
etfons ane on rd ctsompt tattle/Ilene bates.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, nominal, on track
Toronto. Ontario Oate.-No. white, 51
• to '62c; No. 3 vehlte, 50 to •Sic, ae
corduse be feeights outslde-'new
ba.ts, 40 to 42 cents. Ontario
[Wheat -No. 2 Winter, per ear lot, nom-
jnal, 51.15; ne*,_ .51.00 to K02, ac-
cording to' freights. oatside. Sprouted
br, ereutty *heat,75 cents to
856, according to sample•; Cereal wheat,
41 05; tokigh wheat, 90 to 95e. Teas -
No. 2, per ear lots, .nominal,
according te freights outside. Bar-
ley. --Geod. milting barley, Ne. 3 or
better . 54 een-", nonelnal. -Manitoba
Flour. s- First patents, -in jute
bags., 56.80; second patents' in jute
bags, 55.80; strongbak.ees , jute
bagee 55.60, Toront,o; c -bags,
1.0e -extra. Ontario Fir-.14er, 90
per cent. patents, 44.60; doe, ew, 54,
seaboard, or Toronto freights in bags.
Milifeed-Car Iota delivered Montreal
freights -Bran, 527; 'shorts, 529; mid-
kllitigs, 530; good feed flour, per bag,
41.90. Baled gay and Straw -Dealers are
paying as follows for earlot deliveries
on track here :-Straw is quoted at
ma a ton, ear lot, dllvere-cl on track
here. Hay-Nol. 1 (ay is quoted at $17
, to 519; No. 2 at $15 to $16. t
Live Stook -Markets.
Union Stock Yards-, Toronto, Attu
51. -The cattle offering was not
fliSavy as a week ago, but th.
ber Was m excess of the sleman
,which,as wnever very pronounced, sa
where hand -weight choice batch
eteere were concerned. The buye
went after the latter class firet thin
and several loads went over the ,ecal
which east froth 47.75 to $7.90. Th
lapecial Uue exhauste.d, the badness d
seloeed a draggy tone, and when th
ateirket closed there were nu.mero
loads left over, erainly common qua&
stuff. The top price of tile 'mornin
Vs's $8.30, pEad for four extra*ehoic
eteers, which averaged 1,030 Iles. Ther
was only one- sYtMr sale reported .eve -
58, and. thebutcher rattle dteposed o
mislead in at values from $5' for corn
Mon, and *7.50 for. geed grade•anonal
Fat cow and butcher balls were ski
at the reduced values of last 'week
tenL 7;sicen all over, the trade if o
butcher% was shod steady. The bust
Was tn, etockers "4. feeders did .no
amoiint to grede
at al., farmene bein
too busy a. 'with their crops meantime
bother afioat cattle. Still, the few is.mal
iota shippe4 out 'showed that the -firs
call was fer good quality shortkeeps
and that pricee were holding firm
?liter - were few good to choice milk
ens and Oprlingers to meet a. good de
wand, and the light offering was elea,n
ed up, quotationa varying between $60
49S•• Unic.rOS where a few, special lambs
Made to $9 the ousiness was Sc uncle
-the closeng figuees of last week. Ligh
sheep were a trifle stronger, yearling'
were anything up to 25e cheaper, ba
ealsee and heavy iSteerg held steady
Hogs were a tight ru and packer
who wanted ma:tenet had t
pay an extra ,25c, the quotations .for
lots weighed off ears fluctuating be
*men. 59.40 and 5.9.65. McCurdy and
McCurdy bought three acted:: butcher
rattle. 800 to 1,000 los, 56.80 to $7.76
T. Neely, for Matthews -Blackwell
bought 200 cattle :-Butcher 'steers- and
hems's., 57.76 to $8.25; medium butch-
ers, 57.40 to 47.65; cows, $6.50 to 56.50.
Bred Rowntree bought 25 milkers and
Seriagers, 565 ta 5a5 each', C. and E.
Maebee bought 50 yearlinge, 500 to 600
ZA. 56.25 to $6.55; 30 stock steere,
804 to 900 lbs.., 56.25 to $6.85. George
Rowneree, for lia,rris Abattoir.
bought 300 cattle :-Batcher steers and
heifens, $7 to $8.15; cows, $3.75 to
475; bulls, 54 to &AO. Frankillunitisett
Might 86 butcher cattle, 000 to, .1,200
eks., 57.35 to $8.10. W. L.. Johinston,
ror Gunn% Ltd., taught 100 hogs, 18.94
f.o.b. Joe Wilion, tor 1-1. P. Kennel:V.
11101id t.-.11 heads :-Buteher Steers and
•Wafers, $7.60 to 57.90; cows, $4 to $6.26.
331IffatE4 31.—cattle — Prime
5Jdrstead,y, Others 16e to 25e Sower.
Obotc.e. to prime ;silted:rig steers, $9.25
tO1 59.65; fair to good, 58.50 ,to $03,90;
*e.f4n. and coarse, *7.75 to *8; •choice
smis(13 stere, 58.25 to 58,50; fair to
auss grassers, 57 57.0; light ,cona-
Isss, grassers, $5.50 to 56.50; yearlings,
dr3t-fed, $8 to 58.75; ccfmrocin, drYstesili
47.50 to 48; mere tet heifers, .$31.59
•tc' Vt.15:1,glood butehler heifere, 57 to
47.25; light grassy heifers, $5.50 to
; best fait cows, $6,50 to •Sle butehe.r
ben, MO to 16; crafters, $3.75 to
44,25; canners, 42.76 to 4,8,25; fancy
, 57 to 57.25; eausag.v3 bulls, t.$6
4ffASJ klext 11;041t. $4.5.0 to. Oitt
e -
t 10c lower. extreme hea-
vie's,' *7.66 to 17.76; 04,eav .14, 240 to
280 Ibis., 47.75 to 47.-90 Ciredfuros, 4/1.90
to .48.10; 'tutted, $8 to 0.80; lrorkers,
$8,16 to $8.26; pts, 0.75` to lig. Sheep
--Market steady, Top lainhs, 49.24 to
$9,50; yearlings, $7 to $7.51; wether,
$6.60 to *0,76; evreis, 56.0 to $0.25.
Calvezr—Itrarlset strung. pe, 518; 418; fair
to good, $1040 to 4121 grassers. $6
to n.0.t
Atontmal, Auguise 81. — The cattle
irarket was featured an advanced
price of , w4higher
e4fmrO$9. to $10 forkselecied sttroy.
The firmer feeling in thite department
was attributed .to t143, -increeseil price
EinghOli bae0A4' Otherlidee the
ket dragged, offerings lbeing, in. excess
of actusa requirements. Sellers, aibw-
ever, were alo totter price§
to any degree, and the result
was ftt the 0444 weedull through-
out tthile 'entire moisten. There was a,
good grade; of iralitibiS offered, and these
were queekly boa** up at from 48' to
8 1-4c pe r J. Cale* wertaiteady under
a teerlydegand. %ter° were ,no°Hall**. of .enor xport cattle were
any rpapetved. Quotations for live stock
sold in rosaid ,latis, are es tfollows:
Butchler cow -Vey choice, 48.25; ,
ablitot $7-86 to 48; goodi 37.50 WI
Lass, '47 to *7.26; rceditun, $6.50 to
to $6,75. Butcher 13o11-$5 to $7; aim -
song Sults, $5,25, to 55.50. OldSheep-
4 1-2 to 6 1-2e, arid iambs, y 1,2 to
a 1-4e per lb. Hove -Select, long runt
.5940 to *10; isibbrt Tan,$9.6k '0 $9.75;
Paws, , 47.05, and pitsgs, 55 to 411; per
cwt.,' 41 w4gibied" toff oars. Oalves-$8
to 415 eakE, accordin to oize nd
Toroa4-Aug. 28-SeDt. 18.
London -Set. 10-18. •
Viaikerton--Sapt, 1415. i
rdine-Sept. 16-17.
ter --Sept, 21-22.
Sti, Mar -Sep. 21-22,
I., towel -Sept. 2148. • !
atfo4rd-Sept. 21-28.
Z ieh-Sept. 2248. 1
verbian-Sept. 28-24.
Wingliarc-Sept. 23-24. •
SEAFORSIS-Sept. 23-24.
Parkinll-Sept. 23-24.
toll -Sept. 28, 22, 30.
34 ebell-Sept, 28-29.
ley -Set. 28-29.
• .1- •
, Oralg—Sept. 28-29.
; Skiean-Sept. 80-0ett. 1.
BT Ptels—Oet.
BI th-Oct. 5-6.
Ba field -Oct. 5-6. • 't
non -Oct.• 7-8.
1 •
I •
• • .i
• Holders of Government Diploma
1 • and License •
. t
I Ni t Calls Day Calls
Pb ne 107- ' PhOne 60
SANDE SON -In Exeter, on August 22nd, to Mr.
and re. (legit Sanderson, a daughter.
RIOHAR S -1n Stephen, on August 21, to Mr. and
lars. ohn Richards,a daughter.
n Centralia, on August 19t1I, to Mr, and
Airs. eorge Hicks, a daughter.
STERL 9-1n Tuelteremth, on August 218t, to
Mr. a d Mrs. Russell Sterling, a son.
PFAFF t Grat.d Bend, on August 23rd, to Mr.
aed s. Wilbur Pfaff, a daughter.
WALLE Li Wroxeter, on August 23rd- to Mr.
and Ms. Waller,. a daughter.
LA31PHR Y -In Goderich township, on Thursday,
Auutt )sth, to Mr. and -Mrs. Herbert Lam.
phreyk a daughter.
WATSON In Tuckeramith, on August 28th, to Mr.
and rs. IOU., P. Watson, a daughter (Mar-
garet Irlekland)
HAMILT Gorrie, on August 26th, to Mr,
and at s. A. M. Hamiltoa, twins -boy and girl.
JONES -R KE -In Detroit, Miss Claire Rooke,
daugh r of the late George Rooke. of Usborne
to Min r Elmore Jones, of Detroit.'
BROW/q- OWER,MAN--At Kirkton, on August 11
Leory rown-of Sault Ste. Marie, tolliss Myrtle,
grand. aughter of Mr. J. F. Stinson, of Ilirkton
- Deaths
CAIKARY- a Brussels, on August 22ad, William
Oakley, ag-ed 65 years and 6 months.
ARMSTRO G -In Morrie toWnship on August 24,
Jennie 1oKenzie, beloved wife of Robert Arm-
strong n her 47th year. -
SOMERVI E -In Goderich,- on August 251h, Kate
M. Reid belayed wife of Mr. John Somerville.
WILLERT In Stephen, on Angust 20th, Mrs.
Henry Willert, aged 93 years.
IIAWKIN In Uaborne, on August 251h, , Olive
-Evelyn, poungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
0. Haw ins, aged 9 months.
GRAHAM - n Hilbert. on August 10, Wilhelmina,
wife of Robert Graham* aged 49 yeara.
PREETER n Dashwood, on Anust 20, Fred Nee.
ter, sr., ged 62 years, 11 months.
• i
I a f,r. . Holmes
Funeral Director and
• Licensed Embalmer
1 Undertaking% parlors in Oddifel
lows building opposite
St wart Bros.esi-
de ce Godench st., opp.
, Dr Scott's; .
-Fl4wers "furnished
sh t notice.
I Phone.. Night or Day119.
•4 i
, •
•••••• •• .• • • o • ••••0 •••••••
House arttl Lots for Sale
That very desirable property known as the Arthur
Forbes dweIl'ng aed three lots, eituated on the
south side of Victoria ,park, must be eold as the
owner 11 left town. This property has every mod
ern cony Weave and is meated very conveniently to
bueiness part orthe town, no reserve. Torres to
suit purchaser. :11 For further particulars apply to
Mrs, A. :Fort:eel! Clinton,- or
2489-4 1 ;JOHN RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth
Miss Annie IGovenlock, graduate of Canadaian
Academy of muse, reapened her classes, in
piano, orgsn and theory, September let. Pupils will
be prepared, for _Canadian Academy and, Toronto
Conservatory examination. Special classes in
Sight singing a • d accompaniment playing will be
held during th year For terms apply at the
residence of .GOVEINIkelf, North Main sb.,
Seaforth. 2490x8
Fa in for Sale
The James Roe4 farm on the London Road, part,
lot 13,Conoessions1, Stanley township, 92 Acres will
be sold at anctloe on the pretnieea on September 8rd
1915. For fur -their particulars apply to tbelOAN-
Clinton. I
Dated thie 291h day of June, 1915. 2481-eow-6
The Canadianflank of
facility for the transaction
the discount' and collection
are.. supplied free of charge
sm EDMuND WALKER. C.V.°. 2,L. Pireeiddiant
ALEXANDER reAraD. Genera Maarassr MIN AIR% Ault aeoeted U1101981
CAPITAL, $15,000,000. RESERVE11110, $13,500,000
Commerce extends to Farmers evety
of their banking business, including
of sales notes. Blank sales notes
on applieation.
setiforth Branch.
W. 0. T. MORSON -
FOR SALE --Seven roomed house snd two It
y.. s, TR , Seafort . 2488.4
TriOR SALE -Lot 85, Con.oession 4, gollillop, 100
acres, with bush, windmill, fruit orchards. For
further particulars apply to Mrs. M. A. GAETZ.
MEYER, !.O. Box 258, Seaforth. 2486.tt
also larcgrsvorkshotor would sell shop sepsis ,
5420 ACIR4 FARM FOR SALE—For sale Lot 88,
Concession 9, Meant , well fenoed And wall
drained. Five acres of g hardwood bush. , The
balance is seeded down.
2488x4 Apply to ROBrIRT BETTS
Walton "p.o.
NITANTED-An indUetrious man who can earn.
VY 41100 per month and expenses selling our Pro.
duets to farmers. Most have ElOrne means for Start -
We' expenses and furnish contract signed by two
responsible men. Address-W.T. RAWLEIGH 0o.,
Toronto,Ont., giving age, odbupationand references
SWeARD-Theendersigned Undoes of SI. S. No.
411,9,Tuokersmkh, offer a reward of ten doliare to
any person who will give information that will lead
Lo the conviction of the persona who entered_ the
school premises on Sunday evening, August 22nd
and destroyed spine flowers on the premises. JOS.
Trustees-. 2489x8
eavamonammosoomot •
COTTAGE TO RENT --To rent, that conveniently
• situated and comfortable cottage reoenMy oc-
cupied by. thelateltre. Miller. It has been recently
repainted and renovated. There are two iota and
a good stable, within one block of Main street. Rent
very reasonable to a desirable tenant. Apply at
EPPOSITOR OFFICE, Seaforth. 2488-tf
-us-ARM FOR SALE -Lot 27, Concession 1-6, Hay
1' township, one hundred acres all eleared and in
a good state of cultivation. The soli is good °lay
loam and is well drained and fenced. On the land
la a storey and a half brick house and large bank
ban with brink stabling, plenty of water. Apply
on the premises to OBIARLES FARQUHAR or to
W. T. FAItQUHAR, Hensel'.2486x44f
VARM FOR SALE. -Lot 6, Cloncession 9, Tucker.
I' smith, Containing 1.00 acreCablint seven acres
ander bush. The farm is Ivan feneed and drained
and In a good state of cultivation. There are on the
premises a good frame house, bank barn, pig house,
lien house, drive house !and two good wells. For
berme and particulars apply on the:premises or ad-
dress MRS. JOHNaMcOLOY, Eginondville P.O.
1,1A1M FOR SALE --Lot 10, Concession 6, L.R.S.,
Tuckeraraith.. The farm contains 100 acres, all
cleared and in a good state of oultivation. Three
never failing wells, windmill at barn'. Good bank
barn 50188, pig hOuse, hen house and drive shed.
A good frathe house with furnace. An are and a
half of extra good orchard. This choice farm is
within 8 miles of Seaforth, on the Kippen road,
HENRY FORSYTH, •Egmondville, 246241
FOR SALE—A good comfortable house
newlypainted and in good repair, adjacent to
Main street, Seaforth. There is a good building on
the lot suitable xor a blaoksmth shop or stable.
The house has all modern conveniences- and is In
gcod repair and will be sold oheap and on easy taims,
as the owner has left town. Apply to JOHN RAN.
KIN, Seaforth. 248941
GOOD FARM FOR SALE—Lot 21, Concession 1,1
Tuck ersmith, H.R.S.a100 acres all cleared and '
ready for crop. Gcod frame house and bank barn,
pig pen, hen house and driving house. A good or-
chard and plenty of good water, well tile drained,
well fenced and all first class condition. On
the Huron Road, two naileS and a half from Seaforth
and six miles from Clinton, will be sold cheap and
on easy terms. Apply to J. B. Henderson,Seaforth
QOOD FARM FOR SALE—For Sale Lob 25 and
put of Lob 24, Conoeseloalle, MoKillop, con-
taining 130 acres. There are on the premises a
modern brick house with hard and :soft water.
There ie also a good barn 60x126, with stone fowl -
dation and stabling underneath, driving shed 3bx40
on stone foundation, pig pen and hen: house, all
In good repair. There is also a good beariag or 1
chard and two,never failing wells. The farm is well
underdrained and well fenced and in a high state of
cultivation with 10 aores of hardwood bush. 71 18
well situated 'on the North gravel zoo& 1 mile south
of Walton 0.aP. 11 etation, also telephone and rural
mail delivery. Thie is a OhOiCe farm and will be
sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars
apply on the:pretnises,oratddret a W. J. DICKSON
Walton. • 2458-1
liOUSEHOLE EFFEOTS—B. S. Phillips has
received instructions from Mr. George Beach to sell
by pupil° auction on his premises, London Road,
Hensall, on Saturday, e eptember llth, 1915, at 1
p. m. sharp, the following effects. 1 piano, 3 bed-
room suites complete, 1 dining room suite, 1 parlor
suite, kitchen utensils, stoves, china- ware, -bedding,
carpets, glass ware, piotnres eta, in fact everything
in a well furnished house, also full set of carpenter
tools, garden tools and a lot of other articles too
numerous to mention. illouse and lots object to
be sold prior to auctionisale. The furniture is ex-
ceptionally good and pahies wanting anythbur10
that line would do welt to ahtend the sale. Terms of
sale, cash, Mr. GEORGE BEACH, Prop.; B. S.
Aucbioneer, " 2490-2
Farm for Sale
Farm Inc sale, Lot 25, Concession 1, Ilibberb, con-
taining 98 acres. There are rn the premises s brick
house with cement cellar and good (Astern, hard
water at the door. There is also a fraroe barn 40x65
with stabling underneath, there is also an orchard
and well at the barn. It is well situated on the
Huron road, four miles from ..13eafor1h1 milee
from Dublin. It is about 20 rods to Catholic church,
separate school, store and post office: There is One
a flag station on the farm. For full particulars'
Apply to PETER CLEARY, Executor Ileaforth p.a.
R.R, No, 4, or to J. L. KILLORIN, Solloitor,
Goderioh 249041
Labor Day
Single Fare—Good going and return-
ing September tith only.
Fare and One -Third -Good going Sep.
• tember 4bh, 5th and 6th.
Return limit September 7th, 1916.
Return iota will be issued between
all stations in Canada, east of Port
Arthurand to Detroit andPort Hur-
on, Mich,, Buffalo, Black Rock,
Niagara Falls and Suspension
Bridge, N. Y,
Tickets and full information on appli-.
cation to agents.
t Canadian National Exhibition
Return Tickets
at reduced fares to Toronto from all
stations in Canada. Special train ser-
vice and low rate excursions` from all
principal 'Points on certain dates. Ask
ageats full particular*:
W. Somerville— Tcwn Agent
W. Plant.. .... ..Depot Age,: t
C. E. HORNING, D. P, A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Oat,
For gale
that very desirable MIA residenci owned by
George Oheeney and at- present ocoupled by August
Gnhr, must be sold. This PrOPertY.is In first °Iasi
condition, bard and soft water, atdo a new furnaoe
and cementfioor in cellar. No reserve as the owner
has decided to close out his Sesforth estate. For pries
And terms apply to JOHN RANKIN.-Broker,, Main
at, or to Mrs. M. 0. CHESNEY' Seaforth. 14894
Court. of Revision
Notice Le hereby given that a Oourt will be held
pursuant to the,Ontario Vases' Lilts At, by hie
honor, the Judge of the ()aunty °Mart of Huron, at
the town hall, Seaforth, on the 37th day of Septem-
ber. 1915, at 4 o'clock, to hear ind determine coin--
plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of
the Munioipality of the Township of Tuokerowith
for 1910.
McGREGOR, Olerk of the Municipality
of the Township of TUokersmith
Dated this 1st day of September; 1915. 2490-2
Fall. Term OpeiaScptember
,(// 0,•
Toronto, does not ask for a better re-
putation than it already possessors.
We get positions tor many students
each year. Catalogue free. W. J.
Elliott, Principal, 734 Yonge st.
Yonge and Charles streets.
House for Sale
The re.sidence on Goderich Street
West, owned by 'Mr. D. 3. McCallum,
and at present occupied by Mr. John
Dodds, will he sold cheap. Terms of
payment reasonable. For particulars,
apply to . •
t /GS unlace, Agent,
2484-tf Seaforth.
Seaforth Produ,
, East' Godenon street
opposite Queen's Hotel
The prises for this week•will be a s
Butter in tubs or boxes....22e
B gs 19c per doz
Young chicks.. 12c to 13c
Old fowl 7 to 9c
Ducklings. 70
Fowl to be delivered on Monday
or Tuesday morning.
Store open Saturday nigh,
Thos. R. Thomson
umber and
We have in stook and are
prepared to sell at the
lowest prices No. i hem-
lock lumber and the best
grade x x x, XXXX and
xxxxx red cedar shingles.
Before building or mak-
ing repairs call and see
our stock or drop us a card
for prices.
Anent Bros,
Shorthorn Bull for Sale
• For sale" Lord Scott" eleven
months old, red, siredbyScottish.
Hero 55043-90060, vol 51E., imported
by Mr. Davis of Woodstock. Dam,
Lady Smith 3rd, 91905, red, calved
April 3rd, 1907, bred by John Chamb-
ers, Kippen, Ont, dam of Lady Smith
Lady Smith 2nd, 60262; Lady Smith,
Lady Mary, 4osebud 3rd, Eose Bud,
Red Rose, Lady Lorne, Gilley Flower,
Theresa,- Strawberry, Red Rome, Lady
Jane (itnp) No. 281. Sire of Lady
Smith, Red Prince 63984-77608; Royal
Don 17105-64717; Captain 24848; Dub-
lin 68-55588; Captain Merlin 2023;
Pride of Seabain 2274; Earl of Good-
ness 8rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; Duke
Bourbon 517; Baron Solway' (imp) 23;
Cobden •(imp) 52; YOUrig Britton).1/6;
Sir Walter 21159; Son of Jerry 4097;
Young Star 5319; Rosebeny 567; Son
of Comet 155. It will be seen from
the above that this young buil heath°
very choicest blood. in his veins. For
further particulars apply to
Phone 6 on 147, Seafortb. Central
N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kept
or service on the above prbmises
uring the present season. 2473-tr
Pro it Sharing Year
Listowel Business
Begins on TUESDAY, Sept 7th, 4915
E alre4ly have more students enrolled for the coming
year ilha.n have ever entered at a Fall term opening
in the history of the scnool. Our aim is to enroll
too new students during the school year from September,
1915, to June, 1916, and if successful in this—and we fully
expect to be --we will share our profits by handing each
student registered during the year, a check for
10 per cent. of the Tuition, Paid
Our past record* of fair dealing, coupled with the
success 'of our ex -students and graduates, who, by the
way, are our best advertisements, is going to enable us to
reach our ideal of
100, NewStudents for Profit
Sharing Year
Write now and let us know when you are coming,
The hest time to enter is at our Fall opening —or as
early after that date as possible.
Edwin G. Matthews Principal
Fall Term from August 301
This is Ontario's best practical
• training school with Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart -
merits. ' Our courses are thorouglt
and instructors are experienced.
We place graduates in positions.
Write for our free catalog at once
and see if it interests you.
– ..,..
easeemeeseeseeasiemis -
I We Recommend Cs Coal e
IVVe know it's g4.. It's
unusual richness in carbon
makes it burn long, evenly
and completely.
th• AtilaRAc tTEL ,
se e Coal Th;it- Satisfies
is always uniform in quality,
Ivery free from .slate and other
foreign matter. Although
much more economicalthan
ordinary coal, it costs you
In°Pnhi.:33nree. us your order for
prompt delivery.
I J. Bpheon. 11uonsitard 1
I I -
Seaforth Fall Fair
will be held under the auspices
1 • of the Seaforth Agr icultural
Society on Thursday & Friday
September 23 & 24 1915
; Bicycle Races
Speedivg Costes
For Prize Lists Write ths Secretary
J. . McDowell A. E. Colson M. Broderick
2 President Treasurer Secretary •
•••••••••••••••********** ceeeeee************4%**
*.++:++++.*++.+++*++++++++ G+++++++.++_+.+_4*++++f++44
The Big Hardware Store 11
By Coming to the
Big Hardware Store
for Sale
4* Special Prices on the following
t 100 Galvanized Tabs—assorted sizes
6 dozen ni
ck e 1- paed copp r and
The undersigned offers for sale his
very desirable residence, situated a
mile west of Seaforth, on the guron
Road. The hbuse contaInseseven rooms,
besides kitchen and pantries, bath-
room and iumber room. There is , a
furnace in the beim, and also eleetrk
light throughout, and in She out-
balidinge there are two cisterns and,
two wells. There are about two and a
half aeAs of land witbi the house,
fenced, and planted with fruit and
ornamental trees and shrubs; there is
also Esstable for two horses and a
cow, and vehicles, harness and tool
room and chicken house. In connection
with the above, Mr. litolmasted offers
for sale a mantel mirror, electile light
fixture, carps* eartains, riktb,
sideboard, extension table, , • d room
suits, etc, The property 1,5 very con,
venient to schools aid churches. Price,
43,000. For fiirther, particulars end
photograph of 11011Se apply to
aluminun tea -kettles
4- 4 dozen tin and copper boilers
+ 100 galvanized stable pails
t, Also a large quantity of Graintewakre
1 . We have a first 'class tinsmith shop. Bring along your
• repairs. i'D Leave your orders early for eavetroughi
,..., i ,
, furnacek bathroom atufits, pumps, tin work and rea
... ... 4
1 •
I a DGE9 Sea or
T++++4,44.4.4;144444444 144++.4[4083+4.4404{410K .