HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-08-06, Page 5E'4,T 60915
rt Wear
fall purchases in rnen's
oes are now arriving
as been selected with the
ng our customers the
imurn price, consistent
Lr and wear and water
rte calf, Canadian kip,
tan—dependable shoes
Te guarantee our price%
ods. Our cash buyjng
We sell men's working
eiets, all rsolid leather
hoes in Urus Calf leather
's working shoes in tan
3.25. Men's. working
guaranteed niestereroof,
kip leather, with plain
air. Our speoial harvest
p for Se.00 a pair
Ed. Coultes was umpire
e-upsewas as follows; Reds
PlOrel1CO Aiteheson ; catch -
lesser; 1st base, Mary Kin
irs.Abram: 3rd base, Rupie
tstop, Bessie Miller ; left
ed Jewett; right field, Mary
nit field, Olive Scott. Blues
Lillian McCall. catcher,
ace ; 1st base, Carrie Dia
I base, Annie Dizirooral; 3rd
Black; shortstop, Irene
left field. Mrs. II Stewart;
Mary Smith, out field,
lee, Another lively base
was played between Blue -
team from 4th. Iine Morris.
'tett in a score of 124 itt
s. home team. But the Blufe-
were not so fertunate in
Ii garne with Jamestown
sr, being defeated by the
two goals,BInevale not be -
make a score. The athletic
off during the afternoon
, upervision of the sporting
provided a great deal a
d amusement an d the prizes
nted to the winners after
the lady members ot the
as follows: Boys' race, 14
1, sweater, Harvey Robin-
ir handkerchiefs, Harvey
loys" raceten and under,
anston, Robert Stewart;
ef bax. Little girls
ila Elliott, 2. China
0 o r a. Jewitt. Sin-,
elay race, 1, President alin-
e. L. Posliff and Harold
a. pair armbands, W, Speir
Mettle. Young lathes' relay
e, Stella Elliott and Cora
3rown Betty teapot, Lillian
Carry Diamond. Married
lder stone ernatest 1, ham -
,e Higgins; 2, pocket knife
Married Women's Nail
rtest, 1, pair btth towels,
ce Donaldson, Toronto;
her, Mrs H. Diamond,
contest, trophy, glass
:her, William McKinney.
inC:I.dreet to mar the pleas -
lay was the accident, to Mr.
.son or Mount Forest who
emne to attend the picnic
football match between
id Jamestown in which he
e on the Binevaie teain,
ulder put out of joint. He
to $$ Ingham in Mr, Clef -
automobile and although
vas painful he is making a
wy. The accident will pro
..)ation for some weeks how
idition to the sports the
very enjoyable eocially and
old Bluevale friends who
et and added much to the
the occasion were: Mr. F.
pronto; Mr. Robert Georne
Iliawatha, Mich ; Mrs. W.
Willie and Robert Stew -
Miss Olive Masters. Tor -
Joseph Pugh, Wingharn ;
['ford Pugh, B. A., Handl-
laude Pani, Pittsburg, Pa.
Coultea, Tororte; E. S.
rt. 8 Philadelphia' - Miss.
,d Miss Eleanor Patterson,
' Mrs. Sanderon, Mise
1Mrs.. George Donaldsoter
.Griffith, Mrs. R. liutehin-
10 ; Miss Margaret Pater-
; Mrs, Hodgins (nee
tersen), Toronto. Misses-
usie also arrived
s extended trip, through
time to attend the picnic.
the grounds during the
uted te the festivities and
plus of Sia.59 for the Reel
oc).k Store -
Pv.ing Eggs
is — i5e
,..5c envelopes
oc nvelopes
• ........2 for 5c
d satisfying
er Sealer Rings
rits and quarts
makes I gal-
raffin Wax, etc
Tenders Wanttd-Tenders will be received ae..the
Board of mahagement of the Kippen Presbyterian
church up to Angina, 15t, 1015 ter the peialtion of
choir leeder end Organist, The Rowed, or tuna tender
net neeessarily accepted. J. M. Cochrane, Secy.,
Board of Managers. 2484x3
Perth 'terns.
Ronk of Downie, the farn
laborer, Who eecently confessed te lusv-
eng attemptedi his life by shooting Jape.
fief through the chest, was enticed
to 'Time months at. the Ontario Reforrne
e.tory hy the Stratford Police Magna
trate. Beak led the pollee to the spot
-where be !had Apt asnutself and the
Was fouad on Friday.
—The rem of $1,000 as to Ise raised.
by the young men lot South Perth for
,the purpose of purchasing 0, meohine
gun for the treks* -Pave hundred dol -
len wall be dorAtted got ralveg men in
Fullerton, Log= and 1
'bert, 'and the ret of the,thousand wili
7fla4 'Ilk Ant fa.imaigpandsurrOund-
—Mr.and Mra. Michael -King, tin.° of
'Mitchell's well-known and.- beatsliked
citizens, celebrated, the 50th anniver-
rary ot their marriage on. SitardasS
-July 31st. They were smarmed inIskabe
tabula. OW on July ,30th, 1855, ,by
Rev. Father Truest, and (Mrs. Riley of
Cleveland, sister of Mrs. Kings who
acted as bridesmaid, was also present
at the golden wedding. Mr. King was
born. at Roundtree. Count of Gelway,
Ireland, and Mrs. King is a native ,of
Rarnittem, Ontario. This venerable cou-
ple have been residents of Mitchell for
49 'years, and -bite-. King, wha is a, her-
nessma.ker, on hie arrival in Mitchell,
• work.ed at his trade for William Ab-
bott, and afterwards ` was a Member
Of the firm of Broderick & King for
mai-1y ye -ars. but for the .past several
years has iived a retired life. He also
acted as librarian for the public library,
• foi-- over thirty years, and that appoint -
;merit is nthi being looked after by leis
, daughter. Miss, Edna King. In the
early days. when Ma,SS Was only held
nece a month in the Catholic church
1n. 'Mitchell, Mr. ging taught the child-
ren of- the families belonging to the
church catechism every Sunday, and
was very energetic in !bringing them up
Xn the Catholic faith, .Mrs. King was
the -proud mother of fourteen children,'
eleven of whom are living, and were,
rail present at the fiftieth anniversary
of their parents' wedding. The family
Iresented their father and mother with
a purse af gold amounting to nearly
Thursdas, August, 5th, 1915.
Fall Woem, (atenriaraa(new) , . 1 oe cr. 1 0)
Oats. par bushei(new) 160 co 60
'Peas, per bushel 03 to 0 oft
'Barely, per buebel.. ....... 60 ree 65
Bran per ton e7 00 t
Short, per ton— . ..... 30 .00 t
Flour. per 100 Ihs 3 25 t
Butter No. 1. loo -e . el t
19 t
Rey new. 12 00
Potaaaes, new, per bag
1 00
Beans,. 20t
27 00
30 00
12 00
o 100
to e 75
Toronto July 27.—LIve—Old fowl, lb.,
• 12 to 14c; spring broilers, 17 to 20c;
- told turkeys, 16 to 20c; neekliegs, 13
to 15e. • ,
Dau'y MarketB.
Montreal, Augast 3.--Oheese-Finest
• westerns 14c to 14 14c, eanterns, 13 1-2
Butter --Choicest creamery. 27 1-2c to
7 g,-.4p..t Eggs -Fresh, 27 to 28c; ,se
lected. 26;; Na,. I stock, 23c; No. 2,
, London. August 3. -Butter, dairy, SO
ete .32e, crocks, 28 to 29c; rolls, 28 eto
20; eggs per dorzen 24 to 25c; .per
basket. 23 to 26e ; honey, strained, 10
po ,:ids, $1.40 to $1:50.
. Toronto. August 3. -Butter -The mar-
Acet is fairly steady for butter,
dairy. eoniewhat scarce. Choice 'dairy,
Ip to 23c ;I inferior, 119 to 21c; creamery
prints e7 "ea 28 1-2. do !solids; 26e to 27c
Eggs The market is quiet; with
ettaie-ht stock -,selling at 20 to 22c per
Idoze in case Int, end selects at 23e.
Cheese—The rrarket 13 dull ;• quotations,
for large. ,arid a6 1-4 for twin.
Pld, -21 1(-2 to
Grain, Etc.
Toronto, Aug. 3.-Oorn-No. 2 yellow,
nominal, track Toronto. Ontario Oahe -
No. 2 w(Eata"• 58c; No. 3 ;Waite, 57c, taCe
cording to freights outside. Ontario
sateat—No. 2, Whiter, per ear lot, $1.10
,thr 1$1.17, according to freights oUtelde.
reas-7o. 2 nominal, per car lots, ff10111-
aCCO,rding to freights outside. Bar-
ley -Good /ratting barley;, nominal; feed
barley, 66e, according - to freights
butside. Manitoba Floter-First patents,
In jute begs, $7; second patent, 1la
Jute bags, 4$6.50; strong bakers', in jete
)3ege, $6.30. Toronto; in cotton bags,
flOc extra. Ontario Flour -Winter, 90
.Per cent. patents, $4.80, seaboard, or
iToronto freights in hags. Millfeed -
Car lots, delivered Montreal freights —
Oran, $27; strata $29; middlings, $30;
geed feed flour, per leag, $1.90.
93a1ed Hay and Straw. -Dealers are
paying as follows for carlot deliveries
on track here :—Straw is quoted at
4T a ton in neer lots, delivered, on track
here. Hay -No.. 1 hay is qu,oted, at $17
to *19; 2 at $15 to $16.
Live Stock Ma.rkets.
Unice Stock Yard, Toronto, Aug.3-
The offering in cattle which was over
itha two thousand 'mark, contained a
%ew loads of good to moderately choice
butchers', and,- prices for such 'held
Steady with last week's and loads sptd
all the way from $7.36 to $8.45. The
Olaf demand was for the crea,m of the
offering and this ciente sold out read-
Gaod butcher cattle came next,
end the clean Up was pretty effeettve
_ meta it came ,to me-dlum and comiron
qualas material and it was here that
the dragginese Ives appareent, a,nd a
few leads 'had to be held over for A
future market. 'Several buyers had it
that quotations were !slightly strong-
fcr the pick of the offering, but
this e -an hardly the case. Nor was it
shown by transactions that common
quality ‘butchers were any cheerier
than last week. Good fat cowe and
butchrr bells held to values, whtch
ha.ve been rocklike for many weeke
Peet. Oannar3 and cutters were !steady
at from $4 to. $5.
nere was barely enough busenese
ictone itt StOCkere and feeders to nes-
tsfy tbe attendance of the selleras and
Milkers and springers. which were not
too well represented, were !slow but
Lambs were op to ta, dollar greaker,
the bulk of a heavy ran cashing In
from $9 to $9.2k5 but a few lots brought
49.50. Sheep also suffered a eat, very
few head selling over $6.10. Oalvee
were' a atuede weaker, but hog eitiota-
Lima as given out by the bu.yere,
allowed no change.
The reeetpts for the morning' were
1116 cars with 2 232 cattle, 110 calves
779 hogs atd, 1 154 isiveep and jambs.
krineeel, §setuada;y_ were 010,
826 cattli, S calves, 707 1f00-% ./8 shear,
and, lambba and 008 Untseo, .'
' o. Zeagmaa and Soria .0olti .10 loads
Peer beds Bologna balls, 500. to 1,400
pictorials. $54to 40,25; ithree- laadta fat
cows, 1,000 to 1,606e pounds, $6. to $7;
ane load rarterns and potters, 800 tor
1,000 poussde, 4%75 to 44./8,; 2 'bads
butchers, 800 to 1,100 pouinidies On .to
tteiliSwift Cenadlan 'heatiii 125 letnips, 449.25.
to 49,50; WV calves., $8 to. $10; aastep
K50 to $6: ... ,
althews Blackwell beititht 150'
tle—Betcher steers and Iseifere, 1,000
to 1,200 poultads, $8 to $8.25. - -
. MeCtiede and McCurdy 'bought 100
butcher cattle—Butcher ateere:andhair-
ere 80,0 to 1,000 pouinds, .$7.40 to '418.
George Beware() for "klarriss -*bat-
tar bought 300 cattle—Thatcher Steens
and 'belga& *7340 to *8,40; cows $4..
60 lki 40:75; bulls, $5 to $7.50.
Genne. Limited, laciught 200 cattier
Butchers *7.75 to $8,35.; powe. $5,450
to $7; oulis,#5.50 to V.0. ,
Buffain, August 8.—Cattle—est airy
fed seek 10 cents higher; common
and. lite$110in Ateacle ; choiceto prime
aative elflpaing Steals $9.50* to $10.80
tale to' igoccd„ $8.50 to *9.25; plain and
Ouse 18 to $8,25; Canadian steers
1,800 td '1,150 wends, .$8.75 to ,$9,25;
Canadian- steers from 1.100 to 1,250 lbs.
$8 to $8,26; choice to prime handy
steers, native, ° $3,25 'to 48.50; fair to
good `graseers, $7.25 to $7.50; light
coir.mon grassers, $6.60 to $6.75; year-
lings, dry fed, $9.25 to $9.75; prime
fat. heavy heifers, $7.75 to $8.25; good
butch.ering heifers, $7.50 to $8; light.
dry fed, $8,50 to $8.75; light, giassy
heifers, $6 to $6.50; best heavy fat
COWS. $7 te $7.25; good butchering e
caws, '1$6 to $6.25; cutters, ,.$4.25 to
$4.75; canners $3 to $4; fancy . balls
$7 to ;$7.75; best ibetehering bull. $6,-
25 to $6.50; light 1,1.1m, $5.25 to $5.-
50.11aigs—Ltght grades strong, others
steady; heavy, $7.25 to $7.50, mediums
$7.60 to $7.80; mixed $7.90 to $8.10;
Yorkers, $7.90 to $8,15; pies, 4SS.25. to
4$8.35. Sheep -Market 50c higher; top
lambs. , $9.75 to $10; yearling's, $7.50
to $8.25; weathers e $7 to $7.25; ewes,
q 5.50 to $6.50. Calves-Receipte 1!00;
etrang tope. 14%11.75 s to 412; Lair „to
good, $10 to $11.50; graesees. $t to
$6. - -
Montreal, Auguet - 3. -Common- and
medium stock declined 25c per 1001bn_
but there was change :In. the .trade for
goad to choice steers, which wero
scare. On account of the very warm
weather which has prevailedof late.
the eonstartption of beef has fallen off
some. A few lots of ,good steers sold
at .$8 to $8.25, but the bulk of `the
trading was done in steers ce anging
from $6.50 to $7.50. Good to cheice
butcher caws brought from $6.50 to
$7.25 per 100 pounds. The demand
from packers for canning !stock con-
tinues fairly good of which the su
p -
ply was ample..and sales of bona were
made at 15 to $5.25 and cows at $4te
$4.25 *per 100 pounds. The weak feel-
ing -which •dve1oped in the market for
lambs a week ago was the feature of
this tra.cle again to -day, and. 'prices
scored another decline of 10 to 25c per
100 paunds, on account of the steady
increase in the receipts. At this re-
duction there was a good demand
from packers and ' utchers and an ace
tive trade was done with' sales of
round lots of Ontario !stock at $9,25 to
$9.50, and Web& at $8.50 to '$, Per
100 pounds. There l
no chaage i , the
conch:then of the market for ni. eep.
sales of ewes hetng made at $5.75 te
$6 per 100 minds The . demand fcr
calves is good at firm prices. Hogs
unchanged. prices being maintained
with a good steady elemen.d frompack-
ers. Sales of choicc elected 'Wel er
made, at 19.50 to $91.60 and roughe lots
at 19; td $9.40. Sows sold at ,1 to
$7.60 and stags a $4.50 to $4.8u r
100 pounds, weighed off care. 'Bat hers
'cattle, choice, $8.50' to $8.75; me imp,
$6.25 to $7,25; common, $5.50 t $6;
canners, $4 to $5,25; butchers C ttle,
choice cows $7. to $7.251 medic] r $6
to $6.75; 'bulls, $5 50 to 7.25; milk-
ers choice, each $30 to $85; co mon
and medium- each $70 to $75; epring-
ers, $66 to $65. Sheep, ewes, V 75 to
$6; bucks and culls, $5.25 to 5.50;
Iambs. $8.50 to $9.50. Hogs, off care,
$9 to 49.60. Calves, $3 to $15. tl,
T. BOX it 0
Teraerrep—Weli improved 100 aore.farm. Apply
V V to Lock Box 146, Homan. 2483.5
'Leen SALE -Lot 35, Concession 4, MOKillon, 109
eons, with bush, windmill, fruit orchards. For
further partioularsaPply to Mrs. H. A. .GAETZ.
MEYER, V. 0.13ox 258, $eeforth. 2436 tf
°TICE TO DEBTORS -MI accounts dile Smillie
Bros,,alsosccount6 due W. It, Bmillie must be
settled either by clash or note, on or before August
7, all liecbunts not then settled will be placed, in
court for -collection without respect to -aerates.
W, B. SMILLIBBeaforth. 2496x
VABH FOR RENT--About-90 aerea rgood fertile
I: lake- front land, -12 acres paeure, 70 ;ores in
crops. Posifession oan be had at once with or with-
out crops together: with all farm - 'machinery, st,00k
;cc. Forfultintormatiop writerLakefarra, EXPOS
'TOR OFF1OB. 2485-2
UTANTED-:-Experieneed teaoher holding first or
VV second elesseertifloate for echool-seotion No. 6
MoKillop, State salary; and -experince, duties to
oommenne Septenibar 1st. JAMES H. CAMPlIELL,
Secretary -Treasurer, B. It. No, 1, Dublin, Ontario.
Mal ESIDEN0E FOB' SALE — A comfortable 'frame
residence near the High School. Good cellar
.hard and soft water, a first class stable and half an
afire of ground. House heated by furnaoe. Cheap
for tpaiok sale. Terms easy. A ly ..._"GEORGE
TURNBULL, Seaforth. •-•.$-IN464-tf
OTTAGE FOR SALE -The comfortable oottage,
on George mt., Seaforth, belonging to the eet•
ate of the lateMrs. lease Miller. The house con-
tains parlor, dr ingetobnee kitohen and four bed.
rooms. There re two lots and a good stable. It is
within one blockof Main sb. There Is a good cellar
and hard and s t water within the house. Apply
at THE EXPOSITOR OFFiCE Seafortb. 247441
MIAMI FOR SALE-Lqt 27, Coneession 1, flay
✓ township, one hundred acres all (neared and in
IC•ftmoeda:clalbseeigiclutiettinadZoget itt)3ng(= land
is a storey and a half brick house and large bank
barn with brick stabling. plenty of water. Apply
on the premises to CMARLES FaRQUHAR or to
W. T. FARQUITAR, Mensal!. • 2486x44f
MUM FOR SALE.--T.Lot 6, Concession 9, Tucker-
• emith, containing 100 acres, about seven aoree
under bush. The Yana is well fenced sad, drained
and in a good state of cultivatfon; There are on the
premlsee a good frame house bank barn,- pig house,
ben house, drive house land 'two good wells. For
terms and particulars apply on the:premiSea or ad-
ixese MR8. JOHNeMcCLOY, Egmondville P.O.
F"EIA101 FOR SALE -Lob 10, Concession 6,L.R.S.,
Tuckersmith. The term containe 100 acres, all
cleared and In a good state of cultivation. Three
never failing wells, windmill at wen Good bank
barn 50x88, pig house, hen teuSe and drive shed.
A good frame house with furnace. An acre and a
half of extra good orchard. This choice farm is
within 3 miles of Seaforth, on the Kippen road,
HENRY FORSYTH, Egmondville, 246241
OOD FARM FOR SALE -For Sale Lot 26 and
Ur part of Lot ?A, Cenceselon 14, McEillop, con-
taining 130 acres, Mere are on the premisee
modern brick house with hard and soft water,
There is also a good barn 60x126, with stone foun-
dation and stabling Underneath, driving ehed 30x40
on stone foundation, pig pen and hen house, all
in good repair. Tnere is 4130 a goo i bearing or-
chard and two never failing wells. The farm is well
underdrained aryl well ienced and in a high state of
cultivation with 10 acres of hardwood bush. It is
well situated on the North envoi road 1 mile south
of Walton 0. P. R. station, also telephone and rural
mail delivehr. This is a choice farm and will be
sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars
apply on the premises onaddress. JDIOKSON
Walten. 24584
Butter Wrappers
Farmers or Dairymen requiring But-
ter Wrappers as -provided for by the
raw agricultural regulations, can have
the -same on the shortest notice at
lots of 1,00111 $2.50
in lots of *1.15
House for Sale -
residence on Goderich Street
Weet, owned by Mr. D. J. McCallum,
and at present occupied, by Mr. John
Dodds, will be sold cheap. Terme of
pa,yrrent reasonable. For , particulars
apply to
Insurance Agent,
2484,-tf Seaforth.
Fall Term,Opens September I
Holders of Government Diplotpa,
` and Licen.se
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 107 Phone 50
SCOTT -At Almont Farm hicKillop, on anday,
July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wihnore oott, a
daughter. 6 ,
HOCKEY -In Exeter, on July 23, to Mr. ried Mrs.
George Hockey, a son.
McDOUGALL-In Osborne, on July 24th, ree Mr.
aad Mrs. Alex McDougall jr„ a son.
SANDERS -In Exeter, on July and. to Mr. ad Mra.
Charles S. Sanders, a son.
REID-In Owen Sound, on July 26th, to M. and
-Mrs. Ed Reid, of ,Bayfield, a daughter.
IIORLEY-At Zurich, on July 23rd, to Per. and
and Mrs. A. Morley, a son.
McGILL-In MoKillop*on July 211th, to 141r. and
Mrs. Bryen McGill, a daughter,
28th by Rev. i. 0. Kaine,11a, Winona, da ghter
of Mr. J. Sundereoek, of Mullett, to
Wayneuth, of London, son of Mr. iberi
10th, D. Graham Salkeld, to Ella S. Real ombe
both formerly of Goderich township.
FISHER-COPP-At Goderieh on July 21st Clara
Copp, of Blyth, to Peter Fisher jr, of Benmiller.
TYLER -In Dashwood, on July 25th, Ifra. Herman
Tyler, aged 37 years and 8 months.
VOISIN-In Hay towns) IP, on July 261h, Mrs. Alex
ander Voisin, aged 20 years.
LUTTRELL-In Goderich, on July 25th, Jane Hip
well, relict of the late David Luttrell, in her 96th
MeSWEEN-In Gicderich, on Friday, July 23rd,
Alice Allin, widow of the late Captain Robert
MeSween, in her 82nd year. '
MeGILL-In MeKillop, on July 281h, infant paugh•
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron McGill.
• 1,
t S. T. Ho1meI
• 'Undertaking parlors in Oddfe
Ilows building opposite
Stewart Bros. Resi-
• •4• dello Goderich st., °pp
Dr. Scott's.
Flowers furnished on
ishort notice.
Phone Night .or DaYja1191.
1 _
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Toronto, does not ask for a better re-
putation than it already possesses
We get positions 'or many students
each yE ar. Catalogue free. W. J.
Elliott, Principal, 731 Yonge st.
Yonge and Charles streets.
Clerk's Notice of First -
Posting of Voters' Lists
-Voters' Liets, 1915, Municipaliby of the township of
Tuckersmith, aDounty of Huron. Notice is
hereby given, that I have transvnitted or delivered
40 the persons mentioned in section 90? the Ontario
Voters' Lid Aot, the copies requirea by said sec-
tions to be so transmitted or delivered of the lig,
made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing
by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Mun-
icipality at elections for meriabers of the Legislative
Assemnly and at Municipal Elections; and that the
mid list was first posted up at my office in Tucker.
smith on the 27th day of July,. 1915 and remains
therb for inspection. And.I nereby call upon all
voters to take immediate proceedings to have any
errors or omissions corrected according to law.
D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk of Tuckeismith
Daeed this 281h day of July, 1915. 2495.2
We 'have our Creamery now in full
operation, and we want your patron-
age. We are prepared to pay you
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you every two weeks, weigh, sample
and test each can of cream carefulljy
and give you statement a the sanae
We also supply can free of charge,
and give you an honest business deal.
Call in and see us or drop' us a card for
The Seaforth Creamery
Choice Farm for Sale in
Lot 11, Concession 7, Huron Road Survey, Tuck-
ersmith, 100 acres : 80 acres cleared, 'In agree hard-
wood bush chiefly maple. There is- comfortable
house with gaod cellar ; two large frame barns,each
with stone foundation and in good repair, good p
pen ahd henhouse, two good wells, new windmlll
and iron.pump. Boil first-class elity loam in good
state of cultivation. Farm all well unneVaraimid
oxeept bush. Full possession may be had November
1st, 1915, and.purchaaer shall he at liberty to, do fall
ploughing atter harvest. Terms -The Property will
be sold subject to a raortgage for Itasca, bearing In-
ternet at 5 per cent. 10 per cent. of purchase money
to be paid on day of Bale and the balanee within 30
days thereafter., For further particulars apply to
Johneiltawartor David EL Stewart, B. B. N. 4, Elea -
forth.; F, Holmestod, Barrister gm, Se ,orSh or to
-forthi Ontario, Solicitors en dehe eteyvert. eienie
Seaforth Produce
East Goderich street
opposite Queen's Hotel
The prices for this week will be as
Butter in tubsor
Young chicks..
Old foarl ..
Ducklings. .
boxes ...22c
.. 20c per doz
....12c to 13e
... , 7 to De
• 9e
Fowl to be delivered on Monday
or Tuesday morning.
Store open Saturday night
Thos. R. Thomson
Stratford, Ontario
Ontario's most successful business
training school. Teachers are com-
petent, courses are thorough and
graduates succeed. We had more
applications this month tharfswe had
students graduate during the past six
months._ The three applications re-
ceived most recently for Lady Steno-
grapher at $780, Bookkeeeper at $1000
and Commercial Teacher at $1400 per
annum. Business men want our grad-
uates. Get our free catalogue at once -
D. A. McLachlan, Principal.
There's No Place
Why not add to its attractiveness by
giving ite decorations an individuality
that reflects yourself ?II
We have an unrsually attractive line
of Foreign, and domestic wall papers
to choose from and will be glad to put
our expert knowledge at your service
to help von select decorations that are
our of the common place. Be sure
and see our samples before placing
your order elsewhere. All kinds of
painting, glazing, tinting etc., done
Len short est notice. Our twenty save*
years of practical experience guaran-
tees satisfactory results.
John Hooper
Master Painter & Decorator
John street Seaforth
Drain tile is a most necessary article
for successful farming. It is almost
as necessary to plant tile as to plant
your seed. Good clay tile has proven
durable for a life time. Stay 'with
the clay and be satisfied. 1 have a
full assortment of tile, quality A 1.
Will be pleased to have you cell and
see our stock and get our pricessise
fore you buy elsewhere. Ca,neenote
you in the yarn or deliver to your
Lan m be it nearor far, small quantity
or large, Giye us your order for tile
now so we may have it when you are
ready. Call and see us whether you
buy or not, no trouble to shcw goods.
W rn. M. Sproat
R. R. No. 4, Seaforth*
Phone 9 on 136
Administrator's Sale
Of Valuable Farm Lands in
the Township ofHay
The administrator to the estate of Amelia May
Taylor, deceased, with the approbation of F. W.
Harcourt, Eeq , K.O., Official Guardian, will offer
for sale by public auction, at the Commercial hotel
In the village of Mensal!, in the County of Huron,
by Thomas Brown esq., auctioneer, at the hour of 2
o'clock fn the afternoon, on Saturday, the 14th day
of August, 1915, the following lands and premises
in one parcel, namely: The north half of Lot Num-
ber twenty three (23), in the seventh (7th) Oonces-
eion, of the said township of Hay, oontaiaing by
adm easurement fifty (50) awes of land be the same
more or less. The land is heavy clay loam and about
40 acres are cleared ana the balance is wooded with
valuable cedar and 20 acres are sowed with oats.
there is erected on the lands a comfortable one and
a half story brick dwelling 22x32, with a brim kitch-
en attached 16x18, There is a good well and good or-
chard of about leaore on the ptemises. The lands
are situated about ss miles from Hensall and about
14 miles from Seaforth nal are are readily access
able thereto by good roads and both these towns
offer a good market for the sale of produce. The
property will be offered. for sale subject to a mem
bid and the purehaseraat the time of sale whi be re-
quired to sign an agreement for the completion of
his purchase. Further particulars of sale will be
madenenown at theitime of Bale & mar be had in the
meantime from Messrs Gladman &Stanbury, Barrist-
ers, etc., Exeter, from. F. W. Harcourt, Esq., K, C.,
Offi3lal Guardian, Toronto or from the undersigned
R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont.;
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, Seaforth.
Dated this 274h'day ot July, 1915 2485.3
Special Values
Single Harness
'The greatest bargain we ever
r dozen set single harness made
of number 1 Union Oak, our own
make. Trimmed with goldine or
solid nickel.
Gall cure
Binder whips
Call and
$20 to $22
• Sweat Pads
Axle Grease
ee for yourself
M. Br o de rick
Opposite Commercial Hotel
Harness Trunks Valises
••••••..mmemorsIrsoor........ 11,
We have in stock and are
prepared to sell. at the
lowest prices No r hem-
locklumber and ihe best
grade x x x, xxxx ,and
xxxxx red cedai shingles .
Before building or mak-
ing repairs call and see
our stock or drop us a card
for prices.
Ament Bros,
1 We Recommend ThisCoal i
I. We know it's good. , It's
unusual richness in --carbon
makes. it burn long, evenly
and completely.
The Coal That Satisfies
is always uniform in quality,
very free from slate and other
foreign matter. Although
much more economical than
ordinary coal, it costs you
no more.
Phone us your order for
prompt delivery.
J. B. Mustard
Phone 11 on 145
for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his
very desirable residence, situated a
mile west of- Seaforth, on the Huron
Road. The house contains seven rooms,
besides kitchen and pantries, bath-
room and lumber room. There Is a
farnace in the Ouse, and also electric
light throughout, and in the out-
buildings there are two cisterns and
two wells. There are about two ts.nd a
half acres of land with the house,
fenced, and planted with fruit and
ornamental trees and ehrubs; there is
also a stable for two horses and a
cow, and vehicles, • 'harness and tool
room and chicken house. In connection
with the above, Mr. Holmested iaffers
for sale a mantel mirror, electric light
fixtures, carpets, cartains, floorclath,
eideboard, extension table, bed room
etas, etc. The property is -very con-
venient to schools and churches. Price,.
$3,000. For 'further particulars and
photograph of house apply to
2479-tf SEAPORTH, Ont.
Shorthorn Bull for Sale
For sale "Lord Scott" eleven
months old, red, sired by Scottish
Hero 55043--90066, vol 51E., imported
by Mr. Davis of Woodstock. Dam,
Lady Smith 3rd, 91905, red, calved
April 3rd, 1907, bred by John Chamb-
ers, Kippen, Ont., dam of Lady Smith
Lady Smith 2nd, 60262; Lady; Snsith,
Lady Mary, 4osehud 3rd, Rose Bud,
Red Rose, Lady Lorne, Gilley Flower,
Theresa, Strawberry, Red Rose, Lady
Jane (imp) No. 281, Sire of -Lady
stirnith, Red Prince 63984-77608; Royal
Don 17105-64717; Captain 24848; Dub-
lin 6848-55588; Captain Merlin 2923;
Pride of Sea,baan 2274; Earl of Good-
ness 3rd 1744; Dixie Duke 474; . Duke
Bourbon 517; Baron Solway (imp) 23;
Cobden (imp) 52; Young Britton 1176;
Sir Walter 2639; Son of Jerry. 4097;
Young Star 5319; Roseberry 567; <Son
of Comet 155. It will be seen from
the above that this young bull has the
very- choicest blood in his veins. For
further particulars apply to
Phone 6 on 147, Seaforth Central]
N. B. Scottish Hero wil be kepti,
aor service on the above premises:
during the present season. 2473 tf
SummerService to Highlands
of Ontario' from Toronto
2.05 a .m . ,daily fbr Muskoka Lakes.
daily except Sunday, for Lake of Bays
Algonquin•Park, Maganetawan River
and Timagami Lake points.
10.15 a.m. daily except Sunday for
Georgian Bay, Lake cif Bays and Mag-
anetawan River points.
12.01 p.m daily except Sunday for
Muskoka Lakes. Lake of Bays and
Algonquin Park.
Steamship Express
Lea,ve,s Toronto 11;15 a.m.
Arrives Sitenia, Wharf 4;30 p. m.
Each Monday, Wednesday and Sat-
urday, connecting with N. N, Co.'s
palatial steamshipsefor Sault Ste.
Marie, Port Arthur; Fort William,
and Duluth and at Fort William with
G.T.P. Railway for Winnipeg and
points in Western Canada. Coaches
Parlor-LibrarysCafe and Parlor -Lib-
rary -Buffet cars between Toronto and
Sarnia Wharf. Further particulars
on application to Grand Trunk Ticket
W. Somerville... .... Town Agent
W. Plant .. Depot Agent
C. E. HORNING, D. 13, A.,
Union Station t Toronto, Ont
. SIR EDMUND WALKE D.Cete, President
ALEXANDER LAI D Gencra1Max1agr JOHN AIR% Aset General liganagisst
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 1 RESERVE Mk $13,500,000
Accounts may be opened at eery branch of The Canadian Bank
of Commerce to be operated Iy mail, and will receive it* same
careful attention as is given to II other departments of thoj Bank's
business. Money may be de sited or withdrawn In this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal Visit to the Bank..
seafortii Branch.
W. O. T. MORSON a Manager
In order to be coinfortable during the Turnw
mer weather you slruld be "togged" right.
We are showing a complete line of hot weather
wearables for men.
Two piece summer suits in blue serge, fancy
worsteds and light weight tweeds, in all the
new colourings.
Fine Negligee Sunimer Shirts with soft or
lounge callars — new style Straw Hats— light r.
weight Sox — Summer Underwear — Wash
and Fancy Neckwear, etc., etc.
Let us show you the goods that II
will add to your summer comfort.
W. a Bright and Son
•++++++44+++.44 +I.-14+44+44 40+++++++4,44++++++444+++++,
"1 The Big Hardware Store ÷
Introductory .;
We are now settledin cy4r new store opposite the
Seaforth,News office and north of the Greig Clothing
Co. store. We shall be pleased to meet:our many old
customers and new ones and :can give them a better
service in our new store. ,Our stock is well assorted
and second to none in the pountry and the prices are
- • Goods tought' right can b4 sold at low prices. We have done
some good.buying before the gjeneral advance in prices, conse-
quently we are in a position to offer the public some good
On August 6th and Ith we will
for Cash 2,400. pieces of celebrated Eng -
fish Grey Ware and Keystone Granite
at the following unheard of prices:
At 32c Each
3 doz. 12 qt. preserving
3 doz. ro qt. Preserving
44r dozen 8 qt. Preserving
.1: 2 doz. 6 qt. Sance Pans
At 26c Each
I t
*1+++++++444;.+44+44+4r44: 'rit++•t,+f+.++++.44+,t+E.4:••iE+4441
2 doz. 12 qt. Water Pails
2 doz. ro-qt, Water Pails
doz, 3 pint Tea Pots
doz. 3 pint Coffee Pots
2 doz,, ro qt, Bread Pans
2 doz. 5 qt Sauce Pans
At 10c -Each
19 doz. Pudding Dishes
2 dozen Funnels
4 dozen Sauce pans
4 dozen Pie Plates
At 20c Each
2 dozen To qt Basins
2 dozen 12 qt Basins
4 doz. Preserving Kettles
2 dozen Chambers
2 dozen Bread Pans
4 dozen Sauce Pans
2 dozen Dippers
2 doz. Kitchen Strainers
At 17c Each
2 dozen Strainers
3 dozen Frying Pans
2 doz. Cups and Saucers
2 dozen Pudding Dishes
8 dozen Sauce Pans
4 dozen Pudding Dishes
At 5c Each
2 dozen Pot Covers
2 dozen Spoons -
We have a first *class tinsmith shop. Bring alongyour
repairs. Leave your orders early for eairetroughi
furnaces, bathroom otufits, pumps tin work and ready
FDOF9 ea or
J Uil