HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-08-06, Page 8•
We're Handing Out
On any tan shoe in our store
we will hand you _back a dol-
lar from its regular price.
For comfort and and good
wearing qualities—you can-
not beat tan shoes. 1 his is
a chance you cannot afford
to miss. Nothing reserved--
nc# 'sale of braken lines or
taran r
, A Birthday ,Party. -MIs a 4anet Muff
gave A berthday party xecently and
of the young guests bringing
ter a 'birthday PreSent, eaesh One
brought a cent for every yea
ware old to go m aid og the Red
funk. With the remit "that th
etran 41.11 was ea-allsed, Aad
eel', apt the Red Croas ,Society. T
aovel and bright '),Idea. and
that evea the children Are:, an
a° thew bit for their costar
a 1.
Appeal Casea. I -I leer Judge
soiled tans. The best tan calf Doyle hae ghat' his decision 'n 'the
is was
ewe try
asses,sment aepeals for Seaforth which
footwear we've had and the
had ender consideration. n the
best thats made. case a tre eistate f th A ie., Mrs,
Terrier, tte Judge decide that the
meame of the estate is euhj; ct VI) taxa, -
hors for the whore year d, eeplte
fact that ,the estate ha s been distribut-
ed and the esseesment was !reseed, from
$700 tot $1,000. The court [of kevisloa
Here they are:
so pairs of men's tan calf
shoes,* button or blucher lace
styles high and medium high
toe --;bapes. Regular price 4.50
Sate Price 1$3.50
49 pairs of women's tan calf
shoes, button and blucher lace
styles, short vamp shapes
Regular Price $3, go
Sale Price $2.50
xs pairs 9f women's brown
calf shoes, button and blucher
lace styles, the very newest
shapes and color.
Ree-uhar Price $4.00
Sale Price $3.00
Don't ivait until your size is
gone—Come in, J1Vow
The Cash Shoe Store
Quality gpoiewear
Opposite Expositor Office
Telephone Us
for an appointment,
we will be glad to
make portraits of
lialkr children., your
self the entire &m-
it- or any gathering
Fell's Studio
raised. the iriecime aseessrnent
John. Turner ,to $1,300. Mr.' Ter
pealed :I to the Judge Aga st ti
eessment but the assess. t
guetained The rappeal of Mr.
ealeck against his incomeass
via,s also dismissed.
. ,
Zeiiring skfuter Nifty YearS.
AtiebroOk„ the well ,known go
On the Grand TrUnk BaiWaY. '
Godaiich and 33afta19.1haSill*
the'. service Of the ctiMpany aft
yAars faithfal service..
made hp fitat rualegm A at
and bp last on 3:4y Oat, I
basi nO doubt, had max4t an -
experiences during . thesemany year.
and, he considers himself ifort
Ilgale ciatae -otroogai 4* -w4u. ag
never having bad' .1xian7.(Aterto
haps. Mr. Auabrook waS aot
ca,refal aadefficient railafay
a onoit .1tinelly end ,oli ging
and --he wIll be munb •rnlsaed
remembered by. ,braveller one
fa.lo-Goderich' roach. He re
supeaanauation and, he iso t
of frieleds who will join, The
tar in the sincereat hope that
be Jong spared, in healt ' aid
of Mr-
er siph
is Sae
for the 'purehase
Replytrig to yo
Whether the an
'i: eau! may r
is done. We ar
every 'week td our iL
er forhthe purpose of purehaetng!sup-
er 11 I readilieunders and thia it le, trot
pliee for the 'varier hospitals,- Yoa
peleibii to tell you to which hOspitals
theSe will te seanhase we reeeive re-
eheStss from the, 141110;b8 hospitals f as
ti e articles are needed and we for-
ward 'them stecordingly_ YaUi may as-
sure all the Seaforth friends that
every rdayllar received is being spent to
the, best "peassible advantage
dursteal supplies.'
n Wry as te
Spent as desirs eathet
aSsured that tins
foewarding money
°sedan Commiseion-
Mr. T.
X fifty
t, 1865,
+4 a
kAI1E8' TAlkOR
Also Furrier
The Only Horn in Seaforth
-to enjoy the. well ear
WCL -his loag andfalthful services
so lastly entitle him.
, Wirie++•+-4-.14-4444-144-4-1.-++40+++
Successor to W. N. Watson
nate to
wily a
an but
jld long
e But-
.4ft• my
twe to
The Croix. -The cropwh
ised see favorably a ,i w w
arewe are afriaid,. kely
some what disappointing.
wheat, Which made such a f
ance, now that it is .baing
is in. rnany places likily to
The. -late frosts affected t
There is abundance.,oh etre,
crop looks fine on .the 1 groul
sheaves are • light. The bott
• heads are well filled With ai
grain, but the tops of the
blasted. This will detract
from the geoteraa yield, W
aeheral Fire, Life and Accident Insur-
ance Agent. Real Estate and
Loan Agent. Insurance on all
kinds ef property effected at the
lowest rates. '
Dealer in New Raymond, White and
New Home Sewing Machines and
National Cream Separator&
a full supply of sewing machine
needlesr attachments oil and re-
pairs always in stock'.
Jeweler and Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Watch Our
Death of Rev, Dr. Nixon.-Tb.e de. -
teased, all ded...to in the folio -wing no
nee which we take ,frorn the London
Advertiser 021 T esday, was the fathe
or Jot Mr. Nixon, late- organist etnia',
claiir feeder in. the Preshyterian,church
Seaforth : Rev. Thomas Nixon, Pb. D.,
died at his home, 205 Jahn Street,
Monday morning at 6 O'clock, pr. Nix-
on toss been ill- for about one year.
He was stricken, while pastor of the
Presbyterian church in Kamloops, RC.,
a-nd was compelled thro igh the nature
of the. disease he paltered from, to
to resign his pastorate there aad re-
turn tail London. Ha had been in poor
tealth ,since, lb. -It did inot become dang.
eroatel; ill *until last Monday. On Sun-
day night, ley 25th, ilia preacehd a
strong sermon in New St. James' rrea-
bytertan church. On Monday he was
compelled to take to his bed, which
re did not quit until death took him.
Ile died pea,ceiaiy. There was no.
-peen. He did not know he was to die
eatti late Sunday night, And when he
laamned there vela no atop for a recova
airy, became.mstantly reconsiled. Dr.
Nixon was -,s. thorough Christian and .
praetised th lais oven life what, he
taught °there from the .puirat. He
had hosts of friends an London and vi-
cinity. Dr. Nixon was born near Bel.
fast, Ireland, 58 years age. fle caite
to Canada with hie parents when 8
year old, istnce'when he had contin
ousay, lived in the Dominien. It ari
early age he 'decided, to enter the min-
istry, and, studied "hard towards this
becoming ordained into the pas-
torate of the. Stoufiville Presbyterian
churth wheal- 28 year Of age. Ile
was married to Margaret Mitchell
When in thia charge. After a few
years in Souffville he Accepted a call
to Smith's- Palle, re,slantng thia lat-
ter charge after 16 3,eaxs. Tyo year
later be came to Hyde Park, Kornoka
and West ',tendon, the three_ e:harges
then m this paatotate. He preached
these three charges every Sunday
for about eight yeara, when he went
to Kamloops, B. C., where he ten -mut-
ed eatil Meese compelled to re -
tarn to London, where he remained
until his death. nday morning.
h prom -
eke ago
to prove
he fall
e appeae-
be light.
e heads.
and the
b t the
ne of the
elide. are
at that
pronnsed a yield cif at least !35 bushels.
an: hereefit is now fehred w
erage more than 16, even if
vested, and the pre.sent we
la • not , likely to...improve it
Oats which looked so well ar
a huraper crop, aresin manyee
affected by smut and the r sit rains
have lodged them so ,it is doubtful if•
t es, will fill or ripen. Hothever, the
wet weather will he .benefklial tot the
grass- and .the roots. And ist is pos-
tter than
ins have
elsewhere -
co un tie s
rant, the
rim. was accompanied by lit gh winds
and did much greater damage to the
craps which were most promising.
With favorable weather fro
things will likely come out
and there will be a fair ,lel'
!telt perhaps as large w
time anticipa,ted.
The Home of cs-Goiecte'Sboes
11 not ,a-v-
any. The
d augured
es bad1y
Hand ,Bags Mimic Bolls
Letter Case Bill Folds
Gard Gases Parses
Ihese are all gpnaine
leather and the prwes are
Bible things may turn telt b
some expect. The recent r
been much 'more destructive.
than in our locality. In th
of3 York, Wentwotth, and,
this out
all right
s at one
Tre Red Cross. -The eucht a givtn at
the Commercial Hotel by Ktand. Mrs.
A. A.. hieLennan oin Wedne day even-
argely at -
able fenc-
iss Bezel
id. A.fter
the young
e spa.eloos
ere artie-
mg of last week wa.,e very
tended and -was atmcist enj
then. The winners were ,
Reid and Mr.! Mac McDer
the serving Of !refreshments!
people 'enjoyedsh dance t
-dining room. !The roorns
• tioally and appropriately decorated.
The beautiful rha,nd painted bowl do
noted by Mrs.! McLennan w
Ars: T. E. Hays, elle hay
the lucky ticket. On Th: ,rs
noon there was a gatherin
and those who could not
evening entertainment, wh
sewing. On this Mea81011 M S. S. Bar-
• ton was awarded the 'prize for the oldr
est lady rresent. On Thur
mg a _musical and. literary
ment was given. :Phis t
success. The program -he w
ried out .and was greatly njoyed by
all present. Solos were .gtveh by Misses
Grew and Holman and Mestere. W. ,T.
and Scott Hays,r readings Were given
by Wks. V. B. McLean and „Mr. R. g
wine by
g drawn
ay after -
of ladies
ttend the
met for
a.y even-
entertain -
o was a
well car -
Axolotl:mid, aed an address w
en by Rev. Father Coaceram.
esting feature in the progr
an ;address fran a Mr. Pol
torned, soldier who had bee
home and, who in a modest
his expel -lenges in the tre
When en ',battle. Mr. Pollock
raercial traveller and. was
the hotel. Two' other gentle
Curtis and Barron. of Bu
hotel guests, added much
terest of the programme .b
etremental eelectiorrs. Miss
acted as a.ccompanist and
Larktn as; chairman. Mr. in
Lenn.an left notlung undo
co -id add to the comfort an
of their nemerotts guests ail
be extremelr' gratifying to
their efforts proved eo et
every respect. The liberal s.
was realized for the good 1
has been approhrtated as fol
Cross Society, $104.10; Shorn
pital, $92.40; Soldiers' Tob
The following donation.s
received by Mrs. Neil, the
treasurer since la,st acknowl
Miss Craig, 1$1; A. Friend, $
Colbert',Fo tea, ($7; A Friend.,
Boxes; $5.11; afire. Brine, ,$
Thompson's Bookstore
Agents for New Idea ioe patterns
O'Leary if Ottawa are vielting.
Mrs. ihtLeary'h mother: Mrs L.
Donald. -Miss Charters'. of Chatham, is
visiting with Ma and Mae. las. ;Wats
eorte-Dir McRae. - Calgary, who
).pent 4 -few days in town last week.
left Oh Manley for-Goderich to Lpend
a coup% of deere with ,liedge Holt and
family . before retitrniag Ateehis West'
ern home. -Mrs. Cainpbell, of ltloose
Jaw 0 visiting rer.eister, giss Car-
michael. John street.--Mies-11. Murray
and Mr. end Mrs. „Man Finla,yeon we're
In Auburn last week visiting Mr. J.
PaWg1011.-31r. Aipal WS. Watt aadfarn-
Aly -of Nava Harriliarg Are visiting at the
hone -af WS. Watt's father, Mr. ,J.
B. Ilende,reon..-Ivia. Bruce Scott of To-
ronto woo here this week visiting*
friends. --Mies Nellie McNabb is spend-
ing liar holidays in Fergus. alias
Margaret Sutherland and Mae 3. J.
Elliott ate visiting with .airis. J. Mc-
Kinney at Bervie.-Mr. Richard Deem
of Stratford, and nate HaroltaDeerry of
Vingliam were gueets this week at
the home of Mr. Deerna-Mr. .Thomas
Jackson, ,sr., of Clinton, is tha guest
of gas, L. L. 1/1eFaul.-Maaar Sidney
Pipar of Hamilton is visiting at the
hakneeof bis mete, gr. 3. W. Beattie, -
The Seaftarth bend received first prize
at the Thorold tourname-nt on Wed -
navies for being the largest' organize -
G. P. Rogers and family
Of Lioadmit sae the artiestaof Mas. Rog-
ers' went/ at the 4/tieenta. - The
many 'frtends of Via. Harry Willis, who
liaal teen AO seriously ill for sometime,
wjUike pleased to learn that he is
iinproting and i now convalescing at
tte .!takarne.. of his mother. In. town. -
Ma. Hugh We of HaeritltoalisePend-
ing- ate*, days it his home shere.-
Mr. OW* Hairs02 Guetah Vent Sun-
diay at ORA parental al:Orde of Mr. end
ifts. R. S. Has.e.-miss Gregory of
Collingwood is the gee* a M. W.
E. Southgate.-Mias Helen Larkin left
this week to Spen4 some tine
-releitiveS In Bastora-Mra. J. E. L.
'Patagonian and two eons, who have been
speadirs the past moeth witb, Mrs.
Raagman's mother_ at Maple Hall,. left
On Thursday for their thong) in To-
,ronto....- Miss Margaret Pinkatee, of
Stratford is a guest at the home oZ
.a.nd Mrs. W. A. Creel., 1
Monday to ;visit at his own parental,
honse London. -Mr. James Scott.
f rly of this town, has purchase&
a mode -nee in Ednienton land willimake
that city his permanent residence. -Mr.
and(14(rs. T. gays p. -family %re-
union on Sunday last at which ari
their- children were present With the
exceptton MTS. Monroe, of Sas-
katorm.-Rev. Dr. McRae, Of Calgary;
combated the services in the PresbYr
tgran church 0,41 Sunday evening. He
opoke of some of the religiou,s aSpects
02 GerMany, where he hlaell .5pent ,two
vats in study not long ago. Ur. Scott
HaYkt. id Bettina, rendered a solo very
acceptably , at the same service. -Previous to leaving for Thorold, Tease
day, the bead and the fire brigad,e
paraded up Main street. They Mede-
a Vex" fine appearance and we. venture
the Statemen,t that there will be few
bitter waking cOrepaniea at Thorold.
Schafer, of ,-Ltstowel, is vialt-.
rng Yab! her ffranddaYgiv.ter, WS- (Pr.)
Ef. ilit!o0.-3ttiri Ifrs. B AtkAne
Dr. Forster of titration", eye, ear, nose and
throat specialist, will not he at the Queen's Hotel,
Seatorth, during the month of July. 248841
Dr. Heileman Osteoyathio Physician ib at the
Commercial flotiel every Tuesday and Friday from 8'
to 12.30, 8se Professional Card page 7. 24464f
For 8I& -Several rosid-houses on early terms II.
Edge,filestorth. • 2329-
t 4
! Dwelling horse and two lots cn Jamesat, for sal
Apply James Watson, Seafortb. , 247441
"Wanted -A good general servant. *Apply to Box
158, God eriah, opt. sow
House Wanted -Must be in good repair, Seven or
eight roomed oottage preferred, must have stable,
Robert Henchmen, ese 201, Seaftuth. 2486-1
Money to Loan-privatefunds to loan on first
mortgage. Apply at Expositor dice. • 1484x4
For Sale - 0din'ortable dwelling on East
law st. Apply -to Jaings Watson. 2484x4
Marriage Licenses issued by 8avauge and Stollery
Jewellers, Etc., Seaforth. 227741
,Money 0 Loin -To loan on first mortgage on rood
farm property. •Apply at the Expositor Office.
For Sale -One single top buggy and one phaeton,
in poi condition will be sold (sheep. A. D. Sailer
land, Seaforbh. 2486x1
s also giv-
An inter -
mine was
oak, a re, -
way gave
ches and
is a com-
alo, also
o the use
their ins
sabel Scott ,
v. F. H
&Iris. Me-
e which
di it must
hem- that
e,ssful, in
in of $257
euse and
ows : Red
liffe Hoe -
co Fund
ave been
ea Cross
5; ;.AMrtoey.nH.
.50; Rev,
Father Corcoran, $5; Mrs. a cLennan's
stntertamments, $257; A Pr lend, $6;
Methodtst Sunday Schoch $
there', McKillop, 42; Ja,
birthday , pary, $1.91; pin m
making in all $305.27.
The fellowmg c6mmuni
been received by Mrs, °sear
Mr. Noel Marshall the chair
ther,uttee committee of t
Red Cr* Society wbieh
beg- to acknowl
thipt of !your letter of the '
moles -mg, a cheque for 4:45
centabution front the Seafo
0; Duff's
et Cluffhe
ney, 75c;
ation has
Neil from•
ian of the
peaks for
d ge re -
13th inst.
being a
03w for Sale -Fresh cow with calf for rale. Apply
to Wru. Hart, Seaforth, vast of woollen mills.
The ladies of Winthrop are holding a este of home
nrkde eooking and butter and eggs in the store next
0 the old post offt n, on Saturday, August 7th, the
prneeds to go to the Red Cross. 2486-1
aion, pf Toronto, were bere over Sun-
day -at the llama of Hrs. Atkins04s
ni6ther, Mks. lames Troyer. .- Miss
Smit(if waOhere-froln ‘,0,ttaw's, thisweek
in -Siting her bre:Others and sisters, -The
many. f.riends trai James krehibald
will be pleased to learn that he 'has
sufficien_tly recovered froth her recent
severe illxiniSa ftni he ale to Sit,vp toc-
castOnally.-Mr. Stones MeDernikl, of
Stanley, spent flubedaY with tds brother
Husby apdi family, in Seaforth. Mr.
alugh'Itlenermtd, who has been, 150 ser-
touSly ill for several months Is -now
improving and is able to get areal d
When Weather permits. -Dr. anal
R. 'R. Ross was an, Bayfieldaad Grand
Bend on Sunday. --Miss Alva. Graves
returned home on Sunday after spend.-
ing a 'couple of weeks with friends in
Baylield and doderich.--Miss Ann MAL -
son, of New York, Ida/Lighter of Col. and
Mrs. Wilsons of London, spent Sunday
with friends in town. -The twet weath-
er of this -Week has been veryuntie.
varable for harvesting operations and
has lead the otat crop in many -places
flat on (the ground an.d will Maze Pre-
vent it from maturing. Fortunately
Most of the hay lblas been 'leased. The
rain will insure good Sall pastures. -
Mr. Frank 'Weiland, of The Expositor,
took mn the firemen's excursion to
Thorold this - citeek.-Mr. Frsailt !Jack -
0°1. of lgon#043 ISPet4 $4,11404 at the
parental hone of ga. 0. E. lackaon th
Egmondv111e.-4ie9. J. E. Tem, a Gods,
rich, and, Miss 'Johnston, of Toronto,
were the guests of a1es.„7. IL Broad -
foot this weeke-Mastars. G. C. Bell and
W. Tharnpson were tri Detroit this
week. They went over to !bring -back
ene ef the 1916 models of the Ittaxw.eli
car for which Mr. Bell is agent. -Th
Messes Eunice and Margaret Marks, of
Hamilton, are visiting their 'uncle, Mr.
M. Broderick. -Mr. Charles Marks, of
-Hamilton, spent MondAy "here with his
brotherhnelaw, Mr. M. Broderick. -Rev.
Rev. F. H. Larkin will have fer his
etehsct 'next Suunday evening, "Christ
and Danrocracy."--Mtsses Ida and Eva
Love, of TAckersmith, are home after
spending a month in Bayfield. -Mrs
D. P. Marks, of Godericht ,and the
Misses Strasser, of Waterloo, were
gseets this week at the biome of sr.
and. Mrs. H. W. Strasser. -Mr. &rime -
riser, of Guelph, and daughter, Mrs
R. H. Archibald are vielthig at the
home ef =Aline Jatileg Archibald.
-Miss Elva Grimoldby has ereterned
from a pleasant visit with friends in
Brucefieldh--Mr. and Mts. J. M. Wil-
son and family have taken a- cottage
at Bayfieldfor the month of Auhust.
r-Messe Evelyn Greig left Ion Wednesi-
dey to visit friends hi Muskoka. -Mrs.
Thanes Grieve, McKillop, is in Toronto.
this week visiting her daughter, hiles•
Cassie iandother friendst-Mies L. Wil-
son, of Detroit, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. 'W.IG. Willis. -Mise L. Ga,etzmeye
er, ofeToronto, and iitisa Clara, ,of Der
troth are visiting their another in town.
-Mr. C, A'berhart is giving the pro-
ceeds be his ice 'cream parlor in aidof
the funds of the Red Cross on the
evening of -Thursday, August 12th.The
Ie e cream, provided- by Mr. Aberhart,
will iba serval by the ladies 02 the Red
Cross Society. -Mr. •Wm. Bristow ef,
town has the coatraet for the erection
of Mr. 'Thomas Elder's brick residence
on Jahn Street. -Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Mitchell- and Mrs, A. C. McLeod, of
• London, visited with „friends; in town
this week. -Mrs. G. F; !Rogers, of Lan-
don, is visiting :at the parental home
in Seaforth this week. -Mr. and - Mrs.
N. A. Wilkyughby very hospitably ex*
tertalned a number of young people at
their home on. Monday evening last in
heaor of their guest, Mr.- Whyte, 'of
Str-athroy. Mrs. John Taylor and
granddaughter, of Toronte;aatrho haste
been visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. gide;
nell, sn Beechwood have returned
home. --The lediee of Winthrop, and
vicinity are baying a sale of batter,
eggs ..and home-made cooking in the
store ,next to the old post office in
Seaforth, On Saturday, Augast Ith. The
proceede will be devoted in aid of the
funds 'Of the Red .Crosses -A number of
the soldiers, from the Londen Military
Camp spent Sunday last with friends
In this vicinity. Thieris expected to be
the last opportunity' the boys will have
to visit borne friends before betifg re-
moved from London.--A.baut forty mem -
bets of the Seaforth Rebeckah Lodge
motored to the homer -of Mr. and Mrs.
Glean, London Road$ near Brutefield,
and presented afro. Glenn with a beau-
tiful brass jardineer. Mrs. Glenn, for-
Therly MISS Maud Dicke:in, was a vaiu,-
ed member of Seaforth Lodge while
here. The sisters were mast hospitably
entertained 'by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn in
their pretty home and the visitors
Ppent a mast pleasant evening. --- Mr.
Frank Lee, operator at the G. T. R.
station here, left last • week on a
two weeks' vacation to Toronto, New
York ,andhother points. He is being re-
lieved by air. A. Stone of Stratford,
-Miss Fergus Campbell is .here from
Neelevnie Tenn., and, is the gaest of
Mese G. Bethune. -Me. A a Forbesand
family !retched to Hamilton and Ni-
agara Falls and spent a few days
there the last Of the. week. --Mr. and
Special Sqvices,-Special intercession-
ary service' in Connection with the
anneversary hs.f the declaration of war
were held in St. Thomas' church Wed-
nesday afternoon and la the Metho-
dist charoh in the evening. Both eers
Vices were well attended. The !services
at St. Thomas' church were conducted
by ;Rev. ,Mr. Doherty, of Hansen, who
delivered an ,appropriate address.
the evening meeting Bev. Mr. Lerida
presided and short and appropriate ad-
dresses were delivered by the pastor,
Rev. Mr. McKinley. Meesrs. Therms
McMillen. Dr. Burrows and M.: Har -
try. Devotional exercises were -conduct-
ed by Messrs. Leatheria,nd Savauge
and Cowan.
Luca' •Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. George
Coatis, of New York, are visiting
friends in this vicinity, making their
tetsdquarters with Mr. William Clark
and. family, near Constance. Mr. and.
Dirs. Coates made the trip from New.
York in (their auto, They had a Mat
pleasant Also and saw rnuah new coun-
try. For the past seventeen years Mr.
Coates has been the manager of a
large, 'printing- establishment in New
York. 'Previous to 'going to New York
le was a member of The Expositor
staff. They Intend starting on the re -
tetra trip en Monday next. -Dr. and
Mr. Kerr, el Eloramotored up here
and, spent 9. cottple of days last week
with Dr. Kerr's brothers ind other
frtendr.-Dr. Charles McGregor and
family of hlullett, near Constance.
motored to Grand Bend on Saturday
and spent S. nday at that place. -Mrs.
William Beason, .sr., of Egmondville,
who is over 80 years of age, under-
went an !operation for the removal of
three .fmgers an accoutnt of blood pois-
oning. The many friends of this wor-
thy lake will be pleased to know that
she as progreesing as -favorably as
teak] be• expected. -Mr. an,d.Mrs. Sam
Deem, of Toronto,' spent Sunday ie
town, the gursts of MT. and Mrs. R.
Frost and ether friends. Although Mr.
and Mrs. Deem have been residents of
the Queen City for a good' many
jean and .have prospered there, they
still have a. warm place in their af-
fections for old. Seaforth. the horn -
of their youth, which they like better
now than ever before. -The band and
the fire 'brigade left en Tuesday for
Thorold to take part in the great
firemen's tournament being held there
this weelah-Mar. C. Van Egmond, ofi
Toronto spent Sunday and Monday at
the home of his (mother hrEgmondville,
-Mr. Fraser hireig, of' Toronto, is
spending the holidays at the home or.
his tuncle, Mr. 3, C. Greig. -We receiv-
ed this week a sample of oats grown
on the farm of Mr. George Sturdy
Goderich township which measured 5
feet, 9 inches in length,and with a
phinip well filled head. It is a heau-
hful eample and Mr. sturdy has .a lot
of A, whiCh is aboike the Average,
even n this yeah tinueual yields.-
atr, E. 0. Monroe, priecipal of -Saska-
toon publte ,sehool spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs, T. E. Hays his
father and mother -iv -law. He left on
Notes. -Mrs. Hardt M. Waters re..
tamed aa Friday t to her home in
Detroit, after a short visit .• She cam•e
Mine• to celebrate her parent's golden
wedding 'and tk rrieet her Wailers and
sisters Worn- the weet Her brothers
Metiers. Jneeroband Wm. Berry return-
ed ta their. western hone on Thurisla
day. Trey are prosperous farmers of
Gilbert Plains andit is twenty years
since 'trey left MclCillop and eenare-
qaettly trey note many changes.
Notes. -Mr. Louie Maloney, of Sarnia,
is biolidaying at his home here.s-Miss
Calista Malaria of Seafortb, ie-epending
the !holidays at the home of heir pack
ikta Aunt, Mr. and Sirs. John Malone.
-Mrs. Livesay and dautbter. of Sand
Lake; Mtch, visited, her hunt, Mrs. M.
'Lynch andother relative:3 there since
our last isshe.-nr, and. Mrs. Drake,
of Hamilton, motored here last week
and are visiting the aatter's sister, Hrs..
P. Maloney. -Mr. and ?AM Pugh Flynn
and arr. and Mrs. Petri* Glenn at-
tended the funeral Of Me late litre.
Shanahan, in Clinton, on Monday. Mrs.
Madigan, Of 'Dublin, is visiting at the
home of Mr. John, Shea. -Miss Iviary
O'Reilley is Oft the hick list Ms week..
Her many friends hope for a 4seetly•
r,ecovery. ,
Notes.-Mtes Mary iiitirdoch of Win-
rupeg is visiting at the home of Mr.
William Elcoat -Most of the farrnere
havO finished euttieg their wheat and
slate will be ready in. lose than two
weeks. Oats are exceedingly heavy
and If !not injured by the recent rains
should prove a goad terop but in many
places they are badly lodged and it •
is doubtful if they will flu, properly
-Mies Hazel Elcoat is visiting friend
Toronto.-Idise McTavish:is spend,-
ing her holidays 'with Miss Broadfoot
Mill Med.-Rev. Mr. Smith, of Hen. -
pall. totcupled, ,the pulpit of the Pres-
byterian church-- both morning and
eveneng slut -Sunday. and preached in-
teresting sermon a to appreciative con-
gregations. ,•
Note, -Mr. Harry Benneweia wears
a smi1e. sine& the 30th, whea his wife
presented him with a baby boy.--Mhs:
John Murray has returned botne from
the western cities, where she visited,
but she still thinks there is no place
home. -Mrs. W. Manley has re-
turned Norm after spending a few, days
with; her parents near Seaforth.-Mise
Lucy Eckert ts spending her holidays
tn aur burg.-Misw Katie Eckert, who -
has been 'spending the peat three
weeks here has reteratalto her home.-
-41r. F. Nolan -celled on friends here
.ota Sunday laste-Maister Bert Michell
hi apprenticed with Mr. (Henry Benne-
evens on 'Our telephone isystem.-Miteb-
ell Brothers haste now two threshing.
outfits =dare ready to hustle through
the threshing eeason.-The late reins
ba,ve put harvesting. at ,a etandstillana
tbe result will be la let of damage
-td the ;groan. arid -potato crepe and it
will be a wearisome job for the, f arm-
ers to cut the harvest as most of. the
gram crop is lodged.
Notes. -Flax pullmg is well advanc-:
ed in. this 'vicinity'.and the Oro') ie
very good one -Mr Leonard Klapn,
ef Stratford is spending the holidays
here with relatives. -Mr. Jahn Freid
and family of Toiante, were visitors
at (the thome elf gr. C. Fritz la„.stl week.
-The inew bowling green as notftreade
fox else, and the enthanasts are making
txri for lost trine. -The little daughter
02 Mr.h3.. Geiger had a narrow escape
from serious injury an Saturday night
of last week, hrhen she was knocked
down on the street thy a horse. Shit,
was fortunate to escape 'with may a
few bruises. -Mr. Joel Bechler, of the
Bronson Line, keeps the kindsof hens
that Jars worth while. On 'Wednesday
last he brought an. egg into the Vil-
lage that measured set and one-quar-
ter tnches in circumference and eight
inches around the long way. --Black-
well Bros., of thespeer Line 4 near here.
had a very successful barn raising last
week. -The death of Mr. ,Alexander
VOM011‘ of the Goshen Line, which >seri
event occuted, at her home on Mond,ay
of last week, was a great shock to
the people of tins •vicinity, and th'
:sincere eymeathy of all will go out to
the bereaved husband and faintly. -
Dr. Campbell and. family have been
spending the peat two weeks holiday-
ing in Toronto and wane there they
emerged the residence of Ur- Joe Oahe,
while Ur. Case and family are spend-
ing their holidays at the doctorts home
in Zurich. - . •
• A176E-ST 1915
Store :Mats' Wednesday Afternoon During August,
Right in the.niidst of the Harves
Time we have,made all necessovry
pftparat 0,T,I8 for the final Clear-
ance 4 O1d8 andEnds throughout
th,e store, ogetherwithlots_of other
merchandtse collected from the dif-
ferent departments that could
hardly be classed as odds or ends
Heed this Message o
tg SaUngs
Right now is the best
time ,tia buy Ladies'
Ready- to -Wear Gar-
nients, and right here
- is the Iest place. For -
this salc we have re-
duced prices to a rem
cord -breaking point.
Assort wits are such
that you can surely
find just :what you
want and save
Big Morey
by buying during th!s sale.
If you want to stretch the
purchasirig power of your
'dollars,- supply your clothes
needs nor. This sale offers
positivel the greatest values
in town. Get yours now.
CTOCKS.have been arranged to make choosing un
ually easy. We lask you to come at once, beaus
the Fall Good -shave begun to pour in, and very short-
ly we must give them their needed attention. - In the
meantime we offer o4raordiciary savings :
Dress Poods and Silks
Prices cut i deep to force quick sales
omen's and
In a ver
will lear
cip e o
sharp a
'se by
Children's Headvirear
Pices cut right in two
Muslin and Other Wash Goods
Surprising Va ues thal merit your attention
Carpet Depar ment Offers Specials
Special pric s made to add entbusiasin
Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear
Prices that demand the attention o"" every thrifty woman
Men's Shirts, thiderwear, Ties & Sox
.Lots at prices impossible for us to duplicate
We will sooty interest you in Fall
• Goods. 'arrangements have beem
made for very early deliveries.
Butter and Eggs Ta4en :as- Cash at Highest Prices
and fres