HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1915-08-06, Page 47� look. 7� woricing shoes are now arriving. ing tin tue test' this nedee"Ity -Wlu'wpek !by h. I -,an. . �Qille4n; �Pf 1, the marriage to an - ride. 'UT. -Sylvester and tb <m&er, and to 'con- i'CaTid uccess- cted with t& tak.� p *.6- early"in -Aulgilst. iixtos ?MW ADVERTISENENT, Alay by 4aY trxrease %nd t Xr; Myrs; vf­0trktf0Nl bro t pleas= Evey, pahlhai been sele vi o our f un pmlq, *-At tw rt Brw' c"e -49al-ost Urs. $wartz, of th 10 tb- - o. Oclock, --the hour rs the ontind, eir am custome will �?,he­ *I% td ppire lor a - ( . -A ? - is Iner gottagoo'here ew o giving MUTT wt --Q 016thi 00.-i ation, of lils 61111 until last week, wliere -t�tcy � *ill sAend. the at wh.w.h. the games =A smts.'were .omfb I mum price', consi�s V W Fitz- thi6 war ;vila British'Excliancellotl, Goderict, W0,5 mAxium amount ot wear and - rt it the �Mlni tent Shou That W'ear tintedA4 start. a'verj large erowd:had MV and of whipp ere Is ernaindier of tbe��Zummer 'leat 'll resi t wear anoi wear and waiter Glasl�-Wilwdlq Drugftor" recently -disposed of by (the Police- Ma� with quality. Every her, I hat w.- S Y. gerald, of Duin on, has iteen en�� iierribled, nd' t1w people *et yet W" X T. Th-i�wipson-5 ot at tb,-- rosent Jime an thait ta,". It appears ' that li$h kip, chrome calf, Canadian kip tProd! 0 Sto re- igtrate of ourstock. E 1.0 ate OMPeat. when. the is represented in Wanted -Box 1521 -oderich-8 ib - of gage a's teach4�r hete for the ext, camzg. twin all dh*cums on or about July SrA. -four cae� term.-Coumi-Illor Richardson basi pu-i- raln..thathad,'been, threat�nlng. a little, -or ta Trouft Want-id—IL black whale,, pebble and gran leathers black n—dependable sh Lmther Goods-Thompson's Boa Store ­8 came -to G rich, by the Do- Mri.. ''came idOwn. in s&h -a hea�y showet, re chased, a every as. to kes. We uarantee ur p two add �rsed to L. 0. Aels-and, family, of Nro'xeter, mot- that a rusla had. to The meAP, for iskel- rices Farm for Sale- -C. FarquMr-4 exp particular. And th MmAtou �iections FWB&1*---UM Gaket 5 Rose. C We're Handing Out" PetorSolln 4U4i-ltW'o to ;J" J Ok- -to be aslow as it is possinle i p sell re able gqods. - Our cAsh buyin DolJr':Z" Shoo Stor" �ectlons , or*�4 Ve'r called n ter, . and) the tooths. tthat� had, been so . he, Mamit,ioba 0 ese an Monday and i0bre,conflocated three f t For- Sate�-A. D. Suoerland-9 stable R well suppl", With ke yeam, candy, enables us to giv�� the best vaues at times. e sell metes workin their friends.. Mi. iteb wa.,formeifi (low for Rale -W. Har" take place tom4iay . . . . . . . . I Ay., & -stiff befte . they were delivered, and on en- Ui 'lets, all fsolid leather mittp Rod Croft -4 one had. mill bere.­MW1 Rusells, Schoen- tc., tu charge of a union com e of. 1jundj that- the other shies in shaved kip, with plat' toe and"Jarge, eye ­Wa qu' halt, of C19AM' vid*4 0ere la& week, young la4ks representing. the three. Icontest 'is beini but- I try throukhou, for $2.50 a pair, Mensworki - shoes in Urut Calf leatfier e d3ritish Exchange b6en. delivered at th Ing mndltions eeom to -the to er h6me on Monday.- Sa:bbath Schwls,' iilid, "'o rieturning sell Rotel. He laidi &-charge Against Mrs, Mr.,Stanley Hiaydon,'tfle second son of Ins in he -interests of the -Red' Cromas w�ith or withont toe.caps for$ oo a pair. Mea's working shoes- in tan 9 (Sa Men's woikin MOW s Govemment will be,' ir turned. gwa�rt , of (ke I * X0117A ping lidu or f or sa e gwl�, z oHh dext &,place,: has, �Pund, suffkaed e as cut) for S3- 25- men y of th the effects g ain lenther with t6e-capfsa from od or -,magistrate fined the ,defendant $50 s rppdrte4 1by 90 Pvorking, -ity. the at Edinuht6n: for ve'risem - ser- of the �rain. an4 k%t that tinie, a -great' ii ac Vlha C1 ethe eed untIrIg in all to�,, nearly -ma U shoes i bl k-. te or'0116d ned 1- rs,, guarant waterproof, Vare Is not a very wide 41 erejice aud Osts, AMO wce.-L-Or'. Rayden,.af GoderIch, spent. y teVing a very iavy Otorin.' for $3.5o a blen's 1W or x shoes -in t0A kip leather, with 'plain between, the policies c f the t IJ I Stinday -wA quite - a large pair. Ing 0 It ea. tb Us pxrents, Oiere. .started home. U-6wever, gpAFORTH, FRIDA Yaln fell In foe and doubl so a pair. I ; (*aterp r of) for $3. Our speoial harvest a the fact that -t ntimber cmtinued to, braye the e14 e solds The 'result. will depend":Wwnt on. - I ­ e -.' I _.I torrents on -Wednesday -morning ,of laist zeiits. am4 Oid programme of sports sWe*s maae in tan muleskin le4thor .with toe cap forzoo. a air Itht temperance vote. The.Gov nmen Week 'the Elyth union ifthday school were pluckily carried *Vt , 4n he face of in f erleb, was a The War Situation. promNee If returned to Aub ni or a. eldl-at OW Note. -Mr. William Clark paised A.' Ma rain aA4 were " follows: The greatest and mo%jt det�ruictbre vo o of 700 eople from te of the people a prohlbitq liquor s Ucceas. 11pward way On, FrLday moxming of last -Boys! raze, live to ight year,%, Jahn. Weelc war the- world has ever ex -pert Od eaue tv be priepa -ed I -undgr 01e..dir Blytb, AQ,bum and, other points along , yal race xiliw- to thir- Me after. a legthy 111nem. Ile leaves-- a le St"ay.; be t, -he (C P, R., took advgntage of the e, t teen to, W14ow,and grown-ul), farAlly. ev. teen, C, `Wya' ae hLr has xiow been ta.progresofor over a Motion. of� the tempo ran&'. --ieo e and to vwt- the I Own- Mr. Johpst,on ubA On- "fuxtien Sam-Mougall. Girls' race,'thlr- low fates pouiity , t arear. it Is of ten good 101! U0 thA, it carried the measy r will, t e or"q- ghdrtly after. nboa .'the sun broke teen,t,6 ixteen. Olive e4mond; ,momink n. cohait6ted the rlar-- t f Call ork. The opol afternoxi was very. U r aervX We Wo inot lenow, what the future ha -7. into opera I -hrough and the Uns.. 0. Blackwell pleigant anA w�@a UY e of . Mr: Clark An the ried' Wye ra er seventeen an un.- 3rx More, for uo. If we had Imown. a- tion A ro' o r �enact qnj ed,,,t .,the f u there' 'm - the �,af ternoon.-p1ck-. Nvomen�o race, -ov d We r,of the dAy. ,Year ago that this terri ar would' what is k-ndbalwn, as -the Hug,*,,il John had & ,.at& plc4& On th6 program for M - 0orra bdght several tb e-legge4 Ti. Scrutwi, and J. w*� 'Pro for the p ay, re have la�stedf �a year an that -even then MaodmialdAaw, and &jrtly after super rac- - r bonses in this ibeality rmottee; bqys? rate ten td fifteen, by te ViSitdY0, POatiliK Andi".swimmIng Wt week. -Remember ,the Gt I ftLE -!lop InglrasOberrlesis t)i lorde der eventy, 'Myrtle Johnston; boys' no 'prohibition of the sal� of liqtr ikn PHONE1.11 OTEL it. -had', apparently, only corqer.c. od, 0XS& ' the in g wa. -In,duaged, -in. The traln f ElishOOMKZRQIAL Cb =11 garden party on Thum- � Earl Campbell; meni?"race, .elgtitten 01. the people would have beea in d provIne excepit f0i ' meAlichaO Pure. eleven oaches. left God6rich at �7 years relay., race 30arl e5- eU. daY'bf 1next week, when the Seaforbh' I. BrIntnll; -W tho It C v] Ma Ed. Coultes Umpift rjair. , Vie u,ght ould last.^inore Ow-wervativels, came I to pb*er 1d.,.1 Man- Campbell; fAt ns tt Barr,. -W-eather '�-.,-n eds Dr. poses'. Fif te ye a 4gO wheli --,tha ol Y clock, the tors dolaiiing, the bind will f race,� Roy Xee- bee'nwell Spent- gays umish, music and Me. Will contest. George ter, Mrs.,Sco WAS _ r- ano *was aafellows:7 �ds had lands; barrel boxing than a few nioths at the longe,st. Itoba, under the Aeaderahlo .of Iil�uugb Will Ang, also ithe Lobbs, of ditions: w becoming,somewht se Ithe line.�,uo. xr., Victor Doherty, 011 of Mr. Xxid, . catch. -t , ?, - 901mesville and. Miss Clarke, of Bay- Brock. Af ter the -games 'and, raxea were. chr. Flo;;ne6 Aitebeson John Xado. ow -flit y mpa,ny enjyedilunch' But it has Vbw been ragink for over n-ald the. � enacted I+, laf' birs.. William Dolberity of Clinton, Im, field will take part In the rogram.- -over the large cc ious on account of the frequent M - base, Mitir 110� *ct was vi y K pouris,of rain. The distri t was vi ed er, Mary ef.,ser; Ist and -placed It on the statute. 11�book. i n '.a year and the end does not seem When Hugh, J4An IretireA jut igradtzated frofn the- UnIvirelty, of M.gs. Ethieljoa". wa4g rnarriect oaWed�: -wldoh thaladloio� ha:4-broaglit'in abu - by wheavy gate whi -.b iamated M day 2nd base Mrs. Abram-, 3rd base, Ruple Alberta, EdmontiOnt taking his degree mead Aanci6..,and, After spending a while -1 I ter ; left nearer than nixie naonths ago. No place wao taken by�,W. Rublin4tTe act tarY Of last weeTt to � Mr. Stahley night, and at I d -Ay- Tuesday and was Tait-; . shortsto L.L.B. Mr. Doherty not only pas- :Fleldins of !Dorobto. The young couple th4, conditions be- , ?, Besie i v e Of lon'ger-a the wea i6d by more beany irpain The fietd,- Mildr,�a ewitt-, rightfield, M -A y do4bt the-� amt. saligulne a, s, t o thc,� - was r6i�ealed, ad It. ,was ubst ituted accompaull C1. his - examifiation Wlth hOnDn', - tak.- -more favorable the 11cent fields o ats sZroi b sti6wart ;. Oat Blu e esid field, ON 15180ott es re Well W p 4 Tor<oto, where the groom me- Magni wilt ca a little f 0 eep e the post 'crowd,s began to - dis speedy -termination of the war we by a. licenze law b In per cent. marks, "but h hold a rei'spobalble'pqgittan in Oerse, for their -f?Ifthei, Lilliffia McCall, catcher, eM sprou! - 9 operation ever afnO. Now Con" ing flattedect and wheab is 02 the Germatauthoritles. They� had plan- servattves. have ro�ado has- badi''two years' experie�nce with, office.-Uhso Catherine Stinson, of -bOmes feel mg In spite - 6f unf avorable Dis pted i law in'the stodk� Aunle Spence;; Ub base Owmie Mes&mE. Grierdbaich� and O'Connor, a law weather condit Ion% they- �mod - 2nd b&se,.1;W1WD1­&mond-, rd tied to make a hurried rush through ntly th6i h1upe tn ronto,. is' vtsit�ng `und�er t1to, parental bad had c cp -picnic al the returns base, Helen Black-; rshortstop, Irene vide w n t wilt Zlraj in the' -Alberta c%bltal. e has ro0f,-In4lano iie. camped near -ogr su ce- ful Belgium to France, capture Parls 'and I", them In offic� it-:dIdb ore. the office 040lat Md MacEwert;.Ieft fleld. Um H. rt' to 110te -ion ed 'been In pharge of village, 'Where they ..4re busy, lgx�g from the 13o6ths 41 ter paying expenses, a tben. turn'teirii hosts, tn. Russia. n, The Keeper4' Au�s ,for - aome time past, gis. both membere DU _ ly- i�Ay 'dollars ifor the Red th 'right field, at leld, their n4utrality am 1 flax. -Mr. andl Mrs. Rufus. Xeys,�!oif. pette,ol, 'near The Wome a's Mary Smith poi- will certainly be -ilate the Rusidw, -s� and then . A- of tble f Lrm tire 09w At the front. CAP; un4 an the Moon remeinbered as -red A IML are.. visiting frleide in this Cr( 3 F afte Viz, ie Miller. Anothev lively bftse ley of neither party isulto them' and 6te the remainder of thair t,-r.ngLh tain GrIersbaelf -went In oommand df vicinity. -Mr. John RathweU, of I-1en­ been tavoTable this amount Would have lefter day in the ainnals. of the � 8 the members -of tho Asociatiod. e to the Edmoriton brigade eariy In the aball match was played betw-pen - Blue- to Britain. None have -been - so ;sadiy be alloed, to vote Igs the sallt Attended the funeral of old bex! evdr so much larger. The',differ- Wome0s Institute. Deapke thei in- vale and a team froi5m, fth line Morris y. like. ipnly Mr.. 0,Conlror isome t1me a, ve spring, and relghbor, Mr. Clarke 6164�Ed which resulteat -in a score of in 41 � , on Sunday last. ent commiftees� 3 well os �the people element weather thee ning two members of Roblk,� 1pov- a,5 they. Despite teir t pro n 6e.' late se f Mr. DOhert 11 .later. Just ull, of $eaforth, In, general, felt, Very much Indebted to off nicely and the K Blue :16g re-elec. lij -Mrs. Goeorge Turo�b ardenparty on r. favor of the home team. But the -great Ore esq, to which spending 4 vacati6n with his brother Mr Bell axi mily for the kiadneas 'T. M. Hamlllton!s lown s6b r vale boys.,were noti so, fortunate In er.nrr,(nt are seeR a pen k with pre4in d t few daylsi of la-st ivee La Led-jiled J fo' the leading memb�rs­ hivIng re e had devoted years of their best S1111 r Albert, who bas a dfomesteaid 'West of her parents, Mr.. and, rs. Alha Wan that they *ad sh��n, them in --patting that date passed off to the entire s Us their footb 11 ith 'Jameatown. Sir Redmond Roblin has it the!. ro.. -he Jr. dispoaal and tion, of a I concer '�'Udrronton. am of per, ex the le at t ned. The6l def6ated by 'Z and- energies', they are no nearer the vince and, is belLP149 with the haivast leas:�-Miss'Rdna Dd ty hasccepteda tbeir fine rove fac J it after sup on It )A r, s. moore. Bayriel&s ed king, 'the favors gi - t �Safs., Inevale, not be- 'he o hi s - t I Aince- ior � Jbig-- things this sch4al kt the ile.-Viaster Harl Ile-- for ieer.aWy that they had baseball bebween Mitchell and Ful ar-, visitors by wo go: farm t. fa Ear n P o,t lookin given them as -wdll as, their tnvlta�iion tOn was certitint a' Arawitig c; ird ing ableto makii a score.. The athletic womplishment of their original ob-i Qn t is 9 Y a. R(ibert for, another year. ad,, �t Wa felt tliat an Ject. -than they wure- one year ago. Edward county, bn.t. -no indeed, thel circulristancescon Nauglhton got the ends of his fingers than thA irk- contest 'runoff during the afternoon badly crushed lagst week. d the ladies are -move contented with 20 und. of the spo Riagers, however, Its, In. ,M=ltobi!r1 dl- Jkasteaid i0ey bave lost (!,4fillon gidered, 'he ill be a' mre convenient jor,- finer gro i fall to them alicrtoI allmb�o so volt nt undert supervision rting he 41f re,eting the caplign for -the oon- b t c! ipdu.xld.q of - honey to ithe 'colony, I u ot have, bee4 obtalni�d azo, the arily assisted in this noble cat'se., coinmr tee, provided a great deal- of their best citizen -s their trade with' quid servatiVeS. eva at that ftd(w yield: his 220 colonle� Twenty five gallons of ice ereivnt*�wlere, interest and amusement -and the prLz the world ias been dostray"ed an'd Hensall. P hickers had- theadvantage of a fine their ht. Will ive.him 4400 ouinds. That Oug11- Parlmet's Grocery and Confectionerv-rNeXt Satur. %sport shady woodig a& sold. Theream all beiDg donal,Q)i were presented. tD the. winners. after financial resources have been stral, field borr tl:,eir �i the f ahn, ers . or supper by the I ut to do iqt!ite a few households and. hely day we are clo�aning out about 20 lilies good fresh joining the f leld, -and the flne- spring in-this,vicinity. The ady members ot the : cookies 18 and 20c a lb.,baturds%y 2 po ndu for 25c to, the f6rmost. And what La. pc�- Vacattt Lot$ Unemploye to ward, -off doctor's bills, that Is If gram Was varied.a-nd of pStriotie, committee as followg� Boys' race, 14 Have you atmted saving cur yellow con' ek dam &t tne rar an w1ach boat- hapia, of equal i�apartaace,'by treach. Pons for free Cre h&�ey 6 ne�&Tly as pealthy an ,,artick ellmware, ask -us ahoub it T. ure Mr. 0. Paul and Miss el- ane -under, 1, sweater.Harvey Robin- ery and braltal tactla5 the Ttere is no b)e -ter evidence of A Lng, ws enjoyed. y have fc-r. th' W. Parlmer. All so tht In slang itat' az- Is, - claimed by fhe apriary kinds of farm produce wanied. a485-� cc wood of Kirktan, Mr. .and Mrs. F son ; 2, par haudkerchiels. Bar telted the respect and -conf Idance -of tba;n that we hi d re,.Yas -of va-. of d phrase t)hey had everything In. their Feeney of Dublin, Miss Hotham. nd Messer. Boys' race. teii and uud s- Mr. Moore ba;� J)een eiiguged Briefs.—The weather has, been very mtt.s, jr,ant- Lmd. and th;uZanEdle. af unemp oy- OW-ner TerY civilized country In the world. Miss Thompson of itchell and M , Alfred. 3-oh0iston, Robert StewaTt; LU th 'bee businees-foxi sixteen years fanfawrable during the past week for During the past week Me great Aus, in centres of papuation.-We McMtirchy of Blytbi aill aontribu d b-Andkerchlef box. Little g I r a -tro,-German drive in Russia haz a 'not hesitatedi to I;V;te millio an.d.11-aving given the little honey�frnak- harve,�ti;*, the dially heavy rains not W ta' ap- bee, --n ers besides, -on id iace. St Elliott 2. ON 1.7 � . � hd, A d to ows their likes Exeter. interesting unib BPI ell& kept up, but Warsaw %has not 1twitstis w .build rallw y. ers cl stud,y he kn ,onlY lold-Zing standing crops., ut pre- Ina; papers on Patriotism -ew Rt and Our R" candlesticki Cora. J Sin- been entered by the Kaiser and - e25rrIQnaIres - in Ahe fkeg Almvst as'well as they W - - ne ro venting work, and, conditions Ill be- -Our Park.—Rp4sidshtp of the gouthern by Mr - A. A,. Colquhoun and Lot e gle m4n's relay rikce, I., President Sun- forces. The Rwsslan have been b�- ce%%, but we shig'nk friorn an T- do thi� elves. Speaking of the average come voy 4eriotts; kidge,of if we,do not part, of the Wwo (haye recently be6n In— Hutchinson which kept the imme se pendeir-s. A. L. Posliff and Uarold h has had Very sbbn have dry Weather.—Mr.- Go t �WL -all aides by the gTeat -German us e:kpend,itare f'money ito teresting themselves in 'the fixing UP: gathering in good hamor. The I es Kearnby 2, pair armbands W y Leld colony. Mr. Moore ra on'thialland. If we oul L, 100 (Yuo s a I Of their e and _eir axmlez but they �have ravely resistrol prod Uc-e ' d over 1but 60 pr 00 haz Brooks. b urchaiise,d,� Mrs. John Me. and 1-eautifykxg of Victoria Park. For nowb e sareut Frank Mf U16. Y�rg QQ relay jan been a gid F4'rlme's dwellmg profpqrty at the cor- y -ears the park bas been fence in an $190 which wilt be spent in the in 'r- 'race. 1, vase, Stella Ott and- Cora, ftem. An wen. they evactiate, War. the p6blic creditt to',Indtic6 agricult r 64. averagei "w, I f tt& one-tenth the ex- of the pion ueen istreets, and aborat the- only se� Mode of it was -4or ests of the Red Crosq, Jewitt; 2, Brown Betty, teapot LA 6S been. alled to hia will take I y do a, there^ will not be al settlement t� �-Ano&'r' eers of Gode- mers k9 Albert amd Q' ar cich of value left in lt� -f 6r the eap- tent that we h4ve a'sed it for prlvatte rich 41strici posse�sslm I couple- of taking off Itay crop., e r s in McCAII and Carry Diamond. tarvied toirs. The Germans have made. great, oapltalisB we *ould doubje the p . u- reward. J�ohn Porter died very sud n0xitb3,—Mr. Charles Jtnks has M oved ar rgoo,w kocation, with a beautffuf lot =en7s shoulder stone entest !Bluevale 1,, ham ELY west of shad trees. This year tb2 fencir- mer,,Cloyne' inma L, pocketknife Pregre-%s tn Poland and have don, latlon of C&nadp' in decade and bu ld de'nly -on Frid-' Ur. Porter wu In -into Fetty�s Block, Immediately H* more thait most peo e expected they eur -propay J,eatb came i0f the postoffice.—Ains. Us. . Sparks bajs Our-Library.—A travelling libr -y ity 8n. a far more'enduir 9, fair, good lhealtb and 1his c eentaken Alown jand'the reisidexits R, C�arniss. Ma�rried Wornen I I lj qu-tfa, umexpeictedly. -On Fiday, is pan and daught,4, have -returned from La has now been opened in the �Bluovaj 8 NMI. do. But they have ained their ba, Pis. � ! , 1 ( , that vicinity b�ve wider taken tc? u0v&1 drilvi at 1, pair hith towels, witb WhUM he lived, went School for the 111se of the pablie,inad- Mrs lrnff con e a a texribilel po�t of men and The above I.-. from The Toronto Richard. OPPIldIng a o1builyle of weeks visit4ng make aeauty sp6h of the­�Vk., The Georga Donaldson, Toronto 2, xL5 of both - of which they have I to look - for - h en Inx at dinner time -and Miss Belle . Sparke' Qf Braixt-f ord, and trees have all been ancely trImmedi and dition to the refer ' ce bookshelf pir Ohina pitcher, Mrs IEL Dlainond. always. been moot� Prodigal '�provldin,: asid , trupr ds were never spok round, hun.' dead - In 'his room. Heart Mrs,., Sparkl-'-�sbster, rs. Alex. Thomly- fixed up. The council made a. grant of viouslY installed. The tri"velling It Pe eating 6onest, tropby. glass they could accompli,sh, their ends. Rus- They ref er 7aa e to, iboth political p troiubla apparently -was the cause. He son an. tamllji of Moronto.—Dr. briaries are sent out free of charge y H. . $5� for the purchae-of Matertaf for a wateiL pitcher, william. McKinney. j91& 'M the �of the most highly respeited Mally, V.S., throah* his the Department of Eduation and other NanA. has M&nOeLyer- ttas. But as the, political riends 'I -Wa4 Oxla agent G. J. band tad,and soie 1seatis. The,band Tj�li only inclAent tomarthe h e4 " ais to wihdraW from.,pw citizew 'in the township, ags was 8jitherland haa Islold hts Ineat and well- stand to already cd�npleteid. IT4e grouO& way be kept for three monthsi, They ure of the day,was the e p eas- Ition to The News. aret� now in p6wer a ha 7 a- dident to -Mr.;; evidenced by the large U -neral Born itaated,of flee and dwelling property a -re then exchanged.for a fresh oupply Position with as little lass to their ic to 'be levelle4 up and som gra,%z. Earl Aitchison of Mount � Fog the Aoing -of things dt �should not ha t preferred, permi ' 9st who. -troops posoible an:d, at the same tn Ireland, in 1828, be came to this' On. King street to Dr. E. S. 1arie, .-seed isiown. At one coner of the park of books, or,- if' had come homeLto -attend tKje picnic can be obtained trom the departme and in the football time inflicting as niui% lass aa posill)1e, tn prolasing Us views upon them it while, a boy. sud ,settled or, dentlgt of. this village, who will take a cindler tennis cor!Irt will be t u for -an extension of match between bQ1 Ud p time. T1�6 pres"I Bluevale and a�mestown in which he their OPPanents. In these aimz tey Un in. urging them to pra&tcal action fhls hokne�,steajdf Ur 180, abdut .&Ight pyaseszlon in the coars'e f amonth to' provie- arnuseinenai for the yo g library contains have bee rom Goderl,ch, and lived there or two.—The, Rev(1s. E 42 *volumes selecte. A suedesafal. Although they long thelins�f indicated.'If V%tead miles f P. UtL.Smit pe,ople. With -the avet of hy.dTo lec- Wa playing on the Elnevale teatu. to suit a variety. of tastes. The bbok lbave lost - territory thms, far, at any ver smce. At that time Goderichwas Gf this vill4ge and the Rev. it. Wood, t -tC I'M E -X bad his o§houldoir put ou-t of. joint. He tol. giving more inone r ete!% it Is hoped ',that the are loaned, for two wesks -kept their armies -ew a on sa � V was hurried to Wig -ham. i-fi Mr, Ulif- rate, they havi� practically a swamp With, Only a f of Srucefteld, exchanged dutie b ark will not 'be, overlooked *,and that quited free to both adults and and erably Intact. Their constant dif fical- atmg or in 'fritteIng It away In u,"Ie builditigs- at the dock. Ile did, 'all bath Imt, the latter giving two excel- suff I nt ght,$ so o make hildrei ford Pugh's antomobile and a � hou a e.dl traft to Lon- le�nt to li ree Ins, talled- t ubjectto the usual. regulations re it L gh ty has been #hortage of -shells and commlikoiis and in' paying les 1.19 teamig bu A N z aermons whicli were listened to t in ury Waar the park a desirable resort -during the gara1mg damages kc.. Ilie select'� pe-Infulhe is maldnjg & igans, Had they been as well provid. salarle.,,4 to men travelithg throug, don, th. round taking nearly. a wIth very much Interest 1by good, plzed­ ood- cover The accident will.pre weeki stimmer evenings. -It haa been iatimat- is varied and embraces many of th ed: in. th-e5e repecta as the Germstis th�, co,LIn Wngregattong. In the evening the ise 4atest productions from th'e Ong for some weeks h7ow- proesing to Ins1truct th r- ed, that a fouxitat'n may The donated and try;' . ll ., 1 mo, they would have swept their oppom. —V,he,n 'Mr. wa Afts Is termed "A Patriotic connected with' the waterworks. ular afithars. 'It POP' ever. In dition to the - oports the farmers � in k �rh Ich it -he' farmer*' ents. before tb6m and would, In W -OT r, (6f Tt-r1�berry-,- left an Thursday ia[- One." ab the reverend igentleman dealt picnic was very enjoyable socially and U bites The Pic-nic.—The iven b, lknow much' more 'about than the terno,on to visit a alck Tela. ve they ve N .—The' c6ancil, hais granted picnic gi PrObability, have been on Ger man -soil ry a�bly with war conditions . and among the old BIlievale friends who waold-be Ixistructorz, the Governmen,� left ire'etions. with their daughter, a to 'be use4 i puchazing irterlal for :the Bluev&le'Viterary Society )ang before thli But in this war ar. lWaVie In every entse of the term a, the erectibh of a t.bi, nesday . of last week, was a sue Were present -and added much to the at Ottawa wbuild stabltsh a fun young womaA 16 ye .Platf orm and aeak'are'of 'the occasion vpver� - ve tillery and what' feeft artillery hd ar of age, to go gcbd rousing Patrlotie:sermon. — Miss providing of seats 'n Vic from whichl th e -w6tild help ettle torla,Fark.— aud enjoyable event- in 't spi e -thel miiins Toronto- Mr Rob�it W the' store at Wroxeter and get -a V, I P . Ween the prominent features and th Edith XEwen,,wbo is. -teaching -wisatfier ExeteK. 'this year U11cel tha ln, t.%..get 4 start they woul 'At, or_ The county rate for rtainty of the. 'Gerrrvas. have been aundantly au,061L cam bf ay.rulp. s rsoon s they, left the 1111a, Is fhbkne @pe:nd�ng, 1holidays.—G. J. his is early Caosemme, aocom�hsh Tbere gre thou- i$1,143.68 amd tn pAdItdon'to t part U.-ifie day, which threaten- Stew W- d wAh both a,nd, therein lay their ba begun i wkig up, 4er Suherland aa'.agant f,*.Xrs. ed to -cancel-the girl. must Ve -P art, Willie and ki�brt Sto sands -of unemployed ottering round th the war tax rate iinpocsed by the on.- affair altogether... It art, Acton - Xtes Olive Master& Tor- a rength. Should, the G lex has is -614 her pea 4welhng was found 1 ible to use the.- �p ph ng am. t ermaus capture ItIngs, for they were all left. In the towns cities ho would On Wei- tatto Government and collected by the mpo§8 -Mrs, Jose Pugh- Wi h -hi6h hid arsaw, which Is ndw not improbale, bouse as, if 1he Ihiad, intended to, leave: lington ateet to Dr. 1. G. Malloy, Muhty, which amo groM; 0Dt0; only too - glaid, to locat- on the land unts to 1$53�..20, �rgak- n1c w b(?on- chosen.,, It Is ifficUilt to isay whpt the next. if they bi-d We 41ie went tu' the village and procure V.S., w1fo W111 take imsesslon of it Ing the total ount on account of. the dampness, solAhe i Cliffr, Yugh, nyohey with which pAid alo.bought abaluit, the en4,, of Inext month.--l-Licens . e y ,rate $1,681.86..--. vrowd gath tow Miss Maude Piiuil, rittsh., step Will be. They will likely turn' fte syrulp, aa ,oridered, U -Misq Mabel..Coultep, To, to makie. a 1K'ood(istart. Many of the'twA- Exetelb civic NDUdy Is likely to be on ered on the school groun thia"bulk of their fGrcea either into in th6 village which pro -tit ewe. She Istaxte lou on the rer TnsDectoes have been making �their' Thutsday, September 16th, the big day Vied. to be an there. She wao seea tto ent aells struggle. A few their lives.! They ome 'herewith thi,, bard"Quance, Jr., haspurehased the siporte, and as the sun Came j)ut..&nd Wingham; Mrs� Sanderion, in the Dazda. the tragrants f3lam European countrieghave rei2hed' Coulte, D.D..S., Pbilad a - MA. tvTn, jvurney-blo-fne but ineaver weateM zone'or 9b to help�the Turks rounds of w�pectlon. during the -pao-t at the mcellent - place for elphi nalccul;stolr.(�a.,�o farm work all er the Stewc week, but we trust hat their duties RIC Western Fair, LmApn. — the afternoon's Pateron and Miss Bleaz-arY "t;A art busli,. w, t�L.a opposite "side of win ioprove eWly As we are &=tou tba shone brightly, thlb rest f the day 5-41 #&Ys now will sbow what the fULUM intention ID,f ettling owithe land, be he road' to Ur thlome, and the follow- H�NWall will ,bo he as been occupyIng for there�wias nothiig to Sanderson,. Mrs. George Don pragram�ne is, - likely to be. t Id ood name ais 9, liome Mrs Win GrlffiWl Mrs. R. Ing brou at thither 'by the promis d, tu*ne from Mr. Sidney Sanderi mar the pjeaj d I., �*ilte e e 60 acres oi would like —Harry Trick air r mej ure of the occasion for theoltrige num. son, Toroto - Mfas Mar aret,p. Theze..�hz-i been iRterm Itteint f irht1 of a f re ing d ay the Pam of syrup was, f oun law-abiding village, as we iiame- of 4ter- hey �;oon -with a %ad, accident on JThua -n they come here.t I Win Mi the westerm; front iduring the past Whe near the 'back -of the bush. Father aA citizens to see the. ood, ber Of members and their friend who son, we -t no serious exigal land. -e lot the girl there was none, al had assembled. ts. It trac ee el e y -a . get the pects preserved. of last One of the I ek bL1 gemen find th our village, in many Ires I at ialthaugh the ica, rnoon. week, WIUI out motor cycling, Idin Xlss.Eva Paterson), Toronto. Msses wa expected the A11M foraw. here -rcbero worked all afte -of Chicago, Is es of. the pic-i-nic was a basebal )And, free 1mney is ireqUired to make though sea —Mr. Fred, BUnthron, Bdtb Wfere4 on the B&mo Wheel When festur' JeL t -thr mkh wo *ft age- of the Gernia �hls xn,��ey they bave- not 79un uIA take adF' n a start. aquJxy sbowa -that she did not take here visiting fh�le., parents, Ur match between two te&W9. of Sue` Collie .-also arri*'id 'trah� ut aay [of the staions near'by, the machtne 81olt Into ,arat throwing 9 M a years -extended r1p *ive 111 the Ea* tQ make a dead Zset ot. Ow the contrary it Is necessary R. WOatholn.—Dr- S- T- Be", liO W", th�rl� heavily' to the'xoad afid givin ladies, the Reds"and the Bluei, Who e west in time to attend the Picnic. had been training bn their opponents at this 4 it is not thqfght that -she got lyractilging 'here for a time, regularly for point. But boT hern !to- look aro, or emplo but Who' them a b, haking uIp. — Enginee -time, so the giarde, s6me booth" on tbe und f away. �There is--,Tqore than a -sue- sqld, out to Dr. J.. W. Re -r WAS closely-bontest. grounds during the tiothliig of this kind,has been, thas. m.eill to km money to f eed themselves - 05' M town lash - week 47,contributed to the festivieies.and ar ck of �thw.kCiaator W tha something Is knoh of wh.at village, was In the village , iast, week prep4,ra-- ed and- aroused g n for It has eon t and their.[ families. This. employment �I I 10rY to etting a start on th reat exeltemen tlPiv�s & surPlus of $16..59 for the Rea �ecame lot. her, amA ta n um. ber of peqpla 6 -HYdXO The score was- 17-1�8 in fax or of the lRow about gon' by. It now looks, as is most readily obtained In the,town8 for -a few days, ad has decided to. Alice, Batile. of Loa An- crois fund, It the T01tov of the Allies 1,,, to worry vill be examined. by Officer Phppen piactice ir�-Lohd Wost.—Mr. -n and ettled on the railways. They tn ain atterp-pt, to locate her. A prevail- bid, inknog On a. Ar - geles, called, on friends in town .W,t their c�p�ents ao mtt�h as P63ilbln take t1aid employment and, they arf�- cr bf the lKolsogs Bank,,bas week.—Mrs.. -Amstroll and. daughter. -pointq a% that the bQt34 -will give. and at as m91ly aeen exiJoyint a couple. of',weeks' boll. POO-Sibk anI(I soon �nured, to uAan alfe and they are ng Opinion 's Of Braniloxi­ Manitoba, are Vialdhg. at %n this way wea them oat without lost to the land. It.. however, tant Wormation-.- The girl has daya n Lmdon � and there- other" plaees. the ;hbfme of �W. an -4 Mxa- U App- een missing oeveral day and there lofflng too Much thern-elves. This P01- wa tsiokn4� organization to - take hold to S. Hardie, ' bf G uelph - waii� tn stiong.—Mr. .T. E. anfordii' % well- couple ICY theY are. evidently, working out a trong, Isul9plelcya Of L of these ipeople. place, thern aA, the U' Pay' She Ile, village this week Operiftig a known Exeterite, left last week.' for 6URcesisfully and, al.tb ough as laist peon enteing the buoh,alone. not Very -provide them with sufficient in tor.t laxi4 ad: of dais with he hU1PbaAd and *4,9 the Peace River district.,. H ws ac- e best revAy m6ney to en very favorably 11npreAseA witif t�he tau-1ar MY In the �eond- be th I e J�vl bas since been' fou d :Safe Wilson's'. Drind d Book S able l�em to make aP" cianpanled by 00#. thlrity young men .,of P. netoh and moostu,mse. So,'long a, they can a t tb h bo. start they wotv1di isdon. become prm- PLaXaneie Of our village and Islooking who Intend,, tak e�ereindustry, th Litivatloa ot Ing 4p land there-.� keep the Germ-ains -back #,E�hd prevent oving There la the Mx perous settlers, and, wcyu.ld not only forward, tio, soon M and -i Mrs. Wrn. Pd-thale left last t�-ushrooms�, Us been S rteol, an Gode - "'em from gainffag grOuftd ana at the become -producers but In A 'few. r mw bbtne that the doctor has pur- week ft Saii Ilfiam4D tinie keep'punlsl -ag tht.-.n wili iand, Is like,ly -to pr�;ve ;succe"f ul. Francisco to attend the le Would 'be able to, repay- with Interest, On ChUeA- — Mr. and 'Mrs. 3, S. Wren, Panama Exposition. They Intend re. their own forces do. not lose too mu�h. : ��,e first *shipment was. made last the money,advaticed ihem. So the ef 1T0X0Zto;are vibiting thW many rel- turning by British Columbia Ad, in- n NyGuld in t Is ay get -the ,eTer'Y aY will tell In their f avor.�j I�. cou trs w,�eekt from the beds of Mr. Mark Wate Wass for Pre ing N , il, .1 h atives- end friends- In -gensall and,*- tend torsped some t tn Yancoitier servi Eggs V.bitehorn. Mr. Whitehorn is delight-, lme is TIOW the general opinion that--t&e settle P directions 15C rs ad, the uthmate co4i wouid inity .—We* would like to see our co]h- and other Wext rn oUnd tin wi el with the reault of his labors, ad e points.—Mr. Wilbur Ith full German forees. in the west have hot be trLfil,'19, as Moist Of the mohey-thus tractol's or,capitallits baild A few neat -Mitchell. f - e 81st Battallo,'WIn- tb I uiLding in which. his been 4epleted for the great RugsI afthoi;gh the b an advanced would be refunded. Bestdies dwellings bere s),.4 the Inv.:stmentwould nIPeg, is APeOding a few day.9; with qishroat� '"ist are situated, the old drive In the ea&t. That while the these foreigni set'.1ers there are, no rr. be a'pr4liable-one &.9 thera ist agood Im parets -her !Pickard Lymans Fly Poison Jorce-9 there have beeri enormously ifl.: Strachan 'blacksmith ishop on �rietorla dmand ie.- -M. R. 7 E. Pads ... d 5c envelopes doubt, thousa;n s of young Canadians f& --dwellings, modern inmke- srrived last week from he West and creaed the tadresuse has. been prinel- who street, li:�- by no rneans Nvell adapted are now eketng put A �sklm p llvm uP,,Ibut not too large or, expensive. will- spend.; a sa=t time here, to: the buittue-gs, at growing mushrooms Y Poison Pads.. P8,11Y fTvm ustria and'inew Gcrman -n. employment Our- business men re�ort triAe very Ing as Wm laborers 6r I I OC erkl�elopes armies. it look�. aa if areful attention and 4i, the towns and cities who `d0d, andevei increasing.—Mr. homas ELraun Oc4entif ent are Cromarty. Trie submarine wartare would 91 ­ I Li 91 has not ie- tJbe only, too ` ad to beb ma.,nagern prod acing- Hudison, �TCeve, and.bia brother,. Colin, Tan efoot Stick Paper... 'OKItO UlTnuch du-cng- the olne good results. Ttere -are' 1,300 squarre -Notes—Miss Florence 5c past W09k. hoim4 aers. if they only had he were in: Seaforth recently visiting their Ho.igarth and -The' German pirates have o feet of eds laid ouit, all.' howing Miss Hovland,' of Hannaford, N. D. ]�Ure Lime jui' aunk a f i-Aw mea.,ns it 'et a deceh't atart upon thf, mathex who had undergone o -a oper94- cey" wholesotn freighting boats- and a few liveshave la,no. and satisfyin & 'producing a gooid cro, , -and are visiting at. the formees relative�' surritner drink, va age.� rom twelve� to W. CarLle. er n ves,- b4s" not betan tried long ere thiis 6- Mgt ac- Aimons. Y beed lost 'but the 1099 of Germs, Why It Is -,that isoine suchscheme -quite an sad need bl's, In this -vicinity. —Mr. John La' than , 9 I expected that f ton. at chea t y pyundp. will b- ehLpped ever, nA- youhff-xo were here I by hi� children and a I)odv &-131a other parts have been greater V . ompaiam une bf ��the unaccountable things wh1ch -d day recently froxxt the West visiting rela,.,, "D guard of ,losses of the'Allies. ze�on, Au�mg the ISUMer igeAson. it�4ves. thaix 'has 'been te Youthful 1p ews,' a no peon sieemtms to ibe 41ble to acco Staftetifan of Toroii-. -ne h ent, The- German-Arnerkain Mr. Whitehot is so ithoroughly con. tcv art of last week at the Bend. Wesh's'Grape Juice i 'Rubber Sewer Rings' situation re.- for. If: our P011tICIM11S OLld only be spent a fe dys hoire - lately. w ,that it1s. 4paying propos liobinson, OML near Stratford, was fr ractical,. rnaina as befoTe. The GernlanS have ind uceol to take a. .,p' re union Picnic. Our elvIc holiday 2� sizes ition Mrs 11 observed, all week. John Scott, last Xah b4te. of isoar. HdIron, road upon which be is erec�tlng on 'Mon4ay Wt W Mrs.. James Campbed, Moose A& ss Ye t re Piled ta the la.,t Arnexii- sense ew of things Instead com""O" Halt he 'haa. , secured A property oia the*'guest, of Pirits and quarts mg ln� the claudg, the LnernplDymciit places of lbtVlneas ab1'seiWne*,closed,, and a Wif There is liot rauch news from ish4ilts that will g1ve him 2,400,z14.are Jaw, wid iss Aggit McDougall, of 801M a ginger Cordilil a z5�� bottle makes 1 --aal. the as wel� as the Pettlement problem could f number kok. advantage of the ch are- v Is! e Of ibeds. Dufring the first three eaP Boharm, Sask Dardanelles. AnYthia.9 that. diais been soon be solved o the great dvantage railway excursiftsi on that day, but I ting air lon read r use.- Mewed In ths- of the year the buismess oc friends in Hibbirt; —Rev, D. and the igr0at crowda headed �for Mr. P. D. Pes to show t�at the Al- of the!couixitry aind Fnany people tn it. I hed foyces- are txn4dng,,s1Ight pr%. Ing fzeed: ibubaft will* be en- Richie, ane* family and Mr.A. Rite fie' Wll',s - GxOve, WeAt Of the village, wher� "Intend spending their - hli at Pickle bottle corks, 7 ­or. 8 si�.es. Paraffin Wax, etc ga In for the city rade, It Is ez:- t,he. Unioh Sabbath E"bol p c days W r h. On the next tw,6 S grie-" ft the way Of gaining better le bolhi as 19 uce eae —Five valulft ea, averaging In pec ed, thgCt :�.500 c,tich4 per we6k B *05ttionis. But the qppoaltion EtW ;re- will -butng b, -11d, &ad it could. veritably be baths the p UPI W, much fire ilopa by mains very, et ubborm and, there I. wofth owid. M n iL. ill be, occup Str&tg ine. w4vel road famil- �61rs. Gillespie, Of NW, Weekly Income. Vhe nushroomg, at pre- 9 , .. were b u!rned Alive, when bel ed, ON ea good. �sald,:tbst all rdado�liead to P.D. Bell's Rev. A' G. Xcloadblin of unknown origin at an early W Of life On both Sie. %It, need not hour Gxbie. and! the f Y Morning destroyer] Aht, 096 bftg, kbIPWI d1rect'to,Kon- at -1y knmm nd �tr,�_.al n boxo�s efi, the1ZU,V'ldh Road, pre. M. Charles Gillespie, beaTiorth,-7 auone If this hould come the livery of Drs. Jamea and X H. city viited their relatives- ditrink- nd. Mr. Ida; y lapge ItAltans' are stilli beltIng Away horses j)re. sadl at fIf ty cents a poc mur T 01 the past Al b the testing oint of the war. Moore,; in Listowel. Two other of 20 lbs. capacity and gented 1016ftagi aort 'of agaia were saved, a�ld y, vAtU, tb� Ver the tive freed, ! ut �Wb�t4orni. fixyg sh tA.s 8T like number of Week.—The Miss" :McLau hl' i. of on �b m U too orAp� like Straitfotd'ae g Ir FROW ilk'1100 C1aXrP8eR, bugglep, b1clelei an,d theguestsof Me!" Druggist and Bookseller SEAFORTH". Tenders M )Board bf m church up b -ehoir UoAer U011. nfte"a 31oard rif Mi ko'bine n itrate�, Rio —Tb e the .tbe parp Ova for 4 acted a's at the 90 Pk bave qi worked ;kj. *bGtt, and: bf-, tile ni Acted as 11 -for-- over II; 4a" a m 01 wbchet r�en Vf tti, chuTzh ea OL the Akhe - -Prou 4 Jele-74M of zta pre$0114 of - tbelr 0, Presented 4U. Purse SEA Fall woen - *-at&,- Pat =11. 'Feaso*r buA ,zar ioif* Per bw Bran pa ton,; 1�-Short% Mour. per Mi Butter No. 1. ,Zggi jiftr Iam' n3y new. .,I .PA&ToeY4 new, Reani ........ I Montreal. ,-Weste,rns I lected Wi Lundon, bet -b W.- I �ftlri. Some, In, to'Zsc; I vrints 'O go Obeese-TIv Ue for lax 91d; -21 if -2 bolz-1114 tr.A 00. 2 VUVI toraing te, ,tmat:4k Atr V-171 94, Meas -14M ; TZA ac000 naft extra. )OW IOU, feed Pokd JLay VOlIng as . 4* track ST a ion ir bere. PAY- tp '#19 Of f ate wim UW ��[As OX -the w alef idem Offering aT )1_yjr � Good 0�64 thes. bli It Ike ar4g, ftw 10a4a Ih*ure Mai oat quota )a- for the this Waa a,� AUwn. by 4041stf bu, tbAn list fttcber bL t:4.ve been. VeAt. Cam b well :1 the- bulk i ftom -so to 49,60. Shei few -b-ead ere a ab� Uw, aED I *b1W;ed -10 179 'hogs i POSIT IOR ATJOT I -5 -91 -T$T 19 - S AUGU. 7 tbr- be akilig or, 0. 4nid' 'are it- them �O'U,L thv need a or cycles, f o, the village Alone bas OVVT twentY I t their Autrl&d, grp I � 11 - I rge, qo fity ef h _-atd at awrom away VIC "d dra-ughts, (and S- apiphe d. xOrnOthIng auto a tte large owdo,41 thase� in Sho, e's ts. lftere� 11; nothil6c _11ew U eatroyed, 113 oit a- veliloleo-, 4 tb wltw �lety fresh Air. -1 numbers �by - I S M T W -T S .01, other section nor has t t tign ll ,k -.,-The build l4g, axid kyAtu ware si, yed the rural districtL Tt-seemed 0 YA. be'sides, I d eb& ngetl In ani ma.terla espect %e a by Dr. nter, an4 is Ihisureid, Thi are-, al�o Insured. Port -Albert vLTY olle was 'In commissl6in carry-Alls- and ill other a-milable r 3 to- 4. I I.- 1:1 6 -13 7 4 4LUring the past . weik.,, T OeCT" If U14 I I - ver. rr"alt and Munitions' ver- A-04 Mrs. Horace Cu'n-' ch*niln iftee Im d1w9e of the. pie- bid -a& arrangedent So -ear r-6 x7' 18 1 9 20 *4 1 and' tl-,bre tnever waO,­ ave a the - tuation Hurou.Notes. ningham and famlly, of Windsor - and 9'Md mirs.,B�A C*nMehan, f- mic that �xfte wIslaing tb join in tt�e picnic la, .12 23 24 - 25. 26 27 k 8 war 04(>m Ore serlio. and w M the -Nfr� land, Mo. m, Blyth, anc t. rolita, relturned, o their respective, would, find a)fty dff-f loulty An - getting 09 3a 31 0 no Cpe 66 6ngagement'bf thdir'Sec- Aar- b0MP$ Vit ,Moh4ty after -a visit ;�ltlj there, T41e 6oinmitteie� in charge of _kbe "grounds", of t tUe- "sporte and of 1be was MxWe likely to, bi�. tried to I th �mt isr Otled - - lfred, -to t�r,'Aiinna Winn XSmAjer4 �1.4 rip cgivn v-0 Mr- AcIp thlf, pal�ents bere. the T'ey made Ien�t ii, 0. In EhAr mofrar and report "refrisbw Jw" ha boot di so every- ew rourn purcWfses in meAls woricing shoes are now arriving. ing tin tue test' this nedee"Ity -Wlu'wpek !by h. I -,an. . �Qille4n; �Pf 1, the marriage to an - ride. 'UT. -Sylvester and tb <m&er, and to 'con- i'CaTid uccess- cted with t& tak.� p *.6- early"in -Aulgilst. iixtos ?MW ADVERTISENENT, Alay by 4aY trxrease %nd t Xr; Myrs; vf­0trktf0Nl bro t pleas= Evey, pahlhai been sele vi o our f un pmlq, *-At tw rt Brw' c"e -49al-ost Urs. $wartz, of th 10 tb- - o. Oclock, --the hour rs the ontind, eir am custome will �?,he­ *I% td ppire lor a - ( . -A ? - is Iner gottagoo'here ew o giving MUTT wt --Q 016thi 00.-i ation, of lils 61111 until last week, wliere -t�tcy � *ill sAend. the at wh.w.h. the games =A smts.'were .omfb I mum price', consi�s V W Fitz- thi6 war ;vila British'Excliancellotl, Goderict, W0,5 mAxium amount ot wear and - rt it the �Mlni tent Shou That W'ear tintedA4 start. a'verj large erowd:had MV and of whipp ere Is ernaindier of tbe��Zummer 'leat 'll resi t wear anoi wear and waiter Glasl�-Wilwdlq Drugftor" recently -disposed of by (the Police- Ma� with quality. Every her, I hat w.- S Y. gerald, of Duin on, has iteen en�� iierribled, nd' t1w people *et yet W" X T. Th-i�wipson-5 ot at tb,-- rosent Jime an thait ta,". It appears ' that li$h kip, chrome calf, Canadian kip tProd! 0 Sto re- igtrate of ourstock. E 1.0 ate OMPeat. when. the is represented in Wanted -Box 1521 -oderich-8 ib - of gage a's teach4�r hete for the ext, camzg. twin all dh*cums on or about July SrA. -four cae� term.-Coumi-Illor Richardson basi pu-i- raln..thathad,'been, threat�nlng. a little, -or ta Trouft Want-id—IL black whale,, pebble and gran leathers black n—dependable sh Lmther Goods-Thompson's Boa Store ­8 came -to G rich, by the Do- Mri.. ''came idOwn. in s&h -a hea�y showet, re chased, a every as. to kes. We uarantee ur p two add �rsed to L. 0. Aels-and, family, of Nro'xeter, mot- that a rusla had. to The meAP, for iskel- rices Farm for Sale- -C. FarquMr-4 exp particular. And th MmAtou �iections FWB&1*---UM Gaket 5 Rose. C We're Handing Out" PetorSolln 4U4i-ltW'o to ;J" J Ok- -to be aslow as it is possinle i p sell re able gqods. - Our cAsh buyin DolJr':Z" Shoo Stor" �ectlons , or*�4 Ve'r called n ter, . and) the tooths. tthat� had, been so . he, Mamit,ioba 0 ese an Monday and i0bre,conflocated three f t For- Sate�-A. D. Suoerland-9 stable R well suppl", With ke yeam, candy, enables us to giv�� the best vaues at times. e sell metes workin their friends.. Mi. iteb wa.,formeifi (low for Rale -W. Har" take place tom4iay . . . . . . . . I Ay., & -stiff befte . they were delivered, and on en- Ui 'lets, all fsolid leather mittp Rod Croft -4 one had. mill bere.­MW1 Rusells, Schoen- tc., tu charge of a union com e of. 1jundj that- the other shies in shaved kip, with plat' toe and"Jarge, eye ­Wa qu' halt, of C19AM' vid*4 0ere la& week, young la4ks representing. the three. Icontest 'is beini but- I try throukhou, for $2.50 a pair, Mensworki - shoes in Urut Calf leatfier e d3ritish Exchange b6en. delivered at th Ing mndltions eeom to -the to er h6me on Monday.- Sa:bbath Schwls,' iilid, "'o rieturning sell Rotel. He laidi &-charge Against Mrs, Mr.,Stanley Hiaydon,'tfle second son of Ins in he -interests of the -Red' Cromas w�ith or withont toe.caps for$ oo a pair. Mea's working shoes- in tan 9 (Sa Men's woikin MOW s Govemment will be,' ir turned. gwa�rt , of (ke I * X0117A ping lidu or f or sa e gwl�, z oHh dext &,place,: has, �Pund, suffkaed e as cut) for S3- 25- men y of th the effects g ain lenther with t6e-capfsa from od or -,magistrate fined the ,defendant $50 s rppdrte4 1by 90 Pvorking, -ity. the at Edinuht6n: for ve'risem - ser- of the �rain. an4 k%t that tinie, a -great' ii ac Vlha C1 ethe eed untIrIg in all to�,, nearly -ma U shoes i bl k-. te or'0116d ned 1- rs,, guarant waterproof, Vare Is not a very wide 41 erejice aud Osts, AMO wce.-L-Or'. Rayden,.af GoderIch, spent. y teVing a very iavy Otorin.' for $3.5o a blen's 1W or x shoes -in t0A kip leather, with 'plain between, the policies c f the t IJ I Stinday -wA quite - a large pair. Ing 0 It ea. tb Us pxrents, Oiere. .started home. U-6wever, gpAFORTH, FRIDA Yaln fell In foe and doubl so a pair. I ; (*aterp r of) for $3. Our speoial harvest a the fact that -t ntimber cmtinued to, braye the e14 e solds The 'result. will depend":Wwnt on. - I ­ e -.' I _.I torrents on -Wednesday -morning ,of laist zeiits. am4 Oid programme of sports sWe*s maae in tan muleskin le4thor .with toe cap forzoo. a air Itht temperance vote. The.Gov nmen Week 'the Elyth union ifthday school were pluckily carried *Vt , 4n he face of in f erleb, was a The War Situation. promNee If returned to Aub ni or a. eldl-at OW Note. -Mr. William Clark paised A.' Ma rain aA4 were " follows: The greatest and mo%jt det�ruictbre vo o of 700 eople from te of the people a prohlbitq liquor s Ucceas. 11pward way On, FrLday moxming of last -Boys! raze, live to ight year,%, Jahn. Weelc war the- world has ever ex -pert Od eaue tv be priepa -ed I -undgr 01e..dir Blytb, AQ,bum and, other points along , yal race xiliw- to thir- Me after. a legthy 111nem. Ile leaves-- a le St"ay.; be t, -he (C P, R., took advgntage of the e, t teen to, W14ow,and grown-ul), farAlly. ev. teen, C, `Wya' ae hLr has xiow been ta.progresofor over a Motion. of� the tempo ran&'. --ieo e and to vwt- the I Own- Mr. Johpst,on ubA On- "fuxtien Sam-Mougall. Girls' race,'thlr- low fates pouiity , t arear. it Is of ten good 101! U0 thA, it carried the measy r will, t e or"q- ghdrtly after. nboa .'the sun broke teen,t,6 ixteen. Olive e4mond; ,momink n. cohait6ted the rlar-- t f Call ork. The opol afternoxi was very. U r aervX We Wo inot lenow, what the future ha -7. into opera I -hrough and the Uns.. 0. Blackwell pleigant anA w�@a UY e of . Mr: Clark An the ried' Wye ra er seventeen an un.- 3rx More, for uo. If we had Imown. a- tion A ro' o r �enact qnj ed,,,t .,the f u there' 'm - the �,af ternoon.-p1ck-. Nvomen�o race, -ov d We r,of the dAy. ,Year ago that this terri ar would' what is k-ndbalwn, as -the Hug,*,,il John had & ,.at& plc4& On th6 program for M - 0orra bdght several tb e-legge4 Ti. Scrutwi, and J. w*� 'Pro for the p ay, re have la�stedf �a year an that -even then MaodmialdAaw, and &jrtly after super rac- - r bonses in this ibeality rmottee; bqys? rate ten td fifteen, by te ViSitdY0, POatiliK Andi".swimmIng Wt week. -Remember ,the Gt I ftLE -!lop InglrasOberrlesis t)i lorde der eventy, 'Myrtle Johnston; boys' no 'prohibition of the sal� of liqtr ikn PHONE1.11 OTEL it. -had', apparently, only corqer.c. od, 0XS& ' the in g wa. -In,duaged, -in. The traln f ElishOOMKZRQIAL Cb =11 garden party on Thum- � Earl Campbell; meni?"race, .elgtitten 01. the people would have beea in d provIne excepit f0i ' meAlichaO Pure. eleven oaches. left God6rich at �7 years relay., race 30arl e5- eU. daY'bf 1next week, when the Seaforbh' I. BrIntnll; -W tho It C v] Ma Ed. Coultes Umpift rjair. , Vie u,ght ould last.^inore Ow-wervativels, came I to pb*er 1d.,.1 Man- Campbell; fAt ns tt Barr,. -W-eather '�-.,-n eds Dr. poses'. Fif te ye a 4gO wheli --,tha ol Y clock, the tors dolaiiing, the bind will f race,� Roy Xee- bee'nwell Spent- gays umish, music and Me. Will contest. George ter, Mrs.,Sco WAS _ r- ano *was aafellows:7 �ds had lands; barrel boxing than a few nioths at the longe,st. Itoba, under the Aeaderahlo .of Iil�uugb Will Ang, also ithe Lobbs, of ditions: w becoming,somewht se Ithe line.�,uo. xr., Victor Doherty, 011 of Mr. Xxid, . catch. -t , ?, - 901mesville and. Miss Clarke, of Bay- Brock. Af ter the -games 'and, raxea were. chr. Flo;;ne6 Aitebeson John Xado. ow -flit y mpa,ny enjyedilunch' But it has Vbw been ragink for over n-ald the. � enacted I+, laf' birs.. William Dolberity of Clinton, Im, field will take part In the rogram.- -over the large cc ious on account of the frequent M - base, Mitir 110� *ct was vi y K pouris,of rain. The distri t was vi ed er, Mary ef.,ser; Ist and -placed It on the statute. 11�book. i n '.a year and the end does not seem When Hugh, J4An IretireA jut igradtzated frofn the- UnIvirelty, of M.gs. Ethieljoa". wa4g rnarriect oaWed�: -wldoh thaladloio� ha:4-broaglit'in abu - by wheavy gate whi -.b iamated M day 2nd base Mrs. Abram-, 3rd base, Ruple Alberta, EdmontiOnt taking his degree mead Aanci6..,and, After spending a while -1 I ter ; left nearer than nixie naonths ago. No place wao taken by�,W. Rublin4tTe act tarY Of last weeTt to � Mr. Stahley night, and at I d -Ay- Tuesday and was Tait-; . shortsto L.L.B. Mr. Doherty not only pas- :Fleldins of !Dorobto. The young couple th4, conditions be- , ?, Besie i v e Of lon'ger-a the wea i6d by more beany irpain The fietd,- Mildr,�a ewitt-, rightfield, M -A y do4bt the-� amt. saligulne a, s, t o thc,� - was r6i�ealed, ad It. ,was ubst ituted accompaull C1. his - examifiation Wlth hOnDn', - tak.- -more favorable the 11cent fields o ats sZroi b sti6wart ;. Oat Blu e esid field, ON 15180ott es re Well W p 4 Tor<oto, where the groom me- Magni wilt ca a little f 0 eep e the post 'crowd,s began to - dis speedy -termination of the war we by a. licenze law b In per cent. marks, "but h hold a rei'spobalble'pqgittan in Oerse, for their -f?Ifthei, Lilliffia McCall, catcher, eM sprou! - 9 operation ever afnO. Now Con" ing flattedect and wheab is 02 the Germatauthoritles. They� had plan- servattves. have ro�ado has- badi''two years' experie�nce with, office.-Uhso Catherine Stinson, of -bOmes feel mg In spite - 6f unf avorable Dis pted i law in'the stodk� Aunle Spence;; Ub base Owmie Mes&mE. Grierdbaich� and O'Connor, a law weather condit Ion% they- �mod - 2nd b&se,.1;W1WD1­&mond-, rd tied to make a hurried rush through ntly th6i h1upe tn ronto,. is' vtsit�ng `und�er t1to, parental bad had c cp -picnic al the returns base, Helen Black-; rshortstop, Irene vide w n t wilt Zlraj in the' -Alberta c%bltal. e has ro0f,-In4lano iie. camped near -ogr su ce- ful Belgium to France, capture Parls 'and I", them In offic� it-:dIdb ore. the office 040lat Md MacEwert;.Ieft fleld. Um H. rt' to 110te -ion ed 'been In pharge of village, 'Where they ..4re busy, lgx�g from the 13o6ths 41 ter paying expenses, a tben. turn'teirii hosts, tn. Russia. n, The Keeper4' Au�s ,for - aome time past, gis. both membere DU _ ly- i�Ay 'dollars ifor the Red th 'right field, at leld, their n4utrality am 1 flax. -Mr. andl Mrs. Rufus. Xeys,�!oif. pette,ol, 'near The Wome a's Mary Smith poi- will certainly be -ilate the Rusidw, -s� and then . A- of tble f Lrm tire 09w At the front. CAP; un4 an the Moon remeinbered as -red A IML are.. visiting frleide in this Cr( 3 F afte Viz, ie Miller. Anothev lively bftse ley of neither party isulto them' and 6te the remainder of thair t,-r.ngLh tain GrIersbaelf -went In oommand df vicinity. -Mr. John RathweU, of I-1en­ been tavoTable this amount Would have lefter day in the ainnals. of the � 8 the members -of tho Asociatiod. e to the Edmoriton brigade eariy In the aball match was played betw-pen - Blue- to Britain. None have -been - so ;sadiy be alloed, to vote Igs the sallt Attended the funeral of old bex! evdr so much larger. The',differ- Wome0s Institute. Deapke thei in- vale and a team froi5m, fth line Morris y. like. ipnly Mr.. 0,Conlror isome t1me a, ve spring, and relghbor, Mr. Clarke 6164�Ed which resulteat -in a score of in 41 � , on Sunday last. ent commiftees� 3 well os �the people element weather thee ning two members of Roblk,� 1pov- a,5 they. Despite teir t pro n 6e.' late se f Mr. DOhert 11 .later. Just ull, of $eaforth, In, general, felt, Very much Indebted to off nicely and the K Blue :16g re-elec. lij -Mrs. Goeorge Turo�b ardenparty on r. favor of the home team. But the -great Ore esq, to which spending 4 vacati6n with his brother Mr Bell axi mily for the kiadneas 'T. M. Hamlllton!s lown s6b r vale boys.,were noti so, fortunate In er.nrr,(nt are seeR a pen k with pre4in d t few daylsi of la-st ivee La Led-jiled J fo' the leading memb�rs­ hivIng re e had devoted years of their best S1111 r Albert, who bas a dfomesteaid 'West of her parents, Mr.. and, rs. Alha Wan that they *ad sh��n, them in --patting that date passed off to the entire s Us their footb 11 ith 'Jameatown. Sir Redmond Roblin has it the!. ro.. -he Jr. dispoaal and tion, of a I concer '�'Udrronton. am of per, ex the le at t ned. The6l def6ated by 'Z and- energies', they are no nearer the vince and, is belLP149 with the haivast leas:�-Miss'Rdna Dd ty hasccepteda tbeir fine rove fac J it after sup on It )A r, s. moore. Bayriel&s ed king, 'the favors gi - t �Safs., Inevale, not be- 'he o hi s - t I Aince- ior � Jbig-- things this sch4al kt the ile.-Viaster Harl Ile-- for ieer.aWy that they had baseball bebween Mitchell and Ful ar-, visitors by wo go: farm t. fa Ear n P o,t lookin given them as -wdll as, their tnvlta�iion tOn was certitint a' Arawitig c; ird ing ableto makii a score.. The athletic womplishment of their original ob-i Qn t is 9 Y a. R(ibert for, another year. ad,, �t Wa felt tliat an Ject. -than they wure- one year ago. Edward county, bn.t. -no indeed, thel circulristancescon Nauglhton got the ends of his fingers than thA irk- contest 'runoff during the afternoon badly crushed lagst week. d the ladies are -move contented with 20 und. of the spo Riagers, however, Its, In. ,M=ltobi!r1 dl- Jkasteaid i0ey bave lost (!,4fillon gidered, 'he ill be a' mre convenient jor,- finer gro i fall to them alicrtoI allmb�o so volt nt undert supervision rting he 41f re,eting the caplign for -the oon- b t c! ipdu.xld.q of - honey to ithe 'colony, I u ot have, bee4 obtalni�d azo, the arily assisted in this noble cat'se., coinmr tee, provided a great deal- of their best citizen -s their trade with' quid servatiVeS. eva at that ftd(w yield: his 220 colonle� Twenty five gallons of ice ereivnt*�wlere, interest and amusement -and the prLz the world ias been dostray"ed an'd Hensall. P hickers had- theadvantage of a fine their ht. Will ive.him 4400 ouinds. That Oug11- Parlmet's Grocery and Confectionerv-rNeXt Satur. %sport shady woodig a& sold. Theream all beiDg donal,Q)i were presented. tD the. winners. after financial resources have been stral, field borr tl:,eir �i the f ahn, ers . or supper by the I ut to do iqt!ite a few households and. hely day we are clo�aning out about 20 lilies good fresh joining the f leld, -and the flne- spring in-this,vicinity. The ady members ot the : cookies 18 and 20c a lb.,baturds%y 2 po ndu for 25c to, the f6rmost. And what La. pc�- Vacattt Lot$ Unemploye to ward, -off doctor's bills, that Is If gram Was varied.a-nd of pStriotie, committee as followg� Boys' race, 14 Have you atmted saving cur yellow con' ek dam &t tne rar an w1ach boat- hapia, of equal i�apartaace,'by treach. Pons for free Cre h&�ey 6 ne�&Tly as pealthy an ,,artick ellmware, ask -us ahoub it T. ure Mr. 0. Paul and Miss el- ane -under, 1, sweater.Harvey Robin- ery and braltal tactla5 the Ttere is no b)e -ter evidence of A Lng, ws enjoyed. y have fc-r. th' W. Parlmer. All so tht In slang itat' az- Is, - claimed by fhe apriary kinds of farm produce wanied. a485-� cc wood of Kirktan, Mr. .and Mrs. F son ; 2, par haudkerchiels. Bar telted the respect and -conf Idance -of tba;n that we hi d re,.Yas -of va-. of d phrase t)hey had everything In. their Feeney of Dublin, Miss Hotham. nd Messer. Boys' race. teii and uud s- Mr. Moore ba;� J)een eiiguged Briefs.—The weather has, been very mtt.s, jr,ant- Lmd. and th;uZanEdle. af unemp oy- OW-ner TerY civilized country In the world. Miss Thompson of itchell and M , Alfred. 3-oh0iston, Robert StewaTt; LU th 'bee businees-foxi sixteen years fanfawrable during the past week for During the past week Me great Aus, in centres of papuation.-We McMtirchy of Blytbi aill aontribu d b-Andkerchlef box. Little g I r a -tro,-German drive in Russia haz a 'not hesitatedi to I;V;te millio an.d.11-aving given the little honey�frnak- harve,�ti;*, the dially heavy rains not W ta' ap- bee, --n ers besides, -on id iace. St Elliott 2. ON 1.7 � . � hd, A d to ows their likes Exeter. interesting unib BPI ell& kept up, but Warsaw %has not 1twitstis w .build rallw y. ers cl stud,y he kn ,onlY lold-Zing standing crops., ut pre- Ina; papers on Patriotism -ew Rt and Our R" candlesticki Cora. J Sin- been entered by the Kaiser and - e25rrIQnaIres - in Ahe fkeg Almvst as'well as they W - - ne ro venting work, and, conditions Ill be- -Our Park.—Rp4sidshtp of the gouthern by Mr - A. A,. Colquhoun and Lot e gle m4n's relay rikce, I., President Sun- forces. The Rwsslan have been b�- ce%%, but we shig'nk friorn an T- do thi� elves. Speaking of the average come voy 4eriotts; kidge,of if we,do not part, of the Wwo (haye recently be6n In— Hutchinson which kept the imme se pendeir-s. A. L. Posliff and Uarold h has had Very sbbn have dry Weather.—Mr.- Go t �WL -all aides by the gTeat -German us e:kpend,itare f'money ito teresting themselves in 'the fixing UP: gathering in good hamor. The I es Kearnby 2, pair armbands W y Leld colony. Mr. Moore ra on'thialland. If we oul L, 100 (Yuo s a I Of their e and _eir axmlez but they �have ravely resistrol prod Uc-e ' d over 1but 60 pr 00 haz Brooks. b urchaiise,d,� Mrs. John Me. and 1-eautifykxg of Victoria Park. For nowb e sareut Frank Mf U16. Y�rg QQ relay jan been a gid F4'rlme's dwellmg profpqrty at the cor- y -ears the park bas been fence in an $190 which wilt be spent in the in 'r- 'race. 1, vase, Stella Ott and- Cora, ftem. An wen. they evactiate, War. the p6blic creditt to',Indtic6 agricult r 64. averagei "w, I f tt& one-tenth the ex- of the pion ueen istreets, and aborat the- only se� Mode of it was -4or ests of the Red Crosq, Jewitt; 2, Brown Betty, teapot LA 6S been. alled to hia will take I y do a, there^ will not be al settlement t� �-Ano&'r' eers of Gode- mers k9 Albert amd Q' ar cich of value left in lt� -f 6r the eap- tent that we h4ve a'sed it for prlvatte rich 41strici posse�sslm I couple- of taking off Itay crop., e r s in McCAII and Carry Diamond. tarvied toirs. The Germans have made. great, oapltalisB we *ould doubje the p . u- reward. J�ohn Porter died very sud n0xitb3,—Mr. Charles Jtnks has M oved ar rgoo,w kocation, with a beautffuf lot =en7s shoulder stone entest !Bluevale 1,, ham ELY west of shad trees. This year tb2 fencir- mer,,Cloyne' inma L, pocketknife Pregre-%s tn Poland and have don, latlon of C&nadp' in decade and bu ld de'nly -on Frid-' Ur. Porter wu In -into Fetty�s Block, Immediately H* more thait most peo e expected they eur -propay J,eatb came i0f the postoffice.—Ains. Us. . Sparks bajs Our-Library.—A travelling libr -y ity 8n. a far more'enduir 9, fair, good lhealtb and 1his c eentaken Alown jand'the reisidexits R, C�arniss. Ma�rried Wornen I I lj qu-tfa, umexpeictedly. -On Fiday, is pan and daught,4, have -returned from La has now been opened in the �Bluovaj 8 NMI. do. But they have ained their ba, Pis. � ! , 1 ( , that vicinity b�ve wider taken tc? u0v&1 drilvi at 1, pair hith towels, witb WhUM he lived, went School for the 111se of the pablie,inad- Mrs lrnff con e a a texribilel po�t of men and The above I.-. from The Toronto Richard. OPPIldIng a o1builyle of weeks visit4ng make aeauty sp6h of the­�Vk., The Georga Donaldson, Toronto 2, xL5 of both - of which they have I to look - for - h en Inx at dinner time -and Miss Belle . Sparke' Qf Braixt-f ord, and trees have all been ancely trImmedi and dition to the refer ' ce bookshelf pir Ohina pitcher, Mrs IEL Dlainond. always. been moot� Prodigal '�provldin,: asid , trupr ds were never spok round, hun.' dead - In 'his room. Heart Mrs,., Sparkl-'-�sbster, rs. Alex. Thomly- fixed up. The council made a. grant of viouslY installed. The tri"velling It Pe eating 6onest, tropby. glass they could accompli,sh, their ends. Rus- They ref er 7aa e to, iboth political p troiubla apparently -was the cause. He son an. tamllji of Moronto.—Dr. briaries are sent out free of charge y H. . $5� for the purchae-of Matertaf for a wateiL pitcher, william. McKinney. j91& 'M the �of the most highly respeited Mally, V.S., throah* his the Department of Eduation and other NanA. has M&nOeLyer- ttas. But as the, political riends 'I -Wa4 Oxla agent G. J. band tad,and soie 1seatis. The,band Tj�li only inclAent tomarthe h e4 " ais to wihdraW from.,pw citizew 'in the township, ags was 8jitherland haa Islold hts Ineat and well- stand to already cd�npleteid. IT4e grouO& way be kept for three monthsi, They ure of the day,was the e p eas- Ition to The News. aret� now in p6wer a ha 7 a- dident to -Mr.;; evidenced by the large U -neral Born itaated,of flee and dwelling property a -re then exchanged.for a fresh oupply Position with as little lass to their ic to 'be levelle4 up and som gra,%z. Earl Aitchison of Mount � Fog the Aoing -of things dt �should not ha t preferred, permi ' 9st who. -troops posoible an:d, at the same tn Ireland, in 1828, be came to this' On. King street to Dr. E. S. 1arie, .-seed isiown. At one coner of the park of books, or,- if' had come homeLto -attend tKje picnic can be obtained trom the departme and in the football time inflicting as niui% lass aa posill)1e, tn prolasing Us views upon them it while, a boy. sud ,settled or, dentlgt of. this village, who will take a cindler tennis cor!Irt will be t u for -an extension of match between bQ1 Ud p time. T1�6 pres"I Bluevale and a�mestown in which he their OPPanents. In these aimz tey Un in. urging them to pra&tcal action fhls hokne�,steajdf Ur 180, abdut .&Ight pyaseszlon in the coars'e f amonth to' provie- arnuseinenai for the yo g library contains have bee rom Goderl,ch, and lived there or two.—The, Rev(1s. E 42 *volumes selecte. A suedesafal. Although they long thelins�f indicated.'If V%tead miles f P. UtL.Smit pe,ople. With -the avet of hy.dTo lec- Wa playing on the Elnevale teatu. to suit a variety. of tastes. The bbok lbave lost - territory thms, far, at any ver smce. At that time Goderichwas Gf this vill4ge and the Rev. it. Wood, t -tC I'M E -X bad his o§houldoir put ou-t of. joint. He tol. giving more inone r ete!% it Is hoped ',that the are loaned, for two wesks -kept their armies -ew a on sa � V was hurried to Wig -ham. i-fi Mr, Ulif- rate, they havi� practically a swamp With, Only a f of Srucefteld, exchanged dutie b ark will not 'be, overlooked *,and that quited free to both adults and and erably Intact. Their constant dif fical- atmg or in 'fritteIng It away In u,"Ie builditigs- at the dock. Ile did, 'all bath Imt, the latter giving two excel- suff I nt ght,$ so o make hildrei ford Pugh's antomobile and a � hou a e.dl traft to Lon- le�nt to li ree Ins, talled- t ubjectto the usual. regulations re it L gh ty has been #hortage of -shells and commlikoiis and in' paying les 1.19 teamig bu A N z aermons whicli were listened to t in ury Waar the park a desirable resort -during the gara1mg damages kc.. Ilie select'� pe-Infulhe is maldnjg & igans, Had they been as well provid. salarle.,,4 to men travelithg throug, don, th. round taking nearly. a wIth very much Interest 1by good, plzed­ ood- cover The accident will.pre weeki stimmer evenings. -It haa been iatimat- is varied and embraces many of th ed: in. th-e5e repecta as the Germstis th�, co,LIn Wngregattong. In the evening the ise 4atest productions from th'e Ong for some weeks h7ow- proesing to Ins1truct th r- ed, that a fouxitat'n may The donated and try;' . ll ., 1 mo, they would have swept their oppom. —V,he,n 'Mr. wa Afts Is termed "A Patriotic connected with' the waterworks. ular afithars. 'It POP' ever. In dition to the - oports the farmers � in k �rh Ich it -he' farmer*' ents. before tb6m and would, In W -OT r, (6f Tt-r1�berry-,- left an Thursday ia[- One." ab the reverend igentleman dealt picnic was very enjoyable socially and U bites The Pic-nic.—The iven b, lknow much' more 'about than the terno,on to visit a alck Tela. ve they ve N .—The' c6ancil, hais granted picnic gi PrObability, have been on Ger man -soil ry a�bly with war conditions . and among the old BIlievale friends who waold-be Ixistructorz, the Governmen,� left ire'etions. with their daughter, a to 'be use4 i puchazing irterlal for :the Bluev&le'Viterary Society )ang before thli But in this war ar. lWaVie In every entse of the term a, the erectibh of a t.bi, nesday . of last week, was a sue Were present -and added much to the at Ottawa wbuild stabltsh a fun young womaA 16 ye .Platf orm and aeak'are'of 'the occasion vpver� - ve tillery and what' feeft artillery hd ar of age, to go gcbd rousing Patrlotie:sermon. — Miss providing of seats 'n Vic from whichl th e -w6tild help ettle torla,Fark.— aud enjoyable event- in 't spi e -thel miiins Toronto- Mr Rob�it W the' store at Wroxeter and get -a V, I P . Ween the prominent features and th Edith XEwen,,wbo is. -teaching -wisatfier ExeteK. 'this year U11cel tha ln, t.%..get 4 start they woul 'At, or_ The county rate for rtainty of the. 'Gerrrvas. have been aundantly au,061L cam bf ay.rulp. s rsoon s they, left the 1111a, Is fhbkne @pe:nd�ng, 1holidays.—G. J. his is early Caosemme, aocom�hsh Tbere gre thou- i$1,143.68 amd tn pAdItdon'to t part U.-ifie day, which threaten- Stew W- d wAh both a,nd, therein lay their ba begun i wkig up, 4er Suherland aa'.agant f,*.Xrs. ed to -cancel-the girl. must Ve -P art, Willie and ki�brt Sto sands -of unemployed ottering round th the war tax rate iinpocsed by the on.- affair altogether... It art, Acton - Xtes Olive Master& Tor- a rength. Should, the G lex has is -614 her pea 4welhng was found 1 ible to use the.- �p ph ng am. t ermaus capture ItIngs, for they were all left. In the towns cities ho would On Wei- tatto Government and collected by the mpo§8 -Mrs, Jose Pugh- Wi h -hi6h hid arsaw, which Is ndw not improbale, bouse as, if 1he Ihiad, intended to, leave: lington ateet to Dr. 1. G. Malloy, Muhty, which amo groM; 0Dt0; only too - glaid, to locat- on the land unts to 1$53�..20, �rgak- n1c w b(?on- chosen.,, It Is ifficUilt to isay whpt the next. if they bi-d We 41ie went tu' the village and procure V.S., w1fo W111 take imsesslon of it Ing the total ount on account of. the dampness, solAhe i Cliffr, Yugh, nyohey with which pAid alo.bought abaluit, the en4,, of Inext month.--l-Licens . e y ,rate $1,681.86..--. vrowd gath tow Miss Maude Piiuil, rittsh., step Will be. They will likely turn' fte syrulp, aa ,oridered, U -Misq Mabel..Coultep, To, to makie. a 1K'ood(istart. Many of the'twA- Exetelb civic NDUdy Is likely to be on ered on the school groun thia"bulk of their fGrcea either into in th6 village which pro -tit ewe. She Istaxte lou on the rer TnsDectoes have been making �their' Thutsday, September 16th, the big day Vied. to be an there. She wao seea tto ent aells struggle. A few their lives.! They ome 'herewith thi,, bard"Quance, Jr., haspurehased the siporte, and as the sun Came j)ut..&nd Wingham; Mrs� Sanderion, in the Dazda. the tragrants f3lam European countrieghave rei2hed' Coulte, D.D..S., Pbilad a - MA. tvTn, jvurney-blo-fne but ineaver weateM zone'or 9b to help�the Turks rounds of w�pectlon. during the -pao-t at the mcellent - place for elphi nalccul;stolr.(�a.,�o farm work all er the Stewc week, but we trust hat their duties RIC Western Fair, LmApn. — the afternoon's Pateron and Miss Bleaz-arY "t;A art busli,. w, t�L.a opposite "side of win ioprove eWly As we are &=tou tba shone brightly, thlb rest f the day 5-41 #&Ys now will sbow what the fULUM intention ID,f ettling owithe land, be he road' to Ur thlome, and the follow- H�NWall will ,bo he as been occupyIng for there�wias nothiig to Sanderson,. Mrs. George Don pragram�ne is, - likely to be. t Id ood name ais 9, liome Mrs Win GrlffiWl Mrs. R. Ing brou at thither 'by the promis d, tu*ne from Mr. Sidney Sanderi mar the pjeaj d I., �*ilte e e 60 acres oi would like —Harry Trick air r mej ure of the occasion for theoltrige num. son, Toroto - Mfas Mar aret,p. Theze..�hz-i been iRterm Itteint f irht1 of a f re ing d ay the Pam of syrup was, f oun law-abiding village, as we iiame- of 4ter- hey �;oon -with a %ad, accident on JThua -n they come here.t I Win Mi the westerm; front iduring the past Whe near the 'back -of the bush. Father aA citizens to see the. ood, ber Of members and their friend who son, we -t no serious exigal land. -e lot the girl there was none, al had assembled. ts. It trac ee el e y -a . get the pects preserved. of last One of the I ek bL1 gemen find th our village, in many Ires I at ialthaugh the ica, rnoon. week, WIUI out motor cycling, Idin Xlss.Eva Paterson), Toronto. Msses wa expected the A11M foraw. here -rcbero worked all afte -of Chicago, Is es of. the pic-i-nic was a basebal )And, free 1mney is ireqUired to make though sea —Mr. Fred, BUnthron, Bdtb Wfere4 on the B&mo Wheel When festur' JeL t -thr mkh wo *ft age- of the Gernia �hls xn,��ey they bave- not 79un uIA take adF' n a start. aquJxy sbowa -that she did not take here visiting fh�le., parents, Ur match between two te&W9. of Sue` Collie .-also arri*'id 'trah� ut aay [of the staions near'by, the machtne 81olt Into ,arat throwing 9 M a years -extended r1p *ive 111 the Ea* tQ make a dead Zset ot. Ow the contrary it Is necessary R. WOatholn.—Dr- S- T- Be", liO W", th�rl� heavily' to the'xoad afid givin ladies, the Reds"and the Bluei, Who e west in time to attend the Picnic. had been training bn their opponents at this 4 it is not thqfght that -she got lyractilging 'here for a time, regularly for point. But boT hern !to- look aro, or emplo but Who' them a b, haking uIp. — Enginee -time, so the giarde, s6me booth" on tbe und f away. �There is--,Tqore than a -sue- sqld, out to Dr. J.. W. Re -r WAS closely-bontest. grounds during the tiothliig of this kind,has been, thas. m.eill to km money to f eed themselves - 05' M town lash - week 47,contributed to the festivieies.and ar ck of �thw.kCiaator W tha something Is knoh of wh.at village, was In the village , iast, week prep4,ra-- ed and- aroused g n for It has eon t and their.[ families. This. employment �I I 10rY to etting a start on th reat exeltemen tlPiv�s & surPlus of $16..59 for the Rea �ecame lot. her, amA ta n um. ber of peqpla 6 -HYdXO The score was- 17-1�8 in fax or of the lRow about gon' by. It now looks, as is most readily obtained In the,town8 for -a few days, ad has decided to. Alice, Batile. of Loa An- crois fund, It the T01tov of the Allies 1,,, to worry vill be examined. by Officer Phppen piactice ir�-Lohd Wost.—Mr. -n and ettled on the railways. They tn ain atterp-pt, to locate her. A prevail- bid, inknog On a. Ar - geles, called, on friends in town .W,t their c�p�ents ao mtt�h as P63ilbln take t1aid employment and, they arf�- cr bf the lKolsogs Bank,,bas week.—Mrs.. -Amstroll and. daughter. -pointq a% that the bQt34 -will give. and at as m91ly aeen exiJoyint a couple. of',weeks' boll. POO-Sibk anI(I soon �nured, to uAan alfe and they are ng Opinion 's Of Braniloxi­ Manitoba, are Vialdhg. at %n this way wea them oat without lost to the land. It.. however, tant Wormation-.- The girl has daya n Lmdon � and there- other" plaees. the ;hbfme of �W. an -4 Mxa- U App- een missing oeveral day and there lofflng too Much thern-elves. This P01- wa tsiokn4� organization to - take hold to S. Hardie, ' bf G uelph - waii� tn stiong.—Mr. .T. E. anfordii' % well- couple ICY theY are. evidently, working out a trong, Isul9plelcya Of L of these ipeople. place, thern aA, the U' Pay' She Ile, village this week Operiftig a known Exeterite, left last week.' for 6URcesisfully and, al.tb ough as laist peon enteing the buoh,alone. not Very -provide them with sufficient in tor.t laxi4 ad: of dais with he hU1PbaAd and *4,9 the Peace River district.,. H ws ac- e best revAy m6ney to en very favorably 11npreAseA witif t�he tau-1ar MY In the �eond- be th I e J�vl bas since been' fou d :Safe Wilson's'. Drind d Book S able l�em to make aP" cianpanled by 00#. thlrity young men .,of P. netoh and moostu,mse. So,'long a, they can a t tb h bo. start they wotv1di isdon. become prm- PLaXaneie Of our village and Islooking who Intend,, tak e�ereindustry, th Litivatloa ot Ing 4p land there-.� keep the Germ-ains -back #,E�hd prevent oving There la the Mx perous settlers, and, wcyu.ld not only forward, tio, soon M and -i Mrs. Wrn. Pd-thale left last t�-ushrooms�, Us been S rteol, an Gode - "'em from gainffag grOuftd ana at the become -producers but In A 'few. r mw bbtne that the doctor has pur- week ft Saii Ilfiam4D tinie keep'punlsl -ag tht.-.n wili iand, Is like,ly -to pr�;ve ;succe"f ul. Francisco to attend the le Would 'be able to, repay- with Interest, On ChUeA- — Mr. and 'Mrs. 3, S. Wren, Panama Exposition. They Intend re. their own forces do. not lose too mu�h. : ��,e first *shipment was. made last the money,advaticed ihem. So the ef 1T0X0Zto;are vibiting thW many rel- turning by British Columbia Ad, in- n NyGuld in t Is ay get -the ,eTer'Y aY will tell In their f avor.�j I�. cou trs w,�eekt from the beds of Mr. Mark Wate Wass for Pre ing N , il, .1 h atives- end friends- In -gensall and,*- tend torsped some t tn Yancoitier servi Eggs V.bitehorn. Mr. Whitehorn is delight-, lme is TIOW the general opinion that--t&e settle P directions 15C rs ad, the uthmate co4i wouid inity .—We* would like to see our co]h- and other Wext rn oUnd tin wi el with the reault of his labors, ad e points.—Mr. Wilbur Ith full German forees. in the west have hot be trLfil,'19, as Moist Of the mohey-thus tractol's or,capitallits baild A few neat -Mitchell. f - e 81st Battallo,'WIn- tb I uiLding in which. his been 4epleted for the great RugsI afthoi;gh the b an advanced would be refunded. Bestdies dwellings bere s),.4 the Inv.:stmentwould nIPeg, is APeOding a few day.9; with qishroat� '"ist are situated, the old drive In the ea&t. That while the these foreigni set'.1ers there are, no rr. be a'pr4liable-one &.9 thera ist agood Im parets -her !Pickard Lymans Fly Poison Jorce-9 there have beeri enormously ifl.: Strachan 'blacksmith ishop on �rietorla dmand ie.- -M. R. 7 E. Pads ... d 5c envelopes doubt, thousa;n s of young Canadians f& --dwellings, modern inmke- srrived last week from he West and creaed the tadresuse has. been prinel- who street, li:�- by no rneans Nvell adapted are now eketng put A �sklm p llvm uP,,Ibut not too large or, expensive. will- spend.; a sa=t time here, to: the buittue-gs, at growing mushrooms Y Poison Pads.. P8,11Y fTvm ustria and'inew Gcrman -n. employment Our- business men re�ort triAe very Ing as Wm laborers 6r I I OC erkl�elopes armies. it look�. aa if areful attention and 4i, the towns and cities who `d0d, andevei increasing.—Mr. homas ELraun Oc4entif ent are Cromarty. Trie submarine wartare would 91 ­ I Li 91 has not ie- tJbe only, too ` ad to beb ma.,nagern prod acing- Hudison, �TCeve, and.bia brother,. Colin, Tan efoot Stick Paper... 'OKItO UlTnuch du-cng- the olne good results. Ttere -are' 1,300 squarre -Notes—Miss Florence 5c past W09k. hoim4 aers. if they only had he were in: Seaforth recently visiting their Ho.igarth and -The' German pirates have o feet of eds laid ouit, all.' howing Miss Hovland,' of Hannaford, N. D. ]�Ure Lime jui' aunk a f i-Aw mea.,ns it 'et a deceh't atart upon thf, mathex who had undergone o -a oper94- cey" wholesotn freighting boats- and a few liveshave la,no. and satisfyin & 'producing a gooid cro, , -and are visiting at. the formees relative�' surritner drink, va age.� rom twelve� to W. CarLle. er n ves,- b4s" not betan tried long ere thiis 6- Mgt ac- Aimons. Y beed lost 'but the 1099 of Germs, Why It Is -,that isoine suchscheme -quite an sad need bl's, In this -vicinity. —Mr. John La' than , 9 I expected that f ton. at chea t y pyundp. will b- ehLpped ever, nA- youhff-xo were here I by hi� children and a I)odv &-131a other parts have been greater V . ompaiam une bf ��the unaccountable things wh1ch -d day recently froxxt the West visiting rela,.,, "D guard of ,losses of the'Allies. ze�on, Au�mg the ISUMer igeAson. it�4ves. thaix 'has 'been te Youthful 1p ews,' a no peon sieemtms to ibe 41ble to acco Staftetifan of Toroii-. -ne h ent, The- German-Arnerkain Mr. Whitehot is so ithoroughly con. tcv art of last week at the Bend. Wesh's'Grape Juice i 'Rubber Sewer Rings' situation re.- for. If: our P011tICIM11S OLld only be spent a fe dys hoire - lately. w ,that it1s. 4paying propos liobinson, OML near Stratford, was fr ractical,. rnaina as befoTe. The GernlanS have ind uceol to take a. .,p' re union Picnic. Our elvIc holiday 2� sizes ition Mrs 11 observed, all week. John Scott, last Xah b4te. of isoar. HdIron, road upon which be is erec�tlng on 'Mon4ay Wt W Mrs.. James Campbed, Moose A& ss Ye t re Piled ta the la.,t Arnexii- sense ew of things Instead com""O" Halt he 'haa. , secured A property oia the*'guest, of Pirits and quarts mg ln� the claudg, the LnernplDymciit places of lbtVlneas ab1'seiWne*,closed,, and a Wif There is liot rauch news from ish4ilts that will g1ve him 2,400,z14.are Jaw, wid iss Aggit McDougall, of 801M a ginger Cordilil a z5�� bottle makes 1 --aal. the as wel� as the Pettlement problem could f number kok. advantage of the ch are- v Is! e Of ibeds. Dufring the first three eaP Boharm, Sask Dardanelles. AnYthia.9 that. diais been soon be solved o the great dvantage railway excursiftsi on that day, but I ting air lon read r use.- Mewed In ths- of the year the buismess oc friends in Hibbirt; —Rev, D. and the igr0at crowda headed �for Mr. P. D. Pes to show t�at the Al- of the!couixitry aind Fnany people tn it. I hed foyces- are txn4dng,,s1Ight pr%. Ing fzeed: ibubaft will* be en- Richie, ane* family and Mr.A. Rite fie' Wll',s - GxOve, WeAt Of the village, wher� "Intend spending their - hli at Pickle bottle corks, 7 ­or. 8 si�.es. Paraffin Wax, etc ga In for the city rade, It Is ez:- t,he. Unioh Sabbath E"bol p c days W r h. On the next tw,6 S grie-" ft the way Of gaining better le bolhi as 19 uce eae —Five valulft ea, averaging In pec ed, thgCt :�.500 c,tich4 per we6k B *05ttionis. But the qppoaltion EtW ;re- will -butng b, -11d, &ad it could. veritably be baths the p UPI W, much fire ilopa by mains very, et ubborm and, there I. wofth owid. M n iL. ill be, occup Str&tg ine. w4vel road famil- �61rs. Gillespie, Of NW, Weekly Income. Vhe nushroomg, at pre- 9 , .. were b u!rned Alive, when bel ed, ON ea good. �sald,:tbst all rdado�liead to P.D. Bell's Rev. A' G. Xcloadblin of unknown origin at an early W Of life On both Sie. %It, need not hour Gxbie. and! the f Y Morning destroyer] Aht, 096 bftg, kbIPWI d1rect'to,Kon- at -1y knmm nd �tr,�_.al n boxo�s efi, the1ZU,V'ldh Road, pre. M. Charles Gillespie, beaTiorth,-7 auone If this hould come the livery of Drs. Jamea and X H. city viited their relatives- ditrink- nd. Mr. Ida; y lapge ItAltans' are stilli beltIng Away horses j)re. sadl at fIf ty cents a poc mur T 01 the past Al b the testing oint of the war. Moore,; in Listowel. Two other of 20 lbs. capacity and gented 1016ftagi aort 'of agaia were saved, a�ld y, vAtU, tb� Ver the tive freed, ! ut �Wb�t4orni. fixyg sh tA.s 8T like number of Week.—The Miss" :McLau hl' i. of on �b m U too orAp� like Straitfotd'ae g Ir FROW ilk'1100 C1aXrP8eR, bugglep, b1clelei an,d theguestsof Me!" Druggist and Bookseller SEAFORTH". Tenders M )Board bf m church up b -ehoir UoAer U011. nfte"a 31oard rif Mi ko'bine n itrate�, Rio —Tb e the .tbe parp Ova for 4 acted a's at the 90 Pk bave qi worked ;kj. *bGtt, and: bf-, tile ni Acted as 11 -for-- over II; 4a" a m 01 wbchet r�en Vf tti, chuTzh ea OL the Akhe - -Prou 4 Jele-74M of zta pre$0114 of - tbelr 0, Presented 4U. Purse SEA Fall woen - *-at&,- Pat =11. 'Feaso*r buA ,zar ioif* Per bw Bran pa ton,; 1�-Short% Mour. per Mi Butter No. 1. ,Zggi jiftr Iam' n3y new. .,I .PA&ToeY4 new, Reani ........ I Montreal. ,-Weste,rns I lected Wi Lundon, bet -b W.- I �ftlri. Some, In, to'Zsc; I vrints 'O go Obeese-TIv Ue for lax 91d; -21 if -2 bolz-1114 tr.A 00. 2 VUVI toraing te, ,tmat:4k Atr V-171 94, Meas -14M ; TZA ac000 naft extra. )OW IOU, feed Pokd JLay VOlIng as . 4* track ST a ion ir bere. PAY- tp '#19 Of f ate wim UW ��[As OX -the w alef idem Offering aT )1_yjr � Good 0�64 thes. bli It Ike ar4g, ftw 10a4a Ih*ure Mai oat quota )a- for the this Waa a,� AUwn. by 4041stf bu, tbAn list fttcber bL t:4.ve been. VeAt. Cam b well :1 the- bulk i ftom -so to 49,60. Shei few -b-ead ere a ab� Uw, aED I *b1W;ed -10 179 'hogs i